(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i love ryokan but MUST have private toilet!!!

if im u, i will sure go for the Patissier cakes!!!! VELY good and its my all time fav.!!!!

not only u lah, me also very very kia GUI(4) ha!!!!!! i rem last time tat stupid THE RING cause some trauma for about 2 months leh!!! and also tat time i told hubby i want 1 bedded *fir privacy* and he MUST stay with me during nite time *due to kia GUI(4)* :p:p and i so scared last min hubby busy cant stay overnite how?? and i suggest maybe 2 bedded then mil scare me further saying it will be MORE scary if its 2 bedded and happens tat no one share the room with me then there will be a EMPTY bed beside me!!!!!! piaz!!!! me more scared so INSIST if hubby last min cant stay overnite, anyone *mil, sil or my mum* must take over!!!! kekekekekkeke..........

to me u are always doing a very good job when it comes to looking after esther!!!

i still rem when we were at jason supermarket and i was searching high and low for tat baby yogurt and u came to my rescue and u can somemore take time to examine other brands too, comparing. heee.... thumbs up!!!!
ai yoh!!!! why spot this again!!!??? tell myself and also WARNED hubby NOT to buy me anymore hor!!! *tat nite finished 1 tub all by myself* and feel sooooo very guilty!!! then hubby somemore ask me why guilty?? i say "FAT LAH" then he says okie, he will listen to me dun buy liao then guess wat??!!! the next day, he bot me "6" strawberry frosting donuts!!! the one tat i love alot too, from takashimaya foodcourt, a store selling jus donuts. i still rem when he came back from appointment, he looks soooo happy and ask me to guess wat he got for me?? before i can answer him, he happily say "ur fav donutsss"!!! piaz!!!! then when i tell him its soooo fattening, already told him not to buy B&J as its fattening and now DONUTS!!! this is how he reply me "ai yah, i tot u love this donut mah and u ONLY say dun buy B&J so i buy donuts loh"!!! PIAZ!!!!!!!!!!
wanted to ask tis ages ago BUT always forget!!!

u see ah, if las nite i transfer either a slice of fish, chix, pork.... from freezer to the bottom section so tat today i can cook them for quinn. and last min. cant cook as need to go out or anything, the fish, chix or pork MUST throw away hor??? cant leave it there at the bottom section till 2molo then cook rite???
yahloh... veri fast times flies... 3mths liao...

Jayden so 'ball ball' :>

Jayden looking same same like Janice...

i returned to office last week... mind always on my prince and princess...
lil devil,
donuts & B&J...sinful but yum yum!
us husband is very sweet 2 buy donuts for u on his own accord.

medusa, lil devil,
i also very very timid. i dun watch any horror shows at all. when i did (a long time ago), my hands were covering my eyes 70-80% of e time. i ended up catching no ball of e movie. when i got preggie, i dun even dare 2 watch even a glimpse of a horror movie. once i catch a glimpse, i 'fantasise' & envision more scary images.
Mummies back from mc.

Sorry was on mc yesterday and tks to Puff for the info. Think it her friend is one of the boss of tne shop.

I always says that Shanice is a pretty gal with nice cheekbones with or w/o tieing hair

LOL on Athena saying cake in her sleep.

LOL on Why screaming.
HB has banned me from cutting keira's hair again. Hehe
Berry ever mentioned that as long as we try our best,its good enough. I've given keira my "personel best haircut" so hack care all the comments.

Fantastic pics u have taken at Japan. Sweet Sharwyn and breath taking scenery :p
Someone whack me on my head. I'm feeling so insecure abt Athena's bond with me, this whole wk I've been putting A to sleep in our bed, for the whole night!

I think I'm asking for trouble (esp when #2 comes out). She already can sleep alone in separate room, dunno wat I'm doing!
lil devil, thawed food that hasnt been removed from the fridge (as long as its been chilled all the way) can keep for 2-3 days depending on how cold yr fridge is. This counts only is you thaw in the fridge, not in rm temp.
though i dun hv a maid, i know how u feel. i have been procrastinating abt putting gabe back onto e mattress. i'll miss the closeness n i realise tat when he sleeps apart fr us, i cant sleep well. i'll tend 2 peep over my side 2 check on him 2 c if he's sleeping well, is the blanket on him, is he going 2 roll off the mattress, etc?

husband n i are also putting off e idea of letting gabe sleep in his own bedroom (nursery) cos change of plans, come aug/sept. when the maid is around, i'm expecting a GF & her newborn bb (she's due in Jul) 2 stay wif me 4 abt 1mth as her husband will b outstationed then. she'll take e spare bedroom n i need 2 move e maid fr e spare bedroom to gabe's nursery. if gabe sleeps in e nursery fr now, where can e maid sleep? i cant possibly put e maid in e living room. not very nice.

husband's already lamenting tat e maid is getting e whole queen-sized bed to herself while he barely gets 30% of the space on our bed. i told him tat he's welcome 2 join e maid. he quickly said NO cos he wanna sleep wif his son (who often snuggles up 2 him too). URGH! he rather says he 1 2 sleep wif his son, then with ME!

u quite ke-lian...while sleeping, no rhyme or reason kenna slapped by WHY (bcos u grind teeth lah but imagine u zzzz in dreamland, then yi ba zhang come over) LOL!.
<font color="aa00aa">devil,</font>
yalor, very fine.. n very little

and hor, we felt that her hair on top grew longer to cover the bottom, but the bottom like never grow... hahaha..

oh, we had a hard time getting her out of the teletubby ride.. then went Lot 1, there's barney ride, also another headache for us.

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
shanice: thank you aunty pcs for the compliments!
just returned from gynae- I gained only ~1kg in past mth, whoopee
(tho I gained 2 much prior lah). And bb seems to b normal, not heavy. And head so far still normal too, LOL.

Was asking HB if I can have a tennsy weensy bit of durian 2 celebrate, he told me i better not screw up at this stage. :p
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
Thot u must sleep with nite light and Athena in darkness?

i can't sleep at all if Yingxin co-sleeps with us

<font color="ff6000">PCS</font>
my fren is no longer involved in the organic business...he's moved on to do insurance
Woh Rhyan is almost 14 Kg &amp; he is sooo tall.
He is definately the champion boy in this thread.
LOL on Ryhan's swiming pics.
Keira loves to stick her tongue &amp; lick the water while swiming.
What is the brand &amp; how much is the red float?
<font color="ff6000">Itsun</font>
LOL.....eh, I won't dare slap my hubby wan!!! the most is nudge him by the shoulder or elbow
Yingxin is down with cold, cough and fever and her temp fluctuates since yesterday morning. Brought her to the GP and she weighed 7.4kg. Realised I fed her too little dosage of Paracetamol so that's why it is ineffective

My mum accused me of causing Yingxin to be ill...Urgh!!!!! Said I let her sleep in aircon room thru'out the nite (nite time i put on long sleeve and long pants for her) and during day time, I dress her too lightly (in sleeveless top and diapers) with the fan on (fan is NOT blowing directly on her but rotating).

She insisted that I must put on long pants and sleeved top for Yingxin and cover her with blanket even during day time when she sleeps!! Siao....such hot and humid days....And that I did not dressed her in long sleeve and long pants whenever I bring her to shopping mall! She thinks we are living in South Pole ah!! Told her tods metabolic rate is higher than adults thus temperature higher too, she disbelief and kept insisting that tods body temperature is lower and catch cold easily!!!

Then she also blamed me of giving Yingxin room temperature water thus making her so sickly....Said die die must feed warm water to kids and will also prevent them from having gastric!!

And she made stupid remarks saying her fren's grandson ate chee cheong fun and chwee kueh for brekkie everyday and he's very chubby, looked very healthy!! Unlike Yingxin, who is so DEPRIVED of such food, thus she is so darn skinny and sickly and unhealthy!!

*spew blood all over*

wonder how many years of life have i drastically reduced ever since my mum "intereferred" with my life as a mother
yah u're right about the different light requirements, LOL! And our bed is queen-size... I'm already not small, got a big bump in front, I kept squeezing A over to HB's side. A few times in the night I actually "kok" A on her head with my elbow and she roused! HB complained he's gonna fall off the edge cos no space liao.

So I dunno why I'm forcing everyone into the same bed. Yesterday evening even more siao... I told helper she can go sleep liao- then I *locked* Athena into my bedrm (din want Athena to get out of my rm to play with/ see anyone else but ME, ME, ME!). I usually refuse to have toys outside A's nursery but now I keep a few on my bedside *rolls my eyes*.

Very nutcase leh. Considering I'm SAHM and see Athena ALL DAY anyway. My home so small, I'm either listening to her, or watching her. Just that I'm not jumping around with her lor *sobsob*. Helper has alot of energy can jump and hide-seek and run around with her. *jealous* I don't shower her anymore (difficult to squat/ bend down) and all that stuff anymore.
hehe! thats true. which pix more recent? the tie hair one or without? but she definitely looks like a girl lah.

lil devil
i sometimes leave meat / fish in lower compartment for an extra day if really didn't have time to cook after thawing in chiller. so long as not more than 3 days should be fine.

can count down to delivery soon and eat anything you want again!

he always drink pool water or bathing water when we didn't notice - yikes! hmm, i bought the red float at Isetan, can't remember the brand but you should see it at floats area,there is only one colour - orange. it costs around $10 thereabouts, buy the bigger one for 3 years old and above coz the smaller one is very small.
Hope YX Recover soon.
I find that diff pple have diff views when feeding panadol leh.
2 diff nurse told us to feed Keira diff dosage.
One says 5ml, the other says 3.75ml.
In the end I feed her 4ml just to be safe.
just now my mum force-fed yingxin chee cheong fun, but yingxin simply refused to open her mouth!! kekeke...

dunno told my mum how may umpteen times not to make comparisions which is unfair to them as individuals...other people's grandchild FAT is their business!!

but she chosed to turn a deaf ear lor....
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
if Yingxin co-sleep with us (if really necessary) in our queen sized bed, i'm the one who's gonna fall off the edge! dun want Yingxin to disturb hubby who needs to work the next day, so i kept myself awake thru'out, otherwise i sleep on Yingxin's mattress on the floor so both of them have enough space

<font color="ff6000">PCS</font>
before i went to the GP, i fed 1.3ml of paracetamol but the GP said i can give 2.5ml now based on her weight

<font color="ff6000">Jen</font>
yes, received your SMS, sorry, forgot to reply cos brought her to GP
Hmm... we sound like each other. I am also quite jealous of my maid's relations with my son. They seem to enjoy jumping around but for the big fat whale that I am, I cant do it. Perhaps we are just suffering from insecurities. I sleep with Gabriel and my husband. But both of us mastered the art of not tossing and turning around the bed when he is in the same bed with us.

Your little ones are so cute!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Little devil,</font>
U flattered me
. Wow... u really have great memory - that incident happened so long ago and u can still remember.

<font color="aa00aa">Horror movies:</font>
WHY can't watch horor movies too (not even thriller). Her hands will be up covering her eyes more than 50% of the time.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi pcs,</font>
U r right. As long as u like it, good enough. Not nice this time, next time will be better coz practise makes perfect... hehe.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi kelly,</font>
It is not that "yi ba zhang" type of slap but "a lot ba zhangs" type of slaps. But surprisingly very effective... hehe.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi yuru,</font>
Erm... my boss not in, can snake a bit this week.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi puff,</font>
Buay tahan yr mum, really a lot of patterns. Lucky YX stands on yr side... hehe.

<font color="aa00aa">Paracetamol amt:</font>
I think it is weight-dependent. Anyone has the formula for that. Currently, I just fed the last instructed amt.
*B, are u reading tis? medusa's husband is also abt 2 fall off the edge of the bed too. LOL!*

gd 2 hear tat ur bb is of a decent size n u didnt gain much weight. can consider VBAC now rt?

i also knocked gabe's head many many times when he was younger (<1yrs old). a few occasions, e knock was rather loud (in the silent of e nite) even husband heard it and/or gabe cried out in pain. in e end, i resorted 2 sleeping close 2 e egde, keep my arms close 2 me 2 avoid knocking my poor boy's head again.

btw, durians no longer in season leh. gotta wait until jun/jul. I also wanna eat but no more liao. Sob! Sob! (silly husband lah, forbid me 2 eat after my detailed scan was done. Radiographer said #2 is above average n husbands worried I may end up doing a c-section = higher hospital expenses. URGH!)

as for my GF staying over at my hse, husband &amp; i tik it's a gd idea. Wif so many pp in e hse, itll keep e maid busy (more value for $$), my GF keeps me company n i get 2 play wif my GF's girl. awwwww....a baby girl in my hse! By then, my #2 shld b >4wks so my GF n I can bring our bbs out tgt. Husband also likes the idea of another mummy keeping me company so I wont b calling him every hr asking him wat x hell b home (he does flexi-hrs but he can choose 2 stay out, u c). I was hounding him 2 come home early everyday when I was left alone wif gabe after confinement.

I tik I can go mad wif e kind of nagging ur mum is giving u. really buay tahan her on ur behalf. Hope yingxin gets well soon.

Me feeling nostalgic. Forgot how long ago liao... but so chubby and gong-gong! LOL!

I think I shall borrow a mattress to put in A's nursery. Then *I* can lie down in her nursery- currently can't, and it's too uncomfy for me to lie/ sit on the floor.
My only extra mattress in helper's room lah, cos stupid Seahorse sofabed takes ONE MONTH to arrive. I only ordered day before helper arrived *slaps my head*.

Glad to know I'm not the only person feeling such a way. HB doesn't have such sentiments leh!

aiyo ur mum will have heart attack the way I feed A chilled water. U're so understanding, to let ur HB sleep well

gynae say wait-n-see. But so far average, so still got hope at point of writing, LOL.
I lend your Mother Ryan..see if she is able to feed him anything. FEeding him is a real chore now..threaten also no use..refuse to eat.. unless u bribe him with chocolates.

yeah..she is a nice lady.. however Ryan still doesn't like her.. not co-operative with her.. refuse to let her check his teeth.

Paracetamol.. dunno about it..but I know Ryan 13kg++ has to take 5ml each time if he needs to take it.
u dun feel hot in pregnancy? How not to toss at night? I feel so hot UNDER me, even with cold aircon, I must *flip* to cooler section periodically. :p
pcs, lil prince,
gabe has been sipping/drinking his bath water n he finds it extremely fun. though he dun do it every time he bathes, i try 2 keep his water in e tub as clean as possible (i lather, rinse him off outside e tub). he oftens spits out e water after taking it in. i tik he finds all these fun.
oh my...so many ba zhangs for u. looks like i quite 'friendly' 2 husband liao...when he snores. i always gently tap his shoulder then tell him 2 turn 2 his right. strangely when he lies on his right, he doesnt snore.

i'll share wif u my experience IF i feel e way u &amp; gabby's mum do when my maid comes in jun. by then i'll b a jumbo whale so definitely cant play hide &amp; seek or run abt wif gabe.

btw, tat pic was taken in feb05. very nice pic of ur husband &amp; athena. i rarely c such nice pics of u &amp; athena. tik u mentioned b4 tat husband's not gd at taking pics rt?
have asked her about it. Her son is 3yrs old.. I think relatively well behaved coz she can tell him if he doesn't brush his teeth he will remain on his highchair or he will stay in his room alone.but for Ryan it will not work coz he can come down from the highchair by himself, open the door himself..and super stubborn type..so no point.. if can brush a few teeth already v.gd liao.
you mentioned about Kids Salon at Parkway. is it the one with mini Enzer TV sets in front of each seat? i happened to pass by the shop on Sun &amp; was thinking it is a pretty good idea to use TV to distract the kids. but i think the haircut sure cos a lot!

y cannot eat durian leh? i remember i ate quite a bit during my pregnancy ;) the weight issue is it? when i read what u wrote about not being about to jump around with Athena hor. i can perfectly understand. though i not pregnant lah. cos of my hand prob, i have to stop myself fm lifting her up &amp; rough playing with her. sometimes when she asks to be carried i also hv to try to distract her with something else. the other day i got my sis to bring Esther swimming. while taking photos of them playing in the water, i felt so lousy. just imagine. very heartpain. but no choice

i do the same to my HB when he snores. cos i think as long as a snoring person sleeps on his side, the snoring will stop. well, wakes for him anyway.
yah man, SINFUL for sure and hes sooo sweet as DONUTS are so SWEET lor!!!!!

i also rem when i preggy with quinn tat time, i really super kiasi!!!! horror show is OUT for me and even sometimes i ACCIDENTLY saw some not so pleasant scene, things or anything, i will quickly look away!!! wahahahhaha!!!! i even restrict mrself reading newspaper!!!!!

wah kel, ur place sure super happening by then!!! babies and mummies world ah!

i tik its normal for u to feel tat way as if im in ur shoe, i tik i will even be more jialat, being emotional all tat lah *as usual* but quite suprise to know u allow toys other than in tenas nursery room. its mother love lah! i guess mother love is unlimited, be it working mum or a sahm who see their toddler / baby every min., its never enough. imagine till now i dun even have the intention of leaving quinn in his own room to sleep :p to me, i want to treasure tis very precious moment *being so close to him* as babies grow up real fast, so fast tat at times u really miss them when they are still a baby when we can cuddle them and look into their face when they sleep or they will just stare at u with a smile..... now no more liao lah, sometimes i will even BEG quinn for a hug!!!!! who knows when quinn is older, he will REQUEST for his own room.

oh yah, CONGRATS for gaining little weight!!! jia yu jia yu...... dun screw up at tis point of time!!! i rem during my last trime. with quinn, i gain kgs like nobody business!!!! 1 month 3 kg!!!!! end up total gain of 19kg!!!!!

i tik its okie tat she has little hair, but after afew trimming, i realized quinns hair gets better, not so little, infact its much thicker liao.

me too hate all those COMMENTS how we bring up OUR child!!!! to make u feel better im going to tell u wat happen to my fren. her sil feed her dotter raw clam when shes just 2 years old or younger then kena high fever. and fil gave beer to her younger dotter!!! and even cook VERY oily baby food so their grandchild CAN gain weight!!!!!

littleprince / berry
thanks for ur infor! oh dear, i tik i waste alot of food liao, hubby also commented why i keep throwing them away...ha!!!!!!

dun need to thank me as u are really 1 good good father and somemore with lots of knowledge *u even know the Paracetamol amt is base on bbs weight!!!! i tik the formular is *15mg (not 15ml) of paracetamol per kg body weight per dose. theres afew different strength of paracetamol *i tik its 100mg, 120mg and 240mg* and also rem 1 doctor told me its :

*100 mg in 1 ml (drops for babies, only very small doses are given)

*120 mg in 5 mls (syrup for young children)

*240 mg in 5 mls (syrup for children over 4 years old).
any mummies giving ur bbs tis?? any comments?? i tried giving quinn GAIN I.Q but he HATES it!!! think he really dun like too nice or sweet tasting formula milk...... i find GAIN I.Q nice leh :p
I do get jealous at times when Kieran wants hubby instead of me. Tink dat time was during my 1st trimester and i didn't carry him cos of the spotting pblm. After pregnancy stabilised, i carry him at times, read/play/horse around wif him. At times for kay yian sake, i'll pretend dat i'm not going out with Kieran and hubby, jus stand at the door and wave bye bye to him. He actually fusses and hurries to me and grabs my hands. Very shiok feeling when he does dat. Hahaha...

pcs, little prince, kelly,
To prevent ur tods from drinking the bathtub water, mebbe can shower them standing?

Ur mum is still harping on YX's weight issue? My gdness, when is she ever gonna stop??? Get ur hubby to tell her off. :p
little devil,
Previously Quinn taking Nan2 rite? Is there a follow on for that? I thot Nan also very sweet leh. Btw, Meghan loves Gain IQ!

Think it's quite normal for u to feel that way lah since u've been Athena's sole caregiver since birth. How abt spending time with Athena doing those not so physical stuff, like reading, singing &amp; drawing instead? Or even watching her programmes with her?
NAN 2 is already a follow on formula but ever since they change their tin cover to silver, i realized quinn will fart alot after drinking and tummy abit hard. NAN is not sweet at all, i find its the BLANDEST formula in the market and taste not pleasant, dun know why quinn likes it???? tis morning tried ENFAGROW A+, he dun mind drinking
actually when i taste and smell the formula *before feeding him* i guess he MIGHT be able to accept as the powder itself quite close to nan *texture and color* and the taste also quite close *comparing with other formula* just tat ENFAGROW A+ taste more creamier.
Thx for the consolations. Hehe, I think I'd kidnap A at night for awhile longer... if need be, next time get HB to sleeptrain her to zzz in her own bed/ rm again? But HB wants to sleep on the flr liao, he said the edge-of-bed-sleep is really affecting his rest.

oh my- gave her a crayon and paper in my rm and she graffitti-ed the mirror, my LAMPSHADE, my flr! I stopped her b4 she did my curtains and bedlinen, LOL. Yah, I sing/ read alot.
Fortunately, *ahem* she does LIKE my reading/ singing. :D
TV- u've never seen my ZOMBIE in front of TV, world can collapse around her and she wldn't flinch! No pt in me being next to her when the TV's on, haha.
LOL, think mebbe Athena got ur creative genes

Haha, should be glad mah, Athena got very good attention span.

little devil,
I found NAN 1 to be very sweet, dunno abt NAN 2 cos I switched Meghan to Similac which I thought was less sweet.
Really ah, Enfagrow is creamier? Is it cheaper than Gain IQ. I don dare change FM tho cos sekali she reject.
anyone knows where to get? I urgently need to buy trainer chopsticks for my lil brat-angel.

She's been acting up during mealtimes, doesn't want her own food, keeps pointing at our food and demanding we scoop some into hers. Doesn't want her trusty spoon, wants our chopsticks. If we eat chinese style (ie. hold bowl in hand and scoop into mouth the rice), she imitates by pulling off her suction bowl and doing same thing. Doesn't want her bib.
At this rate we must all eat baby food, wear bib, use baby spoons, to make her happy (her self-feeding is otherwise ok lor).
<font color="ff6000">Itsun</font>
yalor, my mum's pattern more than badminton!! ahahaha

<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
i also fed her chilled yogurt everyday and chilled water if at restaurant

think i saw the trainer chopstick at taka before

<font color="ff6000">Ruffybear</font>
so Ryan needs to eat a bar of chocolate before he eats his main meals everyday??

<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
aiyoh, why these people got no brains ah? feed raw clams!!

dun understand why they think FAT = good looking = healthy!!

i remember last time when i was about 5 years old, my dad gave me stout and surprisingly i loved it heaps

<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
huh? change something new ah!! pray hard she dun come up with something new cos right now i already cannot take her endless nonsense

<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
sometimes when i turn a deaf ear to my mum, she will call hubby and nagged at him, but hubby won't tell her off wan....how to leh?

<font color="ff6000">deniz</font>
i let yingxin tried out all the various brands of follow-on and growing up FM, good thing she takes them all

now am trying fresh milk on her but no success yet
am so sleep-deprived

Yingxin cried and fussed non-stop on Thursday in the wee hours till she threw up her last milk feed, gotta re-shower her and change her clothes, luckily she only dirtied the floor and not the sheets else i got more work to do

she's been sleeping with us for the past 3 nites cos hubby didn't want her to be alone since she isn't feeling well

last nite, she woke up every half hour or so crying in pain and fussing around the bed; then when all of us managed to doze off, she had to roll off the foot of the bed thrice!

this afternoon after lunch, she kept crying non-stop no matter how i consoled her....till she threw up again! i'm like a mad woman running around the house, cleaning her up, and clearing the mess on the floor, rugs etc

i had no problems feeding her medicine in the past cos she will willingly open her mouth for me; but now she simply refused to co-operate and even put up a struggle! even if i managed to squirt a little into her mouth, she will spat it out

in the end, i gave up trying cos am so tired doing it alone!

going nutty soon...
oh, my mum called me and nagged again....this time she said i torture my darling by letting her sleep alone in the room at such tender age! she said yingxin is such poor thing cos i did not pull up the blinds to let the moonlight in thus making her baobei granddaughter sleep in a "total darkness" room and my mum is so certain yingxin will be afraid of darkness and being left alone

trainer chopsticks..can find at Kiddy palace or T &amp; J...have seen it there before but not cheap lor.

No..most of the time only say will give him..or if really give him chocolate will be 1-2 pcs of those mini M &amp; M. Yesterday had Food training by HB..forced to sit on high chair and eat his food - fussed/cry/ begged for help/ puke up twice but we didn't flinch till he gave in 2hrs later. Hopefully he learns or else I dread having to have food struggle with him everyday.. so exhaustive.

Ryan also sleep in his own room .. but still come over and want to sleep with usafter midnight. (Total darkeness also.. dun need night light).. Trying to retrain him to sleep alone.. but quite difficult as we have guest coming down quite often and each time he has to give up his room to them.
