(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Thanks for the info abt TMC. In fact, hubby prefers TMC also, coz it's nearer to our hse than Mt A. But i thot Mt. A is bigger, may hv better facilities. But after hearing what u say, think i will stick with TMC

Hope u recover soon fr ur infection. I also read fr a website tt bb is protected inside the womb, so dont worry too much.

Thanks for ur info. I have lost more than 1/2kg after i hv been sick for 3 wks plus, so i thot of gaining back some weight by eating more rice, potatoes and noodles. My current gynae didnt tell me what food not to take too much, so i didnt know tt i shld avoid taking too much carbo. i m still having cough now, so i hv to cut down on fruits, vege and avoid chicken and egg. So there is very limited food tt i can eat.

Congrats for being an aunt again ;) So ur family will hv 2 new babies this yr, ur nephew and ur baby
In fact, my family will hv 3 new babies this yr, my 2 sis-in-law r pregnant also

Think i see a lot of pregnant women this yr. Wonder whether our children will hv problem enrolling into primary sch next time :p

rochelle, so sweet and nice to buy your little niece a present. Alot of young children dun understand the fuss made over the new member of the family, and this can create unnecesary jealousy and in turn contribute to sibling rivalry. It really helps if family members/relatives/friends are sensitive to the other child's feeling and include him/her like what you did.

I plan to feed BM directly for 3-6 months, but I dun plan to start on solid food until 8-9 months. So I'll probably use FF or use expressed BM until baby starts on solids at 8-8 mth.
gd morning !

i've been experiencing some kind of pain (but not sharp pain) on my gastric area whenever i take deep breathe or even laugh or cough since last night.
is this normal? has anyone of you experience this before?
<font color="ff6000">are</font>
no, its not the bra problem and im wearing a bigger size bra 2day
chihiro... then it cld be gas. had a heavy dinner last nite? u might want to go light for lunch later then.
Could it be heartburn?

I think that since you don't have gest diab dun need to cut down carbo. Maybe just watch that u dun eat too much sweet stuff.
<font color="ff6000">are</font>
hmm .. not sure oso leh ..
ok ... i'll hv light lunch later
see how it goes lah
thanks !
<font color="ff6000">joyful</font>
hmm .. must find out wat are the symptoms 1st
thanks !

I had that pain on sunday thru tuesday (on and off) and I think it is the food I ate becos I had a heavy indian vegetarian meal on sunday night and I felt funny after eating the sardines on monday night.


I ate lots of sushi especially the cooked ones and california maki. my hubby is okay as long as no raw food. my mum thot I cannot eat seafood but told her it is okay as long as not raw and got to eat lots of crabs and prawns.

I'll wait until baby is born for sashimi and raw oysters as I get food poisoning quite easily.

I know I got heartburn when I feel a hot sensation in my chest area and usually people would ask me to take ENO fruit salt but dont know pregnant can take or not.

" Heartburn (also called acid indigestion) is a burning sensation that often extends from the bottom of the breastbone to the lower throat. It's caused by both hormonal and physical changes in your body."
chihiro... do take note wat u ate for dinner last nite oso. coconut milk is my enemy but i gave in &amp; ate laksa ystr, then had tummyache thruout the aftnoon.
sigh... i miss nasi lemak too...

I usually take the handroll, but when I take the california maki, I dip it in alot of wasabi becos the wasabi clears my nose very well.
Hi all, me new to this thread.. hope to know more friends here! I am expecting my ist bb.. edd is 16th Nov, currently seeing Dr Yvonne Chan fm TMC.. very excited abt the arrival of my bb. was thinking of getting a confinement lady.. does anybody has recommendation on any gd confinement lady!
Can i chk any of u r taking the DHA supplement like NuroGain? It is supposed to be good for the baby's brain. My current gynae recommended it to me, but we havnt decided whether to take it.

My mum said dont need to, i just have watch my diet, take more fish will do. what do u gals think?
Hi berry,

Dun worry abt the itch. It's quite common among preggies. Like I've posted in the other thread, I also kena this a few wks ago n was given antibiotics n smthg like ENO.

We bought herbs from medicinal hall to cook the black chicken but told the person it's for preggies.

For the fish roe, how do we know if it's fresh? I'm dying to eat that.

Anyone heard that cannot eat yellow noodles cos will cause jaundice? I've been eating that at least 2 or 3 times a wk cos I've always like noodles.
deer...i am not taking any supplements or herbs, my diet is as normal but definitely a glass of milk everyday.
skyblue, fish roe is so tiny, hard to tell how fresh it is. But if its from a reputable restaurant that usually serves very fresh food, then should be fine.
How will yellow noodles cause jaundice? I really dun think so. Its just starch.

deer, my gynea's policy is 'Natural is best', so he didn't give me DHA pills till I ask for it. He also mentioned that these supplements are SAID to help, but strictly speaking has not been proven or documented. Since asking him for it I also havent been taking regularly. As long as your diet consist a wide variety of food, its pretty much good enough.
So if you take fish regularly (few times a week), then the pills might not make such a big diff.

Citrusfruit, hi, welcome! My MIL is doing confinement for me.

rochelle, yeah, wasabi is v good for clearing up the nose, I eat as much of it as I can too.
I have just take DHA Nutro gain.
I take because, I seldom eat fish..
Actually, all a long,, I seldom eat fish lor..
so,, i think I should eat DHA(a kind Fish oil)
which I think is a good supplement for me.

Ya, I think I am like you... Very worry abt the bb inside.
Now, seeing the bb kicking (like doing kick boxing) at my visit 2 days ago.. I feel very glad..
but may be too bad,, can only sense the bb movement in later stage..

Just hope bb are good in there.

Mi actually, dun have morning sicknesss at all ( *weird*.. only feel tired, and restless..
so my case, more worst,, nothing to judge my bb still safe.. but i always talk to him/her heeeee!!!! Ask me to be good and stay in my stomach happily for 9 mths lor..
At least make feel better.. Heeeee!!

I dont hv morning sickness also. I was also very worried when i fell sick for 3 wks plus, until i went for my last check-up and found out that bb still growing as normal

I m glad tt bb was actually active during my last check-up. If he/she is sleeping then i will still be worried. During one of my check-up, bb was sleeping during ultra-sound scan, not moving. Glad tt my gynae let me listen to the heartbeat.
Dun worry too much. last sat gynae took my discharge &amp; chk whether got infection anot? They said wif call me if i require medication,until today no news. So i'm keepin my finger cross everything is ok.

yeaterday went to thymes, alamak all the pants is too big for me. So didn't buy anything.
I think all the delivering hospitals in spore r all pro-BF ones..
and for yr infor, deer, Mt A also have a jacuzzi for easing delivery.. Mt A is well known for their service too and the pkg is economical..they also provide the traditional red dates and longan tea for mums aft birth and fantastic confinement menus as well..

anyway, just sharing wif u my knowledge of Mt A's facilities..
. Me chose Mt A because of 1)their friendly services 2)their economic pkg 3)their delicious confinement menus.. yummy

ohh man! think i gonna charge Mt A for the Bombastic Advertisement I do for them in SB forum

me taking neurogain too.. since it's good for bb.. y not? if u buy at NTUC pharmacy.. lagi cheaper, only at $29.00.. anyway, preggies shld eat qly fish, not qty fish.. some fish got high mercury content.. in the end, it could harm bb more than benefit him..so watch wat u eat.. eg cot/mackerel r good oily fish for u &amp; bb..

huh?! I've only heard ginger and excessive chinese herbs may cause jaundice leh.. nvr heard tt noodles also will cause tt

wow!! think u r one of those very lucky ones to have missed ms.. envy u! kekeke
Thanks for all the info on MT A. I'm also delivering there, sounds like i've made a good choice!

Hi all MTB,
Does anyone has any good recommendation on body lotion and pimple cream that is safe to use during preg? My gynae says benzoyl peroxide for pimples is not safe so i don't know what brand to buy...thanks!

Thanks for the info abt Mt A. So u hv given birth in Mt. A b4? So it must be ur 2nd or 3rd pregnancy now. For me, this is my first pregnancy. U mean Mt A provides confinement menu? Those chinese confinement meals?? Hmmm ... wonder whether TMC do tt. I will request for a hospital tour next time when i m there, to look-see look-see their facilities and look at their menu ;)

Anyone owns a good and value-for-money digital camera? I have a 4-yrs old Fujifilm digital camera, but lost it's USP cable, and we r thinking of buying a new one .... can take pic for bb when i give birth. Wonder which brand/model is worth buying
my gynea gave me 2 bottles of neurogain samples. Took it last 2days and got bad MS in the afternoon. I suspect is the neurogain leh... so stop today and see how thing goes 1st.

there are diff sizes for the pants mah! u meant the 'S' size is oso too big for u? then u must be very small frame then.
peg peg,

maybe u can ask ur gynae for recommendation on body lotion and pimple cream? Or u can go to Gurdian and check with the pharmacist at the counter.

ya never know Mt Alvernia provides such gd service. I signed up wif it as it's a sister's hospital so might ask for those special prayer for my bb. Also been there once when my SIL delivered and found the atmosphere to be quite pleasant.


U might want to try those at Chinatown. I bought 3 pants altogether, one from kiddy, one from internet and the final one at Chinatown. I find the cutting at Chinatown is much smaller and fitting, so looks better unlike the other two which is veri baggy...sort of regretted cos the price is more than 2x what I'm getting from chinatown.
Ya i quite petite my present pants all cannot fit. Dunno leh the sales asst took the pants for me, i tink is S size. Raffles place branch is givin 20% dis unitl this sat, so if u wan to buy better go dw early.

Nw I'm takin Anmum milk, so wat the diff between neurogain &amp; anmum?

NeuroGain are capsules of fish oil, supposed to be good for bb's brain development. This is just additional supplement which might or might not be nece. The most impt thing is u must hv a balanced diet.

Anmum is just milk powder to help in ur intake of calcium and it contains folic acid which required by bb during it's development. Calcium intake is a necceity for both mother and baby. If u r not drinking milk, then u hv to take calcium tablets.
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
my gynae said the same thing abt neurogain when i asked him abt it. he juz ask keep reminding me to take the prenatVit he prescribe at every visit...

end up, i din buy any

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 07-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 26
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 27 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 27 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 25 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 25 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 25 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 24 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 24 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 23 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 23 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 22 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 22 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 22 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 22 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 22 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 21 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 20 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 20 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 20
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 19
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 19 GEH / B
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 17
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 17 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 16 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 16
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 16
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 16
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 15
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 15
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 15 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 14 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 14
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 14 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 14
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 14
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 14
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 14
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 14 MEH / ??
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 12 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 12 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 10

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

Oranges, u know the wet market with the hawker upstairs, behind the ''shuang yu'', dunno still this name or not. It's just along the stretch of small shops and there are a few in fact. U can bargain for the price even.
thanks for updating the chart!

btw, do u experience any side effects from Prenavit? I felt nausea and had diarrhea after taking...
U meant the small shop, sometime ard tat area they sell durian right ? Izzit tat side u're referin?

Are, thks. R u takin ANMUM or neurogain milk?
oranges... i'm taking anmum. but not a lot cos lactose intolerant. only taking it w my milo, so so far i havent even finished a small tin! :p

neurogain is a pill, not milk. i was given by gynea bt oni take when i rem! :p so far into my 2nd bottle oni.
oranges, thyme has XS sizes, but they always run out fast. I believe their XS will fit the most petite women.

cubbieBB, I know Mt A also pro-BF, but not all hospital are. I've heard plenty of feedback saying that KKH nurses can be very ya-ya about BF- to the extend of ignoring the mum's request for their babies NOT to be bottle-fed.

deer, I tihnk most private hosp(including TMC) has confinement menu, and generally (from what I hear), the food standard and service between Mt A and TMC are both rather high. So its really up to you to decide. Why not do a hosp tour at both hospitals and then decide if you cant make up your mind?

Went to gynea, and gynea did a swab to send for test. meanwhile he suspects fungal infection and prescribed medication for tonight and tomorrow. He says should clear up by tomorrow. *crosses finger*
I used to have very bad impression abt Mt A as there's a hospice nxt to the hospt but my sis had given birth in Mt A twice and thru out her stay, I found out more abt them..

I didn't say tmc didn't provide confinement food, i just say tt Mt A's confinement food looks drooling to me as I have personally SEEN &amp; SMELLED the food b4
.. i noe u r a great supporter of tmc.. hee hee .. actually I've heard a lot of bad things abt tmc.. and had personally some bad service when my niece got admitted into their pediatrician ward last mth but i didn't share it on the net cause i take it as some kind of personal experience only and no point condemn the hospt.. mayb u shd also give KKH a chance.. they have some very good service providers too.. as for BF, mayb it could b a misunderstanding cause if mummy BF, nurses dun have to b so busy to bottle feed for them liao, as since the mums can settle the bb on their own, the nurses can save a lot of effort and will be more free to do other things isn't it kill 2 birds at 1 stone issue!
<font color="aa00aa">peg peg,</font>
i dun hv any side effects from the prenatvit.

<font color="aa00aa">oranges,</font>
u know Kreta Ayer Food Centre? Basement is wet market, floor level is shops, 2nd level is food court?? some shops at floor level (where some oso goes there to buy wedding GDL stuff) sells maternity as well

<font color="aa00aa">cubbieBB,</font>
i think i sort of "condemn" KKH alr. a few of my frenz who went there only hv complaints abt the service. one even say the nurse asked if she wants to latch the bb on but b4 she could reply, the nurse alr carried the bb away!!

well, 1 reason why i choose TMC over Mt A (both were my choices) is cos Mt A is a "sister" hospital. guess i feel more comfortable with a "normal" hospital. and also, TMC is more accessible to us since we (&amp; family) don't drive. it's only abt 2 bus-stop away from Novena MRT station
yes in fact bought it from an uncle which is located at one of those small shop facing the escalator going up to the hawker. U can take a peep there.

Thks..hee..seldom go there but do hv an impression it's no long shuang yu.
cubbie, I'm sure there are also good nurses and docs at KKH, but the stories I hear are really quite scary(to me personally). And I'm just saying this as an example why I wouldn't choose a certain hosp(yup, I do know that there are indeed good service providers there too). But well, like what you say, no matter what hosp, there're always black sheep there. But I do maintain my stand that no nurse should bottle-feed babies if their mothers have already specify no ff, cause in some cases, this *may* lead to baby having nipple-confusion and rejecting the mother's breasts. I imagine those mothers who really want to BF successfully will be devastated if this happens to them. As for confinement menu, what I meant was that these little 'perks' are offered at many places, so deer can choose her choice based on other things. Just sharing my personal opinion and $0.02's. No harm intended at all.
to add on, so far, the only gripe I have about TMC is that parking is really very inconvenient there, the super tiny carpark is always crowded and full during hosp peak hours, even with the help of the valet parking guys there. Even nowadays I kinda wonder a little what happens if I were to go into labour on a sat morning?(??) Sure take a long time to settle the car. So for those who drive, you might want to consider this factor?
Aiyoh, I think I'm gaining alot of weight... tummy seems bigger and bigger too (small also worry, big also complain). My aesthetician was telling me in her last 4 mths she gained 4kg each mth and her gynae was telling her to slow down... then total was 18kg, baby was 4kg!

Then I cut my hair... face extra chubby looking, sia!
yingzi,are &amp; angelia
Thks mayb tmr will go &amp; c.

Maybe there's no XS?? Can chk wif u when u start buyin bb stuffs?

oranges, Thymes definitely have XS for clothing, I bought from them before (first tri la, now wear M liao). I was also told by the salesgirl that XS and S runs out very fast. You can get them to call you once they have new stock for XS or S. If I'm not wrong, their stock arrives on Fridays.
I started buying baby items last month. Almost all big items bought liao, left only small items (bottles, blankets, etc)

MTx3, maybe this is when your growth spurt starts!
