(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

These days I take ice lemon tea(caffine!!) once in a while, sometimes coke too(when I buy a popcorn combo set to share with hubby when watching movies keke). I've even eaten sashimi (yummy!) and half-boiled eggs. But of course I wasnt eating like that inititally, only started eating these 'illegal' food 1-2 weeks ago. I told my baby "you're growing up now, must learn to eat diff kinds of food liao, must be more versatile" and I just went ahead and eat LOL. I think the only thing that can go wrong is if the food is contaminated and causes food poisoning, but in singapore where food handling rules are so strict, how often does a person kenna food poisoning right?

chihiro, maybe you can take more smaller meals instead of few large meals, should help your digestion system handle the food better.

TBL, in case you're concerned, F & N orange contains quite alot of colouring, but then, everything in moderation shd be fine.

Talk about soft drinks, anyone here also crazy about the Mug Rootbeer? Its really yummy, so much nicer thanthe regular A & W rootbeer. Yumm.....
Just curious, what did you girls do during the weekend? We attended antenatal classes, went to catch harry potter and visited MIL. We usually also go everywhere to eat (esp now that my appetite's picking up quite nicely).
wow, u take half-boiled egg & sashimi hah?? tot these foods contain bacteria? Is a no-no right? hmm.. then may be i can try half-boiled egg, coz it's my favourite and i gave up due to preg! but i have to brain wash my hubby 1st!! :p
u very cute, prep-talk bb for the food huh!
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
anyway, dun tink my hubby will chiong to take no. 1st one .. he always say "yi qi qu"
so.. we will try to go as early as possible 2nite lor

<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
i juz bought a can of Mug rootbeer from NTUC ..
its in the chilling process now .. kekeke...
TBL, its only unsafe if we kenna food poisoning from it. If you talk strictly bacteria, bacteria is everywhere, in the water we drink, in the hawker food we eat and in the air everywhere. Baby is very well-protected in this aspect. The bacteria in the food we eat will not transmit directly to baby in womb because baby dun eat the food in its original form as we eat it. And of course I make sure that the sashimi and eggs are fresh. I made sure I ordered the eggs from a coffee shop that is usually crowded with morning working crowd, so turnover rate is high, and their eggs are fresh. And I had my sashimi with alot of wasabi to kill germs keke...
Depends on when you feel safe to start eating these food (the later you start, the more advanced the pregnancy, of course the better), I only dare to start eating again very recently.
i still dun dare to take half-boiled egg now
still eat mostly cooked food

i wanna watch harry potter too!!
hopefully can catch tis wkend ..
soemtimes i also donate my lunch to the toilet bowl..but lately so much better. guess i'm in the honeymoon period now.

so gals, if u are in the 1st trismester, very soon..the nausea and bloatedness and burping etc etc will all go over...hang on

i went for my gestational diabetes test on sat, drank a bottle of orange drink which is supposedult high in glucose. it tasted juz like F &amp; N orange..carbonated drink. imagine hving to fast overnite with an empty stomach hving to drink the bottle of carbonated drink. my goodness..after that not allow to walk (scare i burn the sugar away) and hv to sit for 2 hrs and wait for blood test. immediately after the blood being drawn, i went to toilet to puke it all out..feel so much better after that. now waiting for my results, shld be out by tomolo, pray pray all is fine..

i also took half boiled egg..even fresh oysters as well..yum yum. but not often, and when i eat, i limit to a few.

i am starting to feel my bb movements..in fact i think started from 18 weeks. it does not seem like fluttering, more rather like pokes n kickes. nowsadays few times aday.
wow, juz took a look at our list
almost all of us are advancing into 2nd trimester in 1-2 wks time..
so hang on everyone.. honeymoon is just ahead of u
Wa.. u really noe hw to enjoy food. Hm... i still dun to eat all the foods tat u hv mentioned.

Ya man really hope to go into 2nd tri. I'll hang on for my bb. Cheers
kekeke.. i see u succumbing to yr own temptations liao.. hee hee hee all the excuses u made for yr tastebuds pleasures hahaha..

tell u something, last time i always eat half-boiled egg every morning... then once, me n hubby sat near a dustbin and when the egg comes, we smelled a stinking smell and we thot it's the dustbin and it lingered and wouldn't go away.. then the moment i opened one of the eggs, we saw greenish slimy substances tt the egg has fermented into... Urggghhh.. then we complained and got an exchange but the impression changed ever since liao... nowadays, I very conscious when i cracked opened an egg
<font color="ff6000">cubbieBB</font>
my hubby also got the same experience as u
but he was cooking instant noodles then
he din crack the egg in a bowl, juz directly into the almost cooked noodles, the whole thing turn green *YUCKS !*
thereafter, he also cautious when adding egg into noodles

all right folks, tts all for the day ..
gotto rush off now
bye bye *wavez*
Yesterday we borrowed a video cd from the library on "building a baby" by discovery channel. its short but not too bad. Call number: 612.6 INT -[HEA]

some tips to get good sleep at night from discovery channel
"5. Get into position. During the third trimester, sleep on your left side to allow for the best blood flow to the fetus and to your uterus and kidneys. Avoid lying flat on your back.

6. Keep heartburn at bay. To prevent heartburn, don't recline for an hour or two after a meal. If heartburn is a problem, sleep with your head elevated on pillows. Also, avoid spicy, fried, or acidic foods (such as tomato products), as they may worsen symptoms.

8. Support your body. Use a special pregnancy body pillow or a regular pillow to support your body. For comfort, try sleeping on your side with one pillow under your knee and another under your belly.
wah man! Yr hubby sure got a unique style of cooking eggs.. some eggs' shell still got the chicken's shit on it leh.. u gg home.. tata...
Hi Berry,

I admire u for daring to eat sushi. I've been craving for sushi for a long time esp california maki. I'm drooling jus thinking abt it. But then, dun quite dare to eat sushi cos most r not totally cooked rite?

Hee...I've also started taking cold drinks since 2nd tri. But not as in finish one whole cup. Older pple say no gd. Jus a quarter of half a cup is enuf to make me satisfied. I also started coffee. Also half a cup each time. Sigh... nine mths say long not long, short also not short, how to tahan food/drinks craving rite? Like sometimes, I smell the coffee also feel shiok! Talk abt addiction.
skyblue, alot of sushi is totally cooked, just eat the totally cooked ones if you're worried. skyblue, when's your EDD? I realised its not in the list?
gd morning !!

everything went well for my chkup last night
pity tt i 4got to get the u/s printout from my gynae, he oso 4got to print out 1 copy for me
i oso dun realli rem bb's size on the screen, gynae moved his device so fast.. but definitely can see bb has grew bigger

but then, still can't see bb's gender yet
will be gg back in 2wks time for blood test as gynae said tt its still early for me to do blood test as of yesterday
<font color="ff6000">skyblue,</font>
i did eat sushi (cooked ones) in my 1st trimester
i dun eat those raw ones..
i'm oso a coffee addice, last time every mornin die die muz drink coffee. Nwaday, only take "once in a blue moon" &amp; it's half a cup at most. I oso can't tahan whenever collegue drink coffee.

I read fm an article tat we can't eat sushi. So mayb if u're eatin juz take moderate. Me 2 cravin for sushi, one of my favourite. yummy....
Dun say oreadi lah, my saliva is dippin dw....
oranges, cooked sushi is perfectly fine (since its just rice + cooked ingredients). The one that should be taken in moderation (or avoid) is raw sushi or sashimi. Alot of americans mistake the term 'sushi' as raw fish, which is not true. If the article says cannot eat sushi at all, then chances are that the writer is referring to refraining from raw fish.
Yeah, all this talk is also making me feel like eating a nice plate of salmon/swordfish sashimi..keke..maybe I'll go get myself some later. :p
Berry, I told HB YOU were eating sashimi and therefore I ate a tiny sliver that day...

of course he freaked on me and blahblahblah. Til now he still refuses to order chao guotiao with COOKED cockles.

Then again he left me alot of Sushi Tei vouchers muahahaha, I had Sushi Tei yesterday after he flew :p BTW I found out... the vouchers are FREE! If u apply for the card or something, they gave it to him automatic cos he must have filled up some customer thing long time ago. And he still stands by his statement that the credit card deducted his points automatically to pay for subscription.

And worse, seems his corporate card with ALL those hotel bills etc does NOT have points at all. *collapses in a heap of tears... WAILLL!*
Those more wary about COOKED sushi, maybe request for it to be FRESHLY MADE. Cos on the conveyor belt... dunno sitting there how long too. The unagi pieces or cooked prawn also cold liao.

I've never abstained from cold drinks nor tea... but then I also never abstained from spicy food too. Later after delivery, when breastfeeding, I am so going to get into trouble from MIL and HB nagging I think
hey... i've not stopped eating jap food too. in fact, i ate more during 1st tri cos needed plain food due to MS, &amp; jap food is the oni type tat can whet my appetite!
About RAW sushi, sashimi... must be FROZEN raw, not fresh raw. To kill I forgot what (cold freezing temperature kills something). Of course, dun try if... willpower strong enough lah. :p

Oh, and my hairdresser claims he's done lots of highlight for preggies (the foil kind, avoiding the SCALP), including his wife. But being smart, he said best to check with my gynae- as far as he knows, some gynaes say NO, some say it's OK, so he dares not advocate too strongly. :p
see how long I can last bf lor. Yesterday read an article about breast surgery, seems contrary to popular belief, breast implants can still breastfeed provided some ducts not cut blahblah (no I dun have implants lah just fascinating news). AND alot of surgeries are done on women who BF before! Cos sagging and loss of "breast volume" (the term they used). Oh my goodness... now I'm having nitemares wondering how mine will look like after bf (pregnancy itself changed it quite abit liao). Aiyoh.
MTx3, I on the other and told hubby that since you're few weeks behind me and already drank coconut juice, then *I* should get to drink it too. But still I chickened out last min just before buying. *sigh!*

chihiro, if all goes well, I'll be BF for 3-6 months.

BTW, anyone has contacts or knows where to go for prenatal massage? My backaches are killing me...
The part of sagging is true...all the pulling from baby..against gravity and everything. Then when u have 2nd baby...bf...another round of pulling..so it adds up. I thk try to strike a balance..bf a few mths will do. I've read of pp bf babies till they become toddlers.
berry... think i saw an ad frm rustic nirvana offering prenatal massages. u might wan to call them &amp; chk. think preggie mags shd hv some ads too?
I took sushi once in a blue blue moon during my preggie too, like wat berry said onli those cooked ones. I din realli abstain from cold drinks, like my milk and juices are all chilled. Those carbonated ones, hv been reducing but still drinking once in a while when I'm damn thirsty.

It;s true tat ur breast tend to sag after preggie, I was looking at my sisters. it's not as firm as before. Me intend to BF till i return back to work, so see how long the maternity leave is being extended.
joyful and MT, that's why we should make sure we do some simple excercises at home to firm and tone up our chest muscles to prevent sagging, esp before having the next baby.
wah piang ...
sounds scary leh

my mum told me not to bf for too long,
bf till juz before i return to work
so max of 3mths
oic i thought u ate raw fish, salmon sushi. Oh i miss salmon &amp; tuna... sigh... ok tonight muz ask hubby to go eat jap food. keke

U mia for a few days? Me 2 jap foods is 1 of my favourite. Hw everything ? Last sat went to gynae, so happy can see bb movin &amp; heartbeat. My hubby so excited.
oranges... no lah, i'm ard, juz nvr posted anythin.
me ok, finally better frm flu, so piling chicken essence &amp; finally had my bird's nest, yummy! :p will start my 'bu pin' routine now, cos dun really hv much time left!

hey... great u cld see bb move, exciting ya?
i'm oso seeing gynea on sat, doing detailed scan, so can see bb for half an hour! :p

juz bought a playpen ovr the weekend, finally really feeling the joy of a new member in the family.
oranges, I ate salmon sashimi, yummy.

chihiro, body changes comes not just with pregnancy, but also with age, its only natural. we just gotta have more discipline to keep ourselves looking good.
I went for my scan yest, ya realli veri cute. They will take quite a lot of pix of ur bb, thereafter will tell u exactly where are the features and organs and the gender. My bb was opening the mouth grabbing for food and raised up her hand. she keeps kicking me throughout until the sonographer asks why kick mummy so hard. Realli veri veri cute...u will enjoy the entire process. I took an hr as bb mischievious, keep turning and the sono is unable to take her heart.

My cot arrived last sat oso, now placed on our master bedroom. me too realli feel the joy of a new member coming soon...hubby keeps playing with the musical mobile...
Y can c bb for so long (1/2 hr)???? u muz b veri excited right, can wait for sat to come right?

Dun say oreadi lah. I can't tahan oreadi. Salmon sashimi.... oh
yingzi... then i oso hope bb will turn so i can see her longer!!! hahaha... now hearing ur description i even lagi cant wait liao! hahaha...
bb oso kick me everyday now. sometimes wen she quiet, i will go disturb her &amp; tap on tummy, then she will kick again! hehehe... i bo liao mummy.

oranges... detailed scan needs abt 1/2 hr i was told, cos gynea will take measurements and see the organs.
Pets, thanks!!

are, my baby is also very active. Today my estate did some fogging and she woke up very early from the noise they made, and she did gymnastics(could feel kicks, rolls, fluttering, all sorts of strange movements) inside me for nearly an hour after that, just went back to sleep onli keke..

For those who can feel your baby's movements already, does your baby move only at certain times of the day or all throughout? My baby sleep and wakes up at regualry short intervals throughout the day, so I can feel her move quite regularly- very assuring for me.
dear ladies

i saw a lot of u not taking some food, actually i took almoz the same food before i am pregnant, onli wifout alcohol, kopi and tea, which the doc advise...i still drink coconut also(NTUC sell 2 for $1.55!!!) heheee

anyone going for cord life or stem cord? i am wondering which is better since in SG onli these 2 companies
Hi Joyful and Rochelle.
I see from the thread that you both take essence chicken also..
My grandmother ask me to take them since I always complain I am very tired.
But currently, i am taking multivitamin and calcium..
will it clash?

When usually you take? At night before sleep
what is the interval bet your medi and essence chicken.. ???
ya normally it will takes half an hr where the sono will keep whizzing round ur tummy taking pix of ur bb organs to ensure all are well. But for me took an hr, cos bb mischief makes me walk in and out of the lab room.

u will enjoy this! Me oso sometimes bo liao will do tat...heee..

mine is not constant but she will be more active when I was not working. Maybe when I was working, too busy to notice her movement but while lying down, it becomes more conspicuous.But I do make sure I will feel her movement every day.

gynae juz called with my diabetes results, and i did really hv gestational diabetes, but not serious case. need to ctrl diet..so worried.
I'm still considering if i should take up or not. I don't know which co is better.

I take my chicken of essence in early afternoon cos morning I take my prenat vit. I don't think wd clash but maybe stagger the time abit before u drink it. I can't get used to the idea of drinking it at nite though some people drink it before sleep.

I still waiting eagerly to feel baby's kick
drinking chicken essence realli helps?
normal chicken essence is ok right?
or even with cordyceps is alright too?

ladies, i've got a question.. for those who are still in the early weeks (week 14 for me) and can't feel anything.. how are you assured that everything is ok? or just living in the unknown until the next gynae visit..
