(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

There is another John Little Sale starting today and we are eyeing the baby rocker/carrier going for $18 (member's price).


we started buying baby stuff since 12 week when my morning sickness was lesser. our families use blue stuff for both baby boy and baby girl so we just buy whatever we are not getting hand-me-downs for.

Berry & rochelle
Thks for reply. Rochelle i'm at 12wks nw,so can start buyin oreadi. Berry hw abt u? last mths is hw many wks, when u do u bb shoppin? Wat shd i buy start? We oso dunno where to start?

We bought our cot, baby carrier at the start of GSS.

We got our extra pillow and bolster,
feeding bottles,
newborn baby clothes,
stroller and
playpen from my MIL.

We are going to get
the bottle steriliser(probably pigeon since it takes all brands of bottles),
baby bathtub,
manual breast pump (so that hubby can feed baby sometimes and dont feel left out),
plastic baby mat x2 for the cot and as a changing mat,
safety gate for the kitchen (probably lucky brand becos got ramp on both sides and rather pretty)

we are not getting the car seat and high chair since we do not have a car and our nieces and nephews dont like high chair. They rather eat sitting on the floor.

we would be getting a pram/stroller after our baby is born to see which one our baby fancy. we also found that most pram/stoller are for 3+ mth babies so we would carry our baby on the baby carrier for the first few months.

best is ask if any of your relatives wants to pass you hand-me-downs. one of my SIL is not having any more children and the other SIL dont want hand-me-downs so I got everything my MIL kept.

most people would give baby gift sets when your baby is born so no need to get so many baby clothes. babies outgrow their clothes about every 3mths initially so get more expensive ones only when they are about 1yr and growing less fast.

just work out what you think you need for your baby and get those first. buy those that are nice to have later.
Thks for yr list, wa.... so many things to buy. Tink hv to shop earlier buy a little at a time. GSS is nw tink nw is the best time to shop.So u hv buy all the bb stuffs oreadi?

nope, we are buying them as we see good prices during the GSS since me and my hubby already decided on the brand and model for the items.

there is christmas sale in december so can still get some nice to have stuff later. we might get the bottle warmer if the price is good becos its more of a nice to have item.

goldhill square and novena square have quite a few babies and children shops so can always ask your parents or in-laws to help buy if you forgot something.
Hi Berry n CubieBB,

I heard that the yellow 'ghee' in the noodles causes jaundice, so have been advised to eat bee hoon, kway teow instead. Not too sure either. Anyway, if ask me to totally eliminate noodles from my diet, I think I'll 'peng sang'. It's always been my favourite.


You cal also go to a shop called 'Desiree' I think @ suntec family link there. I bought my pants there when I didn't have much of a bulge.


Anyone has a comprehensive list as to bb's items to buy? I'm pretty lost now n is thinking of buying the items now that there's GSS.
rochelle/oranges... u might also want to keep a list of things juz in case ppl want to give as present?

my frens already asked wat we want, so i'm now doing up a list on wat i can do w/o for the 1st mth. some ppl might prefer to give gifts instead of ang baos so i might as well ask for something i want lor.
I have yellow discharge but doc say not yellow discharge are harmful or infection,, ask me not to worry,, unless, it become itch and foul smell..

so let it be lor.

Organge,, How is your discharge like?

I am a stay at home wife and my hubby is a full-time student. All our friends are giving ang baos becos they also requested for ang baos only for their babies.

The only gift we would want if they insist on buying is to get us baby diapers becos we have a small drying area so no place to dry cloth napkins. also baby diapers is the more the merrier, no fear of duplicates and just need to tell preferred brand can already.
Skyblue, Berry, CubbieBB

yellow noodles contain yellow coloring. char siew has red coloring added. the yellow coloring may not cause jaundice but it is safer to eat less food with artificial colorings as we dont know the amount of colorings that goes into these food.
I hv very heavy yellowish discharge sometime it's oso quite thick,not itchy leh. Hm... intitally my gynae oso say tat as long as no itch juz ignore it. But durin my last visit to him he took some of my discharge to lab testin. Result out to be infection, according to the nurse who called me she told me tat is quite common for preggie to get these inection. I tink u shd highlight this problem to yr gynae again & c wat he say. I hv to take antibotic for 5dys. Hope everything is ok for u?

Rochelle, thks for all yr info, indeed a great help to me. I'm really in a lost nw.

Are... tat's a gd idea if friend is askin me wat i wan. hehe....
Hi Rochelle,

May i know where did u buy ur baby cot? How much is it? I m looking for baby cot also, think of buying it during GSS, got good discount. Looking for one that can pull down the front, so that can change diapers easily.

I went to Kiddy Palace and John Little b4, I find tt most baby cot r quite expensive, cheaper one do not have the front pull down.

hi gals,

can i ask u all hor,what if i got foul smell on my V leh,it won't affect bb right?

dun think i can't carry on my pregnancy hor
Anyone of u consider buying the AMBY baby motion bed instead of cot? It is like the hammock we used to sleep when we were young.

website: www.ambybaby.com

I saw it at the motherhd fair and seem good but also not cheap.
rochelle... wah, u so lucky, can stay hm. so ur hubby shd hv plenty of time for u & eventually bb as well? so sian mu leh...

gd leh, ur frens will give ang bao, cos i'm afraid my colleagues will prefer to buy gift. anyway, in case they dun, i still got time to buy those things cos not urgent mah. i was oso juz told to consider diapers as gift, or @ least ask for vouchers frm places where they hv diapers, like toy'r'us.
Hello Emma,

Wah the Amby baby motion bed looks good.... how much was it selling at Motherhood fair? I didn't go to the fair leh, do you know who is the distributor in Singapore or which shops are carying it?

Thank you for sharing!
last time I hate sisters too cause my impression is they r lao chu nu with periodical mood swings.. sorry for being so blunt! but since i got to noe them, they r like mothers, so caring

talking abt the parking there.. Tt's something I was very impressed abt.. my bil just drove there, jumped out of his car and handed the keys to the valet w/o off his engine and hopped into the hospital wif me w/o having to worry anything abt it..Mt A dun have such valet service though kekeke..

the last i heard, the amby was abt 500leh.. wah got so good disc?!

The one I got from the John Little sale is at $168 with beddings but not pull down. we didnt need a pull down becos we are going to change baby's diapers on a changing mat. also my younger brother was able to unlatch the pull-down by himself when he could reach the latch so you might want to look for the non-latch pull-downs.

if you are getting playpen then look for one without crossbar. my nephew used the crossbar to climb out of his playpen to our amusement and shock.

My hubby does have more time for me becos of no overtime and I am not working becos my hubby wants me to rest more since I had to rest in bed initially becos of bleeding then had very bad morning sickness.

no need to sian mu me. we have to really watch our money as only one "income" and we dont have that much savings but we looking forward to our baby.

ask your colleagues to give you kiddy palace/cold storage/ntuc vouchers instead of toy'r'us becos they have a better variety of diapers and baby toiletries there
maybe i rem wrongly but do not seem to be so exp leh..
nowadays my memory not so gd, abt 2 to 3 hrs gap, i will need to find food...
rochelle... oh, he has an income even when studying? tats great! i hope can ask for NTUC or kiddy palace vouchers lor, but can oni open mouth if they ask. i hope my colleagues dun give me clothes or hampers. i got lots of hand-me-downs & bb grow out really fast. hampers usually nothing fantastic oso, i rather be able to choose things like bottles, nipples.

Some of the playpens are foldable for storage so there is actually two bars crossing each other when u unfold the playpens. if where the bars cross is at the bottom of the playpen then its okay, but if it is at the side, a one-yr old can step on where the bar cross and climb out of the playpen.

My nephew actually tried stepping on the bars and when he found a steady spot he just climb onto it and climb out of the playpen. we wanted to see what he was up to so we did not stop him. after that we just kept the playpen and let him play in his walker.
rochelle... oic. lucky the one i bought is @ the bottom. anyway, my neice oso managed to climb out using the net which has gone soft with age. but she couldnt climb over so fell out of the playpen instead. its been in cold storage since then as well.

my hubby gets an allowance for his scholarship (strings attached) but that is only enough to cover our home loan and maintenance fees as well as money for his parents. we are actually living on savings until we can re-finance our loan or he can work.

usually it is the secretary who orders the hamper so you can always hint to her your preference. My SIL had a hamper from her colleagues for her first baby which is made of huggies pampers and milk bottles (very practical)

Thanks for ur advice
I saw the John Little baby cot also. It can be converted into a junior bed which is good, but it cant pull down the front.

Actually i m thinking of buying 2 baby cots, one put at my hse, and one at my mother's place. My mother will be the one taking care of our bb after delivery. so thot of buying one at mother's place. but those pull down one r so expensive (in the range of $200-$500), getting 2 cots will be quite impossible.

Red Ice,
Why dont u see ur gynae for ur problem. I think ur gynae will be able to advise u better. He/she might be able to do a test for u and see what is the cause. I dont think it will harm ur bb, but it's best tt u find out what is the problem.
rochelle... juz take it as a family bonding time lor. u gain some u lose some. i'm sure ur hubby will be doing quite well aft graduating rite? so life will be better then. @ least u hv savings to begin with, me dun even hv!!! hahaha...
Hi Emma,

If the AMBY baby bed is so expensive, isnt it cheaper to use the traditional sarong. I think we just have to do more safety checks on the sarong to make usre that it is safe and stable.

All my siblings and 1 slept in those sarong b4, and tt's how we grew up ;)

If i cant find cheaper baby cot, i might consider using sarong for bb at my mother's hse.

If you need to get two cots you can wait for the Ikea sale. Heard from my BIL that the cots were selling at $99.

actually babies sleep very well on our parents' queen size bed or on a mattress on the floor. no need to get a cot for your mum's place unless your mum is looking after your baby by herself. my niece slept very well on our sofa too.

we are going to let our baby sleep on a mattress during the day time in the living room and in the cot at night.

if you haven't book antenatal class, can consider Changi hospital, their classes are quite cheap at $80 for 6 sessions, but they need at least 3 couples to be able to start the class
I've seen the IKEA $99 cot. Personally find tat it's too high and cannot be adjustable downwards, so u might hv some difficulty bending down and carrying bb up. Also, the wood is not tat sturdy. But that's by far the cheapest I've seen oso.

My mum oso helping me to look after but me dun intend to get two cots, see if she can sleep well in my mum's bed or mattress, if realli cannot then will consider. Otherwise end up no one to pass on, then will be a waste to throw away.

Usually I will buy bb gift set for my frenz full mth bb. But it's gd tat ur frenz asks u wat u want, then at least u won't end up getting so many sets of the same items.

class at Changi Hospital starts at 6pm on a weekday night. its the cheapest and near my home but my hubby cannot get back from uni in time.

I went to Changi hospital website to check on their antenatal class, and found out that each session is only 1.5 hr, as for TMC and Mt A, their session is 2 hrs.

$80 is really much cheaper, but if u stay or work far away fr Changi, then u will hv to take a cab down, in the end the cost is more or less the same.
yingzi... i will oso buy such sets if the person doesnt state wat they want. cos clothes can nvr be too much mah. but i really hv too much tiny clothes! :p ya, for close frens, i will ask lor, my close frens oso asked me liao. think everyone oso dun want to waste money mah.

deer... u might want to visit bb hyperstore or bb kingdom. they give discounts if u buy more items or free gifts. i saw a $138 (ard tis price) cot there b4, a no frills small cot, bt decided to get a playpen instead. my playpen is oni $95, w bassinet & changing mat.
Rochelle and deer...my workplace is near changi, but still need to take time off coz my hours are till 6pm
erm, i know i've asked this before
but i like to ask again
do anyone of u hv the information on the antenatal class for Mt.A ?

can i hv it?
thanks !

My colleague told me tt for playpen, u will have to bent down to carry the baby up. Can u adjust the height of ur playpen so that it is as high as a baby cot?

deer... the bassinet acts as another level (thus 2 or 3 levels depending on model) but it is not as high as cot, thus hv to bend down. but wat i've seen so far is tat unless u get cots with 3 levels or more, they are oso abt the same low height. to me, the diff is tat cot can use as bed next time, which i dun need. plus my playpen is small & snug, juz nice for my rm, & can easily pack for travelling, which i will need.
think u shd explore all options & see wat u fits ur needs.
deer... they are a few doors away frm each other in kaki bukit ave 1. u can chk older posts for the exact address which i think yingzi posted.

i bought my playpen frm kiddy palace. i prefer tat model as most playpen bassinets are held by 'clips', cept tis one, which uses the 4 corners as attachments. the brand i bought was babylove.
the antenatal class is weekdays 6.30p.m. - 8.30p.m. and Saturday 2.30p.m. - 4.30p.m. and the cost is $126 if u r delivering in this hospital.. Topics including:-
1st lesson:-Nutrition & the Expectant mother teaching proper nutrition for mtbs and wat types of food to avoid(Welcome gift);
2nd & 3Lesson...Physiotherapy sessions
teaching 1)types of prenatal exercises to help ease pregnancy discomforts and for easier labour and also 2)labour signs and breathing techniques during labour;
4th lesson...Labour (video clip on natural labour)(Freebies sponsored given);
5th Lesson...How to Breastfeed and it's advantages and ;
6th Lesson...How to take care and bath bb

During the course, notes and booklets will be given for things like Nutrition, Breastfeeding, Physiotherapy Exercises, BB massage and bb care.. Check it out!
sorry got some changes...

the antenatal class is weekdays 6.30p.m. - 8.30p.m. and Saturday 2.30p.m. - 4.30p.m. and the cost is $126 if u r delivering in this hospital.. Topics including:-
1st lesson:-Nutrition & the Expectant mother teaching proper nutrition for mtbs and wat types of food to avoid(Welcome gift);
2nd & 3Lesson...Physiotherapy sessions
teaching 1)types of prenatal exercises to help ease pregnancy discomforts and for easier labour and also 2)labour signs and breathing techniques during labour;
4th lesson...Labour (video clip on natural labour)(Freebies sponsored given);
5th Lesson...How to Breastfeed and it's advantages (videoclip on breastfeeding) and ;
6th Lesson...How to take care and bath bb (video clip on bb massage and bathing)

During the course, notes and booklets will be given for things like Nutrition, Breastfeeding, Physiotherapy Exercises, BB massage and bb care.. Check it out!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 07-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 26
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 27 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 27 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 25 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 25 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 25 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 24 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 24 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 23 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 23 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 22 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 22 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 22 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 22 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 22 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 21 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 20 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 20 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 20
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 19
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 19 GEH / B
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 17
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 17 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 16 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 16
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 16
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 16
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 15
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 15
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 15 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 14 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 14
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 14 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 14
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 14
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 14
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 14
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 14 MEH / ??
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 12 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 12 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 10

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

red ice,

Most probably you have a Vaginal infection.
Better to see a doc immd..
and solve is immd.
Normally mild case, medicince is able to help.
Dun worry

Not to frighten you ,, but
If infection is serious and prolong, it may affect the health of your bb.. (I read from book)
or have to solve it now lor..

<font color="0000ff">gals,</font>
anyone caught the show Here's Looking at You, Babe, which debuts 05 June, Sat??

did i missed it last wk or they telecast sone other program instead??
