(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


Thanks for your info.
I told his during my last last visit to him.
So he told me is ok lor.. Preggie woman has more discharge than normal and exam for me.. but say not serious not infection

Then last visit I ask him again, he ask me again lor..
Actually,, mine not so heavy,, and is on and off.. Some day have some day no..
Last time before preggie, also have on and off yellow discharge..
Ususally have in the morning only.

anyone know if safe to take Scott's emulsion? my gynae is on leave and my hubby bought it for me.

just realised that my MIL passed me a baby carrier so now we have two baby carriers. The one she brought over is a one way carrier thou, baby cannot face out.

the rocker/carrier on sale at John Little is rather flimsy and no padding. hubby is going to ask his sister if she still has the bouncinette (kids mall price $18.90).
oranges, I'm in my 25th week. This is a good time to shop, cause of GSS!

Skyblue and oranges, I started a thread once that compiles a details list of all the big and small baby things, somewhere in the archives.

melody, as long as your V area is not itchy then you're fine. My gynea was telling me the other day that diff women have diff types of discharge in terms of colour and amount, but it should not smell foul or itch.

deer, its at kaki bukit, quite big, good places to look at big items like cot, car sear, stroller, baby chairs etc.. I bought my stroller there.
Most cots have adjustable height, one-hand open/closeable door, 4 wheel castors, etc.. So far, the cheapest cot I've seen at sold at Kaki bukit- remember to bargain for the price, usually can bargain at least 10-20% off stated price, even if its already on sale.

red ice, what do you mean by you can't carry on your pregnancy?
rochelle, scotts emulsion, is it cod liver oil? If so, then dun take, cause cod liver oil is the oil from cod fish's liver, super high in Vit A. Its for the same reason why pregnant women shouldnt take too much liver or papayas or carrots- too high in vit A.
actualli I think the best is still to give ang pow, up to the couples to buy whatever they prefer. Thereagain, how much is considered appropriate...but I never get less excited whenever I see those bb hampers, they are just so nicely wrapped up.

so u din get any cot. In future ur bb will be sleeping and playing in the playpen?
are and berry,
Thanks for the info on kaki bukit. We will go down and take a look when i feel motivated enuff to leave home during wkend :p i feel very tired and lazy during wkend. The only thing tt i feel like doing is watching tv.

And nowadays i hv to drag myself out of bed to go to work. Wish my office is just next door, then i can sleep more ;P

Is there a diff in fees for wkday and wkend classes at Mt A? If we r not giving birth at Mt A, what is the fees? Thanks
yingzi... yup, din get cot. bb will sleep in tis playpen, & when old enuff to sit, i was given another playpen (no bassinet) which i will place in the living rm for her to play in. b4 she can sit, i'll prob place her in the bouncer in daytime, cooler to sleep on oso.
morning ladies.....

thank for ur advices......

berry,i meant that will it affect bb,n doc will ask mi to terminate this pregnancy?
deer... take ur time then. their prices are always low, i heard.
i was oso quite tired in 1st tri, now finally more 'strength', so try to do more shopping! :p
quietbird, you can buy safety gates at IKEA (around $70-$100) and at Taka ($50-$70?). I have one install at my front door from IKEA (around $80-$90).
red ice,,
Not to worry at this moment if doc din ask u to terminate pregancy,, unless, is super serious..
Most woman may prone to infection during preggie.

Test need is needed,, to detect the infection.
May be u just have fungal infection which is not serious..

So better consult doc..
Doc will do a check up and exam for it..
No point worry now,, see doc first..

The faster u see, the faster is can be solve..

Hope u get well soon
did u gals experience headache? my headache starts from wednesday till now. thinking to take panadol but still trying hard not to take, coz i think better dun take medicine during preg, tight? or panadol is ok?

I have headaches quite often also. My gynae said it's ok to take panadol. Panadol is very effective, within 45 mins, my headache is gone.

But becoz i got headache so often, i look for other methods. I did a search on the web for home remedies for headaches and found that u can rub the area between the index finger and ur thumb. This helps to reduce the tension of the headache. I find this method works, but rather slow.

Hope it helps.
TBL...when i have headache, i have to take panadol or it wont go away and my gyna say it's ok to eat panadol

few weeks ago i have a headache dat last for 2 days and i took 2 panadols for 3 times
TBL and deer,
I've been having terrible throbbing headaches for the last few days and it didn't go away even after taking one panadol last night.
And my gynae says it's ok to take panadol...
I will call for urgent leave in morning and go back to sleep when i have headache...it's quite bad and i don't want to take panadol. Don't know why sometimes at nite can't sleep and when too many days not enuf sleep sure headache.
TBL, even though normal panadol is fine, I still wun take it even on days with bad headache. Cause no matter how harmless it is, medicine is still medicine, and whatever you take, your baby in you will get to eat some of it as well.
Some people who are allergic to MSG gets headaches when they eat too much of it, have you been accidentally eating MSG-loaded food? Try drinking alot of water(dehydration can worsen headaches), eat lotsa fruits/veggies to detox and rest more. Get your hubby to give you a head massage, it helps too.
BTW, did anybody experience blocked nose? I've been having blocked nose for the last 2 nights and it's disturbing my sleep.
peg peg, blocked nose is also rather common, nothing to worry about. try sleeping on a higher pillow, it helps me sometimes.
I asked my gynae, panadol is ok. Once u get better stop takin it lor.

Ya u better go n c a doctor, no point worryin.
<font color="ff6000">peg peg</font>
read from Babycentre's article that its quite common for preggies to experience block nose

so sometimes when i got block nose, im tinking whether m i sick or its juz another symptom cause by pregnancy
chihiro, if you're sick, it should be accompanied by symtoms like headaches, watery eyes, bodyaches, high temp, dry throat, coughs, loss of appetite, etcc. If you only have a bloacked nose and still feel normal + no other symtoms, then no need to worry.
I also have sleeping problems. either it'll take some time for me to fall asleep even though i'm feeling very tired or i'll wake up in the middle of the night and difficult to get back to sleep. sigh, so many problems...

btw, have u started on your baby shopping since u already know the gender?
chihiro and berry,
thanks, glad to know it's common to have blocked nose. am starting to wonder if my headache is caused by the blocked nose or i'm coming down with cold?
peg peg,
yeah me too. i don't noe why especially sunday nites i have trouble sleeping. I think i dread monday coming then have to work..

I haven't bought any bb stuff yet. Thk i wd recky around first before starting my shopping spree.
hi all,
thks for the advice. mmm... i think i'll 'lun' then if really cannot tahan then will take panadol. at least now i know headache is quite common, coz kind of worry dunno it will affect bb or not! (3wks didnt see bb liao, have to wait for another wk..)
btw hubby not in town this week, so no one to massage for me...
I think we have the same problem. Sometimes i have problems with my sleep also, and when i dont get enuff sleep, i have headaches. And when i hv headaches, i cant sleep. And it becomes a cycle.

There r a few things i try out to avoid headaches:
- do not wash ur hair late at nite. I used to take my bath after 10 pm, and went to bed with my hair still quite wet. After i started taking earlier bath, it seems the headaches become lesser
- do not drink too much water b4 going to bed, so tt u dont need to wake up too many times at nite to go to toilet. This will reduce disruptions in ur sleep
- i was told to drink milk b4 going to bed, will help to sleep better. This is quite true, however, if i take the milk after 10pm, i will tend to wake up more at nite to go to toilet. So i took the milk b4 10pm. If i forget to take b4 10 pm, then i will sleep without milk, so tt my sleep wont be disturbed.
haha...same here and how i wish i can work part time in the afternoon so that i can sleep for a few more hours in the morning but it's just wishful thinking on my side...hee..

yea, i also dunno where to start for bb shopping, only know that there's tons to prepare...

you gone for your triple testing yet? maybe u can find out the gender of your bb next week...
peg, joyful, I'm also having trouble sleeping on some days, sometimes its not even blocked nose- in fact, no reason at all, just can't sleep. My baby usually v active during these nights, I think she is the one who woke up me, so that I can keep her company when she cant sleep LOL....

TBL, headaches itself will not affect baby in any way, that's why i personally rather suffer form the pain than to take medicine. Why not go for a pampering hair wash at your salon? The professional massaging will help relieve the headache and good for relaxing your nerves and releasing tension from your scalp. I go for a wash once in a while when my scalp and head feels tight and uncomfortable.
peg, actually it seems more daunting before you start preparing and buying bb items, once you start looking around, its quite easy. Just split up into big items like cot, playpen, car seat, stroller, steriliser, BP etc. And then you have the tiny things like cotton wool/buds, nappies, bottle/teats, shampoo, wipes, etc..
I've already bought: stroller, car seat, cot, playpen, BP. Remaining are steriliser, tub, and all smaller items.
i can't wait to feel my baby move, must be very exciting and fun right?

actually how does it feel like? for the last couple of nights, i can feel something swimming across the other side of my tummy and it's quite fast so dunno if it's the bb or not and it happens a few times esp. while lying down before going to sleep...
It's not good to sleep with wet hair. I will blow my hair dry before i sleep. I also try to wash my hair before 10pm..but there are nites when just can't sleep or didn't sleep well.

Maybe it's becos bb kicking u...maybe next time u play some soothing music for ur bb before sleep..
thanks for your advice on bb shopping.
think i'll start next month after my detailed scan...
btw, will u be using cloth diaper? if so, which brand is recommended?
peg peg,
I not yet done the triple test. ya, hopefully nxt wk can see bb's gender. Kind of exciting... and i'm waiting for bb's movement too.. heard some of the ladies can feel the movement ard wk16.

thinking to go salon too. but nowadays hubby is always object me go hair wash @ salon, said too much chemical smell in salon! i must remind myself to ask gynea abt this, if he heard gynea's approval he will keep quite then! :p well, sometime i think hubby is more "kan cheong" then me...
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
better to go a "well ventilated" one..
went to a neighbourhood salon last mth, the salon was rather packed but luckily i do not hv to wait for long
but ..
the floor is v.slippery becoz of hair.. they din sweep .. then when i was hving my hair cut, the lady nx to me is doing coloring i guess... almost choked .. begins to feel worried abt inhaling all these fumes will harm my bb ...
perhaps u can request to sit somewhere more ventilated or go when salon is not so crowded.. i went on sat/sun afternoon, can't rem liao ..

so for now, im not gg back there till i've given birth ... prob will go to somewhere else near my pl
peg, at first (initially) it started off as 'fluttering' sort of feeling, like bubbles inside, hard to describe. Then later started feeling small 'pokes', then much later is kicks. Nowadays I feel a mixture of kicks, pokes, scratches, stroking of my bladder area(super itchy and weird feeling), and 'waves'-like baby stroking the wall of uterus. Haha...my baby is very funny, she prefers the right side of my uterus, so sometimes she will squeeze herself at the right side- when I touch my tummy, the right side is rock hard and can feel parts of her back/head/butt from the outside, whereas the left side is soft and flatter...LOL!!

joyful, my baby is super active, she sleeps only short periods and wakes up constantly all throughout the day.

peg, I'll use disaposable diapers all throughout from day one- I tihnk I'll be too busy juggling with my newly-aquired responsibilities to deal with soiled cloth diapers, esp when I dun have a maid and will be caring for baby myself.

TBL, just tell the hairdresser to seat you away from the customers doing hair colouring, and go to a big salon so better ventilated. No problem la, alot of preggies even do hair rebonding/perms/colouring. But for me, I stop at just washes and cuts to be safe.
Hi all,

Have a question to ask. Is it normal to only to see a water bag at 5th wk of pregnancy?
I went to see gynae last wk and can only see the water bag. My gynae says by 7th wk, must be able to see the heartbeat and the foetus, else something might be wrong. I have been worrying ever since i heard what he said.

And i dun really have any morning sickness also, except for occasional nausea. Is this normal?

Very worried....
your baby is so cute!
hehe...and it seems so enjoyable to feel your bb move...
yea, 'waves' like feeling is the word to describe how i felt last 2 nights...quite amazing...

oh, but i heard disposables could cause nappy rash so hope you'll have no problem with that...but maybe you can alternate between cloth and disposables if nappy rash is a problem...

Good luck on your visit and do keep us posted if you know the gender.

and i'm so envious that ur hubby is more 'kan cheong' bcos i'm always the one who's 'kan cheong' and sometimes i blame my hubby for being too relaxed but i think he also dowan to make me anxious for nothing lah...hee...
<font color="ff6000">hi steamboat</font>
tink i also saw a juz the waterbag in my wk5's scan... and i saw bb's heartbeat on my wk7's visit

juz tink positive, dun worry too much ok..

<font color="ff6000">peg peg</font>
i oso felt wat u felt recently
dunno its my stomach/intestines doing their work or it bb squirming abt .. it makes me wonder though
For 5th week its normal. Don't worry...u'll probably see more development by 7th week. Ur nausea may not have started yet. Anyway not everyone gets morning sickness.

So from the 5th wk to 7th wk, do you experienced any morning sickness or crampness of the stomach area? I have also read that a lot of ppl can't stand drinking plain water when they are pregnant, but i still can drink plain water leh.

Can't help worrying lor cos if have morning sickness then at least know that bb is growing... hai.. now still have to wait till my next visit to the gynae then will know the results.
<font color="ff6000">steamboat</font>
my MS starts ard wk5
was feeling tired, nausea and lost of appetite, esp dinner, sometimes can't eat
but i nv realli vomit before
and im still drinking lots of plain of water ever since im preggie.. not all preggies can't stand drinking plain water

so do not worry abt this pt.

when's ur nx visit?
try to keep urself happy and hv positive thots, bb will know one leh ..
well, i felt the 'wave' like feeling at my lower abdomen where my womb is and it's where my gynae usually see my bb during ultrasound plus the feeling is quite different from stomach rumbling from hunger etc...so if you feel it there, it should be the bb moving, hope i'm not wrong...

if it's really bb moving, i hope to feel more of it tonight...
<font color="ff6000">peg peg</font>
if we felt it below our belly button, shd be bb's movement right?
nowadays at night i oso lay still before sleep trying to feel for bb's movement .. kekeke ...
<font color="ff6000">tbl, rochelle</font>
do u feel ur legs like weighs a ton esp at the end of the day?

i do leh .. my legs feel very tired
was tinking how cld this be possible since bb is so light now, by right shd not hv felt bb's weight now right?...

or maybe i've been walking a lot lately tts y?

chihiro and joyful,

thanks for the assurance. Will try my best to think positively

my appt is next thurs. There were a few times this wk where i have the impulse to go down to my gynae for checkup again. Think i am too gan cheong
