(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i dun let my son sleep on pillow. my MIL who did my confinement said not 2 let bb sleep on pillow too. i never ask when he can sleep on pillow again. i'll get my husband 2 ask her.

ryan is so "guai" 2 go n play by himself n sleep when he's tired. did u train him or he juz is like tat?

talking abt bb suddenly do something, gab started to fall asleep by himself these few days. tis morn, after i fed him med n played wif him for a while, i closed my eyes for a quick nap (waking up at 930am is too early for me). when i opened my eyes again, he fell asleep by himself. yipee! hope tis continues.

SLK, cosmo
thks for ur concern. gab is betta 2day. fever gone last nite but came back tis morn for a short while.

i've tried abt 8teats wif gab. he's ok wif e pigeon teat but he wont drink at all when me or my hubby feed him. when my parents feed him FM, he drinks ONLY when he's starving.

i bought e whole set of pigeon magmag cup. he dun like it too.

anyway, i'm slowing training him 2 use bottle again. tis cant continue
Didn't really train him.. more like ignore him coz the more you try to make him fall asleep the more resistant he is to sleeping. Anway.. he know when it is time to sleep at night so no problem putting him to bed when he is suppose to sleep at night.
Gd to know that Gab is much better now.
closeup pix

jen informed me tat it's e chingay tis sat so orchard rd will be closed. let's change e venue 2 suntec, marche at 12pm

same arrangement lah...
once 3-4 mummies r there, go in 2 get a large table 1st. mummies who r late, juz look for e group inside.
sorry for my late RSVP for ryan's bday party. can i PM or sms u by fri? i still sorting out some arrangements.

nice pics of our superboy justin. how did u take it against a black background?
hi hi kelly
i drove past orchard today and realised there's gonna be chingay parade on saturday; can we avoid that area pls
i think you have the same problem as me when i got back office after ML!!!
but then i tried to reinstall these applications and managed to get into yahoo...but msn not stable

can u send me email... you got my office email right? if not then pm me.
okie then, suntec marche @ 12 noon!!

damn, took out my camera to charge for saturday's outing and found out it's spoilt; tried capturing some images but it turned out to be very ghostly!!! gonna get hubby get it fixed at service centre tommorow

cute cute tena!!! love that smiley face

my hubby saw kieran's pic and commented he's very adorable
Well, I have been up since 5 am. My hubby left for the USA this morning and I am missing him already.. Couldnt sleep so decided to log on and surf.
My kids would be so upset to see their daddy gone
lol .. i just realised this Sat is 19 Feb! me and hb not working coz hv to collect rhyan's passport fmICA, but there is another 2 invitations after tt leh .. think i can't confirm if we are going Marche coz i need to see how is rhyan's behaviour on tt day itself .. dun wan him to scream when we are at my uncle's pl for dinner tt nite else everyone (there are going to be lots of ppl there) is gonna to stare ..

hope yr hb can settle down soon and fetch all of u over .. meanwhile, do enjoy yr time in SIN ..
Wahliao, my clock stopped at 5:30am, so when Tena woke, I was like, whaaat? Natural daylight was filtering through and I was thinking, huh, 5:30am so bright ah. But she seemed hungry and refused to be patted back to sleep, so I fed her 100ml. Now then I see it's almost 8am. Hahaha.

She wants to be farmer's daughter lah, sleep at 8pm (feed in-between 2am), wake at 6:30am. But I not farmer wife leh, how to sleep so early? I went to bed 8:30pm, tossed and turned whole night, every time I was drifting off to sleep, she woke and needed to be patted back to sleep (9pm, 9:45pm, a few more times after that I lost count), and after waking to feed her 2am, it was even harder to drop off to sleep. I have beautiful panda circles now. *YAWN*

Sun, yeah, 3mths away is a long time. HB usually travels a few days to max. 1wk (so far lah), and I miss him too. But my HB very poor thing, the minute he comes back to SG THIS Fri nite, I'd be just waiting and ALL READY to "handover" Tena to him. Really admire u for being able to handle 3 kids on your own, one wee lil UNcolicky (*touchwood*) Tena seems to be more than I can cope at present!

Weekdays I tend to Tena myself day and night, except if HB comes home early enough, then he can put her to bed (but I do the bedtime routine lah). Though when she's extra fussy, I tend to be on the phone screaming that Tena's been screaming for hrs and to come home after work ASAP... but every time I've done that, he still ends up home too late... by then Tena has settled down and sleeping relatively peacefully. :/ He helps night feeds on weeknights occasionally, but he's really got alot on his plate- full day at office, plus work brought home. If he's been travelling, even worse, cos when outstation he doesn't sleep early either due to preparation works/follow-ups, when he's back in SG, needs to clear his local work too.
But still, Fri afternoon I'm all excited waiting for him to come home, and the minute he's through the door, I'm like, "HANDOVER TO U!". Weekends I'm VERY reluctant to "look after" Tena, I dun do anything with Tena except play abit, choose her clothings, and settle her bottles. HB somehow ends up not being to shower unless I agree to jaga awhile though, LOL.
Morning mummies,
Its okay..can reply by Friday..coz need to book the no for catering etc.
If the gatering is at Orchard area I will give it a pass this time coz the road will be blocked off..so quite difficult to find parking.
actually, i think you are one of the lucky ones here with a nice hb to handover tena to when you are off duty .. hehe .. maybe we shld let our hbs read what yr hb (and berry's too) do so that they will start to appreciate how lucky they are (and hopefully, do more work for the bb) ..
When you started solid? What did you give first? I wanted to start but my hubby insisted to wait till 6 months. Are you still breastfeeding?


When you intend to start solid? When you intend to stop breastfeeding?
MT, you wrote: "HB somehow ends up not being to shower unless I agree to jaga awhile" LOL... theres a good reason why my hubby usually showers after Faye's in bed. :p

AC, nice pics of justin!

Kelly, glad gab's fine now
lilprince, yahlor, every time gathering, I notice err, hb seems to be handling tena all the time hor? :p But he says he looks forward to coming home to see bb, and when home, he forgets work as long as bb is awake, and only thinks of work when bb sleeps. Whereas I'm like, Bb Overdose, on weekends.

^ Steady...

^ Woops! Granma says no hair to cushion fall, so use additional bolster cushion!

^ Eh found my feet. But next morning, unfound it again. :/
berry, wahliao, daytime hubby will fall asleep with tena (he dun have dozing off problem, i have!)... if wait til nightfall then shower, eeeks, i cant tahan. Too... manly *chokes*.
i hvn't started rhyan on any solids yet, intend to do it this wkend hopefully .. was too busy last wkend due to CNY .. i am still bfg rhyan, BM in the day and FM for last feed of the day and first feed the next morning .. but, i will be stopping bfg next wk when rhyan is 5 mths old ..

berry / medusa
my hb also like tt, will put rhyan to bed then go and bathe but at times, he falls asleep while putting him to bed and its sooo difficult to make him wake up and go to bathe .. some times, i must pretend to be angry then he bo bian will wake up .. nowadays, i smart liao .. tell him to bathe first then i handover rhyan else i can't fall asleep with the thought tt he hvn't shower!

aiyo, i still very not used to tena's new look leh .. LOL
It is best to chose 11march instead of 4march..coz 4march is not actually 1mth after her pervious jab.. the doctors normally advice a slightly later date..to make sure at least 1mth have passed between jabs if you are taking jabs every mth.
if you want to bring cindy for her jab earlier than 7th, u will need to chk with the PD if its okie .. but if u go later than 7th, its okie ..

cos when rhyan took his jab tt time, i scheduled the next jab one day earlier the next mth and PD said ok .. but when i tried scheduling rhyan's jab 3 days before the supposed 1mth exact date the next time, the nurse said cannot cos can only schedule 1 mth after the jab, cannot before ..

hope u get well soon!
oh ya, i want to chk if any of u experience this?

i notice rhyan's thigh where he got his 2nd 5-in-1 jab is a little bit swollen (not red) few days after his jab .. but he seems uncomfortable if i were to gently press onto it or touch tt area while carrying him ..

according to his nanny, she says maybe bcoz the nurse didn't massage the jab area with the cotton gauze after the injection, before sticking the plaster on .. as a result, the "vaccine" stayed there instead of "dissolving" .. so, she told me next time when come home after jab, must gently massage the jab area with a wet cotton dabbed in warm water ..

i didn't notice if the nurse massage the jab area during the 2nd jab but i did see the nurse massage during the first jab .. so think maybe it does make sense ..
Yuru...my concerns:
1. infant care centre hv to pick up bb at 7pm, which is quite tight for me as i off work at 6pm and sometimes not on time

2. I worried dat bb might contacted sickness if any other bb hv fever/flu etc

3. Most "reasonable" priced centre have ratio caregiver to bb of 3:1(minimum) which i am not comfortable wif, i can't imagine if 3 bb cry altogether, how are they going to pacify all 3? and Justin tends to choke if serious crying so it will be dangerous if he's not attend to immediately
the centre in punggol hv 20bb and onli 9 caregivers, working on shift, so it will be about 5 caregivers in the early morning or late evening, which means 1 caregiver to 4bb...

4. If bb sick, you can't bring to infant care centre, which pose a problem to me coz if possible, i would try not to take urgent leave from work

5. More expensive than bbsitter (least concern but still...lol)

altho bbsitter also hv their fair share on cons, i feel more comfortable wif flexible timing and more attention from the bbsitter to the bb

this current nanny seems good and at least do not complain dat Justin needs to be carry ALL THE TIME, which he really dun when we have him at home, the ex nannies are juz plain impatience not to let Justin get used to their homes, and this costs them the chance of taking care of my not-so-difficult and cute bb *puke* hahaa
the truth is, Justin to us is really ok, he dun cry unnecessarily, he naps for 1 to 2hrs few times during the day, no drinking problem, can lie and play on his own, will "entertain" u when he's fed and slept, blah blah blah...i am proud of him *skyblue gonna puke out her breakfast* LOL
and his daily cycle is beri simple, feed, play, tired sleep, then wake up, feed, play, tired sleep...throughout the day and nite

if tis nanny dun work, i will try again till worst scenario then enrol into infant care centre
AC, LOL! Nothing in my tummy, so no puke, or else, sure! :p
Yuru, I sort of watch her pattern, eg. morning appetite smaller, prepare 120ml sometimes instead of 150ml, afternoon bigger, 150ml or 180ml. But still alot of wastage. Thing is, have to give abit of excess, cos if interrupted (if pause while I prepare abit more), she will feel full n not want more.
You intend to shave Sharwyn as well? Me still deciding... it's a very difficult decision to make... i will be on leave tomorrow, if i m doing it, will be tomorrow 'coz weekday is free in Fantastic Sam mah.
Superboy is big boy liao... U're rite i wanna puke when i read ur posting..but too bad i haven taken my breakfast then so nothing to puke. :p

puff, kelly, medusa, berry, kelly n sharon,
Thks for the compliments...
Tena is as fickle as I am, yesterday she was fine with being put in cot, side-lying, bolster between legs and a beanhusk pillow under chin (the beanhusk more "solid" than the bolster... if just the top of the bolster, cannot). Patted on her back (not butt, that time pat butt can!) and she zzzed.
Today she won't have it, scream and scream. Changed tactic, flipped her on her back, patted the beanhusk pillow under her chin, and she dozed off. Wahliao. But cos arms outstretched, startle and wake up lah! So had to unobtrusively move her arms to hug, then wrap with blanket... and she stretched arms out again. In the end, used pillow prop against her arms so that it's semi-hugging.
Tomorrow maybe she'd come up another pattern. *rolls eyes* Every naptime like Quiz Question ah?
MT, I msged you yesterday regarding the salon which you shaved Tena... where is it? why is it FOC? can we take the hair back?

lil prince, Jean has the bump (can see but can feel) after her first 6-in-1 jab... doctor said it's like an injection "scar"... will take some months to go down but may not disappear totally... some bb get it some dun... it's becos the jabs go into the muscle...
yuru...yr concern are also rite, we juz have to choose wat we more comfy wif
my nanny has two sons(age 16 and 14), sometimes when i go pick justin, her elder son will carry justin and watch TV, which i find it beri nice of him

MT...poor u, everyday is a battle, hope u rest well
Little prince,
Ryan didn't get any marks from his 5- in -1 jabs ..only the one taken at the hospital when he was born has a mark on his butt.
Gloomy Faye becuase mommy cannot sling her(backache lar)
"Har you really cannot sling me ah??"


Feeling better, at secret recipe at forum while mommy devours a huge slice of chocolate banana cake.
"See? My very first teething biscuit!"

"I can eat it like this...."

"I can eat it like that..."

"That was nice, but fingers always completes a good snack."


See the diff between her singlet and diaper in the first and last pic?? LOL...
Jen, yar, you can bring the hair back, but you must provide your own broom and dustpan, then can sweep and put in plastic bag to bring home
u miss rhyans hair?? me still feel abit regret for not shaving quinn leh..... wow, me looks like hk star, it always sound SCARY to me as theres one incident, i went shopping then got 1 lady also says tat. then me very happy lo..... and go back and check who is it and turn out to be a "SAN(1) JI(2) PIAN(4)" star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then hubby laugh non stop!

sweety athena still a sweety even botak. so it means no matter wat hair style tena has, she will still looks great!!! cant wait to see all the gal gal here grow up.

ha!!!! i really tik faye is disappointed about u not being able to sling her, by looking at her face.... and she is really showing off her first teething biscuit. hee......

umm... after reading, i do some soul search about my hubby. actually i cant ask for more liao lah.... he is the one who bath quinn (i did it 2-3 times only) as my wrist hurt sooo much (jialat, dun know will recover or not) and he also feed, change quinn, especially when go out, he will feed quinn as i wear skirt at times. and when he is working in the nite and quinn wants milk, he will feed him and even help me do house work. maybe i should make a medal for him, "GREAT DAD & HUBBY"!!
*yawn* Tena woke up and needed to be patted back to sleep less often tonight, but she was in such a temper @ 11pm, had to feed her milk to calm her frustration (at being awoken by herself, duh). Refused to drink full feed woh... so she woke again for her usual 2am full feed. Aiyah, who tell her to be 1st bb, spoil her lah, she wants to feed at that kind of timing instead of a more reasonable 12mn, so be it. Anyway I decided not to "follow" my Desperate Hsewives TV series liao (read synopsis for not-yet-telecast episodes :p). Now I can't fall back asleep, maybe she got some sleeping problems from me (since HB is the type with no problem conking off instantly). When she is older/ less cute, and me older/ more tired, maybe I look into CIO then, LOL.

Her botak head very prickly on my arm when I cradle her, hehe. And since no hair to trap the perspiration, it FLOWS onto my arm (she perspires big-time while feeding, even with aircon and thin clothing). Waaah. And her head stinks just 2hrs after bath, yikes.

Berry, haha, cute pics, how's Faye liking the pram reversible handle? I can forget abt pram upgrade, sigh, the CNY angbaos to the parental units are very ouch. The biscuit looks like major cleaning, ok, I will DELAY that, LOL! I do love Faye's "finger-licking-good" pics tho, ahaha!

lildevil, ur hair very glamorous! Enhances the movie star look.
My Gabriel has exactly the same carter rompers as your Gabriel. Hubby went to States and bought it. You paid $16 for both or $16 each? If $16 for both, it is really a steal. I am going to States for 1 week, planning to buy more clothings and toys.

I am living in States, where will u be visiting?
Carter's can get quite gd deal at after season. Sometimes abt USD4-7 per pc.
good morning mummies!

i was on leave yesterday. lucas had a slight flu in yesterday morning. so brought him to the PD. and guess what? he was all well when we reached there!! anyway, just want to share some things i checked with the PD.

Sitting Up
PD said it's perfectly fine if i try to sit lucas up now... won't do any harm to the spine. in fact, his neck muscles will be stronger faster. she said babies develop from top to bottom. so she's more worried abt parents trying to make babies stand at this young age. she said our babies at this age is definitely not ready to 'stand'. so don't try to make them do it.

Jin Feng San
My MIL tried to put this into Lucas's mouth during CNY, but i stopped her from doing it. Asked the PD and she said it's not advisable for babies to take it cos it's not medically proven and we cannot be 100% sure that the ingredients inside are suitable for baby kidneys etc. When babies startle or jerk, it's prefectly normal. it's their nervous system that's working 'fine'. she said we should worry if babies don't move at all! :p

Barley Water before Jab to prevent fever
It varies from babies to babies, so it actually doesn't help. she said if baby has history of fever, give him/her a dosage of medicine right after the jab, to prevent temperature from rising.

Back to the mummies...

Medusa: Aiyo, Tena looks so adorable botak!! i showed my colleagues the 'stick out the tongue' pic and they loved it!!

littleprince: Lucas didn't get any swollen marks/thighs after his 2nd 5-in-1 jab. hey, you gonna stop BF? do it 'naturally' ok? heard it's no good to take medication. it'll take awhile for the milk supply to completely dry up, which is also good for rhyan, so that he's not suddenly on total FM.

evelyn: lucas has been sleeping on babysafe flat infant pillow from 2nd month.

kelly: gab's growing fast!! i like his 'drumstick-like' thighs
anyway, glad to hear that he's well now.

little devil, skyblue: quinn and kieran also look like big boys now. handsome boys! wow... all our babies are growing fast

AC: justin seems to enjoy the superman position
another handsome boy...

Jen: i used to be a 'guai guai' DIL but for the sake of my son, i always talk back now :p like the 'Jin Feng San' incident, she insists on putting it in his mouth and I insist on a 'No'. when i say 'doctor say cannot (my fav quote)', she said her other granddaughter has been using it EVERYDAY from Day 1, and all her children used it when they were young. then i said 'if don't trust doctor, then next time sick don't see doctor lor' :p i think she's getting pissed with me but i really don't care now. she doesn't even want to take care of lucas, so why talk so much :p

berry: faye's so cute!! btw, i'm beginning to see a slight resemblance between faye and your hubby. nice eyes!

yuru: lucas has been with infantcare for almost 2 months now and he's still a happy baby there. the teachers there sayang him so much. there was once when i told them lucas will be there in the late morning. then i took my own sweet time and by 11am, they've called me twice to ask how come my boy's not there yet :p
cosmo, $1!! wow thats a superb buy, I love carebears too hehehe... Your lil darling looks so cute beside the bear

SLK, yar lor, lately I also think that Faye is starting to look more like her daddy, except for her skin colour :p
Standing- Yar, I also read that getting babies to 'stand' before they themselves are ready may delay walking even though this means they can stand earlier. They will show that they are ready to stand when they start grabbing furniture/cot/playpen sides to pull themselves standing.

I will be going to Oregon on Monday. It is President day and hopefully there will be a sale at the factory outlet. Love to shop in Oregon cos it is a tax free states. Which part of states are u staying? Ha..can't wait to go shopping cos havent been to states for more than a yr.
Anyone know where I can find nice full suit rompers like to one in cosmo's pic or just the bottoms with the feet attached? my little gal always kicks of her booties at night.

I bought some bottoms from fox baby when they were having sale recently but they don't carry them anymore.
Deniz, if you are referring to nightsuits like the one in cosmo's pic, I got Faye's from mothercare, they have good sales sometimes, pack of 3 for $39.90 or sometimes even $19.90(but these designs are plainner). They also have nicer designs at $19.90-$29.90 per piece. But since wear only for sleeping I normally buy the ones in a pack.

the baby chair at Secret Recipe is the same as the Ikea baby chair?

wah, faye got teething biscuits? hehe .. i can even see the stains on yr couch leh, how u remove them? can remove the covers to wash? i think i must make sure rhyan stays put in the kitchen for his meals else i will surely freak out if the mess goes beyond my kitchen floor and his clothes ..

lil' devil
LOL! i dun think the HK star me and hb referring to is a san ji pian actress lah .. wait if i see her face, i tell u her name .. no need to regret lah, quinn looks so handsome with his locks of hair

yr wrists still hurt? mine gone liao .. its gd tt yr hb is so helpful, must feel so xing fu .. hehe ..

wow! $1 for carebear .. i think in SIN, even the smallest carebear also more than $1 .. worth it!

ya, me stopping bfg liao .. really got lotsa things waiting for me to do lor .. actually, i hv had the intention to stop since rhyan was 4 mths old but told myself to do it naturally .. so i dropped fm 4 pumps a day to 3 pumps a day but still can hv 4 feeds a day .. now dropping fm 3 to 2 pumps a day, i think ss surely drop ..

dun worry lah, i wun take drugs one coz i hate eating medicine .. but i hope i dun end up pumping 1x for 2 feeds a day till he is 6 mths old liao .. LOL .. i dunno why but i am very draggy in stopping bfg ..

i believe u can get bodysuits from Mothercare, quite a good selection there ..
