(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Just curious, is anyone else trying to work towards putting the bb sleepy but awake into the cot, for nap or nightime sleeping. With bedtime routine but without rocking, patting, pacifier or bottle/ breast. I mean something along the lines of this http://www.ehow.com/how_11435_baby-sleep-through.html (I know there are other schools of thought but I'm interested in this type).
How is it going?

MT, the first link you posted is pretty much ferber method, except that ferber method dont even encourage or allow a cuddly. For faye I'm working towards pretty much the same goal as you are but I dont think she really suit this or similar methods. She's alot more AP sort of baby :p So for us for now its baby steps, everyday I do a little lesser to help her, but during needier times(teething, weaning paci, etc) I'll respond accordingly, actually very AP style but alot less extreme. Ultimately I want her to be able to sleep/play well independently BUT I still want to be there to give her help and comfort if she needs during special times.
Love tena's first pic with her cute lil tounge hehehe...

lil prince, thats a lovely pic! Even though a little blur but beri handsome and accurate pic of rhyan.

VACCINE & FEVER- I oredi give up keeping fingers crossed abt fever liao. If faye goes for jab sure kenna fever :p But never mind lar, since its only quite low and temporary, I just feed her barley water and keep her indoors to prevent her from picking up some bug outside.

FUSSING BABIES & FRUSTRATED MOMS- whenever I read about mummies who get frustrated and angry big time with their babies, I pity the mom more than the baby LOL. Cranky inconsolable wakeful but tired babies are no joke when you're the one who has to handle without help. Its easy to say 'aiyo poor baby aiyo why you get so upset about your poor darling baby blah blah' when you are not the one who has to handle all alone (not all mums are lucky enough to have help at hand all the time whenever they need). I def know how hair-tearing it is when you've tried ALL means and ways and still cant pacify. :p

Faye who just ate cereal mixed with sweet potatoes:
u voiced out my tots abt frustrated mum. i felt totally helpless whenever gab is cranky n i often juz wish my MIL cld b around 2 help out. it's a dilemna for me but i know i can make it thru without help.

very often, after seeing him smile, i dun feel tat helpless anymore.

faye looks so cute wif food on her clothes. did u kenna any?

gab has fever after his jab yesterday (jab taken at 2pm on mon, fever came at 3am on tues morn).

his fever was in e range of 38-38.5C since 3am so me worried, brought him 2 see my regular GP at 4pm (cos his PD not opened in e afternoon).

i learned the following stuff from my GP (which i never knew or even asked my PD):-
1) to give babies cold bath/shower, the water temp shld not be lower than 30C. if it's lower, the bb may shiver, resulting in bb shivering n bb will generate more heat. by doing so, it defeats e purpose of u giving ur a bb a cold shower/bath.

2) fever med has an expiry date of 3mths.

3) it's even better 2 place bb in aircon room when bb has fever. it helps 2 bring bb's temp down (since e weather so hot lately). aircon temp shld not b lower than 25C (same reasoning as cold bath/shower). (tis morn, i was arguing wif my husband not 2 switch on e aircon during e day as i tot babies who has fever shld b in well ventilated rooms)
husband agrees wif doc, saying "hospitals r airconditioned 24hrs, babies get well there"....OMG

4) there's an alternative med to paracetamol/panadol called ibrupfen. it was given by my GP. it's not a stronger med, juz an alternative. gab took it at 730pm.

as at 930pm, gab's fever is gone. temp is 37.1C. i'll still continue 2 monitor thru out e nite n give him his med.

hi mummies,
thks for ur concern for gab. it sure was one stressful day for me cos i never come across gab having fever at 38.2-38.5C for 12hrs.
my MIL is helping me look after. in fact she's staying with me. I only consume 2 mths of my ML. still have 4 weeks to be used.

Did u miss your baby when u are at work?
i brought Declan Isaac for vaccine yesterday noon. according to doctor, there was no case of fever for babies which he had come across. declan was a bit cranky for a while last night. so far no fever. not sure if fever will come few days later?

gab has fever after his jab yesterday (jab taken at 2pm on mon, fever came at 3am on tues morn).

his fever was in e range of 38-38.5C since 3am so me worried, brought him 2 see my regular GP at 4pm (cos his PD not opened in e afternoon).

i learned the following stuff from my GP (which i never knew or even asked my PD):-
1) to give babies cold bath/shower, the water temp shld not be lower than 30C. if it's lower, the bb may shiver, resulting in bb shivering n bb will generate more heat. by doing so, it defeats e purpose of u giving ur a bb a cold shower/bath.

2) fever med has an expiry date of 3mths.

3) it's even better 2 place bb in aircon room when bb has fever. it helps 2 bring bb's temp down (since e weather so hot lately). aircon temp shld not b lower than 25C (same reasoning as cold bath/shower). (tis morn, i was arguing wif my husband not 2 switch on e aircon during e day as i tot babies who has fever shld b in well ventilated rooms)
husband agrees wif doc, saying "hospitals r airconditioned 24hrs, babies get well there"....OMG

4) there's an alternative med to paracetamol/panadol called ibuprofen. it was given by my GP. according 2 him, it's not a stronger or betta med, juz an alternative.
mummies, u may wanna ask ur PD for it if fever is happening often at every jab for ur bb.

5) my GP commented tat gab is very chubby. i told him gab is on TBF n he said, "TBF babies tend 2 b bigger in their 1st 3-6mths but after tat, they tend 2 lose weight/slim down faster.
(i cant testify 2 tat cos i havent come across any bb who r on TBF for at least 3-6mths n then they lose weight/slim down after tat)

anyway, gab took e new med at 730pm. as at 930pm, gab's fever is gone. temp is 37.1C. i'll still continue 2 monitor thru out e nite n give him his med.

hi mummies,
thks for ur concern for gab. it sure was one stressful day for me cos i never come across gab having fever at 38.2-38.5C for 12hrs.
i tik we settled for Marche, Heeren. more parking space (at cairnhill, heeren, etc) n the mummies/daddies+babies can go shopping in town after tat.

we shld meet abt 12pm. i'm still trying 2 look for e post where the mummies said they r going. there's abt 8-9mummies, if i'm not wrong.

see ya then.

i've received ur PM. i'll sms u then.
thanks for sharing the info fm your GP on handling a feverish baby. very useful. can understand how stressful it is for you. hope gab will be ok after a good night's rest.

Faye sure seemed to be enjoying her cereal! yum. yum. Do you buy those cereal in bottles sold in the supermarkets or homemake them? Would like the healthier option if possible. So need to check around. So many options out there!

Ya, Esther was in a real good mood when we shoot the photo. My relatives call her legs "pig trotters"!!!! LOL

after baby's evening feed, we let him sleep on the mattress in the living room with the lights off while we watch the news. than we carry him to his cot to sleep when we are going to bed. we did that since we brought him home from hospital, so far no problem.
kelly you bet I've got cereal and sweet potatoes all over me LOL. Sometimes after she takes in a spoonful, before she swallows she would suck her fingers, and hence her saliva and the unswallowed cereal will dribble down her hand and elbow, and then when I giver her another spoon of cereal, she would reach out and grab my hand/face with THAT same hand. So end up there's food all over her hand, my hands, the chair, her face, my face.
ziztine, I'm feeding her organic brown rice cereal and organic jarred (bottled) sweet potatoes for now. I'll be trying organic mashed apples (in a bottle) next. I think I'll continue to feed store-bought organic cereal even next time. But for other food (veggies, fruits and whatnot), once she eats a larger amount, I'l prob want to start preparing myself at homee. But for now (starting stage) no point preparing- Imagine spending 30min to cook, puree and wash, then she eats one pea-size drop then dun wan liao. LOL!
thks for ur concern. gab's fever is gone. i checked his temp at 1230am. it's 36.2C (he sleeping in aircon now).

i'll check him again when he wakes up for milk soon.

lil prince, ziztine, berry, medusa, blisse, lil devil,
ur babies r very cute. yesterday was indeed a very stressful day for me. now i taking all precautions when gab goes for his 5th mth jab.
share wif u all some bargains i bought from yahoo auction...


both outfits r 6-9mths from carters...cost me abt $16 for both


e outfit on e left is from Little Me, 12mths while e right outfit is from carters, 12-18mths...cost me abt $18 for both
I've been putting Isaac to sleep using the method above as often as I can. When he was newborn, of course he sleeps after feeding, sometimes with paci.

Nowadays, he naps abt 1.5-2 hrs after he wakes up, sometimes with paci, often without. I just tell him to nap n sleep n kiss him, sometimes sing one lullaby. It's becoz he's beginning to prefer his fingers.... I dun know which is a better vice though???!!!???

At nite, I feed him, pray, read, put him into crib n one lullaby. Most of the time without paci unless he's fussy (like last nite!!!), he falls asleep by himself.

I think the sleep/feed/play routine helps to stop him from sleeping without nursing n differentiate nite n day feeding. Also it helps that he sleeps 1-2 hrs after he last woke up, not too tired to be cranky yet.

Also this has been great coz he's been able to sleep on his own till 6-7 am nowadays, except for a few nites here n there, I hear him comforting himself with his fingers though

Does Tena uses her fingers? It may help her comfort herself... I know it's a tough decision .... no paci then fingers????

All the best to your "regime"!

My GF's MIL gives barley water to bb the day b4 vaccine. So far so good, no fever.
My mum does the same to my nieces n nephew.... been good.

I agree with u that mothers r more pitiful than bbs in fussy periods.... coz sometimes, we r at our wit's end abt wat to do wit the bbs. It's helpless situation 4 us at times!

The smiles always keep us coming back for more.... haiz... mothers r suckers!!!!

I am sure that each day alone with Gab makes u more confident n secure in taking care of him alone! U can do it.

Ibuprofen - it's a medicine for fever n pain relief. The other medicine is acetaminophen (which I use). Did some reading on these just - differences between them - Ibuprofen lasts longer ie dosage every 6-8 hrs; acetaminophen every 4-6 hrs. Ibuprofen can coz stomach irritaion, take with meals/drinks; dun give to bbs who are vomitiing or dehydrated or having stomach pains. Always use the doc's dosage (not more than 4 times in 24 hrs). Usually for bbs 6 mths n older.

Air-con, ventilated rooms, fans - the idea is to keep bb from being overheated - causing heatstroke, raising body tempt to dangerous level.

It's good that Gab is doing well now.... U can do it.

Lit Devil
Quinn so 'zai" so cute!

I love the pix of Rhyan n Quinn... very nice looking size!!!! XOXO XOXO to both!
<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
cos few weeks ago, my girl rejected milk that's 1 month &amp; older, so i threw.. but Sun, i forgot that she seems to have gotten "a bit" used to the taste already.. and also gotta blame me for me so confident that i'll be able to maintain my ss as long as i pump religiously, but who knows!!!!

now, just see how it goes day by day lor. since already reached 4 mos, every additional day of BM is a bonus lor..
<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
Shanice oso still wakes up 1 or 2x during the night, and she's 1 wk older than Athena right? *LOL*

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
ya, i got ur point
when i saw her tummydown and able to hold her head high for so long, feels that she's sooo clever *LOL* at one point still can hold her hands together &amp; put under her chin, too bad no camera wif me, hiaz..

then my mum tried somthing new wif her again (though i not 100% agreeable). she put her on a WALKER!!!! oh well, not that she is able to walk lah, cos her feet still can't touch the floor. but seems like she is enjoying herself in there, and my dad placed a plank underneath for her to "rest her legs". will try to take a pix &amp; show here

oh, i'm not so "for" the idea cos she still can't sit well.. keeps slanting and slouching. so i'm worried it might affect her spinal growth. but hiaz... it just can't get through to my mum!!!!!
little devil,
quinn is so 'steady'. he looks like a 6 mths old baby

i hope gab gets well soon.
nice buy! i like the sleeveless blue rompers

issac's 'sleeping method' is very much similar to lucas. i also feed him, put him in the cot, pray, sing to him. nowadays, he's starting to pull out his own paci. but he still wants his bolster to rub his mouth/face against it. at times he'll fall asleep by himself, but at times, i need to be ard to pat him to sleep. his longest record was sleeping from 8pm to 7am the next morning, but only once!! other than that. he can sleep for abt 8hrs.

for lucas, i will shower/wipe him, then change him into his nighties before putting him in his cot. i think this helps him differentiate between day/nite.

i really think faye looks like one 'ang moh kia'
very bright eyes!

chocolate cheese cake!! yummy! yes, the cheesecakes from Secret Recipe are nice!

have you tried all sorts of teats?? how abt giving gab the mag mag cup that berry recommended? lucas loves it!!
cool it cool it. i can understand your frustrations. sleepy, tired mummy plus cranky sobbing baby

is tena on formula milk now? could it be she was very used to latching on??
SLK, I do have bedtime routine/ differentiation of night and day. But she does not know how to fall asleep on her own, which is why I suspect she wakes up for "help" to fall asleep and not cos she's hungry.
Anyway the CIO method is brutal... and have to try for 1 wk. See how.
i see i see.
yeah, the CIO method is brutal, but supposedly effective. do keep us updated on your progress. jia you!!
MT aiyo you beri poor thing, can imagine how tiring it is for you.

cosmo, I fed barley water she still kenna fever :p

kelly, nice clothes!
I think I'd abandon CIO lah. 3 daytime naps (during which she wakes up a few times cos she startles frequently and wakes herself up), plus bedtime, plus if she wakes up twice in the night... that's too much CIO for me. Works out to at least 5 sessions of at least 30mins crying, wah liao, my brains will sputter out of my head I think. Sigh.
thks for replying to my qns, i recalled i read somewhere like this method before but i thought must still put washing powder in .. hehe .. will try out this wkend!

aiyo .. pity u leh, sleep deprived no joke .. hope u succeed soon!

for rhyan, we usually put him to bed after his last feed for the nite (anytime btw 8pm - 10pm) .. most cases, he will still be awake after burp and we put him down on his bed (he is co-sleeping with us on a separate mattress though his mattress is joined with my Queen size bed) .. we give him his bolster to hold, back lying .. he will hold his bolster and flip it around his face and mumble mumble till he fall asleep, if cry, we pat him, unsuccessful then pacifier ..

only the night light and his nursery songs (softly) is switched on .. i usually pat and sing to him but if its hb, he will just fumble around rhyan's fingers (rhyan loves playing with our fingers) till either he or rhyan doze off .. if hb dozes off first, rhyan entertain himself with his bolster till he falls asleep himself .. at times when i am free, i will pat him if hb is asleep liao ..

wah, faye seems to hv enjoyed her food .. or the mess? LOL

u bought the jarred food fm Brown Rice Paradise too rite? what do u do with the remaining food in the jar since faye wun be able to finish all at one go now rite? how long can the opened food keep? i was considering to buy the mashed banana kind tt time (rhyan lah! kept smiling at me when i showed him the jar and told him i will feed him such food very soon :p) but changed my mind and intend to buy real bananas and mashed it myself instead ..

thks for sharing esp the expiry date for fever med .. my mil keeps so many bottles of children med in her fridge, god knows how long liao .. i certainly wun want to be like her! hope gab is better liao and u had a good sleep last nite

lil' devil
very nice pixs!! quinn really looks very handsome .. now i miss rhyan's hair .. hehe .. btw, my hb mentioned tt u look like a HK star .. i think so too but i can't rem' the name of tt actress ..

acetaminophen also can be given to bbs? me allergic to acetaminophen and penicillin, or rather, i am allergic to many kinds of drugs actually .. so, i only go to one GP when i am sick and he specialises in attending to bb illness .. haha ..

i think isaac, quinn and rhyan shld be of similar sizes leh .. i can't forget isaac looks so MAN .. hehe ..

do u usually close one eye when yr mum does things against yr wishes for shanice? don't u think u shld speak up more since afterall, u are her mum? for me, i will insist lor, who cares if she (MIL) will be annoyed with me or not!

same here. i'll insist even if it's my MIL. i always tell my hubby that lucas is my child and i know what is best for him

btw, how was rhyan's jab? you went before CNY?
i do miss my girl, but now is better coz i started to leave her wif bb sitter since 2 wks ago.

thks for sharing the info. very useful for me coz I'm quite blur on this area.

hmm...seems like most of u have trained/ helped yr bbs to develop sleep habits hor. think i must do so now. but really dunno how to start. Now i even let natalie sleep in sarong during daytime when she at nanny's place. only sleep on bb cot at nite when she is at home. haiz.... anyone else let yr baby sleep in sarong?
To prevent baby from getting fever after injections, u can try giving fever medication immediately after the jab.

My mom told me about this &amp; so far my gal has not had fever aft her 1st 2 jabs. But then, i'm also kiasu &amp; chose the 6-in-1 jab which supposedly reduces the chances of fever &amp; cuts down the no. of jabs from 5 to 3.
rhyan took his jab the nite before CNY eve, he didn't cry at all and even responded to PD when she was talking to me .. haha .. then before we left, he still gong xi gong xi to PD also ..

then tt nite, i stayed up to chk his temp every hour .. no fever till the next day at 7am (12hrs after jab) then fever came .. max temp was 37.9 degrees and i sticked the kodomo plaster on his head and sponged him .. he didn't sleep the whole am on CNY eve and i was dead tired coz didn't sleep much the nite before also ..

what's worse, hb only came hm at 4pm and MIL was chasing us for reunion dinner liao .. haiz .. anyway, his fever cleared ard 4pm also and didn't come back again after tt ..

think i better bring him for jabs in the morning or afternoon instead of nite, too shiong for me ..
Morning mummies,

Thanks for the info on fever medic..you refering to the liquid right..so if the panadol tablet form should be longer right? Btw..are you and Gab comming to Ryan's b'day party?

I also don't approve of CIO.. mine is running on extra long lasting energiser battery..easily rechargable somemore..so only way to let him sleep is tire him out with lots of activities..etc.. Since 3mths..move back to our house.. will just put him in the crib then switch off the light and he will go to bed himself.. now he will snuggle next to you then go to sleep..so have to move him when he is asleep to his bed..he sleeps about 9-9.30pm these few days.coz upset schedule beacause of CNY..hope to adjust it back to 8-9pm sleep.. but when wake up will sit up then climb back upto our bed to sleep. then again put him back to his bed when he is asleep. . Daytime when he is cranky/sleepy he will crawl to you and then ask "up.. carry..after a while put him on the bed then he "pass out" after having some milk..
Each bb is different..and books don't really have the foolproof answer to sleeping.. Ryan still wakes up once for a feed... just the last week.. have extended feeding to abt 6am.. last feed abt 10pm.
we are aware of giving fever med immediately after jab but most of our bbs here still kenna fever leh .. and, some of the bbs here tt took 6-in-1 also kenna fever .. haiz, think its by chance lah .. no choice ..
I also think that it varies from bb to bb abt fever after jab..so far Ryan didn't get any fever after all his jabs..so fever medicine is just standby in the cupboard. Also didn't give him the medicine to prevent fever.
lil prince, I was told can keep opened jars for 3 days but I keep only 2 days just in case. I oredi have no energy left these days cause she super cranky, dont wanna deal with having to home-prepare food for now.
I bought this batch(the jars I have in my pantry) from Orchard Forum, also got organic shop there.
lucas's fever came 10 hrs later. brought him for his jab ard 11am, had fever ard 9pm that day. rhyan is so adorable, can gong xi gong xi to the PD after his jab!

yup, i think this fever thingy varies from bb to bb.
I am not a strong believer in CIO at this age. I tried with DD#1 when she was abt 16 months and still waking up and coming to our bed. The CIO lasted for 4 nights and then on fifth night, she slept thru the night and has still been sleeping till this day.DD#1 was forumla fed.
DD#2, she would sometimes get up. I BF her for 17 months and CIO never worked. Her screams just got louder and louder.
DS, he is on TBF and he sleeps thru the night. his last feed is at 11 pm and the next one is 5 am sometimes 6 am if I am lucky.

My point is that every baby is different and Tena might just not be ready to sleep thru the night and she might be going thru a growth spurt. I would wait till she is about 6-7 months and then try to do the CIO method.
I just re-read your post.. Maybe she is taking long naps in afternoon and that why she cannot sleep thru the night..
I know I am not much of help but just wanted to tell you that I can understand what you are going thru..
hi medusa,

i know it's frustrating but try not to get angry with ur little one cos i think she can feel it &amp; it sets her off even more. gotta try &amp; experiment to see wat works wif ur little gal.

just to share wif u my experience. my little gal used to startle easily too, even a soft knee crack will wake her. while i was on maternity leave, after rocking her to sleep, i used to wrap a blankie around her &amp; let her sleep beside me for her naps if she kept waking up cos i wanted her to get enough sleep.

gradually, she learn to sleep in her playpen or cot without waking but i usually cover her with a blankie &amp; put a small pillow behind her back to let her feel secure. she doesn't need the pillow now &amp; is learning to sleep by herself.

at nite, she'll start yawning &amp; demanding to be fed around 8 to 8.30 eventhough it may be not more than 3 hours from her last feed. I'll feed, change &amp; massage her legs which she loves, with only the night lamp on. Then just put her on her side in the cot facing her fave little duck that we have hanging on her cot, kiss her goodnight &amp; pat her bum a couple of times.
I'll stay in the room watching tv &amp; she usually falls asleep after 15 mins or so of making her oohing &amp; aahing noises &amp; sleeps through the nite.

on occasion, i've seen her awake in the middle of the nite &amp; rolling side to side. she usually falls back to sleep by herself sucking her thumb or fist if she can't find her thumb.
Morning mommies,
I have been quite busy and so never post for quite some time. DH would be leaving for USA early tomorrow morning and we would be separated for 2-3 months. AM hoping that he would get things settled quickly and then we all can join him ASAP.
I dont know whether you guys recalled that I lost my camera last week.. Anyways after being cameraless for 1 week, I went online and found myself a 2nd hand one.
It is 4.1 mgeapixels Olympus C400Z. The guy owned it for 1 year and gave me 2 *128 MB, 1 64MB, 1 16 MB cards, as well as batterys and battery charger. It was in original box with all the manuals and it cost me $300.. woohoo am so thrilled and cannot wait to snap new pictures.
good to know that you managed to get another camera to take pictures of your darling. Just want to ask you when did you start toilet training for your elder kids? Did you used dispoable training pants or cloth ones.. Am preparing to start my son (11mths old) on toilet training..so reading up and learning the most I can at the moment.
btw, what does CIO stand for?

faye can finish the food in 2 days? if cannot finish how? u eat ah? hehe ..

yalor, but PD never give AP .. LOL ..
Little prince
CIO= CRY it out. There is one professor that says should let bb cry until tired then they will sleep.. then within 1 week they will be sleeping through the night.. I seriously dun believe it.

My mum keep asking me to let natalie(my gal oso name natalie) sleep in sarong but i refuse since she is sleeping well on bed. She keep saying that bb will sleep longer in sarong and the head will look nicer. I ever tot of giving in for the sake of her head but in the end no.

How is ur bb? Did she sleep thru the nite now?
my natalie still needs nite feed, abt once or twice per nite. so far she never fuss during nite time, will go to sleep immediately after feed. My problem is during day time, seems like she cant sleep lei, needs to be carried and always wake up once we put her on bed. tat's why we decided to let her sleep in sarong during day time.

yr gal can sleep thru the nite alr?
Ruffybear (ruffy_happy)
I waited till they were abt 2 years old. The older girl was easy. Within 4 days, she was toilet trained and within 1 month, she didnt need diapers at night or during nap time as well. My younger girl, she is 2.5 yrs and is still wearing diapers at night and during nap.
The older girl, she wanted to buy Barbie underwear didnt use any pull-ups or cloth diapers. With Avasha, I used pull ups and would give her M&amp;Ms(1-2 pieces) each time she did pee-pee in the loo.
I think the key was waiting until they were ready. I feel Ryan would be so young to be toilet train and it would cause you extra stress. But thats how I feel.
I remember letting the girls pick out their own underwear was a big thing and they felt very grown up. One interesting thing, I read abt training boys was putting cheerios in the toilet and asking them to aim and try to shoot the cheerio. lol. Anything that works right?
huh .. i cannot lah .. i seldom hear rhyan cry actually since i only see him during non working hrs .. if i hear him cry, i will try to comfort him .. but then, SAHMs are used to it so like medusa, think she gotta try else she dun hv enough sleep also bad for her ..

leo29 / TBL
i dun allow rhyan to sleep in sarong (no matter how much MIL annoys me by putting him in when i am not around or nagging at me to do it
) .. reason for not allowing is becoz i really do not want my bb to be dependant on it for sleeping and i dun see a need for it ..

rhyan also used to be like TBL's natalie, if u all remembered my previous postings tt he dun sleep during the day before i went bk to work .. somehow, it was for a short period only and when i returned to work, he sleeps well at nanny's pl .. maybe its just a passing phase?
thanks for the info.. I have read some book about Natural Infant Hygiene..that bb abt 1yr old can be toilet trained.. but it is quite difficult coz they pee too often to continously take them to the toilet every 15min.. nowadays I will take Ryan to the potty too poo.. but pee not that possible yet. Once of my friend's kids -girl had been toilet trained at 1yr so only uses pants during the day..night trained not as yet.. Diapers v.expensive so thinking of cutting down the usage..I know boys is harder to toilet train then girls..and that they are harder to handle.. Just want to get him introduce to the potty etc.before he gets into childcare at 18mths. At 11mths.. he is quite able to tell me what he wants and is v.interested and observant about people going to the toilet etc.. so thought of starting him full time toilet training after his 1st b'day.


Can i know when u start letting ur bb sleep on pillow?

For 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 jab, how come polyclinics is charging more ex then PD. Polyclinic charge 200+ for 6 in 1 jab where PD charge 75(5 in 1) and 95(6 in 1). I tot polyclinic charges suppose to be cheaper or did i get it wrong.
