(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

lil prince, yar I think its the IKEA chair, the size is just nice and seems quite comfy. That is justa piece of throw on my couch, can just remove and wash, I oredi anticipate these things after having her hehehe..
then the IKEA chair looks good leh, i was telling hb he better set it up for me by tonite .. buy for more than a wk liao and still lying at a corner .. :p
Hi Mummies,

Carriane has been coughing for 2days already. gave her cough med. I was wondering how come a baby of only 4mths++ will have cough.

That night she cough at the middle of the nite till like want to vomit n i got a shock, n rush to switch on light n everything n look at her, then she was sleeping. Really worried. Mummies, do u face this prob as how long it take to cure?
as my fren told me that sometimes might lead to bronchitis which make me even more scared.
Athena's 1st pic is sooo cute.

Faye is so grown up (think i've said tis umpteen times)... Wat's dat she's eating?

blisse n SLK
Kieran oso coughing n having slight running nose. He got it at his nanny's pl. PD was sharing with us dat many bbies r sick tis wk cos of CNY visiting n thus interaction with many pple. So must be careful next time abt allowing others to touch our bbies.
skyblue, that is a teether biscuit from Healthy Times, organic, no wheat and soy. Bought from forum Vitakids shop at B1.
berry, thanks for letting me know... so the salon is Fantastic Sams? Second floor is it? Got cert one har?

SLK, hiaz... what to do... gotta let her take care for now cos no alternative... so can't piss her off now...
i paid $16 for both. i tik e carter's beary romper is only $8 (not more than $10 for sure).

thank you so much for sharing e info abt Jin Feng San. my MIL gave it 2 gab a few times when he's <1mth old. she gave him when he was easily frightened and/or crying nonstop.

after she left (from my confinement), i stopped giving it 2 gab unless nothing we do can pacify him.

Marche outing this sat - i can't make it as i've not recovered from my flu since 2nd day of CNY so better not be there as i don't want to spread it to u &amp; ur little ones. Hope to make it for the next outing. Enjoy!

I just have to say this again - I love faye's pics!

All mummies,
Anyone using Pet Pet diapers? I'm currently using Drypers for day but thinking of changing as Tricia still hasn't recover from her nappy rash, not sure if it's due to diapers...
Jen, yar, second floor, got cert one, must wear your gal nice nice for 'ceremony' ah, then can take the certificate and frame it up
I feel Petpet is better than drypers. Last time my ger use Drypers, she will have red mark at her thigh.
Carriane used to have nappy rash when she is 17days old. What i do is always use watter n cotton to wipe n dont use the wipes. Then apply Desitin and use cloth diapers n she recover after 2days. U can try that.


I gave Bao Ying Dao from Yu Ren sheng. as i heard a few use n i gave my ger already quite alot of times. think she already finish 4bottles since 2mths plus. I feel its ok for her as after she has that, her phelgm n appetite will improve if those few days she not feeling well. At first i also scare of giving her that, but after i try out, seems ok so i let her eat. Me was quite reluntant to give her cough med as she is so young.

Which part of California r u in? I used to go to San Diego very often n like to detour to the factory outlet near to palm spring, ontarino mall or the outlet at the border of san diego and mexico.

That is really v cheap. I think hubby paid US$8 for the romper and the bib. Haha I always say hubby dont know how to look for bargain, cos the other time I managed to get Osh Kosh stuff for US$5 to $6 for both shirt and shorts. Which yahoo auction seller did u buy from?
sharon - not going
lil prince - not going
Junior - not going
mngo - ?
peg - not going
fruitcake - ?
kypf - ?

ruffybear, u still interested? it's at suntec now, mtg at 12pm
lil_prince &amp; blisse,
thanks! will go get it today &amp; yah, it's cheaper. Tricia also get ugly red marks on her thighs when she wears Drypers.

I also thought of buying the Bao Ying Dan from Eu Yan Seng as a standby. How do you feed?
This is my botak guy
i think I finally figure out to reduce my file size

Why is the camera always in you hands?

Finally a smile

My girls
yeah, faye takes after mummy's porcelain skinny

lucas's infantcare uses Pet Pet. i find it not bad. i hate Drypers!!

i know what you mean. mind tells you to stop but heart tells you to hang on. i'm going through exactly the same thing as you :p

poor kieran, joining lucas and carriane in the 'sickly contingent'

yeah, if my MIL is taking care of lucas, i will be quite careful with my words too. but then again, if you think abt it, they wouldn't spike you by harming their grandchild right?? :p
Ladies and esp Medusa who is always clicking pictures,
I find that the camera I bought really good. I had a sony cybershot which Hubby lost and I think thats a blessing in disguise because the shutter lag from this camera is really not too bad and I can change all the options to manually adjust my flash, aperture and shutter speed and I feel my picture are getting more sharp and crisp.

Can you tell how excited I am with my new toy? lol

ur son look so handsome with the big eyes.


Any of u having menses when still breast feeding? I tot menses are not suppose to come when bf.
I was BF my 2nd girl and my I was menses free for 17 months. I then had my period for 2-3 months and then wham I fell pregnant again. lol
this time round.. I had some slight like old blood bleeding at 3.5 months, I used a pad but nothing. every woman is different I guess, my friend who is TBF has her period return only after 2 months PP. So I guess it can happen..
yah, me too! find drypers very rough, feel sorry for my girl... ;)

poor u! hate that bloating feeling every month..hope ur menses come soon lah...
wah, sharwyn's gg for her first swim this weekend? where u get the bathing suit from?
hehe .. in a way yalor, i feel like spite-ing her at times n tts why i hang on in bfg .. if she knows i am stopping, she sure say "no milk liao huh?" .. but no lah, time to stop lor .. i really hv lotsa of stuff to get on with ..

yr botak has very chubby cheeks too ..
hi peg
i'm using petpet for yingxin since day 1 cos it's cheap

my fren gave me a pack of drypers but i dun quite like it

poor tricia, nappy rash must have irritate her skin a lot; the other day i mentioned to u to try the chinese prickly heat powder but dunno whether u saw the post or not - i feel it's better than nappy cream

i still use tollyjoy wipes to clean yingxin's buttock during every nappy change and dust some of the "milderma prickly heat powder" on her before putting on the diapers
<font color="aa00aa">sun,</font>
handsome little boy u have there

same here, on 2nd look then i realised it's a doll sitting in the middle of ur girls &amp; not Neil

<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
aiya, i think the jing feng san is better than the dunno what my mum fed Shanice wif.. cos that time she's pretty cranky and refusing milk and got 2 patches on gum then my mum listen to an auntie &amp; gave her the chinese medicine. but well, the patches are still there after 3 months. then hor, the instruction states for infant 4 months &amp; above.. but THAT AUNTIE says her 2 grandkids took when they that young too and dunno took how many bottles alr oso no side effect!!! erm.. that was when i had a big flare up wif her, remember?? *LOL* now the remaining of that medicine is lying in her cupboard. i saw it that day &amp; ask her abt it, she say she din give it to Shanice anymore lah.. *LOL*

<font color="aa00aa">littleprince,</font>
think if i drop session, prob ss will decrease very fast. now i pump faithfully, still drop. really dunno what to do liao. maybe retribution, for throwing so much milk away.. hiaz...
where u bringing sharwyn for swim??

i finally bought a swimsuit for yingxin as well as for myself (old swimsuit too small liao...lol) but no chance to go swimming leh cos hubby always so busy; dun like to go public pool
and we dun have frens staying in condo; wondering how long the swimsuit is gonna sit in the wardrobe
<font color="0000ff">high chair</font>
think i oso got that high chair. dunno where it's from cos was given by a fren, but it does look very similar to the one faye's in.

fantastic sams
forum shopping mall
#02-35 orchard road
tel: 6737 9925
opening hrs: monday to friday - 10.30am to 7.30pm
1st hair cut free only on weekdays; if u want a certificate with polariod u pay $5

they will collect the hair for you and put into a bag
Afternoon all
, been a gd day so far... minimal crying before patting to sleep, gd naps so not cranky, I really enjoyed playing with her. And I lay down beside her just now, placed my hand on her chest cos she kept startling... she opened her eyes briefly and smiled at me before falling asleep.

sharon, looking forward to seeing Sharwyn swim (and see her swimsuit)! Tena doesn't have swimsuit, only swim diapers... her daddy says expensive and outgrow quickly *rolls eyes*.
I dun have any "problem" leh... stop bfg quite awhile, other than pimples, period doesn't seem to be coming?
sun, wow, great pics n u seem well-versed in cameras cos I hate adjusting aperture, speed etc myself. Ur boy has lovely eyes! And ur gals so big liao!
lilprince, no matter what ur MIL will still have something negative to say lah. Do store some frozen EBM in case Rhyan needs some to ease constipation. ;) And massage thoroughly so that no hidden lumps. Mine took only a few days to stop.
SLK, thanks for the info. I'm always over-cautious abt her spine whereas HB always insists she's fine. My mum worse than me, always exclaim when I put her in sitting position, saying her bones not strong... that all the calcium went to her tooth. LOL!
Haven't tried any TCM tho was tempted since tena startles so much. But I think not gonna try.
Berry, what happened to ur NY resolution ah? :p LOL!
Blisse and skyblue, oh dear, any respiratory-related ailments are most alarming for us. I think it's CNY-related, but then they say, exposure will boost immunity! So look on the bright side I suppose (like me telling myself that tena has a very active nervous system, hahaha).
cosmo, great bargain, and sooo smiley, Isaac will sure love his soft toy! Hehe, I'm always very amused by toys same-sized or bigger than the baby. :p
hi puff,
yah, i'm going to let her use Petpet. Tricia's NR is near her vaginal area, can apply powder there? where can i get the milderma prickly heat powder?

look forward to sharwyn's swimming pic!
<font color="0000ff">anyone knows if Metro is having any sales at the moment?? or when do they have sales? any sales on bb products?</font>
lol abt the doll. It does look like Neil. Its my younger girl's. She treats it like her baby. She would breastfeed it and burp it as well. hehe.

This doll was such a bargain, when I was pregnant, Tampines Toys R Us was closing for renovation and I happen to go in and they were conducting an auction right there in store. This doll was going for $15(O.P.$49.90) but there was water stain on its clothes.. I offered $5 but he was not accepting, then I offered $8 and he said ok lah take it you. I dont wanna make a pregnant lady angry.. hehe
I should take a picture of the doll and Neil for comparison sake.

Medusa, I am not good at that stuff.. at all.. But I just try to adjust and see what happens and then if it works works or else nothing lost. Am thinking to go to the library and see whether they are good books abt this photography.
Since hubby is away, must think of projects to kill time
No 1 on the list is losing weight I think I am one of the biggest(fattest) here. So far I have lost abt 7.5 kg just by watching my food intake. Hoping to lose 20kg more YIKES!!
wow, neil has such big roung eyes!!

i am still BFing and have not gotten back my menses. my hubby joked abt saving on sanitary pads but spending on breast pads! :p

yeah, old folks like to say 'so and so used it also ok' etc. and i like to say 'but doctor say cannot' :pP

all the calcium went to her tooth!! LOL!
my PD advised against feeding of any TCM oraly for kids below 1 year old.

i like the carebear!! that's a nice pic for issac to comare his size against the bear next time
and issac looks so cheerful lying beside the bear

you sure you not pregnant?? hee!! i wonder if we'll all be pregnant again abt the same time for our 2nd one (if we have any!!)
i got it from Yu Ren Sheng n initially i use those syringe.those u feed med one. I use ard 1/2 bottle then mix with water n dissolve the powder on a spoon. The use the syringe n then feed my ger. One syring is Bao Ying Dan. The other is water. so when feed half, give abit of water. be prepared they spit out so get a spoon ready to catch it n feed. Now i m using the pigeon spoon to feed her. She loves the spoon n will drink water from there..hahha

yar its really painful to see them sick. Rather its me who is sick
u already planning on second one? ; )

oh dear, ur wrist problem has been there for a long time leh, did u go to the doctor's to find out exactly what's wrong?

Any mummies suffering from knee pain? I've been having knee pain since i gave birth. it's painful standing up after sitting/lying down for a while, wonder what's wrong...
i see...thanks! seems like alot of babies love the pigeon spoon. okay, i'll go get one too! hope carriane will feel better soon!
<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
"doc says cannot" is becoming my "kou tou chan" too. but back then i no say &amp; too tired &amp; shanice can't be pacified so....

now very stern, if got any slight problem, then i'll say "bring her to doctor". anyway, she's also insured under my company medical scheme (AVIVA), so see aviva group of doctors is FOC..

<font color="aa00aa">peg,</font>
thanks! will probably check out at causeway point tomorrow.

need to stock up wipes, cotton buds, milk bags, breast pads, bottle wash, diapers etc......
same here...have been having knee pain for some time...more serious tis wk. it's ard knee cap area...very painful when walking or standing. My colleague say maybe arthiritis. haiz...
you're most welcome! i need to stock up on all these bb stuff too...

oh you have the same problem too? it's very painful right? initially i thought it's due to calcium deficiency but after taking calcium pills for some time, the problem still persists so it's arthiritis har...aiyo, poor us! so how ar?
did you twist your hand while carrying quinn??

no lah, won't plan for 2nd one so soon. cannot afford to put 2 with infantcare! :p
i dun like frozen ebm leh, looks funny to me .. i will just stop slowly lor, and hope he is okie .. thks!

talking abt swimming diapers, i still hv 5 pieces left leh .. only used 1 piece so far coz only brought rhyan to swim once .. me will be on leave next Mon, hope hb also can take leave then maybe can bring him to swim at my aunt's condo .. but hor, dunno if he still can fit the swimming diapers coz M size, if cannot fit then wasted liao ..
yah, it's common to miss or late for a month of menses after birth. My colleague was late for almost a month after she stop bfg so dun worry lah... ;)
no lah, i was just kidding with you

it's true that we are most fertile the first 6 mths after our delivery. but as long as we are careful, should be ok lah.

peg, skyblue,
i also have the kneecap problem!! came abt last week, only right kneecap


Sorry, will have to give outing a miss. I'm pumping every 3 hours these few days to increase my ss so it'll be too much of a rush. Will try to make it for next outing. Wanna see all the mums and babes!
