(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

My kneecap pain went away... that time over-exerted with the baby, and I think I *fell* knee-first. Now only lower back pain... again over-exert with baby lor.

lildevil, what is guan jie yan? Try TCM, I feel TCM is really effective for evrything except bbs and pregnancy (cos dunno what's in it).

hmm...seems like it's quite a common problem. i started getting after my CL left & guess it's over-exerted with the baby...

Medusa, did you take any medication for your kneecap problem or it just went away?
hey mummies,
any recommendation for acupunture? thinking of asking my hubby to go for his neck/shoulder problem.

Would love to take my boy swimming soon. He seems to love water during his baths. What's a suitable age to start? He's 2 months+ now.
Peg, kneecap problem went away after some time w/o me doing anything to it.

Hahaha....... ur hubby and me ve the same thinking, save on maternity pad and spent on breast pad. But me now ve to spend on both, siong man. My menses come chun chun on 2nd mth. Don know y so fast. My frd was commenting that maybe my breast milk supply is going 2 end soon. Indeed, it's getting lesser, *crying*.


My gal love to stay in water when she bath. The moment i carry her out from the bath tub, she will scream, hahaha....... She is oso 2 mths+. Tot of bringing her to swimming but afraid she will get a cold.
actually, my menses also 'came' chun chun on 2nd mth. my last menses date before pregnancy was 1 Jan and my menses came on 1 Dec!! but it was so little... almost like spotting. then it stopped and didn't come until now
and when my menses 'came' that time, my supply dropped too.... quite significantly. but it went up after after 2 days.
so your case may be like mine
Wahliao today I met up with my mum in the afternoon, she spent nearly an hour trying to convince me to get a walker for Faye. Gosh..nearly vomit blood. *grrr*

sharon, yar lor, just bit this new pram cause faye needs full canopy to be able to sleep outside. Plus 2-way facing so that she can see me.

KC, I sold Faye's bumbo last week

Peg, I feel that Mamy poko absorbs the fastest and the most.

Angelia, the fisher price highchair?

MT wahliao LOL! My NY resolution only applies to deserving situations leh.

lil devil, aiyo my wrists also breaking, at least your hb can take over since he is with you most of the time. My hb comes back from work on 8pm+, whole day I must carry faye myself, dun even have chance to rest my wrist.

if cannot fit, can buy the leftover swimming diapers from you. PM me because sometimes hubby using computer and I cant read the forum.

going to bring my baby for swimming as in play in the bubble pool when he is 4mths old. now scared he might get a chill even if put him in the thermal swim wear.
the swim diapers M size is different sizing from normal diapers.. Ryan is still using the M size one coz the L size on is from 12kg ++..he is only 10.2kg at present..
Btw.. those mummies staying near tampines..do you know there is a new cold storage near St 77 at the new community centre at the junction of the road..can't remmeber the name of the road coz my previous school was just behind there Poi Ching. IT is the road that is connected to ST 83.
Hello mummies

this afternoon,finally brot Isabel to Fantasic Sams. Wanted to shave her botak, but the hairdresser suggested not to, so, kept abt 1/2 an inch. she cried most of the time, so, all the photos taken were with eyes closed. this is her new look:


paid $5 for the photo and cert. it was one of the few family photos we have, and i like it very much. ;-)

oh, when i first went into the salon, the lady asked for the name. tot she wanted mine, so i gave her my name. when she was taking the photo for us, she looked at Isabel and said "carol, look here!" :p corrected our miscommunication and had the name on the cert corrected after that.
thanks for asking me along for a swim but if the marche outing is on, i should be going

though i bought the swim suit for yingxin, i have not gotten the swim diapers

i only breastfed for 1 month; after which my menses came in mid dec, then early jan and early feb; my menses was quite heavy though as compared to pre-pregnancy times

yingxin is only 4.2kg at 3 months, is the M size swim diapers suitable for her?? what brand is that?

maybe u can sell the swim diapers to me??
u can get "milderma prickly heat dusting powder" from chinese medicinal hall in chinatown; not sure whether other shops have but u can ask around - the packaging is round and the box is yellow; mine is running out soon and i need to get it also

do u want me to buy for u??
Charsiew Rice, oh dear, Isabel cried? I think cos cutting is slower process, more meticulous attention, new experience mah. Though shaver has weird electrical noise. She does look sweet, hehe, gives me an idea of how Tena will look when her hair's abit longer (now it's still... as hubby put it, "stubbly"), LOL!

No "off day"... tena cldn't be settled down by hubby during graveyard shift, and morning still me doing the bottles, bathing etc. HB had dental problem, if tena takes after him, can forsee quite abit of $$$ necessary. Going to visit PILs but they're not taking care overnight this week, and HB invited friends over to our place for more CNY-thingy tomorrow, AND, HB possibly flying next week again.




^ How many "balls" can u find in this pic? :p - the plastic ball, 2 smaller balls inside, and bb's head!
Realised she's not maximising usage of this expensive playgym so trying to teach her how to hold a ball (and shake).
Ya it's indeed painful... I'm not sure if it's calcium deficiency but a GP i consulted previously did mention dat woman after delivery is very prone to calcium deficiency so i was advised to take calcium pills n drink milk. Both i oso didn't take cos aiyah, lazy mah.:p My hubby suggesting dat i go zhen jiu... yucks...

Mine is more like left kneecap.

Jus one ear in one ear out... if u keep saying no, ur mum will probably nag n nag even more.

Isabel looks like she's pouting... so cute. y did the hairdresser suggest not to shave botak?

Now dat i'm more used to Athena's botak look, she does look very cute
Hmm..her eyelashes like quite long from wat i see in the last pic. Is dat u who's carrying Athena? Wah, such fair legs...lol
me always good mood in the morning

imitation of gab gor gor's gong xi gong xi

a bit excited...

help...i'm falling!!

little devil,
why the sudden decision to shave quinn?? hairdrop?

justin does look happy in the pics

i think tena looks cuter botak
she looks very comfy in the bumbo chair.. makes me wanna buy one for lucas but am afraid he cannot fit into the chair.

hmm.. your hubby may be right. Zhen Jiu might help

isabel looks different with the new hairstyle
why did the person not want to shave her??

i've brought lucas to both Fantastic Sam and Junior League, and i find the latter more professional in cutting baby's hair. After the cut, they provide a 'vacuum' to 'clean' the baby and the person holding the baby. And they also have a mini tv in front of the chair to distract babys from the haircut.
SLK...where is junior league? how much is the hair cut?
next sat is J 4th mth and 2nd jab, wanted to bring him cut hair then jab but i tink better not, cut hair liao sure lotsa hair bits and after jab i dun tink i wan to bath him in case not feeling well...
Hello mummies,

No time no 'see'...
Wow...see that so many bbies joined the Botak Club already... all pix are so cute and nice.

Just a little update on JR...
He is on semi-solid and is doing well. And he started to crawl backwards and turn around liao!
Wah, JR can crawl liao...u must be a proud ma ma
He's crawling on all fours or dragging body kind? Hmm...can't wait to see my little nephew do such a cute action

Kieran still can't get his skinny body off the mattress to really crawl but he's like using his hands to 'drag' his body forward. Then when he 'buay song' oredi, he'll either turn clockwise/anticlockwise n try to 'burrow' his tiny head into an imaginary hole in the mattress. Today i nearly had an heart attack. His head was on the floor but body on mattress when he was doing his flips...Jus peeled my eyes of him for a while n he nearly 'kok' his head...
JR likes to give surprises...

I realised JR is still learning how to CRAWL... he has been trying to use his body to drag around and just yesterday... I saw him happily trying to do a backward crawl on all fours. As I mentioned to you before, he likes to give surprises and he may do it once and then you dun see him doing the stunt for the next few days before he adds on his more new stunts. Remember, when I first told you can can flip more than 20x one day...and then the following next few days he refused to flip again until one day when he flipped he also turned around.
Aiyo, Kieran is really very active... you have to be more careful with him... he is unlike his 'lazy' JR gor gor.
i didnt actually consult the rite dr i guess but also me too lazy liao.... always console myself tat the pain will decided to MIGRATE one day but me still waiting patiently for the day to arrive.....

my wrist is pain not only when carrying quinn. the pain will jus come even if i bend my wrist in certain angle and the pain will spread from the middle part of my thunb to almos near my elbow..... *wail*

HUH!!?? i told hubby about mus let our hand rest so to let it recover, he says maybe can consider jus to cast it!!! *CRAZY* but i really tik its impossible tat we can let our hand take a break.... then our babies how???

i tik wat they are talking about is GOUT.... but they say if direct family member has it, its possible tat i will kena also...but i really tik its not, i suspect its some vessels / vein thingy.oh, maybe i should consult chinese sinseh as i hav a personal (so call) sinseh whos very famours, even pp from malaysia or indonesia will travel all the way jus to see her. and as for herbs during preggy, i know some pp feel sort of unsafe but i take TCM thru out my preggy as i am very weak b4 preggy, alwatys not well..... and during tat miserable period, i am on TCM to cure my sickness and when i was almos well, i am preggy liao so i bo bian as i want my baby and me to be perfectly well so i continue to see her..... but very heart pain, every visit about $100 tat only las me a week!! and during my preggy, me soooo energetic and feel so well, not even a trace of uncomfy so i actually suspect its the herbs tat i was taking.

but i tik my wrist problem is not solely becos i carry quinn... maybe initiately yes but now its more like i feel pain no matter wat i do.... imagine i feel sharp pain even when i wash my hair or try to fasten my bra *SUFFERING*

i like the book, from lamaze?? where can i find lamaze?? is motherwork selling the biggest collection?

when u know y i suddenly want to shave quinn u sure will goes "ai yo" ha!!!!! no lah, tat day met up with hubby cousin as they are having some mazda gathering (i laugh at hubby tat he copycat, i hav forum pp gathering and now he try to follow) then his cousins bf join us later on then when i saw him i was like "WOW"!!! my eyesnearly pop out, no joke, hes soooooooo good looking and his hair, oh my goodness, so thick and nice so i tell hubby i wan quinn to hav hair like his when he grow up...ha!!!!!!
lil devil...i duno whether motherworks has the biggest collection, i doubt so
i tot there is a lamaze shop in tanglin mall, hvn't been there but could have more stuff
Puff, Jen, Kelly and Andrea
Is nice to meet up u guys yesterday at marche. so nice to have a chance to see all the little babies, and also to know that my boy is not the only one throwing tantrums before milk time.
Sharon, awww, love the swim pics, sharwyn looks so relaxed in her float with her arms outstretched like that! I like the pic of ur HB "comforting" Sharwyn!

lildevil, eh, but gout is more common in males and heredictary, and usually at leg joints... gout is "sudden, acute pain" like sudden attacks (fine otherwise) not prolonged type, and supposed to be sooo painful it makes older men cry (some guys I know get in their late 20s but more often in retiree age like my FIL). Need painkiller type. Anyway it's linked to crystal-like formation not flushed out by the system, need to drink more water as well as very strict restriction of diet (alot of foods must avoid, no beans no legumes no spinach no fish no pork no beef... usually people with rich diets, that's why often called "rich man disease"... seen u before, you so slim aiyoh). HB says cant be gout (we are quite concerned abt gout cos FIL has it and it's heredictary down male genes).

JR, skyblue, hey my gf's bb (same EDD as Tena but born 1 mth premature) can commando crawl very well, so impressive! That day I visited her (same day tena went for the nice gathering
), she's smaller built than Tena, but waaah, she could sit up, hold a ball with her feet (while trying to suck the ball haha), and flipping effortlessly (like Kieran). Then she decided to commando-crawl on the queen-size mattress (without any help) and moved quite a distance until "road-blocked" by me (I was lying on the mattress :p). Immediately her face scrunched up and she wailed! My gf said her cot needed to be cleared and extra bolster cushioning at the bumpers cos the lil bb would crawl all over and when scream when there's no more space for her to crawl! So cute!
I really think she's more advanced developmentally than tena cos the bb preferred to be held upright since out of hospital (instead of lying cradled), and slept on tummy. Whereas tena only liked upright recently, and still refuses to sleep on tummy.

AC, ahaha, I like the pic of Justin with his bottom perked up. :p So cute! Tried the flying pose with tena (of cos HB carry, wahliao, so heavy for me), aiyah, she really doesn't like such adventurous stunts.

AAACK! HB was playing with Tena on the floor mattress, reminded him that she tends to "topple" onto her head nowadays, make sure that her head doesn't hit the floor. She flipped and he was so happy cos this is only the 2nd time he's seen her flip (other than video clip lah) then he let his guard down and she hit her head on the floor just outside the mattress area! *WAIL* His defense is, "she was flipping so well, but din think she will flip that side, anyway I was watching her, thought will catch her, how I know she flip so fast?" Hmph.
wah you all so happenning at night, no need sleep ah? :p

AC, I've always enjoyed Justin's pics hehehe, he looks like such a happy boy!
Hey, faye has the same Lamaze toy! She likes the squeaker bit best, one day when she can squeak her own toy, she'll prob squeak it nonstop the whole day LOL.

Jnr, you started your bb on solids? I thought you are anti-solids? hhehehe.. :p What did you start him on?
Crawling- yar, this is ard the age where our babies starts learning how to move. Faye also been making crawl-like movements lately, she pushes her legs and usually manages to move quite abit. But I think it'll be 2-3more mths before our babies can crawl for real (crawl as in really crawl, like that time we saw rach's ryan crawling, not soldier 'crawl')

skyblue, LOL faye and Kieran should form their own 24hrs playclub, with a slogan "Playing is our game, drinking is our bane!" :p
but never mind lar, active babies supposedly learn faster because they are more enthusiastic, curious and more eager to experiment. But their mummies gotta be extra vigilant lor

Lil devil, so far, the largest range of Lamaze toys I came across is motherworks at Great world city. In fact this branch of motherworks carries the largest range of toys from other brands as well, you must go and check it out, you'll sure buy something for Quinn. So far, everytime I go to great world city I always end up buying something for Faye (and imagine, my bb yoga classes are conducted there!) :p

sharon, wow what lovely pics!!! I love the last pic best, sharwyn looks like she is so relaxed and 'zai' hehehehe...
Tena exhibited 1st signs of stranger anxiety yesterday at PIL's. I was carrying her, stepped into their home, and handed her over to MIL's ready arms. Wahliao, screamed immediately, kept looking around their home in distress even though I was there calming her down.

Wailed a little bit less after MIL gave up and passed to HB. So I carried her and did the Itsy-Bitsy Magic Calming pose, hugging her securely except with her facing outwards. Only then she calmed down but she was making those "nnnn-nnnn-" ready-to-cry sounds. MIL kept asking if Tena was trying to poo (??? aiyoh, the sound is quite different from that, how to mistake... HB said cos MIL too long never handle bbs...). Spent a long time sitting there, letting Tena get comfortable with the place, with MIL talking to her, touching her feet, hands (and wiping her copious tears, MIL kept exclaiming what huge tears Tena has :p), while I slowly hugged her less tightly.

When she was fine, I passed her to MIL. No crying. Passed to FIL, also no crying. Even had MIL feed her. Fine.
HB suggested we leave Tena with PILs while we grab a bite at downstairs kopitiam, I voiced my reservations that MIL may not be able to handle Tena shld she cry, but MIL blithely replied, "no problem lah, can handle". Anyway since only downstairs, I thought they wld phone and we cld rush right up.

We came home to Tena sitting on MIL's lap. Teary-eyed and with sobbing sounds in her throat (cry too much have mucous lor)... and watching TV. MIL said she kept looking around in distress, and the more she looked around, the more she cried, and they cldn't calm her so as last resort, switched on the TV for her to watch.

So switched off the dangerous TV :p, calmed her down, the whole afternoon there she even laughed and played with PILs, but whole feed/nap/play schedule totally screwed up lah. When she did nap, she had those sobbing sounds (too much mucous from crying). I don't dare to leave Tena overnight with them liao, and MIL commented so many times whether Tena was trying to poo when she was clearly making distress-going-to-cry sounds that my confidence in her handling, is quite shaken.

Last night is the first time in a looong time that I slept so well! I even dreamed (normally I can't quite sleep deep enough to dream)! Only opened my eyes ~3am (auto-clock) and went back to sleep :p . Cos HB was handling Tena and she didn't kick up a fuss without me, phew! :D :D :D
mngo,puff,andrea n jen,
it was nice mtg up wif all of u at marche.

ying xin is such a darling until my husband cant stop singing praises of her (during e whole lunch gathering, ying xin juz laid in e pram, sucking her paci, fell asleep, woke up, suck on paci again - ALL WITHOUT NOISE)

qian ning is so pretty (even though she is botak), juz like mummy BUT she sure can raise hell when it's time for milk.

jean is so cute wif her chubby cheeks n "raising" hair.

declan sure bears a lil resemblance 2 my "aniki". handsome boy! hopefully his sleeping pattern will stablise n he'll sleep more.
nice pics of superboy justin. will love 2 chat wif him when we meet.
very nice toys for justin...me showed husband e toys...he said, "unless u planning 2 become pasir ris's toys r us branch, then u go ahead 2 buy ok?" no choice, cant buy liao

tena is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute in e 1st pic (when she sitting in e bumbo). husband loves 2 c tena's pics. husband commented tat she's even cuter now when she's bald. mayb mummy can let her b a skinhead when she grows up (if n when she's going thru a rebellious phase). LOL
kelly, jen, mngo and andrea

the gathering at marche was fun!! hope to meet up more often

after we left marche, yingxin woke up and did not sleep at all

she so cranky when we reached home at 6plus, she refused to be pacified even with her pacifier, milk and me carrying her

took me about an hr to calm her down; probably she is too tired

tena has so many expressions, she is such a darling!!

sharwyn seems to be enjoying the waters....me can't wait to bring yingxin for her maiden swim

did u put on swim diapers for sharwyn?
charsiew rice
i laughed when i saw "carol, looked here"!!

so funnie...lol

junior league is located at paragons, 5th floor, behind guess kids....it's the salon which u told me before, remember??
i agree with kelly, jean's hair is so nice dun shave her lar....

the pic showing justin falling sideways is so cute!!
when i brought gab 2 c PD on mon (for his 4mth jab), she tested him for neck control n whether his legs can carry his weight (by letting stand on e table for a few secs). he did fine.

PD then asked if he cld turn yet. i said no but he's trying once in a blue moon. PD said, "babies of heavier weight n size tends 2 turn later. dun worry, ur son will turn."

since u mentioned tat ur GF's bb (is it victoria?) can flip n crawl, it cld b bcos she's of a smaller built than tena.

i met andrea's bb girl, qian ning. she is same age as tena but of smaller built. she flipped when she's 3mths old.

thks for sharing abt ur GF's bb. it's reassuring 2 us 2 make a conclusion tat babies of bigger built/weight take a longer time 2 flip.

my husband n i were getting a lil worried at 1 point cos our gab seems so happy, juz lying on his back. he rarely practises turning his body left or right. lazy boy!
pic taken yesterday after we left marche; yingxin is going for her 2nd jab tomorrow a 7pm, hope she dun develop fever *keeping fingers crossed*

sharwyn sure looks as if she's enjoying herself in the water. did she wail big time when u took her out of e water?
sorry, u mentioned earlier abt her swimsuit. it's very nice. did u buy it or is it a hand-me-down?

me showed husband sharwyn's pics. he then said, "ok, next wk we go." hmmmm...tat was wat he said last wk.
no prob. his skin seems betta (i.e. all clear) 2day leh. husband said wait n c how 1st. i tik dermatologist's charges not cheap n i cant claim from my co for such specialist charges.

when i do go, i'll let u know.

oh no, so ying xin knows how 2 "put on a show" when she's wif other mummies n babies huh? then she go home n "torture" mummy. LOL

hope she'll b ok after her jab 2mrw.
Everyone is so active on weekends?

Nice to see that Sharwyn finally calmed and enjoyed herself. The pic of 2 babies is so cute.

Your MIl needs to attend child rearing classes. Sad crying sounds and making grunting sounds are so different. I wouldnt trust her to look after my child. lol

Nice pictures.. I like the one when he went boom.

I have to say that its very nice seeing pictures of babies doing things with their daddies. Making me miss my hubby

Oh I have to share this story
I have been trying to help Ashwina to read since past few months.We were doing short lessons for 3-4 months. I didnt have the energy to do much when I was pregnant and I started when Neil was around 3 weeks old or so.
I am pleased to announce that Ashwina is a a very confident 1st level reader and she amazed me at the library today.

We were at the library and there is this book which I picked up,(Ready To Read Series),Puppy Mudge takes a bath and she could read the entire book with a just a few prompts.For eg, she hasn't able to read the word outside, muddy. I am so proud of her.She and I have been working hard these past few months and I am amazed by her progress.

Then we were at the chinese section, she picked up a book and started reading in mandarin and I was following with the hanyu piyin and she got most of the words right. I wouldnt know whether her pronuncation is right or not but I think she read really well. In fact, a mother next to me was so surprised to see an Indian girl reading Mandarin and said she is really good and asked whether I had sent her for any extra classes or tution and I said no.She learns in school and I dont even teach at home as I dont know how to read :lol
