(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

ooo- she's making a new sound today- snuck snuck snuck (using her tongue smack against the roof of her mouth). Maybe cry too much mouth dry ah. But she's in a freaking gd mood now leh.

morning to all,
hb got to finish work early yest and picked me up fm work, so we had the chance to go for dinner since rhyan's nanny offered to bbsit him later ..

thanks to ac's recommendation, went Bark Cafe and the food and ambience was great .. think its the first time i ate so much since my delivery .. LOL .. prices were abit ex but it was definitely worth it lah to have some time with hb for dinner .. though both of us realised we missed rhyan's absence, hb even said he felt abit guilty tt we didn't bring him along .. hehe .. anyway, we gave him lots of kisses when we picked him up ..

no lah, where got sweet? we forgot to buy our breads on Sun and nothing to eat for breakfast yest mah, so i buy for him since he is coming to my office to collect the car ..

lil' devil
in yr pix with quinn, u already look so slim liao .. dun worry lah! hehe .. btw, i realised i hvn't shown u the pixs i took of rhyan and quinn when we bumped into both of u at Punggol the other day .. here they are .. :p




i will email you the pixs too!
AC, BTW I love ur absolutely high-tech (to me lah) airpot, how much ah? That time I saw liao, can't forget it, LOL, me itchy... want one also :p. Maybe I'd give my existing boiler flask to my MIL hehehe, and get that high-techy airpot woooah (no space for both items).

Oh and I counted... Tena went 10 different places over 6 days (from CNY eve onwards), so I think she's abit over-tired or something.

When I had dogs, I always told myself dogs are so intelligent, cos they have the intellect of a 3-mth old human bb! Last night HB reminded me to be more patient with Tena, cos she presently has the intellect of a dog. :p <== Take with sense of humour hor!
Esther has lots of hair on her bedsheet AND her hands too! And cos she too sucks on her "drumsticks" more than we prefer these days, her hair end up on her own face. She also started this grabbing thingie with her free hand while I breastfeed her. She will grab my clothes, my nursing bra, her hair...anything within reach! and it can go on &amp; on for the whole feed but i normally get irritated &amp; offer her my finger to grab onto or hold her hand down using the same hand which is cradling her, so I can surf or flip the pages of a book. am wondering if it is something normal leh.
Sharon, was telling HB I'd consider a 2nd bb if she's gonna turn out like Sharwyn, and not another Tena... HB told me not very likely we'd get a Sharwyn, considering parents' (me and him) temperament! Tena really takes after us.
take a pix of yr rocking chair leh, i hv been dying to buy one but i hv no place to put it ..

aiya, u still thinking abt the airpot ac mentioned during our chat? u saw it somewhere? :p ..

i saw an air pot before with an extra function of putting the cup under neath the sprout where there is a small button and hot water will flow out .. stops when u remove yr cup, no hands to press button!!
ziztine, yup, hair stuck to her teat too! Aiii.
She never slept thru the nite since she was born, always woke for feeds but fall back to sleep with little effort. Ok there was like, a few days when she did sleep entirely through but that's a fluke I think
. Problem is recently, she wld wake, feed, and think it's playtime in the middle of the night, argh! I don't know if it started becos she woke up singing/talking at 4am at my PIL's... my PILs are quite enthralled by her singing, LOL, dunno if they encouraged it. We don't, we ignore her, then she'd fuss til she's carried, and then she'd coo to us.
MT...tks for asking, nanny is ok, got a small hiccup but over liao

the airpot, in market for beri long liao, how come so many people duno huh?? the temperature set at 60 degree is just rite for making milk so nonid to mix hot + cold water, beri fast to make milk...price should be around $140, its a gift from my bro, u can buy from electronics shops or Best denki/courts/safe
lilprince, my rocking chair needs alot of space, not the normal type. Mine can rock all directions, even rock in circular manner. Can also rest your arms against the sides to ease bb's wt. :p Berry coincidentally has one too, and she almost got rid of it during pregnancy cos it took up so much space! :p Changed mind, hor, Berry?

The white circular chair. http://www.design-technology.org/pastille.htm
Design patent has lapsed so you can find cheap reproductions, Lorgan's Retro Store sells Oz-made versions ~$600, but I heard you can find similar in M'sia ~$200?
y did u pour EBM away so soon? i tot EBM in frozen section can last for 3mths? if it's in e normal section of e fridge, then 48hrs.

so wasted for you.

hope tena sleeps well n longer 2day. gab's running a high fever now. took jab at 245pm yesterday, 38.5C fever came at 3am. we fed him med, sponged him til 5am. fever went down 2 37.4C but tis morn we checked again, it's back to 38.2-38.5C

there goes my plans 2 go out 2day. me praying gab gets well soon.
MT...yr house beri nice!! the white round chair is the rocking chair? so stylo!
berry...if u wan to throw yours, i dun mind sapping it :p
Oops, the Princess stirs.

Oh dear, Kelly, yeah, must stay home monitor temperature lor. Hmm 38.5 is rather high leh, above 37.5 I wld feed panadol liao, on top of sponging/ forehead thing.
thks for the pix, i didn't know its a rocking chair leh .. but so expensive, change my mind liao .. LOL ..

we pray hard tt gab recovers soon too!
hello mummies
sorry for interrupting... i am looking for SLK...

hi SLK
hope to hear from you about your son, lucas,at joyhouse infant care and your experience in searching for infant care... i have PM you yesterday, did you receive my emaiil?

u can email me at [email protected]

thanks for your attention and time!
ya lor, i tik 38.5C is rather high too. when i feel his whole head, it feels hot. hope e fever wont burn his brains...i heard of such horror stories abt bb having high fever n then kenna dunno-wat.

anyway, gab cant seem 2 fall asleep now even though he's tired. i'm letting him resume his normal routine so he wont b grouchy. he's playing under his playgym now. yesterday, he has started 2 shriek like lil prince's rhyan.

boy! i'm tired. hoping he'll sleep so i can sleep.

lil prince,
next mth when he goes for his 3rd jab, i'll b extremely cautious n careful. i cant afford him 2 hv fevers of 38.5C every mth.
U must be super sleep deprived since her birth huh.

Hi Denise,
My girl Esther is 4 1/2 mths old. Still can't seat without support. Though my HB like to place her on the sofa sometimes for the fun of it, after a while, esp if she moves, she will slope to one side.
This is a pic of her taken yesterday, receiving an ang bao while seating up with the help of some cushions. But after a while, she will still slope to one side.

wah .. me submitted rhyan's passport application online and they sent me a card saying the passport is ready for collection since Jan but i forgot all abt it!

just called ICA and they say its ok as long as i collect it within 3 mths .. also, they say if the collection card didn't state tt i need to bring a new photo, it means the photo i submitted has been approved .. yipee!
ha!!!! quinn also misbehave these days, ls nite at 3am he woke up for feed but at least he finish his milk (which i dun mind) and hes crying and cranky the WHOLE of yesterday (which i MIND)!!!! but hubby suspect hes teething *joing faye* as whenever we put the apple teether into his mouth, he will stop crying and keep biting and grinding it so hard!!! and when we pull it out, he FUSS again.... me also feel like smacking his butt but end up i jus push the apple teether into his mouth.

but sweety athena (still a sweety to me) hair is so beautiful.

ha!!!! oh yah ho, i also forget to ask those pix from u.... now very cham, camera PAI so got no pix to post..... i like rhyan and quinn pix, so cute, as they look so puzzled!! ha!!! rhyan is so adorable, i still rem how he laygh when u sang to him tat day, till now, me and hubby still talking about it.
and tat day hubby come and picked me up and he compliment u leh, he says u very pretty!! and say ur hubby very frenly and humourous too, ha!!!!!

no lah, rhyan is not look ing like an ah pek for sure!!!! he looks so "siang sou" sitting there, ha!!!!

hai, me already experienced quinns hair all over his matress and pillow and even in his mouth... now not so bad liao, BUT its My TURN!!!!! my hair everywhere and i can even see quinns face with my hair!!! and all over his mattress too......

ha!!! wat medusa say is true, sharwyne is such a darling and i am also sure tat my babies will not be like sharwyne for sure as me and hubby...... ha!!!!!

oh no, gab is having fever?? so did u try giving some medicaine or sponge gab??

i eye tat also, before move in and also white in color!! but hubby ask me, WHERE SHALL WE PLACE IT??? *tis qns really knock my brain* as i really dun know. if u gals coming to my place 1 day, u will be shock how small my unit is and also becos of the size of my house tats y i scared to invite pp here..... so pai seh...... oh, about the chair....then hubby say if only i willing to put in in one of our room...... then the room got to be very empty then i go "HUH"???

oh yah forget to ask u. is the wall at the window area of ur house cement screed??
little devil,
ya, me too!!! i dropping a scary amount of hair also. somemore i got short hair, hope it will stop soon, if not i will go bald soon!

lil' devil
ya, both of them always give puzzled looks .. so funny .. i like to see rhyan raise his eyebrow to see things .. oh, tt song ah .. i was still singing to him last nite and this morning and he laughed again ..

yr hb compliment me ah, thks to him hor .. u also very pretty mah .. hehe .. my hb IS terribly humourous till i hv to remind him at times .. LOL
Nice outfit! where u bot it? i got something similar for Isabel which she wore on the eve. But it was for show only, took it out within 20 mins after reaching my mum's place 'coz it was too warm.
ziztine, my, Esther looks so happy! Very chubby bb, her thigh has 2 creases hehe, during CNY, it seems the relatives were looking out for that. Tena only has 1 crease there haha, but they were already "praising". LOL!
Lildevil, eh, I really think no one has a smaller home than mine leh, mine 3rm flat ~67sqm. If stand at the bookshelves in the pic, can see entire flat liao.
lilprince, hehe so exciting to collect passport. We were joking Tena can "run away" from home liao.

hair-dropping, I think overnite leh. Tena was scratching for some time liao, but only yesterday morning I saw so much of her hair all over the mattress! Mum just saw just now, she agreed yah, gd idea to shave, we're shaving her tomorrow! :p I think any hairloss on my part will be just as sudden, if it happens (me still hoping won't, and I won't shave myself! :p).

Anyone tried the Itsy-Bitsy yoga poses? Yesterday morning, I tried the stroke that's supposed to help "awareness" of her reflux muscle thing, to reduce reflux. And she puked abit promptly :/ ? When she was inconsolable, I tried some of the so-called MAGIC calming poses, even went, "ooooommmm", LOL. Worked very temporarily and she started up again (cos her problem is sleep deprivation and she cldn't fall asleep)! I even went so far as to let her glimpse TV (wits' end lah)... enough to break momentum of her crying but she wld start up again after that. And today her tummy is bloated (already gave infalco, rubbed ruyi oil), did some of those massage expel air thing... still bloated leh. And she puked (estimate abt 30ml each) twice so far today after burping. My mum claims she pukes cos her tummy too much air. How ah??? I burp her after feed, and after she wakes from nap leh.

How often do u feed infalco? I switched from gripewater to infalco cos not sweet... infalco looks like more serious medicine, I'm quite cautious abt infalco.

Oh, and do ur bbs startle easily? Tena slept 1hr for morning nap. But she woke from her afternoon nap after just 30mins cos she kept startling every few mins (despite 2 beanhusk pillows on her, and bolsters surrounding her)! Can see she's very frustrated by inability to sleep properly.
Charsiew Rice,
i bought it at Orcahrd plaza or u can go Far east n get also.

as we went to fren's hse n i think she is quite hot..hahahhaha
Sharon, yeah, I can't do alot of lifts with Tena, she doesn't like it, gets ready to cry! When she was abt 2mths I found tummydown sleeping helped ALOT, but I chicken lah, din dare to let her nap that way much unless we were watching all the time. Now that I'm not so worried (since she can lift head quite well liao), she absolutely refuses to sleep tummydown!

^ The lil brat-princess after her morning 1hr nap. See she stuck her hand under the bumper to reach the other side. Only I can see this lah- but her left eye abit double-eyelid (gone liao now).
carriane is so pretty in this outfit but i think she is not happy rite? *pouting* .. LOL ..


it was so exciting to apply the passport but i forgot all abt the collection .. jialat rite? only suddenly remembered last nite, will try to collect in latest by this Sat ..

i hvn't read finish the book yet so can't start on anything .. hehe .. wait till i read more then i tell u ..

rhyan got startled quite easily last time too and he hated the bean sprouts pillow on him, but now not so bad .. my place pretty quiet lor and even roadside noise can startle him .. nowadays, i put him in my bedroom to sleep for his afternoon naps and he can sleep better ..
hi ladies,
happy CNY...
long long time din log in, dunno wat's wrong wif my computer, not working throughout CNY!! came back to work today after maternity leave, then realised actually i shld come back tomorrow, NOT today!!! **blur** so my boss ask me to choose one day to rest at home!! hooray!!!

i bought the airpot few mths ago coz it mentioned 60 degree is perfect to make milk. however when i set to 60 degree, i found it's too hot for bb to drink lei. so i set to 98 degree then mix with cool-boiled water. U gave justin 60 degree milk?
MT...i dripped infalco into justin milk EVERY FEED
but now at nanny place, i din really tell her to do dat, but if i feed i will drip into every feed
thena so cute sticking out her tongue!!!!!!!!!

Justin used to get startled easily but not anymore, sometimes he will nap for short while still but wont wake up startled
have u tried putting tena on tummy after she fell into deep sleep? tummy down is proven to enable bb sleep longer

sharon...i set to 60 degree, coz lazy to mix cold/hot water to make milk
but i din know 90 degree is energy saving, how come? if keep warm at 90degree, wont it require more electric?
my washer also like dat, 60degree is economy mode, but i can choose 30 or 40 degree, which i tot should be even more economy since use less electric to heat up the temperature?? *confused*

justin will be taking his 2nd jab on 26 feb

TBL...i gave justin 60degree now, at 1st we also feel dat its too hot, so add a bit of cool boiled water, but as time goes by, hubby say ok(more like we lazy liao) and justin also get used to the temperature, and i also find dat if add water, the FM wont melt all
tena is so cute! she can make funny expression
so cute lei

yar think she is quite hot..hahahhah
but then she seldom smile one. donno y lei. only smile whenever she hear familiar voices. if not she will frown
me too today 1st day at work after ML.
who is taking care of yr bb?
btw i'm not feeling well now, light fever + flu, thinking to take MC tomorrow. :p my baby sitter oso sick lei, so i dunno whether to let bb sitter take care of natalie or i shld take care of her? haiz...
hmm.. may be i can slowly adjust the temperature for my girl to get used to 60 degree. then nxt time oso no need to mix hot &amp; cool water liao.
oh ya, always forget to ask ..

does anyone know how to wash / clean washing machine? i read tt washing machine needs to be cleaned time to time else if it gets dirty, u wash yr clothes in it also wun be clean .. i check my manual but they didn't indicate, anyone has any idea?
nice cake!!! hubby and me only went for a V Day lunch at Spageddies. we don't buy each other presents.

my PD advised us to use infalco on every alternate feed. i like tena's 'stick-out-tongue' pic. so cute!!

carriane looks so sweet in her CNY dress!

rhyan looks like a big boy too! but definitely don't look like old man lah

littleprince, little devil,
i like the pics of the 2 boys together. next time we should place all babies together and take a group pic. that'll be so cute!!

faye's fingers looks so yummy to her... hee! :p

poor gab, hope he's ok now. 38.5 is really high
feed him more water to bring down the temp

sharon, ac,
lucas is also taking his jab this month end (27 feb), very close to sharwyn and justin. hope they won't have a fever after the jabs.
if only gab will drink from bottle, i would make him drink lotsa water BUT he wont! so i kept latching him almost every hr.

he's grouchy/cranky/fussing e whole day cos he wanted 2 sleep but cant (he hasnt slept since he woke up at 10am). we reached home at 5pm from seeing my regular family doc, he's knocked out now.
Happy CNY to all mummies!!!

lil prince,
'Washing' washing machine.. jus 'empty wash &amp; spin dry'.. meaning you dun put any chemical (washing powder or detergent) just with water... this method is to washing the interior of the machine... it is taught by the technician from Panasonic. though its a bit waste of water... jus once a month, it will be enough to wash out the impurities. Provided you dun use softener... according to him, the softener in the market is too concentrated that the W/M is not able to fully dissolve it... then it will stay in the W/M and accumulate and cut the life-span... hope it helps...

hi is the meeting at marche this sat still on?? sorry haven been able to login for a while.. may have missed some posting on that...

the cake taste soso..today went to secret recepie..cakes are heavenly there..ordered Ryan's cake from there.. chocolate cheese cake..yummy!
Hope that Gab gets better soon. BTw..which Marche are you gals going to? Maybe able to join you this weekend.
