(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Dun worry, kelly said she'll be tching us how to bid in yahoo auction soon

Hey, Justin look so different nowadays...grown up liao. Hug bolster cute? More like ley chey, i'd say. :p

Wah, u so happening... now got sharwyn still can play MJ until so late :p U dun look like u're a MJ queen leh. Ur MIL so insensitive to comment abt ur weight. Ya, sit on her...lol

I confirmed- faye IS teething and painful gums are wat that makes her so cranky these days, cause if I rub teething gel on her gums everytime she starts looking v frustrated, it'll somewhat help for a while. I'm only hoping this goes away soon.

mngo, okie lar, 9 weeks old is not that old but also not so young, big boy liao hehehe. You put mittens on him all the time?

Ac, that is a sassy stroller snake rite? Beri nice! Hehehe your captions makes me LOL! :p

Sharon, yar lor, I beri scared the heat + crowd + noise will get to her that why didnt go visiting. Thanks to teething pains she's oredi feeling extremely uncomfortable and cranky these days, it'll be a killer to bring her visiting. Plus she is alot less friendly to strangers in confined spaces and its such a hassle to think of how to nicely reject relatives who wants to carry her. So to save ourselves all the trouble, might as well dont go :p So hubby, faye and I've been just hanging around by ourselves these few days wahaha.
yes! i would be joining the marche outing. But what time ah? I also lost liao

yes we put mittens on him all the time after we realised tat when we removed the mittens, his sharp, yet short nails Scatched his face all the time. Even after we file his names, he managed to scratch himself, and gave out a loud cry
AC, ahaha! I love the Super Baby flying poses hahaha! Ur Justin got my 1st smile of the day leh ;) , maybe I go swop babies with you... Tena ah, woke up 2-4am wanting to play, refusing to feed or sleep!

Did u all read today's ST article on "DISHY Dads"? HB asked me how HE'S NOT FEATURED. LOL!
Sharon, haha yeah, sit on her. Skyblue, MIL likes to say tena's fleshy arms are taken from me.
Tena's ears, she's been scratching her head alot, and perspiring alot (at home, with aircon on, DURING feedings... drink milk machiam like make her run 2.4km like that meh???). Sometimes she does scratch her EARS, and I'm wondering if it's inner ear infection (I also smell and check visually, nothing leh), not sure... cos maybe she means to scratch her head and miss aim, kanna ears instead? But I'd be bringing her to GP downstairs on Mon just for peace of mind lah.

Berry, smart move to siam! Went visiting HB's boss, and Tena wasn't the only bb (but the youngest lah), so I tried "deflecting" attention by holding her head SOOO carefully... Hb's male colleagues said, "oh head not strong yet, dun dare to carry." (hehehe). I told them yah lor... VERY fragile and wobbly head. But the FEMALES (who've already had kids) insisted on carrying Tena. If people we know somewhat, still ok, but COMPLETE stranger leh (guest of the host), wah liao, carry my Tena away and bounce bounce bounce her! But cldnt kick up a fuss...
i am another yahoo auction bidder - regular bidder. i can teach u guys how to bid too!

which seller did you buy the items from? the 2 rompers are cheap ya.
Hi mummies,
Hope that you have a romantic V-day tomorrow..anyone having pre-celebrations today?

The little monkey has been throwing tantrums these few days..esp today.. only want to play and play non-stop..his favourite game..hide and seek..can play and get so excited that he knocked his head twice today..can see the blue black on the left side of the forehead and red marks on the ride..
once- ke bang the wall while trying to run into the next room to hide
2nd time..dunno where he knocked himself...
Busy himself running around the playpen at granny's house..hiding at the other end and popping his head around the corner.. he thinks we can't see him even though he is very visable via the playpen netting.
While one the bed he put the teddy bear or pillow on top of his head to hide..and continue laughing "hehehe"..sure can find him that way..make so much noise.. haiz.. can continue to play for 2-3hrs even though all the adults are tired and already show no interest in playing with him.
These few days Ryan has been taking long naps in the afternoon 2-3hrs..coz hubby has been napping with him.. and when Ryan wakes up he will tell Ryan not time to play yet..go back to sleep..then he sees daddy sleeping he will flip back to sleep.
Good thing is that even though he sleeps so long in the afternoon..he is able to sleep through the night from 10pm-6am before taking the next feed. hopefully it will continue...sleeping through.
Wah, still doing CNY visiting? Hmm...seems dat the hse u went visiting had many guests... Athena must have enjoyed herself in the hse. Hope dat the pple today treated Athena more nicely than those on sat.
Hey, ur MIL is another one kind one. Fleshy arms from u? U where got fleshy arms?
nice pic. very well taken. e focus is on ur hubby n tena. looks like tena enjoyed herself 2day.
hahahaha, fleshy arms. tell ur MIL 2 c my arms. she'll stop saying u hv fleshy arms.

poor ryan. i tik he must hv enjoyed "hide n seek" so much until e bumps on his head dun bother him.

i bought abt 12-13pieces in 1wk from abt 5-6sellers. i cant recall who e sellers r. i only remember e IDs of e sellers such as juniorcloset, dizzylizzypurple, sajo.
gab went visiting 2day in his new romper. he also sat in my frien's bumbo seat...we wont b getting it for him cos his thighs got stuck while trying 2 get out. when we carry him out vertically out, e bumbo seat follows too.



<font color="0000ff">wow, so many pix &amp; postings.. dun think i have time to go thru all, but did scan thru all the pix. NICE, NICE... i forgot to take pix of Shanice in her CNY clothings.. too rush lah.. hiaz..</font>

<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
just threw away abt 55 bags of frozen EBM (abt 6~7 L) last night. so "sim tiah"

then hor, my girl (4 mths 1 wk old) this few days drinking lesser and lesser.. dunno why leh. she's been drinking ~150ml every 3~4 hrs. but these few days drinking less and at longer interval!!!

what's wrong?!
mosquito repellent

anyone using the electric mosquito repellent? my hubby thinking of getting one for the bedroom but dont know if safe for baby or not and whether it is effective.
i m still considering. A lot of ppl said Isabel looks like a boy, if to shave her bald... don't know how man...

i shall see... but seeing the patches on her head made me sian also.
morning to all
me back to work .. hehe .. clearing my emails like mad ..

rhyan went visiting yest too, but he screamed quite alot tt i think he disturbed my friends and their kids .. after tt, we went to hb's sis' pl and he was still grouchy and not willing to sleep .. so we went bk home early and tried to put him to bed, he fussed for quite sometime but finally dropped off to sleep till this morning ..

took some pixs but no time to download yet, will try to do it within these few days ..

Happy Valentines Day to all

why throw away yr EBM?
morning mommies
Seems like everyone went visitings yesterday and glad to know it went well

justin stayed at home yesterday but din sleep much coz his dad wake him up to play wif him during his 1st nap and he refused to sleep after dat...nite time a bit cranky but sleep early around 11.30pm
Skyblue, AC, yup Tena enjoyed herself n rec'd lots of angbaos hehe. I didn't know there's such cute cartoon shaped angbaos- me out of touch! But she puked in the cab to another's friend's hse after that- luckily brought extra change of clothes for her. None for HB tho, so he had puke on his shirt hehe. I forgot cant move her AT ALL so soon after her feed, even if burped. :/ She wasn't cranky last night, phew!
Sharon, hehe, all of us here hav not-so-cheap digital cams, so must utilise to fullest! Shld take more pics of Sharwyn with ur HB ;) so sweet leh, she's such a daddy's girl.

Tena calling mum-mum now! :p I'm trying to let her fall asleep on her own, doesn't seem to be working, her mum-mum getting more "upset" in tone. Oh well- me to the rescue! LOL!
Tena's hair dropping alot, suddenly. Now there's fallen hair on her wet saliva-sticky fingers leh. Must shave soon but mum said shld wait til after CNY's 15 days.
Wah everyone went visiting, and we did too! And we bumped into a friend (whose baby is faye's friend) at my friend's place:

Wahaha wat a coincidence!!
Thanks for Gab's pix! Love his 'michelin man' looks!!!!

Lit Devil
Quinn looks exactly like you.... nice features.

Thanks all mummies for Isaac's compliments!
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
faye can sit so upright &amp; steady already!! i tried to put Shanice on the sofa to take a pix but hubby say she sit till so "gu gu" (hunch) how to take? hiaz..

<font color="aa00aa">littleprince,</font>
expired milk lor.. so throw all that's 14 Jan &amp; older.
(oldest being 02 Jan)

how i wish Shanice is drinking more. these few days she's drinking lesser than normal and yet can tahan longer *pengz*
Kekeke...ya, wat a real coincidence to meet u at my fren's place... :p

*sayang Athena* Kieran says he still loves Athena but sometimes he needs a breather n interact with other gals then he'll know dat Athena is still the best :p
Aiyah, even if Kieran is burped, he'll still puke if moved too much. Oh well, so nowadays i burp him jus to assure myself dat he puked not bcos i lazy...lol
Eh, in the above pic, u look like u slimmed down quite a bit. Can see ur sharp chin.Dunno y but ur expression above reminds me of the models featured in 'America's top model'. :p
Morning mummies,
so any V-day celebrations tonight.
bought a cake for hubby today..tonight will go Chinatown/"durian" to see the decorations.
Hi all,

This is the 1st time I'm posting although I've been reading thru this thread off &amp; on.

I've a 4-mth old baby gal (born 12 Oct 04) who keeps me quite busy when I'm home aft work so usually too tired to logon.

I live in Sengkang &amp; noticed that quite a number of you live around Sengkang/Punggol area.

Your baby pics are really cute....how old were your babies when they could sit up without support?
what a nice cake *drool*

no lah, no celebrations .. hubby bought me a sling and i gave him a treat for colour and hair cut already .. hehe .. rhyan's nanny was offering to bbsit rhyan so tt we can go for dinner but we dun usually celebrate V day other than buying gifts for each other so okie lah ..

anyway, i bought him a pack of Kopi-O, 2 curry puffs and a sandwich for breakfast this morning when he came to pick up our car after realising he need the car when i reached office .. hehe ..
Hi ladies... Happy Valentine's Day... hubbies doing anything special for you??

Phew... finally got time to read through the postings... hmm... I find a lot of things very familiar leh... pls advice if Jean is "normal"??

Re: teething
Jean is now 9 weeks old... at only 2 months, could she be teething oredi?? she had been "drooling" and playing with bubble saliva... she is also sucking her hands very very often... and she'd been chewing/biting her teats whenever she left abt 10~20ml... sometimes leaving the last bit not drank...

Re: standing
eversince 7 weeks, she has been "standing" on our thighs oredi... I did not mention it cos I tot it's normal?? how come I read that ur bbs only start standing at 3~4months??

I must admit though, Jean is big for her age... probably cos she's an "overdue" baby?? I delivered her a couple of days after my EDD... could this be the reason why she seem to develop faster than some bbs??

Re: CNY crankiness
Jean also had interrupted naps so on CNY Day 1 evening, she start to reject her EBM in bottle... I had to latch her... it lasted till CNY Day 2 morning... hiaz... threw away 300ml of EBM cos she did not consume them after warming up...
It is possible for 3mth old bb to have teeth..according to stats about 10% of bb have 1st tooth at 3mths..my nephew who is 3 months- born 1st nov 2004 has his 1st tooth already..my boy only had his 1st tooth when he was 8mths.
He also likes standing up to see things since he was v.young..didn't really log in when he started to stand...but by 1st mth already started carrying him upright and not the "football sideways hold".
My boy has also been standing on our thighs for a few weeks already. I guess tat kind of standing is with help while those at 3-4 months are without help? Could it be so?
ruffy, by 3 weeks i oredi carry Jean upright leow... :p also her "standing" is she grab our thumbs and we just support her forearms... she can "pull" herself up to stand...

oh yes... MT... the scratching head and ears also I notice she's been doing this very often... i keep checking to see why but no apparent reason...
oh yes... re: marche outing...

kelly, pls sms me if it's confirm? cos now i still alone wif jean... not much time to login as her schedule is not fixed...
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
check if the area she scratches is dry.. cos shanice started doing that recently and i realise the area (or somewhere near) where she scratches is dry.. or got mosquitoe bites, etc...
hi kelly
i cleaned yingxin face religiously after every feed with cool boiled water and applied cetaphil lotion on her face frequently
hubby already brought me out for buffet dinner last nite together with baby; so today no more celebration cos he needs to work overtime
MT, when I bumped into you the other day (I keep bumping into ppl huh) you look much slimmer oredi, you look good. chio mummy hehe..

lil prince, hehe you are such a sweet wife to you hb

angelia, bbs will do what they do when they are ready. Anyway, diff bbs develop diff rate for diff things. My friend's baby girl 1 week younger than faye cannot sit yet but can flip CONTINOUSLY 4-5 times, sort of like roll accross the bed wahaha. She showed me a clip, really cute hehe! So we should all just enjoy our babies and not worry.
yah, agreed tat all mummies here getting prettier and slimmer (after seeing PIX).

and i FAILED again.... about my dieting plan...as i jus ate BAH CHO MEE (dry, so its oily) and 1 &amp; 1/2 chicken wing at 10.30pm jus now..... feel really guilty liao..... i tik i mus really motivate myself more.....
oh this is funny, she woke up this morning with double eyelids. Yest afternoon cry so much lah, then 1-3am dun sleep lah! Next time when she's older can tell her no need eyelid surgery, just cry more can get (temporary) double eyelids.

lildevil, sweet athena wasnt so sweet yesterday leh. Me home alone hear her cry for 3hrs continuous despite rocking (inconsolable- this is my fave word liao!), then middle of nite wake up wanting to play (recent bad behavior)... HB has a morning flight and we were both unable to sleep (in his case, unable to PACK!) because of her shennanigans! He'd be back Fri nite, if she pulls anymore stunts, I'm gonna call my mummy. *me wails ma-ma* :p

Sigh, if she cld understand wat a smack on the butt means, her butt wld have gotten it liao, but she doesn't. Ok, I wait til she older and understands hehe.

Of cos we din celebrate V'day, nor did HB have any dinner (I wasn't eating anyway so dinner doesn't matter for me). I din manage to bring her down to GP either to look-see if ear infection (I don't think so now, no smell leh, no discharge, and she scratches her head or rather pulls her dropping hair more). So tempted to DIY shave her. Her hair is everywhere (on the mattress and her hands)!
