(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Metro having post CNY sale.. quite a lot of bb clothes at 15% off..went to Century sQ today..to look see..didn't get Ryan anything coz will get some for him from HK next mth.
MEtro Sale not including toys..coz those fisherprice/playskhool all at regular prices.

I didnt take any special CNY pics cause we didnt really go visiting. Only went to one house yesterday and that house was very un-CNY-ish so didnt take pics hehe. Instead I got these:

THIS is the reason why Faye dont wear seperates and wears only one-piece clothing.

Today I went taka to kill time, Faye was cranky (same thing, suspect teething and STILL getting used to not having pacificer), and she kicked about so hard in the sling that she nearly broke my shoulder, and she didnt want to sit alone in the pram, so we both sat at Taka nursery room and looked at each other (I look at her, she look at ceiling lights). She looked at ceiling lights and played with her feet for a good 40min:
Berry, yeah I think tena teething/ gum itchy, cos when I got her off pacifiers, she was sucking anything (my hand, etc). But that behaviour reduced... and today I tried putting my finger in (covered in a cloth), instead of sucking, she was "biting", pressing against her gums.
ya, "passing baton" is exactly wat happened! hope Nicole will slowly adjust back to her normal self soon. My girl Esther was not herself again during the early afternoon feed. Praying that she will be ok by tomorrow too. Now in dreamland liao...her normal sleeping time.

Esther too! she gets to practise her grabbing skills these few days...grabbing ang baos. i notice the both of them were born only a few days apart. guess this newly developed skill of theirs come into good use this CNY

My girl does the same thing...munching her clothes...all the time now too! so it is a really a bad time for her to start to wear dresses. cos she keeps lifting them up (& moreover she is now practising her grabbing skills)! but then again, if she doesn't, she'll outgrown them really fast! she has started wearing some of the 6mth & above dresses which she gets as presents. wearing socks meant for 9-18mths.
finally hv time to log in my grumbles ..

rhyan had fever the next am after his 5-in-1 jab on Mon nite, he didn't fuss (provided i accompany him) but didn't sleep for the whole Tues am either .. hb was supposed to work half day but he came bk only near 4pm before i cld do some work then go MIL's pl for reunion dinner .. in the end, reached there at 7pm and finished dinner at 8.30pm ..

alike all years, i wld go to my uncle's pl after my MIL's pl for a second dinner .. mil wasn't too happy when we hinted we had to go, commented tt shld bring rhyan home to sleep already .. then, she mentioned she wants to go to her dad's (hb's grandpa) pl the next day ard 1-2pm and told us to go with her ..

CNY Day 1
reached MIL's pl at 1.30pm and realised she arranged for so many ppl to tongbang our car to go hb's grandpa's pl to pai nian .. there were a total of 10 ppl for our car - hb's parents, hb's 2 sis + 3 kids, hb, me and rhyan!! i told MIL how to tongbang so many ppl when i hv a car seat in front and i sit at the back?? i told her no pl at all and she had to call hb's 2nd sis to come over and help tongbang ..

then they only managed to leave at 3pm+ and finished at 4pm+ .. as like every year, i will go to my uncle's pl (which is HQ for all relatives at my side) to pai nian .. MIL commented before we left not to go for too long hor ..

we reached my uncle's pl at 5pm and i bf rhyan .. after we finished, MIL told nanny to call us and say there is an aunt who wants to see rhyan and to come home soon!! i was like what?! we just reached my side here only and now got to go back? i heck care and cont'd to stay there and we returned at 7pm+ instead .. hmmp!

but poor rhyan was traumatised by the whole day's visiting also lah, kenna passed ard like baton also and i dun understand why ppl must touch and touch his cheeks .. argh!! he was crying while sleeping on the first CNY nite after we reached home ..

CNY Day 2
stayed at mil's pl the whole day and an aunt came over to pai nian also .. mil commented to her tt i am still bfg, the aunt says to me :"wah! ma ma zhen wei da!" mil started saying she told me to stop bfg since rhyan was 3mths old but i still persist on, say see me so thin and small boobs still got so much milk, can pump few bottles somemore!!!!!!! wah liao! she said in front of so many ppl leh, i was damned pissed off!! grumbled to hb in the car and he still laughed - argh!! then he says he must tell his mum tt she gotta sponsor all fm if she keeps on saying i shldn't bf for so long ..
hi mummies!!

wah... love to see all the babies dressed up for CNY

here's lucas on CNY Day 1:

Nicely dressed up before leaving house...
'hihi, like my dressing??'


2 hours later..
'i can't take the heat anymore!!!'

continuing ..

but it wasn't only mil who pissed me off actually lah, rhyan's nanny also .. she was at mil's pl most of the time tt i was there too, coz hb's aunt mah and mil's pl also HQ ..

i mean, i do appreciate her for taking care of rhyan so well but at times, i also feel tt she seems to make my role as rhyan's mummy redundant when she is ard lor ..

she keeps on calling me on my hp throughout CNY to check where we are and what time we will reach mil's pl coz her hb (who dotes on rhyan ALOT) wants to see rhyan .. then, she insists on feeding and cleaning him if she is ard and her hb keeps on carrying rhyan non-stop when he is ard .. to the extent tt both him and rhyan were sweating like mad and he still carried him until rhyan cried and struggled before i insisted tt i must carry him liao ..

nanny even suggested tt mil's pl no good for rhyan coz too noisy, i shld send him over to her pl for nap and bring him back to mil's pl again after tt which i did not think is a good idea coz it wil make my mil unhappy again ..

then, nanny went visiting to a distant relative whom mil knows also .. she called my hp wanting me to drive rhyan over so tt she can show them she is taking care of this cute bb .. thank god i didn't answer the call and so didn't hv to do it ..

i think CNY really scary for ppl like us who hv big groups of relatives and places to visit, and our bbs must always be used for entertainment leh .. i read through so many postings and realised most of us are facing the same nonsense lor, so irritating rite?

and hb is always asked to tong bang this and that relatives home even though it isn't really on the way .. and hb's sis also, a gamble addict who can leave her 11mth old son on his own while she plays her MJ .. rhyan was fussing last nite liao and she cld still ask whether anyone wants to play one more round of MJ when she needs us to tongbang her and her bb home .. luckily rhyan's nanny hinted to everyone not to play anymore and so she had to kuai kuai go home ..
angelia, just realised my pics are quite big. so sorry.... tried to remove after posting but cannot seem to do it

your MIL is so weird!! she should be happy that her DIL is so wei-da, and stop discouraging you from BFing. if i were you, i'll be so damn pissed too. btw, that's a nice cheerful pic of rhyan

berry, medusa,
i think lucas is teething too. he's been so cranky the past few days. and drooling excessively!!

faye is cute! can stare at celing and play with her feet for 40 mins! very patient gal

ryan's new haircut looks COOL!

calista has nice features! doesn't look like a boy lah

esther's CNY card is nice! i love her eyebrows

as usual... yingxin is still the winner for 'baby with the nicest and thickest hair'

kelly, AC,
nice sunny outfit for gab and justin.

found another nanny for justin? i told my hubby abt your nanny and his reply 'that boy is so cute, why would the nanny be so unprofessional' sigh...

sharwyn looks bigger than the last time i saw her. such a sweetie

you look slimmer! congrats!

wow, isabel sure can hold her angpow very well

nice CNY outfit for JR. lucas cannot wear the CNY outfit too, he perspires too much!
i agree with you. i thought CNY would be fun but i don't think so anymore. don't think our babies like to be passed around like a baton, esp when the weather is so hot! my MIL expects us to be at her place everyday!! but i told her that lucas needs his sleep and that her house is simply too noisy! besides the relatives, her 1 year old granddaughter is there too and she keeps screaming the whole day!! arggg!
lucas looks so grown up in tt dressing, rhyan also dressed something similar tdy .. i took a few pixs but maybe will d/l tmrw lah coz so late now .. hehe ..

ya, i dun feel good anymore lor coz our bbs seem to be passed ard and we as mummies can't say much .. so irritating ..

btw, talk abt teething ..
i always thot rhyan is teething when i see the way he drools but now, i really think he is coz recently, he has been biting on his feeding teats and pacifier .. not like his normal self lor when he loves drinking water, nowadays, he keeps on biting his teats or pacifier and he drinks at only 4oz, leaving 1oz for dunno what ..

i touched his gums and the top part seems a little rough compared to the lower gums .. just hv to ensure i give him gripe water lor else he does get abit too cranky at times ..

and, rhyan managed to sit on his own for abt 10-15 seconds before starting to slant to one side and lose his balance .. hehe .. he seems to hv a few new things since CNY lor .. the other thing is, he likes to "stand" now unlike the past when his feet seems to be a little soft .. nowadays, can feel he uses his legs' strength to stand ..
.. gosh! our bbs are growing so fast!!
yes yes, post rhyan's pics!! i wanna see!

yeah, he looks very grown up in that dressing.
hey, lucas is starting to reduce his milk intake too. he cannot seem to finish his milk for the past one week. even when i latch him on, he'll not latch on for long. and like rhyan, he also likes to 'stand' now. when my MIL saw me holding him up in a standing position, she told her relatives 'see, his mummy wants him to stand before he even knows how to crawl' so irritating... sigh....
SLK...found a new nanny for justin, bring justin over for 1 day this monday and will start her officially on next monday
nice lady, she insist dat justin is a perfectly normal bb, not at all difficult...hopefully she is THE ONE
So cute, she was holding her angbao...

Thanks for the compliment. This particular outfit is ard $25, material is not cotton and is hot. JR changed 3 different outfits on 1st day of CNY. His 2nd one, similiar to Justin's blue traditional silky romper, costs ard $20 brought at Yue Hwa.

Your lost digi camera reminds me about my HP in washing machine ;P It is really one of those 'parent thingy' that we do now

Well, there is a chinese saying that 'old things never go, new things will not come'...

He was feeling damn hot, sweat a lot...but we 'ai suai' leh...

Many of my frens came my plc today and saw Rhyan's pic in JR's album.... they all asked me how come can print 'reflection'??? LOL
Anyway, Rhyan is still as cute and handsome as he always is!
Regarding your CNY's experience... feeling sorry for you, rhyan and your car! ...I also hate that comment from your mil abt your 'boobs and milk'! So so so disgusting! And also cannot tahan your nanny's behaviour.

Thanks...JR looks like those bb from china Qing dynasty on his 1st day CNY. Lucas is really like a big boy... even my hb was commenting that he looks like a tough big boy liao!

It is ok...I just one those pics as memory for JR on his CNY with his Kieran cousin...cos I forgot to bring camera out of the car that day

Read those 'experiences' that you wrote on CNY today... hmmm....you so poor thing. Will lent my listening ear when we meet.

Ya, JR seems to enjoy CNY...today we went out to Albert OG for walk walk and got him a new Mama love's highchair, a Playstool's walk&ride and a swimming overall. Then when we got home, he refused to sleep till my frens came for visiting... Was interacting and playing with his adult frens the whole nite ...now he is sleeping ...but ...crying...nightmares (played too much liao!)
Tena's interrupted naps are those 'nightmares' thingy that I mentioned before ...JR got these since a few weeks ago and I think he plays too much before sleep/nap times ... but it is unavoidable cos' it is the next phase of bb's devt.
Think JR is like Tena...no stranger anxiety but he got preference as to who can carry him :p Surprisingly, he usu chose those very nice decent pple to carry him when he is not in his cranky mood(think bb can sense who is superb nice and who are the fiece unfriendly type...maybe).

Like that CNY pose of Ryan.

JR and JR's daddy took at least 3-4 hrs of nap straight on 2nd day CNY afternoon. And we only went out visiting ard late afternoon. Think we all did the right move to let bbies sleep more after the previous hectic day.

JR's milk intake also reduced ... and he likes to play with his teat by pulling in and out to make that 'po' sound nowsaday. And just on Eve of CNY, he has a new habit- 'bitting lower lip' think it got to do with teething....
JR is enjoying 'standing' too recently and that why we decided to bring him the playstool's walk and ride.
JR looks like a china boy in e outfit. very adorable. i love 2 put gab in something like tat but i know he cant take e heat. e weather these few days very hot. when he woke e orange carter's outfit on 1st day, he was already sweating when he was a bb baton.
hope someone returns ur camera to you. i lost my wallet in a citicab b4 n the passengers (a elderly couple) tat boarded after me, came all e way from tanglin halt 2 pasir ris n returned my wallet the same day.

lil prince,
wat a CNY for us, i tik our babies r so traumatised...ur MIL n nanny r so irritating. my MIL also pisses me off again 2day while we were in JB. aiya, she very sarcastic wif her indirect remarks (where she always talk 2 gab n not say it in my face).
after my numerous conflicts wif my MIL, i'm so glad i finally quit from my job n doing something wif flexible timing.

actually gab likes 2 stand on his feet for a while. i tik since he turned 3mths. i didnt bring it up in e forum cos i tot tat's wat babies do. whenever we carry him uprite while sitting down, he'll stand on our thighs.

my MIL saw it n praised her grandson having strong legs. now she likes 2 make him stand but i told her not 2 do it so often. i heard from my relatives tat it's not gd 2 let babies stand for so long unless they r learning 2 stand up on their own.
thks for typing out e recipes. i printed them out n keep them aside til they r handy.

our husband can shake hands. y r they so obliging towards their parents n we (bb n mummy) hv 2 b e ones 2 suffer? i got frustrated wif my hubby a few times during e 1st few days of CNY bcos of my ILs.
looks like i need 2 brainwash my hubby further tat we r his top priorities now.

faye has a very nice dress. where did u buy it? how's ur shoulder? u must hv been xxxx (i dunno wat word 2 use...a bit brain dead at tis timing) but i can understand how u feel n u sitting 40mins in e nursery.
at least faye is spared from e traumatic experience of being a bb baton during CNY.
wendypooh,puff,medusa,ziztine,skyblue, lil prince...
my cranky son's details over 1st 3days of CNY

1st day
i've mentioned in an earlier post tat i wanted 2 head home after going round visiting but my MIL insisted on playing wif gab even though he's showing signs of sleepiness. finally after 40mins, he really fussed then my MIL wah-hee 2 let us go.

after tat, gab didnt sleep well. he slept in e car, woke up when we reached e next destination. he was sleeping very short periods while at my grand-uncle's plc (where all my relatives gathered). e moment he opens his eyes, a relative would scoop him up, bring him around n he would become a bb baton.

after a while, he was tired (naturally cos his granny wont let us off early so he can nap for a while. mummy had no choice but 2 proceed 2 e next plc without going home). he cried for me/hubby. we patted him 2 sleep then 15-20mins later, he would wake up (i tik bcos he not familiar wif e bed and/or kids/adults kept going 2 him, either 2 touch him or talk near him). it's a cycle tat went on during e 2hrs tat we were there. gab slept n woke up 4x. when he fussed e 5th x, i told my husband 2 pack up n leave. we cant bear him 2 b "tortured" in tis manner. imagine a 4mths bb, so tired n wanna sleep but cant...due 2 external disturbing environment/pp.

when we finally got home (abt 8pm), gab knocked out from 9pm+ til e next morn (but he did wake up for milk at 12am, 3am n 6am).

2nd day
gab managed 2 nap for 2hrs at my granny's plc (gab's great grandmother) but he was again a bb baton n EVERYONE who carried him said he's a gd baby (no stranger anxiety at all...gab was ok wif everyone who carried him, even e maids).

when he reached home, he was crying nonstop n super cranky for 1hr. me n my husband didnt know wat 2 do wif him. he was tired but cant sleep. i've fed him so he wasnt hungry for sure. i tik after crying for 1hr, he fell asleep due 2 tiredness from crying.

i super pantang abt such things. everyone kept saying he's a gd boy n ended he was super cranky tat nite.

3rd day
e same thing happened 2day. we went 2 JB 2 visit my MIL's siblings n EVERYONE said he's a gd boy. gab came home, cried for 30mins nonstop.

no more visiting 2day except 2 visit my husband's godma. i mentally n physically tired. i dun tik i can handle another day of gab crying/fussing. heart pain
lucas seems 2 b bursting in his CNY outfit. i love his layers...so cute!

i tik u asked abt how 2 administer med rt? i give in a syringe (given free by PD).
i juz received 2 more pieces of clothing via mail (bought from yahoo auction).


both pieces cost $18 in total. e left outfit is meant for 12mths while e rt outfit is 3-6mths. i'll let gab wear tis wkend when i go visiting on sun.
2 all mummies whose babies were "traumatised" during CNY,
hope ur babies get "normalised" soon. no more such experiences for them. next yr, our babies shld b able 2 run/walk so can run off or avoid e relatives liao.

i kept telling relatives (in a way, hinting) tat next yr, gab will b abt 16mths so they wont need 2 carry him so much anymore. he'll b running around (hopefully). obviously, these relatives didnt get my hint or it worked in a reverse manner...they may hv tot tat since gab will b a toddler next yr, they cant carry him anymore so they carry him much more now. OMG!
lucas looks so cute.... i like the 2nd pix

good buys!

read somewhere bbs can stand (bear own wt) at abt 3-4 mths. but dun let them stand too long coz their hips n legs r not fully developed yet.
Isaac is also beginning to 'stand' at 3 mths now.

Here's simulated 'gong xi:
"Gong xi fa cai to all aunties n freinds!"



"I'm not too happy abt this mommy! I'll do it on my own!"
Wow, so many postings after my last one...

U think pacifier will help to ease the irritation of the gums?

medusa/little prince/ziztine/jnr,
SAme here. When Kieran not on pacifier, he sucks on everything, incl my hands. He'll even go to the entext of bending his head lower to 'chew' on my hands which r across his chest. I tried putting my finger (after washing of cos) into his mouth n indeed, he's biting/pressing his gum against my fingers. His drooling these days r so bad until the top front of his clothes r very often wet.

Justin looks so cute in the 3rd pic.
I'm sure gd pple will be rewarded. U so nice, so the changing of nannies will be a thing of the past.

little prince,
Ur MIL is so mean to comment abt ur boobs. Who is she man? It's so difficult to say no when pple wants to tong pang. I mean ur MIL shd have the common sense that a car can fit 4 pple n a carseat. Where does she expect the rest to sit? On the roof of the car or in the boot? They jus dun understand dat with bbies now, we have so many constraints. OMG, instead of having to put up with only ur MIL, now u got another (Rhyan's nanny) to endure.
Our bbies have indeed grown up. They r reaching the various milestones so fast dat b4 u know it, they've gone on to the next stage. These few nites, i enjoy watching Kieran sleep. I feel so contented. N i feel proud dat i have him as a son n i'm sure many parents here feel proud of ur bbies even tho they're fussy/cranky/etc etc.

Lucas looks so grown up
SO macho in the outfit. He seems to have grown taller n not as chubby as when we last met.

Isaac oso know the gong xi gong xi? So cute

Didn't know u spent so much on those traditional costumes for JR. But well, it's worth it cos he looks so cute in them
So i must be one of those nice decent pple cos JR now enjoys letting me carry him. :p Sure sure, will send u the pics immediately once i download, maybe tis weekend.

Ur MIL really one kind. Gd to stay at home for a day for Gab to get over all the passing ard.
SLK, LOL! Really like Lucas' outfit! And the 2nd pic is hilarious, can see the "michelin" tyres :p
AC, sending lots of gd luck to u, yahlor, it's really the previous nannies who have problem man.
*yawn* Tena aiyoh... she's still not drinking enough during day, after her 8pm feed, she woke at 11+pm for feed, 3+am for another feed! Wahliao, really wish she cld glug-glug-glug 270ml at one go or something :p to sustain longer and sleep thru the nite!

9+am we have to be out of the door to visit HB's boss. Oh well!
Morning mummies,
so many stories abt CNY...
Thanks for the compliments on Ryan.. your bbs all look v.cute in their CNY outfit.
SLK... Lucas really look like a big boy.. maybe next time he needs to wear those holely t-shirts so it is more cooling for him.
Our CNY visitation only limited to 1st 2 day ..2 places only my granny's place and 1 aunt's place..that's all..anyway.. while at my aunt's place we brought Ryan swimming so "conveniently" missed seeing all the unrelated non-family members & kids that were there..Haha...heart pain when have to give out hongbao and know that there is no return..hehe

Ryan enjoyed himself swimming ..once put him in his float he was beating water non-stop..splash water all over hubby and me..and can even laugh very loudly..This guy's not scared of water..so he enjoyed his 1hr in the pool.
AC, hehe I love the last pic of justin sucking his fingers in his bumbo.

lil prince, waliao, how come your mil talk that abt your BF like that???? Such personal remarks, If its me I sure sink thru the ground immed.
Yar lor, our bbs growing so fast hor, it seems only a while ago when faye is still a swaddled bundle in my arms.

Lil prince/ jnr, I think your bbs grow up liao, last time look abit similar, now they look more diff from each other.

SLK waaahhh your Lucus looks handsome in his getup! hehehe the second pic looks so funny wahaha :p
Aiyo, faye sat in her pram in the nusery for 40min not all the while happily kind, more like on-and-off-fussing. But she wants me to be within direct reach and I dont have the strength to carry her and walk (she dun wanna be slinged), so both sit at the nursery lor :p

Kelly, that green dress? Thats a carters from yahoo auction. Waliao, faye has quite a no of nice outfits but she doesnt get to wear them when she goes out cause she has to be slinged alot these days and sweats like mad. the only thing she feels perfectly comfy in are soft plain cotton bodysuits. This explains why pics of her in nice outfits are always taken only at home :p
Hey I love that red stripey bodysuit, so nice! I'm gab will look good in that

skyblue, dunno leh. But I've oredi taken her off the paci for a week, certainly not gonna give it back. Otherwise all the effort will go down the drain, plus the older she is the harder it'll be. Some ppl are lucky cause their bbs automatically reject the paci one fine day, but what if she never does? Dun wan take the risk :p
morning mummies,
another day of visiting 4 us...husband juz said we need 2 visit his godma n eldest cousin.

so tat's e reason y bb shldnt stand so long. i was told not 2 let gab stand too long but was never told e reason. stangely enuff, i also never ask y. but how long is too long? 30secs, 1min or 5mins?

actually, we tot it's ok 2 let him stand, either 2 burn some fats around his legs or build his leg muscles.
hi mummies,
thanks for all your compliments on lucas.

for the first time last night, lucas slept from 8pm to 7am this morning!! was surprised cos he napped a few times in the afternoon. really hope this can last!!

oh great!! don't worry, i'm sure this is the right nanny

yeah, lucas is a big tough boy. the relatives kept commenting on his tough 'meat' over CNY. thanks to BM!

you are right. i think lucas lost weight over the past 2 weeks. he's 'skinner' and his face seems sharper too.

isaac looks very tall in his rompers! he has a very boyish look huh? handsome boy!

nice buy! i like the red-and-white polo shirt. it's from gap ya?

it's ryan's birthday party today ya? Happy birthday ryan!!!

tell faye that her mummy is skinny enough... don't torture her anymore... hee!! btw, i don't think i can take lucas off pacifier.... i'll suffer!! :p
skyblue/mt/slk...i am sure justin will be able to find a nanny who got fate wif him, wif all your well wishes

berry...justin is practically trying to stuff his whole hand into his mouth in dat pix hehee

kelly...today i might go metro @ compasspoint to look out for more nice rompers, coz i tink they dun bring all out, both times i went before got different stocks, hope can get somemore bigger sizes....the fish romper dun tink can wear for long, so sad
Afternoon mummies

thanks for the compliments on Isabel's pictures.

Isabel is dropping a lot of hair these few days, how to clip her hair leh? i m still thinking whether to shave her or lot. She will be coming to 4th month on 20th.

Bot the outfit in Metro Paragon.

So fast, fourth day of cny oredi. really not easy to bring baby out visiting, but next year will be easier lah.

got ur SMS but no time 2 go 2 compass pt 2day. let me know if u bought any gd bargains. husband very proud of my gd buys. during CNY, when e relatives commented how nice gab's clothes are, he kept telling relatives tat i bought gab's rompers from auction/metro for less than $10 BUT he gave me warning
tat i MUST stop buying clothes via auction/stores or 3rd party (i tik he learned 2 b smart liao).

me need 2 find alternatives liao...mayb get ur gals 2 buy for me, i pay u then i say u buy for gab. hee! hee! he's smart but i'm smarter.
y lucas lost weight? hope he puts back e weight. he's my fav sumo-baby.
yup, e red n white romper is from bb gap. i love it cos it looks like a rugby shirt. very cute for babies.

^1st day- denim top with red shorts... however, everyone thought it was a denim dress and kept tugging it down to hide her "red panties". LOL!

^2nd day- silk dress.

^4th day- jumper. Mid-yawn... poor darling so tired!

^ Eyebags liao
tena is so sweet in her dresses/romper. does she feel hot in her denim top? e weather lately is so hot.

nice features, his forehead is quite high hor...does anyone say declan isaac looks like ren xian qi or is it juz me?
Esther got her thick eyebrows fm me & my HB. I pity her cos she will be very busy in future plucking her eyebrows! somemore every time i look, they seem to get thicker! jialat!

Looks like gab is really traumatized these few days. Is he better today? I think Esther has "recovered" fm it all today. Phew...

My girl Esther is dropping lots of hair these few weeks too. Thinking of shaving her after CNY, cos they say after dat hair will grow out nice nice. But heartpain to see her bald leh. so ugly!!! somemore she already look like boy boy with lots of hair...
kelly...i bot another 4 carter's (1 of them i already hv in smaller size), 1 duno brand, and 4 from elle, all rompers
elle's quality not as good as carter's but only $3-4 each, simple design for day wear, and size is bigger
Wah, da4 sou1 gou4 huh? Using Justin's AP $$$ to buy clothes for him? Hee hee... Soon u'll be like kelly, buy n buy :p

Ur boi is very handsome looking. I like the pic of him in the Mickey Mouse romper.

Tena looks so sweet as usual. Like her fleshy arms

Ya, since u've weaned her off the pacifier for a wk liao, makes no sense to give her the pacifier again.
Berry, thanks for the complements

Kelly, ya ... his forehead is high. we called it in hokkien "Kok Tao". So far , no one say he look like ren xian qi leh. i can't really tell also. my SIL say he has the JIN CHENG WU style :p

Skyblue, thanks for the compliments too. Oh i also like the one in the mickey mouse romper.
hmmmm...aniki is my fav movie star. so cool n "suai". i tik i shld look at ur son's pic closely n find my aniki. LOL

u joining us on 19feb for e marche outing?


fly wrong direction...

punctured liao...

my pram and i(and my bolster which my daddy force me to like coz he saw kieran hug bolster beri cute)

