(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


anyone of you intending to buy breast pump? manual or electric better and which brand?

i saw the baby cot in the robinsons warehouse sale - johnson brand @ $299. 4 positions and and change into bed in future. comes complete with mattress and bedding set. best of all, they give addiitonal 2 sideboard (ne for head and one for the end of the baby bed), so in furture when 2nd baby comes, just need to get the base board at $50 and we will hv a cot and bed. worth it right?

but still competmplating whether to get it..today last day. thnk wait till robsinson storewide 15% off then buy coz retail price is $369

Jen, its v common for newly preggies to be unwell, I believe your gynea has seen his share from his experience. I'd say just go and get your much-needed MC, a preggie needs to put herself first sometimes. I think you'll feel better at home, since you can rest/watch TV/eat and do whatever you want, no pressure and stress.

wendy, its normal and 100% fine to feel your body temp raising or feel even a little 'feverish'. I feel this way all the time when I was in first tri, I was so worried that I measured my temp 5-6 times a day LOL! But one thing to take note: even though you feel hot and feverish, the thermometer should NOT reflect a fever. This is due to your increasing metabolism rate, you'll feel more 'normalised' in second tri because your body will learn to adapt to this change. Meanwhile, just keep out from sun and heat, drink more water/fluid and keep the fan/aircon on.
hi jen

maybe u can see a GP for Mc.
me too have been seeing my gyane every week
but so far ever on mc.
which gyane u seeing, must u pay for each visit?
me had been spending a bomb on medical bill
micky, I'm planning to get an Avent manual pump. But if you plan to be a working mum who BF, then better invest in a good electric pump for convenience. I heard feedback from working mums that manual pumps are too tiring and time consuming for them. Medela is a good brand for electric I heard.
I know there is a Johnson cot from the brand Kid's Paradise, is this what you're referring to? $299 is quite cheap if the cot is good, but you might wanna look around first, Kaki bukit has quite a good range, do check out if you're free.

i heard that avent manual one is good. the medela one quite noisy, so i would prefer a manual one. do you know if i buy the aven manual pump can throw into other brands of steriliser?

i'am looking at avent warmer also..not cheap but it states can warm all kinds of bottles, dun know if it is true.

kaki bukit - got exact address?
<font color="0000ff">i oso planning to buy Avent ISIS (manual) pump. but can't decide to get the basic set or the one wif cooler bag

saw yesterday at JL was $86.60 (b4 15%), robinson was $100.xx, dunno why so much diff.

but heard the price dropped to abt $60 for robinson during their sale leh

i plan to BF for at least 6 mths lah, but hor, office dun hv place to pump. unless i wanna do it in the toilet which is so unhygenic rite?

okie, gotta go meeting liao.
no more soptting liao. now waiting anxiously for next check up on coming wednesday.
have u tell yr boss abt yr pregnancy? i din intent to tell, but think of the possibility of frequent MCs and leave, and of course nowadays i always on the dock, 5:30 sharp will pack my things &amp; go home. so i tell him and he is very understanding. May be u shld consider to tell yr boss tat u preg.
micky, sorry I dun have exact address, we just drove around there until we found :p But my hubby found it quite easily cause they have HUGE signs directing you next to the roads. What I keep hearing from friends is that for BF working mums, most of them regret getting manual pump after returning back to work, and ended up buying the electric one instead. I think there are a few better models that are quieter and suitable for daily expressing when you're at work. Yup, I believe the Avent Isis BP can fit into Pigeon steriliser.
I'm not planning to buy warmer, so not sure about that. If you're keen, can go to dept store and see for yourself. Just tell the sales person you want to try fitting to see can or not.

Angelia, I know alot of mothers think that expressing milk in toilet is v unhygenic, honestly I personally think its fine provided you do it in a clean toilet (not kopi tiam kind with cockroaches running around of course). Office toilets should be quite clean right?
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
well, if new office then okie lah. but i'm in those "industrial" building, somemore quite old alr, so, hmmm....

then, the breastfeed milk is for bb leh, and bb immunity system not so good yet. somemore we pump alr, bb not immed consume, so germs gets a lot more time to "multiply" until we bring it back home.

and well, we only hv a mini bar fridge for the whole dept, and it's alr stacked full with stuff, even the ice compartment oso not freezing. therefore, better be more careful. otherwise, bb will get more sick than healthy after taking BM.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 03-May
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 21
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 22 Mt A / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 22 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 20 Mt A / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 19 Mt A / ??
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 19 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 17 GlenE / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 17 Mt A / ??
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 17 GlenE / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 17
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 17 Mt E / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 16 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 15 GlenE / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 15 GlenE / ??
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 15
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 14
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 11
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 10
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 10
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 09
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 09 KKH / ??
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 09
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 07 GlenE / ??

<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

my MS is quite ok in the morning, in the evening it starts to surface..Anyway, I dont hve much appetite, eat for the sake of eating. The pill is called Metolan tablet.

I also eat the duphaston pill, but i eat 2 tablets at one go, forgot to eat one at a time..is it ok?

My colleagues say I lose weight, yest went to see gynae , baby is abt 18mm.

I got some slight brown watery discharge yest and quite smelly. This morning, it is ok.
Morning ladies...aiyo looks like I'm the onli one in wk17 who doesn't know my bb gender yet, the rest of u can start ur shopping oredy. I went to JB last weekend to buy bb stuff, wow like rich woman kind, keep buying non-stop becos it's realli cheap there.

Berry, ya I do agree Kaki bukit has a few nice cot, planning to get from there oso. But lately we saw one at Kiddy palace, like the wood of the cot but it doesn't come with anything else...so still contemplating.
hey... anyone saw the news on hospital delivery charges last nite? there's a table in today's ST too.
Hi all MTB
Can anybody advise me when can i buy air-fresher or air purify equipment? Be'cos my boss smoke in the office. Oh... everytime he smoke i feel like vomitin. I wan to buy an air-refresher to put in office my boss oso agree. My poor bb hv to inhale 2nd hand smoke. Anybody pls help me...
oranges... there is this goodaire tat was v popular during the SARS time. saw them around. they selling @ watsons. u can chk out http://www.goodaire.com

this one is cheaper compared to better ones (with ioniser) like plasma cluster which can be found in shops like SAFE or best denki.
actually mt e is the most ex, so i'm crossing my fingers the promo with citibank will still be on when i deliver man. so which hospital will u be going? forget your gynea from where liao.
hi are,
u delivery at MTE? wat is the citibank promo abt?
can share?
how the charges at Glen eagle any idea? u mena they show the table in ST

hi TBl
me still have not tell my boss abt it yet dun think tehy can accept it. only my 2 close colleage know abt it i think will hide till tummy showl lor. so everyday have to struggle to work dun dare to take mc
gd morning all ..
almost lunch time liao..
wat's for lunch later?

as to which hospital.. tink i either choose Mt.A or TMC bah ...
Hi YingZi,

i am also one of them who is in wk 17 n yet to know my baby's sex yet. dont worry, maybe our next visit we will be able to know. as long as baby is healthy is most important.

so which shopping centre of JB did u shop for baby's stuff? what did u buy there?
wendypooh... yes, i'll be delivering in mt e. the citibank promo is a discount on 2-bed rates, plus complimentary upgrade to 1-bed if available. forgot wats the actual cost liao, sorrie. hoping to find out more when i go for the 'tea party' they holding nxt wk. a fren took up last yr &amp; saved a lot. u interested? i'll let u noe when i hv the info.

yes, the table is in today's papers. or u can refer to tis.

oranges... according to the table, TMC is the lowest of all leh.
hi are,

thank you very much for your offer. my gyane is at GlenE so I must deliver at GlenE, whicg is naother expensive hospital sigh.. wonder whether citibank have promo at GlenE. how u know abt this promo?
wendypooh... its actually not v 'advertised'. i oni knew cos a fren gave birth last yr @ mt e. or u can call or email their customer service? i emailed mt e then they gave me more info.
Hi are,
i will be delivering in mt e too.dunno anything abt d citibank promo.can you update me with the latest info?Btw,whos ur gyane in mt e?i am with Dr kowa.
Hi,, I have some qns and problem to ask..
Dun know if you all share the same experience as me..

I am abt 7wks now.. been very tired for the past few days.. I have mense-like cramps.. just wondering do you all have it.

Today,, I think,, they are some spotting,, quite worry..
chihiro, TMC is a very pro-BF hosp, meaning their nurses are all v pro-BF and gives new mothers alot of help after delivery, that's why I chose TMC over Mt Al.

melody, if you have spotting, go to your gynea asap, he'll probably give you some pills to support and stabilise your pregnancy.

Yingzi, which shopping centre you went in JB? What are the things that are cheaper over there?

oranges, you need an air-purifier to clean the air, air freshener can only mask the smell but not clea the air of the smoke.

are, how effective is the goodaire purifier?

klaudin &amp; wendypooh, the citibank promo is on a first-com-first-serve basis, only available for citigold card holders. Initially I also wanted to make use of this perk, but I was told that not all who apply will get it cause spaces runs out v fast. For more details, check out citibank.com.sg
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
heard from some of my frens saying tt TMC is gd lor.. they had relatives who hv given birth there quite satisfied with TMC .. so chances of gg to TMC is quite high :p
hi are, berry

thank for the info.

welocme.u mean u still have not seen a gyane seen then? better go and see gyane soon
Any air-purifier to recommend &amp; where can i buy it? Pls advise.Thks.

I dunno TMC is the cheapest, i go there be'cos of Dr TC Chang
hi ladies,
today just comeback to work after 1 wk MC, so kind of loss lah... very slow in doing thins. feel very tired oso. After few days of good life at home, now not used to it liao.
as for hospital, am thinking to chose either TMC or Raffles. Anyone has any info on Raffles Hospital services? I went there for day surgery b4, and found the nurses are very good. But not too sure abt the maternity one lah.
oranges, go to places like safe superstore or best denki. Look for air purifiers that uses the HEPA filter, from what I know, only HEPA filters can successfully filter our the harmful things in the air like cigarette smoke, bacteria, etc.

TBL, I have friends who take no-pay leave to rest during pregnancy all the way till they give birth, to 'yang3 tai1'. If you can, why not so that as well, it'll be good to lead a more relaxed lifestyle during pregnancy.
did consider abt giving up the current job oso. but after much consideration i think 2 incomes are still better than 1, since i still young so better work lah!
although hubby seems quite acceptable oso if i dun work, but dun wan to give hubby too much pressure lor. Besides the job market now not so good, if 'suay suay' he kena retrentch then jialat liao. may be i think too much liao.

anyway there is advantage on working too, coz can chit chat wif colleagues, kek poh kek poh lah.
<font color="ff6000">hi melody</font>
welcome to the thread

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
hope u r feeling better after a wk's rest .. :>
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
ya .. i tink if can work better
sometimes work can keep our minds off negative tots at the same time, still in touch with society
but of coz must know how to handle stress from work lah ..
TBL, you on one week mc? how come? better take care. me no info on raffles hos.

oranges, yes do not take in so much 2nd hand smoke, whether during or not during pregnancy, not good for our health.

me had a blackout in the mrt this morning..lucky my hubby was with me, so i leaned onto him, if not i would hv collaspe..felt nausea and vomit some water ..yucks. the feeling was terricle, totally cannot open my eyes, all black..GP said blood pressure abit low. so now one mc, tomolo work again. i was thinking could be i take mrt instead of car this morning to work (first time i think since pregnancy) and all the moving i cannot take it. aiya, must be baby pampered, only can take car cannot take mrt...
chihiro, yes in fact immediately after the blackout i'm ok alrady but hubby insisted i see a doc. called my gynae and he said probably could be motion sickness, esp when he heard that i took mrt instead of car, the body not tune to it. said if blackout again must go see him liao, anyway my next visit is coming sat..
klaudin... i'm w dr sc chew. maybe u can chk out the website frm berry for more details too cos i dun hv any now.

oranges, berry... i juz bought it last wk, so cant really comment on effectiveness. but my hse is oso v smokey cos my dwnstrs neighbour hv a lot of smoking MJ kakis and their smoke comes in thru my balcony, so i wanted to buy something to mask the smell. so far, i quite like it cos it gives off a light scent.
me mc due to spotting lor. now better after some good rest at home.
nxt time b4 take mrt u need to talk to bb first, then bb will know there is new things to experience.
<font color="ff6000">micky</font>
gd to hear tt
any possiblities of seeing ur bb's gender tis sat?

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
ask u hor, in which wk did u start seeing dr adrian 1x every 3wks huh?
pls take care &amp; hope u'll better nw. Wat to do workin in this smoky environment.

Do u the price for the Hepa filter, co. is goin to sponsor hehe... but not too expensive lah.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 03-May
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 21
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 22 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 22 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 20 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 19 MAH / ??
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 19 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 17 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 17 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 17
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 17 MAH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 16 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 15
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 14
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 11
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 10
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 10
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 09
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 09 KKH / ??
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 09
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 07 GEH / ??

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; ESH - East Shore</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

Dear gals, I'm back after a day's MC... not enough rest but gynae din give more days... so ngiao... puked twice on Mon until the whole of yesterday my gastric and chest so painful... even now still painful...
take care
Let's cout down to our second trim and hope things will get better.
I always have the nausea feeling but so far puke once.
Is it ok to sleep with our tummy down instead of on our back? My hubby says dont "crash" the baby so he will ask me to sleep with tummy face up.

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
ok .. thanks !

<font color="ff6000">emma</font>
shd be ok ..sometimes i oso sleep with tummy down
