(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

chihiro, same! According to chart a girl but HB assumes a boy! hehehe.

Ohhh there's another method, something abt twirling a ring on a string, not sure how lah. MIL keeps exhorting me to try it, said very accurate for her, but I chao4 kuan4, dun wan to try it! :p

hello gals... haven been here yakking for a long time...

berry!! great to see you haf been doing well!.. my gynae sort of "promoted" Mt A..so likely i will go there and deliver la.. and i am expecting a gal too!!! i envy you leh can start playing wif your gal gal..i still dun feel any poke leh..hee..or maybe i dunno how it should be..

i haven been wear
any maternity clothes too..although i haf put on 7 kgs..but most of my fren still cannot tell that i am preg...they tot i am just " very fat" my EDD has moved earlier...
<font color="ff6000">mtmtmt</font>
oh .. i heard of tt one before
if the ring circulate above ur palm, bb shd be a boi (tis one im not sure which gender, might be opp),
if the ring swings sideways, bb's gender shd be the opp lor.. tink my fren tried tis 3yrs ago ..and i dun rem wat's the result she got...
actually adding 1 year to ur age before ur bday is not accurate... if u really want, think must calculate based on ur lunar birthday... which is quite a difference from ur solar birthday...

MTx3... i heard of the ring one too... you suspend ur wedding ring above ur tummy... somehow if it moves in circle, then gal... if it rocks side to side like pendulum, then boy... but i dunno how the ring can move by itself... :p
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
its above tummy huh??
heh. .. i must hv remembered wrongly .. i tot palm
hi all.. share share lobang...

The Maternity House #02-152 Marina Sq
Buy any 2 blouses or dresses and get one free
(lesser or equal to lower priced item).
Hi Angelia,

Could you pls update for me. I am having a boy, will deliver at Gleneagles.

Seems like most mums here having girls. me want a girl too!!
Dear aer, TBL and wendypooh, sorry i was very busy with my month end last frei and that is why did not reply..hee..besides we still sourcing for pc for our new home, so only when i cme back to my mum house, then i able to surf..

thanks so much for all your encouragement! I really hope the scan on this coming 7th show that my bb is growing. Maybe I will check with Dr Ong if I can hve a tummy scan rather than a viginal scan..

recently i aso dun sleep well...and it seems that i will feel nausea at times, and most of the time the stomach like feel hungary but not sure if it is hungary..hee,will your feel the same....i aso feel tired at times...

btw have your informed ur boss regarding ur preganacy?? pple say usually not 3 mths yet, dun say is it true??
hi girl
I also get tired easily. Been having MC for the past 2 weeks, intend to tell my boss after 3 mths but have to tell now if not I will be questioned sooner or later.
I also feel nausea and esp at night. In the morning, I will pop the anti nausea pill then it will be better for the rest of the day until evening..the feeling comes. My appetite has not been good so far.
how's everyone? enjoyed ur holiday?

Emma, how's ur MS leow? My MS like slightly better but at night quite jia lat... cannot sleep... wat anti nausea pill u taking? u take MC for 2 weeks?! I tot I most sart leow... :p
<font color="aa00aa">heather,</font>
k.. u'll see the update in the next post

u wanted a girl ah?? i swap wif u lah
our "minds" too geared towards boy liao cos all ancient theories &amp; myths all pointed to me hving a boy.. but.. hope 3 wks later my detail scan will show a boy lor *pray hard*

<font color="aa00aa">gals,</font>
i thot the lunar age shld be based on CNY?

so if born on 1974, if concept on late Dec 03 till b4 CNY, age shld be 30 yo, lunar mth shld be 12.

anyway, i tried the following combinations, all returned boy, but gynae says "most likely" girl leh

<font face="courier new">
age .. mth
30 ... 12
30 ... 01
31 ... 12
31 ... 01

another "way" of prediction..
grab uncooked rice with ur thumb &amp; index finger, then count... if odd = boy, even = girl.

i tried twice, both times oso odd... but still....

even my colleage says my tummy seems to be sharp, so should be a boy.

so i can safely say... the ancient "theories &amp; tests" all proved to be inaccurate for me.. UNLESS... my scan on 22 May shows i'm having a baby boy!!


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 03-May
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 21
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 22 Mt A / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 22 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 20 Mt A / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 19 Mt A / ??
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 19 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 17 GlenE / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 17 Mt A / ??
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 17 GlenE / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 17
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 17 Mt E / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 16 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 15 GlenE / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 15 GlenE / ??
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 15
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 14
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 11
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 10
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 10
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 09
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 09 KKH / ??
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 09
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 07 GlenE / ??

<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

Is natural to worry for the bb, i'm oso like tat. But dun over worry lor,I guess who got pregnant almost the same time. I'm 6wks pregnant. My MS get worse nowadays,so hw's yr? Btw, u stay ard Bukit Panjang? I'm stayin tat area.
I oso hvn't tell my boss, maybe later but... i'm shiftin office this mth so dunno hw to find excuse not to carry stuffs. Hw????? Can somebody advise me wat excuse to tell them?


Angelia, Berry
Aiyo troublesome hv to carry so many things over. I requested my hubby to shorten his biz trip. mayb u can oso tell yr hubby. Berry... Thks for yr advise on food. No Dang Gui &amp; chinese herb, heard no gd for the baby on 1st tri.

Can chk wif u hw many mth then can c the gender. I'm 6wk nw, this wed goin for my 1st appt to c Dr TC Chang fm TMC. U heard of his name?

Pls eat something, yr bb muz be v hungry. Remember nw u hv 2 mouth to feed. hehe... Do take care.

I heard fm those old folks they told me not to eat Black chicken 1st, cos herb is bad for the bb. Tink u better chk ard b4 eatin.
Hi girls! How's everyone's weekend? Hubby and I went to Kaki Bukit to check out their selection/prices. Not bad, its really quite big, large variety of car seats, cots, walkers(for those planning to use walker), playpens and strollers/prams. I was told that they can give good discounts if you buy a few items at once, but must bargain.

Oranges, why not just say you're pregnant? Its a good thing to be shared. If you really dun want to tell them, then just say you fell and almost dislodged your elbow, doc say you cannot carry heavy things for a month.
Haha...my hubby's overseas trips cannot be shortened under any circumstances cause he's workijng for goverment, not private company. Anyway my hubby will be darn busy this and next week, its almost like he's overseas, so its just me and me baby for these two weeks.
Gender can be found out at around 15th-16th week.
Black chicken on its own is not a herb, its just a chicken. I like to cook black chicken soup with black beans and red dates, V yummy and nutritious!
Oh dear... I just vomited again... this time is quite a lot of liquid and some biscuits I took came out... dear dear... I still thot my MS was getting better... sigh...

i would like to check whether is preganat woman easy to suffer from anemia? I had been feeling very giddy these few day and cant sleep at night due to the giddiness
GIRL... i had to 'officially' let whole office noe when i was oni 6wks cos i cant attend a team building activity, so a bit buay kam wan then. but for those whom i dun want to tell, i tell them i sprained my bac, so cant carry things. ppl usually wun question u one lah.

oranges... finally decided your gynea? so exciting! u r going to see your bb for the 1st time!
wendypooh... may or may not. giddy can be due to your low BP also. i was also feeling giddy for 1st tri, &amp; i always visit GP to make sure BP is ok cos low BP is not gd.

jen... its like tat 1 lah. i'm 16wks now, still got MS sometimes.
take it easy okie?
thanx are... it's just that vomiting is not usual for me... most of the time, it's just nausea... this is one of the times really vomit lor...

girl, i told my manager when i took a few days MC... cos I think not fair to them if I dun tell them why and take so long MC... later they think I bad attitude... luckily, they were supportive and understanding... so actually it may not be that bad a decision to tell them...
wendypooh... all i noe is BP too hi or too low not gd lor, esp preggie. u can juz visit any GP to take your BP.

berry... i heard b4 tat the things there are cheaper &amp; more variety cos they are importer, but hv not been there myself.
hi gals, just wanna check... i heard that most preg women suffer from constipation... but for me, i've been having diahreou... and the colour is greenish one leh... how huh? should i see doctor?
Hi are
Thk u finally made appt.Yup will b my 1st appt.I get to noe Dr TC Chang fm this website.Btw, wat will the doctor chk on 1st appt? Will they take a blood test 4 my hubby? Sometime i oso will ask myself is my bb ok?hehe... tink 2 much

tat's a gd one.hehe...maybe hv to tell them lor cos hv to unpack my file &amp; put it back to cabinet &amp; storerm. Hope i'll hv the support fm my collegue &amp; mgr cos i'm the 1st lady gettin pregnant in office.

Yr soup seem to be very yummy, mayb i'll let.

Juz tink we r lucky to hv bb ok. so nw hv to suffer a bit. Mayb u can eat some sour plum or any food tat will make u feel better.
hi hi girls,

i just did my detailed scan last week....baby growth progress very good.....from the detailed scan...finally confirmed that i am expecting a baby boy....i managed to see his organs
...the nurse press my tummy area very hard ..she say cannot see properly...sigh..i told her maybe my fat layer too thick....
i am glad everything is ok.....

another thing...facing a problem now...
both my mother and mother in law are willing to take care of my baby...but obiviously i would prefer my own mother to take care...but i dun noe how to reject my parent in law in a nice way...sian....
did u take obimin (multi-val)? for my case my stool is in black-green colour since i start obimin, Doc say is normal.
Yr diarrhea serious or not? u can visit GP but got to tell GP u are preg. Did u take any milk these days? Since my preggie, i have mild diarrhea after taking milk. Dun take oily / spicy food for the time being.

congrats for yr bb boy!
so envy u, both mother and MIL wiling to take care of yr bb! is yr mum stay near yr place? if yes then u tell yr MIL yr mum's place is nearer hence more convenience lor.
wendypooh... u can tell GP ur condition, &amp; ask for his advice. previously, if they nvr chk my BP, i will ask for it lor. cos i'm always on the low side (too skinny) so i scared drop too low will affect bb.

oranges... gynea will do a scan (vaginal if abdominal cant see) for u. but why a blood test 4 ur hubby? dun worrie lah, all gyneas are experienced, juz do wat they ask u to can liao.
till now, i oso blur blur in, blur blur out everytime... hehehe... if there r any qns u want to ask , u may want to jot on a piece of paper in case u forget, cos too excited to see bb!
TBL, I take Prenavit (a bright pink tablet) for multivit... sometimes I LS, sometimes I dun... so I also dunno serious or not...

Adeline, lucky you...
hi are,
ok thank, i monitor to see again if still no improve think i will go see doc. have not been feeling good these few day cos cant sleep well at night. i have to tahan for another 2 days cos my colleagues today and tom have to wait for them to come back before i can go mc or leave. really feel like taking a few day mc and rest at home
wendypooh, it's common to feel very very sick everyday... sometimes I also feel giddy... think it's part and parcel of MS...
hi jen
thank for your comfort.
i feel tat my ms is getting worse. i have ms in early stage and last week was ok then i tot i ok
since last sat i had been feeling very sick and down and i cant take mc at all cos no one covering my duty. i feel so upset and emotion. everytime whn my hubby call me to see hoe i feeling then i will be in tear.
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
hv ask dr regarding the dark green stool before
he said that its normal once we start taking the prenavit .. its iron/calcium (4got which one) and if not absorb by our body, will pass out
wendy, I was also v weak and tired all the time during my first tri. Imagine, I had to sleep an average of 11 hours daily, PLUS an afternoon nap in order to feel slightly well. Just rest as much as you can, eat as well as you can and don't overwork your body. Your body is working hard to feed and nourish your little one now, and your baby is only 'self-sufficient' when the placenta is fully formed after first trimester (12-14 weeks). There will always be work waiting for you, but there is only one body and one baby, so take a few days off if you have to. A good break now will make you feel alot better.
hi berry,
thank for your comfort. the problem wif me is i cant sleep well at night and keep turning ard. then day time i feel very tired. now hoping my coll will be back soon then i can take a few day leave to rest
Hi wendypooh
Tell yrself u can pull through this tough stages for the sake of yr bb, ok.
If u cry, yr bb will noe and he will feel sad for mummy. Work hard ok. Everybody will go through yr stages.

I oso dunno juz heard fm a friend. Hubby hv to do blood test juz in case bb will suffer fm low sydrome or other illness. u say u blur the i'm worse man.
wendy, I also had sleepless nights in first tri, its due to sudden surge of pregnant hormones. Dun worry, it'll pass in second tri (er...but will come back in third tri). Remember to put yourself first before your work. Your body and health comes first.
are and oranges, I never heard that hubbies also have to do blood test. For us, hubby has not been asked by gynea to do any test before even though he is always there when I go for consultations.
hi berry &amp; orange

thank for your warm comfort. I had been telling myself to calm down but dun know why evertime tear just roll down.
dun worry, it's normal. i oso always cry esp during wk6&amp;7. Now oso will cry over very small issue.
it's partly due to the hormone change. Changes in our body oso make us feel like really "wu nai", coz will feel like we have no control over our own body. Esp i always dunno whether i hungry or not
, tis makes me feel really pek chek oso. Look @ the bright side, after this 1st tri, the honeymoon trimester is just ard the corner.

btw today is the last day of my MC. tomolo got to work liao. after 1wk of rest, think of going back to office, really sian lah! think of the canteen food alr no mood liao. haiz....
my mum keep telling me dun cry, bb will know... i was like
huh... dun think so rite? if bb know everything u did when u preggie, then when born out will know how to talk leow...
jen/wendypooh... really, try ur best to cheer up, maybe buy something u like to eat as a 'treat'. cos i had 2 colleagues, 1 had a terrible pregnancy, so she was always v down &amp; the bb when born always with a frown 1. but the other 1, she's always v happy &amp; smiling thru out her preggie, then when she showed us her bb pics, her bb actually always smile by herself, even if left alone!

with these 2 cases as egs, i always remind myself to relax a bit and not be so tense. my work also no one to take ovr when not ard, so even if i MC, it will juz pile &amp; wait for me. then even tho' ppl noe i'm on MC, they will still rush me for things. but i hv v gd colleagues who keep reminding me tat my bb is most impt, so do take it easy ok?
hi tbl

thank for the comfort. this week is my week 7 i dun feel so bad in the past except today i feel really bad esp my MS and think i dun sleep well tat why so emotional. so envy u got a week of mc to rest now i only hopign my coll cn come back soon so i can go on leave to rest
hi are,
thanks i will try to cheer myself up.
u are so lucky to haev good coll, for me they only care for themselevs.

anyone know wat is the normal temp for a pregnant woman? i feel my whole body so hot as if i having fever
my doc say if u are sad, yr body will produce bad hormone tat will harm bb, so we all must try to stay happy. So yr mum's theory is correct oso.
some thime i'll think abt my hubby, he is very loving and understanding, tis will make me happy too.

aiyoo... dun envy me! my 1wk mc is due to spotting lah! so no good!
but if u think u need to rest, then u shld see GP or gynea for mc. the day b4 my spotting, i was suppose on MC but still went back to office for half day due to oversea visitors. The nxt day i got spotting. so i alr learn to rest as much as I can.

i oso no one to take over my jobs while i'm on MC. tat why ver worry abt tomolo going back to work.
luckily my boss very good, he said bb is more important, ask me to rest.

btw as i have nt annouce my preggie to other colleagues (except boss and 1 good colleague). I heard all of them alr guess i MC due to preggie, think tomolo I will have lots of "concerning questions" fm them. Dunno how to tell them. May be I shld admit i preggie but will ask them stop asking too many Qs lor.
wendypooh... dun envy me too. i oso hv colleagues who keep calling my HP wen i on MC, then when i come bac, keep chasing for things even tho' i dun look gd. juz hv to take care of ourselves among these ppl lor.

my GP was saying its normal for preggies to hv higher temp, but i dun, maybe cos i always scared cold &amp; seldom fever one. so dun worrie unless u really hv a high fever ya? anyway, ppl always say preggies scared of hot, but i'm always in jacket!
hey gals, do u think i should take MC tomorrow? I really feel quite unwell now so hoping end of day will come... but I'm worried staying at home will make me feel more sick... and I've been seeing the gynae like every week... so a bit paiseh to see him again and get MC... hiaz... how?

hi TBL,
so sorry abt tat, i have forgotten abt it. memory seem to deteoriate. how your spotting all back to normal? your boss very good leh still ask u to rest. my boss alway face black black when i take MC or leave.

ya agreed wif u, some coll are good some are bad. some of tehm oso call me when i on leave or mc or even on Sat when i suppose to be off. they jsut cant find thing themselves. sometime i even get oversea call from USA in teh middle of the night to ask abt my work. sometime i so tired tat i even ignore to ans anyway my company dun pay for my HP bill.
me too alway have jacket on in office aircon very cold but body temp very high so i worried
