(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

I have spottings in my first tri also.. forgotten how many times liao.. but i very ks.. quickly speed down to gynae everytime and do lots of scanning to c how's my bb doing .. end up been taking duphaston and injections till 3rd mth. It was tormenting and tiring for me and hubby as we always have to c our gynae on emergency basis each time the alarm being activated..

Hey.. also if your spotting is brown discharge, it may b just some old blood being passed out as yr body is always producing new fresh blood to supply oxygen to yr growing bb

But u should really consult yr gynae just to make sure everything's fine.. Take Care!

wah angelia, u really fast with the news eh? i only saw the headlines of today from person across me in the bus then come in here got full report to read... hehe...
Thank everyone for the advice.

I have been seeing the gynae almost every week.

He will ask me to increase the dosage for the hormone pills.

Cubbie,is your spotting a lot? How often as in daily and how many times in a day?

When you see the gynae, he just scans the tummy right??
Hi hi ..morning gals...

wow, me also didnt know li lin and allan is married......

by the way, my colleague comment that i look so haggard ..like very tired ....she say most pregnant mum should looks very radiant in their 2nd tri....i replied that i also dun noe why....but a lot of people comment that I look tired....hmmm...dun noe why ley
Gynea will need to scan yr tummy to make sure bb is alright. And oso he will ask abt the colour of the spotting and injection will be given if it is needed. Dun worry abt seeing gynea for every wk, it's more important to ensure bb is alright.

i oso didnt know wong lilin is married. thks for sharing this news.. btw me now only 10wks preggie but tummy starts to show since last wk. Very obvious leh! i think i will belongs to those very big size preggie women category lah!
anyway as long as bb is healthy now i dun wan to think abt other things lah! May be i shld enjoy as a fat fat MTB.

how are u today? feeling better?
my spotting is always brown discharge, sometimes scanty, sometimes a lot (comes together with tissues somemore, whh is bad if it's bb tissues means a mis*** liao)

my spotting is not daily one.. a few days will spot once and it's always brown just the qty is diff..

my gynae use v-scan as he wants to c carefully my ovaries, cervix or bb sac got bleeding or not.. but he's very very careful.. so i not worried..

my hormone pills at tt time also very high dosage .. have to take 3x a day for abt 3 mths leh plus the injections twice a wk.. so cham
oh dear... it sounds very scary leh... i've read so many horror stories abt spotting and mis* until I scared I kanna... wun want to suffer the MS for nothing man... :p
jen... u might want to try to take obimin @ nite instead to reduce ur MS. it worked for me, so now i take all my pills @ nite (cept calcium cos muz take on empty stomach)

must monitor, any form of spotting must see gynae. better take care.

i also dun know li lin and allan were married..and due date same as many of us, in oct. looks like this year lots of babies coming..

angelia, me hoping for sat to come faster also..

ladies, me now coming 16 weeks. stomach in the morning like a little bit, then noon become a little bit more obvious, at nite more obvious. is it normal? in the morning, me like dun look pregnant..
hello gals,
was wondering who was the celeb too! i think li-lin will be a beautiful mum.. like the show she casted in TCS8 show in the noon..

please help me update my bb's gender..i am expecting a gal gal. keke..

i feel stretches in my tummy and keep wondering if that's my bb kicking..any discription? other than that i still dun feel anything. hee
i had spotting earlier on in my preg too. only spotted once and i rush to my gynae liao. better be safe than sorry. my gynae gave me MC to rest only. i asked for pills or injection he say dun need. was worried till spotting was over.

its normal, i dun even look pregnant in the morning, only in the evening after dinner, tummy will become harder and rounder. currently in my 5th month and put on 7 kgs already. hee
congrats on getting a little princess..can start shopping for her liao! actually me more or less prepared that this sat cannot see bb gender, only 16 weeks.

so it's normal that we dun look pregnant in the mornings lar, i tot i'm the odd one out..me yet to weigh though. last time weigh put on almost 2 kgs when i'm 3 mths pregnant. this sat will weigh again..see how many kgs i put on for this mth.
you mus be very excited. i was very excited each gynae visit becoz so excited about the sex. hubby wanted a boy but i had the instinct that this is a gal. hehe...took many scans to confirm the scan. even during the detailed scan gender cannot be seen. only when my own gynae try to scan again on the same day then manage to see the 3 lines. i told my hubby ciz bb dun wan to disappoint him so everytime he is watching the scan bb dun show..haha
jen... i read somewhere tat vit B causes vomiting in some ppl, & so happen my doc oso say take @ nite, aft food, so i juz follow lor.

micky... me too. sometimes my skirt can fit well in the morning, bt aft dinner, too tight liao!
most of us knew the sex ard 15wks, so u might get lucky! do prep-talk ur bb!

bebechic... congrats! another princess!
wow, din know li lin and allan wu are married !

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
ya .. felt better 2day
paiseh to ask u something personal
do u hv a tummy before preggie huh?
coz i do, then i feel ard hor, dunno where is bb leh .. sometimes i do feel a bulge, but not sure whether is it bb there

<font color="ff6000">bebechic</font>
congrats on hving a bb gal ..

<font color="ff6000">micky</font>
giv ur bb a prep talk before ur scan lah .. hee..

i seem to be losing weight..
am oredi overweight before preggie, but juz weigh tis morning, tink i lose 1 kg.. is tis normal?
hello chihiro...
didn't manage to reply your email...dun worry about the weight lost..most mummies lose weight during the first trimester becoz of the MS. the baby;s location is usually somewhere 2 inches below the belly button and towards the right.

hi are,
you having a princess too! your gynae from MAH? me going to deliver there too!
oh btw, heard from a colleague hor
his sis know her bb's gender liao .. and her EDD is in Nov as well .. so fast can know liao ah ..
bb is boy
indeed i am. but i am more concerned that during this one mth that i did not see him/her, he/she is doing fine. abit scare to hear any bad news..choy! me paranoid lar. 4 weeks never scan liao.

chihiro, losing weight abit i think is normal..

are, will tell bb to let me see gender..was hoping for a boy, but girl also can! so long healthy..so i guess most preggies same same, in early 2nd trismester stomach abit flat in the morning. maybe bb needs time to warm up and then tummy will protrude.
Emma,, mi now 7 wk liao.. got spotting.. now this week lor.. i have it last tues,, with a little bit of brown discharge,, very scare,, so went to see gynae.. quite worry.. but docs say is ok lor.. quite normal
give me pills to stablize lor..
actually,, i am also very worry lor..
During preggie,, I feel so much to worry..
Cos I feel,, difficult to get preggie, ,but easy to lose due to many reason..
today got little bit of brown discharge again..

Wendypooh, Already see gynae twice liao..
1st time,, = confirm preggie,,
2nd time,, = spotting.

Chirhio/ Angelia..
I changed mine to Tiong Bharu-TMC.. cos I feel Dr Adrain quite rushing for my first visit to him.
Hope Tiong Bharu in better..
Btw,, i have sign the package, cos the nurse suggest to sign 3 month,,
cos 1-3 month,, not very stable and the amount not refundable..
To all
Btw,, wana check with you..
Nurse recommend me DHA.. do you eat this?
What pills are you all current taking..
Mi taking Folic acid and "An Tai" cos got mense-like cramp..
i do not know which other medi best for me and bb.
Hi Micky,

I'm also going into my 16th week soon.. and I dun look pregnant leh. Dun seem to see any significant difference in tummy size yet.
i alr got tummy b4 preggie, but not very obvious. Now hor, it's very very obvious liao... haiz... cant imagine myself in coming mths, must be very big size then. :p
U can ask doc to show u bb's location. Last nite i just went for check up and i oso ask him where is my bb.
btw bb now 31.3mm, last nite we saw him sucking the thumb/fingers?? the hand moving in &amp; out of the mouth. Doc oso laugh &amp; say bb is enjoying inside my tummy.

the next scan is 2 wks later. Looking forward for the gynea visit.
actually mine can see alittle little bit lar.but ppl may well think that i got a tummy haha. maternity clothing too loose for me, and normal clothing getting tight, skirts must always unzip alittle.
When's the best time to start wearing maternity clothes huh? I'm worried of the stage where normal clothes tight, maternity clothes loose... then oso dunno to wear leow... :p
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
shall ask dr on my nx visit
oso 2 wks later ..
can't wait to see bb moving !
i am just like you very worried for the times when i haf to wait for next checkup. always use the bb heart listener to try to hear something inside.my next check up is end of the month. 2 and half more weeks. hee.

i haven start wearking any maternity clothes yet leh. bought 3 loose babydoll dress but they are still sitting at home.

my bb upper body is on the right i think. its harder there, on the left the tummy softer. hee
Dear all MTB,

I am new to this thread and hope to join your discussion here; was browsing the TTC thread for a few months but seldom post anything.

I tested with HPT kits on 24 &amp; 29 April, the test on 24 showed very weak line but the test on 29 has almost as strong as the control line. However, went to see gynae (Dr. Chua Tse Ming from NUH) this monday because of caught a cold, did a abdomen scan but can't see yolk sac. My last menses started on 19 March, and my cycle days were about 35 to 37 days for the last few months.

Have no MS at all, is it normal?? I had a miscarriage before on last May, it was about 5~6wk at that time. So feel very worry on this one as well...

Any suggestion?


tan tan
<font color="ff6000">hi tan tan</font>
congrats and welcome to this thread

did ur gynae ask u to go back again?
currently u are in wk?
<font color="aa00aa">gals,</font>
u all to fast liao leh!!!! i no time to read ah!!!


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 03-May
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 21
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 22 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 22 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 20 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 19 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 19 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 17 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 17 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 17
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 17 MAH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 16 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 15
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 14
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 11
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 12
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 10
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 10
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 09
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 09 KKH / ??
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 09
melody ......... 12/12/04 wk 07
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 07 GEH / ??

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; ESH - East Shore</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
sometimes i go jalan, i oso go and see mat clothings .. but nv buy any .. coz still tink im a bit early to wear ...

now only left a few pieces of working attire i can wear thru'out 1 wk

wkend must wash ah .. otherwise, following wk nothing to wear liao ... kekeke ...
Hi Chihiro,

ya, she asked me to go back again two weeks later.

If based on my last menses, should be in wk7 today, but assuming my circle is 35days, then it's wk6 lor. Actually the gynae wanted me to do vaginal scan but I didn't want, because last time I got spotting and went to see gynae (another one), he did the vaginal scan, saw nothing, then the next day my menses came. Though I know it's not the gynae's fault, but somehow feel scare lor, since it's also about the same wk6~7 time..

In fact, I got spotting (only one day) on 25 April after we BD the night b4, so no more BD after that (feel a bit sorry to hubby though). Dr. Chua gave me Duphaston also, not sure whether it is safe to take if my spotting was actually due to the BD??
aiyoh, chihiro, then u every week wear same thing, colleagues never say ah? i so scared one day I oni left 2 pants to wear then seow leow... every week wear same thing and pple will know... hehe... :p

congrats tantan... dun worry if u dun have MS... some gals are lucky... and a gynae told me that the worse time is actually 8 to 12 weeks... so maybe it's still early... just go back to ur gynae to reconfirm ur pregnancy in 2 weeks time if ur menses is still not here...
bebechic, angelia... i've delivering in Mt E lah, angelia, you changed wrong liao. : ) bebechic... yes, i'm having a ger ger too.
<font color="ff6000">tan tan</font>
i c
so meanwhile, u take gd care of urself before ur nx visit
dun carry heavy stuff
did ur gynae instruct u to take Duphaston everyday or once u see spotting?

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
no leh ... no say anything .. :p
surrounding me are guys .. hehee ..
anyway, my colleagues know im preggie liao
<font color="ff6000">bebechic</font>
thanks for the info,
so the hard portion on our tummy cld be bb lah right?
chihiro, u can feel hard or not hard meh? i can't feel anything... sometimes I feel fluttering in my tummy and I tot it's bb movements, but my hubby say it's too small lah... cannot feel... only 2cm leh...
HI all, can't help but to join in.
My baby's due in 8th Dec.
Haven't had much symtoms now, only really tired inside out.
crossing my fingers now and hoping wouldn't get worse.

cheers all
haiz... my MS is worsen lah!
nomally only puke in the morning, and is very light one. These 2days morning i puke until nothing comes out then those yellow colour liquid (dunno wat leh!!) came out and very very bitter!! yucks! then these days i oso feel like puking in the afternoon too. early last wk i still felt MS becoming better, who knows tat was actually the calm b4 storm...

meanwhile u take care of yrself. Since u tested +ve, u may see gynea again in 1wk time instead of 2wks, in case u are too anxious.
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
now got a portion on my lower tummy can feel its a bit harder .. of coz i dun dare to press it down .. scully bb is there

juz felt tt its harder and seems like tts a little slope there lor .. but dunno whether its hte bb or not .. ;p

tink if my bb grows well, shd be at least 3cm now
last wk scan was 2.33cm liao ..

<font color="ff6000">hi wooof</font>
welcome to the thread

envy u leh ... not much of symptoms ..
u r in wk ?

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
ya.. i almost vomitted something out today oso
eh .. seems like we abt the same
hey gers... juz read an article in the new paper on 2 babies injured a wk from sleeping in a sarong cradle. they are suggesting to place a mattress under for safety, never leave the baby alone, and to remove the baby once he's asleep. u might want to chk out the article for more info.
Thanks chihiro! Am in my 9th week now, u all reckon there will be a storm waiting for me soon, grrrr.... hope not ah.
<font color="ff6000">are</font>
the sarong dropped??
nowadays, my mum (a bbsitter) places matteress &amp; a small pillow underneath the sarong .. juz in case
last time dun rem seeing her doing tt
chihiro... its a statement issued by KKH, think its on avg the number of babies they see. some are the sarong drop, some are the baby fall out.

<font color="ff6000">are</font>
i c
sarongs bought from kiddy's palace nowadays hv the head portion covered liao ..
usually will use peg(s) to secure the leg portion to preven bb from falling out of the sarong ..

as compared to last time, sarongs were handmade .. got to secure the head and leg portion by pegs or big safety pins
