(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

I think my gynae machines oso not veri clear, like u I just saw one foot, not so elaborate until can count the toes. My gynae oso commented I've got low placenta but he said like tat chances of going thr natural delivery is high. Nvm u will get to see in ur next scan. Me too gonna wait patiently for another mth.

Berry, angelis,
Unlike u gals, I prefer going back to my mum's hse when hubby outstation, cos mum will cook my favourite and I dun hv to do anything, like mum's precious back home. Me dun like to stay at home alone. Hee...

We did prep talk with bb before our appt, but bb still shy shy.

I dont have frequent pass motion nowadays but today stomach pain and went to toilet twice.

After a while, I want to vomit , very torturing..

Still can't force it out..
Emma, maybe when u want to vomit, try to eat some dry cracker or biscuits... it helps for me... even though I dun feel like eating, or see the cracker want to puke, i still force myself to eat... then i will feel slightly better...

I learnt a lesson, DUN take fruits when stomach is empty... then I will suddenly puke cos too much acid in tummy...
hi angelia,
slight change to my EDD. Now is 8 Dec, and i'm now 8 weeks pregnant already. Thanks for updating!

FYI those who are interested, KKH next antenatal class starts mid-Jun. They have weekday and weekend classes.
Jen is right. Last wk i was so hungry tat thought of eating apple. few minutes after taken the apple, apple juice was puke out! yucks!

btw nowadays i start feeling hungry when i need to pee @ midnite. i just ignore it. do u think i shld take biscuit if feel hungry during mid-nite? coz i will need to force myself to sleep as my mind keeps thinking abt food. but oso worry if i take biscuit later will coz more serious indigestion.
Emma, yes, I still have... but I'm resigned to it leow... these past 2 days have been slightly better though... except for the muscle pull at the back of my right leg... it was so bad yesterday that I took cab home from work and when I reached home, I couldn't walk... My poor hubby had to piggy back me and I was still screaming in pain cos he pulled my leg... haha... think the neighbours thinking we seow...

TBL, at least u can take the whole apple... I only took 2 small slices of guava and very suddenly it all came out!! till now, i dun dare to touch guava again... hehe... btw, if you feel really hungry at midnite, then take a bit of something lor... at least it settle ur tummy and u can fall asleep... try once and see how... if it doesn't work, then next time dun do it lor...
ya lor. nowadays everything oso "let's try & see" type. no choice! my hubby oso ask me to try eat something, he so worry bb will be hungry leh! he siao liao! anyway i'll put some biscuit in my room tonite.
yingzi, why has lower placenta got to do with easier natural delivery? Cause lower so fast to deliver?

All those who are suffering from MS/nausea, hang in there, it'll be over in no time. Soon you'll be enjoyuing your honeymoon trimester liao

BTW, I'm really happy cause my baby has learnt how to play the pokey game with me!! Basically I poke(not v hard of course, but hard enough for baby to feel) a certain part of my belly, and baby will have to kick back at that same spot. She is lying horizontally, head on the left, so she can only kick at the spot I poke if I poke on the right side of my belly (I think she cannot reach the left side). Sometimes she will miss a little but she is getting better at the game.
We only started playing yesterday night, play for 10 min. This morning I felt her waking up so prompted her to play again, and it seems her pin-pointing skills have improved LOL!
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
wow... reading ur post hor
can't wait to play with my bb too !!
v.interesting ..
Dear all,

I am new here...I just discovered my preganacy.
Hmm..I not sure which gynae to go but I have went to Dr Douglas Ong who I think he is from MT.E, he has a pte clinic at Bukit Panjang Plaza.

I think I have to learn alot from all of you here..
I went to see him cos to cfm my preggie as I tested positive at home...and he did a vignal scan for me and he can see a little water bag, but he want me to see him on the 7th of May to cfm the weeks of my preggie..as he suspect that i might be in my 4-5th weeks instead of 6th weeks cos my last menses is on 13/04.

I really need to seek advise from your here as to whether is he good?

hmm..he prescripe folic acids to me too...now I am drinking annum for preggie woman, is it good??

sorry too long...as I really in a lost..

berry, so cute!! i oso wanna play... hehe... is ur tummy big leow? can see? i think first trimester siang cham one... cos u suffering MS all the time... tired all the time... but no one can see ur tummy so no one give up seat for u... sigh... this morning the bus so crowded until i have to stand at the steps of the entrance... some more with my muscle pain... i so scared I fall and topple out of bus... :p
Jen, my tummy's growth seems quite fast (I mean from looking, baby size is normal). Could see a clear pregnant bulge from week 13-14 onwards. Aiyo, dun say first tri, now my tummy is obviously BIG and yesterday I took the train for the first time (didn't dare to take train cause most of the time no seats, leg &amp; tummy will cramp), NO ONE gave me seats also. maybe they think I still young, preggie also can stand up. :p
But I must say most people took care not to bump into me. But there was a rude lady who tried to shove me with her elbow. My goodness, I was quite mad, so I 'blocked' my tummy with my arm and gave her my best killer stare keke...
Not sure abt yr gynea, but how do u find him? if u think u are comforatable with him and he is caring then shld be fine.
i drank annum b4 but diarhea leh! so gave up after 2 tries. may wan to switch to another brand.

wow wow, so envy leh! cant wait to reach the honeymoon tri and bb big enough to play wif. so happy for u coz seems like u have an active bb.
hi jen,

hi angelia,
you hoping for a boy ya? still got chance
but don't worry too much, if bb is a princess, i'm sure she'll be very lovely too

hi mtmtmt,
yes, diff machines are different. my gynae just changed his machine. the old one was not as clear. btw, your hubby very cute, must be a very humorous guy

hi yingzi,
you hoping for a boy or girl?

hi wendypooh,
i'm very used to my MIL's attitute, so can't be bothered abt her. the other day, she said my tummy is so small cos my mum's tummy must be very small when she was preggie. how she know!! sigh..
Berry, acherly it's good that we go through pregnancy... then we can educate our hubbies next time whether the preg woman needs the seat or not... depending on which trimester she is in... haha...

SLK, angelia expecting princess i think... I think first bb not so pressure lah... as long as healthy and normal can leow... maybe second bb will start to want opposite sex more lor... :p
hi berry,
really envy u leh can play with your bb. me now only dreamming only.

good tat u think positive. mil is oso the kind where she can't be bother type. alway take her handbag then go walk walk.
do anyone in the 1st tri have difficulty in sleeping at night.
i alway wake up in the middle of the night then cant sleep . my hubby oso say tat i keep turning left and right during the night.
i oso got nightmare often
Hi, TBL,

thanks..for your welcome...heee

hmm.he is not bad lah....think he is the counsellor fromt he yOung parents mag...so hope he is okie...

hmm...btw how many weeks u are?

I really have to keep my fingers cross cos Dr Ong was telling me if last Fri I went to scan is 6 weeks, bb shd not be so small, so he think shd only be 4 weeks...but he still need to cfm ont he 7th scan...i really every day paipai guan yin to baoyou my bb to grow...recently me like have the taste of vomitting but did not loh...
hi angelia,

my edd is on 22 Oct 2004, seeing dr chan at gleneagles...and can't tell whether is it boy or girl yet...coz baby wasn't cooperative...didn't try the prep talk session thingy yet...may do that the next time...
i almost every night got weird dreams since pregnant. Sometime is nitemare oso. but i dun have diifficulty sleeping @ nite lor. nowadays very on, 10pm will sleep liao.

dun worry first. may be yr bb is still to small to see. next scan shld have better view. Mean time just take care of yrself and rest well. It's very common for us to worry abt bb growing.
1 more thing, must have faith and think +ve.... this is wat the ladies here always tell me when i get worry.
me now 9wk+
I am also worried as in 1st trim, I do not know the condiiton of the baby only thru scan..everyday will pray that baby is ok in my tummy.

I also have nightmare and keep tossing about.
Jen, yar, I am definitely enjoying my pregnancy, even first tri when I was puking my guts out, cause it feels really amazing to have a growing bb inside me.

wendy, your turn to play with baby will be here in no time too.
BTW, pregnancy hormones can cause sleepless nights or weird dreams, I also have it when I was in first tri. Excessive dreams usually subside during second tri, but it returns during third tri.
hi girl,
welcome, dun worry bb should be ok just still young. next scan should be able to see.
Dr Ong is quite famous oso think he have a clinic at Mt E.

me too alway have weird dream.
i sleep quite early too sometime can even doze off on the sofa
hi berry,
thank for your advise. hope i can sleep better cos day time is very tiring. now every day pray tat weekend come faster only no mood to work
sometime will think far wat i would do when my tummy getting bigger heee... keep dreaming
Yes, if ur placenta is low, it's easier to deliver through natural approach. So cute, u started playing games with ur girl. My stomach buldges out slightly later, like wk 15-16, tat's where many pple started knowing too. Like u, no one gives up seats to me and I hv to fight for it cos it's a long journey for me and yes I realli hate those aunties who rushed their way in and out.

Both me and hubby like both but think my FIL wld definitely want me to hv a boy cos all my SILs have girls and he always said 'aiyo why girl again'. But this kind of thing how to ctrl, so can't care less oso. But I'm anxious and excited to know.

Ya for those having bad MS, can understand how u feel cos me oso had tat during my 1st Tri. A veri terrible experience tat u will never forget and my MS still comes back once in a while. I do wake up veri often at that time and can onli sleep on my left side. It's hard but will definitely be over pretty soon.
can we eat those black chicken soup or herbal chicken sold by coffeeshop?

What abt Brands essence? I am hoping taking all these can perk myself up and have energy to work.

Food as Medicine

Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches.
So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain.

Eat lots of yogurt before pollen season.
Also-eat honey from your area (local region) daily.

Prevent buildup of fatty deposits on artery walls with regular doses of tea. (actually, tea suppresses my appetite and keeps the pounds from invading....Green tea is great for our immune system)!

Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.

Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes. (when I was young, my mother would make onion packs to place on our chest, helped the respiratory ailments and actually made us breathe better).

Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines actually prevent arthritis. (fish has omega oils, good for our immune system)

Bananas will settle an upset stomach.
Ginger will cure morning sickness and nausea.

High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria.

Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pineapple.

Women can ward off the effects of PMS with cornflakes, which help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue.

Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much-needed zinc.

Clear up that stuffy head with garlic. (remember, garlic lowers cholesterol, too.)

A substance similar to that found in the cough syrups is found in hot red pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper with caution-it can irritate your tummy.

BREAST CANCER? EAT Wheat, bran and cabbage
Helps to maintain estrogen at healthy levels.

A good antidote is beta carotene, a form of Vitamin A found in dark green and orange vegetables.

Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this condition. (Bananas are good for this ailment)

Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol.

Olive oil has been shown to lower blood pressure.
Celery contains a chemical that lowers pressure too.

The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.

Kiwi: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin E &amp;fiber. It's Vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

Apple: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low Vitamin C content, it has antioxidants &amp;flavonoids which enhances the activity of Vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack &amp; stroke.

Strawberry: Protective fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits &amp;protects the body from cancer causing, blood vessels clogging free radicals. (Actually, any berry is good for you..they're high in anti-oxidants and they actually keep us young.........blueberries are the best and very versatile in the health field........they get rid of all the free-radicals that invade our bodies)

Orange: Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 - 4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent &amp; dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer.

Watermelon: Coolest Thirst Quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients
found in watermelon are Vitamin C &amp;Potassium. (watermelon also has natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy, protecting our skin from those darn suv rays)

Guava &amp;Papaya: Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high Vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber which helps prevent constipation.

Papaya is rich in carotene, this is good for your eyes. (also good for gas and indigestion)

Tomatoes are very good as a preventative measure for men, keeps those prostrate problems from invading their bodies.
Emma, wat a long list! Yes you can take chicken essence and the black chicken/herbal chicken soups... my gynae says it's ok... but if u intend to make ur own, the chinese medicine shop say can taken ba zhen (8 herbs) but man (i.e. ur hubby) cannot take ba zhen... but shi quan da bu tang (10 herbs) is a no no for preg... dunno why...
Jen, gyneas will say everything in moderation, but still best to avoid herbal soups, because they usually contain huai san and dang gui. Dang Gui is used in olden victorian times to terminate early pregnancies in first tri, but of course the dosage has to be high. Still, its best to avoid, cause its known to cause bleeding and premature contractions.
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang is a no-no because it also contains serveral herbs that are too potent for the baby inside us to take.
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
gynae say "most likely" girl, but i still hoping he's wrong

FIL wanted a grandson, but hubby's bro's had a daughter last Sep.. so now the pressure is on me. was hoping this wld be a boy, then 2nd one no need so pressure, boy/girl oso okie. but if this one girl, next one will be very pressured.. if girl again (accoding to Yew Tee's fengshui!!!) then jia-lat!!

<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
dun worry, it's normal.. at some point, probably u'd wake up several times at nite to pee. i kenna that, but for a short while only *phew*

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
sounded so fun.. playing wif bb
hope i'll be able to do that in 1~3 wks time

did u wear maternity dress? last 2 days i wore &amp; there are pple giving me seats, or asking me wanna sit or not

next time hor, u must pick the right person to stand in front of.. dun stand in front of those office/nicely dressed girls. i realised they'll nvr bother to give up seat to u, only see see... u really hope next time when they pregnant, no one will give up seat to them!!!

think stand in front of youngsters/yound adults, esp guys, will hv more chance they let u hv the seat

<font color="0000ff">groundnuts</font>
i read somewhere that better not take so much groundnuts/peanuts during pregnancy cos will cause the bb to higher chances to being allergic to groundnuts. think i read it 2~3x at diff mag/book/articles.
berry, but last week i feel very very tired... then my MIL tell my hubby to buy black chicken soup for me to drink... we went to this famous shop and i ordered the smallest bowl without the rice... i only got strength to drink the soup and not really eat the chicken... the uncle top up the soup for us, so i drink 2 bowls leh... so far, nothing wrong leh... this week i dun feel so jia lat leow...
angelia, why yew tee fengshui no good ah? ok ok, then i wish u luck that it's a boy boy, kae?

sometimes i think older generation really funny... first, pressure u to have bb when u dun want... when u preg, pressure u to have boy/gal... as if they take care like that... :p
Jen, its up to your comfort level, but I still prefer to play safe with chinese herbs cause I really believe in the effects of these concoctions. Black chicken soup without herbs are fine, I cook them for myself too. So far, the only tonic thingy I am taking is cordyceps, birds nest n chicken essence. Actually I have a secret fear that my baby will grow too big, because I want natural vagina delivery without epidural, if baby too big then jia lat liao. So I keep telling her, don't grow oversize, around 3kg can liao...LOL

angelia, I didn't wear maternity dress, in fact I don't have any. :p But I wore a v tight fitting top with low waist pants, so my tummy was very prominent. Still no one offer me seats leh. Maybe my hands carrying Zara and Esprit shopping bags and they think 'wah, even can go shopping, sure no need to sit.' That's why no one offered me seats...
Never mind la, I don't think I'll want to go through this experience of being sandwiched standing up in a train again, so probably wun be taking MRT anymore.
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
we see a lot of parents with 2 same gender kids!!! then my hubby kept insisting juz coincidence..

then everytime when we were out (at yew tee food court/mrt/walking home) we R always competing
, mah-chiam soccer match like that..

when i see 2 same gender kids (young ones lah) then it's 1-0 till he sees a parent wif a boy &amp; a girl, then draw.. and hor, i won most of the time till he oso quite convinced that will hv "double" "double" same gender kids

actually i oso dun hope much alr lah.. cos many said if scan girl, then will be gal.. but if scan boy, still might turn out to be gal cos might hv mistaken the finger for penis mah

so what u wishing for?

as for soups, i dun quite like to take those outside (if for health/pu) sake, cos i always think they will add MSG which defeats the purpose lor...

as for black chicken soup, maybe can check wif the stall owner what they herbs they put lor..
angelia, that's funny! hehe... u and quek still got xing qing to play game huh... :p i will keep in mind abt mistaking the finger thingy... so actually i have to wait until which week before can see gender huh? well, not really wishing lah... cos later wish oredi dun come true... based on various theories and someone read my palm last time for fun, tell me i have only one boy lor... so i tot maybe boy... but my hubby say when he young is a terror, so i scared... so girl also can lah... hopefully not so naughty... but i want 2 kids lor... hopefully 1 boy 1 gal... so oso dunno the palm reading zun or not... :p

emma, i dun dare to see the website in case it's bloody leh... dun think my stomach can take it at this stage... haha...
TBL, wow, the gender predictor is correct for my case!

Jen, if you have weak tummy and dun want to see blood, then better dun see first. Anyway, you'll have to go thru it when time comes, no point feeling frighten in advance. Might as well dunno how it looks like keke...
For gender, I think if your baby cooperates you'll get to see at week 15 onwards (thereabout).
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
will know whether its accurate or not in another 6wks at least ..

btw, am juz wondering since we are in the same wk, wat's ur last menses date huh?
am juz curious how come my EDD date shift backwards .. :p
mine was 22/02/04
my LMP was @ 19Feb, but i have irregular &amp; long cycle period, so doc est by size of bb during my wk7. in fact my EDD shift forward fm 7Dec to 2Dec.

but i heard normally actual due is always earlier than EDD leh. btw mine is bb boy according to the predictor. Anyway i do not have any preference.
TBL, I tried the predictor leow... it says boy too... *as per my palm*... but I not sure if my chinese age is correct or not... :p
for my case i add 1 year to current age wif considering birthday. means if u are 30 tis yr born in 1974, but birthday not over during mth of conception, u shld use 29+1=30. if birthday over during conception then 30+1=31. dunno this method correct or not.
btw another website oso using this chart and mentioned a Chinese scientist discovered and drew this chart that was buried in a royal tomb about 700 years ago. The original is kept in the Institute of Science of Peking. well, just try for fun lah, no harm trying.

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
well, according to the chart, i will be hving a girl .. tink my dad oso kinda predicted the same way as the chart does
but hubby still tink tt bb will be a boi ..

anyway .. i hv no pref lah ... juz wait and see lor .. hee...
oh .. ur LMP is earlier, ur EDD got earlier while mine got later.. hehe...

<font color="ff6000">emma</font>
im not sure abt tt leh
