(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

hehe...u just like me....sneak out durg cf....naughty naughty....

just ren3 a while more then it's home sweet home!!! =P

congrats to all new mummies!

need to make birth cert within 14 days (accordg to the paper they give u for registration of births & deaths) fm dlvy, can make at the hospital instead of ICA .. i wrote the chinese name myself .. starting fm this wk, i am sleeping in air con room with hubby and bb coz too warm at my mil's place till bb cannot sleep well at nite ..
cannot tahan! as u all know, if bb drinks bm, the poo surely yellow and watery rite? mil just commented if it cld be due to my bm pumped out only yest turned bad liao and i let bb drink tts why he got "diarrhoea"!! the other time when bb refused to sleep the whole pm, she also commented maybe the bm caused his tummy to be uncomfortable and so he cldn't sleep! wa liao! everything also due to my bm .. make me all the more want to give more bm to bb :p

recently, she keep on carrying bb while i got to ask her not to carry so often or else how am i going to do work when i go home? she tell me nvm lor, bring here for her to take care!! i just replied her i hv to take care of him somehow, at most let him cry lor if i dun hv time to carry him till he grow out of being want to be carried , then she put him down ..
Beanie,Yingzi is going to 'kill' me for being 'kaypo'.She had delivered bb Shaness weighing 3.5kg on 28/9 naturally after 14hrs of labour.She was not able to log on since then as she was tied down with taking care of bb.But I hope you'll hear from her soon.By the way,bb Shaness is very chubby and adorable.
little prince. ... wat yr MIL comment just shows she has lack of knowledge lor. anyway dun bother wat she says as long as we know we are on the right track
<font color="aa00aa">august,</font>
no lah, he broke waterbag for me then he went back. after that, see him ard 8+am. after that was during delivery. he can't be there for the whole 2 hrs lah.. think all gynae the same.

on induced labour.. now that's i've gone thru.. actually it doesn't matter to induce cos not really much diff from "natural" natural delivery

<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
he dropped by to see how was i every day after delivery, not sure if it's charged cos they dun put "after delivery visit" in bill mah

no lah, cos i told him Friday, and he called me ard 9pm to ask "so how? tonight, tomorrow or sunday?" we decided on Thu nite since after 11pm is considered next day (and we thot can sleep in hospital, but who knows) and hubby dun hv to take so many days leave since after that is wkend.

<font color="aa00aa">mini, little prince,</font>
i oso dunno abt the grace period for birth registration. but hubby said he went down ICA to check &amp; was told 40 days, no fine.

<font color="aa00aa">sharon,</font>
gynae told me after 11pm is considered next day alr. normal pkg is 2 days (meaning admit Thu after 11pm, discharge Sun before 12:30pm). since i stayed an additional day, it's 3 days for me.

hospital bill.. total was $2K+ (include PD charges) and we only paid $300+ in cash. taking into consideration i opted for 4-bedded (but upgraded to 4-bedded and think this is the norm), had assisted delivery with epidural, bb &amp; i stayed an additional day, bb had phototherapy for 1 day, etc... oh, i'm on FBI so got a bit of discount here &amp; there too..

<font color="aa00aa">beanie,</font>
ya, really hope the jaundice will be gone soon.. but seems like she's still yellowish

i think within 24 hrs gotta get bb out after bag burst cos fear got infection.

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
after inserted wif epidural, no feel liao.. hahhaa.. but i think his stitches quite good lah, cos i dun feel much pain after the epi wears off.

oh, i asked him, he said he actually rather we go for natural cos less work for him. so i guess u dun hv to worry.

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
hahhaha.. ya, our birth story is so similar.. except that my cervix open up in such speed after inserting epi.. hahaha..
hmm.. my girl oso out using vacuum.

<font color="aa00aa">casros,</font>
ya, went off ard 11+am.. so worried my gal won't pass the blood test for jaundice.. cos then, we won't know if i want to stay another day.... luckily, her jaundice level dropped.

<font color="aa00aa">mtmtmt,</font>
hahaha.. me too.. bag packed but bb too comfy inside.. hahha..

<font color="aa00aa">leo,</font>
u can actually use the normal sanitary pad (with wings better) and use 2 at a time. TMC only provide 1 pack of 10 Kotex loop maternity but ran out on 2nd day cos the nurse will use 2 at a time.

at home, i use Pureen Madamme maternity stick on pad. but i place 1 normal (with wings) normal pad underneath so as not to stain the sides of the panty. the Madamme maternity pad is longer than usual normal sanitary pad.

think any extra used during labour, the hospital will charge. cos i see something like maternity pad (or what) and it cost $4.10 a pack. and well, i did use quite a no. during labour cos need water keeps flowing after bag burst.

<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
hehe.. u oso stay in aircon room. kekekeke... me too..

<font color="0000ff">wash hair</font>
anyone washed hair alr? i'm going to do so tmr.. can't tahan and bringing shanice to PD. i dun wanna smell man.

<font color="0000ff">juz realised i hv the 2nd biggest baby, juz after <font color="ff6000">Berry</font>!!!
<font color="0000ff">a pix of Shanice at day 2 (but a bit ugly cos she got red patches &amp; pimples
all my bird nest gone to waste

little prince,

MIL is like that one lah...... their precious grandson mah. So she will put the blame on u. Anyway they are just ignorant. Cool down, lun a few more days and ur confinment is going to be over. U wun have to face her everyday. Mrs wong just remind us again yty not to carry bb too often or carry bb when she start to cry, will spoilt her.
radiohead, I have to persevere cause I have no standby FM at home, so either I BF or baby will starve. This is a v good method really.

btw ladies, so far I've been using pampers since day 1, yesterday I tried a piece of mamy poko sample, I'm really impressed- its even better than pampers! Its so much softer to the touch and thicker too. think I'm gonna switch to mamy poko.
thanks for the advice, u must take care of yrself oh.

same same here. my bb always kicks me when my alarm rings @ 7am. but today i waited till 8am then she starts to kick. I was kind of worry too. after she kicked i feel more relieve lor. btw i observe today my bb kicks less often, hmm... got to monitor liao. actually it's very common for us to paranoid lor... think is natural for all mtb.

after reading yr birth story most of us get poanic liao! :p coz have not pack the hospital bag lah!! last nite i told hubby, he too kan cheong liao. said must get things done b4 wk 34.

dun worry. my niece oso got red patches all over her face when born. but now skin very smooth &amp; nice. yr bird nest not waste la, just tat results not out yet!!
can start using the binder immediately after delivery if gone thru normal delivery. but i think i only start using it after 1wk coz my sis only bot it then. nvr expect myself to give birth 10days earlier. only use it in the daytime.
angelia, that's a relieve... I thot you said he quite pro C-sect so I worried...

Oh dear, mtmtmt, my bags also not packed... hehe... I haven't even bought baby cot... hehe... hopefully I wun pop early...
the pimples etc is normal, will disappear after awhile (just make sure put very little soap in baby's bath, and if too much phototherapy, apply abit of olive oil cos skin over-dried). It's hormones from the mother
Plus baby stay too long in womb, the fluid level not so high... skin becomes drier compared to earlier babies.

Ya, the grace period for birth registration is 40 days. I was being told when i go for hospital tour. But hor, i remember the gal oso said something like 40 days grace period is for hospital registration, after that u have to go ICA and the grace period is 1 yr.

Ya i know hospital only provide 1 pack, any addition we have to pay. They already inform us when we go for the hospital. They so geow.... I oso tot of getting the normal nite use with wing pad but my friend told me it might overflow easily. The heavy flow will last for how long huh? 1 wk?
Oops I don't mean fluid level, I mean the protective waxy layer on babies... the longer baby stays inside, the less protection.
little prince
My MIL was like that when I had my 1st child. Everything she said was negative....BB having diarrhoea lah.....Y poo so many times lah...not enough milk to last her lah.....blah blah blah....and to think that she was a midwife. Like leo29 said 'MIL is like that one'.....quite true leh.
All the best to you and hope that u'll have a smooth delivery and without epi as you have hoped. Dun worry, u'll have ur bb in ur arms very very soon!
Osim magnetic binder. can get it from osim shop or pharmacy. but sometimes at pharmacy their stock is limited n only left those large sizes.
i til as long asits olive oil sure can. not the cooking type.

today the bind reminds me of las time those victorian time pp, soooo tight!!!! and i got to sit REAL STRAIGHT!!!!!

if i am u, i will do the massage lo..... my frens are all BF and doing those massage.... wat they do is they express out the milk for someone to feed jus for tat 1 hr.

young jes,
ha!!!! so its u!!!

u hav got mail.

ha!!! yah lo.... yesterday also go out awhile.... feel so guilty but yet sooo happy

for the binder, my gynae instruct the nurses in the hopital to bind me while i am still in hospital, day 1 onwards....
my sis oso swears by mamypoko. so i stand by both pampers &amp; momypoko.

huh? u mena gynae knew you have the binder and instruct nurses to bind for u? the binder is for slimming purpose rite? yr gynae so good lei.

tik i will pack that in my hospital bag &amp; ask my gynae to bind for me after delivery. So, it works for you? how long did it take for u to see the effect &amp; how long u wear it for?

just fyi - my colleague told me it costs abt $98 for the osim binder...

wah really ar? so how long you have to keep the binder on?

hey, u went out yesterday too? where u go?
no, i dun hav the binder and i am not using the osim one as actually normal binder and osim type is the same, alot of my frens also says tat and my gynae also says tat, he says the osim one we are paying for the branding only. straight after my deliver, not long after, my gynae visit me and instruct the nurse to get me a binder and bind it for me, so he will visit me everyday, sometimes once, sometime twice and he will check my tummy for progress......
yah, dr cheng very on one...ha!!!!! i bind it all the time when i am in hospital, so everyday he will remove it and check then bind it back again lo..... when reach home, i also bind everyday till about day 10..... then day 17 i start my massage.

heee...... no lah, actually i dun want to go out but dom actually want to change car so he want me to go with him to test drive....awhileonly about 3 hrs.
oh.... i tik u are talking about the massage binder from hazizah rite??? solly.... misread ur sentence. ok, i keep it on till next day 8 or 9 am then i take it out, go shower then wait for her to come at 11am..... its very xin ku.... tight is still ok, but itch!!!!!!!
yah lor, dat's why i want to bring the binder along so that he can bind for me as i know the hospital does not provide binder for normal delivery...

oic...what car does he have in mind? we oso tiking of changing to a slightly bigger car...
yah, i'm sure it must be very xinku with the tight binder around every min...i was still tiking that i might not be able to take it...aiyoh, so much sacrifices to make!

so how many sessions did u opt for?
yah, i tik normal delivery dun provide.... so its good tat u bring. or during ur next checkup, u ask dr cheng wat u can do.... he is eyeing at the MAZDA 3 GT,hatch back. i like it alot..... very sporty and the boot space fantastic.... i tik can put in 2 golf set and a pram!! so u and hubby got any car in mind?
min is 7 and i actually tot maybe take 10 (vain mah) but hazizah says wat she see is really no need, tell me not to waste money and plus sooo xin ku. yah, my neighbour also do massage and binding and she cannot take it so she took it out everyday at abot 4 pm....
wah piang, so many postings in the last few hrs.. hope I didn't miss anything.

what ho mia? I'm always kinda brain-dead in the mornings :p I usually work till quite late anyways, so it more then covers the morning bit... hehe... Actually, if I get paid for all the OT i did, i'll probably be a very rich person leow

finally we find a clue to the missing mummy
alamak, a birth is always good news, so what's there to scold for?

Little prince,
poor thing!maybe you should pass her the infant care book from TMC. That will set the record straight for her.

My mom is just as bad. She's been hearing loads of ignorant tales from the neighbours. Can't believe some of the stuff she told me. But I have no intention of letting her run my life. Like mother like daughter as they say, I'm just as stubborn as her

your baby so cute! Looks like she's got make-up on in the pic :p aiyar, dun worry abt the "pimples". It'll go away soon enuff. It's due to clogged pores only.

you still have almost 2 mths leh. Need to pack so early meh? Dun scare me... my EDD is quite near yours.
wow so fast immediately after delivery want to use binder! but i find it quite uncomfortable to use binder when lie down on bed. so tats y din use it while sleeping. think i put it on for abt 1mth+. keep forgetting to put on so end up only put on for a few hours on some days. if remember will put on for the whole day n take it out when want to sleep. hmm... the binder works as my tummy quite flat during my bb full mth party n those ppl commented i slim down fast. it cost $88.
ok, will ask dr cheng when i see him tmw. V. anxious to know my bb's weight!

ha! so coincidental! my hubby oso eyeing that car and i like it too!
ask dom to let my hubby know if got any good lobang ok?

yah, hazizah told me dat she's v. happy to see ur tummy getting flatter &amp; flatter..

hehe...me very kan jiong to flatten my tummy mah..oic, ok will check with my gynae on when to start using. thanks again!
kelly, angelia,

my episotomy has healed nicely &amp; my gynae said i can only resume sex after 6 weeks but my hubby is quite "scared" of my lochia flow which is significantly lesser now.

Littledevil, Berry, Jer,
ok...so we'll find a sunny day &amp; "cheong" to the adult toy store together!! hee...
really??? dom also eyeing tat for quite sometime liao, now the price i heard quite ok, not as ex liao.... i tik dom is 99% getting it, later hes going down again to confirm certain things. ha!!! shes happy to see my tummy getting flatter so i should be over joy lo...

u use the word CHEONG, ha!!!!
i see, we are trying to sell the current car first. so is he getting a brand new one? sorrie, me very ignorant abt cars one..hehe..

yah, i'm expecting a big change in ur figure when i see u next time!
yah, hes getting a first hand. i tik his caddy difficult to sell, so can only scrape it!!
as u see, his caddy is giving alot problems and we know tat its sure difficult to get rid of it, so bo bian.

huh??!! dun expect too much lah as i myself didnt really see any much progress except tummy slightly flatter....
leo29, tbl,
thanks thanks, will take extra caution from now.
btw leo29, i used up 2 packs of Pureen maternity pads.

ya lor, i cannot not sleep in aircon room. day time already perspire like crazy, always feel so dirty and sticky
hey, don't worry abt the red patches on shanice's face, it will go off very soon
she looks soooo chubby! so adorable

i am also using the osim binder. i find it very effective. started using the day after i was discharged from hospital. This is the info one of my friends sent me last time.

OSIM Slim Belt (Aerobics) OS-161 $78.00
(Without magnets)
- Wear it when exercising
- Suitable for Post-natal slimming (Caesarian delivery)
- Body shaping
- Additional strapping belt included for a firmer and tighter fit to achieve the desired contouring effect

OSIM Slim Belt (Body Shaping) OS-162 $88
(With Magnets)
- Body contouring
- Improves blood circulation
- Suitable for post-natal (normal delivery)
- Additional strapping belt is included for a firmer and tighter fit to achieve the desired contouring effect.
hmm..we oso trying to get rid of the current car before it starts giving more problems, really hope to change car soon!

aiya, dun worry lah. i'm sure i'll be able to see the difference!
that's what my friend said, and i think it's written on the box too. but i guess after some time should be able to right?
yah, keep paying for those stupid problem is really frus!! tats y he make up his mind about getting tat mazda but the only thing is we will be getting the car only in dec, and we will be CARLESS for about 2 months!!!!!!!!

i hope so, tat i will slim down!!

no indication by gynae that i'll pop so so early. she only said i cld pop around 38wks. my aunts all said she probably calculated my due date wrongly.

i had no feeling watsoever b4 my water bag burst, not even on fri nite when i was having the pinkish discharge.
i only felt a strong pull on my back (like someone wringing ur back) on Sat morn when i woke up but i tot it's bcos i didnt sleep well so i didnt pay attention to it. who knows, 30mins later, my water bag burst.

imagine u have a small pail of water between ur legs and u pour the water down ur legs...that's how it felt when my water bag broke.
i couldnt see how the water was like and it's also odour-free but when i reached MAH, my water bag leaked further on the road and i saw it's creamy in colour.

my bb is doing fine, with slight jaundice. i wanted to sun him yesterday but no sun. i suntanned him 2day and he's totally grouchy after 10mins so had to abandon it. we were supposed to suntann him 20mins front &amp; back each.

my bb had jaundice on 3rd day but the PD said he's fine to go home. i would have stayed in hospital if he cant leave cos i'm BFg him.

i'm BFg him. doing fine but his feeding is quite irregular. sometimes he needs to be BF within 2hrs, sometimes 3-4hrs. aiya, i tried monitoring his feeding times but gave up.
ya, let's catch up one day with all the other mummies...

i dunno how long baby can stay in mummy when water bag burst but my gynae did say not more then 24hrs. u may 1 2 check with ur gynae

my husband is amazing. he did, wat we needed to do in 2 wks, in 2 days. he washed baby clothes, did up the changing table, cleared everything which was necessary, etc...

technically my bb is 4.5wks earlier. i gave birth to him when he's only 35wks+5days. even the PD calls him a "35weeker".

i washed my hair on 4th day after delivery and i planned to do it every alternate day. i cant tahan if i'm dirty esp since i'm BFg now.

i'm bathing everyday with the herbs and every couple of hrs, i still clean my body with a hot towel.

i tik durians &amp; beef helped my bb. i ate durians every thu for 3 consecutive wks prior to giving birth. i only took coconut juice 2x.

to all MTBs,
pls pack ur hospital bag EARLY, around 34wks maybe...
dun be like me, so "oo-long"! wif my water bag leaking, my husband and i were like 2 kan cheong spiders while throwing stuff into a bag...i went to MAH wif a 80% packed hospital bag. luckily, we settled down and recollect the missing items. my husband went home on sat nite 2 pick up the remaining stuff.

ur husbands may not have the chance to do so if u r going into labour.
