(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

August, haven't heard from Angelia yet. I guess she'll be discharging soon or have discharged already by now if she didn't strain herself :p

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
im sure you can do it !!!!
mother's love is the greatest !!
eh, btw cfm i saw some red color stretchmarks below my tummy.. ard the so called "blindspot" area... sian ..
u sure is stretchmark bo? coz stretchmark supposed is BLACK colour one rite? or u accidently scratch yrself? may be this evening u went back then disappear liao lei?
mine is alr confirmed! BLACK one! :p
TBL, chihiro,

My stretchmarks definitely red. All below my tummy, in the "blindspot" area, cannot see if i'm looking down, can see only when i'm standing in front of the mirror..
Hi August,
me no news yet, but my hubby took leave for next week cos if labour doesn't occur naturally, we'd induce on my due 18th. *fingers crossed*
oh really? so stretchmark oso got red one huh? i so 'sua ku', tot only black one wor.. aiyo, then tonite go back must ask huuby check again. may be will discover more. coz i always told him to look for black colour one!

hope u will pop in this few days!
thks, me trying hard to finish confinement here .. can go home next Sun ..

dun worry, bb will be okie ..

does anyone know how to compress digi photos? i hv adobe photoshop but dunno how to use ..

Go to file/save as and choose format jpeg and rename the file name so that it will not override your original file and click save. then the 'jpeg options' will appear and select quality "4" and below which will make your file size smaller.

Hope this help
I am sure that everything would work out for you. I dont think your baby is really that small? However its better to listen to your gynae and do the CTG scan at the hospital like he suggested. Please try and be postive.

I would be waiting for your sms. Tomorrow is Neil's 12 day prayer ceremony.
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
cfm red color ones ah.. they are there for many days liao .. cldn't be i scratch one ...

<font color="ff6000">kypf</font>
yalor..same like u lor, must stand in front of mirror then can see the marks
Thanks for the list, I hope Angelia is discharged and resting well..

Thats true, we waited for soooo long but now as EDD is nearer cant seem to wait. For me as of now it was ok but from yesterday I am asking my bb every now and then to pop by saturday morning, I even gave him the schedule i.e. what time you need to give signals, how long do u need to take to come out once we reach MAH... seems like getting crazy hahaha my hubby is too surprised by my way of telling to bb

Well if its not coming out by 21st I will also opt to induce lets c how...

So fast its already 12th day ceremony of Arnav, wish you all the best... BTW I am just curious to know Neil is his nick name or surname?
oh, Edward's symptom! that was real nitemare for hubby &amp; myself...
during my 5th mth, 2 small cycts were found in bb's head. there will be 2 scenerios when cycts are found. 1) it will dissappear b4 7th mth 2) Edward's symptom. Edward's symptom is very serious problems for bb and cannot be treated. it will end-up with 2 results: 1) bb will not survive beyond 8th-mth preg 2) bb will not survive more than 1 yr after birth. In most cases (from my own reading), bb not survive beyond few wks old.
I was real panic then, coz was given 2 choices whether to go for amnio fluid test or to wait &amp; see whether the cyct will disappear or not. Was relunctant to go for amnio coz I had miscarriage b4 and worry it will trigger another mc. And then the ladies here gave me lots of encouragement and support. I did the amnio test and waited for 3wks to get the full report! Report showed NEGATIVE!!!
and it was 99.9% accurate. And the scan at 7th mth oso confirmed tat the cyct are disappear.
that time was really a torture for me. Thanks God. everything is over now.
Sorry another query, how are you going to celebrate the occassion for Arnav? as for us whenever I will go to India (most likely in feb/march) we will be performing all rituals and ceremonies over there since all of our reletives are waiting for this happy occassion.

For here I would like to do some small ceremony in a temple coz my inlaws are here and then it wld be a good opportunity for us to share this happy moment with our close freinds. Then after coming back from India we are planning for a function so that we can invite all freinds and collaegues as right now it would be difficult for us to manage coz baby will be small...
Neil is his middle name.My hubby just couldnt agree on first name.. I loved Neil and He wanted Arnav and so we put both..haha His full name is Arnav Neil Khapre. Thats my hubby's surname.

As for celebrating the occassion, we have a pandit coming from to our house and we do have satya narayan katha and also a hawan. Then all my chachi's and bhuas would be also be coming. We would have lunch, its actually a very simple ceremony. and when Neil is one month old, we would to the Sree Lakshiminarayan temple and have the durga path.. Its actually every tuesday, the durga path. we would just book one day and do the prasad for that day.. Hope I made sense.
Have you been to this temple yet? Its at Chander Rd, behind Muthu curry. This is the temple that is used for most north Indian functions.like karwa chauth, jaanam asthimi, nauratan(which btw starts tomorrow).

My bb was 1.8kg when i visit my gynae at wk 32 but she said my bb average weight lei. U r 1 wk ahead of me, ur gynae seem to be so alert. My gynae simply bo chap.....
las nite, my hubby went to compass point to meet his supplier and he ask me want to follow him?? i stare hard at him saying tat how can i go.... then he says can lah, nearby and jus go walk walk.... then i cant resist the temptation so i follow...ha!!!

jus now when i am doing my massage, someone call my massage lady, is tat JEN??
A quick question,
Ladies, who are completely breasfeeding their babies, how many times does your baby poop one day. Mine does 4-5 times a day..sometime more..am wondering whether the indian herbs I am taking is too strong
so it's really u guys at compass point yesterday evening..me &amp; my hubby were there in the afternoon as we were on half day leave &amp; tik we saw dom's car at the carpark when we are leaving but couldn't be sure. my hubby was still asking if u can go out during confinement &amp; i said shld be can lah...

yah lor, ur tummy has already flattened when i saw u b4 ur massage so i'm sure u'll look all trim &amp; slim in no time!

thanks, will call hazizah in early nov to remind her..

lately i mood swing again leh...sian!
chihiro, tbl, sharon, little prince, sun
thanks thanks

think last time dr also said your BB quite small rite...how is it now?

i'm trying to talk to BB now....ask her to be guai guai so mummy will not be that worried

i'm not working so have plenty of time to rest but at home very boring so i tend to do housework....now it's a NO NO for me...got scoldings from gynae, sonographer and hubby

my gynae said BB should weigh around 2.2kg at this stage (33 weeks), small BB may be due to not getting enough blood supply and perhaps both the parents are small size....for my case, both me and hubby are petite plus my fluid level is low so need close monitoring

you can read up the link which fruitcake provided, very informative

*keeping fingers crossed* so far i have not seen any stretchmarks on my body, i have finished around 5 tubes of stretchmark creams (all different brand) and now using normal moisturiser
don't worry ok? i'm sure ur baby will be fine. cheer up &amp; rest more!

Are ur stretchmarks like small tiny red stripes? jia lat! i've got some under my tummy too!
sigh...so ugly!!!
i got a mailer from UOB and saw this promotion under parkway hospital group:
you can use your UOB credit card to pay for your hospitalisation bill (except for single deluxe and suites) and get 5% discount
yes, peg....me trying my best to rest now....but the more i rest, the more restless i become...ha ha

anyway, me logging off liao, waiting for hubby then go polyclinic
sun, my baby definitely poos more than 4-5 times a day LOL! Its normal, cause BM v digestible and comes out of their system fast.
call me lah if u moody, its good to talk mah... me too, also tends to vent my anger on dom at times, sometimes worst ah, the moment i wake up and open my eyes feel like scolding him liao... ha!!!! mus be homornes again i guess. tummy trim but now waiting patiently (though cant wait actually) for my arm and thigh to slim down... haiz..... ha!!! u saw our car in carpark ah? wat time was tat? yah, dom says if keep shutting myself up my mood will be worst, so he saysjus go out and walk walk.... today my third day massage liao.... each day the binding is getting tighter and tighter!!!!
oh yah, hazizah told me tat for stretchmark, oil works better than cream all those, she says olive oil works great, maybe u want to try tat
little devil, no I did not call your massage lady... hehe... in fact, I haven't called any yet... is she good? =P

been really busy to keep up with the posts... hiaz...
wow... u finished 5tubes of stretchmark cream liao??!! aiyo... me only used 1.5 tub so far. jialat!!! must apply more liao.
btw have not check butt area, only ask hubby to check tummy 'blind spot' area! think butt shld have, coz i can see myself gain fats ard butt area lei....
ummm...... then who could tat be......

i find tat shes quite good, at least after 1 session i can see effect liao..... feel like asking her to bind my arms and thighs too, (jus joking) kekekeke.....
haha...same here leh...always feel like scolding my hubby &amp; like u, woke up tis morning feeling very pek chek, wanted to scold him but he oredi kenna badly fm me yesterday so give him chance today! hehe...
yah, will call u but worried dat i'll be disturbing u leh...

oh, saw ur car at abt 5pm...okie thanks, tik i hv some olive oil at hm, will try tonight but dunno if it'll help for the existing ones.

So u feel any pain during massage? and is hazizah using any oil on u? feel like going to her for massage later bcos my upper back's aching again...
yah, 5pm i am still there, u didnt work yesterday? i tik next time if i go there (during confinement) will sms ans ask if u are there, ha!!!! i can feel ur hubby very saiyoung u, even if u bully him badly, dom also saiyoung me but hes definitely not as patient as ur hubby....no lah, if i am not free i will tell u mah then i can call u bad, dun worry about tat.

pain ah, no leh, hazizah says post natal massage should not feel pain as its meant for healing, i feel real good, everytime b 4 she arrive, i remove the previous day bind, clean myself, on the aircon in the room, close the blind and dim the light in the room.... SHIOK!!!!yah, she use a type of oil to massage, u will feel warm, strong smelling but i dun mind the smell then she will use jamu on top of tat tats cooling on the skin and i feel its abit grainy.... usually jamu she will apply everywhere but not the arms and hands but when she know tat i suffer pain in my finger and wrist, she apply for me but i cant wash my hand for at least 2 hrs and cant carry bb before i dust away the grainy thing on my arms.... and i was soooo shock tat the pain improve a great deal when i wake up tis morning!!!
<font color="aa00aa">gals,</font>
i'm back.. thanks for all ur well wishes, but my labour not really "short" (abt 12 hrs)

hahaha... all thx to my own doing, cos i insisted on NO epidural initially but was too tensed for cervix to open up..

okie, (short) birth story as follows....

(07 Oct) 1125 in labour ward, 2~3 cm dilated
(07 Oct) 1140 gynae burst waterbag
(07 Oct) 1145 insert enama
(08 Oct) 0000 transfer to delivery ward &amp; put on drip
(08 Oct) 0300 remove needle for drip. re-insert needle for drip cos din realise needle not inserted properly, back of palm swollen till wrist area. thot hand pain was "natural" until saw hand like pig's hand. so, i kenna "poked" 2x!
(08 Oct) 0600 nurse check cervix still 3~4 cm
(08 Oct) 0800 contraction starts, use gas
(08 Oct) 0830 gynae check cervix still 3~4 cm
(08 Oct) 0900 insert epidural
(08 Oct) 1030 cervix fully dilate
(08 Oct) 1129 baby Shanice is born
(10 Oct) .... still in hospital cos bb got jaundice so i "keep her company" since i want to TBF
(11 Oct) .... HOME SWEET HOME!!!
admitted on 07 Oct cos gynae recommended.. but regret cos we din get to sleep. however, after delivery, will hv more time to rest

<font color="aa00aa">blisse,</font>
Carriane is so beautiful!!! got lotsa hair too, skin oso very smooth. shanice has a lot of "pimples", both face &amp; body
and a lot of red patches

<font color="aa00aa">mngo,</font>
Yew Tee can or not?

<font color="aa00aa">pets,</font>
the tummy rubbing and breasts stroking doesn't work for me.. i stroke few days still no sign..

<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
my mum is the one who kept smelling, kissing &amp; touching shanice... *buay tahan*

<font color="aa00aa">mykono,</font>
me too. practically like not getting any sleep.
initially when she doesn't feed so often (once every abt 4~6 hrs) i so worried, now feed like almost 1.5~2 hrs, i so exhausted. oso worried not enuff milk to feed her.

<font color="aa00aa">littleprince,</font>
did u sleep in aircon room? i did.. cannot stand w/out aircon. even wif aircon set to 26 degrees, i still sweat when i sleep at nite!!

<font color="aa00aa">mtmtmt,</font>
getting very excited rite?

wishing u a smooth &amp; short delivery, in case i dun log in till dunno when.

<font color="aa00aa">august,</font>
nice meeting u that day

<font color="aa00aa">casros,</font>
i really salute u.. to go without epi. i tried to, but failed terribly!! but luckily i opted for epi cos my cervix din open when i use gas.

erm... my gynae broke my bag, i dun feel anything leh. except when he had his fingers in to feel where to poke. and i definitely muz agree that the nurses are really rough when doing cervix check!!

me too, think my gal is latching on well, but my nipples are a bit sore.

<font color="aa00aa">ziztine,</font>
wow, u'r another brave mummy...

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">sun,</font>
glad to hear that ur Neil's jaundice is gone. Shanice is still yellowish, hopefully there's

sun for us to sun her tmr as PD appt is Fri.

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
think i more paranoid than u (though i seldom wanna carry bb except BF'ing). can't even stand the way hubby carry the bb... hiaz.. think the lessons he attended has gone to waste!

<font color="aa00aa">AC,</font>
TMC did provide toothbrush, toothpaste, face towel, soap... and i suppose all hospital will provide these basic toiletries, so u dun let hubby know lah. but if he's staying in wif u, then no choice lor. i did brush my teeth and wash face, using warm water. however, i din shower or wash hair.

btw, will definitely need to touch (hot) water, else after going to toilet, dun wash hand huh? anyway, after going toilet, oso need to wash vaginal &amp; dab on some liquid medication on the wound (stitches) for faster healing.
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
5 tubes? wah .. so far im on my 3rd tube
oh .. my bb was weighing at abt 2kg on late wk33
dr say ok.. bb is doing fine lor
am seeing him nx thurs..
do keep us updated on your situation ok.

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
im on my 3rd tube..still kena leh

<font color="ff6000">little_devil</font>
olive oil can help? kekeke.. then must try leh
i still got those olive oil (not for cooking type) from GDL .. can use right?
Hi Sun

Thanks for the info, I heard about the Laxmi Narayan Temple but did not get the chance to go as of now... most likely I will be doing the same but in temple. actually near my place there is Murugan Hill Temple where south indians go for their rituals as well as wedding ceremonies so we were just thinking in case if we perform a small ceremony then they wld be able to arrange for the same thing i.e. prasad and meal for everybody, lets see. But I will try to find out if similar can be done at Laxmi Narayan Temple then may be we will switch over there, As far as we are holding the ritual in atemple under God's blessing it does not make much difference whether it is south indian temple or north indian temple

You know for my baby as well though his name will be Nilay, we will be calling him as Neel (nick name) thats why I was curious to know. You must be busy with the preparation of tom's celebration do post us the pic if possible. BTW what all indian herbs are you taking?
<font color="0000ff">shaving bb's hair</font>
was thinking of using the hair to do a chinese brush

<font color="0000ff">jaundice</font>
hmm.. how come the nurse told me 10.6? was warded for 1 more day cos shanice's jaundice level was 10.6. next day dropped to 10.1 so was allowed to discharge.

<font color="0000ff">hospital bill</font>
when processing admission, hubby asked to process mother &amp; bb bills separately but the lady says cannot, unless bb has "problem".

after delivery, i check wif gynae, he says can, and he'll ask them to bill separately.

as for the claim from medisave for pre-natal expenses, seems like we can only claim a certain % and not the max $450/$550. cos my pre-natal (including detail scan, blood test) chalked up to $700+ but claimable only $200+

<font color="0000ff">birth cert</font>
anyone knows what's the grace period? hubby says he went to ICA to ask &amp; they told him within 40 days.

think if we din register at hospital immed after birth, need to go ICA to register rite?

i thot they can also key in &amp; print out the chinese characters? that's what my colleague told me. but when he did for his son back then, he said the PC that can print chinese broke down or whatsoever so he gotta write.

<font color="0000ff">papaya</font>
i told my mum to cook papaya &amp; fish soup, but she says cannot take anything that has "ni" (guess it's call "serum" in englist??)

<font color="0000ff">nursing bra</font>
think i oso need to go &amp; get after confinement... the normal bras are a bit tight...

<font color="0000ff">weight</font>
hiaz.. me no chance to take my weight since delivery. prob will do so when i go to the gynae, but... dunno when. hahha.. maybe this Fri since need to go PD.

<font color="0000ff">massage &amp; BF</font>
for those who are BF'ing &amp; doing massage, how do u cope? i mean, heard after massage will be very oily, then how to BF? then if massage halfway bb wants to feed, then how??
WELCOME BACK!!!! yah, me regret for not taking epi early.... tats y cervix cant open......

wats GDL?? yah, massage lady says it good wo......
angelia, its precisely because I'm TBF and thats why I'll prob do without my massage. Cause my baby has no fixed schedule for feeding- sometimes she drinks once in 2 hours, sometimes up to 6 times in one hour! Sigh, like that how to massage- like what u say, if halfway she wants to nurse then I'll have to stop. Or even after massage if oily all over how to BF. oh well..

Welcome back
all is well when end is well right? hope that you are coping up well with your motherhood. Me still waiting... How is Dr. Adrian's support during delivery? was he there for about 2 hours to deliver the baby, quite curious coz its my turn soon
Post us Shanice's pic and update on her condition...
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
welcome back!!
i tot u will admit urself at night on 9th Oct.. then ur Shanice's bd will on 10th Oct .. Shi Quan Shi Mei mah..

hopefully there's sun 2molo for Shanice to sun-tan

so dr went to visit u after u gave birth?
he got charge u for that or not?
do u hv any side effects after taking epidural?

do take care &amp; rest well ya

alamak, what i've posted earlier all gone !
will try rem what i've posted

<font color="ff6000">little_devil</font>
GDL = Guo Da Li (exchange of bethroal gifts before customary)
so those olive oil not used for cooking can try?
but then if apply liao.. whole body oily oily one.. how to sleep?
