(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

how much milk is Quinn drinking each time now and how long once? Rhyan is drinking 3 oz and wants milk every less than 3hrs leh .. wondering if he is drinking too much ..

same here leh..... 3 oz / 90 ml every less than 3 hrs, sometime worst ah.... less than 2 hrs but he will not finish it. i tik Quinn jus want to drink for the sake of drinking at times since he cant finish it... driving me crazy, even my CL also scared of him now.and las nite dun want to sleep, till 3 am ah!!!! until we give him some milk though not time yet as hes crying!! ai yo.....
i dun know if shes good as me only start yesterday... but my fren really slim down ALOT and shes using her too. but dun know if its the massage or tat shes lucky tat she can be sooo slim within 3 months..... if u want, i can give u her contact.
rhyan also make noise at times when its only 2 hrs, he will keep on showing me his tongue .. but i see him drink like tt the stomach like very full leh, do u think it has anything to do with growth spurt coz bb will hv tt at 3 wks, 6 wks etc ..

last wk, he woke up every 2 hrs in the nite for milk .. hubby cldn't tahan and too tired to wake up when he started making noise .. luckily it was a Sat nite and Sun is a non-wkg day ..

are u still trying to breastfeed?
i also dun know y..... his feeding time interval is longer in the nite though but the mos is also only 3 + hrs..... and i tik i give up BF liao as u see, my milk supply is low and even if i hav, he will not be able to wait if i need to warm milk up if its from the fridge, its really no joke, he will reallyyyyy SCREAM when he wants to eat as he jus cant wait..... like now, hes still making noise even afetr a feed, my CL is trying to sooth him down now....haiz..... stress....
great! just let me knw when u ladies wanna go then we can go chk out the stuff! hehe.
my bm ss also super pathetic...n best part is after takg pills to stimulate flow, can also pump 10ml...so sad! thkg of givg up....sigh! Sarah-Lynn nw drinks 120ml of fm every 3hrs....and she's 7wks old.

Oh, I don't let em carry the bb...they just admire frm a distance...haha. Unless they are my two aunts who are nurses, then it's ok. Hehe.
no, it doesn't incl the deposit....anyway i und how u feel stayg at someone else's pl durg cf...i went thru tt too n even tho it was kinda nice hvg company when i was at my lowest, it still felt really gd to be back hm! Anyway this sat my hubby's goin to US for 2 wks for trng so I'll hv to move to mum's pl....can't handle her all by myself 24/7. I'll go bonkers man!
Don't worry, do a countdown to the end of cf....it sure made the days pass better for me...heh
littledevil...dats a bit exp for me, i have a contact for $40 and was told she's good, juz dat i am not beri sure yet
tks anyway
since u r a 2nd time mum, can i just ask u somethg? it's quite personal so hope u don't mind. is it v painful to hv relatns after deliv w episiotomy? v scared but nw tt my menses has come after lochia due to no bfg, i'm happy tt i can still siam. hehe
Wow, yr contact for massage is cheap! Mine charges $65 per session!!!! Thk gdness I managed to see some diff....or else......hehe!
little prince , AC
actually can touch water lah. singapore water is not as cold as other country water. if u cant touch water , how r u going to clean yourself using cloth le?

in fact , our weather is so hot and humid, there is no reason why we cant bathe (tats wat the lactation consultant told me). and furthermore our water is warm, is not as if is well water tat's freezingly cold.

all in all , it makes sense to bathe with hot water
Yuru...i din tink of bathing before delivery, mayb need to bring juz in case wait for too long?

radiohead...actually the massage is to help slim down and...? coz i am beri big size and i tink slimming down will be quite impossible, and i onli gain 10kg throughout tis pregnancy
Wah, little_devil, that's exactly what i told my husband, "dun ever let me know if he did something wrong, if he did, better hide it from me FOR LIFE". but he choose to interpret it as meaning he is allowed to do something wrong as long as i dunno about it!! anyway i guess if i dunno about it also nothing i can do..
yah, me too, pump n pump n pump but still...haiz.... tats y i give up liao as i dun wan to stress myself further....yah, we shall all go to tat shop 2gether and bring some excitement home..ha!!!

okie, infact i am not so lucky to find one massage lady tat got ur price, i even heard some more than $80!!! klii me for tat man! if i know got such reasonable price, i would hav taken it.

ha!!ha!!!ha!!! yah, my hubby says if he did something wrong, he knows tat i will SURE get back to him, he says he knows me well. i told him if i ever know tat he did something wrong to me, i will not show him tat i know, i will get detective to get evidence for me so i can file a divorce and get $$ from him or i will slowly torture him mentally...ha!!! tats y i got tis nick mane LITTLE DEVIL, given by him.
I did bathe b4 delivery even though I'd bathed at home. After the breaking of waterbag and the enema process, felt tt I must clean up lah.
hmm... maybe I will scan the TMC article I cut out previously from the newspapers.

TMC doctors say can bathe lar... just use hot water, bathe quickly & dry thoroughly
AC, esp if you want to BF, hygiene is v impt, must wash hands before every feed. And keep your breasts clean as well. Also, must always wash hands after diapering baby. I think its quite impossible not to touch water leh.

little devil, are there any physical 'signs' from your boy before he starts crying? Maybe u can observe him more, so that you'll have time to 'prepare' before he cries? my baby tends to turn her head from side to side and open-close her mouth like a fish before she cries. If she gets her milk at this stage, then she doesnt cry.

little prince, its true that no where else beats our own home! I cant wait for confinement to be over so that I can finally have complete freedom in my own house again!
*yawn*!!! sooo sleepy... buay tahan... weather has been so hot recently. Can't seem to concentrate...

oh yar, had lunch at this Thai eatery at Amoy Street. It's newly opened, called Tuk Tuk. Food not bad leh... price very reasonable also. Had set meal for $5.50. Comes with main dish, dessert & drink.
I'm back to office. Did my glucose test,my sugar level is within the range. heng man...but i won;t take for granted & start to eat all the "illegal"(sweet stuff) foods. My result is 78 (max 200).My gynae will always remind me to take note of my sugar intake durin all my chkup. His abit kiasu but he told me he juz wan to be safe,partly be'cos i hv family history of diabetes. Durian is oso a No..no to u cos is very high in sugar.
Dun mind me to say yr sugar level is indeed very high. Better control yr diet fm today is nvr too late to something for yrself & yr baby.

Hi sharon
My thyoid seem to be gettin a little better but hv to increase the dosage to 100mg.

Ya man the OGTT is no fun, poke & poke to draw our blood. I oso experience it.

Hw r u ?

little devil
i really hope that i can slim down by cny.But u noe durin confinement sure eat alot. I'll be like a fat pig. hehe...

I tink will engage the malay massage lady. Do u hv any lobang?
glad to know that yr sugar level is within range. i kind of worry since last nite and start to control my food intake liao. ya lor, my gynae oso told me my sugar level is quite high. hmm... since preggie I like to take sweet stuff like ice cream & soft drinks &.... durian!! and yes, my doc oso remind me not to take anything after 12am. thks.
btw do u know whether we can take fried mee hoon or not? how abt steamboat huh? coz my friends ask me to go steamboat but me dunno whether can take or not lei. then for dinner, normally what u eat? I used to take rice during dinner, is it ok?
sorry, so many question.... pai seh pai seh...
TBL, your diet qns are with regard to sugar level rite? Bee hoon is starch, so best not to take too much. Steamboat is fine, depending on what u eat. Just stay clear of starch (rice, noodles, bee hoon) and eat more veggies and meat, or even seafood. For dinner, you usually wont have too much activity after that, so best to limit rice intake, otherwise e starch turns into sugar. Oh, also need to watch your fruit intake- most fruits are high in sugar.
thks. ya, last nite me talked to bb liao. told her mummy need to stop eating durian till after delivery. :p

now i'm kind of panic liao. since 3rd tri I was eating like a horse but now out of sudden need to control so many things hor, a bit jia lat for me. and u are rite abt fruit. Sharon send me the list of wat to take & wat not to, fruit juice is a no-no!! and imagine i was drinking apple juice alternate day since preggie!! ***faint***
i think $1000 shld be fine since she wont be staying overnite. but hor, better give her one lumpsum in the beginning since she is yr big aunt. If u seperate 2x, she may not happy as it seems like u are treating her as outsider lor.
Dun feel paiseh to ask,as long as i'm able to ans yr qtn. I'll give u advise but sometime i'll login abit late cos bzz & sharing computer wif the temp staff.
Fried mee shd be no problem. Steam boat try not to drink the soup as mayb they will add in rock sugar to sweetner the soup.Dinner i'll eat as per normal as i'm not a diabetes but oso cut dw on my rice. All the carbo. stuff try to eat moderate.

I did the normal blood test as my previous chkup showed tt i'm not a diabetes. So very fast leh within a few hrs i got my result together wif my thyoid result. As usual lor the bill came out to be $100+++. Hw i wish i'm a healthy person.
i oso tink $1k is ok for day confinement. Is up to u to give her 1 lump sum or sep into 2.Consult yr mum & c wat her opinion. Mayb old folk tink differently. Ok i'm gg home nw talk to u tmr. ciao.

the massage lady i have in mind was recommended by kelly (wedding fairy) but she's quite ex - $450 for 5 massages and 1 scrub. but she was highly recommended and apparently some celebs used her. she sounded quite professional over the phone and asked details like what's my pre-preg wt, my weight gain so far to determine the amount/type of herbs to use etc. let me know if you want her number. you can also try the ones used by vaingirl, little devil and radiohead, i think they said got noticeable difference after the massage

Would like to chekc with all the mummies here... Have any of you done massage after a c-section? If so, how long after the c-section did you start? Mine will be a c-section so was just wondering if it is ok to have the malay massage? Also, did any c-section mummies get the abodominal binder?

Grateful for any advice. Thanks!
ha!! mine will be quite difficult lo..... most of the time when he open his eyes, he will scream liao, so the only way is TO BE FAST! *SWEAT* so even during nite time while u are sleeping u also feey Faye urself??

may may,
u hav got mail

not true wo....for me, my appetite is real gd when i am in hospital but when i reach home, i dun really feel like eating leh.......

hi there
mine is c section, i suppose to start on the 14th day but i did mine on the 17th day, me gia si....kekeke.......

young jes,
u hav got mail too
hi ladies
i went for my check up yesterday afternoon and gynae said my BB weighs 1.8kg at 33wks + 2 days, he said BB is considered very small and he was worried that the blood flow to the BB was not good so suggest i go TMC for doppler scan to check

so i rush down to TMC immediately and the scan shows blood flow is positive but with a notch (meaning to say there is some/little blockage in the blood vessel) and my amniotic fluid level is considered low

my gynae suggest that i have to do CTG every week and the doppler scan every 2 weeks until 37 weeks to ascertain BB is doing fine

if everything turns out ok, he suggest that i deliver my BB at 37 weeks by cos he said there is no benefit waiting till full term as the BB is small in size.....and he said it's better i opt for c-section cos less stress for me and BB

but if *touchwood* some abnormality is shown during the coming 4 weeks, i have to deliver my BB at government hospital by other gynae cos BB will definitely be in ICU and i will save more instead of delivering in private hospital

i'm feeling so stressed ....thought i could deliver my BB naturally but now.....
dun tik too much now, i beleive ur bb will be jus fine....
u mus try to be positve and try telling or talking to ur bb tat u and ur bb will work hard and will sure be ok, i beleive bb can hear u and will work hard with u......
thanks little devil
i know the gynae just want to make sure and take precaution but but he insist that i deliver by 37 weeks which i was quite relunctant to accept
its ok.. really, my fren also deliver her bb on the 37th week, c section, at first her bb was abit smaller than other bb when born but now hes soooooo adorable and soooooo chubby........
and as for c section, dun dwell over it, mine is a las min c section and let me tell u, if i can chose allover again, i will opp for a c section, really....
little devil,

You really voice out exactly the same as wat I'm going thru except the part abt hubby. All the rest r the same...

My boi regurgitated milk from both mouth n nose n almost choked... (Wat a scare!!!) No signals shown b4 he starts wailing away! (Help!) Sometimes right after feed, also can't be pacified, n I really feel SUPER STRESS! Less than 3 hrs also wants milk but we scare that we'll overfeed. (He's drinking 4 oz now @ 5 wks)I think I'll go mad with all these constant worrying. Didn't know that taking care of a kid can be more worrying n nerve-wrecking than anything else since we can't anticipate the pblm.
hi puff

according to the babycenter fetal size chart, the average wt for 33 weeks is 1.9kg so your bb isn't that far off the mark, there's still time to catch up.

how low is your amniotic fluid? if it's considered too low, then this may restrict the growth of your bb.

see http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/pregnancy/pregcomplications/1199460.html.

you can drink more water and rest more to try to increase the amniotic fluid.

do take care and try not to worry too much. must be positive for yourself and bb. your gynae will monitor you closely and make sure your bb is fine. delivery at 37 weeks is really ok and many pple without complications opt for c-section for the convenience, it's very safe. but hopefully, your bb's growth will accelerate these few weeks, then your gynae will not insist you deliver at 37 weeks.
thanks fruitcake

i also check the fetel size chart, seems to me ok but gynae said bb should be around 2.2 kg now, so dunno which one to follow

dr said to rest more so as to increase the fluid level...hope this is true

does drinking carbonated drink or honey or coconut affect anything??
yah...... i also STRESS and cant even imagine when my CL leave.... i tik i will be dead meat by then! i also cant pacify him and i really dun know wat he wants. its so stressful even jus to tik of tat.
Hi Good morning ladies

From tomorrow onwards I am starting my ML. Today is my last day in office so lots of things to settle coz dont want them to call me every now and then.... As of now I was busy so dint really start countdown but now my waiting game is already "on" O bb come on saturday mng cant wait to see you now... specially after reading so many birth stories I feel like when is my turn and what will it be like
Somehow got to see the pics of so many cute babies so even more desparate to see my baby now...

Any luck as of now?

As of now still around
but definetly will sms if labour will start. Today evening I have appt with my Gynae lets see if there is any " good news".


Any update on Angelia? how is she and her bb doing?

Hope everything is going well with you, waiting to read your birth story n bb's pic..

Dont worry and dont stress yourself. As little devil said you must be positive coz your emotions will impact the baby as well. My SIL has given birth to a premature bb at 33 week and bb's wt was 1.6 kg that time, now her son is abt 5 year old and really intelligent kid "touchwood", his growth is on the same level as fullterm born bbs so dont worry

i'm not sure about the effect of such drinks in your case, but better to take everything in moderation. docs usually say stay away from sweet drinks because of the risk of gestational diabetes but that causes bb to be larger rather than smaller. plain water can drink more
thanks for the consolation.....august and fruitcake

hope to hear your birth story cos we are seeing the same gynae
as advised by my gynae, i will be going to polyclinic this afternoon to see a doctor, get myself a referral letter so as to do CTG at either KK hospital or SGH (hopefully 1st appt by this week) cos i would save up to 60% comparing to doing CTG at private hospital....hope everything turns up well
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
dun worry too much ya..
perhaps things is not as bad as you tink
dr juz wanna make sure both u n bb r doing fine as well

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
hope ur test result on tis coming sat will be negative
be positive. dun keep thinking abt the c-section. I mean as long as bb is healthy natural birth and c-section shldn't be a big concern. Must be strong oh! talk to your bb and ask bb to be strong oso. last time gynae suspected edward's symptom on my bb, me too kept talking to bb and I found it worked, just like both bb &amp; mummy work together to overcome the difficulties..

btw my gynae did mentioned to drink more water &amp; rest more to increase the amnio fluid. so u must take good care of yrself.
good luck on yr coming CTG check-up. think yr gynae only want to ensure bb is doing fine. dun worry.
<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 04-Oct
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week.. . Where

yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 40 . MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 40 . GEH / B
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 39 . ESH / G
august ......... 21/10/04 wk 39 . MAH / B
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 38 . GEH / ?
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 38 . GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 38 . ??? / ?
bride0712 ...... 28/10/04 wk 38 . MAH / G
mel7728 ........ 02/11/04 wk 37 . TMC / B
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 37 . GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 37 . USA / B
kelly (mona) ... 09/11/04 wk 36 . KKH / ?
cxope .......... 12/11/04 wk 35 . ??? / ?
yuru ........... 13/11/04 wk 35 . GEH / G
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 35 . ??? / ?
sharon ......... 17/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / G
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / G
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / B
kikojoy ........ 20/11/04 wk 35 . GEH / ?
chihiro ........ 20/11/04 wk 35 . TMC / G
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 34 . MAH / G
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 34 . ??? / ?
puff ........... 27/11/04 wk 34 . ESH / G
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 34 . ??? / ?
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 33 . MEH / G
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 33 .. RH / G
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 33 .. RH / B
chihuahua ...... 02/12/04 wk 33 .. RH / ?
wooof .......... 03/12/04 wk 33 . ??? / G
seahorse ....... 04/12/04 wk 33 . MEH / G
crumpy ......... 07/12/04 wk 32 . MEH / ?
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 32 . KKH / B
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 32 . GEH / B
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 32 . ??? / G
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 32 . TMC / G
fruitcake ...... 10/12/04 wk 32 . NUH / B
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 32 . KKH / G
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 32 . MEH / ?
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 32 . MAH / B
stephie ........ 14/12/04 wk 31 . TMC / B
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04 wk 31 . KKH / G
beanie ......... 17/12/04 wk 31 . TMC / G
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 30 . ??? / ?
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 30 . TMC / B
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 28 . ??? / ?
TSH ............ 05/01/05 wk 28 . MSA / ?

<font color="119911">**** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ****</font><font color="ff0000">
.. .. .. .. .. . .. EDD . . Where . .. Pop
jer ............ 04/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/08/04 3.170 kg Kiern
radiohead ...... 22/08/04 . ESH / G . 25/08/04 3.570 kg Sarah-Lynn
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 . MAH / B . 31/08/04 ________ ________
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 . TMC / B . 14/09/04 3.620 kg Ryan
vaingirl ....... 20/09/04 . GEH / G . 18/09/04 3.240 kg Keira
berry .......... 22/09/04 . TMC / G . 23/09/04 3.670 kg Faye
littleprince ... 20/09/04 . ESH / B . 24/09/04 3.210 kg Rhyan
little_devil ... 21/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/09/04 3.050 kg Quinn
SLK ............ 08/10/04 . GEH / B . 27/09/04 3.430 kg Lucas
pets ........... 03/10/04 . TMC / G . 28/09/04 3.210 kg Sharyn
blisse ......... 11/10/04 . GEH / G . 28/09/04 3.195 kg Carriane
sun ............ 17/10/04 . GEH / B . 03/10/04 3.200 kg Arnav Neil
are ............ 12/10/04 . MEH / G . 04/10/04 2.600 kg Rachael
casros ......... 20/10/04 . TMC / G . 05/10/04 2.980 kg ________
angelia ........ 04/10/04 . TMC / G . 08/10/04 3.630 kg Shanice
kelly .......... 09/11/04 . MAH / B . 10/10/04 2.810 kg ________

</font><font color="119911">**** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ****</font><font color="ff0000">
aurora ......... 08/09/04 . ??? / ??
peipei ......... 20/09/04 . TMC / G .
mom ............ 20/09/04 . MAH / B .
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 . MAH / G .
ww ............. 29/09/04 . KKH / ? .
</font><font color="119911">*************************************************************************</font>
<font color="ff6000">
* GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles; MSA - Malaysia
* let me know if I got any info wrong or if there are any updates</font></font></font>


aiyo, me doing last minute job now. no junk food for me.. and i make sure only eat healthy food lor. although only 2nd day doing this, but i found it quite tough lor. especially need to give up my MILO!!!!
but nvm lah! for the sake of bb, i sure can do it!
