(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

attach is my princess Carriane's photo

cannot leh, when it leak, it will only leak for awhile and if iwake him up, oh no......... so i tik i will jus pump and pump to build it up. mu hubby ask me if he can help me to build up the flow, i keep laughing non stop.....

great, wish to see u too. i told dom tat u cant wait to see me and Quinn and he says y u didnt want to see him.....ha!!!!!!! Quinn jus now puke.... i am so scared but i tik its the milk he drank, all along i gave him non 1 and he finished 1 tin and is ok with it then my mil say nan HA is better so she bought 1, and mine nan 1 finish liao so i gave him the nan HA lo.....but ever since start yesterday, his poo poo very sticky and smelly and watery then puke!!!

yah, but sometimes only 10 ml and i will throw away..... i jus pump to build the flow..... so we really shall arrange a meet up when we are ready
and i tik it will be fun and we sure got lots to talk, like me and peggy, when we meet up, we really talk non stop.
pets, supposed to be 6-8 pee diapers.

Berry/Sharon/Blisse/pets, yeah, definitely should meet up after we're all more settled down. I'm on a diet though, so will just go there and watch. *Very determined to lose all the excess weight ASAP*

angelia, so far I'm not thinking about pacifier yet, but if in the end I really cannot take it then might just give up and give in. :p
cannot leh, when it leak, it will only leak for awhile and if iwake him up, oh no......... so i tik i will jus pump and pump to build it up. mu hubby ask me if he can help me to build up the flow, i keep laughing non stop.....

great, wish to see u too. i told dom tat u cant wait to see me and Quinn and he says y u didnt want to see him.....ha!!!!!!! Quinn jus now puke.... i am so scared but i tik its the milk he drank, all along i gave him non 1 and he finished 1 tin and is ok with it then my mil say nan HA is better so she bought 1, and mine nan 1 finish liao so i gave him the nan HA lo.....but ever since start yesterday, his poo poo very sticky and smelly and watery then puke!!!

yah, but sometimes only 10 ml and i will throw away..... i jus pump to build the flow..... so we really shall arrange a meet up when we are ready
and i tik it will be fun and we sure got lots to talk, like me and peggy, when we meet up, we really talk non stop.
yr work requires to walk a lot? will it be very tiring. btw it's good oso, treat it as exercise lor. me oso last nite just told hubby, since i dont do excercise nowadys then i want to practice go for short walk after every dinner. Just to prepare myself for the delivery lor.
wish you a smooth delivery!! **jia you**

Carriane is very adorable.
makes me kan cheong to see my girl girl too.
All the best and have a smooth & fast delivery Angelia!!

wow.... carriane is such cutie pie... just feel like carrying the baby up to smell & kiss :p

At first when I see baby pics, not much effect. But as more & more cute pics are showing up, am beginning to get impatient with my EDD :p
yar she has lots of hair!

u shld not throw away the milk. at least u can feed ur baby Quinn, then top up with formulae. thats wat i did at first.yar we shld meet up!

try not to be on diet esp during ur confinement! i used to be very vain, but then after having a baby, i feel health is very impt! now i always finish watever my mil cook, wan to build up my health first.

dont worry! u will see ur ger soon n u will feel that ur ger is the most adorable ger. Thats wat every parent will feel so

yar i love to carry n smell her. but my mil told me dont always carry her as wait she used to carry n very hard to let go. now she is sleeping..hhehhe
dun u juz love baby's smell? they seem to emit a smell...i dunno if it's from the powder we put on them or wat but they juz smell nice.
yar she always seems to be thinking..hahhaha think her lips r like her daddy lor.
i dont think i wan to shave as cant bear at all. scare shave liao wait no hair...hahha
i love to smell her! yar i agree that they will emit some natural smelling one! my fren told me that only last for 1mth. very strange one
Carriane is so pretty!!!

yah like what lil_devil says, we always have lots & lots to talk abt so i'm sure it'd be real fun when we all meet up!

yah, i dun tik i can bear to shave my gal's hair too...

Hahaaa...Dom is so funny! well, tell him that me & especially my hubby wants to see him lah!

oh dear, Quinn puke? tik it could be the formula leh...try changing and see how?
y 1 mth leh? i tot babies smell like that for a while until they start crawling/moving around then they dun have such baby smell.

btw, dun put too much powder on ur girl. it may dry her skin. juz a lil will do
Baby smell - was told by Mrs Wong at antenatal class that it only lasts for one month & that their feet has the strongest & nicest baby smell...
yar i wont shave her hair. told my hubby before i gave birth that i wont wan to shave. at the most is cut a little bit of her hair only.

thk u!

yar i believe it will be really fun! n next time our bb can play together as well..ehhehe

donno lei...myfren say one..she find her boy smell very noce during the first mth.
ok...but then i observe my ger's skin abit peeling off? is it normal?
<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
wow.. is it tiring for u to walk so much now?
i will only walk a lot if i go to my customer's site.. juz came back from there though..

if im whole day in the office,by end of the day, my foot will sure become pig trotters..

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
tink my appt is 7.15pm
but most likely will reach there by 7pm one lah
hehe.. hopefully can see u later before u go seh kia tomolo ..

<font color="ff6000">blisse</font>
Carraine got lots of hair leh ! nice !!
ying tao xiao zui.. pretty!
wonder if mine will be botak or not

<font color="ff6000">little_devil</font>
oh .. okie.. thanks on the info on the disposable undies
wow ur bb is soooo cute n adorable

Though I dont have app 2day but due to bad backache and cramps Dr adrian wants to see me at abt same time like you gals.. hope to meet you
Hi Angelia,

All the best. You can actually try stroking your breast. Dunno how true. That morning before my waterbag burst, my hubby stroke my breast cos I kept complaining my girl dun want to come out. After that, I got a sharp pain on my stomach and waterbag burst in the toilet.
Hi Blisse,

I ate vege, fish and meat for every meal. No eggs , chicken and seafood. Fish I eat ngor yu. I heard sheng yu also good for wound. Do you still feel the pain today?
dont worry! ur ger will be wonderful

every babies has their unique features...hehhehe

sometimes u observe her while she is sleeping, she makes all sorts of expression one..hahha
Hi Sharon,

Initially I wanted Serene, hubby prefer sharyn. The first time I heard of this name. Asked SIL to check the meaning for us . In bible it means beloved darling.
wow i didnt eat fish every meal. as wat my mil cook i eat. dont dare to demand fish for every meal lei. usually is fish and veg or meat and veg lor. i also havent eat eggs, chicken n seafood, but will start to eat after 2 wks lor. i also eat ngor yu. who doing confinement for u?
Carriane looks so lovely! i lik her lips
and she is so chubby! from the pics, she looks more like your hubby. btw, lucas's skin also started peeling a few days back. the CL said it's normal cos they are changing skin.

i love to smell lucas too!
but my in laws asked us not to put our face or lips on the baby's face or they will develop tiny pimple-lke spots, cos their skin is quite sensitive. but i realy can't help it! :p

quinn could be sensitive to the milk powder. i first gave lucas similac excellence and my CF said he is sensitive to the milk powder (judging from his poo). then i changed to S26 gold and everything went back to normal.

i would love to meet up with you girls too!
i agree with u that we shldnt put our face or lips on our babies' face. their skin still so tender and sensitive. i hope i can resist then... hee! hee!

my GF used S26 gold. she said it can be quite heaty so u shld feed more water to ur bb.

thks for the info...i cant wait to smell my boy's feet then. though i'm 35 to 36wks now, i already quite eager to pop...i cant imagine the MTBs who are overdue...sure super anxious
yup yup, my sis used s26 gold too. she said it's very heaty but if your baby can take it, it's supposedly a very good milk powder. i really didn't know what to give. when the CL said baby sensitive to similac, i quickly asked him to go buy s26 gold without thinking :p btw, i can understand how you feel. i was so anxious to pop from week 34 onwards
ya lor...i tot of inducing my boy from 38wks since i having sleepless nites due to my hand cramps but my husband dun allow. he said, "dun rush ah boy to come out, let him take his time". i 1 2 faint liao...so now i keep telling my boy to be good and pop around end oct if he likes. hope it works...

My mum doing confinement for me. Me eating the same thing. My mum will cook veg and meat and payaya fish soup or fish and vege. Tomorrow going to see gynae. Hope can remove the stitches.

For those who bf and supp with FM,

How your supp? How many ml your child taking now? How many ml of FM your give? Try and error?What FM your giving? Thanks.
Hi kelly,

So far none of my confinemt food is cooked with garlic. It's always with ginger. The veg that I ate r normally leafy ones but dun know wat they are. Me a non-cook.


Ur gal looks very cute with her chubby cheeks
So much hair also...

New mums,

Sigh, I give my boy anything that have been told r no gd, like pacifier, dun carry so often, dun pat/rock baby. But I've done everything mentioned above so that he won't wail!!! My CL said not very gd for babies to cry for too long cos then wind will get into the tummy.

little devil,

Ur baby puke today? Puke as in like merlion kind or? Think no need to worry if it's only once n if it's oozing out from mouth. Quite common it seems. Mine had milk coming out from nose today. Wat a scare it gave us
BF will not have such pblm. Wat to do, since I sucuumb to FM already.
Hey all
Just received the message from sun, her boy is going to admit in KK, his jaundice level is 263 (255 is optimum) she is waiting in hospital for admission...
oh dear... august, update us if u hear from Sun again yar. Jaundice normally appears a few days after birth. Sun's baby is 4 days old now.

aiyo.. all of u mummies are taking so much fish. I can't stand fish unless its battered and deep-fried :p Dunno how i'm gonna consume so much fish

How is your bf going on? Me so exhausted dat feels like giving up...he cries even after feeding him and last nite wake up almost every hr!!!Now I already can wear my pre preg clothes...in no time maybe even slimmer than before! (No good cos may affet supply). Sigh....
Little devil,

How's life? feeling better? Bb already 1 mth but seems to be getting waking up more and crying (yell to be precise) more!!!When will these days end?
poor sun. she must be very worry now. send our regards to her and update us if receive her latest news, thks.
I want to ask all mummies who has already delivered, did any of you felt the lower backache and abdominal cramp before labour? if yes then usually from how long before the actual labour you faced it and how about the intensity n frequency?
Little devil,
are you feeding ur boy both breastmilk n fm, if yes tat mean the fm u used can't go down well with the bm he take and that will cos him to puke.. tat what happen to Kiern but then if he only puke once or twice it's ok cos bb tend to puke milk.

seem like i'm not the only one who give my boy anything that r told to be not gd... initially i was very against pacifier but then Kiern kana colic so to stop him for crying, pacifier is the only solution. As for carry n rocking, my parents n in-laws keep remind me n hubby not to do so yet they r the one doing it so now whenever my boy cried i hav to do tat to stop him cried. For carry n rocking not so bad lah, cos i read from a book tat some bb simply can't sleep n they need to be rock or pat to sleep, you won't spoil them cos they will outgrow it.
no, infact i didnt gave him breastmilk for sometime kiao, on formula, so its definitely the nan ha...... as when hes on nan 1, hes ok. he kena tis puke issue twice, once is the gripe water, then now the nan ha...... my mil gave him the gripe water n tis nan ha also brought by her which she claims better......
ok lo..... i tik i am easily freak out.... like when Quinn has reaction to the unsuitable milk..... and puke..... i will stress n lost....... i tik we really under alot mental stress, u mus try to relax too.....
hi, all

managed to come in now as rhyan is asleep and i just finished pumping milk ..

i also hv the same problem as mykono, bb doesn't seem to be feeding enough fm me if i latch him on .. ending up he will want a next feed earlier .. i only latch him on abt twice a day, other than tt other feeds are all on fm .. i will pump my milk twice a day also and let him drink on his next feed .. no choice, otherwise he will be very hungry and start crying .. my mil will then come in and say bb never drink enough lah, quickly let him drink fm .. haiz .. think i can only train him to drink more bm when i return home .. bo bian ..

for the carrying part, actually i feel my bb is not comfortable at my mil's place coz he dun sleep fully .. eyes will always open and look ard though he is tired .. my aunt told me maybe its becoz my mil's place got pray to guanyin and hubby's ancestors and bb being very sensitive can see many things we can't, so we shld hv let bb pray to them when we just came bk fm hospital .. told hubby to pray to the gods last nite tt we are only staying here for one mth and they can see our bb but dun use hands to touch him etc so tt bb can sleep better .. not too sure how true but for those who pray at home, better try to be safer ..

for sarong and pacifier, my mil wanted to give rhyan but thankfully, rhyan disliked the sarong .. will start crying 5min after being left inside .. hehe .. for pacifier, my mil knows tt i forbid bb to take and she went to buy one secretly and gave rhyan at nite when he was sleeping with my mil while i was sick in the first wk .. according to her, rhyan also refused to suck the pacifer but i was worried tt she will cont'd giving and make him addicted instead, so ... i secretly threw the pacifer away one day when she went to the market .. i know i am bad but this is the only way to stop her since i told her face to face and she still do it ..

sharon - as long as the label states ok for bb, shld be alrite .. i used the medela purelan cream but so far no more sore nipples, so didn't apply ..
how ur mum cook the papaya soup? yest my mil cook n let me drink like water like that..so fishy smell i cant take it lei.
I pump n supplment with formulae. now my ger is 9days old. she sometimes take 80ml, sometimes 60ml. i m giving similac. wat abt u?

thks. how r u feeling now? better?

maybe on photos looks more chubby..hehhe

lets all hope that sun bb will be fine!

yar thats wat i intend to do so..only cut for "yi shi"
i didnt apply any cream. i just wipe with water or wet tissue.

little devil,
theni think it's better for u to stick to the previous fm. actually fm is all the same, there's no so call better one. For example brand a may hav higher amount of vitamins but lower amount of calcium then brand b may hav the opposite if u know what i mean.. so it really depend on each individual bb which brand their body could take it.

little prince,
i was against sarong as well. when my bb cried my in-laws can't handle then they keep saying he hav to sleep sarong, they went on for a few days i said no cos when i handle the bb he could go to sleep easily.. then last sunday they nearly went ahead to put him in sarong while i having my lunch, luckily i was on time to tell them in quite a harsh tone that i don want him to sleep in sarong then they know i'm firm abt it they hav stop the idea.
