(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


u went to see ur gynae last nite, rite? How is ur glucose test? Finally i know my bb weight liao..... she is now 1.8kg. How abt ur bb?

<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
mmmm i guess my one not started yet. when i press down, is only skin lor.

<font color="0000ff">vaingirl</font>
thanks for your info. i dunno if i want to celebrate one month or not
Hi MTx3,

I find the cervix check quite diff from pap smear n vaginal scan. For these two, I didn't feel any pain, only slight discomfort. But cervix check, it's like the midwife n gynae gotta go deep in to check the dilation. Oh my god, it's worse than sex, i feel.
thks for ur birth story. it was brave of u to go without epi...i hope i can do so then.

u meant u r going to the robinsons sale at expo right? i'll be going too but dunno wat x cos waiting for my husband to return.
let me get my husband to come back early then i try to be there abt 6pm.

i'll be wearing a black skirt wif a pink tee shirt....

let's c if we can bump into each other
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
seems like it depends on individuals

<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
well.. tts gd.. no water retention

i poke my ankle and foot everyday to chk lor..sometimes its swollen enuff .. no need to poke also know liao ..got the "ti kar" look... kekeke...

<font color="ff6000">caros</font>
thanks for sharing ur birth story !
do rest well

btw, wat time they close the warehouse huh?
yes, went to see gynae liao. bb 1.98kg. glucose test har? gynae said need to wait for few days tog et results lor. then hubby asked gynae why i need to do, is it due to high risk. doc replied no, just a precaution wor. he practices to ask all preggie go thru this 'simple' test for preggie abv 7mths.
when is yr next check up?
aiyo... am so tempted to go for the robinson sale also. Need to get bottles, NUK teats, microwave steriliser, baby nail clipper, cot sheets &amp; a sling.

Does the Robinson sale have the above items?

Oh yar, guardian is having a sale on baby medication. Infacol is going for $4.55 while 2 Drapolin costs $7.15. Can check it out in Yesterday's TODAY papers. It's under the World News section
casros, welcome back
wow... interesting birth you had. No gas even!

You're welcome august. Do be careful yar. You seem to have early labour symptoms (?). Better be prepared, don't want to get all panicky at the crucial moment :p
i juz checked wif my husband, i doubt i can make it there abt 6pm. u go ahead wif ur shopping 1st.

if i see anyone wif a green diesel t-shirt, i'll walk up to say hi. i cant find my pink t-shirt so will be wearing a calvin &amp; hobbes t-shirt.
Hi all

you have deliver or about to deliver your baby? as i am looking for a good/detail gyane from Mt A or KKH? Could you all kindly recommend?
I'm ok but dunno y nowadays my bb hiccup very often?? Can advise me...
Btw, i hv not start eating cordyceps. IZZIT too late as i'm oreadi 29wks??? My bb sitter juz called me &amp; she advise me to eat me to start "pu" ASAP.Hw abt u when u start to eat "pu"?

5-tier toyogo drawer cos $26.90 is very cheap. Giant selling $43.90. Which cold storage(branch)selling? I'll go &amp; grab one.
me too can't pull up my jean... my hubby even dared to say i fat
!!!! then i always say thank for his "contribution".. how much does the ysl total fitness serum cost?
here's what i remember from the robinson's sale this afternoon:

1. nursing bras: the lady i asked just pointed me to this mannequin with this pink bra.. like i said it doesn't look very glam lah, made entirely of cotton i guess with little clasps for you to remove a flap, but for $9 i just bought it lor. can't remember the brand though..

2. disposable undies: had some next to the maternity bra, think 3 packs of 5 for $9. also had some other brand that selling for 2 packs for $7.90. on this note, i actually have seen disposable undies at Watsons, $1.99 for 7 and at the $1.05 shop for 5. dunno how good though, and size limited..

3. pyjamas: hmm, not much range, but i bought this $11 one which looks like some sort of coat, has zip all down the front, looks quite warm so maybe good to wear in hospital.

4. maternity pads: don't think they have that. i saw some strange brand of pads and i couldn't figure out what they were!? yellow packaging.. and when i read the details it said something like "suitable for those who leak urine" something like that? i freaked out and quickly put it back in case ppl think i do, ha ha.

5. diapers: they had this brand called Fixies. I never heard of the brand so didn't dare to buy, but like NB is $11 for 3 packs of 20, if i remember correctly.

6. bottles: had small range but i'm not familiar with the brand.. think it's like, cartoon type.

7. head support pillows for babies: had quite a good range, price between $5.90 - $15.90.

8. some tollyjoy items like nappy liners, wet tissues..

9. over at the toiletries section away from the babies section they had some pureen brand detergent, shampoo.. anyone knows if pureen is good for that sort of stuff?

10. cots, prams, strollers, car seats: had quite a large range i thought, but i didn't have time to examine and anyway if i buy i'll rather have my hubby with me. but they have some bedding for cot.. very limited.. i was looking for the full set (usually 7 pc set, including bolsters, pillows, bumpers, bed sheet, comforter) and found 1 set selling for $39.90. The rest are like, just pillow and bolster or with blanket.

hope this helps at this late hour when you guys probably on the way down!
casros, i enjoyed reading your birth story very much
thanks for sharing the details. it sounded relatively hassle free and i hope my birth story can be something like that too!
chihiro the sale closes at 10pm and i saw that they have extended till Monday. hope they print more $5 vouchers in the papers cuz the ones in the past couple of days were valid only till today.

My next appt is 3 wks time, on Oct 29. How about u? I think after next appt, our appt will be cut short to maybe once a/2 wk. Have u done any CTG? My doc said she will do it for me when i'm at wk 37. I never do any glucose test. Maybe my gynae don practise this unless she suspect something wrong.
Beanie just checked my mail thanks, i got your message

Sadly even though i thought i "beat" the system by finding a webemail i can access, i'm not allowed to download attachments! Will get it at home.
sharon.. hee hee u reminded me i also bought this Winnie the Pooh bag from Robinsons sale, to use as my hospital bag $9 very big and roomie and has zip as well.

what's going into your hospital bag?
I don't feel well
Like I have bad morning sickness, so nauseous. Kinda late in my 38/ 39? wk to start having MS leh?
my nxt appointment is 23Oct. Starts my visit 2wk once from now onwards. my gynae didnt mentioned anything abt CTG lei. may be he will let me know later lor. btw hor, gynae always ask me got any questions for him or not, then i always no question one lei.
dunno wat to ask?? so end up he always ask me, so 'yr bb kicks ok', 'any problem on stomach?' etc etc... jia lat. stress sometime.... oso feel a bit guilty dunno whether i too blur or wat, never observe anything so no question to ask...

leo29, chihiro, rochelle,
did u have any stretch mark on yr tummy? aiyo, me now got 4 ugly black lines at the lower part of my right tummy!!!! sian ah!!!
dont worry. i read that bb hiccups is very normal. My ger also keep on hiccups every day. i just give her plain water sometimes. but doesnt really help. its ok one. i asked the pd before.sometimes u see they sleep, they will like breathing very hard, or sudden scare movement, all is normal one.
It not too late to "bu" at all. u can take till whenever u wan. But later stage at 3rd trimester, try to drink some cooling things so that bb borned wont have those pimples like thing.

thanks for the detailed report on the robinsons sale! i bought the pureen anti-bacterial detergent - a friend recommended to me. pureen also has a gentler version but i'm a bit paranoid abt germs/bacteria so bought that one to try first, if bb's skin is too sensitive, then i'll switch to the gentler one.
yesterday i went to see gynae, bb oso hiccups few times during US. I told gynae sometime i can feel bb hiccups 4~5 times a day, he said it's normal and good wor.. so dun worry.
btw i oso didnt make 'dong cong cao' during 2nd tri! too lazy lor, seems like now is too late lei. worry too heaty. actually i bought alr, but just too lazy to boil it.

dun think ur case is MS, will it be pre-labour sign?? (i dunno, wild guess!! :p )better take a good rest at home.
<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
hope u can find your shoes

for me, i dun seem to be able to find shoes from robinsons or JL at all, usually got my shoes from OG or C&amp;K
but since preggie, i've been wearing Scholls frm abt wk12 onwards till now..though pattern/design not realli to wat i like, but at least its v.comfy.. so bo chap lah ..

<font color="ff6000">kypf</font>
thanks for the info !!

at least i can go for my dinner before gg to sales
aiya, i dun hv newspapers at home.. so dun hv any $5 vouchers also ... :p

<font color="ff6000">Stephie</font>
for the chest of drawers, you have to take down the model no. and then compare the price in Toyogo's warehouse.. hard to say whether it is cheaper or not lor.. but i tink its usually the pricing frm warehouse is lower..

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
tink i hv leh
on my tummy not v.obvious..
from the sides of tummy, can see a bit of green/purple lines
but below my tummy.. i tink i saw a couple of lines from the mirror.. must cfm again tonight with hubby

i just saw the toyogo drawers at cold storage jelita. saw the ad for it in the papers today, general merchandise, such as the drawers are not available at bugis, changi airport, china sq, funan, harbour front, toa payoh and village center, so the other branches should all have.
kypf, thanks for the robinson report
Am stuck in office still... sigh... dun think i can make it to the sale already. To darn tired.
hi, all

just came bk fm the hospital and done with bb's birth cert at last, also went white sands for a while to get something .. at least managed to bring bb out for abit of shopping with hubby .. hehe ..

the cervix chks were horrible for me, i cldn't stand these more than contractions .. still bring me horrors when i think of it ..

ya .. can use breast milk on nipples, it works well .. i usually use this too ..
hi sharon,
how's ur shopping? my husband came back abt 6pm and we had to see a chinese sinseh for my hand cramps so cldnt make it to S'pore Expo.

hope u werent looking around 4 me...pai seh

i stay in pasir ris, the edge of it, very near to punggol/seng kang.
i juz had some pinkish discharge since 6pm+. i checked again at 915pm, i still have it. i checked with my gynae and she said i could be stressed or my baby's pressing hard down on me. she added that if it turns bloody, i must rush to MAH or if it continues, i'll have to see her 2mrw morn.

i'm 35.5wks now...any1 experienced tis b4?
little prince, agree wif u totally dat cervix check is worse than contraction! Was so terrfied of it after a few times dat i shiver when i see my gynae. In the end needed to use gas!

little devil, I cried when he puke(in gush)! Now have to keep psycho myself dat he will grow up and these sleepless nights will soon be over! U take care k!

berry, Will definitely indulge myself to something nice if can tahan bf for 6 mths!

My fren also like dat when she is around 35 wks. But turn out fine and she delivered her bb 2 wks before EDD.
hi sharon
i was at the robinson sale too...from 5.30pm - 7pm...hmm but dun think i saw someone wearing green diesel t-shirt

i oso bought the nursing bra at $9 each...they have 3 colours - pink, brown and beige while the $8 ones only has beige colour

but long q at the fitting room plus they can only allow 3 pcs each time, anything more you have to forfeit to them and re-q

your EDD moves forward by 2 weeks while mine moves backward by 1 week from 20 Nov to 27 Nov...sigh
your bb is sooo cute...

Mt A do provide a small bag of toiletries it do hav toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a face towel n etc... maybe you could jus bring your face cleanser for toiletries. As for bb, i think you jus bring one bootie for going home will do cos bb will be wrap around in a blanket and cover by a blanket, the nursery room hav heater so baby won't be that cold. As for bb wipes, they do provide and when you discharge they will give a diaper bag, inside fill with lotsa sample include bb wipes..
Hi Sharon,
ya Kiern was wearing the hospital clothes throughout the stay, he only change to the clothes i brought when discharge.
one more thing.. it depend on you actually, but i think its better to bring a receiving blanket as well cos it easier for u to hold the baby when you r on your way home.
by the way there's also a small baby fair outside of metro tampines, between century square and tampines mall. but doesn't have much, some bedding, cot, playpen, prams, car seats, strollers, some avent stuff, some tollyjoy stuff, some clothes, some toys. there was an ad in y'day paper. they did have crib sets price range from $29.90 - $69.90 though.

sharon, thanks for sharing the hospital list. i didn't know had to bring so much stuff for admission! will use ur list as my guide though i will be at GEH and heard they don't provide much stuff.
Hi girls, Angelia messaged me. She gave birth to baby Shanice (3.63kg) yesterday morning at 11.29am after a 12hr labour.

She had induction as planned. Used gas initially but switched to the epidural later. Vacuum was also needed.

Poor angelia said that she was so sick yesterday she only managed to enjoy her meal this morning.

Here's wishing her a speedy recovery and hope to see her here soon
Hi gals,

I gave birth to baby Esther on Wed at 2.35pm :) She popped early as hoped at 37 weeks, weighting 3.23kg at 51cm. Healing fm a very bad wound fm the tough delivery. Will come back in with more details when i have managed to settle down a bit.

i went without the epidural.
He used a long plastic thingy with a small hook at the end, put it in and scrapped the bag till it broke. When he did it for my 1st labour, it was really really painful but this time round was better. My girl's a little yellow but these 2 days are so cloudy, so can't sun her. Other than that she's latching on well but my nipples are so sore!

I didn't experience any cramps or backache the day b4, just on the day itself. But I felt very tired. Glad that ur inlaws will be here soon, hang in there!

I did use gas.....it worked for me coz my labour was so quick.

Moms in Mind sells a variety of nursing bras incl. those suitable for spaghetti tops.

I really hated the cervix check. They poke so deep in it was so painful. That was why I specified 'minimum vaginal examination' in my birth plan. They really left me alone till I asked for one prior to delivery. But that single one quite horrible coz the nurse left her fingers in there till my next contraction. Argh!!!!!

Did any of ur confinement ladies say they can't wash ur panties as it'll bring us bad luck?
angelia, ziztine, casros,
congratulations!!! rest well and take care.

your baby has nice features!! handsome boy!
Ziztine and Angelia

Congratulations, post us ur birthstory n bb's pic.... Ziztine finally you also could take it w/o epidural, made me feel more determined now

You went for Arnav's checkup, hope everything is perfectly alright now..

Ya since they will be here within few days I am feeling more comfortable. Hey post us ur gal's pic... how is she doing?
