(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Congratulations are

Wow Your birth story is really exciting, you n casros made me feel more confident abt my decision to go w/o epidural
Finally you have decided on "Arnav" how is he doing? do post us the pics of him. BTW how is ur younger daughter is she still not feeling well?


Your bbs looks soooo cute and adorable

SLK how much is your massage lady charging? is it per session or package, can you PM me her contact no.?
Thanks for the info on drinking coconut juice & yah, hope to meet up with u too, maybe after your confinement...

Congrats & thanks for the birth story! And wow, you're one brave woman!!!

the Robinsons warehouse sale ends 10 Oct.

haha...thanks for the joke!

it ends this sun 10 oct. there's a $5 voucher in today's ST. if you do go down, can let me know whether it's worth going pl? i feel like going but then it's very far for me, opposite end of the island.
jen, was thinking of shifting bebechic & ww down next week when they reach 42 weeks. They are only overdue ~1 week at the moment.
welcome back sun! I could truly understand the part where u feel like pushing. i hav the pushing urge when my cervix is only 8cm dilated and the nurse keep asking me to stop pushing but the urge was so strong i nearly scream at her, how to stop it... but lucky she was very kind to teach me how to control the urge of pushing by using the gas...
u r really a brave mum! i really admire ur courage!

hahhahah! let ur hubby swell then
thats good! my mum says that during confinement, drinking soup i smost important lor! since ur confinement lady so good, u must listen to her, it really help u alot one! i always finish watever my mil cooks lor! sometimes i still feel hungry, i eat more than when i m pregnant like that lei. donno y! me also using the medela electric pump. didnt really manage to pump lei. so surprised that manual one can pump so much.

sure. we can always gather n meet up together! imagine with all the mummies n daddies n the babies...hahhahah
<font color="0000ff">**** AnGeLiA RePoRtInG ****</font>
anyone else popped yet? me still at home. think my girl really super comfy in there..

going thru the rest of the post now...
My mum doing confinement for me- she's cantonese... so everything also have soup. Abit scared of soups... but if bfg, gd way to increase fluid intake I guess. :p I threatened mum- told her if I don't lose wt during confinement I will blame her. Now she's abit stressed :p, she complained... where got people expect to lose wt through confinement foods? Supposed to nourish what.

Hehe. Can do that to own mum mah :p
hi, all

did not hv time to log in for the past few days as was busy with Rhyan, just finished bfg him and he fell asleep before i cld log in .. hehe .. hv taken quite a few more pics and will download into my notebk this pm if i can before posting up to show u all ..

thks for all yr encouragement, i hv managed to catch up with Rhyan's milk demand currently but i am still supplementing with fm coz at times, he is too hungry and i am not ready to feed him yet .. also, hubby and i are taking care of him ourselves at nite now .. hubby will wake up to feed him twice in the nite and i will just watch him since he dun allow me to get up .. think its quite tiring for him but he insists to do it himself, so i just watch and help if necessary ..

little Rhyan is sleeping better these days and more patient when he wants milk instead of always crying when we brought him home .. like what little devil says, they are always smiling in their sleep tt its just so adorable to sit there and stare at them sleeping ..

congrats to all new mums ..

i bought the Doux brand at 4 pks for $12.00, each pk has 5 pcs .. bought during JL sale at expo .. i find this brand is the best among the rest i hv coz it can stick to the pads quite well and fits me nicely .. the sorella ladies brand is too big and shift abt making me very uncomfy ..

i only had sore nipples initially when i bf in hospital and the first day when i was discharged, so far now is okie .. lochia also more or less gone, didn't really hv alot .. finished my massage sessions on last sun, total of 5 consecutive sessions ..

aiya, rhyan wake up liao .. me log in later if i can ..
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
ya, think i'll prob scream at hubby or my mum when it's my turn to do confinement. guess i've been controlling my temper quite well during pregnancy alr, dunno what'll happen during confinement..

well, guess all we can do is try our best to control, but personally, i feel we should let it out otherwise, might really result in post-natal depression!!! <font color="ff6000">gals, we muz "educate" our hubby that it's normal for us to flare up at little tiny-minnie stuff after we deliver. let them be prepared</font>

as for ur MIL, think when u see her wanna carry the bb, juz ask her to leave her since she's not crying. maybe ur MIL is juz kan-cheong abt her granddaughter

<font color="aa00aa">august,</font>
at least gynae din rush u to go for induction *LOL*

i'll be seeing him again tmr nite... time really flies.. if by tmr nite my girl still doesn't wanna come out, will "check in" TMC on Friday.

<font color="aa00aa">casros,</font>
wow, ur labour is really short &amp; sweet... no need epidural as well!!!! really hope mine is similar, kekeke..

<font color="aa00aa">snowflake,</font>
thanks for ur advice on BF-ing!!

<font color="aa00aa">SLK,</font>
Lucas is really handsome!! and he looks very alert too

hmm.. he's supposed to be "younger" than my girl, but now my girl is "younger" than a few of ur bbies....

and, u sure hv lots of milk for a new mummy..

<font color="aa00aa">beanie,</font>
well.. that's why i mentioned i can "understand" how they feel back then

furthermore, gynae kept emphasing there's "no benefit" to let bb stay inside after EDD.

<font color="aa00aa">tbl,</font>
aiya, bb getting stronger, of cos kicks oso harder lah. *LOL*

and yes, really wanna "kee siao" alr. so bored staying at home. hiaz.. shouldn't hv stopped work so soon! alr finished 3 out of 4 bookes i borrowed that i dun dare to start on the last book, otherwise when i in hospital, scared nothing to read!!

well, maybe this evening go library again.. hahahaa..

<font color="aa00aa">blisse,</font>
me opposite of u.. i always tell hubby i'll stop at one cos i alr got 1 big bb, with this 1 more small bb coming, i dun think i wan another small bb.
i say i not "so free" to take care of 2 babies.

and he's so forgetful. last nite i left my keys &amp; ezlink in his bag, ask him to remember to take it out later, he said okie. this morning SMS me said he forgot to take them out!! so gotta ask my mum over lor, in case anything happen, then i hv keys to go out mah. hiaz.. i told him, maybe bb scared u'll forget where u left her one day, so dun dare to come out
i very bad hor?!

<font color="aa00aa">adeline,</font>
ryan looks good!!

<font color="aa00aa">mtmtmt,</font>
at least ur gynae says a few days after EDD.. my gynae suggested the very next day!! but well, we insisted to wait till 08 Oct (EDD 04 Oct) then he said if we insist, he oso can't force us. guess he too worried bb too big &amp;/or bb might be in distress if still not out immediately after EDD.

but hor, i nvr heard got gynae so kan-cheong one leh.. makes me kan-cheong bb will be in distress too, if i dun induce quickly after EDD!! now gotta take note of movement from 9am - 6pm and make sure got at least 10 moves!

<font color="aa00aa">sun,</font>
glad u'r back.. another great mummy to go without epidural. really a motivation for me!!
and wow, ur bb sure is a marathon runner... the last lap is a "dash"!!

<font color="aa00aa">leo,</font>
no, no signs, nothing at all... hiaz..

<font color="0000ff">really a bit depressing to see 5 Oct mummies whose EDD later than me alr carrying there babies in their arms
maybe i should go to the robinson warehouse sale and walk.. walk.. walk.. to see can induce labour or not..
my massage lady Amy charges $500 for 7 sessions, including baby massages. she's abit more expensive but she's good! my tummy went down by quite abit

you can call her at 98531978 (tell her you are shihlin's friend)
<font color="0000ff">okie, logging off... hope i hv good news for beanie tmr...... best is tonight.. hahahaha...
think i going crazy!!!
sighz... been realli bz lately

so can't logged in regularly like last time

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
in case i dun see you 2molo night @ gynae's

wish u have a smooth delivery!!!

<font color="ff6000">sun</font>
thank you for sharing your birth story
wow, realli envy you that you can endure without epidural!!

<font color="ff6000">littleprince</font>
for tt doux brand, which size did you get? for preggies or for ladies?

<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
i find tt for me hor, if i go shopping, then my feet will not swell so much even though i drink tea on tt day
are u still working?
wow thats good! cantonese know how to make good soup lor. aiyo dont expect to lose weight, must "bu" ur health first, very impt! dont becos of lose weight, ur health is more impt!

hhahahah, think ur hubby is like my hubby also. quite forgetful also.
dont be stressed, ur baby will be out soon.
i bought normal type, maternity is too big for me .. me average size ..

me using mamex 1, following hubby's bb nephew who took this fm too .. actually, i was given 2 free cans fm motherhood fair previously so use it lor .. so far my bb can adapt to my bm and this fm ..
dun tik i'm gg bcos i get dizzy whenever i'm in crowded places &amp; my legs will get very tired even after walking for a short while...i've been there once before preg &amp; dun find it very good so will give it a miss this time...
allo gals,
for those of u who r feeling down, dont be too troubled by it. its perfectly normal to feel fear, frustration &amp; uncertainty with the bb's arrival. i was like that too with my first-born.

i remembered feeling so grouchy &amp; kept telling my hubby that i regretted leaving my job to be SAHM cos' the bb wasnt giving me any joy! i wld burst into tears while feeding bb too. then on my gf's advice, i took folic acid &amp; vit E as she told me they will alleviate depression.

ya, me still BF my gal. my CL has been very encouraging so im quite motivated but i doubt i'll be so "on" after she leaves. *sigh* my paediatrician told me to BF for at least 2 months b4 switching to full formula.

my MIL has offered to send my older boy to school till the school holidays so i can hv some time to bf her next mth.

yr hubby so sweet!! my hubby is a sleepyhead &amp; he'll sleep thru' the bb's wailing!

aiyo, u actually planned to take care bb after 2wks ah. u veri brave hor... :p
may be u can try look for CL since yr mil can only help for abt a wk. coz for u to go to yr dad hse in morning then evening have to rush back i think is quite troublesome lor. u may not have enuff rest lei. and dun forget after delivery we may (most probably) get very emotional, so it's good to have a full time CL to take good care of u &amp; bb.
thru this birth experience, really treasure hubby even more .. he was there to support me for bfg, my aches during and after i gave birth and now waking up every nite to feed bb .. really hope my confinement will end soon so tt we can return home to be our threesome ..

better try to make all arrangements as best as possible before u deliver, coz its diffc to cope after u give birth and got to handle many new things .. for me, its also not easy staying at my MIL's pl for confinement but i must tong finish 2 more wks ..
wow... you are still around
yeah, your girl is supposed to be older than Lucas

i get hungry easily too. the CF lady said it's normal to be hungry all the time if we are BFing. btw, i think my milk supply increase alot each day due to the massages too. the massage lady will massage my breasts everyday. if i have blocked ducts, she will 'burst' it. it's really painful! i had quite a few on the first day but as at today, i only have 2 blocked ducts.
little prince, I totally agree on the hubby part. I really wont be able to go through these without his constant support and love. he knew I really have a hard time with BF cause my baby wants to be attached to my nipples ALL the time, so he told me to express for him to do nightfeeds even though he has to wake up at 6.30am daily. But of course I didnt la, cause no matter what, I am not working and would be able to catch my nap in the day whereas he needs the energy n concentration to work properly.

sharon, I tihnk I'm the odd one out- I think I'm too posessive abt my baby. My MIL is doing confinement for me, and up to now, she has only chaged one diaper and never even bathe my baby before cause I wouldnt allow her to :p I just feel better doing every single thing myself cause somehow dont trust anyone else to do a good job. So far, I've been doing everything myself, the only thing my MIL does is to cook and wash dishes for me. Hubby and me have told her no need to come on weekends cause hubby is around. Thank goodness my MIL is very underdstanding, I think she is worried I'll kenna post natal depression, so she has been giving in to all my requests so far.

vaingirl, when u had your first baby and no maid, how did you manage to do things like cook, shower, go toileting with no one around to watch after baby? And back then did you manage to go out alone with hubby? who looks after baby?
sharon, tired? I am as good as dead liao. Somemore with my labour complications I cant even walk properly or lie on my sides- thats why my gfs all think I'm siao. :p
My 'routine' is not really a routine leh, cause baby havent establish feeding time. Basically, baby wakes up around 6-7am (of cos this means i also wake up at this time) for first feed. And these days, from 7-12, she is almost attached to my nipples all the way. She would suckle for 3-5 min, then fall into DEEP sleep. then when she sleeps, I TRY to sleep. And she would want to latch on again 5-20 min later. ANd it goes on and on until 12, where I change her (out of her nighties) and go out of my room and eat lunch. And sometimes she manages to sleep for a while, and wake up for feeds at 2+, after while I'll burp and then proceed to bathe her. After her bath at 3+, she sleeps for a short while. Meanwhile, I rush to have my shower. And she would wake up at 4+ and needs to be fed again. And same thing happens- when I latch, she falls asleep. When i unlatch her after she sleeps, she wakes up and cries! This goes on until around 6-7+ when she finally falls asleep for a while and I have my dinner. hubby comes home at 7-8+ and when he is back, he carries her quite abit, so her need to nurse for comfort reduces. But on and off still need to nurse. We turn in at around 11+. Her last feed is around 10-11. These days, she wakes up around twice at night for feeds on good days.
And it IS exhausting indeed. My nipples are seriously cracked and sore, they sting even when water touches them when I shower.

BTW, the thing for me is, I dont really believe in the 'cannot touch water' theory, so didnt abide by it personally. :p
i tot the medisave claim is $1350 + 450 (wif antenatal receipt)? err... oso confused liao. anyone know pls share...

oh, yr bb engage liao. think gynae said good sign coz bb engage shld means most prob natural birth ba.

btw how come yr hr so funny one? ML must starts on the day of giving birth? then u cannot take leave to rest at home liao rite? or else leave forfeited so sian!! did u try to talk to them again, coz to work until giving birth must be very tired, at least take 1 wk to rest at home mah.
wow ur confinement lady is very good! she is so encouraging, its good! u know my fren's cl not encouraging at all.

u doing confinement at where? me doing at my mil hse, told my hubby i missed home also. but he say if go home, no one helped me lei.

wats burst ducts? thats great news! my mil today cook papaya soup with fish..really got those fishy smell lei.
me 2 nwadays can't walk too long,aft a while leg aching.

Congratulation sun.
so brave can go w/o epidural.

My gynae did mention to me tt mayb i will hv to go for c-section b'cos of the following:
(1) low lying placenta
(2) my bb is at breech position @ wks28
He'll monitor closing on the 2 above.
I'm oso a bit scare if i'm gg to hv c-section. Hm... muz be very painful. I tried to talk to my boy boy everyday. asked him to co=operate &amp; turn his head dw &amp; try to move my placenta up. I noe i may sound abit crazy of doin tat. Sometime juz feel so lost &amp; i'll ask myself y other mummy can go through natural birth &amp; i can't. sorry for me bein so long winded....
WOW! You're really amazing! Pei fu!!! taking care of ur gal all by yourself!

Any signs/symptoms to tell whether bb engaged? i wouldn't know until my check-up next wk but really keen to know...
Hi gals,

I'm back.

Hi Berry,

I think I have the same problem as you. I tried bf my girl. She's in deep sleep after few suck. I tried to wake her up and another few suck. Every bf session can drag to an hour. I can afford to do that in day time but not night time. So normally will give FM at night. She's always in deep sleep in the day and wake up at night. My milk tends to flow every 2 hourly but she don't wake up to suck. When I express , the amount is not a lot. The most 15ml. But I find it's increasing every day. Really feel like giving up.

Hi all new mothers,

When expressing BM, how long do yourexpress on each breast and the amount your get? Really very de moralising and feel like giving up. FM is so easy.
Do you also feel like your legs are breaking &amp; hv to sit down no matter what? I always feel dat way...

Hey, dun worry so much abt going thru c-section &amp; i've read somewhere that bb might turn their head down at a later stage so who knows, his head might be down at ur next check-up. Will keep my fingers crossed for u!
went to gynae on wk29, bb was in breech position too but gynae mentioned still got time for bb to turn. And some ladies here oso tolde me their bb engage in wk34~37. so u dun worry ist, let us keep talk to bb be good and turn their head down.
as for low lying placenta, heard most of the case it would shift up too rite? may be u can find out more fm yr gynae.

ya, quite confusing too. wait for other ladies feedback to cfm then. btw how long u untend to rest b4 EDD?
Yuru wah your HR so bad.. i checked with my HR b4 they say can clear leave first but i better check with them again, if not i will take my leave from Nov already..

Below was my labour experience:

On 28th Sept 2004

7am : Water Bag burst
8am : Admitted TMC
9am : Gynae came and on the drip to speed up the dilation. Cervix only dilat 1cm.
1pm : Gynae came and check again. Still 1cm. Gynae said most likely need C section as BB a bit big for my size. She will wait till 5pm to see how my dilation.
3pm : Cannot stand the pain, asked for epidual. 3cm only.
4pm : Gynae came to check still 3cm. Already feeling the BB pushing. Need C section as BB is pushing . If insist on natural, the risk will be BB head will be crush through the canal which is more dangerous then C section. She asked me to choose either GA or epidual C section. I chose epidual C section coz hubby can go in with me.
5.09pm : BB born. 3.21kg, 50 cm.

BB name is Sharyn.
sharon, actually I'm not pro-pacifier, so I plan to wait and see if she grows out of this or if I can come up with other alternatives. If die-die cannot and I 'give up' then have no choice but to give. But I really hope that day wont come. *crosses fingers*
Hi everyone

Just came back from gai gai, so tired liao, have to cook dinner soon some more.


There is a min spend of $60 in a single receipt for the robinsons warehouse sale.

DOUX disposable cotton panties

I just bought from JL Specialist Centre at $10 for 3 packets of 5 panties each. The saleslady says it sits under the belly.

When i went for my check up on wk 29, bb head already down but gynae said during this period bb might move again. Me going to see this fri, hope bb still in head down this position.......

congrats and thanks for sharing your story! was it very obvious when your waterbag burst? what did the fluid look/smell like?
thks for sharing yr birth story.

btw any 'sign' b4 waterbag burst huh? pain or not? did u go bath b4 going hospital?
sorry so many questions. if i'm not wrong, u are the 1st one here waterbag burst b4 contration. very curious and would like to prepare myself too.
then u must keep toking to bb liao, ask bb to be guai guai dun move up.

me going to see gynae tomolo evening, hope bb head down lor... btw need to do glucose test, xian ah!
me too may need to take antibiotcs near wk36. but gynae told me he will perform another swop 1st to cfm whether i still have Strep B.
aiyo, i oso dunno why me need to take the test lei! when gynae told me the test is needed, no need to fasting but just drink so drinks and draw blood, i tot is routine. Until the ladies here told me not everyone have to do it then i begin to wonder why i need to??
gynae told me if i fail then will need to perform another detail test which need to fast and draw 3 tubes of blood. **keep my fingers crossed**

Did your bb keeps wanting to suckle after he is full? Mine is like dat and I worried whether he is taking enough or izzit latch on problem. (He has been drinknig EBM till recently)

hi pets,
thks for sharing ur birth story.
i juz visited my frien 2day at TMC. she also had an epi c-section (she did c-section for her 1st child).
for her, she had strong contractions in the afternoon, her waterbag didnt burst and there was no show.

btw, did u have to shave ur lower part? my GF also did.
