(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

replying to some of the qns asked to me in previous posts ..

me doing confinement at my mil's place at tampines, hoping to hold the full mth celebration on 23rd oct so tt we can go home on 24th oct .. (dying to go home ..)

i really think tt its very diffc to tbf w/o fm fm start leh, everyday i am already rushing to him when he is not sleeping and got to eat my meals also .. only once in a while when he is asleep, then i hv the luxury to log in as i finished pumping my milk .. somemore, cannot bathe everyday really very uncomfortable to bf also .. so far starting this wk, my mil says can bathe every alt day .. the first wk, i only bathe twice and the weather is so hot .. argh!!

is there anyone who had the cervix check and didn't feel painful? my nightmare was the cervix chks .. i somehow think it cld be bcoz hubby and i didn't babydance fm my pregnancy onwards which cld be why it was so painful for me ..

i rem' reading somewhere abt asking for separate bills for bb and mother .. i didn't ask the hospital but the cashier told me she will separate depending on how high is the amt so tt we pay less cash .. so in the end, they really separate the bills .. my concern is only tt it seems they billed me twice for doc fees, will chk with them tmrw when i go east shore to make rhyan's birth cert ..

my mil knows i am against pacifier and sarong but she uses them when i am pumping my milk or when i am asleep at nite during the time when she took care of bb for me .. hubby also told her we dun wan bb to get used to these but she still did it secretly .. luckily, my bb dun like also otherwise i jialat .. its not tt i am very against but i feel rhyan is quite timid so he is afraid when he is in the sarong .. as for pacifier, he is not crying alot so no need to use it to prevent wind in his tummy ..

apply the cream each time after bb finished bfg and when bb bf the next time, just let him latch on, no need to clean off .. tts why the lactation nurse taught me at the hospital ..

i am sleeping only with the fan on, cldn't tahan the aircon also at first when i was sick .. now quite used to the fan so stick to it lor .. i bathe on alt days, shld be back home by 24th oct ..
me back to work on 9 nov ..

let me know if u are coming over, i may go to office on 25th with rhyan to give cakes ..

hvn't decided on the chinese name, hv a few in mind but waiting for hubby to choose tonite ..

berry / little devil,
bb's birth certs done?
then who will be helping u to take care of bb after confinment? me also miss my own home,now at mil's hse. told hubby that 2nd mth i will go bak home, but he says in future is still let my mil take care one lei. i might alternate days go back lor.
i m also very scare of cervix check, very painful.

Birth cert
anyone done with that? me also havent do yet, thinking this sat gg back gleneagles to do.
I'm back! Will post my birth story asap. BTW, I think raspberry tea really helps in speeding up labour.
Thanks for all your well wishes!
blisse, I do eat my meals so that I have energy to look after baby, but I just dont overeat.

mykono, I'm still taking one day at a time, no garantee I'll stop when. :p But for now still BF.

little prince/blisse, hubby did the birth cert thing during our stay at hosp.

sharon, I find my own BM more effective for sore nipples. Whenever I can, I'll apply some BM to my nipples and air-dry. Do it as often as possible.
Hi sharon n little devil,

We seem to have become slaves to our little one. They've given us so much stress yet satisfaction at the same time.

little prince,

I nearly died of pain when they did the cervix check. Actually it was this pain that prompted me to take epidural cos I couldn't bear the thought of undergoing another cervix check with that kind of pain.
Had 1st cervix check today by gynae- maybe cos I had 2 or 3 vaginal scans in 1st trimester, and plenty of warning about how painful cervix check is... it wasn't that bad. I heard some nurses are much more rough than gynaes too.

Anyway only 1cm dilated but gynae said quite favourable- I can be induced as early as next week, if I want. I declined, will wait til EDD because if too early, I fear the induction = chances of marathon labour higher = chances of c-section higher.

She mentioned the baby very "solid", on the big side for my frame, and suggests for my case to take epidural during labour (but I've already mentioned I want epi since forever haha so no difference).

HB damn excited... he thinks 1cm very big deal. LOL! Oh I still don't think I have BHC leh... I think by EDD this baby still won't come out lah.
sure! we can meet up if we pop around the same time.
the pain in my hands are getting worse everyday so i hope he'll cooperate with me & come out after i hit 38wks.
jer & lil prince,
though i havent popped yet, i know how u feel. i know my in-laws will try things on my baby which we are not agreeable abt.

we juz have to stand firm and tell them straight in the face. my MIL already has plans on shaving off my boy's hair, brows & lash since i was 3mths preggie. she kept talking abt it, saying his hair'll be more beautiful, thick, etc. every time she mentioned it, i kept telling her we are NOT doing it.

last tues, she said it again and tis time round, i no longer polite ("ke qi"), i told her off. she then said she wont do it.

there are few more weird stuff coming from her and i know i have to be firm abt my stand. i can only hope she doesnt do it behind my back when i'm not around.
Beanie, just PM you my details.

Dunno whether it's my overactive imagination at this hour, though it's a good 2 months till my EDD, I think I may pop early.

My hands and feet have been swelling up on and off. Any other MTBs around week 31 experiencing the same thing? Just now lying in bed trying to sleep also got BHC a few times. It didn't really bother me until I remembered my gynae saying if it's regular then it could be premature labour.. but I don't think it was regular..

Okay going to try to get some sleep before I have to go to work!
Goodmorning ladies

Quick update- Sun's bb is doing well and his jaundice level is dropping down so hopefully he will be back to home by this afternoon

Sorry cldnt meet you later, what did Dr say?
i only supp fm during nite time cos the feeding time interval for fm is longer thus i could sleep longer during the nite. Initially i used S26 but it was too heaty for Kiern then i changed to dumex.
Hi blisse,

My mother used raw payaya those green ones and boil it with fish bones. I quite like it coz plain plain like water. My girl also taking similac. She don't cry for milk I was quite stress up whether she got enough milk or not. I tried to bf her every hourly. She suck a bit and sleep. The most worrying thing is she don't poo for 2 days. I need to bring her to see Dr.
Hi Jer,

How you know the FM is too heaty for him? My girl didn't poo for 2 days. Shall I change the FM too? I thought they should poo whenever after a feed? Even I bf her, she also don't poo. I express the BM she slao don't poo. I'm very worried.
Already done birth cert for my girl. For those who have not done, we can print out the chinese name. They will cut and paste to the birth cert. I find neater than writing.
i think u better bring your gal to see doc. i know s26 is too heaty for my boy cos he had a hard time passing motion, although he did poo but the expression of his, see le very heartbreaking, he like used all his strength to poo then his whole face turned super red, then the corner of his eyes will hav some white stuff n he had phlegm.
gd morning ladies!!

<font color="ff6000">august</font>
no worries.. coz it was my turn while u were still at the counter...

well, gynae said tt bb is abt 2kg now.. phew~
finally she did gain some weight

i hv put on abt 2kg since my last visit 3wks back
and we double cfm on bb's gender again .. hehehe... dun wan to hv surprises

oh btw, i've also make booking for the hospital and rm where i'm gg to deliver

<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
can you kindly update my EDD to 20 Nov? thanks a lot!

erm, we have to do cervix chk after giving birth? y huh?
oic. but then donno y my mil cook one so fishy smell n she didnt cook that anymore. Yest ask my hubby go n buy Ferngreek instead. Will start to take today. hopefully can increase supply. did u supplement with formulae? usually wat i do is one feed is bm, one feed is formulae. i alternate, so now tryinmg to pump my milk out. Nowadays too tiring so didnt let her latch on. Intend to let her latch whenevre my hubby is ard so that he can help.
yar i heard abt the chinese character thing

dont worry abt ur ger. Bring her to pd n see. That time i rem at hospital, the lactation nurse told me that as long as bb poo, it shows that she has enough milk.
hi ladies,
good morning!!
last nite went to see gynae, bb wt is 1.98kg @ wk32. she put on 700g while i out on 2kg!!!
her head alr turn downwards and I ask doc whether will move up or not he said 'shld not be', so hope bb be good just stay there lor. oh ya, did glucose test oso, the super sweet drinks just taste like 'F&amp;N orange', did a blood test after an hr, results will be out few days later.
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
well, now u dun hv to worry too much abt bb's position ya..

seems like our bbs' and our own weight gain is similar .. hehehehe...
Dear girls,
last nite i saw a 5-tier toyogo drawers at cold storage selling at $26.90, would like to check is this cheaper than those in the Toyogo warehouse?
ya lor, at least more 'fang xin' know tat bb is head down. yes, wt gain same same hor.
doc said 'good wt gain', personally i think gain too much liao. :p and me too yesterday make booking for hospital and room type.

saw yr posting u mentioned u too start to have swollen feet liao har? so must walk more or reduce walking to reduce it har? and it happen during nite time? me want to prepare for it.

btw i think the ladies are mentioned cervix chk b4 delivery right? err... not sure oso.
<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 04-Oct
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week.. . Where

bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 41 . MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 41 . KKH / ?
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 39 . MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 39 . GEH / B
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 38 . ESH / G
august ......... 21/10/04 wk 38 . MAH / B
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 37 . GEH / ?
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 37 . GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 37 . ??? / ?
bride0712 ...... 28/10/04 wk 37 . MAH / G
mel7728 ........ 02/11/04 wk 36 . TMC / B
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 36 . GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 36 . USA / B
kelly .......... 09/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / B
kelly (mona) ... 09/11/04 wk 35 . KKH / ?
cxope .......... 12/11/04 wk 34 . ??? / ?
yuru ........... 13/11/04 wk 34 . GEH / G
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 34 . ??? / ?
sharon ......... 17/11/04 wk 34 . MAH / G
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 34 . MAH / G
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 34 . MAH / B
kikojoy ........ 20/11/04 wk 34 . GEH / ?
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 33 . MAH / G
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 33 . ??? / ?
puff ........... 27/11/04 wk 33 . ESH / G
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 33 . ??? / ?
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 32 . TMC / G
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 32 . MEH / G
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 32 .. RH / G
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 32 .. RH / B
chihuahua ...... 02/12/04 wk 32 .. RH / ?
wooof .......... 03/12/04 wk 32 . ??? / G
seahorse ....... 04/12/04 wk 32 . MEH / G
crumpy ......... 07/12/04 wk 31 . MEH / ?
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 31 . KKH / B
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 31 . GEH / B
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 31 . ??? / G
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 31 . TMC / G
fruitcake ...... 10/12/04 wk 31 . NUH / B
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 31 . KKH / G
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 31 . MEH / ?
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 31 . MAH / B
stephie ........ 14/12/04 wk 30 . TMC / B
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04 wk 30 . KKH / G
beanie ......... 17/12/04 wk 30 . TMC / G
casros ......... 20/12/04 wk 29 . TMC / G
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 29 . ??? / ?
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 29 . TMC / B
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 27 . ??? / ?
TSH ............ 05/01/05 wk 27 . MSA / ?

<font color="119911">**** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ****</font><font color="ff0000">
.. .. .. .. .. . .. EDD . . Where . .. Pop
jer ............ 04/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/08/04 3.170 kg Kiern
radiohead ...... 22/08/04 . ESH / G . 25/08/04 3.570 kg Sarah-Lynn
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 . MAH / B . 31/08/04 ________ ________
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 . TMC / B . 14/09/04 3.620 kg Ryan
vaingirl ....... 20/09/04 . GEH / G . 18/09/04 3.240 kg Keira
berry .......... 22/09/04 . TMC / G . 23/09/04 3.670 kg Faye
littleprince ... 20/09/04 . ESH / B . 24/09/04 3.210 kg Rhyan
little_devil ... 21/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/09/04 3.050 kg Quinn
SLK ............ 08/10/04 . GEH / B . 27/09/04 3.430 kg Lucas
pets ........... 03/10/04 . TMC / G . 28/09/04 3.210 kg Sharyn
blisse ......... 11/10/04 . GEH / G . 28/09/04 3.195 kg Carriane
sun ............ 17/10/04 . GEH / B . 03/10/04 3.200 kg Arnav Neil
are ............ 12/10/04 . MEH / G . 04/10/04 2.600 kg Rachael
casros ......... 20/10/04 . TMC / G . 05/10/04 2.980 kg ________
angelia ........ 04/10/04 . TMC / G . 08/10/04 (?)

</font><font color="119911">**** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ****</font><font color="ff0000">
aurora ......... 08/09/04 . ??? / ??
peipei ......... 20/09/04 . TMC / G .
mom ............ 20/09/04 . MAH / B .
</font><font color="119911">*************************************************************************</font>
<font color="ff6000">
* GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles; MSA - Malaysia
* let me know if I got any info wrong or if there are any updates</font></font></font>
woops... chihiro, didn't see your post till after I posted my list. Will update for next week yar.

Btw, your EDD shifted up by almost 2 weeks leh! What did your gynae say?

kypf, got your pm. Your email domain so cute :p Will send u girls the updated contact list later today.

my feet started swelling at wk29 but my hands did not swell.


bought the nursing bras at the robinsons sale at expo at $8 each.

baby's weight was 1.8kg last week, next checkup is next week

Just received the sms from Sun, Neil is doing fine and his jaundice level is already down to 193, he will be discharged today...
sharon, no news from her leh. But she's probably too kan cheong to remember leow :p She did say that she's inducing today.

That's good august

swelling feet? aiyo, mine is almost a permanent fixture leow. Mine is swollen all day long &amp; started long time ago. Can't remember exactly when though. Might be from wk 25(?).
thanks beanie. my company server blocks the common internet mail websites, like hotmail and mail.com. So i have to look for an obscure email address that they have not blocked yet!

i'm trying out sharon's method of elevating my feet to reduce the swelling. hope it works!

Yuru thanks for info on the robinsons sale. Think i'll go tonight, hope it's not too crowded..
ok girls... just sent out the updated contact list. Do let me know if you don't receive it.

Like kypf, my company has blocked hotmail &amp; yahoo, so I had to redo the address list again.... sigh... so troublesome. I will still be able to read from yahoo but can't reply or compose messages.
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
for my case, my right foot is usually the swollen one.. the other foot will only be swollen on the ankle area

tink my swelling started ard 20+wks.. usually will put up my feet at night while sleeping..and nx day will subside liao

and then hor, i find tt for myself, when i go shopping on wkends, my feet will not be swollen at all leh
so i tink walking helps lor
usually feet are swollen by end of the day .. so can't realli say will only happen at night

<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
its ok .. not a problem..

oh .. i've asked gynae y there's a shift in my EDD, he say its based on my bb's head size (or was it tummy size
.. can't rem liao) .. last night i also double cfm with him on my EDD and its still 20 Nov

<font color="ff6000">Sun</font>
glad to know ur bb is doing fine now

Robinson sales
see if i got time to drop by 2nite to get nursing bras too
saw @ JL last wk, Eternity is brand and i tink its $9.90 each
Here's my birth story:

Went to see gynae on Monday morning for routine checkup. Everything's fine and bb's weight's estimated at 3.3kg. Went home and after lunch had some cramps and backache. Monitored myself for a while and the pain was still there after 1/2hr. Called gynae and he told me to monitor for another 1/2hr. Called hubby and asked him to get back home. Tried to rest in bed. The pain went away but my whole tummy felt very hard. So at about 3.15pm, rang my gynae again and he asked me to go to his clinic. Had a bath (just in case I go into labour and won't get to bathe anytime soon) and reached the clinic at 4pm. Gynae did a VE and I had a show. He was a little concerned as there was quite a bit of blood. So he did a vaginal scan to make sure it was not the placenta that was blocking the cervix. It turned out to be OK. I was about 1-2cm dilated and was in early labour. He did a CTG to make sure the bb's heartbeat's ok. The contractions came back at a regular interval then. BB's fine and we were told to go to the hospital in an hr or two. As I didn't want to go in too early, we went home to do some last minute organisations and then to my mum's home for dinner. All these time, the contractions were bearable....more like bad menstrual cramps. My sister was shocked to see me. She asked,'I thought u're in labour? What are you doing here?' My MIL called to ask me to get into hospital ASAP too since it's my 2nd child. In fact, I felt more comfortable at my mum's place and could still surf the net and send some emails. My mum 'scolded' me for walking too much and drinking the raspberry tea, that's why I went into labour 15days early. My gynae even rang me up to urge me to get to the hospital by 9pm. It was 9.15pm when we reached the hospital. They did the usual stuff like getting me to change into a hospital gown, taking my urine sample, doing a CTG. My gynae came in at abt 9.30pm and told me I was 3cm dilated and my contractions was 2min apart. He then broke my water bag much to my horror but thank goodness it wasn't as bad as the 1st time. I asked him what time will my BB arrive and he said ard 2-3am. Waited for a delivery rm to be available and went into one at 10pm. I watched the telly while hubby slept. He woke up at 1223 and by then the contractions were getting a bit uncomfortable and the backache was getting bad. I asked the nurse to do a check and was told that I was abt 6-7cm dilated. She started to get things ready and I asked her to teach me how to use the gas. She said I've got 1-2hr more to go so my hubby went to the car to get something. She asked if I've got the urge to bear down and I told her no. However the next minute, I was in spasm and had the most unbelievable urge to push. She told me to breathe in the gas and I began to drift far far away. The key to using the gas is to breathe in quickly. I made the mistake by breathing deep and slow so it didn't work at the beginning. I told her I needed to push but she said I can't. She then put her hand down there to prevent me from pushing while waiting for my gynae to come. My hubby came back and was shocked to see the amount of activities in the room. I felt very high and then my gyane arrived and from then on, everything was in fast forward mode. They took away the gas which I was clinging on to dearly and I asked y I couldn't have it. The reason's because I wouldn't be able to push properly. True enough, I tried pushing but didn't do very well at first. After a while, the gas wore off and I could feel the contractions coming really quickly, one after another. So I pushed with all my might and after a burning sensation, my BB was born at 1.08am. I'm really happy that I did manage without an epidural as planned. I nearly asked for it when I felt the urge to bear down. But I knew it was too late anyway.

I'm sorry this birth story's so long. Anyhow, I look forward to reading other MTBs birth story soon. Perhaps Angelia's next?

Also, it's good to have a birth plan since we can't think properly when we are in pain.
<font color="ff6000">mngo</font>
usually swelling starts ard ankle area
u can try pressing with ur fingers on ur ankle
if tt area u've pressed does not come up immediately, usually tis indicate that there's water retention

erm, do u get wat im trying to say?

i notice my feet and hands sometimes start to swell a little at night, but after massage by my hubby and putting my feet up, next morning ok already. the massage really helps to improve circulation and feels very shiok!

you're so brave, used only gas! thanks for sharing your story. how did the gynae break your waters and how did it feel? how are you coping now with your li'l one?
Thanks for your story, Its nice to see you back. How is your bb doing? By reading u gals birth story I start thinking when will be my turn
BTW my in laws are coming next week. Did you feel any cramps or lower backache before the day actual labour started? For me I am having lower backache and menstrual like cramps since last week but as of now still ard
Intensity and frequency keeps on varying so even gynae cant predict anything so keeps on telling me that I can go into labour may be in 2 days , next week or 10 days.
your story was indeed long, haha, you really very brave.. welcome back..

With all the mothers coming back with birth story, let me thought of cubbiebb. She haven log in ever since she given birth.

Jus now i see myself in mirror, really upsetting, man... so fat... had tried wearing my pre-preggie clothes, all like "bao bak zhang"... haiz...
my MIL &amp; CL told me that full month celebration shd be carried out B4 or on the actual day &amp; not after it.

im thinking of ordering the cakes fm choz confectionary.

Im using Avent manual pump.

i also tried wearing my jeans...aiyo... cant even pull them up, stuck at my hips!! so sad, i still havent lost any weight since delivery. my CL told me to concentrate on building up my health first. she said i'll slim down naturally once she's not around to help me looking after bb.

told my hubby that if i still dont get back to my pre-pregnancy weight by early November, he has to pay for my slimming programs!!

its ok to eat the butter cookies with chocolate during confinement.
vaingirl/jer, yar lor, quite depressing to look at my body in the mirror. BTW, I've been using YSL's total fitness serum, supposed to tighten skin and burn fat (er..this part I'm quite doubtful, cause how to burn fat w/o excercise?) and all that. I quite like it cause it smoothens the texture of my skin rather nicely, do try it out.

vaingirl, I cant wait for my girl to be old enough to attend playgroup so that I can have regular time off to do the things I wanna do. :p Did you manage to have regular mani/pedi/haircuts/etc before you had a maid?
hehehe... i oso do like what u pratice in the office, legs placed on those documents, veri 'shu fu'. And at night when i sleep will oso place on top of pillow, think tat's why my feet still normal size. but well, heard tat it will come just a matter of time lor.

nursing bras $8 each, good deal.

so u &amp; sharon opposite liao. coz she feels better when walk less but for u is walking helps to reduce swollen. think it's depends on individual liao.
i went to robinsons sale at expo during lunch time. the only nursing bras i saw were $9 leh. and very un-glamorous, if you know what i mean. still, i bought one..

there's also a range of baby cots, strollers, prams, car seats..

got to go meeting now talk later.

yar thats wat my mil say for full mth celebration also. cannot do later. thats y we will b doing 4days earlier as wan it to be a wkend.

thks for helping me to ask. Hubby yest bought alot of biscuits for me to eat. hahhaha
i get hungry very easily.

for nursing bra,
i also bought the eternity one at JL at Specialists. actually for those who wan to get it, can go JL directly. actually wan to ask, if lets say we wear spaghetti top, then how r we gg to wear nursing bra?
