(2001) calling all 2001 babies

Hello Sprice

1999 - 43335 babies (22572(boys)/20763(Girls)
2000 - 46997 babies (24509(boys)/22488(Girls)
2001 - 41775 babies (21666(boys)/20109(Girls)

Hi Hippo

1999 - 43335 babies
2000 - 46997 babies
2001 - 41451 babies
2002 - 40760 babies
2003 - 37485 babies
2004 - 37174 babies
2005 - 37492 babies
My gosh.. I'm impressed with you, spanielpups. so resourceful. Where do you get those figures from? Thanks!!
Hello Sprice

I also kiasu and worried about my son getting a place in school of my choice...so went to checkout the Dept of Statistic website.

I am planning to register my son at South View Primary School in CCK. My neighbour's daughter have to ballot for a place there even though we are 0.3km to the school. Headache!!!!!
Hi Spanielpups,

How do u determine the distance? I checked one website that shows the shortest driving distance to the sch, is that the same?

Is southview good?Any comments on Yew Tee, CCK primary, concord, unity and De La Salle?

Sorry for asking so many qns. Cos the sch nearest my plc according to the driving distance is De La Salle but heard that the sch needs balloting as well so not sure if i shd take the risk or not. scared later other schools also no place then jia lak.
Yes I totally agree.

During those "productive" years when we have more babies, I realise even those neighbourhood schools require balloting even for kids staying within the 1km distance.

But those figures you checked out are good. At least can give us a rough gauge of the "competition".
Sorry to interrupt here. Though I am a 2002 and 2006 mummy

Shmum and spanielpup
De la salle and Southview are the better school in CCK. I stay just 1 block away from De la salle. My nephews are in southview and the school is not bad

For De la salle past years in the first phase, half of the available slot all goes to the siblings. Plus it is catholic school so priority oso goes to those whose church has affliation. Sigh quite tough to get in.
Hi Chicken Little

Thanks for the info. That's exactly what I have heard from around the neighbourhood.

My friend's daughter studied in De La Salle, though it is a good school but apparently has tons of homework to do. As for South View, I was told the school is strict and students have been getting good grades. I checked out the school website and it seems not bad at all.

If my son fail to register in South View, my next alternative will be Concord Primary, which is very near to my mom's house, unfortunately, I dun like the school much.

Parents should check out the school website and see what they have to offer...

What I understand is De La Salle does not have much budget like the teachers can like change 4 times in a year. Like that how to follow up on the kids and I think the kids wont feel good without a sense of belonging or someone to realli look after them. I remember last time for us at least you have the same teacher from Pri 5 - 6. So she / he will know your strength and weakness.

You staying in CCK, are you interested to sign up your kid for Chinese class. I have got a native chinese teacher to come teach my 2002 gal chinese every sat 1-2.30 pm. can pm me if you are interested
Hi Chicken Little,

Oh dear, changing teacher 4 times a year is as bad as switching a poor child from school to school. I would definitely feel w/o a sense of belonging.

I have signed up my son at Tien Hsia. Many thanks for asking.
Anyone has kids who has separation anxiety?

My son is 6yrs old and still having separation anxiety especially in the morning when he is going to school. He tries not to cry but would have no appetitie for breakfast. He kept calling me 10 times in the morning on my mobile saying he missed me and loved me and I must think of him when I am at work"!! But once he is in class, he is okay.

Anyone can help??? I am at a loss. Been 4 months already.
Spanielpups, seems like your son is very "sticky"... my son previously also had such problem... all along he is quite ok, until his baby sister came into his life... suddenly he has separation anxiety, wet his bed at night again... probably too much of a change in his life... ur boy? got any new changes in your daily life??
Hi Yuki,

He had the same problem last year between Feb to Apr'06. It was worst then, he was crying so much and refuse to go to school. I think it might be the change of teacher coz N2 and K1 are taught by different teachers.

This year, it started in Feb again. But he is older now so no more crying. But it is already May and coming to June. He said he wants to go to school but he missed me very much. I tried to reassured him that mom and dad loves him and so is his grandma who fetches him to/fro school and that grandma will bring him home after school.

Very worried for him if he goes to Primary school next year.
Hmm, spanielpups... just wondering if I could just add something here. I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a try.

My DD1 used to cry her eyes out everytime DH went away, and she would be like tremendously sad that she would miss daddy (it goes the same for anyone who is going away or even not seeing for a while... me, grandma etc).

Then I talked to her and told her that it was normal to miss a person, but that crying does not help to bring the person back earlier. Then I said that she could find time to make a card, and put all her love and how much she missed (whoever) into the card, so that when the person came back, she could give the person all that love, and that person would know how much he/she was missed. It seemed to help as it gave her something to do, and being told that it was normal to miss someone but that you could handle it differently seemed to help her a lot. So now, she's really good.

I think she was about 4 when I first explained that to her... and it's worked ever since.

Maybe for your son, you could explain the same thing - that calling you so many times would not reunite the two of you sooner, that it's normal to miss you... but that perhaps he could like make you a card or something, and put all his feelings in there to give to you when you came home, so that you could keep it with you and be reminded of how much he loves you everytime you looked at it... and maybe you could promise to keep it by your side when you go to work (I assume that you work) and that might help.

I don't know, because he's a boy, and my strategy worked with my girl... but it's worth a shot. The whole point really is just to let them know it's normal, and then to rechannel all the emotion and feelings into something constructive and reassuring... to let them know that you won't forget them while you're away...

hope that helps...
Yah spanielpups, maybe u should try out the method that dorie suggested.. mine, it took us quite a lot of explaining and reassurance over and over again... telling him that his sister is here to give him more love etc etc...eventually, his fears are gone... over time...spanielpups, not to worry too much, i believe in time to come, your son will grow out of that too...esp when he finds new companions in school and after hearing lots of reassurance from you..
hi all

i read the Pri 1 registration section in newspaper that day. Was laughing away at what some parents do to get their kids into certain school.

Anyone send in their resume or mensa scores? Can one person single handedly maintain the whole school's computer system meh? He no need to work ah? Last time i work in IT line one. That guy wanna bluff bluff.

one mother send in her kid's mensa scores to the pri school. her kid is supposed to be gifted based on the scores. So wanna gain entry into the pri school based on giftedness.

another father send to the school his resume, showing his qualifications. he said he can one person manage the whole school's computer systems. so based on that, he wants the school to let his child get into pri 1.
hehe, if my child so high IQ, I will also submit Mensa score

actually every school loves gifted child. that why there is streaming, GEP, etc to identify the elite

any parents send your child for IQ test? I thought Mensa only test kids from age 9
Hi I'm new in this thread...
Just want to ask if any mummies here have any comments on Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary or St' Gabriel's Primary. Please share with me!

hey hey
my son also P1 next year. If he gets into the school of choice, I dont have to worry for his two younger brothers liao. haha.

my col's girl is in KCPPS this year. Heard not bad leh.
Thanks ZMM

Probably the school's environment, behaviour of students and of course the academic results too.
I'm looking for a school that's more all-rounded. How do you feel about the school since your dd is also in this school? Care to share with me?

Hi mango, you heard that the school not bad too? From which aspect?
hi weili

school environment:
since this yr, CCA are conducted during school hours. So all P3-P6 must take up one CCA. personally i like this arragement.
there is also english speech & drama as part of their curriculum. being a missions school, they also have chapel and Character First lessons which teach about good character traits.

students' behaviour:
generally the kids are ok. of coz there are some mischievious ones around. i don't see any "pai kia" around, though i'm sure every school has some.

academic results:
don't think kcpps can beat some of the top / popular schools in the vicinity. but i think it has produced some pupils with good psle scores. somehow i feel that they push students from the top few classes a lot harder. but i guess every school does that.

this year they have a new principal. Heard from dd1 that he is quite strict.
Thanks ZMM for the feedback.
Am thinking about this school cos' I thought it's generally rather all-tounded. Well, academically, I'm not looking for the top ones but must have certain standards though. Ya, I do agree with you that generally schools do have some mischievious ones, whether they come from top schools or not...so these are areas that we can't worry too much right!
Hi all ,

i m looking for this doctor , Dr Lee Seow Lang , from CHYE CHILDREN CLINIC ... previous add of her clinic is at Toa payoh Blk 54 , but she moved already ... any one know where is she now ? pls email / PM me : [email protected]

Hi powerteletubbies,
First time making a post here. My daughter, Adelaide is 6 this year too. I started her on Yamaha Junior Course (YJC)(previously known as JMC)when she was 4 and she has just completed this level. Will be proceeding to the next level which is the advanced level.

YJC(JMC) is catered for children from 4yrs of age. The course emphasized on learning thru hearing. It's a group class and an adult must sit in with the child.

As for art, I just sent her to the nearby CC. Affordable fees.
This YJC
Hi, m very confused. My son is only eligible for Phase 2C Pri One Registration. We can only obtain the registration form on the day of registration of school of choice right?

Trying for South View Primary... as the dates get near ... my heart beats faster!!!!!
Yes registration form to be filled in on the day of registration.

Do you stay in CCK? I stay in CCK. I would be registering next year.

All the best to you.

Keep me posted.
Hi Caroline3sg

Thanks for the info. Yes I stay in CCK. Will keep you posted on the school and thanks, I really need all the wishes I can get! Haha.
hi all mummies,
can i join this thread? hope to get some tips from more experienced mums. i'm a SAHM with 3 kids - dd (born in 06/2003) & ds (born in 10/2004, 08/2006).

sorry. dun hv time to read thru' previous postings ;-P
ya Alicia.... how did you managed. I was once at Science Centre's McDonald and saw a couple with 5 boys and NO maid. My mind was going !!!???!!!. How can they cope. I think youngest was not even walking and was in a stroller.
Oh, for mommies staying in CCK and has kids going to Pri One next year. SouthView has an open house this Saturday from 10am to 4pm.

Choa Chu Kang Primary also has an open house on 7 July, 9am to 12pm.
had a maid after giving birth to #2 (only fr 1 yr) 'cos #1 still too young fr childcare. after maid left, sent #1 to childcare. b4 giving birth to #3, sent #2 to childcare. only need to take care of #3 in the day. when all 3 r home, can be quite trying. good thing - i send them to bed quite early. ;)

ya. i'm surrendering white flag liao. initially, dh wanted 5 too. ;{ if i'm going out with 3 kids alone, i'll usually take taxi & bring my double stroller & sling along. & make sure tat it's a 'short' trip. chop chop come home. ;P
Hi, may I join this thread? I've two boys - 2001 and 2005.

Powerteletubbies, I used to stay at Yew Tee. My kid had music lessons at Ossia Cristofori, Level 4 at the Civic Plaza next to Lot 1 Shopping Centre. 1/2 hour, $63, 1 to 1.

As for art classes, I like the ones at NAFA. Fridays and weekends only. Annual registration in November. $345 (I think) per semester. My kid loves it of all the lessons we signed him up for - gymnastics, swimming, piano, art. All except this NAFA class discontinued. No point spending money on extra classes he doesn't enjoy.

i see. it would be quite a feat handling 3 young ones at home. I had #1,2,3 all at home during the 1 month hols. Madness. But then mine are all 4 years apart, so not so tough.
kira ko

my #2 & #3 same age as yours. Do your boys fight? Mine will snatch argue etc. And #3 will scream and hit her gor gor. *faint*
hippo2002, you misunderstood. He LOVES his art lessons at NAFA.

Actually, he didn't really mind the other classes. But we thought he was just wasting $$ 'cos he was so inattentive, especially at the gymnastics lessons at Sporty Joe's (Turf City). Kept missing his turn...we heart pain 'cos the lessons were so ex., so we stopped the lessons after 6 months. Same for swimming...no progress after 3 (or was it 6?) months...Dad thought he could teach better, so we stopped the swimming lessons. He was actually doing very well at paino 'cos its one to one. Fewer distractions e.g. friends. But, we haven't signed him up for any classes since we moved. Can't seem to find time for him to practise his piano.

ZMM, my boys are not allowed to fight. Both will get a spanking if I catch them fighting... The older one was taught to negotiate for what he wants (in the days of old when I had more time) though, like most children, he forgets sometimes. A warning - threat to spank - usually helps. They know I will carry out my threat if they continue their nonsense.

Lucky you, ZMM, to have a mixed brood...I wanted more, but I think I have to be realistic about my child rearing abilities.
hi all mummies,
I am new and hope to get some advice. i'm a FTWM. My gal K2 this year. She has enrichment at Han Language (woodlands).

P1 reg this year. I'm having a headache wondering whether to put her in Fuchun Pri which is near my house, but heard dat it is quite stressful. I can oso let me gal go my old school,but quite a distance away. Is distance one of your considerations when u choose Pri?
princess train

yes, distance is a matter unless your girl has pte tpt and can reach school fast. What is normally fast using pte tpt will take much longer with school bus.

having a school near by home is also good. When they have CCA and other extra classes as they get older, the convenience is very great. Sometimes i can cook a more nutritious lunch for my girl and bring it to her school when she has to stay back late. She eat canteen food until "sian" liao.

As for stressful, sometimes it is more of parents stress rather than the kid stress. Subjective.

just my 2 cents worth.

Thanks for the feedback. I think I will most probably choose a school that is nearby. I was confused because there are parents who questioned me why I dun send my gal to my old school when there are others who had to do PV to get in.
