(2001) calling all 2001 babies

Hi Yuki

saw your postings in another thread regarding Red Swastika. I live in Bedok too
If I remember correctly, 70% chance if balloting within 1 km
I called St Hildas before. Even if volunteer also need balloting

Which kindergarten is your boy attending now?


the school allows you & hubby to share volunteer hours? I was told only 1 parent can clock the hour

My girl used to attend Hanyu Pinyin at Admiralty Garden community centre (near Admiralty mrt). The teacher is from China. I see results, she can read Chinese books if there are accompanying hanyu pinyin
Hi Hippo2002,

70% chance... dunno whether i have that luck or not.. never been lucky in any lucky draw before...

My boy & girl are both in Learning Vision.. the one at Arthur Road.. How abt yours??
my girl is in PAP K1 this year. next year I am switching her to a church kindergarten for her K2

PAP a lot of homework leh. I told her not to do her homework if she's too tired but her teacher will still chase her to submit. hopefully church kindergarten will be more relaxed
just happened to read this forum. My 2 daughters are in church kindergarten, highly recommended as the teachers are more kind and motivating.

My daughters look forward to school everyday.
My colleague just sent her daughter there... recently started only, less than a mth ... she said teachers there quite good with good patience
Pisces & Yuki
Chinese in Woodlands, you can find out from
1) Han Language
2) Hua Language
3) Crestar

There is no TienHsia at Woodlands
Hi Caroline,

I m new to this thread. Hv 2 boys, studying.... I stay in Woodlands, where are these Ctr? Which part of Woodlands? Good?
thanks, will find out more.... their chinese really horrible, speak like ang mo talk mandarin like tat
Hi everyone

Just found this thread.... Great to find this thread! I have a girl (2001) & a boy(2003)

how about letting them listen to chinese CDs? nursery rhymes or Tang peoms. available from popular bookshop

my kids refused to speak Mandarin until recently. Once they start speaking, sounds ok, no ang mo accent, probably because they have been listening to proper pronunciation Chinese CDs all these while
we hv cds at home.... but he oso sing like ang mo....

mayb he talk more in english la.... somemore spend more time wif maid....

but must say he is improving, now only worry next yr pr1, homework dunno how......
hey all, new to this thread.

I am a SAHM, to DS (2000), DD1(2001) and DD2(2004).

As for chinese, my first two also very chiat lat. DS struggling with P1 chinese... but slowly slowly got improvement. I think my DD1 is a bit dyslexic... need too get help for her. So she's struggling with her reading and whatnot.

DD2 is doing great because I have been speaking mandarin to her much more, and also teaching her to recognise chinese words (characters, no HYPY), so according to her laoshi, she can converse a little in chinese with her. DD2 turns 3yo in Nov this year... so not bad lah. So those with younger ones, can try this method. Just use simple plain cards or book, write the words and just show and say the words, the show picture for word... quite effective. Beginning pickup is slow, but once they catch, very fast they improve.

Signing DD1 up for St. Margaret's... hopefully can get in. Actually I qualify for 2A2 for St. Hilda's Pri, but don't like. So going with St. Marg's even though it's much further.
why you don't like St Hilda ? in tampines?
very hard to get in leh, heard that parent volunteers also need to ballot
Eh, why ah? Got a few reasons lah.

One is the P1s and 2s are in afternoon sessions. I like fully single session schools. I find afternoon sessions a big waste of time. Kids tend to wake up late, then whole day gone. Anyway, I used to work, last time kids wake up early with me, leave house by 6.30... so morning session no problem for them.

Second is I like single sex schools. Hubby and I both from single sex schools from Pschol to Sec School... so personal preference.

Thirdly, I used to teach. Let's just say that I get to see what the kids from SHPS are like up close, especially those who don't do so well. My PERSONAL feeling is that unless you are brilliant and can do very well, don't go there, because only the very good ones thrive there. They push the kids very hard... got good got bad. If your kid can take it and thrive, great. If your kid cannot take it, his confidence will be battered, and that makes life difficult for later years. But this is just my personal opinion...

A lot of mummies tell me, no what, my so-and-so's daughter/son there, they say they enjoy themselves very much... well ok lor. But I think my kids are not the genius kind... may not do well in that kind of an environment. I'd rather they go to an OK school and excel then go to a top school and get pushed aside for not being brilliant... KWIM?

So like that lor.

*I emphasise that these are my opinions only. Please don't come and shoot me down for having these opinions. St. Hilda's Primary is a much sought after school and yes, they produce results. But it's just not suitable for me or my kids.*
hi everyone

can i join in this thread? I have a ds (2001). dd1(1997) dd2 (2005)

Am FTW-SAHM. Work from home and take care of kids myself.

today just got form to register DS for Pri1 next year. So for me, no need queue or do parent volunteer. :cool:

DS also very poor in chinese. sigh. trying to speak to him in chinese but we are so comfortable wif english at home. sometimes just forget to speak chinese.
zmm, welcome to this thread.

your ds and dd2's birth year is same as mine. Mine is ds1 2001 and ds2 2005.
How do you manage with 3 kids? I'm thking of having #3 but I scare I can't cope with their school work in the future.
hi batman

i'm struggling wif 3 kids. 8P
Because of their age gap, they all have different needs. It is really tough trying to meet these needs.
Have to let dd1 learn to be more independent, study on her own, less supervision of homework, etc.
aiyah. i am the maid lor....
we not comfortable having a stranger at home .... get the kids to help out here and there.
wow, Hat off to you mannn...handling 2 kids is alrdy a very tedious job...esp coping one wif study another one calling for mummy at the same time..
my house is always in a mess one, not visitor ready. Those times i clear the house, my kids will start asking izit someone coming to our house. So u can imagine the difference.

Saw some posting about St Hilda Pri. They have a new principal this year. She was the former principal of my dd1's pri school. Nice lady. So maybe there are some changes to the school now.
ZMM - LOL, I know how you feel. Like you, I also don't have maid... difference is my youngest attend full day childcare still, because if she stay home with me, I won't have time to really stiumulate her during the day... better go and get some learning done at school.

Yah, house also in a mess.. last time worse... now SAHM better already... also invested in organisational aids to clear the house better... now the children more used to keeping things properly because got proper place to keep.

Now thinking of having #4, but dunno whether want to have maid or not... main problem is no place for her to sleep. Now that I stay home, not so scared she hanky panky... just drag her along with me... but she got no room leh. Cannot ask her sleep balcony, kitchen right? sigh.

wow! #4! I put up white flag already. Anyway no more chance to have #4 for me.

i also thot of sending #3 to playgroup next year cos i wanna spend more time coaching #2 in studies in P1 next year. But DH not keen leh. Say expose her to more virus no good.
Hi Mummies
I am from 2002 mummies thread and Jan 06 thread. Currently I have a native Chinese who comes to my place at CCK to conduct Chinese lesson. We need 6-7 students, currently we have 4. Please pm me if you are interested. Lesson is every Sat 1-2.30, $20 per lesson.
ZMM - wah, thank God my DH not like that... he thinks of how to reduce inconvenience for me.. insist on putting DD1 on school bus next year (actually I wanted to send and fetch)... also no problems with children in childcare... yes, they fall sick... but also good as they build up immunity for later in life... then by the time get to K2, P1, don't fall sick so easily.

batman - haha... I guess it depends on what kind of #3 you have lah. My #3 is very quiet... the kind that will sit down and fix jigsaw puzzle by herself, take out book and look at it by herself... sometimes she will quarrel with her siblings or disturb them, but on a whole, she's my easiest baby so far. So I'm hoping #4 will be like that too... but then again, I'm also hoping for a boy, so maybe that is not possible. haha.

kids will fall sick more frequently during the 1st 6 months in childcare accoridng to pediatric. the frequency will reduce once they build up their immune system

I sent my elder girl to childcare 1 month before I delivered my younger girl
and when I wanted to withdraw my elder girl from childcare (my younger girl was 21 months old then), my hubby was very doubtful I can cope, kept asking me to reconsider
anyway I insisted lah. she's already so upset in childcare (quarrelled with her best friend), can't wait anymore

Dorie, ZMM

'pei fu' you can manage 3 kids without maid.
2 kids I cannot cope liao
hippo... haha, not that bad lah. Plus, my #1 in school all morning, come home only at 2.30pm. #2 in school until 11.30am, she spends the most time with me. #3 sees us the least, because she is in full day childcare...

So since my mornings quite child-free, I use that time to do housechores uninterrupted, cook, and so on. Fridays are my free days, since #1 comes home only at 4pm (school ends at 3pm for him on Fridays with lunch in school), and so I don't cook, and take #2 out for lunch and some fun time... window shopping or whatever. So got time to chill lah.

Every evening I have to take at least one child out for lessons, so my mother comes over and helps me a lot... she babysits in the evening, 4 times a week, and gives them their dinner. So I have a lot of support lah. Even though no maid, mom helps a lot... she volunteer... I think she likes to spend time with the kids, so comes over often.

Saturdays the kids are at her place too, so hubby and I have some paktor time in the afternoon, after the enrichment lessons for the boy are over. So all these arrangements help lor.
dorie, hippo2002

aiyah, not that my DH doesn't want to make things easy for me, but my kids are all asthmatic, u see. A slight little cold will trigger their asthma, developing into bronchitis, etc. When they fall sick, it is nightmare for the whole family and many trips to the doc. Very expensive medicine too.

dorie, your kids schedule something like mine, except my #3 is wif me the whole day. So although she has siblings, she still gets to enjoy 1 to 1 time wif me in the mornings.

Also mon, wed - fri have to bring kids to lessons. But most of the time is DH fetching unless he has to work. During such times will ask my mum/dad to help. But i try not to trouble them cos they have their own activities also.

your #3 so good, so quiet. My #3 like a monkey and she is a GIRL. Everyday wants to monkey at the playground. Once she is out of the house, she will run around like a bird set free. At home will disturb her siblings.
ZMM - aiyoh, can understand about the asthma... wah, last time my #2 also nearly became asthmatic, good thing caught in time by a good pedi... so stabilised her allergic cells in time... long term treatment for about 2mths, then voila! now very seldom fall sick... thank God ah.

Yah, I know the asthma thing is very terrible... but your hubby sounds quite ok what.. still help you to send and fetch all that...

haha... I guess God knew that my #1 and #2 very active, need to have a quiet #3 otherwise i will go crazy...

Each child is different lor... what to do.
now my younger girl is with me whole day while my elder girl goes PAP in morning
next year I'm sending both to a church kindergarten but different sessions so that I can spend time with them individually

hehe, I plan to place them in different sessions all the way. they won't be in the same session until P3 & P5.
only 6 years later they will finally be in the same session

by the way, when you all intend to return to work force? or never going to? just thinking when my kids are older, maybe can return to work or will I be even busier once they start primary school?

P1 registration starts so early? which phrase is yours?
hippo... next time when dd2 is due for registration, you also will be like zmm lor... haha.

After DD1 get into her school, I no need to worry already... no matter how many more children I have! Haha.

Have you all watched the show on cable tv channel 70? Wah, the couple got 16 children... tok kong ah!!! So organised, some more can homeschool all 16 and be completely debt free... amazing... I was so inspired... not to have 16 lah.. but to be more organised... Wah, she can manage 16, surely I can manage 4.

But she herself said that life was most difficult when the first 5 were young, and there were only 5... because I think then she had 5 under 6 or something... one pair was twins. After that she delegated and got the older ones to buddy the younger ones and all have to help with housework... so much better lah. Talk about critical mass. Haha.
i neber subscribe to SCV cos no time to watch tv oso. wah 16 kids!

sometimes when our kids older already, we forget all the nightmare we had when they were babies. Then we see other people's babies so cute and also want to have another one.

i know in spore got this couple have 5 kids and another one coming along. All homeschooled also. no maid. i take my hat off to them.

but i was thinking, have so many kids in spore very difficult leh. can we just keep giving birth and then let the brood grow up with little attention? Or divided attention. me 3 kids got to send #1 for this thing, #2 for another thing until i find almost all my evenings not free. Now i thinking not to let my #3 join anything next time but liddat not fair to her leh.

I'll be contented with 3 kids. 8)
ZMM... yah, it's true, singapore we so kiasu, everything also go enrichment class. Wah, that mother with 16kids ah, tok kong ok? She teach them violin, piano, all the subjects under the sun, somemore ownself build their own house from scratch ah!!! Super right? No need to send enrichment class... she got her own enrichment centre right at home... some more bao ka liao one, everything also teach!!! Happening man... then the children all so kuai kuai one... amazing.
Hiya, am new here to the forum. My older boy is also going P1 next yr and thot you'll all be interested to know.

Received a memo fr his kindergarten today. The Straits Times will be producing a special supplement on "How to Choose a Primary School" on Monday, 21 May.

The memo listed down some FAQs by parents on choosing a primary school. If any of you interested, I can try to type them in this thread. Otherwise, do go grab a copy of the papers on Monday.
this mum with 16 kids, is it fictitious ah?

welcome Sprice!
no need to type out the FAQ. The MOE will give all kindergartens some information leaflets soon on Pri 1 registration.
zmm - no, not bluff one... real one... you can check out their website to see them... they are called the Duggars... the guy is Jim Bob and the girl is Michelle... but their website just up I think, so not very much content... but they are real... if you google them, you will see.

Hi sprice... thanks for that... it was advertised in the papers today too... I'm looking forward to that, even though I've already made up my mind. Heh.

Can I join in also? My DS1(2001) n DS2(2004). I'm staying in CCK, now having headache where to enrol my boy. Any idea how to calculate or get infor on which r the schools within 1Km n 3Km?

Anyone know whether there are a lot of kids born in 2001? I've decided to enrol my boy in a neighbourhood school. But in the year for the Rabbit/Dragon kids to enrol, even that neighbourhood school also require balloting.
