(2001) calling all 2001 babies

Dont worry, its a passing phase.
In fact you shld be jumping for joy!!

Hitchick on his interest and read INDEPTH. Think abt it, he can learn ALOT of knowledge and extension knowledge. He is exploring the universe, what else is bigger than that? With an keen interest in this area, his mind must be really IMAGINATIVE and OPEN too...

Perhaps he's be the 2nd Asian kid that has a star named after him. (QUIZ QN: who is the 1st Asian kids?)

Explore further into spaceships, space stations, astronauts, gravity (antigravity), moon, mars, NASA. There is a HUGE science on it.


Hi Kook_car

Let's hope it is a passing phase, it's been a year already!! Anyway, thanks for website, will check it out with him tonight, bet he will be thrilled. I guess being the only child with no siblings and just adults around, he tends to be more mature. During the lantern festival, I asked him if he wanted a Disney Pixar Car, Lightning Mcqueen lantern and he said " mommy, I am 5 years old, I dun need a lantern"!! I went "oh! dumbstruck" I also asked him "Do you want to go to the zoo and he said "Mommy, what's there to see in the zoo, it's only animals" hmmm.... but he loves science centre though.
Hi spanielpups,

Hey, you shld get him to make one of those turning lantern himself... that'll lead him into physics of heat and air circulation.

Zoo trip ... yeah nowadays we go to zoo for purpose. I usually plan worksheet before going to zoo so that he knows what to lookout for. There is a Young Zoology Badge, which you can get from the Science Ctr store. Child has to do some projects according to the wksheet and earn badge. So he'll learn abt hoofed animal, flightless birds, difference between diff types of primates, etc etc.

There is a badge for Space/Astrology as well. Cant remember the details but you can find out at the Science Ctr. They conduct star gazing nite outings sometimes too.
Hi kook_car

Sounds interesting, I mean the badge thingy. Will check it out at Science Centre. By the way, my son was very thrilled about the website you have recommended. He told me yest night that he wants to continue with it tonight.
Glad to hv arouse his interest...

When he gets to P3, the science subject is so boring that their interest vy likely would be killed. So better to keep interest at younger age.

its good that your son has interest in books at his age. agree with kook_car that its just a passing phase. Some kids are not even interested in books or they go to library and just flip and look at pictures and worse still, tear the book!

the fact that your boy is interested in the entire universe is really unique. :)
Hi Samval, yeah passing phase, I just went to the libary yesterday and borrowed another 8 books on space/universe!!
He is so crazy about space that even the bedsheet set is about space. But guess you are right, I should be happy that at least he has an interest in something. Cheers.

When we name our 1st born, I wanted to name him "gallop in universe" but the strokes was wrong, so end up naming him "strolling in universe". I hope he'll take an interest in the universe, and go out to explore it.

But, he's only only intersted in fairy tales and looking under the microscope.
Hi Kook_Car

If your son enjoys looking under the microscope, he could very well be our future potential scientist for all you know.

By the way, is your kid afraid of dark. Mine still does. I only brought him to the cinema twice. The very first time, we went to watch Shrek, he was 3 then, when we are all seated, he suddenly burst into tears (that's when I realised he is afraid of dark). The second time we went to watch Cars, which he likes and insist to sit on my lap throughout the whole movie. Even when he is at home, he will not step into his bedroom when the lights are off.
Our rooms are quite bright, so nvr hv this problem leh. Also, both of them hv a teddy since 2-3 yr olds. So good old teddy accompany them through thick & thin.

1st of all, dont discount his fear. Acknowledge to him that you think it is real. Then, start your education process ... read story books on them (tons of it abt the dark & fear), talk abt it with him, share some of your fears, then plan steps/ways of overcoming it together with him.

One of my gf's 6 yr old has same problem. So they are now into the stage of Encouragement - if he goes into room ALL BY HIMSELF for 10 mins, they go in to give him BIG hug.
kook_car is right, you can go indept with him into it. My son used to lover reading alot but now, he is more interested in those power ranger or gransazer thing or keep playing chess everyday than getting a book to read. But when he feel like it, he'll still get his books and sit down and read on his own. And when we go to the bookstore, he'll just grab some books and sit down to read and we need to keep chasing him before he is will to leave the store.

As for the dark thing, my son has outgrown it but he will still be scared when the movie get a bit scary or too loud (at home). Brought my boy to watch Happy Feet yesterday, he is ok but keep talking.
when I brought my 5 yr old to watch Chicken LIttle (that was his 1st trip to movie theatre), he kept talking !! I had to keep shooing him to keep his voice down.

So after that, we read a few books on how to behave when in theatre. After ALOT of rehearsed + reminder, we try Happy Feet recently.

Phew!! All went well. Will be bringing them to Charlotte's web next ...maybe also Night @ the museum.

Hey! I'm starting a "Movie Review" thread under Temporary Holding Place ... maybe we can advise each other if any particular show is suitable for our kids and what activities we can do before & after the show.
kook_car, my boy know that he cannot talk in the cinema but when he is excited, he'll still raised his voice... haiz... my boy 1st movie was Finding Nemo, he was 3 then but he managed to sit down for 1hr, I was quite amazed then.

kook_car good thinking of you to create the Movie Review thread, I'll sure to go there to post and read. Thanks.
Hi Kook_car & Baby2005,
My son surprised me this morning that he wants to watch a movie today. We went to watch Charlotte's web today. Nice show, I like Charlotte best. Your kids would enjoy it too. Mine was very well behaved in the beginning (coz need time to adjust to the darkness in the cinema). Towards the middle of the show, he started asking tons of questions and by the end of the show, he was a little restless.... The only movie he can sit through was Disney Pixar Cars. Guess must pick the right movie to watch the next time.
haha... so cute. Ask my boy already but he don't want to watch Charlotte's Web. You are right about picking the right movie for them. So far I found that the best movies are Cars and Finding Nemo, which are more suitable for pre-schooler.
can i check with the mommies here, any idea when does registration for P1 begin this year? is it somewhere in june/jul? and i think i fall under the phase 2B catergory and thinking of placing my gal in a convent sch. i read that the parent must be a member of the church or something like that? what do they mean by member of a church? regular church goers? or christians? a bit confused here. pls help! thank a lot
samval, think you can check it out at MOE website or call them. Actually i also don't know, cos' my boy also going P1 nxt year. As for convent sch, think u need to be either a catholic or christian to be qualified for 2B. Mayb u can check with your church or the school you are interested.
Hi samval,

I think last year's registration for P1 starts in July. This year schedule is probably not out yet.

For phase 2b eligibility, I think some Catholic schools require only one of the parent's baptism certificate. Other christians schools may require the church to endorse that you are baptised and that you are a member of the church. I think some churches will put up bulletin to notify parents to get the application form and fill it up. It's better you check out with the school you want to register.
Hi all,

Just happen to see this thread.. hope that u guys dun mind me joining...

I also have a boy born in the year of snake.. and a girl.. born in the year of rooster...
Hi yuki,
Same here. My boy is born in the year of snake and my gal, in the year of the rooster hee...
So which mth are your kids born in?
Hi Samval, If I didn't remember wrongly, MOE will announce the dates of Registration for P1 somewhere in the last 2 weeks of June. Normally the first day of registration is on the 2nd Tuesday of July for Phase 1 ...
yuki, my boy will be 6 in Apr and my gal will be 2 in Nov.

Yuki & Marmin,
So, where do u plan to register your boy for P1? Where do u gals live in?
Hi, probably will try St Hilda's as I stay in Tampines...anyone have the same choice? Btw will like to check if any mummy put the younger one in Childcare?
Hi Marmin,

I staying in Bedok Reservoir... so most likely will be trying Red Swastika... St Hilda's is a good school... heard its very difficult to get in...I also thot of trying for St Hilda's initially, but too bad, I'm out of 1km...

Actually my younger one is already in the childcare for more than one year... both my children attended Infant care and now in childcare.. eldest one joined infant care when he was 10 months old and my girl .. since she was 3 months old.
HI Yuki, Red Swastika is a good school, one of my friends did 40 hrs of voluntary wk hoping to secure the place. They have before/after school care. Btw, anyone heard of YMCA childcare ctr, thot of putting my girl there next mth...
Yah.. red swastika is also a good school.. i just moved to bedok.. so not in time to do volunteer work.. so have to depend plainly on luck... for balloting...

The before/after school care looks very small.. afraid that will be too enclosed for my boy.. so most likely he will go back to his current childcare for the before/after school care.. but further so must pay more for school bus...
Hi yuki & marmin,
I stayed in Serangoon. Will try my boy for Rosyth cos' it is nearer to my mum's place. Don't know can get in or not.
Hi guys,
been MIA for a long time. have not been in the forum lately as very busy with work. yeah guess everyone's very stressed abt primary 1 hor. I stay in sengkang so will place my gal at CHIJ.
Hi Hi,

I am new here. Just joined today.
I have 3 kids. DS#2 is borned in Dec 01.

I had my stress when selecting schools for DS#1 2 years ago. Did my fair share of parent-volunteer work.

Now, DS#2 and DD will just follow the "Gor Gor"....
Ya, usually the stress will be more on the first one when it come to Pri Sch registration. I'll be getting my stress soon haha...

how u plan to get ur son into Rosyth ? parent volunteer ? or what ?

when i was looking for a sch for DS#1, one of the famous school in Upper Bukit Timah "suggested" I do donation. I got disgusted and didn't go back anymore.
I hv no time to do volunteer, so, I'll just wait until Phase 2C (right??) and just go and register lor. If can get in, that's will be good otherwise, I may register him for Yangzheng Pri Sch.
<font color="0000ff">thesisen</font>,
Hello, you still reading this thread? I'll like to seek your review on your kid's kindergarten. Pls PM me (cos you don't receive PM) so I can consult u in private. thanks.
yuki, marmin & baby2005,

Hi, I'm new here too.
Same as you guys. I have 2 boys, one born in snake and 2nd one born in rooster.

Abt P1, hmm....i have joined the volunteer work at Woodgrove in Woodlands. Heard that it's quite a good school in Woodlands area. So no choice got to do lo.
Hi Pisces,

I also thot of doing volunteer work, few yrs back.. but moving to Bedok is a last min decision... so when i shifted over, its already too late...

Baby2005, YES! Must have GOOd LUCK for all of us....
This thursday me and my hb will be gg to do volunteer for abt 14 hrs which occupied the whole day. After this, we'll complete our volunteer work liao (40 hrs). Yeah!

Next thing, I'm gg to look out for the Hanyu pinyin enrichment course for my son ard Woodlands area. Any recommendation?
Hi Pisces,

Congrats!congrats! So your chance of getting into your preferred school will be doubled by this week....

I'm not sure whether Woondsland got Tien Xia Language School or not... my boy just finished his first term (K2 Chinese)... can see some improvements already....

Hi Pisces,

Congrats!Congrats! So your chance of getting into your preferred school will be doubled by this week....

I'm not sure whether Woodlands got Tien Xia Language School or not... my boy just finished his first term (K2 Chinese)... can see some improvements already....
