(2001) calling all 2001 babies

Hi GL,
I'll look out the website but I may consider either Jan & Elly (in Serangoon Garden) or I Can Read (at Kovan). U r right that nowsaday is very stressful for both kids & parents. I'm considered one type of parent that don't really enrol the kids for extra lesson, except for those conducted by his CCC cos' it is conducted during his time in the CC. But i kept getting pressure from friends to send him for extra courses pengz...

I'll be stopping my son's Art Class cos' today he told me he don't like it, so i'll be stopping his class after this month.

Hi GL,

Agree with you that nowadays kids are pressured in terms of academic wise. It is also very stressful for them and us as well.

My girl also taking piano classes and was thinking whether I shld stop or not. Sigh...

Yes I stay in SK and maybe will send her to a convent school at hougang. By that time I will need to think of student care centre. You stay in SK too?

Hi Baby2005,
Where does your son take his art classes? And what do they teach there? Was thinking of stopping the piano for my girl and putting her in art class since she loves art. But just treating it as a hobby for her lor.
Hi Samval,
The Art Class was actually conducted by his childcare. They get an external art school to conduct it within the childcare. I'm not so sure as whether they follow any particular method but so far my son had drawn things like sea creature, festive related drawing, cartoon/clown & etc.
Hi Baby2005,
I see. So he told you he dun like the class anymore? Seems quite interesting though. But guess just let him take it up as hobby lor. My gal jialat. One day say wanna stop the piano class then suddenly say she like. Dunno how now. Already paid the fees for next month liao.

You're working full time or SAHM?
hi samval,
my boy oso the same. every sunday mornin when i try to wake him to go to his speech n drama class, he will said he doesnt like the class. at the end of 3rd term, after i cancelled his class, he said he likes it and wana continue.. lucky the seat is not taken up yet.. so manage to put him back again..
hi jteo,
hahaha...was trying to control my laughter when i read your post! i guess kids are very fickel minded at this age. they dun really know what they want. btw, can check with you, can your boy read simple books at this age?

quite worried that my gal can't adapt to P1 if she can't read properly...
samval, i find tat he's readin base on memory lor.. and not bcos he can read. he only knw the first sound, cant really blend the word. dun talk abt him, me myself oso duno hw to teach him to use phonics!! haha..

the thought of him goin K2 nx yr alrd make me panic! canot imagine the stress we will go thru when its time to enrol primary sch nx yr!!
me also experience the same thing. was just teaching my son for his spelling a while ago.. wah.. almost lost my patience..b4 I start to teach, he told me he knows liao.. but when take away the paper, he can't write or uses phonics to come out with the correct word.. then I have to spend half an hour to explain to him, what's learning and the benefits he will gain when he grows up.. haiz.. no sure he understand me or not though... end up.. time for him to zzzzz....
Hi Samval,
I'm a FTWM, wat abt u? Think i'll not force him to go for the Art Class since his interest is not there. The childcare teacher also noticed that he is not interested in art.

Samval, jteo, GL - Hahaha... I also encounter the same problem. I remembered I signed him up for Chinese Speech & Drama class when he was in N2, then he tell me he don't want. When he reached K1, he said he want to go for the class and blame me for not signing him up when he was in N2 pengz....

I'm also quite worried abt him going to P1, academically and emotionally. Emotionally: sometimes, he wouldn't even want to go to his childcare centre in the morning. He wld cry until very cham when I send him there. I'm worried as now the teacher will coax him but in pri sch, i don't think the teacher will hv time to look after him like that *sigh*
he is very sticky to home. Academically: according to his teachers, academically he is doing well but sometimes when he encounter somethings he don't know, he would cry and say he don't want to go to school because the things teacher taught is difficult and he don't know.
yup yup...my gal also read basing on memory, but if simple phonetic words she can read on her own. but recently she hates spelling cos each time i will bring out the cane to teach her, but the teacher in ICR said cannot like that. so i think that was where i went wrong also. if its phonics i can teach her as i'm montessori trained, but dunno how to teach spelling. so now i use songs to teach her spelling....

i share the same sentiments with you. sometimes my gal dunno or dun understand something in school she will cry and say she dun wanna go school. but if school that day has holiday program and more to fun and play time, then she will wanna go and very on the ball!!!
Hi there,
I am also a FTWM. My boy love drawing, hate spelling, has no clue about music.

He is with ICR Jurong East, he likes to go after his first lesson because his angmo teacher is pretty and do not scold him. He do not mind go to childcare now because he found a pretty girlfriend
Hi Stella,
yr boy is like mine..hehehe.. comes to study!!! haiz...

Hi All mummies,
Could you all plse share with me? Was just wondering how much must a child at the age of 5 knows? Must they be able to read a book, sleep by himself, shower or toilet by himself? And also, do you think that we are giving too much enrichment classes on top of their daily PAP or Childcare classes?

Thanks for sharing..
Hi GL,
I'm a blur mommy, but from my limited knowledge, here's what I understand (some from my son's childcare teacher):

-So far, my boy is able to read on his own. His teacher told me that he is able to comprehend the story but whenever he read on his own at home, and when i asked him what is the story about, he always tell me "don't know" *faint*
-How you define sleep by himself? As in falling asleep by himself or sleep on his own in a separate room? So far, my boy can sleep in his own room but need either me or hb to sleep with him first, then after he fallen asleep then we'll leave his room. BUT, most of the time, he still squeeze in our bed.
-He is able to shower & go to toilet (including cleaning his own buttock) but he is lazy to do it on his own.
-I do feel that there are lots of parent flooding their kids with too many enrichment classes. But like you, I was wondering if my boy wld lag behind if i don't send him to any (but todate, i still hvn't send him to any except those organise by his childcare centre).
Hi GL,
From my observation and knowledge, here are the answers to your qtns:-
1) How much must a child at the age of 5 knows? I think at this stage they should learn the basic alphabets and phonetic sounds, blends of the words, the primary colours,environment and exposure to be able to connect with the environment.

2) Must they be able to read book, sleep by himself, shower or toilet by himself? Once they know the blends and phonetic sounds, they will blend it together and able to read out the words, thus progressing to sentences. Not necessary need to read the whole book. Few sentences will do. They will progress on their own. As for sleeping, it depends on individual child. Each child has their own pace. Some prefer to sleep with parents and needs to be patted to sleep. Some will sleep on their own, so it all depends on habits and how it was implemented in the first place. There are no hard and fast rules for this. But if you want to start your child to learn to sleep on his own room, don't close the door and leave your room door open as well. Decorate the room with some cartoon characters and make it colourful like a nursery. For toilet training, its also individual. By 4 years old, usually they will learn to sleep without diapers. Slowly wean him off the diapers. Maybe wear at night first then tell him that tonite he is not going to wear and make him go to the loo before turning into bed. But expect the first 2 weeks that he will pee on the bed. Some will and some will not. It depends.

Lastly, yes I do think that we are giving too much enrichment classes. I used to teach in childcare before and did a study on children as well as special needs children. Having said all of the above, I myself being a parent is kanchiong about my gal not being able to "catch up" with her peers, would lag behind as what baby2005 said etc. So we in turn get pressurized. I'm trying to tell myself to relax and "let go" a bit. But sometimes its hard especially when mid next year we have to register them for primary 1 and not forgetting that at this age all they can think of is play. So somehow we get pressurized because the education system in s'pore is of high standard.

I'm also not perfect in this area and sometimes I too wish I had some kind assurance that they are going to be ok and prepared for primary sch etc...but hor...not easy lah
Hi all

Just want to share how I taught my daughter, 5yo, phonics when she was 3yo. I bot this phonics set from Montessori (MMI). It has a CD that teaches parents/teachers how to teach the child the sound of letters. So, I teach my dd a letter a day until she knows all the sounds. Then I proceeded to teach her words, from Learn to Read, also bought from MMI. She learnt to put the sounds together and read words. Since then, she slowly learnt to read by memory and by recognizing the words. I try to spend time to read a book to her everyday. You may wish to give this a try. It's inexpensive and not very time consuming. Just 5 - 10 mins a day.

How much is the phonics set? Where did u get it from? I bought some phonics CD & VCD but it is usually for the kids to listen or watch, no instruction for parent. For ppl like that are not phonics trained can pickup easily?
Again, depending on the kid's own learning style ,language ability and mommy's hardwork. I bought a set of phonics workbooks and also computer cd game on phonics but all did not work, partly bec. I did not persist with teaching him. My boy continue to read English by remembering configuration of the word just like how he recognize Chinese characters (he is better with Chinese). He learn spelling by memorizing. I did that myself as a kid, it was difficult!
sk.. thanks for sharing.. Yr phonics set sound great.. me too like baby2005, was wondering parents can pick up easily or not. Brt a phonics set from Yesphonics.com sometime ago.. so complicate and too many things.. till now still have not read the instructions..
GL, Must say that phonics can be complicated, like trying to pronounce the dinosaur names for a start.
hi mommies,
can anyone share info abt "wo hui du" the chinese 'i can read'.. is it good n user friendly for kids n mommy?
Hi Baby2005 & GL,

I've just called them up to check for you, the place you can get it is:

Modern Montessori International (MMI)
400 Orchard Rd, Orchard Towers (Opp Forum)
#24-10 Tel: 6235 4600
Weekdays, 9am - 6pm, Sat 9am - 1pm

The two sets that I used are:
a) Learn About Phonics $20.95
It consists of 26 sandpaper letters, a workbook, a parent's guide and a CD
Don't worry the workbook and parent's guide are very thin. The CD basically pronounces all the 26 letters to you so you can teach the child correctly.

b) Learn to Read, $20.90
They are many drill cards in it, for your child to put the sounds of individual letters to form words.

I was lucky to come across them selling at one of the talks that I attended last time and after reading after the sandpaper letters in a Montessori book, I went to their office to buy them. Since then I have been using them on my girls and have recommended to friends. Hope you will find them useful too.
Hi samval
is 'ants on the apple' chinese phonics?

hi sk,
do we start with set a, dan go on to set b?

hi baby2005 & GL,
wonder if there'll be bp price for it.. haha..

wonder if any of you know where I can buy "han(4) zi(4) gong(1)"? When it was launched, think last year, it was selling in Popular bookstores, but not now. It is about how Chinese characters were evolved, depicted through animation on VCD.
Hi sk,

I was watching this thread quietly til one time I Can read in this thread catch my attention and that's how I brought my son (3yo) to the assessment test at Heartland mall branch. I shld be enrolling him end of this year and will register him soon.

I also wanted to buy han zi gong & knowing tat it's unavail now, I happen to come across one similiar set bot from a chinese educational supplier. This is how it looks like.

If you are interested, you can contact the supplier directly. Let me know & I will PM you contact no.
Hi GL,

I also like Cherie Hearts. I can send my son to Charlton branch but the location is just very troublesome to drop him and fetch him. This will mean everyday I will need to send him very early and I need to knock off work early. So my son has to continue in his current CC...haiz...
Is it true that CH offer Japanses class as part of their cirriculum at no extra charges ?
Hi GL,

Ha..my son also loves Power Rangers..I shld say he has the full range of SPD emeregency...the 5 colored rangers, Doggie & just recently added RIC in his collection. Can u share the webby you download Power Rangers ?
I find PR violent for my son but he just like them so much that now I cannot take away these from him. His daddy has also bot many VCD for him to watch..aiyo...
Hi all,

I'm a SAHM, but still sent my 5yr old to full-day childcare. But bring him out when plan special outing to Parks/Science ctr/Zoo/musicals etc etc.

I too find that he picks up Chinese characters easier as it is more pictorial image to him. Used to let him do Chinese painting once a wk. The teacher was great, she'll teach some strokes & words when he got bored painting. Too bad she left after 6 mths, so we stop the program as well.

Now, I teach him Chinese myself, with flashcards + songs + writing. Starting to work on his hanyu pinyin too.

I have come across a very good Chinese program developed by a local Chinese pre-school educator, it's systematic and well researched. But it isn't very commercialised so many places can't find. It progress from basic strokes, to "bu-shou" to daily use words + songs & poems.
Hi AMum,
I started the PR flash cards cos my son get tired of the normal wordings or pictures cards. And the PR caught his attention. But before I can finish flashing all the cards.. he starts asking me question on PR.. sigh... you may check out this website http://www.rangercentral.com/. BTW, u were asking abt CH. Yes, indeed they have weekly Japanese at no extra cost. My son can said 1 to 10 in Japanese and also sing some japanese songs. CH also have weekly panio and easy malay class.. actually quite interesting..

SK, thanks for the info.. will check it out..
Hi mummies,
I just rece'd an email from Bee Lee and was 'told-off' that I shld not start a BP here, but like I mentioned earlier that this is not a BP, I am just offering to help other mummies (from this thread) to buy. Anyway, they had already remove all the posting and I had also PM all mummies who are keen to buy.

Once again, my apologise to all other mummies who felt that I have cos disturbance here.
Hi Kook_car,

My apologise if you felt disturbance on my previous posting for helping other mummies to purchase MMI products. I have to make myself clear again.. I am not starting a BP, am just helping other mummies to buy.
Hi GL,
Hope u r ok. I got nothing against u. Just thougt that "Bulk Purchase" by definition means buy in bulk. So helping others buy is BP ...
Hi mummies who had ordered MMI products,
Am sorry to inform that 'helping others to buy MMI products on behalf' has to be cancelled due to certain reasons and also I hv a mummy who wanted to cancel the order. Therefore we are not able to hit the min qty to be entitled to the special discount. Guess if you are keen, pls order from their website directly.

Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Just want to let other mummies know, that I did this is out of good intention and I do not gain any thing from it. Firstly, I do not know that we are not allow to 'accumulate' purchases in this thread, and so for now.. no purchases will be mentioned and for all mummies of Year 2001, we are back to our children discussion again.

Let's put this behind and look forward to a better day

GL, we understand your good intentions. I'm sorry for what you have gone through. Thanks for initiating it. We appreciate.

Thanks for the PR website. My son is a fan of them too. Will surf it later.
I'm also a FTWM to a 5 year old boy and like you, I always feel them I do not spend enough time with him.

He has been attending ICR at Kovan for quite a while already and I must say it's really quite effective. At least, He can make out certain words himself by blending the sounds...but must coax him to try then he will try to blend, otherwise, he will just say 'i don't know'.

Sometimes, I also feel stressed on whether am I stressing him too much or not. But at times, when I sit down with him and guide him through blending the middle sounds, he will always say I don't know but when I talk to his ICR teacher, they always say that his sounds are very good and he can recognise them all. So makes me wonder if it my way of coaching that puts him off.

Does anyone face this problem also? Is there anyone with advice on how to make learning more interesting, other than the use of flashcards?
Hi GL, sorry to hear abt that. agree with u, lets move forward.

anyway, has any of you mommies have a hard time with ur 5-year old kid? i mean like they like to negotiate etc? recently my gal throwing tantrums. dun wanna go sch, dun wanna go piano dun wanna go ICR, dun wan this dun want that. just want to play play play....been screaming my head off...sigh..
Hi weili,
I too face the same problems like u and I must agree that after he attend ICR, he indeed improve a lot on his phonics and the blending sounds, but again I must spend time to revise with him, otherwise, he is either watching Cartoon Networks or playing n playing ...

Recently while packing the house, I found some VCD that I brt sometime ago, and because now is sch holidays, I am also relax a little on him. Cause in CC, there isn't any sch holidays, so to be fair with him, I will get him to read on odd days of the weekday and even days he can play after we pick him up from CC. Normally, he just spend his time drawing (which he loves a lot) or play TV game. But my hb still wants him to practise his piano daily and is rather strict wif him on piano. And I make it a point that we read a book every night before he sleeps and in fact he enjoys it and always looking forward to select the book. I personally felt that we shd not force or perhaps put pressure on them, have to educate them that learning is fun. Sometime on Sunday, we will go swimming together or even stay home to do watercolouring (which is quite messy), but a part from the dirtiness he did, he enjoys it. (a little tip, get them to put on old clothes and do the colouring in the kitchen).

Hi Samval,
I think every child at this age is the same. My son always bargain with me if he study or get his spelling all correct, I shd buy him toys. I always tell him learning is for his benifits and not mine, but of course, sometime I do reward him. Like I mentioned to Weili, since now is sch holidays, we shd let them play a little and maybe you can let her knows that she can plays a little now, but coming to the new year, she has to get back to learning. Anyway, X'mas is around the corner, let's not put too much pressure on them, and at the same time, we can sit back and relax a little till the next year arrives. Maybe you might want to consider like bring her to have fun. Like going to Zoo, beach, or catch a movie. I was abt to bring my son to watch "Happy Feet" this weekend at the new GV Vivo, but not sure abt this movie. Any mummies watch this movie before? Can comments? Thanks.
Dear GL,
Yeah i agree with you. Now I'm taking it easy with my gal and this weekend we have a complimentary one night stay at a hotel and the whole family is going to stay there. Then maybe bring her go shopping in town etc. Think kids also deserve a break, just like us we deserve a break away from work too. Let us know how's the movie ya..?
Ya lor, My son is also throwing tantrums very frequently especially when he does not get his way. Sometimes I really want to know how to get him to cooperate with me without creating a scene. Tiring to be screaming and yelling away right?

I just brought him to the movies too. - "flushed away"...very nice leh. As for "Happy Feet' I've heard very good reviews too, so shall be catching it next.
Hi Weili & Samval,
My son is also like that. Everytime i asked him something, he will say don't know but the teacher in school say he is doing fine. My son also throw tantrums esp now his class is being promoted to K2 in Dec. Sometime he is quite resistance to change.

I'm sorry to read about what had happen. I was very busy recently hence missed the MMI stuff. Anyway, I believe most of us here really appreciate you effort.
marmin, is Happy Feet nice? Wanted to bring my son for movie but cannot decided which 1, Happy Feet or Open Season. I was thinking of Happy Feet cos' my son said Open Season got hunter (just like Over the Hedge) and he don't really like it. A timid boy.
Hi, I believe most kids will enjoy as the characters are nice. The music and dance are very entertaining too. Enjoy the show with him

Hi all, I believe you do bring your kids to the libary to borrow books? My 5-year old son is hook on books about space, universe. I think I have almost borrowed and read most of the books on that already and still he kept insisting to borrow more books on that topic. My question is how do I tell him that there are many other nice story books in the library other than space, universe? I tried explaining to him but he didn't buy that.
