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  1. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Thanks ChiyoJade for the website. I shall download the cards and laminate them. ;) They're very helpful. I bought some and realize that the home made ones are prob as good, if not better. Will the boobs shrink after bf? I don't think my cup size increased with pregnancy. If it decreases, I...
  2. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    mashy, I've started giving porridge at 6 months but I puree it (with blender) after cooking coz I realised when I didn't puree it, he didn't take very much of it and kept pushing it out. I usu add vege (e.g. carrot, broccoli) when porridge is almost done to cook the vege then puree.. Not sure if...
  3. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Kim: ooh. I should start increasing his food intake then. Teething rusk: I gave my boy teething rusk for the first time today and he really liked it. But suddenly he was like coughing as if the rusk was stuck in his throat. Gave me a big scare. My mum used her finger to fish out a piece of...
  4. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    My baby also wakes up in the middle of nite n cry. No way to pacify him except to latch him on to drink. :p could it be growth spurt? Hee. I love the description of transformers. It's very apt. Btw, are all babies sleeping thru the nite already? Mine still wakes up at least once for...
  5. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Thanks Kim for the info. We made it back to SG but baby didn't sleep much even tho it was a night flight. But at least he didn't cry.. Problem with bassinet is once the seat belt sign is on we have to pick him up. So we keep disrupting his sleep. So I think I'll try with an extra seat when we...
  6. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Another site that may be helpful:
  7. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    A playgroup is a grand idea. I attend one during my stay here in Melb. It's pretty informal and each parent takes turn to organise like what Sunsweet suggested. Doesn't have to something complicated. Thought this website may be helpful...
  8. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Thanks Kim and Chiyojade for the reply. I'm coming back on SQ on a night flight (both back to SG and then back to Melb again). So I'm not sure if having an extra seat is better or having a bassinet.. :P Since my hubby is travelling with me back to SG, we're trying for the bassinet and see if...
  9. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    There are many times I wish I could just go for a movie or a meal with hubby alone also.. Ha ha.. But no one to bbsit my boy here.. :P I haven't watched a movie or gone for my facial for at least 6 months now.. So when I go back to SG, hope to get a bit of time off away from bb.. Else it's also...
  10. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Noelle, my boy takes about 2 naps a day.. morning nap abt 1hr15min to 1.5 hr, afternoon nap about 45 mins. But he goes to bed like real early.. like 6plus in the evening.. it's like bed time for him... Think 45 mins is about 1 sleep cycle so they wake up.. So sometimes, I try to sing the boy...
  11. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Happy new year all mummies. ;) To mummies and babies who are not doing well, do take care. Rest well. Jia you! Re: strangers with babies I kinda take it in good faith also that it's ok for strangers to hold my babies hand etc.. until I heard this account from my MIL. Apparently when she...
  12. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Hi mummies. Haven't been on the forum for two weeks n realized I've missed out so much. :p I saw the Christmas photos of the babies on fb. They are so adorable. was it professionally done? It's Christmas soon. Merry early Christmas to all! Have a blessed time with the family. It's the first...
  13. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Poohbear: my little one had his 2nd dose on Monday and had mild temperature. I gave him paracetamol twice a day and made sure his temp doesn't cross 38deg.. Then it was ok after 2 days..
  14. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Hugs to bestberries.. Littlenotes - eat more nutritious stuff to regain your health yah? I thought I was the weird one abt bb crying. At 1st will coax him and say "mummy loves you, don't cry" but as he goes on and on I get so pek chek I look him in the eye and ask him to "Enough! shut up"...
  15. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    So much to catch up on after a couple of days of being away. Jes: glad jav is doing fine. I've got a couple of scares with my bb coz I left him too near the edge if the bed even tho he still can't flip over. BB went for 4th month jab. Is running mild temp even tho I gave him...
  16. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    I also very happy when bb wakes up to feed longer than his usual 3 hr at nite.. Coz now he's still also on 3 hrs interval (even @ nite).. Me believe good naps result in good night sleep too! So trying to make sure he sleeps... Last night I had to let him cry real bad coz he didn't want to...
  17. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Thanks Sam for the link. The crib is exactly the one I'm using.. :P Shall keep a closer eye on the baby when he sleeps...
  18. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Okie.. Shall give paracetamol once the vaccines are over.. Don't wanna have him cry and feel uncomfy.. Coz still so young now.. Baby sleep: My little one still wakes up almost every 3-3.5 hrs even at night (he never slept thru the night since birth.. SOB!).. If your bb could sleep thru...
  19. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Still scouting to get the exersaucer.. BBethan, I read in the internet that the triple fun exersaucer has a recall coz of fall hazards when it's used for older babies.. So Evenflo has some device to fix it. In the event you're renting that, just make sure it comes with the device...
  20. M

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    BBethan, How's ur gal's test results. Don't worry.. Hope all's fine..
