(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hbb...hahah..ya rite. when he reach 2 yrs old, once he reach the ceiling then he bungy jump to the bed below. imagine, I always have a heart attack. and he climbed really fast, I didn't have time to catch him and I couldn't possibly climb up with him rite...
haiz...I pray really hard Naomi won't turn up like him. Oh ya, he just came up with his own version of morning prayer. it's like this:
Dear Jesus.
I Love Naomi
Please bless my parents and my Naomi too.
My guardian angels please watch over Naomi.
God made the sky and God made Naomi.
God made everything big and small.

ok that shows he loves his mei mei lar
he looks kind of quiet tat day when i met him at the xmas party LOL so looks is deceiving LOL
hi all ,

i am organising a spree for happy belly cereals and puffs.

happy bellies cereal -$8.20 per tin
happy puffs - $7.10 per canister

i also have organix baby food and munchkin products

shipment will arrive latest next friday and my bp will be up soon. do email me at [email protected] if you wish to order first

collection tentaively will be at Bedok/AMK/Clementi/Hougang.
Gosh 9x!!! Ok u wanna try tis coz gareth LS recovering!! Yippee.. finally. My pd tell me dun bother wif the soy base formula. Total stop all intake of anything but jst go on pedialyte which is like a glucose drink. Gareth went on tis 3 days and today his LS down to 1 time in the morning only and its not as watery n its dark yellow instd of the greenish yellow. I oso fed him those porridge water which is gd for LS and tis is the only thing i fed him wif besides pedialyte as advise by my doc. Actually on sun gareth LS 6x my doc oredi advise me to bring him in hosp to drip.. but i drag coz i really dun wish to see him being poke here n there n on a drip so luckily he is gettin better. But 9x did ur doc advise drip or not?? keep him hydrated ya and watch for signs of dehydration. take care ya
ur #1 surely is very sweet! and very cheeky. mus have made u wonder should u laugh or cry many times!

i think i should gif get him a swim suit in this case. but think of it, so worriew that he will outgrow it fast!
now whenever i go and buy clothing, i haf to tell them i need sizing for 2-3yrs old. den end of the day will tell them darius is onli 6 months old and dey will sae i too kua zhang.
truth is, if i don't buy 2-3yrs old, 1-2months later he cannot wear them anymore

re: swimming
im very worried to bring darius to the public pool + i dun wanna swim =x guess need to get someone to help me wif it or thick skin go show my ba! so we can actualli use the neck float or other kind of float? not sure how he will react to be in the adult pool wif so many people.

re: least allergy food
i remb reading that pork is also the least allergy food.
have yet to start darius on solid yet. waiting for him to turn 6 months then i intro solid and sowly intro FM.
6 more days! and im so looking forward
definitely gonna b a big mess!
FYI, no reply from Aquaducks yet.

I think it's OK to bring to public pools as well. i also stay in a HDB flat. Maybe just go when it's not so crowded - weekdays, if possible.

I used to swim daily and noticed that the (main) pool after the weekend is quite dirty but they would normally clean the pool at noon (I guess when it's hottest and not many people), so maybe go in the afternoons and not on Monday mornings, if you want to go in the mornings. Not sure if it applies to the baby pool as well, but with my bb, he has never gone into a baby pool. Since he has the float, I bring him straight to the deep end, or the training pool that kind of height.

pprincess - LOL! Aiyah! I show my ba-ba! I think that life is too short to be worried about how slim you look in a swimsuit and when I was in my teens and twenties, I would wear bikinis and I was slimmer then and STILL think I was fat. Now, well, just enjoy it. Life's too short! ;-D

Yan - glad that Gareth is finally recovering! :) YAY!

ETirto - your son is sooo cute! I like the part where he asked the guardian angles to watch over Naomi. So caring!
I'm also interested in the Aquaducks... Seems like many have also expressed their interest to you as well... In order to make things easier for you, think it might be better to list down those interested in a list:

1) Chiyojade - Yann
2) HBB - Edna (29 Jun 2009)
3) lamagier - Minrui (21 Jul 2009)
4) Sam - Joie (6 Jul 2009)
5) Kim - Kaelem (13 Jul 2009)
6) Joanne - Genevieve (9 Jul 2009)
7) pprincess - Darius (11 Jul 2009)
8) FOZ - Austen (25 Jun 2009)
9) poohbear75 -

Have I missed anyone out? Mummies, pls do check thru ur babies' DOB and name and fill in the missing field if I didn't fill up, tks...

That staff no longer in any of the branch, I think... coz i went different branches every week but didnt see her ard le... sad...

Think they'll be happy to move ard in their walker and can be a busybody poking their nose into everything... keke... Gen is a lil kay-po now, move to the main door whenever ppl walk pass... a lil security guard...

maybe u could cordon off the stairs area or put them at lower ground area when they r in the walker... personally i prefer walker than jumperoo or exersaucer for Gen... As for the marching, probably it runs in the genes since both of us r required to... kekeke... but hor, i hope she dun join any of the uniform group in future thou... think i'll freak out...

Dun go to the Northpoint branch... try the HFC branch if u dun mind using the small tub... but hor, given their current age, better to let them roam freely at swimming pool, the small tub too restricted for them... think the swim diaper is jus their own "laws", Huggies swim diapers also quite expensive but they criticise it instead...

I already bring Gen to public swimming pool at SAFRA... Next trip most probably to either CSC Bukit Batok or Downtown East... So far lil Gen reacting quite well to public swimming pool, so i guess it should be ok to let them swim in public swimming pool when they reaches 6 mths...

For public swimming pool, they r required to wear swimming costumes/swim diapers... I didnt let Gen wear wetsuit, jus normal swimming costume which I bought from Mothercare...
actually, we r afraid that she might shiver when we bring her out from the pool since she's not in wetsuit like the konfidence jacket but she didn't shiver even when the wind is quite strong that day, the daddy happily bring her pool-hopping since she didnt scream...I had brought along the neck float to swimming pool prev, but we pai seh to use it coz we've never seen anyone using neck float b4 at public pool... the hubby afraid that the lifeguard might blow the whistle at him for putting Gen in neck float... we decided to use the round float, like wat Etirto is using...
U staying at Northwest area right? maybe u wanna try SAFRA Jurong or CSC Bukit Batok... I went to SAFRA Jurong on Sunday and there isn't much ppl swimming...

Long time never heard from u le...

Can't wait for Gen to reach Alexis age and bring her to Disneyland also... I'll be sending u lil Gen's CNY pics soon... many many tks for doing up the montage for us...

Wat u say about the Konfidence jacket is EXACTLY like wat my hubby said... I had wanted to buy one with the float when there's Metro sales previously, but he stopped me citing the same explanation as u... Hubby was saying Gen is too young to use that and it might topple forward and increase the risk of drowning if unsupervised for a short short while... I imagine myself in lifejacket and for a while I finally understood why he violently refused to let me buy the jacket with float... i misunderstood him initially and thought that he stingy coz the jacket with float is quite ex... but hor, feel so bad that I wronged him again...
JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl
7) kittyng (pending)
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear (pending)
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa (pending)

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless
4) mashy
5) amy03
6) curtis
7) japa
8) lavenderbear
9) sheryl

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries
JWT trial at UE sq :

Thanks Twinkle for organising this trial for us.

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl
7) kittyng
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear (pending)
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa (pending)

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless
4) mashy
5) amy03
6) curtis
7) japa
8) lavenderbear
9) sheryl
10) kittyng

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries
Re : JWT Trial at UE sq

Mummies i need the following details from you : -
1) Name of Child
2) D.O.B of Child
3) Name of Parent
4) Address
5) Hp no.
6) Email address

Those who yet pm me kindly rem to pm me. Thanks
HBB, who say edna dont need good food? happy bellies is already. ex wor. i gave my boy 3 BIG tbsp & he finished everything in less than 10min. When he saw the bowl empty, he cried! How do you judge how much to give? I afraid i overfeed him.
whn in sick...its still ME who look aft her...

twinkle..i started w 1 tbsp then see she cn fin..nxt day giv 2.... so Klike hapy bellies ah... tat means u will go broke like me soon hhahaa...
1) Chiyojade - Yann
2) HBB - Edna (29 Jun 2009)
3) lamagier - Minrui (21 Jul 2009)
4) Sam - Joie (6 Jul 2009)
5) Kim - Kaelem (13 Jul 2009)
6) Joanne - Genevieve (9 Jul 2009)
7) pprincess - Darius (11 Jul 2009)
8) FOZ - Austen (25 Jun 2009)
9) poohbear75 -
10) gina - ju en (1st july 2009)
11) lavenderbear - Ee Kin (19 Jul 2009)
I guess can judge bb response to determine if overfull or not.
Last week 1 tried Happy Bellies 1 tsp ok. 3 tsp my girl puke a bit while I was trying to sit her up abt 2hr after. So i guess her limit is about 1-2 tsp.
1) Chiyojade - Yann
2) HBB - Edna (29 Jun 2009)
3) lamagier - Minrui (21 Jul 2009)
4) Sam - Joie (6 Jul 2009)
5) Kim - Kaelem (13 Jul 2009)
6) Joanne - Genevieve (9 Jul 2009)
7) pprincess - Darius (11 Jul 2009)
8) FOZ - Austen (25 Jun 2009)
9) poohbear75 - (26 Jul 2009)
10) gina - ju en (1st july 2009)
11) lavenderbear - Ee Kin (19 Jul 2009)
yah..need membership for Chi Swimming Club.. =)

yah..i bot him a swimsuit.. u r right.. they will grow out of it fast.. the swim suit looks big but wen tried on jav..it looks jus the size for him.. regretted nt getting one size bigger.. but nvm la, wad to do.. hahaa.. next time buy again.. hahaa.. yah la, ppl owaes think we r kiasu to actually buy bigger sizes.. it'll nvr occur to them tat bbs grow out of their clothes pretty fast.

HBB n Twinkle,
i gif Jav 2 tablespoons of brown rice.. but nt everytime he'll finish it.. but will cy for milk instead.. do u all feed b4 or aft milk.. tinking shud i feed him aft milk instead.. but dono if he'll b too full.. hmmm..
Re: Nap
How many naps does your LO take everyday? Char takes 3 sometimes 2 naps, 40 mins each (the 3rd nap can be as short as 20 mins). She seems to hv a timer in her, she always wakes up 40 mins on the dot. How can I help (make) her nap longer??
edna wun cry for milk but she will take millions of years to drink lor...

ehh if too full by right shldnt b 2 hourlater then puke rite? not sure thou...

ehh edna also like tis... she wake up on the dot aft 45 mins!! usualy 1st nap i ignore her... she will whine a bit play n fool ard in the cot then doze bk to sleep till milk time... to mi that is consider 2 naps liao!!
so literaly she hav 4 naps a day. i try to wean her off evening nap..disasterous... cos by then she is so tired she barelyc an fin her last feed.. and then... get cranky cannot go to bed properly... keep crying at nite (too tired or a bit hungry?)
actually i'm not that sure too. But it has been ages since my girl puke & this time round she puked when I was trying to sit her up. SO I presume her very-full tummy got squeezed and food came out =p

hee, just got a big bag of my colleague's hand-me-down baby clothes. This weekend will be dress-up time again!
HBB, not only happy bellies. my boy BIG eater for solid. last night i fed him almost one full bowl of pigeon weaning bowl. he finished everything within minute. when daddy carried him up from bumbo, he cried & tried to snatch the bowl. YES BROKE V SOON!
By the way, is edna drinking plain water well? now my boy rejecting spoon feeding for water already. he knows what is solid & what is water ever since i started solid last friday. When i offered him milk bottle, he happily take it. But when taste is plain water, he dump it aside. if milk, he will continue drink. jialat!

Jes, if he cry very badly, i will feed him milk first then after an hour will feed him solid then milk again.

I weight my boy yesterday. 6.1kg. All because of happy bellies i guess. :p
Noelle, my boy takes about 2 naps a day.. morning nap abt 1hr15min to 1.5 hr, afternoon nap about 45 mins. But he goes to bed like real early.. like 6plus in the evening.. it's like bed time for him...

Think 45 mins is about 1 sleep cycle so they wake up.. So sometimes, I try to sing the boy back to sleep again so he gets more than 45 mins.. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't lah.. Quite hard to predict.. my boy can be quite random...

Re: Potty training
I also started him on it quite sometime ago.. He usu have the "feeling" when drinking milk. So after feeding him one side, I'll put him to the potty and he usu goes..Both poo and wee.. ;) Sometimes feed him abit of water, he will also go..

2 days ago, I was just abt to put him on the potty, just when I was doing that, he pooed, all over me and the carpet.. ha ha.. So still got some more training to go lah...
Finally got time to read thread again..

WElcome back FOZ, U tender yet?

HBB, I bath K on the dining table since CL left cos my bathroom v tiny. But I have ordered a cover for K's toy box (made from bb cot), so in future chang station & bath will be on top of the cover in order to free up his cot for sleeping. I use the (I think is Tolly Joy) bath mat for his bath tub. I dun intend to chg his tub cos I m minimizing storage of things that bb out grow after sometime..

Yan, did u gv Gareth food (single food type) for at least 3 days (PD advised 5 days) before u proceed to another food? Cos if u give diff food in a short period of time, that's where u cant fig which one caused allergy or other adverse reactions. Is Garetyh better now?

RE: Walker
Why did Canada banned walker? I grewup with one, so I also intro K at 4th mth (Lunar some more). One frind's daughter use it like a skateboard, one leg sweep and move fwd, so when she learn to walk w/o walker, she actuallt did that initially, so she told me not to gv K walker. But I guess it's individual bb & their parents' "parental guidence".

RE: Potty training
I need to get a potty first.. K can pull himself up when he leaned fwd so I think can start.. So exciting!

RE: Nap
K still takes 3 naps a day. His timer will go off at 30mins (pity me!). AFter we came back from US, and his was over with jet lag, Mon, he slept a whole 3 hrs during his morning nap, and yesterday was 2.5hrs. This morning, sigh! 40mins!!! I think he is back to himself **shake head**

Other things I am facing:
1. He is not interested in milk and food. I make 6oz, there will be 2-3oz balance and has to be warmed up before he will finish. Or, it'll be 0.5-1oz bal from 4-5oz... Even his favorite applesauce is a chore to feed now!!
2. He is interested to suck my shoulder.. anytime of the day when I hold him upright with his chin resting on my shoulder.
3. He cannot fall asleep by himself. I found him sleeping better tummy down these days, but he cannot understand it's not "tummy time"..

WAH! such long post.. sorry!
Sunsweet, here's additional info:

1. Food which rarely cause allergic reactions (intro after 6mths):
<font color="ff0000">Cereal</font>: rice, oat, wheat*, corn, barley
<font color="ff0000">Veg</font>: potato, yam, sweet potato, pumpkin, turnip, carrot, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber.
<font color="ff0000">Fruit</font>: banana, apple, plum, peach, apricot, pear, papaya, watermelon, cherry, avocado.
<font color="ff0000">meat</font>: pork, chicken, fish*, beef, lamb.
* Fish &amp; wheat allergies are not common in the local population.

2. Food which are likely to cause allergic reactions (intro after 9 mths):
soy, legumes, berries, egg yolk

3. Food which are highly allergic (intro after 12mths)
seafood, peanut, tree nuts, egg white

4. Food which occasionally cause oral allergy syndrome (intro after 12mths)
orange, kiwifruit, mango, pineapple, cantaloupe.

When I discussed with my mom, she told me local Chinese usually give rice, fish and pork as first food. She also high lighted that there are somethings the western doc dun believe:
1. banana can cause phlegm
2. cucumber * turnip are cooling so if bb is "cool-bodied", can cause bb to have cold cough.
3. watermelon is heaty, so if bb is "heaty-bodied", can cause sore throat or heaty cough.
4. cabbage, cauliflower resulted gassy stomach.

She also told me to avoid storing the food in fridge or freezer cos she thinks it make food "gassy".

I got this thing from Indian ma-ma shop to be added into those "gassy" food, incl Lentils, to reduce "gas" after bb consumed. SO far K has been ok with all the food I fed him. He does fart, but that's so even when he doesn't take solid. I think it's bcos I din burp him enuf.

I think I am gonna get the book you &amp; Sam got..

Oh dear! another long post..

My girl also like clockwork...on the dot at 30 mins she will wake up...we have nick named her the "30mins" baby
She usually will play for abt 1/1/2 hrs then nap 1/2 hr then play again 1/1/2 hrs and the cycle goes on till 8.30pm where she finally goes to sleep till next morning...for my girl, think cos she sleeps so little in the day, usually at night she knocks out which is good for me
My mum agrees with Kim's mum on Kim's listed issues: storing good in fridge / freezer causes food to be "gassy", food for infants are ebst eaten freshly made. Banana causes phelgm. So far, i have only feed my boy pumpkin, potato,brown rice cereal. My MIL who is more westernised believe infants can eat anything, she cooked porridge with scallop, carrot, potato and pork for my boy. I didnt like the idea of feeding scallop to my boy but find it hard to say "No" to her. Luckily, she doesnt see my boy often.
HB and i are lazy, when we take care of boy ourselves, we only feed him with brown rice cereal 'cos it's instant. We leave the freshly made food feeding to my mum who is a full time housewife. How convenient
I have EXACTLY same issues with u! Shanna is nt interested in milk too le, I tot it's the immunity FM so I bot a tin of procalci from Gina last week, but same thing persists! Made 6 oz but bal 1-2oz, sometimes no choice gotta dream feed her. But it cld b her cough, teething dat's causing all this, am nt sure...

And yes, shanna slps better on tummy too, since mon... Lol!

nana lost abit of wt... Was 7.7+ ytd when she's at the clinic... Haha... I think she still lose much much much much compared to tomi lar!!!
Hi ladies,

Anyone's babies start recognizing people and refuse to let you leave his/her sight. The moment you do so, he will wail loudly. My boy is doing this all the time now and he won't let us leave his sight. Once we did that, he will cry and wail like nobody business. How should I train him to be independent? He really wasn't like that just suddenly become so sticky.

Because of that, we hardly can do our housework and we spend all our time playing, talking to him.

I really need advice.....I think I have reached my limit. I thought people usually say when they reach the age of 6 month our life would be easier but somehow my boy is crankier than ever.

true true. not much time to think about our ba.
think I should go get a swimming costume and bring Darius go swimming!
safra and Csc require member? or dey also accept outsiders?

like u I also scare that Darius will catch a cold if not on swim suit
but think if u say jav not scare den mayb I'll leave hi
mayb check out the swim wear chiyojade was saying that she bought at mothercare

Darius use to nap every 3hrly and each time at least an hr
but now his nap shorten to between 20mins-45mins but nap more frequently like every 2-3hrs

re:potty training
my colleague says that dey train their bb after abt 1mth!
I ask bb where will know. dey say every morning u jus carry them to the toilet bowl n keep make the shhh noise dey will get it
my fren also potty train her boy since 2mths
now the boy can onli poo without the diaper
if der's diaper die also wun poo! a bit bad point abt this
Hi Rane,
Mine not so bad and she's a TV junkie. So I will play baby einstein vcd for her to keep her entertain while I do my household chores. Last sat, she managed to lie on her playmat and finished an entire vcd quietly.

Read in a book that baby needs to learn that you are still around even though out of sight. Can try stand in front of baby and talk. Slowly increase the distance till out of sight. Let baby get used to the idea you are near even though cannot see

In case you want to check out the prices:
I got konfidence swim suit with floats around the middle section for $59 from mothercare. for up to 15kg (if I remember correctly) and 1 yr old

The jacket type with floats is $89 but states there for 1-2years old.

babywarmers (baby wetsuit, though arms and legs exposed) are at $72 ~ I refuse to get cos so ex! my own wet suit cost slightly more only!!!! So much more material!!!

Now got promotion, buy konfidence swimwear get baby sunblock travel set (worth $20) free but limited to forst 100 sets.
My girl is behaving like that just this week. I'm thinking it's the result of being me sick+vacation that cause her separation anxiety cos she's used to having me move around the house while she plays on her own. She's gone to the point that I need to sleep with her to put her to sleep, when she can do it herself when she's tired before.

Since I'm training her to be independent again, I actually moved her out of my bedroom into her own room last night cos I don't want to delay the process should I plan for a #2 in a year's time. Just hoping she can adapt.
my colleague told mi that bb will start to recognize ppl around 6months
I also realize Darius will cry if I walk away and leave him with my maid
but I always let him cry cuz dun wan to pamper him too much
wun let him cry for too long.
mayb around 5min

their swim suit more exp den adult one!
Rane, i have same issue. Worst my boy refused anyone even daddy except me. When i go shower is always the nightmare for my boy. He will cry with tears even if my hb was there carrying &amp; pacifying him.
See if anyone can bring back for you from AU. I bought a half-suit for Joie, but the smallest size is like size 2, for a 2-yr-old. I got it around 20AUD from Target. Hmm, what I bought got for Joie to swim is a rash top and swim shorts (comes with a bucket hat for the beach) for the spf-coverup. As far as I know, she has never pooped in water, and only peed once out of water cos the chill got to her when she got out of the pool. I might consider the Konfidence reusable swim diaper, cos I yet to find a sunblock that's good enough to stay on without being a mess.
Hi lamagier, Sam, princess, twinkle,

Thanks for the replies.

My boy's cries are really intolerable. He would cry as loud as he could and then went on jumping up and down the walker. Very violent. Very very cranky.

He is currently under the care of my mother during weekdays but as my mother need to take care of my niece as well, she complains that my boy takes away every attention of hers. She cant even do her housework which usually last time she would have without much problem.

My hubby and I tried to let him cry but my mother would say not good to let them cry too long. So usually she will go over to carry him. That defeats the whole purpose. Think I am really going to be hard hearted. When I bring him back over the weekends, I really have to train him.

I just feel very tired...cos just when I thought I could almost relax since he turning six month, another type of attitude surface. Really sianz.
By the way, I am just wondering did you all carry your babies often?

I am thinking if my boy suddenly turned like that is it because of my mother in law. Cos last month, we took quite a number of leaves and so my boy is with me and my parents in law most of the time.

Sometimes my hubby and I need to go out, we would leave our boy with my parents in law. But their approach is abit different from my mother's. My mother believes in not carrying the baby too much but I noticed my mother in law likes to carry my boy a lot. And whenever he cries, she will carry him up from the walker. I even saw her carrying him throughout his sleep!!! If my mother ever sees that, she is definitely going to jump. Under her care, my boy is usually in the walker, moving freely round the house by his own.

Not sure if is because of this that's why he suddenly turns so sticky or cos as princess says, he turning 6 mth, starts being selective towards people.
Jia you. Your boy not too bad liao. I think my niece still wins the "stubborn separation anxiety" title hands down.

Haha, my niece had separation anxiety from 8-16 months!!! Allowed no one other then my sister, maid or my bil to carry her.
My sis said when they went aussie holiday, even had to take my niece into bathroom with her cos my niece refuse to let her out of sight, even if my bil is taking care of her.
i see.. jus nw saw edna eating cereal.. fast man!.. haha.. Jav takes longer.. drink milk he super fast..

i see, nw im tinking tonite i'll try.. gif milk den cereal.. haha..

if u wan normal swimsuit like Jav's type.. go to Tom n Stefanie/united Kids.. or downtown .. cheaper than mothercare for the same texture..bu
re: weaning
poohbear, it will get better i guess. like my gal, after i manage to put the spoon into her mouth, she will slowly taste and swallow, after 1 week of spitting food out.
so jia you!! hoping she can soon auto open mouth one of these days...

rane, my gal will not cry if i leave her alone as long as there's toys! haha...but she will make noise after a while la.
now her pattern is cry if i put her down to her bed or playmat, or even just want to change her diapers. but i always try not to carry her back, i will just keep talking to her and play with her until she's happy then i leave the room. she's not like this in the past. dun know what happen.
re: milk
Supply suddenly went up after gobbling down 2 bowls of Salmon Nanbanzuke at Sakae sushi last evening. Just now manage to get 270ml after 4hour from my last pump! Sakae sushi is my breast friend now lol!

comfort food. hahaha. It makes u comfortable, happy and thus can produce more milk.
I got more milk after taking the HK cha can ting's instant noodles soup. :p

Lamagier, TV junky? Not forgetting mommy's fav--CSIs and J&amp;K+8 kekeke..

Princess, wah, you friend so li=hai!! I think the poo w/o diaper deserved thumb up.

RE: Stranger and separation anxiety
K is like this occasionally and also depend where we are at.. Rane, does your bb get exposed to many people in daily life? I try to bring K out as much as possi to have him meet strangers cos it's alway me, myself &amp; I with he &amp; himself every day. He sees his dad for about 2-3 hrs every morning ONLY cos he's usually catching ZZzs when daddy comes home.
I dunno if this will hep but I think it'll make some diff cos I see those kids who grew up in a larger family usually more chin-chai to have anyone carry.
another thing I also realize is that bb who are not sticky usually becomes unbelievably clingy when their mommy is pregnant.. So... are you?
