(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hehe.. i see... will let her try over weekend. but sian to start cos means i need to prepare her porridge before i leave the hse.

thermal cooker save more electricity/gas & time. cos u just need to cook till rice a bit soft n then put into the thermal pot n let it cook itself. rice cooker warm all the time.

when u cook fish porridge, do u use any stock?

let her drink milk first then cereal. faster that way. she's taking abt 90-120ml milk + 2tbsp cereal + 1 babycube of puree.

btw u brought edna to see dr cheng at kinderclinic eastshore? needs to bring my boy to see PD cos having fever.

Did you send me an email fr facebook? Cos the email title looks weird, dun dare to open. My friend mentioned his facebook account got hacked, sent spam to others on his friend list..... My hotmail also kena. Saw got rubbish emails in my sent box...

Edna still slimmer than my fat girl lah.
8 days 1 tin? Wow, that's pretty fast. I just started giving happy bellies on Friday. But I only give 1 feed a day to let her get used to solids. Need to check with my aunt if she thinks my girl can take maybe 2-3 times a day.

I'm infatuated with my girl (only in evenings =p) ~ played with her the whole evening for the past few days. And realized I have not laughed so happily for a long time. So happy watching her blow drool on the husband's face & stuffing her drool-coated grubby fingers into unspecting husband's mouth and watch him shriek. Hahahaha
anyone bought the baby neck float? which one is better? the one by mambo (more ex, handle above) or the one by mummykian (cheaper, handle below)
heee..no probs.. don worrie abt it!.. hes better nw..=D

haha,yah.. my hb always tell him.."Jav, strong boy!!" hahahaa..

Coolkero, Lamagier,
thanks..=) hes feeling okay alrdy.. but ytd, we saw his rite leg turned PURPLE.. all the way till the feet.. n dono wads wrong.. we jus try to massage a lil.. it goes off for a min or so.. den it all returns back.. it cont for a few times n den suddenly.. it jus disappears again.. dono wads wrong.. was so scared, wondering dono isit the fall made him like tat.. but till nw, it nvr returned back..hmmm..

wah.. u sound seriously ill.. mus take care ya.. lil nana needs u.. hee.. anw, i myself haf been diarrhea for abt 6 days or so... i jus cont bf.. so far, Jav's okay too.. i oso dono wads wrong.. i jus avoid all milk stuff n tk plain food.. like porridge n bread n drink water.. diarrhea jus stopped ytd, but tummy still feeling weird.. n today it started again.. madness man.. let us noe aft u've visited the doc.. wonder isit viralattack..*sigh..
take gd care okay..

Jav oso wakes up everytime in the middle of the nite.. but the funny thing is.. i don see any teeth coming out yet.. hmm, sometimes wen we see 3 hrs is up, we jus feed him milk n he'll always bite the teat n nvr finish up at all.. so im wondering if its teething?.. den sometimes in the middle of the nite, he doesnt even slp even in yaolan..until hes super tired n knock out himself..
anw, jus wanna check, if teething will haf fever?.. cos i realised recently, Jav's temp keeps going up n down..

anw girls, wanna check, those who started on solids, aft the solids.. do u all feed yr lil ones milk immediately, or wait awhile b4 giving them.. cos for Jav, he cant wait.. aft the solids, he wans his milk immediately!.. n he can finish it all.. im so afraid if im overfeeding him like tat..
bbethan, what do you mean any stock? my mum was the one who prepared everything. she bought those rice meant to cook as porridge for babies. N fish she blend till super fine & passed to me. muhahahaha. i definately not a good cook like HBB. :p

Gillian, i also rec'd a message from you in fb. "hey there I was just talking to Adrian and they asked me to show you this BINSSERVICESONLINE .INFO"
read this from my personal yahoo email.
K started waking up more when we were in SLC, thot its time diff since it's day time in Sin when he drinks more.. I think the whole 2 weeks plus the 3 days of jet lag, he has been taking in alot more than usual.. Before our trip, he started to sleep earlier than his usual 8/8:30pm, so I did have to give a dream feed around 11 or mid night. Didn't know this is caused by teething..

These days, he had learnt to wiggle oout of the swaddling blanket by turning from side to side.. This boy still hasnt master the art of flipping. Only occasional roll-over by chance. he hee.

Thanks bestberries for info on high chair. I may pop by the shop u mentioned to check other bb stuff out too!

HBB, sometimes the public dunno our concerns with hygiene cos either they are not mothers yet or during their time, viruses are not so 猖狂.
bbethan ya i brought edna to dr cheng at east shore. tink muffingirl go to him also
quite anice pd i tot.. he captured edna's attention for duno wat reason!!!! hehe
which cereal u gave amanda huh?

ia lso gt that spam leh. i din know its a spam n open it..hope nothg happen!

oh ur girl diff mah haaa edna startign dun liek to drink milk rem? all the way till near 5 mth LOL
i got no choice cos not enuff milk for her so gave her lunch as well but she is takin it well so ok lor.. heehee
i would hav prefer to fully transit her to cereal for bf 1st.. sigh..

kim haiz ya lor... wat to do... esp older ppl... ..jes if u still LS better go see doc hor cos ju snow doc say i kenna viral inffection.. cos he say i got no flu symptom.. and my throat is badly inflammed.. haiz
hbb - i checked BP thread and they dont have, although i think i remember seeing before. aiya, have to buy for mil for cny. there's a wheel brand or sthg. thot if mummies here have lobang we can do our own BP.

gillian - i got the same msg from you
kim - if you're popping by the shop, i'm thinking of buying 2 playpens, and the shopkeeper say if i buy big ticket stuff can discuss price. woo-hoo. just fyi in case u think u want to combine forces with me

Mummies do you feed bb cereal before or after milk feed?

i feed XR cereal on the 1st Jan.. after her milk feed at 11ish.. waited 30 mins after her milk and prep 1 teaspoon of ceral for her.. she finish 70% of it.. not that she can't finish but bec she had 5oz of milk ealier on so i scare i overfeed her.. thus just stop at 70% ...

this morning forgot to remind MIL to feed her cereal.. dunno she will remember or not.. cos last 3 days i was looking after XR's feeding alone.. she was out..

what do you suggest i introduce next? Carrots good?
Jes, teething may come with mild fever.

I now see the next 4 gum swellings - 2 upper front teeth & possibly the next 2 lower front teeth.... No end to teething!! He likes to put his upper gums on the lowered railing of the cot.... Using that as teether!! He looks hilarious! Especially when that's the first thing I see when I wake up!!

Kim, Tim can flip even when tightly swaddled, so I follow gina's advice & start to wean him off the swaddle. Maybe that's why I'm having sleepless nights
Sunsweet, carrot is good! but not too much. U got the food chart from PD?
K is starting to not like cereal, even the Gerber I got from US that has banana

Muffingirl, is Tim on routine? I am just reading the Tracy Hogg's book. I am going to start weaning K from the dream feed, and I think if not due to the teething and activities, K may be waking up more bcos of hunger (cos sometimes, he only finish half the milk, and may or may not finish all the 5.5oz after I warm up the milk again)..
Just wonder if Tim may be hungry.
I am going to try to increase his feed from 5.5OZ to 6OZ tomorrow then see how he is taking to the 6 before I wean him from the dream feed.. I read that between 4 & 6mths, they should be able to stretch to 4hrs interval while I am still struggling with 3H15mins.. Today he slept more (like described in the book) so I think it's time..

Bestberries, can u PM me your mobile number? I will sms u when I go. Probably on 16th cos we have a class on 9th.
mashy - I bought BOTH floats. I actually bought the one from Mambo first - it comes in a box with pump and bath thermometer and a patch in case there is a leak, I think, but it also comes with bells and I have to say that I didn't really like the look of it. SO I found that a bit irritating, then I bought the one from Mummykian because I thought it looked nicer (not that it really is, lah).

Anyway, when I bought mummykian's, it was just the float, so it was quite cheap and she didn't really have the colour I wanted; but never mind, I wanted to take bb swimming the next day.

So I use mummykian's now and let my friends use the other one when our kids go swimming together. Mummykian was quite good because she actually smsed me the next day to ask me if the float worked OK. Then, I had a problem with the one from mambo so she exchanged it with another float (within 2 weeks).
bestberries, I have 2 cans of abalone to get rid off. They are the New Moon Brand, from Australia, exp May next year, BUT it is a little but "rusty" on the top - it's not rust, but it doesn't look brand new. PM me if you are interested.

I hope all the mummies and babies get well soon!!! My bb had hepatitis but now it's all clear, so it must be so worrying for you all.

BTW, I am quite terrible, I just pass baby to other people - I take it in good faith that they are OK, so just pass...I don't even think abut the germs and all that! In Bali, I was happily passing him to the shop assistants(the Balinese LOVE babies and love to carry them and play with them)to carry while I did my shopping. Now I feel so terrible!! Thankfully he is OK.

BTW, I have contacted aquaducks AGAIN regarding the swim class. They were closed for the hols. Kim when is K's birthday? They wanted to know that the last time. I just said that I knew someone who might be interested and the baby was also born in July.
I stopped using the swaddle cloth recently. Char was waking up several times at nite cos she was fighting with the cloth and entangled when she flipped. Now she sleeps in the sleepsacks; she can still flip in them and free to use her hands for self-soothe or grab the beanies. She is sleeping better now.
Chiyojade, wow, u are great! I was still procrastinating.. K is born on Jul13. How did you gals found out about these floats? I must admit if not bcos of this thread, I am still in the mountain..
Happy new year all mummies. ;)

To mummies and babies who are not doing well, do take care. Rest well. Jia you!

Re: strangers with babies
I kinda take it in good faith also that it's ok for strangers to hold my babies hand etc.. until I heard this account from my MIL. Apparently when she was in US, there was a baby who went missing in the departmental store. As there were previous incidents of kidnaps, the store manager closed the shutters and prevented all shoppers from leaving the store so they could find the missing baby.They managed to locate the missing baby, but what was scary was that the baby had his head shaved, clothes changed. Thank God they manage to locate the baby and catch the guy who tried to kidnap the baby...

After hearing this, I try not to be too trusting.. :p And always keep my hands on my buggy when my baby is in it.. :p

Re: FP rocker
Kim - my rocker almost flipped over coz my boy tried to sit up on his own so hard that the whole thing just rocked forward so hard... So I don't dare to leave him on it without supervision now..
Noelle, I tried the sleepbag when I was in SLC, but bcos it's not meant for winter weather so I stopped. Now K is always hot, so I think I am not gonna be able to swaddle him for too long too.

Meng Lee, that's scary incident!!! My MIL also told us whn my hb was young, they even left him with the lady boss of the inn cos she loves to bb sit since she has no kid, she said she will nvr do that these days.. Imagine there are even ppl who kidnap foetuses.

RE: FP Rocker
ya, at this point, we have to use under supervision, if not keep it until bb is older and has their feet touching the floor when sat on it. I only foresee the chances of it happening, din know it almost did.. good thing your bb is aok. Praise God!
I prefer this type of float...the neck float looks so uncomfy on them...
This photo was taken in 2006 when Nigel was 6mths old and mummy 5 kg lighter.hahah
I have sent aquaducks the date of K's birthday,

Anyone else interested?

I am a water baby - love to swim, so when a friend told me about these floats, I was like "Must buy!" But I was quite terrible, we only bought the float and took him straight into the pool.

But Kim, you are wealth of info - I can't be bothered to read up(am a worrier, so if I read about a bad thing, I'll start worrying about it, therefore have decided to forgo all literature!) so thank goodness for all of you here - that's how I get my info!:)

Meng Lee - that's super scary! When I passed the baby to others (strangers, eg in Bali), there was someone else there - either my mum or husband. But hmmm...now I will think twice!
can keep me updated on aquaducks as well?

Re: float
My boss was telling me the arm floaties or konfidence swim wear is best for kids cos they will learn to swim faster this way. He's 2 kids are swimmer & elder one is in sports school, so I guess he knows his stuff.
the konfidence swimwear got 2 or 3 type..which oen is better?edna usign the normal w/o the 'blocks' one now
I tried the waverider (a friend had it) but bb cannot sit up yet, so a bit difficult.
Also, I felt that he wouldn't kick his legs, whilst with the neck float, he can move his arms and kick his legs.

As for the water wings, I think I will only use that when they are older? They can't keep their heads up yet, so how? If they can use it, then I would prefer that as it can free his neck area as well! :)

My main thing about swim lessons is for the bb to put his head under water. I won't know how to teach that. Actually, bbies are supposed to know how to stop breathing underwater, so I guess the learning/fear of putting them underwater is for ME!! LOL!
My boss was talking about the vest type. he was saying best to have baby swimming as unhindered as possible so they can learn that swimming entails holding head above water & moving arms and legs.

re: walker
Still not that confident whether letting bb sit in walker is a good choice or not. Was checking it out online and turns out walker is banned in Canada! And saw a summary of a research paper mention the big tray in front of walker makes it hard for baby to associate moving of legs with walking.
But many mummies mentioned it varies between babies and most importantly is the adult supervision (fall from stairs, holding stuff and dropping on baby after colliding with walker etc...) Most recommend keeping walker time to below 20min a day. Now very confused, but see my girl so tired of lying down and was happily laughing away when drunkenly moving around in her walker....
ChiyoJade: It is a reflex that the babies have which help them to hold their breath. But by 6 months they start to lose it. For Max, we teach him by always warning him when he is going under, its always a " ready 1, 2, 3" so he gets ready to hold his breath. Or you can blow at their forehead on 3 and you can see them holding their breath as well.

When he's having his bath I always take the shower and shower from the back of his head down over his face. I'll put the shower on the back of his head so he knows the water is coming and then prompt him 1, 2,3 by 3 he's already closing his eyes cos he knows the water is coming over his face.

Best thing to do is to take it slow, use a small cup and let them get use to water over the back of their head, around their ears...etc if they seem comfortable then try once over their face. My #1 who is 2, has only recently gotten the confidence to swim a short distance underwater cos she saw her baby brother doing it.

Most of the time when I take the kids swimming, we don't use floats or water wings. Their swimming teacher says they learn much quicker without artificial aids and *touch wood* if anything should happen and a child falls into the pool, they won't panic cos they don't have their float. Another thing about those sitting floats is they need to be under supervision at all times cos they can lean over the front, tip forward and have no way of getting back up cos the float prevents them from being able to.

In saying that, I used to use the water wings for my #1 just to give her some confidence in the water. It helped her in the beginning and when she got better we just hid them away.
Hbb: How are you feeling?
initially, i dun really follow strictly milk first or cereal first. depends lor. if early morning after wake up, will give her milk, followed by cereal. in the evening, sometimes i give cereal, then rest a while then milk. normally i find that cereal then milk will result in her not been able to finish milk n drink very slow.

what i meant is u just cook the rice with normal water n fish... which will taste very bland or even fishy, right? or do u use stock (like ikan bilis stock or fish stock) to cook with the rice?

i just brought my boy to see Dr Cheng cos the clinic at parkway closed in the afternoon. dun want to bring him back to town to see PD as i'm in the east n moreover the pd he used to see no longer practising there. must admit he's a nice dr. a bit handsome too... kekeke... but it's super ex!!! Cost me $150+! *heartache*

she's still taking earth best rice cereal. after finishing this pack, will let her try the happy bellies brown rice. also bought the organix banana rice cereal. after all these, prob will start her on healthy times already.

forgot abt the Kai Clinic u gals talking abt previously. so much nearer to his cc.

Any mummies here seeing Dr Ngiam at SBCC Gleneagles? anyone know where he's working now?
hw do u put max to bath now w shower head? i cant fig out hw to hodl edna.. so she still bath in tub w wet cloth all over her head.. water dripping down. would wan to bath her w shower head.. jus like hw u did it.
the other day at KL dh put her underwater for a sec.. nxt day an 'ccident' hapen and her face was under water for 6 sec the silly girl cry like mad.. hehe...

thanx.. looks like edna is usin the right one now... except that its too big hahaaa

haamayb tat y edna sooo attracted to him.. tat day she keep staring ns taring.. turn her away to face us she still turn her head diedie must see dr cheng LOL
ya pretty ex but if he is gd i dun mind hehe

anyway my gp dun charge consultation for PNC jab so likely iwill bring edna to him
its at bishan thou
bestberries - no worries. :)

aquaducks - will post once they get back to me...I actually find them a bit slow to respond to emails and I can never get through their phone line...Always automated message...

konfidence swimwear - I just went to see what it looks like - do we need that "warm" function? It was produced in the UK and as the waters in the pools and sea are much colder in the UK than Singapore, do we really need it?

I have to say that my bb tends to yes, cry a little when we first put him in the water - we carry him and then we slowly go deeper and deeper and when he was "warmed up" in the water, then we put the float on him and off he goes. He can stay there for quite some time.

Plus, if we join Aquaducks and as their pool is heated, all the more do we need something like that?

OK, OK, so I'm also saying that because I don't really like the design and colour of the wetsuits! LOL!!!

At the moment, bb just wears the Huggies swimmers and a swim bottom that I bought from Mummykian, but I think he may outgrow that one soon! So am thinking of which one to get?

Jillian - I am going to try the 1, 2, 3 method tomorrow! See lah - super ks. I am dying for bb to be able to swim! ;-P
HBB, Gillian,
My silly girl tries to lick and drink the bath water when I wipe her face, let water run down her face, use shower head (slowly move from back of her head to her front)... More worried about her drinking soapy water then her crying from the water....
i tink the babies prob need it since it gets pretty cold whent hey r wet and above water..
also the konfidence swimwear got a bit of bouyancy one.. keeps them afloat a little here n thr.
u gg aust rite?can buy thr..cheaper!!!
but if u talkign bout buyf or aquaduck then mayb not lar.. since liek u say its heated
tink UK swimmin pool are heated also?(indoor pool usualy, rite?)
same lor she lick n lick .. tsktsk
do u put ur girl in bathtub then use shower head?
the freaking prob is my shower area is too small i tink.. scare knock left right LOL
Yeah, maybe going to Australia - but in May - and I don't think I can wait that long!?! Hahahaha. Will see how...

Think the indoor pools although heated are also quite cold - at least the ones in France are - warm for them, but I'm so used to Asian waters that O find the water cold!! I have swum in the seas around France, Australia, etc, but must like MOVE SUPER NON-STOP, as waters can be below 20 deg!! I once went to an indoor pool in France and it was 25 deg for the water. For me, that was cold! Sigh..oh for the waters at Thailand - warm and transparent! ;-P

I also don't use the shower head. My husband puts the bathtub on the kitchen cabinet near the bathroom - and baths bb there. If it's me bathing bb, then I use the bathroom (can't carry the tub and water - too heavy!) SO maybe I'll try the shower head thing when I bathe, but if it's husband bathing tomorrow, I think I might use a small cup. :)
chiyojade: hope the cup works, if bb seems uncomfortable with water around the head/ear area don't pour down the face cos once they are scared it takes time to build up their confidence again. Best to take it slow. I was also very eager for my #1 to swim and now looking back at times I pushed her too hard and affected her confidence as well
Jillian - thanks for the good advice! Yeah, I must remember to take it slow. We have a dog and when he was a puppy, I asked my husband if all dogs were natural swimmers (he has had a few dogs before) and he said yes, and to prove it to me, he put the puppy in our bathtub. Z (the dog) did not sink, but had the shock of his life and now he hates the water!!! So yeah, I scolded my husband (!!!!) and now will definitely go slow with bb. :)
haa ya the heated pool is cold too.. its the air!! when i went to the swedes pool i literaly refuse to come out of the pool...
Yup, I let her sit in the plastic tub with water and hold the shower head over. Cos I typically soap baby outside tub (I sit on stool and she sits on my foot or on her used clothing so she's not sitting on cold tiles), use hanky to dip in tub the 'wash' most of the soap away, then let my girl sit in the tub for final rinse and some 'play water' time. No confidence leting her play with shower head outside tub cos afraid my hands may slip and she falls =p
u can try buying the non slip mat (annaku brand) then she can sit on the floor le.. wun slip either hehe

i shall try showering her w shoer head when i regain my strength
Y'know, I have NOT been rinsing bb at all. I jsut use one pump of bath products (am using the Mustela cleansing gel) and put bb in bath, using a facecloth/hanky to wash him and then I don't rinse bu that day I read the instructions and it said to rinse. BUT I think the hospital said no need to rinse....maybe I should rinse him!? anyone using the same product?

lamagier - putting the baby on the used clothes, not on the tiles,is a good idea...I might try that. Mine is always in the bath, but if he needs to be rinsed, then I think I'll follow what you do!
ehh i dun rinse her either
tat time the bb class say no need wat! im using sebamed kids sometimes use the california one.. or if she gt eczema open wound i use oilatum
K phew! So I am not the only one who does this and I only realised this - a bit late - 6 months later! LOL!!!

HBB - you should be resting! ;-P Get well soon!
im resting now LOL edna sleep=mummy rest... waitin for times up then do my last pump before i log off
jus now i had a long nap so now wide wake... sianzzzzz
tml is start of my nitemare.. dh away till weekend
HBB, Lamagier, Chiyojade, are you gals talking about rinsing after a swim or bath? Cos if bath, I have been quite tempted to use the shower as his is out-growing the tub, and once I get the carpetner to give me the table top as a new change station, it'll be hassle to bring water from bathroom to his room.. Currently, I still bath K in his about-to-out-grow-tub and I also dun rinse. I thot the bb shower gel are all non-rinse? I had tried top-toe (very drying for bb skin), Cetaphil, Cal BB FLu/cold, Cal Calming. I love them all..

When I first bath K in my SIL's adult bath tub, she advised me to put a towel under, but the towel kept floating away, so I gave up..

I think I will try HBB's non-slip mat method cos I have a nonslip mat for his tub for this.. After this then I'll do the mom/dad & babe shower together..

im talkign bout bath hehe
wah u mean u bath him in ur room?1 gosh!! v v texing on ur back manz!!
the non slip mat gt suction under neath so it wun move either hehe
if u wan non slip tub..ikea one is the best!
my suckling pig still gt loads of room in that tub!
