(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Wow! 2 mums are in the same "line" - must do IPPT? ;-P I used to go to the gym v frequently, but at the moment, looking after baby is my gym time!

ETirto - I LOVE the Indon "green oranges" - what are they called in Bahasa Indonesia? They are always so sweet and very refreshing one hot day!

I like the Destitin Creamy blue one. I have not tried the purple one but I have heard from a few people that the smell is quite strong and quite medicinal. Not sure about which is better though.

Bestberries: Here are the details

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries

Questions some mummies are asking :-

1) How much is the trial?
Ans : Free

2) What time does the class start?
Ans : 1pm. Best to reach by 12.45pm for registration.

3) How long is whole program?
Ans : 45min

4) Can i bring additional friend/elder kid(s) along?
Ans : Yes, you may BUT they are not allowed on the gym floor.

It's at UE Square, but I rang them and they said that they are at the Shopping Mall side. I finish work at 12.15 at Bkt Timah, so I will rush to pick bb at my Gran's in Stevens Rd and then rush down, but I WILL be there and hope I can arrive at 12.45!

Do we have to wear socks? Or will it be too slippery with socks?
So....er...are the toys sterilized..?

Linsu - actually, it's very true that even if you finish work at 1 pm on Sat, the whole day is sorta gone already!!! My husband used to work till 5.30 every Sat, so our weekend only Sun and then we go to church in the morning, so our time tog was very short. Thank goodness he works only till 2 pm now. So I know what it's like! Once again, am sooo happy for you!
JWT this sat - oh no, fish! i thought it is at east gate. I cant make it this sat cos have to deliver pineapple tarts to relatives. and my hb not around so cant imagine taking cab alone with bbies and maid and lugging pineapple tarts around. a thousand apologies to Twinkle for organising. am so muddle. here's the updated list.


1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) -
re: nite crying
Seems like quite a few mummies also have babies fussing in the midddle of the nite. I hope this is just a phase... was telling the husband MR like Transformer Decepticon ~ tranform into 'Sleep Disruptor' at nite and day time is a cute little tubby bulldozer...
re : jwt

bestberries, no worries.

chiyojade, no need to wear socks if i rem correctly. as for the toys being sterilized part... i hope they do.

i rem some mummies like kittyng, mashy & pprincess couldnt make it last week. anyone keen to join this coming sat ones? 2 more available slot.
tomi slight fever this morning, soo grumpy, izit advisable to give cereal wif apple puree? or skip a few days and just give milk? i scared too heaty cereal later he cannot poo poo. i called pd office, nurse say go ahead and give....any advice mommies?
thank u! thank u! gonna check it out now!
searching hi & lo

yea man.. sometimes dunno work so hard for what if we couldn't spend enough time wif family.. hehe.. thanks again! btw, the "BABY ORANGE" = "JERUK BABY" (in indon).. hehhee..
hey ladies

can i chk wif those gals who r giving cereal to their babies if u add in those instant puree to the cereals?? coz my aunt old lady dun wan use the blender i buy leh so i was thinkin get those organic puree and get her to add in to cereal.. do u all think its ok
hi july mommies:

i have 2 x nestle nan pro2 400g exp 02/10/2010.
i want to exchange for similac stage 2.

if interested pls pm me.

Re: KM Trial

1) kittyng
2) peanut
3) pprincess
4) sherryl
5) twinkle
6) japa
7) xman

Mummies above, pls email me ([email protected]) your details:
1. Baby's name
2. Baby's date of birth
3. Mummy's name
4. Mummy's contact

I will forward the course/trial info as well as the payment info to all. Thanks
hahaa!.. ya i tried n find it nice too... oso puzzled y tat lil boy don like it.. anw, u try adding potato.. jus one small one to the whole broccoli, steam den blend, he mite like it like Jav.. cos the smell comes out v diff..got potato smell nt jus strong broccoli.. i suspect tats the reason tats y Jav gulped it dwn this time round.. hehee..

meme!! i add puree to the cereal..hehehe.. ive tried bottled ones too.. make hot bottled ones den mix in.. shouldnt b a prob.. but of cos, hm made ones better than bottled ones.. or u wan try to make on weekends or sth..den store the amt u need each time in containers/ice cube tray den tell yr aunt abt it.. ask her make hot n mix into the cereal??.. =D
Hi Twinkle, can I replace bestberries, with Lucius for this Sat's JWT trial? But i'm bringing my helper along cox my hb has to work.
HBB or mummies with U-Like Blender,

Can the blender grind rice grain? Is it I have to use the four blades one to grind grains?

I tot of grinding some Millet to add to the brown rice powder.

Also which type of brown rice you use? the light brown ones or the red brown rice?
the U Like Blender can grind rice grains. Think is use the dry blades one. remembered the promotor showing it.

i used light brown ones. i ever bought one that's mixed - white + brown + red ones. i find that very good n easier to cook than other brands. some elephant brand. i got it fr carrefour.

btw, u want to buy over my Mamil Gold 2 400g? Sms me cos i lost yr contact.
TJE, I am going to take my Pigeon Hand and Mouth wipes then! If anyone forgets, then can ask me! :)

Seems like many babies waking up at night now...mine is also starting. Quite "annoying" (I know it's not his fault), but last night he woke up TWICE - around 12.30 pm and then again at around 5.30 am!
I feel that he tends to do that when he hasn't had enough solids. I tried avocado today and he hardly ate it. After a while, he pursed his lips and didn't want to open them anymore! Dunno what to do!
baby waking - my bb does that too. think she's toothing.

linsu - i see. yes totally right, work so hard for what ? in the old days, men had to bring home the bacon. women just stay home and look after bb.
Linsu, congrats...yr wish has come true!!! So happy for u! Everything is worth it. I also recently cfm my order with mambo but still dunno whether I had chosen the right size of the thermal swimwear.

I just take size 2 cos' i think stacia will outgrow size 1 quite fast.. anyway, bigger is better than cannot wear.. hehe..
thanks for tat.. haiyo my aunt hor old thinkin keep sayin to me no need so mafan last time we oso no such things u all oso grow up kicking n alive so no prob!!! so i jst get her the organic ones to put in and i do fresh for him during weekends.. gv my ears a break lor.... ha
kittyng, sure no problem. i think on that day when you register, you just inform the in-charge you are replacing bestberries can? cos the in-charge took donkey yrs to reply my mails. i think as long as we dont exceed 10 bb will be fine.

as for the KM, sorry i might hv to remove my name. thinking of bringing my boy for his jab the day before. I let you know by this weekend when my hb back sg can? paisei paisei.
jes, my boy loves potato too. he can eat alot. maybe i'm a potato lover. i ate ALOT ALOT during my pregnancy. :p

ETirto, convenient to share how much the PD charge for pneumococcal including consultation? when u ask for sample do you ask from PD or at the counter? what do you mean Pro-cal & Immunify? I know nuts about fm.
when u say can leave the milk in room temp for 6hrs do you mean fm? not bm right?

If fm, the next feeding do we need add more water+milk powder into same bottle or just give the remaining first then make another bottle of 'new' milk for them to drink?
mummies like to check if fresh puree (fruits & veg) how long can we keep in room temp under air tight container? afraid food like veg might turn yellowish if outside room temp for long. cos putting my boy to bbsitter next week. wonder how to 'store' fresh puree to her to feed my boy.
No prob Twinkle, pls let me know by this wkend as I'm required to make advanced payment by cc to KM once the no. is confirmed. Thanks

hbb, I saw your fb videos and showed my fam. They are so impressed with how fast edna is developing. Dun worry abt her cereal rejection....i'm sure her appetite will return one day.
twinkle, I spent around $485 for pneumococal and 6 in 1 jab , include the $60 consultation. Actually the PD is the one who offered me whether I want the sample. Off coz I said yes! Eh I thought you go to the same PD rite? Similac have 2 types now. apparently the Immunify is the latest and 'improved' formula. but Naomi prefer the earlier version.

6 hours is meant for FM. but I know for BM you can keep for 4 hours, ya? usually I will only finish the remaining one first, if she can finish and still fuss then I will make another portion (which is actually just half feed).

HBB, forgot to ask you something...
How do we use the 'magic'-cooker? we cook the porridge with meat/veggie ON the stove: half cooked? then just put it back in the pot and cooked by itself? Nigel is still using my slow cooker to boil the black chicken soup everyday, so I'm thinking to use the magic cooker to cook porridge for Naomi next mth. Is it save to put the raw meat inside the porridge? (usually with the slow cooker, I will just dump everything in and let it boiled by itself).
My baby also wakes up in the middle of nite n cry. No way to pacify him except to latch him on to drink. :p could it be growth spurt?

Hee. I love the description of transformers. It's very apt.

Btw, are all babies sleeping thru the nite already? Mine still wakes up at least once for milk. :p sometimes twice.

Re: solids
I'm feeding only 0.5 tablespoon of cereal n 1 tablespoon of veg/fruit once a day. Is that too little?
Etirto, i brought my boy to normal GP for his 6-in-1. so far only brought him to Siva (same PD right? hehe.) for his eczema once. thinking of bringing him to Siva for pneumococal if the price not v steep. cos my normal GP dont really do assessment, measure ht & weight.
i tink edna gt a bit pf seperation anxiety at nite.. she onli wans me if possible.. sigh

the u like blender can blend rice grain. use the 2 blade one for rice grain =)

i haven use magic cooker before but wat u can do is out the meat toboil w the rice ne tc.. then transfer to magic cooekr together

u mean nigel drink black chix soup every day?!?!?!?!

haa ya hope she get her appetite bk soon..today she is a bit better..but still.... heehee
Re night waking: Maybe they are teething? I know mine is coz she's waking up at 530am (previously, she would be sleeping at this time) and during the day, she just wants to be carried all the time. :/

Re puree and cereal: Yes, I add them in.

Re purees at room temp: Please DO NOT keep purees at room temperature for more than 30 minutes. Don't even let them stay outside of the fridge to thaw or cool now. It increases bacteria growth (which can lead to food poisoning). Upon cooking and pureeing, while it's still steaming hot, put them in storage and freeze/refrigeration immediately.
i'm using the magic cooker to cook porridge for #1 now. just use the inner pot n put over stove with the rice n ingredients n cook for abt 5-10 mins. usually i wait until the grains are abt to "burst". then trsf into the main pot n cover up. it will cont to cook. half n hr later... it'll be cooked already.
Re: Waking up at night.

Alamak.. my gal too.. thay all "pa kat" one issit?

this morning at 4.30am wail and wail.. day before 5am.. only way to quiet her is to feed..

then this morning after 4.30am feed she sleep till 10.30am..

wonder what's happening to her..

her 2 teeth cut thru liao leh..
today had lunch with my fren. while having lunch, her ger cried for milk, my fren rched for the bag & took out a bottle (with milk inside already) out for her ger.

I shocked siah! den i asked my fren, she said all along she's been giving liddat to her gers... =.= And she dun like the idea of giving warm milk... *faintz*
bbethan, thanks for the advise. so basically i can just dump in everything rite? because sometime like spinach I put in the last min in the slow cooker, how about the magic cooker?

hbb, yes, everyday he drink chick soup. because he used to have low immunity. although I breastfed him for almost a year. haiz. now he's better. he also takes fresh-squeezed orange every lunch.
twinkle, oic. I think if you want the assessment, can bring your bb to siva. coz he's very detail and I'm so rest asured that my baby is well taken care off with him. he handle all babies very confidently (even with my #1 who tends to resist stranger, he would violently kick and push), also he does the jab himself. not the nurse. on the last visit (6mths) he pull her hand up and see whether she want to stand. and he asked me whether she's 'talking' already, how much is her milk intake. check eyes, ear, chest, etc...

you cook everything (rice grain + meat)and let it boil for sometime (boil longer = more flavourful) then u put the inner pot into the thermal pot to keep warm and con't the cooking process.

For spinach. i prefer to put the pot over the fire let it boil a while and add int the veg b4 serving.. i find that if i keep it in early, the veg will turn yellow.
bbethan...yes. it's paragon. if you want to go, don't go on Mon. it's super crowded. even more packed than isetan private sale...hehee...
hmm...no, I think Kenny Ee is not stationed in paragon, he may be in other branches.
actually there is another kinderclinic near my place, it's at henry park, off holland rd area. I always bring my boy there when he got 'light' illness. but when come to the serious one, when he got astma and flu in the same time. the PD there ask me to go to siva for opinion, he will decide whether he need to do chest xray or blood test, etc. so even among the PD, he's consider the 'guru' one. heheh

hbb, herewith is the link for the one u asking:
when I bought it there is additional 20% promo code.kekeke...
btw, cannot find the lifesaver thingy on the BP anymore lei...
ehh edna is behaving like a doll nw...sit in cot n cry for hours then lean fwd n doze off in sit n reach position... ok anot?
Hbb: Max did the same, he fell asleep in sitting position and looked so uncomfortable but I just left him. Figured if it was really uncomfortable he would move.
ok ok hee
i tot she realy look liek a doll sitting thr n cry sigh
ehh btw hav u book ur maya hotel trip?
my dh say gt promotion again
valid til march!!!
Stacia loves baby yoplait! She cud finish whole tub at one time hehe.. Prob is, can't find them now everywhere, even at PS Carrefour! U bought at which carrefour last time?

Refrigerating puree:
I thought cannot put hot food in fridge???? Must wait till it cools??

winnie-mummy - my friend, who lives in the US says that no one there drinks warm milk. They don't go out with thermos flask and hot water. She lived in Cleveland and Florida. So her daughters were the only ones drinking warm milk and whenever anyone asked her daughters how come? Wasn't it too warm? No need? etc etc.. Her daughter would reply, "Because I'm Chinese!" LOL!

Waking up/sleeping at night:
Yann used to sleep from 7.45 - 6 am, without waking up. Now he has been waking up quite a few times!!! Since quite a lot of us are experiencing it, I guess it's a phase?

So cute the babies who fell asleep in sitting position! :)
