(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

I MAY be able to make it, :) but now am also supposed to help someone with their moving house! Must double check timing.

The Nan Pro 2 is $28.90, so your prov shop is cheaper. Where is that??! Do u know the price of Nan HA 2 (manufactured in Switzerland)? If I'm in that area and if it's a lot cheaper maybe I can get from there...if not, then no point driving there to save like $1!! Petrol would cost more! ;-P

it's at bedok reservoir neighbourhood centre. i've just moved out from there. otherwise, will get it from there. i got my current tin there. looks like i've to start searching for alternative source. shd hv thought of stocking up the other time.
bbethan, the expiry is oct10. $10/tin. is the px ok w u? I can pass it to u at cityhall.
let me check the px at 'ang mo' supermart for both you & chiyojade since is only 5min walk fr my plc.
I also boiling mad when read your post abt bad cabby. My husband would have rammed his car into the cabby.... Hope you'll get a good closure to the whole incident soon.

Whoa, sounds like a very memorable trip. Hope nothing seriously bad happened.

Yippee! My piglet learnt how to suck from a straw cup. gave MR a staw cup to use yesterday instead os sippy (cos she realized water just keeps following and refuse to let it any where near an inch of her mouth). She surprised me that very evening by being able to suck up water (and letting them flow out from her mouth) and blowing through the straw (she likes the bubbling effect...) yah, she learnt how to throw the cup too
dinomum - you go girl !

are we more protective and sensitive to vulgarities now that we're mummies ? think so. hope that the coming year all of us will meet nice friendly folks who give us their seats and give way to us and bbies, avoid road bullies, rude teenagers and skinny bitches in heels who dont help with strollers
Lamagier, your MR thought it's a pool water. she's been taught to blow the water making bubbles, right?LOL.

Kim, did K do his wasabi-mayo stunt again?
Btw, I will let u know again whether wed morning I'm ok or not. Last nite felt bit feverish. Naomi is fine today, only left with bit of blocknose.
I feel a bit worried because she keeps vomitting the milk and refuse to eat solid. Now can see her cheek not so round anymore. haiz. so fast loose weight meh?

Muffingal. Remember to tuck your tail bone when carrying your Timmy! or your back will suffer.I can't imagine have to carry him to sleep. so heavy! Naomi has been able to sleep on her own from birth. I never carry or rock her to sleep and I tell my helper not too. If I carry her, she will get her cheeky look and become not sleepy anymore. Only last Sat when she got flu, Naomi got to be carried upright so that she can breath better. The whole night. Luckily I use my baby bjorn.almost die. and my back hurting like hell.lack of exercise I guess. so far I've been 'exercising' my finger only.clicking on computer
Hi Mummies,

good morning, i have 2 pigeon bottle (Y teat, 300ml) Brand new with box.

If any mummies keen, pls pm me

your girl so clever, fast learner.

i have mamil gold stage 2, if you keen can pm me.

Hope naomi get well soon, dun worry k.
Re: Daiso
wah so nice can go daiso shopping early in the morning. I also want but can't only on leave from thurs afternoon for CNY.

wat are you gers buying at daiso?
I might pop by Daiso one of these days to buy some more ice cub tray with cover ..

Question abt Poo?
These 2 days i find my gal's poo smell sourish.. humm any babies too? I wonder is it due to pumkin, cos last 2 days i fed her pumpkin.

U started on scallop? I didn't cos i tot we should give shellfish after 1 YO? I started with prok stock, after CNY will move to chicken stock.

The Diet Therapy book I find that its informative but i find it difficult to apply in real life. cos it seems that every kind of veg they state are all rounder. I read of general information only.. how you find it?
Hi all,
been busy.. Jav is sick.. for the first time.. got the flu bug frm daddy.. on sat morn saw the flowing nose, he startd coughing n was runnin a fever wen we brought him for tuina.. sigh..poor boy.. still coughing n having flu till nw.. ytd nite cried like mad.. cldnt stop at all despite being carried .. jus keep screaming n crying.. till abt 2 am plus den was able to settle him.. n had to sleep w him beside me.. gonna bring him out to PD n tuina ltr.. sigh.. first new yr for him n hes sick..

don tink able to meet u liao..=( another time k..
I bought the dried scallops (cant resist good offers from CNY sale) but ended up din put in the porridge i cooked yesterday.. cos also worried abt the preservative used.. so most likely will delay giving it to her since u also mentioned hehe..
when can we start on porridge?

I'm still at puree stage & trying out the vege & fruits. So far she has taken avocado, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrot, spinach, sweet potato, apple, pear. Her favourite is avocado. Today starting on potatoes and i'm trying 2 solid meals from today.

My gal is turning 7mths end of this week.
Regis started porridge at 6th month bcos Pd feels that he is feeding too little milk and no weight gain during his 5th month.
My aunt tried a few times intro porriage at 6 months, but my girl hates porriage and only wants cereal... Want to pretend to be ang mo baby
mashy, yr gal born on 14/july?
i tried porridge for Mia 2 weeks ago and she's ok with it. blend the rice then cook in soup stock plus some veggie puree..it taste yummy! i keep sneaking some into my mouth hahaha.

sunsweet, daiso sells ice cube trays with cover ar! i was searching for it high and low in takashimaya and bugis bhg and can find none!

re dried scallop, i do not dare to try also cos i find it's salty. but i put some wolfberries into her soup stock.

dino-mum, relax and cool it. dun spoil the coming cny mood because of some stupid uncle.

poohbear, sorry i got the milk bags from hbb cos she stays near my place, easier for picking up..hehe

any of yr babies like to pull his ears or poke his fingers into his ear? i keep seeing Mia doing that...her ears itchy is it?
mashy, I've started giving porridge at 6 months but I puree it (with blender) after cooking coz I realised when I didn't puree it, he didn't take very much of it and kept pushing it out. I usu add vege (e.g. carrot, broccoli) when porridge is almost done to cook the vege then puree.. Not sure if this is a good way but so far the boy has been taking to this much better than rice cereal.. Going to add pumpkin to porridge tmr..

Lamagier, yours ang mo baby, mine cheena boy..
LOL.. ;)
meng lee,
Haha, mine maybe is SPG wannabe

my girl does pull/rub ears, but from what I observed, it's a sign of her being sleepy rather than itchy. I do regularly use cotton buds to clean her ears (within eye sight) cos she has a lot of ear wax. I don't clean inner part of her ears cos taught during parent craft baby's ear's still delicate, best leave the inner area alone
Japa, mine mine mine! Regis will keep doing that esp when he is sleepy. One of his sleeping cue. But then again, his ears do not smell good either. Going to get his Pd smell it during his next visit. Please please don't be some ear infection.
peanut/lamagier, come to think of it, in the past it's one of her sleepy cues too. but now her stronger cues will be to rub her eyes 1st then give a loud frustrated grumbling. the ears thing seem to be happening here and there...hmm...let me go monitor again!
i'm bringing her for a vacinnation this wed...she's close to 7 mths and yet have not taken her 6-month jab...cos she has a long run of cold last 2 weeks.

mashy, my gal born on 14-july...thought yr gal same bdae as mine..heh.
Re: porridge
my ger dun reallie like porridge too, the most eat 2 mouths den starts pushing out too as well, only ytd managed to take 3-4 mouths, mabbe i shld consider blending it as well, but kinda defeats the purpose right? Coz i tot intro porridge is to help them learn hw to chew? No huh?
Re; porridge

think i'll be upset if my gal rejects porridge after i put in so much effort to cook. perhaps cereal is still the way to go. haha.
Re: porridge
mashy, dat's what i felt! upset mann! somemore, i dunno hw to cook one lor... but my ger also dun like cereal anymore... =.= Likes yougurt thou, my hb says she's like me, proper meals dun like, but like to eat snacks... haha...
Hi Hi,

I've been a silent reader of your thread since my preggie days....My gal is also July baby. Can I join in your thread? Hope to find some playmates for my gal...I was in paragon last weekend and when we passed by the open playground, my gal got so excited seeing all the kids playing....she was flapping her hands and kicking her legs....so I thought maybe she should have some playmates of her age...

I'm like hbb and Kim...taking care of my gal full-time. Tiring but fulfiling. My gal is very attention seeking...being beside her is not enough...must maintain eye contact...As I'm typing away, she grabbing my t-shirt trying to get my full attention.

I haven't signed her up for any classes yet (wanted to bring her to sign up but in the end so lazy and so just stay home to do online shopping....yes..I'm an online shopping queen....problem of being a SAHM). I'm thinking of signing her up for swimming lessons and playgroup. I read some of you have been taking swimming lessons from this lady called Sharon. Possible to share her contact? I'm looking at a weekday session.

Japa, my gal will also pull her ears when she's sleepy, together with her caterpillar move.

I'm a bag person like you both...heehee. But I think I need to return to the workforce soon if I want to expand my bottega collection...
La Girafe,

I am also like you a full time SAHM but only till apr cos going back to part time work then. I am also thinking of contacting Sharon for weekday swim lesson. Maybe we can let our girls go together? Let me know which day you are keen on then maybe we can contact Sharon?
Hi poohbear75,

I've already contacted Sharon on her available timings & charges. You want me to email you the details? I intend to go back to work after May but not sure if I can bear to leave the baby to the maid...
Hi La Girafe,

Can you PM me the details and let me know which day you are keen? Thanks! I am also going to leave my baby to my maid but they will both go down to my mum's so at least I can have some peace of mind...yah also cannot bear to go back to work but really need some sanity and adult company...that's why trying to do more bonding with her now....
babyethan, did you pm me? i didnt rec your pm. Can email me at [email protected] I might be going down tanjong pagar tml ard 1.30pm. i can drop by cityhall mrt if you are available. If not we can arrange again.

anyway the price at 'ang mo' supermart isnt that cheap compared to the one you saw.

Nan Ha 2 $34.90.
Nan Pro 2 $28.90.

pinkyxu, i'm the one who want mamil gold. hehe. you keen in any exchange?
Gotta cancel this wed shopping at daiso cos my best friend visited with a bad headache, I better rest so I will b well to go visiting during cny
let's do aft cny whn all tides r low, hee hee hee..

Re: porridge
I also upset k prefers instant cereal to the porridge I cooked.. I think it's the texture, he likes the jus fr the porridge but when the porridge was sent to his mouth, he gave a gagged expression!! While Amanda seem to like my porridge though... Think I hv to blend it.

Re: Dried scallop/ mussels
my mom said we could use dried mussels to make porridge now but to avoid scallops but I thought both r seafood and should be avoided until the y are older? More so when they are preserved.. I may start with fresh scallops when it's time to intro seafood.
Lamagier, wow!! Way to go MR!! How u did that? I gv up giving k sippy cup n tried straw but he's still not getting it. What can I do?
She started by bitting on the straw. Errr, me being the evil mama, I used my fingers to press down on her lips so they close around the straw. She was squirming and trying to make some noise and sucked up some water. A few repeats later, she started to catch on and I just gave her the cup to play for a while.
Think that was her only toy during our reunion dinner, so she just attacked it and was able to suck and blow bubbles by the evening. Am very pleasantly surprised by her progress too =) Hope she still will remember how to do it by the time she comes back to me on Thur nite

Never though one day I will get so excited just by a child being able to suck through a straw =p
Got a silly question
For ladies who stop bf, do you boobs size go back to orginal/ smaller or remain same size? Erm, I puffed up from A to C-D, now wondering if I should spend the $ to buy decent bras for the moment... Sick of wearing non-underwired flimsy nursing bras... Scared later my $ all go to waste if boob size go back to orginal after stop bf
Lamagier, I m excited by what ur child could do n so inspired to 'guide' mine.. Dun say the evil mama thingy, cos when the mama bird need to teach bb bird to fly, she had to push them out of the nest too! If we continue to baby them, they'll not learn or grow up..
Thanks for tips!
Hi Mummies

I've been missing for so long cause hardly have any time left for myself these days!!! Unbelievable..

Good to read some of the updates- just started Gabriel on solids last Monday. Had given him rice cereal, peas, pumpkin & apple. On Sunday, Gabriel overate and puke so much tt he gave us quite a scare and had stopped solid yesterday. Today, going back to rice cereal again. Hope everything is okay.

How much does your babies eat???

Gabriel's been trying to get himself up to a crawling position and gets frustrated when he can't. He's also experimenting with his vocals these days - screaming and yelling...quite embrassing when we are out..heee...

Any babies getting separation anxiety??? Gabriel has been experiening that since last month and that really keeps me busy, basically I can't do anything when he's awake the whole time. I really wish he'll sleep more. Does all your babies sleep lesser now???? Still taking 2 naps at least???
Hi LaGirafe

Welcome welcome...

Just saw HBB's and Meibao's swimming photos..Really cute. I'm looking into bringing Gabriel for swimming lessons too. Can you also email me the details? My email: [email protected]

oop... pai sei..
my mamil gold is only 400g. i only can meet you in bugis or hougang. hehe dun know what to exchange...


if you girl interested in buying the A5 plain card for doing your own flash card, i can help you girl to buy. Nut i not too sure the price, i can check out this coming sat. Packing is 100pcs a box.

my girl use to strech her ear and pull her ear, my mum told me is a sign of teething too.
La Girafe, welcome to the thread n hope u need not go back to work even if u are expanding ur bottega!! There is a way, just slower-- shop less for ur girl, ask more $$ fr hb cos s bb grow up, more classes, more $$ needed... U knw wat I mean right? Hahaha oh dear!! Think my horns r showing..
Which day of jul is ur girl born n her name is? Where r u putting up?
oops... realised i forgot to pm u. anyway hv done so already. oh so the one near my mil's place is still cheapest so far. maybe i've to beg her to carry a few tins back for me over the weekend.

haha... next time u pass the porridge to Amanda. save this lazy mummy from cooking. Last evening, i decided to cook porridge for her as dinner. But i end up burning the pot
anyway, i decided to start her on porridge today.

btw, the mussle n scallop thingy can try soaking them to remove the salt/preservatives before putting in to cook. I've tried scallop but not mussle yet.

don't give up. they will accept porridge one day when they got sick of cereal. last time i also feel the same way. spent so much time n made very sweet fish porridge for my boy. he refused to eat after 2/3 mouths. after 2-3mths, then he finally accepted it.

i shrunk the first time. dun waste $ to buy if u r planning to stop very soon. i'm already feeling guilty wearing back some of my wired bras. :p in fact for me, this time round, i'm already back to my pre preg size after i've cut down pumping. expect them to shrunk further when i stop completely. so sad.

re porridge
mummies, there's 1 quick method to get soft porridge instead of pureeing. soak the grains for 15mins. then use yr fingers n break the grains into smaller pieces. when cooking, it'll cook faster and also it's more mashy. think it's easier than pureeing.
Thanks for the advice Noelle, Bbethan. I'm thinking of bf till 12 months cos me still a milk cow, dun wan shortchange my girl. So I guess it'll be flimsy nursing bras for now and I probably shouldn't throw out my old ones when I spring clean...
lamagier, talking about bra, I have just bought a new set with the new size. because mine is so pathetic, it's shrunk, it's even smaller then pre-pregnancy size. got so frustated with triumph & wacoal. tried the B cup, too small, the flesh is spilling out! but tried the C cup also too big! the cup is gapping on the top! tsk tsk. dunno wad size to buy. also I hate those push up bras with thick padding. finally bought a so damn expensive body wrap bra (it's without wired, but it can support perfectly!) so comfy. now it's the only one can fit me. you can try to go marks and spencer after you stop bf completely and see what happen, they can help you to fit. and their bra is cheap and good. I returned to my pre-pregnancy bra size for the first pregnancy. but this time ---shake head---
LaGirafe - just saw that you are new! Welcome! :)

lamagier - you have inspired me...I am going to try a straw now! Which bran do of cup did you buy? But Yann still bo geh....can drink from straw as well He can take from sippy cup already.

Kim - Okie, we arrange for another date for Daiso! ;-)
Thanks ChiyoJade for the website. I shall download the cards and laminate them. ;) They're very helpful. I bought some and realize that the home made ones are prob as good, if not better.

Will the boobs shrink after bf? I don't think my cup size increased with pregnancy. If it decreases, I will so faint. (flat as runway) :p
bras - i went marks and spencer last week and bot 6 pairs for under $200 cos on sale. was still wearing the ratty tatty ones from breastfeeding days

Koko, I've emailed you the details on the swimming lesson.

poohbear75, I haven't figured out how to PM....heehee. Will try to PM you soon. Looking at either the 10am or 4pm session on either tues or wed. Dun wan my baby to get too tan. I like her to be fair...

Kim, I wish I didn't have to go back to work but hubby feels that I'm behaving too much like a housewife...always talking about trivial stuffs. Then I told him "but I'm a housewife what!"...though always dreaming that I can be labelled a tai tai. If I'll to take $$ from hubby to buy shares, he's totally supportive...but he isn't convinced that bags are considered assets. My baby gal was born on 9 July. I stay around novena. So usually hangout at orchard during weekdays since near my place.
