(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

bbethan, i hav thought of getting a 2nd set of ameda but dropped the idea ever since i decided to go on 1yr UPL next yr. Shall cont to bf till 6mths if milk ss can sustain.

Lamagier/sam, minrui & joie both fell asleep in the jumperoo? hee...except edna cox she's always filled with unlimited energy!

Sam, did the delivery person teach u how to adjust the height etc?

hbb, think edna does not look small leh. The ba ba parts are quite obvious on her
chubby chubby

Jes, my boy also hav lots of phlegm. Hav got the tuina contact fr hbb but still did not have the chance to bring him there to try. Does it help jav? Since you all talking abt how gd jap fm is, think i will get one to try.

There is only Wakodo in Singapore.. Thus unless u can have a constant supply of other brands of jap milk then u get.. if not u start on meiji then wen u finish the tin how??
If jus the normal blood test, pricking is sufficient... Normally one adult will go in with the baby when phlebotomist need to draw blood/prick... weird that they never ask u to follow... hm...
if PD only mentioned that its jus to check her blood count, then thalessemia is not included... My hubby gonna go thalessemia screening when i was preggy coz i was anaemic... normally if PD never call, it means good news... my PD also same practice.. no call = good news... so dun worry too much k...
we share pointers on how to beef up our lil girls...
hehe, kinda odd looking at both side of the fence here, Edna wanting to drink more and the other babies don't wanna drink so much
Maybe, like what Kim says, good appetite, maybe thirsty?

yup, 2012 really good bang for the buck. lol, watched it at Tampines, and exit via the lift near the toilet, said a bad joke in the lift... you watch the movie already, I'll tell you.

Re: Fox warehouse sale
dh had a bit of time in the afternoon, we went there. maybe the lunchcrowd was gone when I went there, so not very crowded, got her some shoes too, not very good foot support imo but cheap ($3) for just dressup, not expecting her to walk much in them. Got a skirt, top, dress and sweater from the Pumpkin Patch pile, dmg $66. A lot of synthetic & acrylic material clothes (in case skin sensitivity) so not much to buy.
bbethan, i hav plans for #2 but duno will execute anot haha...cox even if take place, it will be 3/4yrs down the road.

Lamagier, i oso dun wan to bring all those barang barang to work but sometimes no choice...dun wan to spend so much effort pumping the milk then it din turn out "good". But i would say all the cleaning process was a hassle and i'm glad i'm gg to be temporary a sahm. Having done so for a mth already felt not easy, so i really salute all the mummies who cont to express while at work!!!
She showed me where it can be adjusted but didn't really demo. There's a steel L-shaped strut that you push one side towards the center of the jumperoo to remove the suspending strap, and just reslot to the lvl you want. It comes assembled, but my jumperoo was missing this dragonfly looking thing with checkered wings, didn't notice when I received it cos I was in the midst of feeding her and can only deal with it later. So there's a hole there, I called her back about it, she says will check her warehouse and replace for me. Will sms her again about it, told her I'm concerned about the child's safety if the hole is left there. So check properly when receiving.
Coolkero, a while only, say probably max about 10mins? Spends more time in the cot, on the mat or on her tummy than in the jumperoo. Then again, I only used it less than 1/2hr today lol.

Meiji n Morinaga pics and english description can be found at jshopper.com.. I dun knw how to upload the pics to smh.. but wat u need to knw shld b there.. look under infant formula... cheers
Couldn't get to sleep and been reading some baby gear reviews. For parents using drop-side cribs, be careful and check on your bb often because if your crib uses a plastic catch at the bottom, it can deform and cause entrapment and thus suffocation. Guess I read this a little late, and quite a number of cribs ard the $200-300 range in SG is made in China, and uses the plastic catch. Major recalls for cribs like this in the US, and BabiesRUs is reported to drop all drop-side cribs. hmm, guess Ikea cribs that don't allow you to do drop-side ain't such a bad idea. Other faults to watch for is cheap wood that breaks and cause entrapment too.
RE: Japz FM
My idea is to buy one that is cheap in case bb's condition still doesn't improve.

FOZ, I guess it's a combi of reasons:
1. his spit up has now becoming unpredictable, can either be mini eruption or lava flow;
2. the 5oz I am feeding him still can't last him any longer than 3hrs;
3. perhaps hoping it'll be the solution for bb's spit-ups~~I am getting disappointed with FM as it seems none is helping. Sad is the mom whose bb never did this until he turned 3 mths, sadder is the mom who sees no solution (gripe water, vomit med, reflux med, small feed more meals/day, hold bb down after feed, burp burp & more burp {and tired is the mom whose bb is heavy});
4. he is 4mths;
5. PD has given green light;
6. I researched on how to start and has a rough plan on starting;
7. enough time from now to test out the food on the chart before our trip;
8. my ss is getting lesser;
9. hb can't seem to wait to start him with the organic bottled food he bought making me feel the need to check off the food chart so he could do so...
It's an exciting experience for me. I karang kabot initially cos I forgot to sterilize the bowl & spoon, then remembered I have some that were bought many years ago for my little guests...
Happy is the mom who sees that bb likes the food, happier is the mom who see bb doesn't spit up after feeding! All glory be of the Lord!!
Still scouting to get the exersaucer..

BBethan, I read in the internet that the triple fun exersaucer has a recall coz of fall hazards when it's used for older babies.. So Evenflo has some device to fix it. In the event you're renting that, just make sure it comes with the device.

Mummies: Will the 4th month series of vaccination cause fever? Coz bringing the little one for his 4th mth vaccine next week.
Re: Exersaucer/Activity Center
I put Char into the kolcraft sesame street activity center (probably obsolete now, pass down fm my #1) yesterday. She's 63 cm, could barely touch the base. Will put a burp cloth in the seat later, cos she was bumping front and back quite a bit when she got excited.

Meng Lee,
At the 4 mo chk-up, my gal took 6-in-1 and rotarix (threw up so took in very little or nothing), developed slight fever, ard 37.3, but was still more cranky than usual. The previous time she took the same vaccinations, plus pneumococcal, had high fever of 38.5.
Fox sale..

worth going?

hoping to buy clothes for my #1 (wears 4-5 YO clothes though she is only coming to 3) and for #2 keke ..
Sleep Issues
I've been battling with Char for the past few nites. Very difficult to put her into the crib; she would scream the moment she realized she's in the crib. Been waking up on the hr btw 8 pm till 4 am, just want me to hold her hand. She had been a wonderful sleeper since 6 wo; put down at 8 pm, then wouldn't hear fm her till 6 am or so. Where is my sleeping baby?? She hadn't been napping well too, ard 20 mins each time, urgghhhh... How heh? Is it a milestone (trying to flip but haven't got the skill), teething (not drooling but spitting out saliva), separation anxiety, crankiness fm the jab?? I'm at wit's end, both DH and I are so tired and #1 is "suffering" fm it too cos we get so impatient wif her. *SIGH*, need to vent, it's a phase right??
dun realli undestand abt the cot thingy. can gif more info?
my cot is side-drop kind but ive never use it before. i mean never up and down the side.
i'm facing the same prob too. Amanda was sleeping thru the night since birth (at most wake up once) and can sleep in cot. ever since she starts flipping, she has been refusing to sleep in it. will ly down for a while, then she start moving around n woke herself up. swaddling helps for 1 nite. now she gets frustrated when she realised she can't free her arms n will worm around with her body until she release herself. only solution i had was put her in sarong at night. did not want it to be a permanent solution, so last night i tried putting her up & down the cot so many times from 1am - 3am until i gave up n put her back into the sarong. then she slept till 7am this morning cos hungry. i'm also hoping it's a phase. dun want her to be too addicted to sarong.

i don't sterilise bowls & spoons leh for weaning leh. Didn't even do that with my no 1. coz most of these items can't be sterilised too. If plastic ones, better dun. Many cannot withstand the heat and the melamine may leech onto the food later.
For myself I do sterilize bowl & spoon before feeding (but unsuccessful) coz I read before all things for babies who havent turn 1 year old need to sterilize.
Noelle, try swaddling? It works for the "forever fighting sleep in the day" Kaelem. He does not resist guess he may have been difficult to nap bcos he cant find a comfortable position, and the swaddling make him feel "snug" like in my arms. Another thing is, after fighting for such a long time, do you feed her cos her feeding interval may well be 3 or 4 hrs. How about the feed she gets in the day, could it be that she didn't have enough to eat. I raise the latter cos according to Baby Whisperer, some baby relates crib/cot to sleep a long time and if they are not fed well, they will resist and cry when we try to put them in.
I hope you get your sleeping baby back soonest.

Meng Lee, although not all baby develops fever after the injection and nurse also advised that the paracetamol is to be "stand by", I decided to give K immediately after we got home (as suggested by most moms). This is because I did not give him the first time and he did develop fever and he look so poor thing and refused to be sponged even!! I had to administer at 3 doses of Paracetamol that time and worried about the temperature. This time after the Paracetamol, he still feels hot tin his head (I did not take the temp), and it took another 2 doses before I saw that he feels fine..
As my experience, I will, like those mom who did to me, advise you to give paracetamol after the injection to avoid all the sufferings (baby and yours).

Mashy, I read in the Annable Karmel book to sterilize the bowls & etc, until baby is older... Ya, one fork actually gave way on the handle, so I had to throw it away. (ya, this part is something I did not researched and followed the book..)
There's also another sale started today,
Premium Baby Products Warehouse Sale (up to 80% disc)
514 Chai Chee Lane #06-06 Bedok Ind. Estate

Participating brands include:
- Lucky Baby
- Tiny Love
- Chicco
- Capella
- Sassy
- Soft Play
- bebe comfort
- Car Mate
- My Dear
- Pecan

Cash & NETS payment only.
Call 6445 5778 for enquiries.
hw can that be! all e ntuc i went gt e promo leh!i went dowmtown east one last nite n grab more...

hope she cn drk mre n store cals so at nite nvr wake up anymore!last nitelasted her 8hrs!happy bird!

kitty...edna weird...she is like her dad.look big bt light...i look thin bt heavy bones...

guess the nurse din ask u along for BT cos the mit nt wn let u c hw they do it then u feel heartpain.
wahs! so many offers!
i need to get a pram deperately. mayb can go down to take a look this weekend!

u know when the sales will end? can call them to sak for the price not? LOL
HBB> Could u approve me to join Jul Mom in FB? =D Kidzloft abit far & located right inside Tagore Ind..I went there before to get safety gate. U need transport to get there definitely!
Im going to Baby products warehse sale later @ Chai Chee, nearer to my workplace! hehe
pprincess> Yes indeed there are many sales starting today..gonna go broke! =(
i actualli intendin to get a capella stroller for darius. but hor, haven get bonus lehs. cheong choon was selling at 355 with delivery. then my fren advise to wait for sales. bcos sales means 15-20% discount and is much lower then 355.
but nw haven get bonus. think should haf more sales as the end of the yr is coming?
pprincess> I got capella for my boy..BUT hor the width abit short. I have slight problems when I wanna carry out my boy. Any particular design u looking at? I can help u check out the price later when Im @ the warehse sale. =)
Marine Parade NTUC under upgrading atm, at lot of specialty things not on the shelf, mostly the essentials are there, most likely the stock can be also limited. FOZ, maybe try Bedok Central.
Sam> I got the exact cot for my boy! OMG. But I have problems lifting the side lock coz too tight, so hardly lift up & down. Shucks, should I change??? =(
Capella, mostly allow double-fold, reasonably light, but seeing that the bb is gaining weight steadily, I don't feel very safe, as the frame is overall much weaker, especially when no choice gotta maneuver escalators. So better bring Darius to try out yar.
I think if you don't really lower the drop-side much, try to come up with a way to secure it. I think the manufacturers know this kind of cribs are popular with parents who aren't that tall, like us asians. My crib is also similar, already let the daddy know.
i tink the promotion ended liao
until 18th nia.. i din go marine parade lar i tink FOZ went hehe

pprincess i needed to get certain thg for edna.. but considering haaa lazy lar

u can wait for sals lar.. u onli wan caprella? can consider other brand also bah... caprella ehh the handle too low for me... push liao got back ache!
so u try 1st before u buy k...

i went to kidzloft before .. im quite familiar w tagore lane area cos i always there for car/ bb stuff like pmp repair.. kids toys retrieval n etc..leap frog is thr heh heh..
Sam> only problem is worried that my boy foot or hand got stuck in between the crib panel. U got what I mean?
I got this crib from my cousin who passed down to me, & FYI she & her husband are very tall. They havent have problems with the crib previously when their children were young.
evie i added u liao (cos i rec ur name) those who jus req to b added like that i dun usualy add becos i dun rec the name unless u specifically tell mi who u r becos there are manyc ases of ppl who DO NOT post here yet add us to their list ...
HBB> Capella even though light, when folded is still heavy! Im petite size hence, bought capella before my boy was even born. Now pram looks abit small for my boy. Length is ok, its only the width. =(
guess if u petite then u might nt hav the back pain problem...

1 of the pramim using is the combi one.. and many friends who see my girl in it say its too small for her liaoz... i wonder hw did my nephew use it for 1 yr +
shucks, dh sure don't let me go, too close to ytd's shopping episode, doesn't help that he thinks Joie has too much stuff. And the Chai Chee one is like in my backyard... lol, kinda sian if gotta walk there lar, can't buy much...
HBB> I almost bought combi but changed my mind coz combi material when stained, very difficult to remove. I see alot & obvious watermarks on it when I see other parents pushing their combi with their kids in it.
thanks for the link. shall go and take a look. hopefully my cot doesn pose any problem. but i think so far singapore haf no news on the problem right?
i jus went to read. i also haf the same type. so that means we haf to replace? or ani way to help wif the problem? so mafan! if i know i would not haf bought it. bought it out of convenience nw bcome a big problem

i lookin for capella s705-09 version. actualli i find that the ram is veri big but heavy at 8.6kg i think. it's big and gd bcs the combi pram i haf nw cannt fit him alreadi! the length not long enuff also and he look so cramp in there that other then staring and sleeping, he cant do much activity. hahahhas.
u so fast take action and going down later. jio hbb go wif u lar =p
i dun liek combi one cos i find it too light but since its a back up pram so i jus use.. the org pram i leave it in the car boot..
no water mark prob for mine but the + point is the material v soft... not harsh on bb skin hehe

edna current cot is like the poto shown leh..tsktsk... thanx for posting looks like i gotto spy on her more frequently when she fuss in thr
Okie.. Shall give paracetamol once the vaccines are over.. Don't wanna have him cry and feel uncomfy.. Coz still so young now..

Baby sleep: My little one still wakes up almost every 3-3.5 hrs even at night (he never slept thru the night since birth.. SOB!)..

If your bb could sleep thru the nite, bb will do so again.. So don't worry Noelle.. prob a passing phase.
HBB & Sam> Keen to go later baby warehse sale @ Chai Chee? =p

pprincess> Are u in FB too? I can help u look for for capella s705-09 version. Any particular colour u looking for? I think u can start selling off your combi pram if u find it too small for your bb.
