(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Congrats! Stacia's rashes is gone! Pretty pretty stacia *sayang sayang*

Hope amanda is ok and won't get much bruising... The staff sounds really clueless at handling baby... Oh, iron in us don't really pass thru BM? You been taking supplement? I'm still religiously taking pre-natal vits, fish oil and calcium. So far so good. My girl is still expanding pretty fast... Or maybe that's just cos her metabolism is slow =p

Fresh BM vs thawed BM
My girl lives on frozen milk at my aunt's and fresh BM when she's back with me. Realizes she poops 3 times a day at my aunts and only one a day if she's back with me. Don't know if frozen BM is the culprit. Anyone has any idea? Cos dunno is 3 times a day considered upset stomach or not...

ehhh hw did ur aunt thaw e milk?n for hw long aft thawing was she fed?u cn look into these areas to chk if its due to e frozen milk

by rite bm shld pass e vit to bb i tink tat y we r given fish oil n etc to take
Sam, the recommended feed is 210ml??? Then my boy is obviously not drinking enough in each feed. He's still drinking abt 120-150ml. No signs of increasing the intake yet
Have not been taking his weight so far. The last time was 6.5kg at 3mths. Hopefully he's reaching 7kg soon. My mum tried giving him a little fresh apple juice...and lucius frown v badly. Think i shall take it slowly since he's still in bm.

Jes, the way u describe javier so funny. He really likes to go against u ah. Now when i feed lucius, my helper has to hold his hand while i hold another. Really feel like tying him up too. Now he attempts to raise his legs but dun think can reach the bottle haha.

bbethan, oh dear...why the staff like that? Hope amanda picks up her weight soon. Thought on tbf is the best for the child?
Lamagier, when i returned work...i oso carried my laptop, pump, cooler bag and ice bags...even the bb detergent to wash. Only din bring the hot flask cox there's hot water at my wk place. Haiz...really felt like an aunty carrying bags of groceries. But then i gave up the idea of carrying laptop cox everything was really too heavy and borrowed fr my colleague instead.
kitty why not leave detergent in office? hehe
ehh lucius is heavier than edna! omg!!! now i must admit edna is small =p
so many baby bigger than her manz...

wow so ex with jshopper? thot they've free shipping now should be cheaper.

isetan? then when pte sale 5% off supermkt buys can buy in bulk. :p
yan & gina
the seller stock up becos' she tot she din hv enuf BM so asked her flight attendant c'zin to bring in. Now her supply built up so she dun need so much. She's not a supplier hehehe..

Can can.. let me know wat time convenient to u ok? I'm alright anytime after 1pm cos' need to work.. bleah!

tomi cannot drink too much liao now.. on diet! on diet! hehee

hahaha thank u! now i feel so bad.. u sayang sayang stacia.. i pinch pinch minrui's cheeks..
HBB, ya now i leave it in my office. Cox it's like bringing the whole nursing station everywhere i go.

Hmmm, i think lucius has heavy bones lah. Cox i think u all can't tell his weight fr his built. How heavy is edna now?
But edna looks so well fed. can see she's so chubby now,
we take iron can pass thru BM? all along i thought bb on bm has no iron n they r depending on the store in their own body. that's why they suggest start solids at 6mths where most cereals/fm are fortified with iron n their natural store will start to deplete. do share what yr PD says.

i'm still taking the same supplements i had when preg. but lately a bit lazy on calcium. maybe i'm not eating well enuf, that's why.

amanda's on ebm, she poos almost every day if not, alternate days on weekdays. but when comes to weekend, she doesn't poo at all. strange right?

ya lor... i also thought tbf is best for baby. that's why i trying so hard to tbf this 6 mths. but i think it's really the quality of bm. maybe she's getting the antibodies but not enuf nutrients?? or just genes?? i really dun know leh. same prob wif #1 but she's even much slower than him. my baby is a shrimp... hei bi!!
ya see lucius not so fat but he gt fen liang haaa... good manz!

edna? ehh duno.. yet to weigh her cos v long no go pd liao... tink she less than 6.5!
def did not double the birth weight as yet!
funnythg is she look so fat lor...tsk tsk
big head edna
u r using ameda right? if u r thinking of bf long term, do consider getting a 2nd pump. can get cheaply thru 2nd hand, just change the parts. i got a 2nd set n leave in office, bb detergent also in office. so everyday, i bring only my cooler bag with bottles only. will keep the tupperware in office n sterilise using hot water everyday n sterilising tablets once a week. had to keep things to carry to minimum cos i still got a toddler, his sch bag to carry everyday from work. i'm like a homeless refuge lugging so many bags up the bus tugging along a little "monkey"... hehe
my gal is such a headache. last night cry cry. latch cry, bottle also cry. later found out she wanna go out gai gai! at 10pm! stood at my living room window to look at trains n vehicles for the longest time. then i cannot sit down. must carry n walk around. after that not contented. want open main door then happy. but when we didn't open the front gate to go out, cry again. noti gal!
bbethan, kitty,
hahaha, I ninja turtle, you both really refugees. Can't compain to you both.

wah, you attempted to bring so many things at one go.... I was already feeling sullen at my load... if ask me bring all those things you brought, I will carry my 55litre backpack to work liao. Lucius has stong bones! Couldn't tell he's 7kg. But he is one tall boy....

need to check with my aunt on her thawing method. Think she leaves the frozen milk in chiller section to defrost the day before, then pour into bottles and warm up bottles when needed.

No need worry lah. Everyone see minrui all wanna pinch her cheeks cos so bak bak. Though I think she's starting to look like "La Bi Xiao Xin" with the botak head, eyebrows and chubby cheeks =p
mayb its in the gene tat she is small. but try to eat well yea =) even fi its for urself.. since u need to work n look aft her.. u need a gd body!
i will ask my pd when i nxt see her (not so soon thou) and i notice diff pd say diff thg! soo... we gotto realy depend on other source of information also ...
edna looks chubby nia.. but her weight.. tsk tsk.. gd to see.. not gd to eat kind LOL
and talkign bout immunity
she is a TBF baby and yet she kenna 2 time block nose cum runnynose liao! haiz
edna was liekt is for awhile also.. wan to go gai gai but aft few days ok liao hope ur girl get better soon hehe

thaw milk can onli b use within 24 hour.. anythg more than that.. gotto discard. mayb u can check w ur aunt. or prob she did not LS at all..jus her style of spendin quality time w u? dun wan u waste time on chg her poo poo at home w u haha
Yan> jshoppers selling Meiji FM about S$77 per tin inclusive of shipping cost. U can ask any of your friends travelling to HK to buy for u coz HK is cheaper I think. Wakodo Hai Hai is currently the only brand selling in Singapore. I do wish Singapore stores has Meiji or Glico brand.
hehe, so sorry, can't help laughing reading about your girl, same yesterday afternoon, my MIL brought to the main door, her eyes light up, think she's going out lol.

I'm using #3 amongst 3 other #2 avent teats. Took a few days for her to get used to the fast flow cos she sucks so hard, now no difference.
agree wif u... diff pd really got diff opinion. yest i was looking at amanda while she was lying down... same... head big big, thighs still consider bak bak (but of course not those like some of the boys here). doesn't look like those underweight leh. even my mum told me she looks better now. looks good to me leh... but when see her weight... looks r deceiving... LOL. going to restart supplementing her with fm tonight. see got effect or not.

maybe it's just a once off incident. my gal also likes gai gai. at home, she gets grouchy after playing a while n always sleepy. but once carry her to the gate, she can stop crying, eyes become big big and starts looking around. yest brought her out to shop after the PD visit in my carrier. she can go without sleep for very long. when i take clothes to see, she also kaypo turn her head up and look.
yan & gina
the seller can't receive PM & her last post was 09 Nov.. I tried to email her (aft searching her post in another thread & found her email) but it was bounced.. haiz! hope she log on cos' it's really a gud deal hehehe..
mashy & sam
hehehe.. yesterday morning stacia was oso like that! My helper carried her & opened door for me to go out.. then her eyes big big (eventho it's small small hahaa) & start kicking & moving her body forward.. it made me so hard to go to work..
Coolkero, is 800-900ml really alot? Wow, ur bm must b v power, cos Tomi so hugh.. K is still taking about 5oz (150ml) 7 times daily, about 1litre/day after deducing the spit ups.

BBEthan, hey, sorry to hear ur girl's condition. I always tot she is fair cos u r fair (my fair ladies).. Do y take multi-vit yourself? I m still on my multi-vit for preg women. I know there is a bb sitter at blk 610, 3rd floor, corner unit nearer to blk 609. I m not sure if she still do bb sitting.

I went for H1N1 vaccination yesterday. Also found K's sign of teething (nurse in RH confirmed this)..

K is developing separation anxiety..
im oni taking care of Jav now.. haha.. no business yet..sad..=(

haha..okay! i will come down to yr place.. let Jav sit in edna's jumperoo... hehe.. no place for me to sit nvm.. i tk edna's bumbo n squeeze in..wahaha..n we'll try to mess yr place up more!..hahahaha..

yah lor.. he's always against me one.. i oso dono y!... v nottie boy! wanna smack smack his buttbutt sometimes..but sometimes hes jus damn cute.. nowadays, he gt alot of funny new stunts..i see alrdy, i cant help but laugh.. =P

huh.. nw i hear of Amanda's case i oso scared liao..i myself is anaemic..dono will Jav kena not *CHOY*..hmmm, i don tink he's double his birth weight oso.. u noe my neighbour downstairs, she gave birth abt one mth ltr den me.. n her bb is much bigger than Jav lor!.. den my mum nag again..say dono isit my bm nt enuf for him..=\ arghhh.. i tink i gotto wait till dec wen he goes back for his jab b4 i know wads his weight.. i tink i'll check w my PD oso but he did advise me to start him on cereal on the last visit.. but same as HBB.. i insist nt to..=S i tink fm mayb will help increase abit.. normally wen i go out, i gif fm to Jav..

well, here's the prob.. Jav's still having phlegm.. n we're (including docs) suspecting the FM mite nt b suitable for him.. he's drinking Nan 1 nw... dono if i shud change anot.. but if change i dono wad to change to... is the wakodo realli gd?... hmmmm.. any advices?
My boy likes to gai gai too, so I guess it is not just a girl thing. My girl also likes shopping, always asking to go shopping together, even just to the supermarket.

I am going HK on 28 Dec, however I will be heading straight to disneyland and then from disney, to Macau, so I cannot buy any of those milk stuff, unless they have a supermarket at the HK airport?? If yes, I will buy some.

Bbethan, sorry to hear abt amanda's lack of weight gain. I hope she takes well to FM - which brand are you gonna intro to her?

BTW I saw the loveliest, prettiest, sweetest pink doll house from ELC (or is it the Better Toy Store) but it's bloody expensive! My daughter loves it and keep saying "this is my house". Sigh...
Separation anxiety - I must confess I kinda like it when my daughter showed signs of SA, it makes me feel good and wanted, though it is very hard to say bye, but instead gotta sneak out of the house.

HBB, I am leaving my house now. Be there in abt 20 mins or so. See ya!
K's mummy's boy =)

re: baby's weight
I think no need to worry if baby's weight double or not cos I remember the health booklet or somewhere states as long as double birth weight by 6months should be ok rite?

Don't worry about your mum's nagging. People like to compare here and there. My mum likes to compare my girl with my sister's 15month old girl. Age so diff also want to compare... I just nag her back everytime she compares =p Don't want to pressurize babies.... Eventually when they go primary school, who's going to care when did they start flipping, walking etc?
Is the lady email something like thanksgiving something rite?? if is the same lady dun need wait for her reply coz she told me a week or so back that she sold her wakodo oredi..

If u ladies get Wakodo in bulk do let me knw hor.. i join in ya coz i got no Isetan card i jst get it off shelf.. thanks so much ya..

Regards to nutritional value i got a jap frend to jst read it for me n she say got the necessary stuff in there as wat we have in our local fm n more.. apparently the jap make it similar to bm tats y all their fm is very light like our bm...

If u dont mind paying so much in the long term its quite a gd swap.. coz personally i find local fm very thick and sweet.. too vanilla taste for my liking.. jap fm r more bland n light which i feel its better for babies.. tats jst my personal opinion..
I dont think im prepared to pay $77 a week jst for his fm la.. wahahahahaha.. to b honest $50 a week is the max i will stretch.. Hk been carrying jap fm for many many years tats y they have lots more choices available.. sgp only started not too long ago n the demand is not high as compared so yeah we only have Wakodo..
Pprincess: there're diff kinds but so far the one I saw is the triple fun one: that's abt 250 AUD. There's another one which is the mega exersaucer which is at abt AUD 180...

Not sure if they sell in toys 'r us SG.. coz these are from toys 'r us AU.. You can try and see if they have it there.. ;)
Im tryin to call the sgp supplier n see if we can get a better price if we bulk buy frm them.. they ask me to call back after 2pm so let me knw roughly how many tins u wan so we combine n see if we can it cheaper tis way..
agree, not very good to compare. But the bb is developing according to expected chart is also quite important, telltale signs of things we should be alert of, like muscular strength in their limps. My cousin as a baby didn't have much muscle strength in her limps, until later said to have dwarfism, as such limbs didn't develop normally, something the little girl has handled bravely all this while (she's so excited being an auntie at a young age). Parental gut instinct is important lar, if unsure, just ask the PD or exchange knowledge thru other mummies' PD also good.

Oh yar, thanks for letting us know you lined the jumperoo with nappy cloth hehe... The jumperoo came this morning, and 1st time she's in it, don't want to get out, cry when I pull her out. Going out soon, think still need some adjustment to the height for her to jump properly.
i was also shocked when he said she looks pale. thought she was v fair only. doesn't look pale to me. actually when i was younger, ppl always ask me why i look pale. but i'm perfectly normal just fairer than others only. anyway, i haven't hear from the clinic on her blood test result yet. so don't know she's really lack of iron. i'm not taking vits but taking iron+calcium+fish oil. also taking vit c drinks n fenugreek. think already enuf of supplements popping for myself.

my mum also like that. like to compare. also comment my bm very thin. i just ignore her whenever she says. everybody is different even we adults.

I bought similac for her to try the other time n she merlioned. thinking to let her try again cos PD said could be she's not used to it. unlikely allergic cos normal reaction to milk allergy is rashes. Now seeing this wakodo review... seems very gd.

think for the past few wks, i've been posting all the not so good stuff on Amanda. Made her sounds so sickly n poor thing... kekeke. On a lighter note... she's getting more n more fun loving
kim, no lah, my tomi now on milk strike, average drink 150ml 5 times only. and he's on half bm and half formula. but lately my bm dipping cos too tired and busy. and yesterday i changed the avent teats to #3, somehow at nite he's ok wif it but afternoon totally refuse bottle, from 10am dun want milk, i panic around 4pm tried again but he dun want, luckily i latch on he's ok, and 8pm take milk (half asleep and change pacifier to bottle). so i took back my #2 avent teats, and keep my #3 teats first. i cannot handle the stress on him rejecting milk, heartache.
yup yup.. it's her! then out liao that one hahaha.. waiting for your supplier lah see whether can get gud price or not.. thanks for checking it for us!
i found online that baby kingdom is selling exersauce hwever onli 1 type. not sure whether if hypermart also have. wanna go and take a look.

my bm also dipping. sometimes onli can pump out less then 80ml. but i still continue till i totally cant pump out animore. luckily i still haf my back up storage of frozen milk but thinkin whether i should start him on fm to let him get use to it.
but abit duno wad to do bcos keep thinkin best to total breastfeed till 6 months. sigh.
aniwae, darius drinks abt 150ml at most 6 times a day onli also bcos 4hrs interval. so i guess is ok that tomi is taking 5times a day? unless he is a very big size bb, else should b ok
Sam, are you sure recommended feeding is 210ml? so much le...naomi still taking 120ml. and she's still on milk strike sometime.

Bbethan, do you take dish oil and iron supplement since you're breastfeeding?
HBB talking about immune system, last time I BF my son for almost a year, but his immune system very low, almost every mth kena flu. This time I only BF Naomi till last week, she *touch wood* never down with flu. wonder wonder y. Till now my son is also very prone to flu and cough, somemore he got astma like me. Haiz.
Lamagier, I think that rent toy thingy only offer free delivery/collection for item above $35 or something like that...otherwise they rugi...hahaha...I only want to rent that bumbo seat le. anybody got other link to the rent toy website? FOZ? Im looking for little tikes riding car that have handle behind.
Evie, if all brand is available, what is best? Does different brand has diff variety? I wanna see if my Japanese gf can help me buy fr Japan. I am Gina 2nd now, K can just have milk flow out like lava, or can hv eruption, v unpredictable.

RE: Weaning food
I just gave K the Organix rice cereal, made accdg to instructions but it turned out like liquid cereal and not s creamy s shown in pix.. fed him wz spoon and he din quite get the thrusting food to the back motion yet, then h got impatient cos v hungry, so i put into the Pigeon stage 2 feeding teat and fed him. He loves it but the portion dun seem to satisfy him, so I had to give another 2oz of FM..
Another BIG step for both K & I..
BBEthan, some old generation mom says we can boil red dates and use the date water to make FM for bb, so they hv rosy cheeks. I dunno if ok to try.
Kim> Currently giving my boy Meiji Smile FM which I got my friend to buy for me. If your Japanese gf can help, it would be wonderful!
My own personal opinion is that my boy doesnt throw much tantrums or cry much after feeding him with Japanese milk? (crossed fingers)
i tryin to ask if we bulk buy can get better price or not.. the last time i buy frm Isetan was at $46.. think ur price is for the blue tin GunGun..

Wakodo FM
Ok.. spoke to the manager there and she will get back to me tomoro.. 1 carton consist of 8 tins.. so lets wait for her reply to me tomoro n see how we many tins we can consolidate.. currently dey dun do any bulk purchase price so tis is a 1st for them so they need to see wat they can do for us.. will update tomoro..
yes. taking fish oil + calcium + iron everyday now. been taking these since preg.

re corelation btw immune system and bf.
not too sure too. but i believe shd hv some protection. i bf my boy for 8mths. he fell ill abt 2-3 occassions during the 1st yr. Now that he stops on bm already, he also kena running nose n cough more often. partly due to cc too. but the lucky thing is they r slight bouts n doesn't affect him much. Recovery period is also faster. N recently bcos my boy keeps having running nose, i was so scared girl will catch it too cos he likes to kiss her. luckily so far, she only hv slight runny nose n manage to recover on her own within 1-2 days. (keeping fingers really really crossed). Not sure if it's due to tbf. Really dun know the effect cos we won't know what the consequence would be like if no bf at all.

then again, i hv friends whose bb r also tbf for more than a yr but falls sick every other mth. I think it's all the babies' body constitution plus environment they grow up in.

but i remember sometime back, read an newspaper article that bf benefits girls more than boys intellectually.
Kim> Also notice my boy seldom behave like a merlion also. Im currently using avent, pigeon & nuk milk bottles (given as gifts) for my boy & he has no problems so far. Hardly sleep long during the day but when clock strikes at 8pm, my boy will sleep all the way till morning around 530am for milk feed.
