(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Hbb: Yah they have promo but my dh can't take leave so can't go. Decided to save the money for a big trip to Tokyo next year with the 2 monkeys. Aiyoh just now I was telling my mother about Max sleeping in the sitting position and she said I have to go and straighten him out cos it might not be good for his back.

oic.. then save up for tokyo!!!! i wanna go tokyotoo..

oh ya i worry bout the back.. but if i touch her she wakes up... hw?!?! arghh
Hbb: No choice, he stirs as well if I move him but he'll settle himself back to sleep. If I happen to catch him falling asleep then I quickly "help" him into his usual sleeping position
den good lor!... add in..try!... today 2nd time.. Jav finish everything.. n keep pulling my hand to see the bowl inside gt anymore.. ahaaa..

try n adjust her.. if nt really nt gd for back to slp for long in tat position(does she?) .. u adjust her abit den pat her??
Chiyo: I know that some people say that moving hot food into the freezer/fridge directly will affect the overall temperature but what I do is I increase the temperature in my freezer by one step and so far, I never have any problems with my foods. My logic is that I'm not putting a lot of hot food (like 1 liter of the stuff) into my freezer at one time - it's just 200ml of puree - so it shouldn't affect my freezer temp at all.

Bacteria grows very rapidly at room temperature and in semi-warm items so I don't like taking that risk. In fact, rapid cooling minimizes the risk of bacteria contamination.

Please refer to this site for more info:

RE: Desitine Diaper Cream
BBEthan, I feel the purple (original) is better, it's not as easy to apple as the blue, but last longer on the butt.

Linsu, I have not given K any Watermelon officially, only once when we were having, I gave him a spoon of the juice I pushed out from the flesh.

Tomorrow, K will have pumkin for the first time.. I also just made vegetable stock.. Hmm, the recipes says put bouquet garni, and now I think the cloves is making the stock smell strong.

Yan, I add the home made puree to the instant rice cereal. And make it a cream of puree.

BBEthan & Sherryl, hey, Ms. MaryG has Nestle for Similac, if you want to get rid of your similac faster, please dun wait for me, can go ahead to exchg with her..

Twinkle, if your puree is frozen, never thaw in room temperature. Always thaw in fridge. I usually take it out before I go to bed for the lunch next day. If the portion I freeze is big enough for 2 meals, then I will scoop out half for lunch, and put the other half back in fridge. I m/w the thawed puree between 10 and 20sec (my sweet pot takes only 10sec, but carrot seem to need longer, which I duno why)..

Menglee, that is very small portion you are giving to your bb.. even K's snack is bigger than this..

Ah... gtg.. meeting friends in East Coast for birthday party..
i do the same as Kim.. either put them in fridge earlier.. or most of the times, i actually thaw them in the microwave.. so far oni 1 min 30 secs.. is enuf to make the food piping hot..by the time u add in cereal n stir them.. its jus the rite temp to feed kaelen..=)
kittyng, so sorry for my no reply the past few days on KM. Hubby went for biz trip and me handling baby myself after work...no time to log in forum. hv emailed you details...tks again for organizing!

dino-mum, what type of bread u feed dino huh? she can swallow bread?

Kim, may i know what is 'bouquet garni'?

Re freezing food and thawing:
the extra purees, i will put into the storing bottle and then soak them in ice water so that puree will cool down faster, then can put into the fridge faster...else need to wait too long i also worry abt germs.
Thawing i will do it in the fridge.

Re waking up at night:
Mia has been sleeping thru since 2 months old from 10 plus at night to morning 7am. i guess i'm one lucky mum... she know mummie need beauty sleep! hope it will continue like that forever... the only times she will wake up in the middle of the night is the week when she is teething or having severe blocked nose.

Re yoghurt:
can adv what time we can give yoghurt? morning? after lunch or? thinking of what time slot to give Mia..

i see most mummies already been practising swimming for yr babies...and Mia have not even touched any pool! sigh...Mia stuffy nose has been on-going for 2 weeks+, spoiling the swimming plans i have for her.
Re Desitin:
i like the blue one more...cos i find it easier to clean it off and apply fresh coat.
the purple one i find it more 'sticky' and difficult to clean.
mummies, actually when we can start to give fish to our babies?
i see some of you started? while some adv only 9 months then can give?
my MIL keep pestering me, asking me when i want to give Mia (i control all the food that she gives Mia...hehe)
hahaha.. go buy one!... my dad bot me mine.. v cheap.. n its nt bad quality.. my dad know the boss..so gd price given.. if u wan i can gif u contact.. hehee.. he owaes buy electrical stuff frm dem one.. =P
keke... He's welcome to join in the light-weight champions photo-taking with the 3 girls... :p

my original nick is Joanne...

U came to my house in Dec for the mass-gathering remember?
if my dino could hit 6.7kg for her 6mths check-up, I'll be one happy mummy... The staff at PD clinic weighed her at 5.99kg initially, scare the hell out of me and my PD... the second time we weighed again, luckily she's 6.2... looking at her now, i doubt she hit 6.5 yet...
as for the IPPT, no choice got to pass every year jus like the guys... haiz... coz i'm still in uniformed service...

waking up every 2 hrs at night?!! OMG!!!

MIL gave her those kaya buns/red beans bun (those normally sold at confectionery), during the weekend when she's with us, she eat gardenia white bread... so far she has no problem consuming bread, maybe coz she started solids at 4 mths but then she only learned to eat from spoon at 6mths... for us, we dun control wat my MIL teach or feed Gen so long as she dun LS, allergic reaction, etc... also my PD did not mentioned any "prohibited" food, my sister sees my PD everyday at work, so my PD usually ask about Dino from her and ask her to convey advice to me... We already give her fish, frog-leg, pork porridge... eh... but hor, we didn't follow the general rules as stated in books and stuff... so can't use Gen as a guide, she's a lil T-rex...
Babies have no preference of warm food like us. so it's the matter of habit. the adult is the one who make them prefer warm food then cold food. my PD said it's all nonsense about cold food will give tummy upset etc. as long as it's not freezingly cold or scorcing hot, then it's perfectly fine. I used to give Naomi room temperature milk. (i mix normal water with the FM without adding hot water into it). my gf even gave a chilled BM directly from the fridge! pengsan.
Re warm/cold food: Eva has never taken warm food - I usually give semi-chilled to room temp food and her tummy has always been fine. In fact, she likes fruit puree semi-chilled - like eating sorbet!

I thaw out my frozen food in the fridge - that involves early planning plus I don't like to use the microwave.

Re fish: The angmoh style is to intro fish the last and later in older babies as it can be allergenic for some babies. The Asian style, however, is to start with fish early. I prefer to start meat later (around 8 mths) as I want Eva to grow up eating vegetables and fruits, not just meats. Even then, I don't want to make eating meat a regular thing. I have seen many children grow so used to eat meats that they refuse to eat vegetables. :/
i thought Dr Ee is based there? I know he's at Parkway on wed night. other days, the nurses told he's there leh. he seems quite steady n saw he's specialised in neonatal intensive care.

thanks for the info on the Desitin. Her poor butt always kena nappy rash. now it's not just red. got little bumps. i used the blue one and apply very thick. if doesn't improve, going to put her on nappy cloth already.

i usually cook over stove for abt 10mins, then leave inthermal pot. within half an hr, the porridge cooked already. for me, i cooked in morning n leave it in the pot till evening when my boy comes back to eat. by then, it gets a bit cold, i just reheat. sometimes, after it's cooked, i trsf into a thermal flask n this way, it keeps warm longer.

i saw Baby Yoplait at Raffles City's Marketplace yesterday.

Re warm milk
Amanda doesn't like very warm milk. she only drinks when it's almost room temp. prob cos she's too used to BM temp already.
Brown rice cereal

I just open a pack of HT brown rice cereal, it's flakey. Very different from white rice cereal. Is it meant to be like that?

Normally I mix 1 big tbsp of white rice cereal into 1oz of milk, but for this brown rice cereal, I had to use 2.5 big tbsp inorder to get the lumpy texture. Is it normal?
etirto - i see dr siva too. but only at east shore cos he's there fri evenings. cant imagine gg to paragon, all the distractions for mummy

dinomum - oic i remember now !! uniform service, woo hoo, you must be v fit. you look so petite though.
Hmm, today on leave, going for hair cut, movie date with dh, marketing for cny stuff, and more baby food. Maybe will drop by Raffles City's Marketplace for some Baby Yoplait.
that's very nice. waiting for my turn. want to do some shopping for myself, do facial n haircut.

what ingredients can we put in to make delicious pork stock? so far, only cooked with mushroom n a bit of dried scallops.
mummies, i m still cooking the fruits like apple/pear before giving to Mia...can i start to give her fresh fruits without cooking now?
just scrap the flesh and mash mash give her is it? worry she will choke.
thank u! will go there after work.. went to NTUC, Cold Storage, Carrefour & even Tanglin's Market Place but couldn't find.. i could be BLIND!
Kim: ooh. I should start increasing his food intake then.

Teething rusk: I gave my boy teething rusk for the first time today and he really liked it. But suddenly he was like coughing as if the rusk was stuck in his throat. Gave me a big scare. My mum used her finger to fish out a piece of rusk that's stuck on his upper palate. Are teething rusk safe then? Dunno if I should continue giving. :p
Wow... your bb has been sleeping thru since 2mths old. How do you manage to do it? Did you sleep train your bb? My bb has not been sleeping thru since birth and each time my bb wakes up in the night... i always have to feed him milk otherwise he won't go back to sleep. Haiz... don't know it becoming a habit...

you mention about the blender that can grind the rice grain?

May I know what brand is the blender and where did you buy it? How much does it cost? I want to give my boy some porridge but I realise he didn't relaly like it. I dunnoe is it because the grain is too big and he cant seem to taste it.


You mention about the blender that can grind the rice grain?

May I know the brand of it and where to get it? How much does it cost too? I want to give my boy porridge but apparently he didn't really like it cos the grain is too big for him to taste it.

Meng Lee,
I held back on the teething rusks as some rusks do break off in chunks and become a choking hazard. Read loads of reviews on different rusks when shopping online, and most of them will have an incident or two of choking. I ended up giving puffs instead, cos it melts down easily, not sure it's any less messier than giving rusks. I'm just gonna wait till she's more ready to handle the teething rusks before giving it again (I got the organix rusks which softens up into cakey pieces). Anyways watching my girl handle puffs is really cute atm, when she's trying to learn the pincer grasp on small stuff.

haha, i usually use my leftover ABC soup as stock. I dun season them coz they're already delicious on its own. Anyway, it's the same ingredients mah. Carrots, Potatoes, Celery, Tomatoes, Onions and Pork Ribs. I then freeze them or use them immediately.
Peanut: HT cereals are all flakey.

Re teething rusk: I'm holding back on giving the teething rusk because most are made from wheat and I haven't gone through all the grains with Eva plus a lot have added salt (to make it hard) and sugar. I might make my own teeters though.
Any Mummies want to share Organic Brown Rice with Si Shen Powder?

The medical shop at my place here grind fresh Organic Brown Rice with Si Shen (optional Cong Cao). But i think they comes in 1/2kg and 1kg pack. Bec the organic rices comes in that weight per pack.

I'll check on the price if anyone is interested to share cos I dun want to keep too long as even 1/2kg of the powder will take long to finish..

the blender we were talking about the brand is U-Like.

Last understand its available at Tangs.

As for price, I'm not sure cos mine was from my Mum
all cereal from HT r flakey type leh.. tats y Jav needs 5.5-6 tblespoons for one meal.. hehe.. ive tried the brown rice, barley n oatmeal.. all flakey one..

Peanut & BbEthan,
i wanna go out do shopping, n rebond my hair too!!!... but wennnnn... =( no one can look aft for me..=( boohoo!
Haha jes, me too. I was telling hbb i wanna rebond before cny. Can't stand myself in that hair in front of the mirror. I think i hav to go book my mum one day to help me babysit. U ask yr hb to take leave can?

Japa, i have been giving my boy fresh fruits since the first day he started. Nv tried cooking with fruits thou. So far so gd...
ahhh! u reminded me, yes, she said pple in US does that... =D I din comment much abt that thou coz her ger is so ROUND! 8kg at 5mths+! LOLz!

edna is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
i wanna see her sit & rch & slp position! =D

Re: Yougurt
hMmMmm... since the little 1 in my hse is rejecting cereals, mabbe i shld try intro yougurt to her, perhaps she likes cold stuff too, just like me! =D
he cant..=((... sob sob!!... wen u going?? mayb we can go tog..hahahahaa!!!... den will haf accompaniment.. heh.. maybeeee...can beg my mum help me look aft.. haha..but tats oni provided if shes free.. =S

i wanted to perm actually... but hb wans me highlight abit.. but i say nooo.. cos frm young till nw, i haven dyed or highlite my hair.. so he say"ok lor.. den u go rebond..next time den perm.." i told him no way liao... its either nw or nvr!..haaaa.. he was hoping i'll gif in to highliting in the next few yrs.. =P
hbb and jes, should we avoid yogurt for our lit ones since they have eczema? Any link?

Jes, yeah we can go together then wun be so bored haha. When u wan to go? I can arrange with my mum...she only cannot help me on Tues cox she is attending Eng classes. We try to go next week isit alright? Since the wk after is too near to cny liao.
sunsweet, I was told that perm is ok but no to the dye, because the chemical directly touch the sculpt. I did airwave perm before. Love it. it was not drying at all and very bounchy. now must wait till my hair longer again.

sam, where did you get the puff? I thought singapore no longer carry Gerber star puff if that the puff you mentioned? I also bit scared to give Naomi the teething rusk, as you said, she ever bit too big chunk and almost choke. another thing is, she chew and chew put keep inside the mouth and swallow together. haiz. till she gagged herself.

bbethan, dunno le, I seldom care about other doctor there. there is one with the japanese lady nurse/assistant. is he the one?

VTECH move and crawl ball.
It's a very CUTE and fun ball. can roll by itself and the baby is supposed to crawl & chase over it. there is a review on several US magazine, some parents said this ball is the toy that makes their babies crawl for the first time!
Saw one at Metro with 20% disc today. so sorry to Kim, when I saw your msg I've already left.
Dino- go hurry and get it. I only see 1 pc on the shelf. not sure whether there is some stock inside. the disc is till sun
I have just open the VIOLET. Naomi got SCARED and CRIED. she keep crying and crying till I took it away. can you believe it? may be it's too big for her to handle. or she so shocked that it can 'talk' back to her?

My hair now also not long.. shoulder lenght but all curling at the wrong places...

cousin suggested airwave.. even for shoulder length.. but if curl, i must dye else curls not as nice liao..
nt too sure lehhh...but all along i don dare let Jav take cold stuffs cos im afraid will trigger asthma.. as i haf it.. i dowan tk any risks.. talking abt eczema..i notice Jav's ears r cracking.. i wonder if he feels pain anot.. n his neck.. its gotten nt so red..but still have the rough texture n oso ytd, he scratched till gt blood.. sigh* see alrdy so hrtpain!.. i'm tinking next week too..but i hope mums free leh.. sigh..gotta ask her this weekend.. if she cant, means byebye to my rebonding of hair alrdy.. =S
