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  1. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Yeah i also bought karmy pj! 2 piece is 33.9, 1 piece is 26.90! Mount E also charges 84 sgd per night for hubby stay inclusive of meals. I bought the baby safe bedding set but the side protector n blanket cant be wash unlike the pillow cases n bedsheets. Can i just sun it? Soon we...
  2. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Groovy: u so funny lo don't scare ppl after buying lol! Somemore i first time mummy! LOL! I hope it last till my no.2 lol!
  3. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Ya, called ICA but forever busy as usual.! Which cot did u buy? I wonder is the 4-in-1 cot is good? Bon-bebe or something? Any mummies bought or know the price? Ya, the locking thing! i bought 2 cots if really not good i switch to the other one!
  4. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nathan : Because currently my husband surname is his stepfather's not his real father and not in good terms so thinking of putting mine instead. But i only know can put both surname like Amy Tan-Lin + chinese name. Share both surname instead. But not sure if can just put mother's surname coz in...
  5. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Sacred Nursing Tea Current Price : $38 Per pkt with free normal postage PROMOTION PRICE • 2 pkts order @ $32 per pack with free normal postage •3 pkts order and above @ $30 per pack with free normal postage •7 Pkts @$30 per pack + 1 FULL PAck FOC with free normal postage Add...
  6. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Mummies anyone seeing dr chia yee tien? Is she good? Went to baby fair at expo for stemcord free studio package upon signing up! Mummies who need to buy the beannie pillow, they do sell if u lazy to do it yourself. 26.70 for small.
  7. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    I have been using the body shop deep dreamy pillow and body mist since my flying days ( jet lag cant sleep so spray to sleep better) love it! My husband goes to ma guang and he think its good even i intro my friend also say good. Shouldnt be that bad afterall! Feeling the tiredness n BH...
  8. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    The hopital list is really so longgg!! Thankie! Gotta start packing cannot get lazy anymore! Can't wait for next tue's appt with my doc..!
  9. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012
  10. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Ok!! Now so hip just call! But i still need to go down n see the master before i due much is it and where is your master?
  11. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Any mummies attend pre anatal classes at nuh before? I just did my first mani pedi 2 weeks back since im pregnant thinking now stable just trim n pamper myself. Going again next week which might be my last session but not going to paint nails colour! Me also went to cut my hair short but...
  12. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Zo, it's really ok to take med and doc will only give u antibiotics if really need to else they give those normal pills that pregnant woman can take. ( but your case u can't since u allergy also). I go to my doc 4 times Liao lo every since I pregnant?! Because it's impt to get well den not to...
  13. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Hopecg: I can't rem my package details Liao super long ago and always been with strip n go same branch n same lady. But they offer me better prices that my gf ( cheaper)! But best sign up when they have gst off on their anniversary or something. Means strip do waxing but not IPL for pregnant...
  14. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    My hubby also say our gynae is natural kind and don't believe this and that just eat healthy. I only take calcium n iron daily. Nothing else, early stages she gave me folic acid. That's all but I do have fish n veg cooked at hm almost everyday on weekdays by my mum. Only weekends I eat out. My...
  15. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    No leh.. My gynae didn't give me any. No vitamins also.. Maybe I will go get myself instead but like too llate right I only left with 9 weeks lol! Now mummies u all take alot of pills? What pills u all taking for now? Full mth: now can agar agar plan after birth already done research den...
  16. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Went for a pre natal massage at rustic nivana today.. No comments -_- My gynae didnt mention anything bou fish oil till now, so i have not been taking at all... Wow 12 cupcakes confirm expensive lo! I gonna start hunting the cheaper cupcakes boxes lol! W
  17. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    What fish oil u all eating huh mummies? Supplements from doc? At which week u all started? Full month party: can i order the cupcakes n eggs in a box and put at my house party so guest can collect before they leave? Lol send one by one tiring lo! Are u all planning liao?
  18. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Prettibride : take good care of yourself. My grandma passed away last year in sept after 1 mth in hospital. And oct i found out im pregnant. I agree that God take a life n give us a new life. For my case i feel that my grandma blessed me with this baby and she also let me win 4D on the last day...
  19. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    im using the dreamgenni pillow too! Bought from instead at 119 for plain n cherries is 129 free delivery. But isetan offer is better.. Hehe! I have some maternity wear from ASOS that i bought new mostly size 8. Interested mummies can search facebook : maternity wear page for...
  20. C

    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Hopecg : ristic nirvana looks really good! But prices wise not as cheap as others. U doing the pre natal with them now? I saw its 180 per treatment but u have packages with them? I saw the 5 day post natal cost almost 1 k, did u sign that? Does the price include transport? Nattan: does...
