(2012/06) Jun 2012

I'm so dog tired today.. my back pain has worsen. cant wait for monday to come when i can go massage..
seeing gynae on monday too. hope placenta moves up and baby turn back to head down..

very hungry now. vomited mcds lunch and no dinner cause no appetite. i think i'll go eat something hot.

Heard from robinsons that 1st may got the usual members sale with voucher deduction again. shld be good buys if you go there with aim.

jenny: if u r 32 size, then buy 32 since that's the smallest already.

Groovy: if u buying gold, i'll suggest u go chinatown Hwa Chung to buy. they dun have GST and they usually give discounts if u spend at least few hundred.
people's park complex level 2. near the exit at the bridge.

Joycie: i feel my feet very swollen. but my shoes n slippers r ok. size no change. i think it's just me though. feeling the swell.

I was at a camp the whole day so didn't get a chance to log in. Had a mild headache and blocked nose the whole time
Really can't wait for the flu to go away... I also took about 7 days MC to date :p At least something to look forward to is seeing baby at my gynae appt tomorrow. Hope he's grown more or else I think I really need to go on a strict diet....

Anna, thanks for your update on the Baby Expo. I didn't think there would be anything worth getting after seeing the flyer. Anyway, bought most of the stuff I need already, now just need some misc stuff which I can get anytime.

Petrina, do take care... pray that your placenta moves up and baby turn downwards. If you still vomit easily then try to avoid greasy foods like Mac and stick to light dishes.
Fleur / Adeline, my baby was measuring abt 1.75kg at 32 weeks.

Petrina, my appt is on Mon too. Hoping for the same outcome as u. Last Mon my gynae did mention that the reason my baby is tranverse could be bcos the placenta is blocking her from turning.
Morning ladies!!

Just went for my 32w check today. Baby is growing at normal growth with weight of 1.665kg. Head and thigh are on track but just a slightly smaller tummy. Very happy that we could see her features and her full face clearly, she looks so cute!! However before we could get a 3D picture of her, she shied away and looked down and just showed us her cute ear. We could see her hair as well.
Her head still remains down and my cervix was measured via a vaginal scan which was a good length of 4cm and has no signs of early labor.
My gynae did a check on bacteria (culture test) as well and results will only be known abt 3-5 days later.
Next appt would be in 3 weeks time!!
Fleur: Dr Chan said everything looks good and he did not nag abt weight!! Hahaha.... So happy with our visit today just that could not get a 3D full face picture of her as she shied away.

Did he say anything abt ur baby's weight?

When's ur next appt?

Pre Natal Massage
I go once a week!
Adeline : lucky you !!! My bb keeps using her right fist to cover her face. We are still wondering who she looks like.
What about yours?
My weight didn't go up much this time coz I have been hving pelvis pain, conjunctivitis and down with flu. So no nagging frm him.
He didn't seem worried abt my baby weight (yet) but I am. Head circumference ok but tummy n thigh on lowest percentile on his chart.
I'm still thinking what can I eat that can make her increase weight. Yet he said my bb cannot be too heavy like 3.5 kg kind in case I cannot deliver naturally.
Next appt 3 weeks later. Yours?
How come u did culture test?

Sel/Petrina: good luck with your appts yeah. I hope all goes well and do update!
Fleur: We are thinking she looks like me cos her features are quite sharp according to Dr Chan. What does it mean by lowest percentile? How far off is her tummy n thigh?

My next appt is on the 19th May,3 weeks from now.
I believe he does it for everyone, perhaps yours will be the following appt. He does it once to check for any bacteria.

I believe Dr Chan doesn't want us to have a big baby as delivery will be difficult and labor will be long then. Am sure he will highlight to you if there is any cause for concern. Don't worry you are in safe hands with Dr Chan.

When is ur next appt?
adeline: Mine is 18th May ... same 3 weeks away from now then he said after that 2 weekly. True ... if there was cause for concern he wld have nagged haha
do u go baby bellies for your massage? i think i shld go 2 weeks once instead of monthly for my massage
@fluerfluer you havent started yours? Quick make an appointment today. You don't know what you are missing. Per natal massage helps in delivery too. I think most mommies here go for either baby bellies or Jamu.

For those with baby bellies sometimes they end a lil earlier than an hour one ya? Feel a lil undercharge for that 10 mins
argh.. Nd to lie dwn. Groin super painful although i didnt walk much. N i m suppose to do my marketin today! Rush bk hm to bed rest cos cant walk.
N the neighbour upstairs hv to do drillin.
tot no knockin n drillin allow on wkend?
Jolene: I only went for once @ baby bellies and it was the first time trial. Recently is a few times physio but concentrated on pelvic area.
I thought go once a month shld be ok (save $) but seeing all of you going pretty frequent i should pamper myself too right?

Chris: I feel your pain. I have been having back pelvic pain until every step walk also painful. Turn left right and get up from bed too. The best way is to bed rest and let hubby do the marketing or just order in. not sure whether drilling allowed but if after 12 still drill ... then do the singaporean thing of complaining.
Sel, i dunno.. But mine did a U-turn after being head down for a month. So i hope monday comes, u already turned back down again.
Sel, i dunno.. But mine did a U-turn after being head down for a month. So i hope monday comes, u already turned back down again.
Thanks Fleur! I heard eating durian will make baby grow bigger. Actually, 3.5kg consider big meh? I thought it's normal. I've heard mummies delivery 4kg babies naturally too. I guess depend on how big is ur build as well.

Adeline, happy for u! Ur baby sounds very cute leh. In tummy already camera shy :p

I wish my gynae uses 3D ultrasound as well :|

What's for lunch ladies? I'm trying to cook claypot rice bcos hubby got caught up at work and I'm home alone again
Hungry liao, maybe I'll eat some biscuit or a slice of bread while waiting for the dish to cook. I think another 20 mins or so.

Chris, I thought no loud reno on weekends? They DIY is it?

For pre-natal massages I go for those freelance house-call kind. At least it's at the comfort of my own home and I think they're cheaper (S$50.00 per hour). But of course, u need to make sure that they are certified/experienced. After massage, I usually take a nap. Shiokness!
Petrina, I read that it's normal for baby to turn and change position bcos there is still plenty of space. The most important time for baby to be head down is when u're abt to deliver so I guess ur baby still has plenty of time to change position.
Petrina: think hubby read somewhere or prob listened during our antenatal class and told me that baby will move and the position is fine. The only crucial point is when ard 36 weeks I think where the position is most impt.

Adeline: I am not sure how far off but u know the chart where he has 3 points. U imagine the upward line then when he put an X on the low point that is where my baby tummy n thigh range is. Head circumference is X at the midpoint of the upward line. And of course if the measurement is high then he will X the top of the line. Hope I described it well.

Eating kaya toast now at ya kun. Craving for it. Saw Garrett popcorn and thinking whether to pack the Chicago mix. Recently baby girl pushing her legs up at me that I get the reflux feeling even after drinking a glass of soy milk or water.

What are the mummies doing tdy?
Sel: my hip area abit narrow that's why If I insist on natural birth baby weight ard early 3kg might be better. Just that perhaps now I have 8-9weeks for my bb girl to increase 1.6kg. Not sure if she can. All the pints of ice cream I ate didn't even go to her!!!!
I have not touched durian so far. Waiting for last resort. Perhaps I'll hv a Mao Shan Wang ice cream a few times before my next appt in 3 weeks time.
I had birds nest last night and this morning. Double boiled myself.
hi ladies,

jus to check with those experienced mums : if baby dun turn, is c-sec the only way out huh? yeah so for c-sec, half GA n full GA type issit?

fleurfleur : eating durians do help. i am oso pumping up the weight too. yeah been trying to eat lotsa food too...be happy cos our baby can feel it leh.
Hi mummies, just back from my gynae appt followed by lunch. Very happy to report that at 31 weeks, baby is weighing a healthy 2.1kg and doctor says he's a little above average in size as he's around the size of typical 33 weeks baby. He's definitely going to be tall! But everything is normal, I gained 2kg, my glucose and protein levels are normal and baby is still facing downwards although due to space constraints, he's facing more towards my left, which is why I keep feeling his feet jabbing my right side...Really praise God for everything

Re big babies, my gynae said he delivered a 5kg baby by natural delivery, so it's possible although it sounds daunting ...
Nattan, congrats on good size and position

Sunbelle, almost all gynaes in singapore won't deliver if baby is breech. Not local practise though it was common in the 80s to deliver breech babies naturally.
Nowadays they need to consider lawsuits...
There is a way to turn baby exterior but locals don't do it. Only in US.
So, yes. If baby is breech, only way out is csec,
So envious of u mummies trying to pump ur baby's weight! Can eat whatever u feel like. I'm the opposite bcos my gynae is watching baby's and my weight gain very closely bcos of GD. Very easy for my baby to gain weight bcos of excess sugar. But now she's back on track lah, considered average size. Maybe my gynae more conservative.

Fleur, I heard baby also have growth spurt. So u nvr know.

Sunbelle, if baby doesn't turn then really no choice, c-sect is the safer option.

Nattan, happy for ur healthy baby. Ur gynae must be one of those pro-natural. Erm, I can't imagine how big it will tear if the baby is 5kg. Goodness! Most gynae would have insisted on inducing early to prevent the baby from getting so big. Who is ur gynae by the way? Maybe I'll switch if I have a 2nd child ;)
thks mummies! Luckily the drillin stop b4 noon. Well, even if it doesnt, i dont tink i cn walk up to complain, w the pain jus nw. Hubby works on sat even, so i gotta do marketin on my own.
goin off to do marketin nw. Hopefully the supermkt has wat i wan, nw tat the wet mkt is closed.
Congrats Nattan on the good results hehee
i am now beefing up the weight of the baby ..yeah cos gynae asked me to eat more durians and eat more...good posiion too....

hi petrina : thank you very much for your information on c-sec. i think as long as baby is heathly and well, i dun mind which method although i know that natural recovery time is faster and not as painful as c-sec. btw, c-sec cannot take tonics for some time rite?
Hi Sel,

guess the most important tin is baby is healthy and well and of average size. guess when i am eating durians i am also concerned over GD. but jus heed gynae's advice to do it. since we are in the last lapse, so soon we will see our littie bundle of joy
hang on there .
any experienced mum whom did c-sec before? how to lessen the pain in recovery period huh? hmmhmm mi trying to find out all these to keep my options open .....and more knowledge ...
Fleur: Correct me if I am wrong, so you mean on the growth chart with 3 lines, he marked the X on the bottom line for both tummy n thigh? Actually from the ultrasound scan you are able to tell how far off is the growth.

For me, all 3 Xs were in the middle line except for her tummy which is slightly below the middle line, on the ultrasound she is 5 days behind.

Did he do a vaginal scan to measure your cervix?

I also told him about my water retention on my feet and he said its normal and just advice me to swim. He wasn't worried at all.
Sel: Thanks! Yup she seems to have my husbands characteristics in terms of being shy.

Baby Position
There is still time for your babies to still turn downwards and for those babies whos heads is already downwards hope it stays that way throughout.
My cousins babys' head was down until some point in time he turned back up so now its breach and she has to go for a c-sec. She has tried all types of exercise to get the baby to turn but he wouldnt turn, so she is scheduled for a c-sec in the next 4 days!

So lets hope and pray all our babies heads turn down and stay down for a successful natural birth!
sunbelle: for breech bb, u can try External cephalic version (ECV) to turn the bb.

i am having the above procedure this coming thursday to turn the bb.

am not very sure abt the whole procedure so unable to offer further details
hi chris,

thank you very much for your advise. yeah the binder can be bought at the hospital issit?

hi adeline : no worries abt the growth. different babies grow at different rate. take liew lian ..they really works wonder leh.....
yeah you are right, let's pray for the best for our babies and their positioning

Hi Mermaider : wow this is my first time hearing this word. ECV. yeah maybe you can update us on is this done after thursday cos i have never heard of it. is done by your gynae huh? hrd before some massauge lady claimed they can massage and change the position etc.wonder how true all these massage ladies words are really ...hehee
Thanks mummies
I pray all of your babies will also be of good weight and position if they are not already.

Sel, my gynae is Dr Denas Chandran from The Women's Specialist. He's pro-natural but I don't think he would agree to a natural birth if it's not safe for the mum. He's a very gentle and friendly doctor, so maybe you can give him a try next time.

Sunbelle, I haven't been eating durians... not sure if they really help to increase baby's weight although I know they are high in fats and sugars. I guess it's ok to eat in moderation if your doctor says so. I still believe it's better to eat low fat and high protein foods like fish, eggs, milk so that I won't pile up the fats :p Have you tried taking maternal milk too?
sun >
np. Ya, u cn buy in hospital. My gynae ask the nurse to brin the binder to me n wil hlp me to put on.
actually to me csec is quite a scary experience. Bt i didnt hv a choice as my cervix wldnt open. Most prob tis time i also hv no choice n wil hv to opt for csec.
Had been feeling pain down there a few times today. Feels like baby moving, and hopefully it's the head engaging in the right place.
Mummies anyone seeing dr chia yee tien? Is she good?

Went to baby fair at expo for stemcord
free studio package upon signing up!

Mummies who need to buy the beannie pillow, they do sell if u lazy to do it yourself. 26.70 for small.
Walk as soon as u can. Instead of resting cause can stimulate growth of cells. It hurts, but just bear with it. I recovered quite fast. Get off bed on 2nd day. Wear binder all day long. Get off bed the right way, dun exert tummy by sitting straight from bed.

tat was the exterior turning procedure i mentioned earlier. No guarantee success and it has complications. So not many gynaes in sg dare to do it.
Hope everyone's feeling good today

I finally had a good meal today. Ate mutton briyani for dinner. Felt so alive and energetic after that.. Baby forced me to clear my intestines today by making me go to the washroom 5x today. Then allowed me to crave for food.
Hope i can be back to normal meals tomorrow
Good Sunday morning everyone! So hot last night & hard to sleep..but feel so happy that I'm on leave tmr

Groovy: you are right, I didn't think of that. Was thinking after injection,should not be moving. Haha silly me.

Anyway, went to see the gynae yesterday. Told him about pains & swollen feet. He didn't seem worried at all too,kept saying it is normal. Hmmmm. My gynae seems laid back & relaxed,think he has many years of experience & seen too many patients liao.

Just curious,what is vagina scan? How they do it?
hi petrina,

thank you very muchie with your great advice.happy to see tat finally u are able to eat a good meal. do u oso have MS in the first trimeter huh? yeah hope that you can continue eating all the great food today hehehe

Hi Kadice, drink more water to reduce water retention. yeah have a good rest.

yeah am wondering what is the difference between localised GA via whole body GA for C-Sec ? cos hrd my frens say if locaised, hubby can go in. can he also cut the umbellica cord huh? yeah not sure about that.
Morning mummies...

Last night was really warm and humid.. I kept waking up to adjust the aircon cos hubby was sniffing away under the quilt while I was perspiring even though I was uncovered :p

Petrina, good that you're finally able to eat. Maybe you had food poisoning before that, that's why kept puking. Do remember to drink more water to replenish the lost fluids.

Kadice, pain and swollen feet are quite common, nothing to worry about. Just drink more water to prevent water retention and do light stretches. Vagina scans are done with a stick scanner placed inside your vagina. My doctor used that for my first scan at 7 weeks cos the normal ultrasound scan couldn't really see much..
Sunbelle, my colleague did localised GA for her 2nd baby. Basically only the lower half of your body will be anaesthetised, so you are still conscious. They will put a screen between your chest and the lower body so you can't see the operation, but you can see the baby once they deliver it from you. For whole body GA, you'll be fully unconscious. My colleague's hubby was in the operation theatre during the delivery and he took photos of the baby once the doctor lifted her out above the screen.
I think I am not suited to sleep in the aircon. Had to sleep in the aircon room for the past 2 or 3 nights. It makes my nose lining swell. I caught myself snoring at least 5 times this morning. I remembered the last time I snored when I was expecting #1, I was also sleeping with the aircon on.
Nattan: perhaps.. Feels great to feel hungry manz... Just reheated a frozen personal pan pizza for breakfast. Taste great!
My lips all cracked past few days though i drank lotsa water.. But i'll carry on drinking.. Hope my poor lips become nice again.

Sunbelle: ur welcome.. If u really wanna do csec then u consider epidural csec which is localised anasthesia instead of general anasthesia.

I washed the quilt and used a flat sheet to replace as a blanket.. My poor hubby was shivering.. Haha. He ask me that thin sheet is blanket??! Then i said ya.. So hot mah.. Wash the quilt can sun and keep liao. Won't be needing it till sept. if hot then off air con lor.. Quilt take up space on the bed.. Keke
hi nattan, thank you very much for your information. yeah localised GA means hubby can go in heheeh
i am oso like u , sweating away even sleeping in aircon room.....hahahah ...at least i know i am not alone hahaha ..jia lat, this mth electric bill goin to shoot up leh hehee ....

glass : think snoring is normal cos i also snore sometimes leh....

Petrina : frankly speaking, i am more prone to natural birth ...yeah but if bo pianz, then go for the epidural csec so that at least when we can be there to witness the first momemnt where baby is born hehee
good to hear that u are eating well now hehehe continue on ...

do you all intend to sleep with fan on or aircon during confinnment huh? is a super hot period now leh ....
Argh! So humid after the so-called rain. Been dripping away my life's blood! Sweated like a pig while cutting my son's hair while HE squeals like a slaughtered pig. Dripped like melting ice kachang while cooking his lunch. Rivulets running down my back n boobs n cleavage n thighs while hanging up laundry. I've already showered twice! Grr!

I think some gynea might not allow husband to enter even though it's epidural C-Sect. That's happen with my colleague that I mentioned. She said then her husband need to wait outside for a very long and the silly thing no one inform him that baby has born already and everything went well.. That's in KKH. She said she pay private fee but has quite a bad experience in KKH.

But I heard quite a lot has a good experience in KKH leh. So I dunno maybe my colleague just unlucky that day.. One person said in KKH, the gynea even wait for her during her whole contraction and keep checking on her.
