(2012/06) Jun 2012

Prettibride : take good care of yourself. My grandma passed away last year in sept after 1 mth in hospital. And oct i found out im pregnant. I agree that God take a life n give us a new life. For my case i feel that my grandma blessed me with this baby and she also let me win 4D on the last day of funeral. Pity she cant see my little one.. And now my cousin wife also pregnant, feel that its also her blessing coz we are the only 2 who are married among my cousins. Cant wait to welcome the little one and show her her great grandchild!

Mummies i got ipad n galaxy tab. Both is good but galaxy is lighter n good for bringing out unless u bring ipad to cafe sit n use else carry ard so heavy!

I also feel alot more stronger movements now and sometimes tummy dancing lol! Agree that tiredness seems to be back! ;(

hi prettibride, take good care.

hi ladies,
oh yes, jus to ask those whom are experienced do natural birth delivery require a binder huh? or only C-SECTION needs a binder huh?

oh another tin is full month party cakes, nowadays do we still go thru the trouble to go around distributing cakes huh? cos i realise that nowadays people only invite relatives to full month cos if give cakes earlier, people might tot we r asking for two ang baos at one go lor.

yeah as for confinement ladies, how much is ideal for 1st and second ang bao huh?
wow nattan, i like your healthy diet hehee
cos i am very big sized so try to control my diet - dun wan to gain too muchie weight lor .....
Sunbelle, if you engage a post-natal masseur, you will get to wear a binder whether you give birth by natural delivery or c-sec. I intend to wear one throughout my maternity leave..hope I can stand it.

Re full month cakes, I think nowadays it's not that popular... people prefer to give vouchers for friends and relatives to choose and collect the cakes themselves. My boss didn't even give any cakes or vouchers when her baby turned 1 month old last month, so I think it's just not the culture la.. If you are planning a party, then no need to give cakes already. My BIL and SIL just invited relatives and friends to SIL's parents' place for buffet lunch only. For my case, I originally wanted a chalet party, but seeing that my office don't have this kind of practice and June/July is a busy period for some of them, while some are away, I think it's not a feasible idea. Maybe just have a small one at home for friends and another one at parents' place for relatives.
Prettibride, I'm sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I have been feeling very emotional recently and been crying for the slightest reason. So worried that will affect our bb. Please be strong for your boy and I'm sure your mum will be the guardian angel for your boy and you. Take care!!
Had a superb indonesian lunch today as it's a colly's bday in our dept..
we have a habit of celebrating bdays @ company's expense. hehe

Bought a swensens ice cream cake for cutting later at tea break.

up to individual. it's to contract stomach muscles post natal. for c-sec it's to allow wound to heal so you don't rub that area with clothes or accidental scratch ur tape. kinda like most surgery protectors.
I wore it after removing stitches still for contracting muscles. it helps esp bfing ur uterus hurts. the binder kinda help hold the pain abit.

me!! all coming back. eating fish oil since i stopped for 1mth due to stupid burping. forced myself to re-start it. but it sucks big time. i'm nauseating due to fish oil

Full Month Cakes
if you throw party, just invite, eat n collect ang baos.
some traditional ones like my #1, cause he's boy, my parents bought ang gu kueh and made red eggs. left them in baskets beside the huge 3kg cake near the doorway.
my mom prepared plastic containers for ang ku kueh & eggs & slices of the cake for guests to bring home if they choose not to eat it there.
then the usual buffet catering.
I had only 1 day. split session. lunch & dinner. that's to avoid huge crowds.

If you are modern, then mail vouchers like some of my friends. mail only to relatives and those friends who gave you presents/ang bao prior to birth of your child.

This time, we won't throw party so elaborately. we'll get my parents to deliver cake sets to their relatives while my hb n i handle my hb's side relatives.
then we'll individually bring cakes to our offices during my ML.

My office also have this once a month birthday celebration. So we just get two cakes or more to share and get the birthday babies to cut.

Had Pizza Hut for lunch. Back to second half of workshop!
What fish oil u all eating huh mummies? Supplements from doc? At which week u all started?

Full month party: can i order the cupcakes n eggs in a box and put at my house party so guest can collect before they leave? Lol send one by one tiring lo! Are u all planning liao?
RE office birthday celebration, we have that also but some months where there are only a few birthday babies, we normally hold it the following month. Usually just a lunch and a cake. One time we did a McDonald's kids' birthday
quite fun la..

ssmilezz, Pizza Hut is still having 1-for-1 lunch promo?
Sim: yes. u can order the cake box set then let guest take back after party.

Smilez/Nattan: cause our dept only 4 ladies. then all our bdays are different months.. hehe.. so we get personalized celebrations.
<font color="aa00aa">We're not planning for full-month celebration. For #1, I just ordered some cakes &amp; ang ku kueh and sent to office and close relatives. I also snail-mailed some cake vouchers to close friends. Planned to do that with this birth too.

Re: Fish oil
My gynae didn't prescribe any to me but I've been taking vegetarian (algae-based) DHA bought from iHerb.com</font>

He he so personalized! Our side whole dept
Around 20 so almost every month sure got ppl celebrating. ;D


No la the facilititer ordered in delivery. Free lunch and tea break.


My SIL ordered the cupcakes and passed the cakes to the guests when they left after the full
Month makan session.
. She ordered
From 12 cupcakes. Not cheap man.

I just take the DHA fish oil my gynae gives me. It's the one in a red box. Been taking since my first visit at week 6.
<font color="aa00aa">For you information:</font>

<font size="+1">Singaporeans are advised to postpone non-essential travel to southern provinces of Thailand</font>
MFA continues to closely monitor the situation in Hat Yai, particularly of Singaporeans affected by the hotel fire. Our Embassy in has been in contact with thirty-one Singaporeans in Hat Yai, including ten of whom who were at Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel, and has established that they are safe. An officer from our Embassy is in Hat Yai to provide consular assistance to these Singaporeans and to determine if there are other Singaporeans who may need assistance.

In view of the recent bomb blasts in Yala and in Hat Yai, which had led to the fire at the Lee Gardens Plaza Hotel, Singaporeans are advised to postpone non-essential travel to the southern provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla in for the time being. Singaporeans with an urgent need to travel to these provinces are advised to monitor local news and developments, take all necessary precautions for their personal safety and purchase comprehensive travel insurance.

Singaporeans travelling to these provinces should also eRegister with MFA at http://eregister.mfa.gov.sg to facilitate contact in an emergency. Singaporeans who require consular assistance should contact the Singapore Embassy in or the MFA Duty Officer (24-hours) at:

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
129 South Sathorn Road, bangkok 10120
Tel: 001-66-(81) 844-3580 / 001-66-(2) 286-2111/ 001-66-(81) 8443580 (Duty Officer)
Fax: 001-66-(2) 286-6966
Email: [email protected]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs- MFA Duty Office
Tel: 6379 8800, 6379 8855 (24 hours)
Fax: 6476-7302
Email: [email protected]
anna: I am also feeling cranky and moody since last night...wonder if other mummies feel that? bought myself mr bean ice cream to cheer myself up
RE Full Month Celebration/Cakes

That's nice of you all to have office celebration! This would be the one and only place i have worked so far where i will not invite anyone nor give anyone so the full month celebration will only include friends and family.

I guess for full month vouchers/cakes tend to be requested by parents to give to relatives if traditional. Otherwise i see alot of friends just making sure there is ang ku kueh and red eggs at the buffet table
prettybride, so sorry to hear that. It really makes me sad too..
Latest update from my FIL when we call him yesterday, my MIL is in the unconscious condition already.. She's also 1 year plus battling with lung cancer. Detected last stage already last year in April..

To all: please take care of your health.. Do eat more vegetables, especially the green leafy vegetables. I know all my hubby's side doesn't like to eat vegetables at all and even very rarely eat tofu. So sad..
Please make it a good habit for your kids too
MOI: i also eating algae based fish oil but y have fishy smell when i burp huh? Mine's from GNC though.

i think for ang ku kueh n eggs r quite essential in most first born in the family.. usually #2 abit more chin chye. haha
dunno y. unless both sides r very traditional type..
I am also planning the full month celebration, we will be doing a tea or dinner reception catering inconjunction with her baptism ceremony as well only for close friends and family, not sure if we will be too tired by then.

DH was thinking of giving out sweetest moments gift set to colleagues and cakes to relatives in Malaysia. Need to see if it is necessary though.

Moi/Petrina: Yup i am not eating fish oil too.Gynae provided me with algae based DHA and multivits. He is pro-vegan.
hi ladies,

thank you so muchiee for sharing on the full month party. it really gave me an idea on what to do. i din even know mus prepare the AKK and red eggs to be put on the table leh
tink will look for AKK that do delivery lor ......cos wanted the whole celebration to be hassle free and dun wan to add stress to parents n family members.

agree with petrina :p for my elder niece is full force distribution of cakes to relatives. second niece all tone down to hassle free buffet hahaah
Hi Mummies/Mummies to be,

I just delivered in Jan and have stopped breastfeeding in Feb (less than a month). I am selling the below items for $350.All items are in good condition.If you are interested, do PM me. Wishing all a smooth delivery! Take good care =)


Ameda lactaline dual breast pump (Original Price $399)
Autumnz Breastmilk Storage Bottles- half are unused (Cost $18.90)
Pigeon Natural-Fit Silicone Nipple Shield- New (Est. Cost: $10.00)
Pumpin Pal Angled Premium Breast Pumping Flanges (Cost : $36.00)
Ameda Freezer Bags (Comes with breast pump)
Mummies..went for my 29wks check up ytd!Bb weight ard 1.3kg..gynae said it's good as normal weight is ard 1.2kg.Check with my gynae when is the best wk to go for Caesarian as my ist oso Caesarian,he told me will perform csection at wk 38 so suggest me either end of may or beginning of June to give birth..still got time to discuss with hb.
Regarding full mth celebration..I am still thinking whether to celebrate anot cos usually ist one will have big celebration then 2nd one will be more chin chye..but I think it's v unfair for the 2nd ones..lol but also worry some relatives or friends said we gian angbo???For my ist we have catering plus give out sweetest moments cake for relatives too.
@Joleen wood-regarding the maternity photoshoot..I just signed up with Ps loveyouphotography.Find that their price quite reasonable n after looking thru her blog..pleased with the photos she had taken..most impt her studio which is based in her hse near my place
Last time I send sweetest moments boxes to my colleagues and they seems to really appreciate it! In fact almost all of them come to my house the next day and give angbao. Even though some of them already visit me in the hospital and bring bird nest + brands chicken essence..

My house is quite near office. Only 1 mrt stop. hehe..

Boss never come and give anything, even for my wedding too hahaha.. Just known for my other colleague he also does that. Only if he really knows the colleague better then he'll give something (some more always share so everything less than $15). lol..

For my close friend and relatives I invite them for full month celebration.
This time around I don't know :S. My MIL condition is getting worst. I'm not even sure if I can celebrate anything. huhu..
Maybe dun feel close to the colleagues ba.
If I am still in my old company, most likely would invite them and give them cakes. Even now, we still meet up for makan/mj.
I dun think I would do so in my current place loh.Definitely not inviting for babyshower.
Kadice, I'm also not close to most of my colleagues despite being here for almost 1yr already. You mentioned doing a baby shower... that's before the baby is born right? What are you planning? I thought of doing that with close friends but wonder if it's too much trouble?
Fleurfleur, yeah...but actually I try not to think too deep into it. Most of my colleagues have been here longer and it's understandable they have formed their own cliques. But there are a few who are "non-partisan" like myself who can hang out with anybody or just be alone. To me, it's more important to maintain a professional outlook and be cooperative. I don't need to be good friends with everyone though that would be a bonus. But friendship is also partly due to chemistry with the other party.. can't be forced right?

RE full month celebration, I was just thinking how to bring those ang ku kueh and cakes across to JB to distribute to my ILs?? It's so troublesome since we don't have a car :p Actually I wouldn't bother except that this is our first child and my hubby's the eldest grandson on his mum's side... Was thinking if I should order these cakes from a local bakery over there cos I've a friend who owns a cafe bakery in JB but not sure if she does traditional stuff like ang ku kueh and red eggs.
for 1st month celebration, tink i wldnt distribute cakes as wat i did for #1. Wil probably jus order a few cake vouchers if my in laws or parents wan2 giv to relatives or for any relatives who came to visit. I wil jus settle for a small buffet at hm w my own immediate family n in laws family bah.
Kadice, no... baby shower is a pre-birth celebration for expectant mums with close friends/relatives. This is usually practised in western countries. The friends/relatives will then give the parents-to-be gifts. It's like a bridal shower or hen party, except this is for a new mum. But westerners don't celebrate the full month like we do

Re full month celebration for subsequent children, I feel it's a bit sad that the subsequent kids are not celebrated with the same joy as the first leh... Is it because parents here feel paiseh to receive more gifts/ang baos from relatives and friends? In that case, can just tell them no need to give anything. But I would like to share my joy of having subsequent kids the same as my #1...it's not to get more gifts or anything.. just a celebration of a new addition to the family
Went for a pre natal massage at rustic nivana today.. No comments -_-

My gynae didnt mention anything bou fish oil till now, so i have not been taking at all...

Wow 12 cupcakes confirm expensive lo! I gonna start hunting the cheaper cupcakes boxes lol! W
Prettibride, deepest condolences to you and your family, please be strong for your baby, i'm sure your mum will bless you and your baby from heaven.

Life is short, this news reminds me not to take my mum for granted, treasure our loved ones.
for my kids' full month, we just celebrate with our immediate family, with red eggs and a birthday cake. the 1 year old celebration will be a bigger one with relatives and friends.
haha.. y no comments on rustic? act they closed down the one that used to be at cuppage, then the members were split between spa rael and rustic nirvana suntec.. most of the cuppage staff went over to spa rael at goodwood

i'm thinking of doing away w kid's full mth ehs.. anyone doing so? quite troublesome.. usually my office practice is to send a huge cake over and just send an email out to inform all.. that kinda settles for colleagues =) the last time i ordered a few boxes of my sweetest moment to just send to some closer frenz and relatives.. esp those who gave ang baos but din appear for the full mth celebration

rainy weather again!!! =s
Prettibride: Please continue to stay strong even though it's extremely tough.

For full month cakes, think I will only give my close friends and colleagues. I do not intend to have a baby shower but I doubt my in laws will agree to it. Even if I do, it will be my FIL's relatives, who can easily have 50 people. :/

I am planning to take half day urgent leave as I am suffering from severe aches on my legs and back. Probably I will call baby bellies later to see if they have slot and try their pre natal massage. So tired from walking about in office and the new staff that I am trying to teach really "suck my energy". My pyschologist advised me to take 1 month leave next month but I doubt I can do it. Hubby commented that I snored the loudest last night ever since he got to know me.
Morning mummies.. wow..very blustery morning with heavy rain! Do stay indoors where possible!

Cleopatra, fish oil or DHA is important for brain development... your gynae didn't prescribe? In that case, you can buy it yourself at GNC or pharmacies.

hopecg, I think those who gave angbao probably felt that they already did gave their blessings, so no need to attend the full month celebration.
Zzzzz.. wish I could stay home in bed haha


I thought gynaes these days norm prescribe fish oil for all the DHA, EPA dunno what A? If u intend to get for yourself, you can try Nordic Naturals fish oil. They're 3rd party tested to be free from heavy metals, from small fish like anchovies so it's safer etc. Can get from Vitakids at Paragon. Get the strawberry flavoured ones if u can't stand fishy smell &amp; taste heehee
perhaps.. haha.. so i return the favour by giving them the cakes! but actually the full mth no need plan so soon ba? haha.. i only planned it after delivery.. catering, invites, cake and wadsnot
Full Month Celeb

My #1 didn't really have a big full mth celeb. More like dinner at Jumbo with the close relatives, just 2 tables. I was in depression then &amp; wasn't in the position to think abt all these. Just left eeverything to Hubs &amp; the ILs. Wonder if I shd remain status quo for No2 to be fair haha
hopecg, ya.. haha.. a bit early to talk about it, but wonder if we actually have time when the baby comes. I could be too sleep-deprived to care liao.. hahaha...

Jul, I rather not have a sit down type dinner, esp with the ILs! Just invite them for catered buffet high-tea at my parents' place or send them the ang ku kueh and red eggs will do. The less time together, the better!!
Cold wet wed morning! woke up late, managed to reach work on time

feel like zzz...

My parents not keen in Full Mth this round. too tedious.. their relatives r the main bulk - 50+ ppl.
my hb side very easy.. max 10ppl niah. so maybe will invite to our place to let MIL catch up..
Then invite some of our close friends and hb's colleagues.
My ofc nobody bothers with Full Mth since they r mostly PRCs. So I shall not bother inviting them too.. hehe


Oh read abt the JB thing. I think it's better to just order the traditional cakes &amp; ang ku kueh from JB itself. Don't bring all over from Spore lah. Then, from my MIl's family, I get the impression that they're still more traditional, so better not to get too 'new-fangled' stuff also
Actually I feel like having a simple buffet thing at home this time round. Settle eeverything at 1 short. Only thing is, the hse is gonna get messy with so many people traipsing in &amp; out with food. Who's gonna clean up?

To hold it at my grandma's condo function rm is ok, but I have to travel. Not as convenient as if I stay at home, can BF anytime, easier to change diapers/bathe/wash up etc etc. Dilemma!
<font color="ff6000">FENUGREEK SPREE</font>

Chris &amp; futsuyaki!

Our fenugreek is almost here! Think it shd reach me by next week. I'll let you all know when I've paid for shipment &amp; get delivery k? Maybe I can bring it to the 13 Apr gathering hehe

<font color="0000ff">If anyone else wants, I ordered 2 extra bottles</font>
No leh.. My gynae didn't give me any. No vitamins also.. Maybe I will go get myself instead but like too llate right I only left with 9 weeks lol!

Now mummies u all take alot of pills? What pills u all taking for now?

Full mth: now can agar agar plan after birth already done research den easier coz we will be so tired to do all these man! I think buffet at home invite family n friends eat n celebrate best. Nothing beats home baby also easier else must bring so many things!! Neo catering came out with baby full mth menu! New!! Do any mummies know if book hotels function room will it cost a bomb any mummies done it before?

Aiya hopecg: I just found out Yest when I was there. Apparently their webbie is alive for just RN. So prices I saw is not same as before (more ex). It's also their service mainly..don't want say la. But anyway they said there is only one therapist who knows how to do pre natal massage n so.. Alot of factors but is the person who make or ans the calls. Whatever it is, I didn't sign the package. But thanks for recommending me!! At least I tried before and went for gelare waffle with my gf after that.. Tue half price waffle! Lol!
Jul, ya.. I'm going to check with my friend whether her cafe bakery can make the ang ku kueh and red eggs... must see how much they charge cos her cakes are not cheap even by Sg stds! :p I also think my IL's side is more traditional so they won't appreciate cupcakes or western style cakes. My parents are more easy-going but my dad loves ang ku kueh, so I probably will get for him also la.

I think doing a simple buffet at home is good.. you can try to break the guests into batches so that not so many people crowd your place at the same place. Then make sure provide a lot of disposable cutlery etc and rubbish bags so that you don't have to clean up too much.
Cleopatra, very strange your gynae didn't prescribe any supplements for you... do you mind sharing who you're seeing?? I get calcium tablets, iron and multi-vitamin tablets and DHA fish oil each month when I visit.


Maybe your gynae is the 'pro-natural' type? I have multivits, fish oil &amp; calcium. Fish oil, I prefer the Nordic Naturals coz it has strawberry taste. My gynae's is natural flavour *yucks*

I think some people need additional iron oills coz low blood.

It's nvr too late to stop taking haha

Oh if u need fish oil urgently, I can pass u a couple of bottles to try. If you buy it in Singapore, it's almost double the price as online!
