(2012/06) Jun 2012

Chinese Names

My MIL will be seeing a master immediately after the baby is born with the time,date and etc. Should be able to register childs full name before you check out even for normal deliveries, i believe. It doesnt take long to decide on chinese name and strokes for it,right?

Sorry am clueless on this as i am a eurasian.

Kadice, nice to know that you and your hubby have been together since JC days.. that's pretty rare!

ssmilezz, we met at Uni, although we're from different faculties

Re eye makeup, you can still wear some light eye shadow and mascara to enhance your eyes even if you wear glasses. I used to wear glasses too but nowadays I don't wear them nor contact lenses anymore. I can still see, so it's ok. In fact after I stopped wearing glasses/contacts my degree actually reduced by about 25 degrees on each side.

My hair didn't increase in volume leh. So hopefully won't drop a lot after birth either!

Adeline, hehe... I will only bring the necessities cos the more I pack, the more i need to unpack later. Most important are the documents. Anything else I forget to bring can be bought at the Guardian pharmacy.
Watched TV for 5 hours! Now I can understand why those aunties can just stick to the TV & watch trashy talk shows, reality shows, Taiwanese serials etc. It's quite mind-numbing just to laze there & stone the day away!


Haha I think my hosp bag list is abt the same as yours

Length of Reln

I knew Hubs for 15 yrs altogether : friends 1 yr, dated 6 yrs, married 8 yrs haha

Nice to see I'm not the only one ard here
Went for my review this morning. Bb is doing well and weighs at 1.5kg at week 29th. Placenta still abit low, near to the wall though gynae told me not to be panic. Still got chance to move up since my girl is very active moving around. I'm really concerned about my weight gains which I have put on 14.6kg till date. But gynae was not too concern about it...saying there are mothers putting on more than 20kg to 30kg in total pregnancy. Well am I supposed to be happy or what?

Great to see all the marathon runners here.
I have dated my hb for 5 yrs, rom on the 6th yr, customary on the 11th yr and finally an "accident" on the 16th yr. It's our 17th anniversary this year. Woohoo...I'm really getting old. Initially with no make-up at all, then with little make-up to work....now can't go work without a proper make-up but will spare my skin during wkend.

Nattan, the TMC lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - Antenatal exercise, nutrition, myths & traditions, coping with pregnancy discomfort, back care & postures.
Lesson 2 - Antenatal exercise, breathing relaxation, pain relief.
Lesson 3 - Antenatal exercise, breathing relaxation, cope in labour.
Lesson 4 - Practical hands-on on bb care.
Lesson 5 - Baby feeding.
Lesson 6 - Doctor's talk on hb role during childbirth, problems with NB, post-natal depression etc.
Door gift like FM and bf apron were given on the 1st lesson, but no handbook to refer except for the notes given to us on the 3rd lesson which I have asked you to post it here. Mrs. Wong BB was selling her coping with pregnancy, breastfeeding and childcare book during the 2nd lesson at $13 each which I have bought the childcare book only. I have yet to book with PEH on the hospital ward tour...hope to do so sometime in May.
Your gynae should be able to give you 1-2 wks leave before EDD. Normally they are very lenient on this.
See – you can relax doing nothing! Hehee..if you control yourself not to do anything. Just watch senseless shows or surf net….then sleep..shiok!
Your relationship also very long….we literally watch our spouses grow up hor….
I met my hub through IRC! That was like long before the ICQ or MSN or FB what nots now man. Thankfully he wasn’t some pervert and fate brought us together somehow!
Did anyone feel it? I heard some colleagues talking about it then I saw Adeline’s post.

Hubs doesn't like CC. He'd rather we scrimp n save & I be SAHM. My No1 is attending Montessori for Children at Newton.


Hmm.. if u feel like u shd go for antenatal classes, then u can just go irrgeardless of what ur gynae says. After all, it'll be u taking care of the baby when it's born, not your gynae.

Why do u have to go for Csec? Bcoz of the size of your baby?

For me, I'm scared of ops. Wanna avoid Csec like the plague. Keep praying that my placenta can move up so that I can have natural delivery. I'm quite a scaredy cat :p


Aiyoh ignore your insensitive colleagues lah. If butt dun spread, pelvis will be too small to deliver naturally. U'll have to suffer many hrs & maybe end up emergency Csec. For childbirth, big butt is a BLESSING hahaha
Wah the list is so long. I don't remember bringing that much last time. I remember i brought magazine last time, thought i would be bored but in fact, there was no time for me to read. People keep coming to visit me and I've to keep breastfeedinf plus I was in pain. How to read?

Alot of you are in long relationships! Me too! My husband and I dated for 5 years and married for 6 years liao...Time flies...Our 6th year anniversary coming soon and Hubby is treating me to a staycation but... with our daughter along... haha!

I've been kicking my blanket (subconsiously) off our bed and my husband has been scolding me cos he needs to keep picking up the blanket and covers me but I kicked it off again...

I just hope I dun go to the other extreme. Nua everyday at home & forget to pack hosp bag, wash baby clothes until I pop haha

Haha or maybe we shd say, our Hubs watch us grow OLD

Aiyah sorry dun think I can meet up for lunch this week liao. Must see how I feel by 2moro also.


Hehe since ur gynae isn't worried, u shdn't be so hung up abt weight gain lah.

Actually I'd rather people not visit me. I'd rather have a gd rest, surf, watch TV, bond with baby etc. I dun wanna have to entertain other people after coming thru a long hard battle in the delivery room.

I'm kinda weird in that sometimes I need to have alone ME time. Just wanna not talk to people, do my own things. I wonder what's a nice way to "ban" visitors.
Anna, the lessons are the same except the order is different. I like that PEH bound the notes into a book for us to refer to easily.. Are Wong BB's books good? Heard her speak during a seminar and she's quite a candid person. But I also read on the forum that some mummies felt she's a bit impersonal when it comes to lactation consultation.

Re weight gain.. So long as you're eating healthily and normally, not binging or anything, then don't worry la. It could be water retention you know? Our fluids and blood volume all increase, so it's not all fats.. so should be able to lose a chunk of the weight quite fast after birth. As for the rest, take the ML to slim down la.. I'll be watching my diet very carefully and exercising as much as I can.

ssmilezz, guess what? Me too! I got to know hubby through our uni intranet, way before IRC and ICQ were available.. hehe... we met after chatting for a day, then started dating officially after about a week. My friends all thought I was crazy! Hehe..
Jul, should say our hubbies watch us EXPAND!! Haha...

Re visitors, I will just say appreciate all the good thoughts and well wishes, but very tired so need a good rest after the labour. I'm banning family members from visiting too. Hubby will be my spokesperson ;) Of course, I will not include info on my delivery ward and turn off hp.
Earthquake yeah.. 8.9 west sumatra.

I knew my hb when i was 17. Just after O levels i did PT job in hotel while waiting for poly entry.. He was my trainer. Just ORD from NS.. So young hor.. Then blur blur all e way.. When i hit 25, i ask him, wanna get married boh.. He say chin chye.. Haha.. Then 27yr become mummy liao..
This apr will be our 12 yr dating anniversary.. Which we nvr bother to celebrate. Haha i actually already forgot the exact date.. Dunno 22/26 apr

Adeline, i only bring
Std tolietries
Clothes for discharge
Electronic devices
Everything else i intend to use hospital's.

Ignore them, fleur! I also have gossipy collys cause my ofc got 3 preggys. I m 2nd to deliver but they say i look bigger than the lady popping in May! I told them i fat mah! Then also said, i 2nd child liao leh..

I arrange to c gynae this sat. Scared abt the placenta too. Today felt bad menses cramp for abt 1hr constantly. No other symptoms though.. Baby is kickboxing.. So at least i noe she's safe n sound.

My colleague managed to give birth VBAC for her 2nd. Same age gap as yours. Actually she planned for Csec, but I think she din make it coz her waterbag broke. In the end she managed to get natural delivery. Jiayou!
Breastfeeding Cover

Which brand or type r u using? I think I wanna buy one. Wanted to make one initially, but I have no time & can't walk ard shopping now to look for nice, opaque shawl.
Jul! Thanks for ur encouragement
my gynae also tell me success stories of his everytime at my appt, telling me not to worry. So i hope my placenta don't fail me this time. Will try to keep baby small enough for my flat but small butt..

I bought cover from materity shop for #1. Black netted. This time i bought black shawl. Intend to send to tailor to sew up the edges n leave hole big enough for my head to fit. Cheap n i can choose colour i want..

Yes let's jiayou together!

Hope I can have my placenta move up in time, & I can keep baby inside for as long as possible too

I went to NeuLook at ION. They said all the shawls at Suntec. In my condition now, how to go all the way to Suntec to buy shawl? Hiaz!

Groovy went to Medan for her MIL's funeral right?
Jul, I know I expanded but I don't feel I aged. Anyway, you are what you believe so I wanna believe I've not aged
also, as Dr Oz says, your real age is not related to your chronological age.

Petrina, so you're only 29? That's young for mum of 2!
Jia you ! I am sure you can VBAC. J Got to keep positive!!
Wah – you propose to your hubby yah? He must be very flattered…hehe
Hehe..I’m not much better than you. We chatted online for a few days then exchanged telephone numbers and chatted on the phone for maybe a week? Then arrange to meet up for our first date. By the second date, we were together as a couple already. LOL!! Madness hor….i dunno how all these happened so quickly. It’s like we have the same wavelength and can talk/communicate with one another.
Don’t worry abt lunch la..just rest!!! We can always meet another time.
My hub took out the cabin luggage bag this week and has started throwing and packing stuffs inside. He went to pour shampoo and body wash into tiny containers so can bring there cos prefer to use our own. Dunno what else he bz packing inside.

Funny thing is, I dun feel I expanded, but I feel I aged since abt my 'peak' at mid-20s


Oh maybe I can start pouring my toiletries into small containers also? That's not too taxing mah right? At least feel like I'm doing SOMEthing hehe
Hi Anna,
I am also giving birth at Peh.. Just went for the hospital tour last wk. Nothing much to tour. But did the pre-registration at the same time. Quite a lot of paperwork. The admin gal spent abt 30mins explaining the package, birth cert and the baby bonus. And do up some paperwork. So when I going for delivery, will be faster I guess.
Nattan, she is quite a candid person and can be quite entertaining at times. Her book will be very useful for clueless mum like me, esp comes to childcare. Just briefly go thru it though...bb feeding, nb's food recipe and how to cope when bb is sick etc. So I dun mind buying her book, even though quite pissed with the arrangement of the lessons.

Basically our hbs watch us expand. And now even worst...everyday we are expanding including my butt by 6" at least. Omg...
Your hb not bad Le, at least he bother to pack.
My hb, only know how to sit in front of his pc and play his Facebook games. I need to bark at him for days, then he move abit.. Told him that we need to pack the room and wash the clothes, befor the cot and bed comes.. He still nag at me why I so kiasu buy so many things and make the room messy... Really up my nerve!
Nursing Cover

Jul: I bought Bebitza-The breastfeeding blanket during the Taka sale for $47.92. Its antibacterial & UV waffle (SPF 50+).

I love the softness of it as compared to the others i have seen. So just bought to try.
Priscilla, gotta do pre-registration too? I thought dun have to cos I have informed the nurse from my gynae clinic and she will make all the arrangement?
My hb is just exactly like yours...will sit infront of his laptop everynite to play games. I can't be bothered to get him move his ass cos I know he won't and will nag at me instead. Well just gotta slowly do it at my own pace without getting on my nerve then.
My hospital bag:-
For Mummy
1 Maternity pads
2 Disposable panites
3 Front opening pyjamas 2 sets
4 Face towel for cleaning body
5 Going home outfit
6 Nursing bra & breast pads
7 A pair of slip-in slipper
8 Socks to keep warm
9 Jackets for myself and hb
10 Hairband / clips
11 Vicks for soothing throat
12 Medicated oil
13 Toiletries, floss / simple make-up set
14 Lip gloss, moisturiser etc
15 HP charger
16 MP3 for relaxation while waiting
17 Marriage cert (to register bb's birth cert and name)
18 NRIC and Admission / Doc letter / Card
19 Receipt from gynae to submit to hospital for medisave claim upon admission
20 Coins for hb to buy drinks etc
21 Tummy wrap if C-section
22 Breast pump to stimulate milk production ASAP as bb tend to be sleepy during the
first few days after birth (will it be necessary??)

For Baby
1 Baby receiving blanket with hood / Swaddle
2 New outfit to go home with button infront
3 New booties and mitten
jul: yeah.. Neulook @ suntec is very huge. has all the accessories. i m using it as shawl now. haven't gone to tailor yet.. hehe
I like the material as it's very soft. after tailoring, it'll look exactly same shape as my previous cover.

nattan: my boy is 4 this yr. i'm 31
but yes. young though i have friends same age already mother of 4!! haha

my gynae nurse did all the pre-registration. i remember i only need to bring letter can already. dun need to do anything else.

smilez: kinda mundane since we dated so long. plus we quite modern. i lived with him for about 4yrs before i asked if we shld get married. that time he wasn't too established yet so he wasn't keen. but luckily he chin chye agree. cause i became pregnant just 2mths b4 wedding. lol
otherwise become embarrassing for my parents liao..
he wasn't too keen on getting married for the sake of certificate since we were comfy with our then life. DINK.. I think it's GOD's will that we got married then.. otherwise my boy would have been born illegal then..
Adeline, is birth plan required too? My gynae never ask me for any birth plan. Any birth plan to share?

Cotton disposable panties
I have bought 5 packs of FW size from Guardian. Was wondering if it's enough or should buy some L size too? Will our expanded big butt shrink to fit in to L during confinement??
Hehe.. looks like some of you are busily preparing hospital bag, so I'll post my list too
... a stripped down version cos I don't like to bring too many things.

For myself
1) Maternity pads
2) Disposable panties
3) 2 x Front open nighties
4) Small towel
5) Going home outfit
6) 2 x nursing bras & breast pads
7) Toiletries
8) Make-up
9) Hp and charger
10) Camera
11) Marriage Cert
12) NRIC and Admission Letter
13) Receipts from Gynae
14) Snacks!!!

For Baby
1) Baby clothes and swaddle
priscilla & anna: u both are not alone! my hubby still damn relaxed mood too...just kept playing his game. haha

just curious, where is peh?

btw, what brand of breast pads is good & cheap? online cheaper?
Hehe.. my hubby also plays online game, but at least he helps me to do housework and care for the cats. He complains that I just come home and vegetate infront of the laptop :p

Kadice, I bought Bravado washable breast pads online. PEH is at Telok Kurau, near Joo Chiat.
wah tokin abt knowin hubby. I also wan2 share. :p knw hubby since i was 15, got together as an item whn 17, married at 27, hv my #1 at 33, #2 at 35.
i hv spent more than half of my life w my hubby.
today my groin area super pain n hv great difficulty to walk. My csec wound also painful for a longer duration than normal. Wonder if i shld go c gynae tmr? Bt tat wil waste more $.
Kadice, I bought pigeon disposable breast pad.
Ya PEH which is Parkway East Hospital, previously known as East Shore is located at Telok Kurau.

Chris, I think you are the champion of the marathon runners here.
And we have Jul as the champion of hoarder. Lol.
Chris, you should not save on such money and further hurt yourself. Quickly go see gynae tomoro unless your review is this fri or sat, then you can request to bring forward your review and save on consultation.
Good morning to all! Thursday & 1 more day to Friday....

Nattan: Sigh, just have to try to control eating but it's hard to. Crossing fingers that next month's weight gain wont be too much.

Adeline: No, I do not have CL as I am currently staying with my in laws and they do not fancy the idea of having another person. I guess I just have to feed baby at night.

Jul: You are right though. I told hubby the comments here & from my brother. That's when he thought probably do not really need to attend the classes. Yup, gynae said c section cos baby seems too big. But he asked me to do scanning next visit again to see baby's weight. We will sign up for the hospital package next month. If really need to c section, then I will most likely ask a Master to choose a date & name.

All of you seem to have dated your other half for donkey years! I only dated hubby for 3 years and we met through dating site - MSN Match. But at that time, we werent into each other. Fate really plays a part.
Morning mummies...

Chris, congrats! Looks like you have the longest relationship with your hubby!

I think you should go for a check if you feel severe pain. If it's just the usual stretching feeling, then it's probably just your baby growing and your uterus stretching to accommodate.

Anna, I also got a nursing cover at PEH but it's not very attractive.. willl probably use a shawl...

Zo, it helps if you keep a food diary or use a phone app to keep track of your food intake.

Length of relationship is not so important. Most important is mutual respect and understanding, and being able to communicate with each other.
Morning Ladies!

Read in the ST today that Changi Hospital rented a ward in PEH.. dunno whether will add to the stress of the carparks and infrastructure..

Steady lah! when i was 15 i still dunno dangling where.. haha all the puppy BGR...

Drinking soya bean milk and eating KFC porridge for breakfast

Gonna have sandwich and MCDS hot fudge sundae for lunch later

Last night my hb quarrel with our baby. so cute.. she kick n kick so obviously. so i called my hb come see. then she totally 15min stop moving. LOL
happened a few times throughout the night. HB gave up trying. then finally i signaled him w/o calling his name. he put his hand and finally felt the big movements.. Our girl's ears very sharp. LOL

Good morning!

Had a busy morning. Made toasted cheese sandwiches cut into bunnies for son's breakfast & sch snack. Had my brekkie, did the dishes. Then threw in a pile of laundry. Dug out my small containers to transfer my toiletries, then discovered they were so dirty & dusty, so I washed them. While waiting for them to dry, I come here & yak & take a well-deserved break! haha
