(2012/06) Jun 2012

Yes, I've to reset my expectations after visiting my gynae. So long baby is ok, everything else doesn't really matter.

Jasmine, don't stress abt it if ur gynae didn't say anything. U can read more abt it at http://www.babycenter.com.sg/pregnancy/complications/diabetes/. It's case by case basis and for me it's bcos my family has a history of diabetes.

Since I'm mentally unprepared for c-sect, I've yet to survey cost of c-sect at TMC too. How much cash component do u think I shld set aside? I'm paying my gynae a S$900+GST deposit during my next visit. I'm wondering how much will my cash component be left when I get discharged from the hospital.

Initially, I wanted to opt for 1-bedded but considering c-sect is more expensive, maybe I shld consider downgrading to 2-bedder or 4-bedder?

Cleopatra, oic.. I think this should be checked with the authorities, so ya you should call ICA to check..

I almost bought the Sheares cot but after reading some reviews and seeing the cot for myself at the babycare fair, I decided not to. Pls be careful that there are some plastic parts near the corners which may scratch your baby. A reviewer said her baby got a gash on his head after accidentally knocking against one of these plastic parts. Also, I don't like the locking mechanism (need to push against the cot to push down the side rail).

Jasmine, only if your weight gain is very big all of a sudden, then you need to get tested for GD, else should be normal. My baby is 2.1kg at 31 weeks.

My Sheares baby cot for #1 is okay though.. 2 years already and still in a very good condition. I like the locking mechanism, it can 1 hand operation. hehe..

*nattan, better don't make people scared after buying :p

if your gynea never said anything then should be fine.. Just becareful if baby gains too much weight! Cannot do natural delivery as such.
My friend, baby is 3.8 kg, in the end need to C-Sect because her hip is small. I saw she's eating durian in her last trimester.. And her baby is actually slightly overdue..
Ya, called ICA but forever busy as usual.!

Which cot did u buy? I wonder is the 4-in-1 cot is good? Bon-bebe or something? Any mummies bought or know the price? Ya, the locking thing! i bought 2 cots if really not good i switch to the other one!
Smilezz: it started off as rash due to pollutant like dust (office Reno packing) and but with the hot weather it's easily flare up so I also dunno what rash it is now. Red dots on both legs so ugly! One thing is I ctrl and never scratch. Scratch alrdy sure worse and spread.

I will be heading down robinsons tmr to get the last few essentials and my face powder Hope have what I need.
Realise the babysafe bolster cover bought at baby care fair is not the infant one but toddler one. Alamak!! Hubby alrdy wash so gotta keep cannot exchange.
Can u apply some calamine lotion? That should help with the itch leh.
I bought some Babysafe covers for the pillows/bolster/mattress during the Mar Baby fair. The designs are quite cute and the material is rather soft after washing.
I thought elective c section is cheaper? I could be wrong. I’m going to do my pre-registration on Wed after my checkup. But I am not delivering at TMC so I really have no idea what’s the different in rates. In any case, for c section, we will usually need to stay more days at the hospital so if u really want to get a good rest, getting a 2 bedder or 4 bedder will really depend on your fellow roommates and their visitors.
Baby Cot
I bought mine from Baby Kingdom I think. Some 4 in 1 or what. Paid around S$250+ I think but that is without the mattress cos we bought the Babysafe mattress already. We wanted a cot that was a bit higher since we are both tall and didn’t want to bend too much at least when the baby is still young. My SIL bought the cot from Mothercare and I think it was the basic model. It was really low and when we were visiting our niece and had to bend over to play with her in her cot, it was really tiring man.
Smile > I m ok w all types of serial, as long as comdey...bt nt Mr Bean. :p

Kadice > Share w u wat the qns I asked during maid interview. Don't knw if it is too late for u.
1) Which yr r u born?
2) Do u hv experience in taking care of children? How old? For how long? Wher? R u usually alone at home w the children or there will always b someone hm?
3) Y do u want to wk in SG?
4) Do u hv to send $ bk hm for sick family members?
5) Wher do u wk previously? Wat r ur duties? Y do u stop working for thm?
6) Hw long do you wan to wk in SG?
Thanks ladies! Since tat day i found out she breeched, i was doing exercises to turn her as well as putting cold stuffs on upper tummy. They say will make baby turn away. 2nd item dunno how true lah. But exercises do help though it's quite tiring.

Gynae said if everything maintain same, he'll allow me to try vbac. Success or failure depends on fate ultimately.. So i told him i won't induce. I'll wait for waterbag to break naturally. Or contractions to come along by itself. Even if i m overdued then. He agreed as long as i fufill his criterias..
1) fluid level good
2) baby gaining weight, mummy not losing weight unless due to sick.
3) baby movements r good
4) baby position and placenta position is suitable for natural birth

Massage was enjoyable. $66 per session cheap or not? I'm keen to buy 5 sessions at $333. Or 10 sessions at $666 free 1 infant massage and 1 foot reflexology. Can mix pre n post natal. Binder additional $20. Need to wash myself.

Gonna buy avent steam n blend tmr.. Today's sun is perfect! Washed balance old clothes and rocker cushions..
All done! Now waiting to open playpen and measure so i can buy mattress tmr.
Ssmilezz, elective c-sect shld be cheaper than emergency c-sect. But I forgot to ask my gynae her charges for c-sect. Maybe I'll call tmr and check ba. The rates on TMC webbie does not include Doc's fees right? On the webbie it says "The above estimates are hospital charges only and does not include all doctors professional fees."

Based on the TMC webbie, price difference between 1-bedder and 2-bedder is abt S$1k but the price difference between 2-bedder and 4-bedder is not significant.

Petrina, sounds positive to me. Very high chance u can deliver by vbac ;)

I think S$66.00 for massages at an established spa is reasonable. How long is one session? My freelance housecall masseuse charges S$50.00 for each 1hour pre-natal session. For post natal package (7 days, 1hr, inclu jamu wrap, free girdle n 1 time baby massage), she charges $400. U can use this price as a basis.
Attended the final antenatal class. Taught about bathing the baby and breast feeding. Gosh I cannot remember the positions and steps to bathe the baby. Seems so many steps and so many things to get ready. I'll need to buy cottOn balls and cloth diapers.
I thought pregnancy was hard work I thInk BF and caring is tedious work! Salute second time mtb here
Adeline : forgot to tell you. Dr chan nurse said he don't believe in birth plan coz he has his own methods. Did u mention yours to him?
haha ya lor! Last time I also thought pregnancy is very though. Then when baby is born even much more tiring.
At the very least, we don't need to carry baby everytime lah unlike now.

But sure will miss those kicking from inside tummy..

I'm lucky since I have a good husband who helps take care. And right now have a maid.
I can't imagine to be a SAHM with no maid. Must be very very though.
Last time only encounter become SAHM with no maid for 3 months.. But still someone cook and do housework for me even though she won't handle baby.

That time already feels very though leh. It's like doing physical activities everyday. huehehhe..

I often refers maternity leave and weekend as physical work. Everyday must take care baby, carry baby, change diaper, play, feed, etc like that :p
Oh ya, for those w/o CL, my #1 was w/o CL.
my MIL cook normal meals for me. I couldn't eat confinement meals cause allergy towards epidural i had rashes cause overdose. so eating heaty food will make the rashes worse. therefore 1week upon reaching home, i stopped all confinement heaty foods. Ate only veg, fish and any type of soup that MIL may cook once a week.

Basically I drank red dates + black dates + black fungus + longan boiled together. *tat was my only water for the month* - boil huge pot every morning. then just strain n drink.
then i drank the usual milo or horlicks whenever i feel hungry during the day or night.
No cold drinks or plain water.

I shower normally. twice a day. wiped dry in the toilet and dressed in the toilet before exiting.
I wear cushioned slippers all day long to prevent cold wind from entering body from feet.
No fan blowing directly on me. Used air con almost 24/7 at temp of 25deg. just to maintain coolness in the room.

Baby was with me at all times. when i go shower, baby will be buckled in rocker outside bathroom.
I was alone whole day other than MIL cooking for me at mealtimes.
When I latch baby, i prop myself with ample pillows and fall asleep with baby beside me.

I used disposable diapers. Did baby laundry once a week. Did adult laundry once a week. Meaning i used washing machine every mid week and weekend.
First 2 weeks i had to hang bamboo indoors as I couldn't reach outside due to csec wound.

3rd week onwards i could handle light bamboo outside. weekends i had my hb help me hang the bamboos. then weekdays when my hb come home in the night, he'll help me take in the bamboos.
Basically i think w/o CL is ok. as long as u plan your time well and dun stress too much.

fleur: let nature take its course. you'll learn how to carry/latch baby instinctively and bath baby as u go along. classes are just information which ppl tend to forget when they panic.
just remember you are the mother. you know best

Now you r still free, google and read more. diagrams r available and information is available widely.

Groovy: i'll miss kicking too! i yearn to carry her in my arms now but i wanna hold her in as long as i can so that she'll grow her lungs well.

Smilez: elective is cheaper cause you'll save on labour room charges and ctg machine costs. emergency is after trying to natural then failed then no time for epidural if u haven't already taken. so u muz take GA. if you already took epidural then u'll be pushed to surgery room.

Sel: yup. i hope i can vbac this time

$66 is at massage centre. if housecall is additional $15 per trip. massage is 1hr each.
i'm concern abt the post natal very oily n leychey at home since i got a 4yo nosing around..
<font color="aa00aa">Finally finished glancing through several pages of posts!

I've been coughing these few days and had fainting spells on 2 days. Had to take 5 short rest while walking my son to childcare centre last Fri (journey usually takes about 20-25 mins) but we took 1 hour instead.

Had 32w checkup last Sat and gynae told me to go for GTT (Gluocse Tolerance Test) as baby was "fat" (approx 2.3kg). Baby is breeched and transverse. Kinda worried as I wish for a vaginal birth so hope he'll turn before 36w.

Weather is extremely hot these few and I have to switch on the air-con despite of the cough. Hope to recover real soon.</font>
moi: my baby is 33weeks &amp; 2days based on my edd and she's 2.2kg. gynae nvr say fat. urs is 100g heavier than mine with 1 week difference, ur gynae say baby is fat?
Moi, my baby 2.1kg at 31 weeks 3 days, so how is yours fat? Anyway, did your doctor do a random glucose test? Mine always gets me to pee on a paper stick every time I go for a check up since entering the third trimester. If the paper stick doesn't detect sugar, I'm "safe". You're only at 32 weeks, so don't worry too much now. Try those exercises to help baby turn around. I'm sure you can still make it for vaginal birth.
Thanks Chris for the qns to maid but I already came back when I read it;) anyway,the connection to undo side was so poor. Questioning mostly done by agency ppl. The maids dun understand much English too...
wah.. i super boil last night and today!!! my #1 supposedly down with flu.. and you know why is say "SUPPOSEDLY"?!?!?!.. cos i have not seen him since sat night!!!.. stupid guy took my son to his mum's place.. and has asked that my son stays there for the rest of the week as a form of "REHAB".. "you will see the difference in a week!" ... WAT CRAP!!!
Good morning ladies!!! Sunny day today ... Good for laundry time but bad for mummies who feel hot!

Have a good break before we start our short work week!
<font color="aa00aa">Ya. She said fat as baby's weight is at75% percentile, up from 50% during the 20w detailed scan.

Ya. I did "pee" test during every checkup &amp; so far there was no problem. Well, hope I'll pass the GTT. May go for the test tomorrow morning if I'm not giddy. Got to fast after 10pm tonight.</font>
Morning mummies, enjoy a good break today. I'm going to do more laundry. At least now got our plastic drawer, can start doing baby laundry soon (after ours) and sort the stuff into the drawers.

Hopecg, don't quite understand... you haven't seen your #1 since Sat, so you don't know for sure if he's having flu? Did you know your hubby put him at your MIL's place for a week? So your son didn't recover?

Moi, nothing to worry about la since your pee test was ok.. 75th percentile is still quite normal.. I really don't think you have GD.
well the guy told me over the ph that he is having flu.. it hasn't been a week that he's been there.. he went over sat night.. suppose to be back today, and nope, he's not back yet.. cos the guy asks that he stays there for the rest of week for REHAB!! ?!?
was too pissed to read thru the posts..
but hey, petrina, u gave a pretty detailed plan w/o confinement nanny.. thanks!! boost that confidence =)

nattan, which confinement tingkat u having? natal essentials? am doing a bit of research nw.. seems like it's either natal essentials or newbaby
Hopecg, I'm not using a confinement tingkat, just normal tingkat service cos I don't think the food by confinement tingkat is much more nutritious and worth the price. I will get my hubby to cook a big pot of "confinement" soup to supplement the tingkat. My only critieria is getting food that is less salty and oily.

I'm very confused by your story leh... your "the guy" is your hubby or your son? Why is he over at MIL's place since Sat? Anyway, just chill la... enjoy your Labour Day break.
kadice > opps, sorry for the late post. Ya, thy really hv language problem or connection problem. Ur 1st time employin? So u manage to gt smone u wan alrdy?
Chris: no worries
not yet. we are going to look at another few more before deciding. ya first time employing, think need some time to get used to a stranger at home.
kadice: try netmaid.com.sg
A bit hard to interview brand new maids. I chose a transfer maid as I could interview them personally or by phone as they are in Singapore.
Went for Robinsons sale yesterday. Very tiring hehe. But quite satisfied too..

When reach home at night, realized that my kitchen cabinet is infested with fungus/mold!!
It's the cabinet below the sink. My maid never puts any towel near the sink so everytime she wash dishes, the water just keeps spilling inside the cabinet. Hux..
Luckily I realized now, so it's not much too late..

Btw, my kitchen and dining table is infested with ants now. Any idea to get rid, something safe for baby/toddler?
Got this list of maid interview questions from someone in Oct 2010 mtb last time..
1. Are you single or married? [If married: are you staying together?]
2. How many siblings you have?
3. Do you have any children? [If yes, ask qn 4 &amp; 5]
4. Who looks after them now?
5. If you come to Singapore to work, who will look after them? Can she manage?
6. Do you have any experience working as a maid? Where? What are your duties? Why you don't want to work there anymore?
7. Do you have any experience looking after children? How old? How you look after them?
8. [Tell her abit about your hsehold - how many kids, how old, any elderly, etc. Tell her she has to look after them, feed them, bathe them, sleep with them and still have to do housework like cleaning, cooking, washing]. Can you manage?
9. Why do you want to come to Singapore to work?
10. Life in Singapore is very difficult. You have to look after children, do housework. A lot of things to do. Are you sure you want to come?
11. My children are very naughty. Can you manage?
12. If the baby keep crying, don't want to stop. What will you do?
13. If no off days, will you still want to come and work?
14. If no handphone, will you still want to come and work?
15. Then ask any random questions that you can think off, especially about kids - test her response. One that really knows how to look after kids will tell you somethuing other than "I can manage ma'am".
16. Let her ask questions...

For me, I'll add these questions:
17. What's your parents job? Are they working?
18. Do you take care of your kids/baby on your own?
19. Can you cook? Mention some dishes that you can cook.
20. Can you use sterilizer/vacuum cleaner/ microwave?

Basically need to take note of these:
- If you want someone to take care of baby, preferably get someone with work experiences OR taking care of her own kids without any help.
- Take someone who has work as a maid before, so she won't behave like a boss of the house (attitude)
- Take someone who doesn't seem too poor (husband working, parents working), but doesn't seem too rich either. If too rich, meaning only wants to go SG for leisure.
Morning mummies... looks like a wet morning. Take care when walking or driving..

Groovy, you can use a powder to sprinkle near areas where there are ants, but not at areas where there's wind. Or use the Wipeout type of traps for ants and place near infested areas. Can find these at Homefix or other hardware stores. Most important is get rid of their food source, so make sure rubbish and food waste are thrown away asap.
well, the guy is my hb.. but we've been gg thru a rocky patch.. and he's been a jerk, in my opinion, pretty much

makin my life difficult for me and so on.. jeez!
anyway... moving on!!.. can't imagine that within 2 months we will get to see our lil ones!! all of us!!.. woOts!!
hopecg, take care!

Maybe you can take your boy home or visit him instead?

I've never left my girl whole day alone under someone else to take care. Including my parents and parents in law. It's good that you have the privilege.
MIL last time offered, but now MIL is gone, no more of that chance..

My own parents, doesn't want at all. If I ask they will sure say no way haha.. Last time I mentioned Singaporean, leave their baby under their grandparents to take care, my mom already said your kid u take care yourself. ZZzz. I'm not even asking her to take care.

I never asked my maid to put my girl to sleep at night either. My maid has her free time at night.
That's why this time around dunno how will it be during labour etc. Most likely I'll be alone in hospital
Maybe during labour, asked my maid to look after my #1 outside the delivery room. huhuhu..
Hopecg, sorry to know that you're having a hard time with your hubby. How's your son now? Feeling better? Maybe your hubby is also feeling some stress with #2 coming. Try and have a good talk to resolve your differences? It's important for kids to see that both parents have a strong relationship with each other...

I finally managed to organise my baby stuff yesterday! Hubby fixed up the plastic drawers and I arranged the baby items inside. Laundry will be washed this coming weekend. After that will do the baby bed linens last. Happy that things are finally getting organised!
I need to pray hard that the labour process going to be fast and started in the morning, so will be like I go for work like that only..
hopecg: hugz... not sure what you are going through but just hang on for your baby and your son

Groovy: most ant medicines r dangerous for kids. even if u use those that are covered like shieldtox/wipeout etc..
u need to use them even though it's dangerous.
take 1 day to track. see where they head back to their home, near their home, you apply the white chalk or use bait type or get the brown gel type.
apply along the high walls so that it's not within reach for kids, away from food supplies.

mine is 35yr house. so ants are combat types. they ain't attracted solely to food. plus weather is warm, they come out of their nests more often then before. mine will roam around the kitchen table though it's totally empty and clean. when i see, i'll kill. cause those r just roamers.
check your walls for tiny pinhole cracks. i use white silicone *waterproof* to seal off cracks. it effectively seals off their entrance to homes which is usually in between the walls.
thanks groovy =)
well, it's rocky, and he has always insisted that his mum is a better care-giver to my boy, than me or my mum or my helper (who in better times, he has no problems with) .. recently was abit more absurd that he refuses to let me see my boy, ie over the wkend that just past.. so it was draining and got me flared..

it's a problem that has been ard since the birth. "He's the best care-giver and is the only person who places my boy top on his priority list, the rest are crap." oh.. his mum is exception.
thanks mummies! i do not like to dwell on such unhappy stuff.. the weekend incident was kinda like a major blow.. imagine not being able to see your kid, even tho u are the mum! ahh...

wow nattan, so organised! haha.. i'm still procrastinating like my hospital bag.. haven't even find the bag yet.. haha dun even talk about packing the contents inside!

saw that you ordering the usual food catering tingkat.. hmm.. i dunno lei.. should i? it's quite ex la.. abt 1400 for entire mth.. then compare w cl which costs abt 2000 for the mth, but of cos if cl, the cost will go even higher since 2000 excludes food ingredients.. =/
Jul: Received the Fenugreek, thanks! Btw do we start taking the supplement when we start BF or when the milk supply dun come in or can start now already?

Mummies: Any of you tried hitachi airpurifier or heard any feedback about it? I know alot of ppl recommended diamond, but its abit expensive. Anyway there is a deal on now for the hitachi which is about $179 and I dunno whether to get it. My MIL house has 4 dogs so its mainly to clean the air in the bb room when she starts taking care of him after my ML.

Petrina, wow.. combat ants.. hahaha.. sounds very fierce! I also face this ant problems but nowadays not so bad cos we throw away food waste quickly and wipe the counter and table top. I don't bother to seal off the cracks cos they can actually chew through it, and there are just too many cracks...

One other way I read about is to leave some sweet tasting liquid in a bowl mixed with detergent. The liquid will attract the ants, but the detergent makes the surface tension weak so the ants will drown when they touch the liquid. I've not tried this, but it seems can work...

Hopecg, I think it's up to you whether confinement food is really necessary. Cost is 1 thing, but I'm also not a fan of those typical confinement foods so no point for me to order them. A confinement lady + grocery costs will definitely cost a lot more (around $3K?). Maybe you can research more on the caterers before deciding whether it's worth ordering from those specialising in confinement food. BTW, Natal Essential is based in Woodlands, so I don't think I'd consider ordering from them anyway since I live in the east and the food would be travelling on the road for a while before it reaches me, not factoring in the weather and traffic conditions. I prefer to order from caterers that are based closer to where I stay.

Asrias, the Hitachi air purifier looks good.. but I never saw this model before. Could be an older model, but it's still a good deal nevertheless. Anyway, it's made in Japan, so should be ok ;)
thanks groovy for the informative questions. my questions were similar to those, but they really have bad command of english so i can feel their difficulties expressing themselves..

btw, my house also has cockroaches now and then, scary
hi nattan, envy you have the energy to pack and organise. these days seemd so tired leh..having insomia last nite since woke up at 3.30am leh..wonder anyone has this too?

Xiao wei : frm my understanding, fenugreek can only be taken after delivery leh....

yesterday nite pop by raffles city to have dinner and went to robinson..saw lots of people taking the $5 voucher and pay separately to enjoy the discount hehehe
NUK detergent was on offer hehee so if you gals are going to the robinson sale, get the vouchers first. for every $30, deduct $5 off it leh ...
oh yes, confinement lady do not help us to wash our undies one right huh? so is better to buy for one month supply of disposable underwears since we cannot touch water at all huh?

Btw, I bought Sorella Seamless T-Shirt bra 2 for $35 (member price) plus discount $5 using that voucher. It's written 2 for $39.9 for non cardmembers but surprisingly I get it at price 2 for $35). It feels quite good. Intend to use it for breastfeeding. It's easier to pull up compare to other non wire bra that I have (Pierre Cardin brand).

I only bought 2 pieces and now feeling like wanting to buy more. Huhu.. But I want to leave space to buy nursing bra from spring maternity as well :$
