(2012/06) Jun 2012

Zo: Take care..my parents are the reverse, they ask me not to take medication unnecessarily, worried that might harm the baby. But if really sick no choice. Maybe try to cut down on the dosage?

Jul: which position is your baby now? Is it the hands or head movement near your groin? I get that sometimes but as my baby is head down I suspect it's her hands movements. Sometimes it makes me feel like peeing and other times pain.

Adeline/Petrina: I went for 8.30am and it ended at 10.30. The church was packed and stuffy. Had to fan myself in order not tO feel breathless. The kneeling and standing took abit of toil left butt cramp a bit. Had to tell myself what I go thru is nothing compared to HIM.

Zo: was that your own sister or sister in law? Feel free to rant here and not worry. If you are allergic to painkiller or antibiotics must rem to caution the doctor. GP don't remember or look at your history. At this time just rest more and loads of water.
zo > hope u r feeling better alrdy. I understd the stress u r goin thro. I experienced it myself too. Tis is jus the beginnin. If u plan to bf, ther wil b more to cm. N w the post natal blues, we r gona feel worse. Bt we mus b strong n knw wat we do is the best for our bb. Sayin tat, u knw ur body the best n wil definitely wan2 provide the best "pl" for ur bb to develop in. Personally, i wil tak rest if i havnt bn restin well, tak more fruits if i havnt bn takin enough vitamins n weather is bad, tak tonic if i feel fatigue, tak lozenge if i hv slight sore throat n so on. Cos my body is such tat once i gt sick, most of the time it is gona b full blown n i usually tak forever to recover. So u shld knw wats the best lor.
do tak care.
Gd morning mummies,

Many thanks for yr concerns.
Fleurfleur: it was my own sis who told my mum. Yesterday, my hubby came back with some food fr the restaurant and I just cried in front of him. He tried to console me and told baby that it was not my fault wanting to b sick and tell baby to b strong. I just felt sorry for baby..

My bro rescheduled the family portrait to another date. My sis whatsapp me to ask if I m better but I did not reply. Thankfully, fever is gone. But voice changed, lots of greenish yellowish mucus and have a peeling nose.
Zo: don't worry about it. Actually since you are not taking meds your baby is actually not affected. Babies have a way of surviving and consuming whatever nutrients they need from mummy. So if mummy is sick it's just mummy who is suffering
. Preggies immune system tend to be lower as well.
Continue your vits eat more fruits more water and rest.
I think I kneel and stand too much ytd until last night Both legs cramp at the same time! Disturbed poor hubby to massage it.
After ard 4 days of no cramps it's double whammy.

My bb was very active ytd whole day move and even before I zzz. Wondering what she's busy doing inside.
Fleur, so early mass.. Blesses sacrament was 10am. I stand/kneel halfway i gave up. So i just kneel all the way. But i think worsen it. Cause when i stand, my butt had crmp. I couldn't move.
But true that our suffering so minor compared to HIM... Yet i'm complaining so much..

Tonight my mom is getting baptised finally! My son is sick.. I hope he recovers enough to make the trip to church tonight.
Yes the kneeling part makes it worse but with rest we will b fine! That's wonderful news about your mum being baptized tonight. Congrats!
Hope your son will feel better by tonight.

Re: la leche bra: I'm still liaising with allemom.com.sg and waiting for a reply. Honestly the 34B isnt 34B it's fits a rockmelon and I was told by allemom that I shld not refer to my Asian size. But I'm Asian size and any US bras brought in shld be of sizes suitable for Asian built! The la leche tube bandeau type of nursing bra I ordered from another Sg website turned out fine so I have no idea y allemom one is humongous and response isn't prompt.
Zo, hope you're feeling better. Don't feel guilty about falling sick. I fell sick twice since beginning of the yr and each time took 2 weeks or more to fully recover. I am allergic to Panadol so cannot even take it to make myself feel better. There's one time the doctor prescribed an antibiotic for me which he assured me was safe, but I also didn't take it. I just drink honey lemon and water and rest. Don't worry about harming the baby... they're very well protected. But your emotions could affect the baby, so try to stay cheerful and happy ya?

I think I caught stomach flu yesterday... having diarrhoea twice since this morning... again, I can't eat any medication... just have to let my body flush it out.. sigh..
Fleur: I think i should have attended the HFC mass though, OLPS was super packed as it has limited seats as compared to HFC. Was there half an hr early but all seats fully occupied but the warden managed to find a seat for me but DH had to stand of course.

Yup the kneeling and standing was a lil too much for me too but did it anyways.

Petrina: Congrats! A celebration indeed for your family!

Zo: Hope you are feeling much better!!
Zo, it's really ok to take med and doc will only give u antibiotics if really need to else they give those normal pills that pregnant woman can take. ( but your case u can't since u allergy also). I go to my doc 4 times Liao lo every since I pregnant?! Because it's impt to get well den not to take med. but my doc will show me that this med is stated safe for pregnancy ( from his med book) n show to me double confirm before he give me the meds. But I only take flu, sore throat pills so far n puff that inhale that doesn't go to baby but he is my family doc n we only see him so maybe diff from those clinic doc who don't really understand or know u well but his location not Neighbourhood kind la. Take care of yourself n get well soon!!
Happy Easter! I'm glad but also sad coz it's mon tomorrow


Cheer up! Feel free to rant here. That's what this forum is for. I can unrerstand what u're gog thru. My own mum was nagging n nagging me abt giving FM to baby the moment he's born to prevent jaundice. Went on n on abt her 'experience' in kkh - she's a nurse in the ward. Which makes me even more sceptical abt kkh! Anyway i was so mad i told hubs i was gonna ban her from my hse during confinement! So yeah i can understand the stress that well-meanjng family can give us.


Oops how's ur stomach flu?


That's weird! Bra size is bra size. Where got asian or angmoh size????
Adeline, fleur

Think baby has been head down since a couple of wks before my 28th wk checkup. Dunno y this pregnancy is worse. Have been waking up in the night n not being able to sleep for hours! In the am, i'll have the worst lower back ache! When i walk, my groin hurts coz baby is digging his way in. Can't wait to pop yet want baby to be at least full term. Argh!
Happy Easter/Resurrection Sunday mummies!

Jul, thanks for your concern. Stomach flu is gone.. Maybe wasn't really stomach flu.. just caught a cold when I didn't cover up at night.

Getting ready to go to church now...
Happy Easter~

There's a 25% off GOON sale & 33% off Huggies/Mamy Poko sale (between 11-1) today on Gmarket.


Guess what they say about every pregnancy being different is indeed true huh? Just got to grin and bear with it. Take heart, it really is only another few more weeks to go!


Family - we either love them or hate them. Can't do without them. Although I am sure their intentions are good, somehow, it's hard for us to take it at this point maybe cos we are more sensitive than usual? Hormones and all that too.

Share with us here, you'll feel better letting it out. We may not have a perfect solution for you but it's always good to lend a fellow mummy listening ears.


haha is that how you are celebrating Easter? Enjoying your Easter egg?

On a side note, it has been a crazy week for me. I don't even know where to start ranting. But there's one thing I am looking forward to - tomo's checkup ! 30 weeks! She's been super duper active the past 2 weeks - lots of hard protruding shapes from my tummy now. Must be getting squeezy inside.
I feel so bad not attending church this week cos not in Singapore. I also notice that I couldn't kneel for long. Last week plam Sunday the gospel was so long until I almost want to sit down. I'm really worry that I'm not able to attend church after birth. any advise how u mummy did it ? Throw baby to hb?
I didn't go easter mass yesterday or today either.. Felt bad, but #1 was feverish n coughing badly.. Plus raining heavily, we decided to zzz early.
Butt cramp after kneeling on good friday mass. Other than than, it was ok.
Chin, if pain, u shld sit. I'm sure He will understand.
Post natal, i ERGO my boy till 2yrs evertime we go church. So he was ok. Bf if hungry, zzz if tired. I didn't kneel mostly, only prior to holy communion then kneel. Mostly sat or stand.
I am looking forward to attending mass after giving birth/one mth. I think can sit at the side with pram. If baby can zzz then I'll put her there. If not just take turns carry. If baby cries loudly then go out or a while. I'm sure we can try to handle.
Omg!! Hiccup!! So cute!!

My hb not a catholic so only me going to church. Maybe I should just let him take over on every Sunday for that few hours to make him feel more fatherly. I will try not to bring my gal out to crowded places within 5 months. In Chinese Tcm or old pple, they believe that this 5 month are very important to build up their 5 organs.
Dear Mommies,
Sorry to disturb you. I have a baby cot to sell.
Purchased in Mothercare in Paragon Sep 2010.
As my boy doesnt like to sleep in there, he slept there only 2 ~3times. since then, it just occupies my master bedroom and want to sell it finally. if interested, pls sms me 98531817.

originally purchased : baby cot $250 + mattress and bedsheet (2pcs) = apprx above $300.

letting it go at $180 negotiable. thank you
Sorry again mommies,
also want to sell - 4 new BUMWEAR pocket diapers + 11 inserts

4 BUMWEAR one size pocket diapers and 11 inserts going for $80 (paid just below $200). All NEW as stored at home since purchase.

Can be worn from 5 kg (11lbs) onwards until they are toilet trained. The package price online is for 4 bumwears + 10 inserts at $169!

SMS me if interested. 98531817
It's monday again

Wish i could have 7 weeks of hosp leave n stay home haha

Yest we went to robinsons n splashed $300. Less than $100 was kids' stuff n the rest my toiletries. Stocked up for the next few mths till aug lol.
haha.. yup that's how i celebrated Easter! .. wanted to head down for a service but was abit weary.. so had an early night instead..

i also wish i have hospitalisation leave from nw till delivery!!.. gimme the 8 weeks doc!! =Pppp

btw, this fri still onz hor??
Hope u guys had a fruitful long weekend!

I was busy sorting out the hand me downs and went to Ikea to get some stuffs to organize the drawers for baby clothes. Then bought some Mamy Poko which was on sale yesterday on Gmarket. Got a couple of disposable undies from Watson yesterday but think still not enough, will get more Guardian. Hehe

Will be goin for my checkup later this afternoon. Week 30! Hit the big 3! And going for the hosp tour too.

Wah sounds like an eventful day. Enjoy your appt


Yeah still on. Nobody's organising though haha
<font color="ff6000">Gathering on Fri, 13 Apr, at 313 Marche, 7pm

Since no one's organising, I take over lah lol. Pls fill in your name so that I know how many seats to reserve</font>

<font color="0000ff">Attendance :
1) Jul
Morning mummies... yes it's Mon again... Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend.

Jul, I thought Moi collated a list already?? Anyway for Marche, I think they don't let you in until everyone is present. Not sure if can reserve esp on Fri night. I need to take a rain check though.. may have an evening meeting :p sianz..
Jul! i tot u already stocked up.. all the way till year end.. LOL

Ladies, need to vent here.. yesterday i was Siemen's volunteer for their 4D scan machine. While scanning they mentioned that my baby's face was too close to placenta. Near cervix area.
So can't get a perfect profile. I googled about placenta preavia.
But my gynae never mention anything about having a low-lying placenta. Should I be worried?
They also mentioned that there is too little fluid so they can't get a good scan.

Kadice - did Chris Chong give u long scans during ur appts? Mine usually consist of head circumference n tummy circumference only. Then he'll say there r 4 pockets of water and that there is enough after measuring 2 pockets.

Yeah but I a bit lazy to find hehe


Wei wei! Dun make fun of me lah :p

Gynae told me I had low placenta during the detailed scan. During my 28th wk checkup, she said I needed another 1.5cm to clear for normal birth. maybe yours didn't say coz he din wanna stress/panick you?

Or maybe you shdn't totally trust the Siemens people also. They cant be adminitting that their machine sucks haha

Just check with your gynae if you are still worried? If it's something worth highlighting to you, I am sure your doc would have said so by now!

How did you get to be their volunteer anyway? hehe


haha..actually I was also thinking the same thing as Petrina lor...your storeroom is the size of a warehouse issit? Unlimited storage space?!

I confirm with you my attendance by Wed can?

I just had Marche for lunch yesterday hehe..very long time never eat there liao..
Jul: Haha you never cease to amaze me with stocking up

I did alot of online shopping - mostly baby stuff and chalked up equiv S$280 (before shipping charges)
I hope during ML i don't get too bored until i overspend each month.

Petrina: You may need a vagina scan in order to have a clearer picture of the placenta. Perhaps ask your Gynae during your next checkup. My Placenta was low lying from the first trimester but it has moved up a little. Only my previous previous scan did my gynae mention about the water that its ok and gd.
<font color="ff6000">Gathering on Fri, 13 Apr, at 313 Marche, 7pm</font>

Found this old list. Is it still valid?

Attendance :

* asrias
* fleurfleur
* gdmaimai
* groovy2000
* hopecg
* jol82ene
* jul
* nattan - tentative
* ssmilezz

Aiyah not everything ni storeroom right? Toiletries in bedroom &amp; MBR cabinet also hahaha. I stil gotta buy sterile cotton balls, gauze, &amp; stock up on my shower gel.. Hmm...???

Ok let me know if you're joining us for the gathering.


Ok, let you know when the fenugreek arrives


Hmm better that u get bored &amp; shop, rather than u be exhausted &amp; have no time to sleep haha
Last weeeknd Hubs cleared out &amp; packed the storeroom. Then I started buying stuff again. Think he's gonna kill me hahaha

Ooh.. I gotta dig out my steriliser, warmer &amp; PISA for cleaning/servicing this weekend. Washed my disp undies &amp; nursing bras last weekend liao. PJs already washed.. think just have to wash a nursing top &amp; I can pack my hosp bag? Hmm...???

Next weekend I have my staycation, so can't do washing. The following weekend I better start washing baby clothes, bibs, blankies etc.
that's tough.. ahaha.. with online shopping, ML can never get too boring!

this wkend where got sale huh? ahaha.. i haven't really check if there's enough clothes for #2.. apparently my mum gave quite a lot away thinking that i'm sticking w one kid.. hahaa.. gotta start checking stock and perhaps replenishing supplies! =)

hahaha..yah la, spread up your loot all over the house so don't seem that cluttered right? That's your technique? :p

Gauze for what? Cleaning?

My hub keeps nagging at me to start my hosp bag!

Sale ah? Think last weeekdn got OG, Robinsons etc. maybe this weekend will be at John Little? JL &amp; Rob norm follow each other.

I have 3 big Toyogo boxes of clothes waiting for #1. Think those NB, 0-3 mths clothes really a lot! Toddler clothes also a lot. It's the interim, 6-12 mths, that dun seem to be enough.


Yup! Put some here, put some there, that's my tactic hahaha

Gauze for cleaning baby's tongue.

My Hubs just left everything abt my hosp bag to me lor. He's only concerned that we start washing &amp; declutter the living room of all the bags of "to-be-washed" things.
JUL: Old list not correct. I cannot make it coz i have antenatal class starting this fri! Excited about it

But i hope to join you all the next round k!

I think it will be both! Bored of being cooped up at home for a month ... exhausted from taking care of baby. Hope i don't go crazy

Anyone started their antenatal class?
JUL: :p U shopping queen lah.. I bought some Petit Bauteau clothes at Robinsons sale.. $10 per pack. very cheap.

i called my gynae this morning. already asked the nurse to check with gynae and get back to me. I googled that V scan can't be done in case accidentally break placenta. there r 3 types of PP. I am not sure which I am under. So i'll wait for his reply. I do not have any symptoms. Googled answers also say not all women have bleeding or cramps. some just have it that way.

One risk factor is due to previous c-sec. There r 5 risk factors that can cause PP. so I fulfill 1.
I'll see what gynae say before deciding.
But last night's nightmare was super scary when i woke up and recall it.

Smilez: my friend asked me if i were keen. they needed models being pregnant 26-35 weeks. Her sister works in Siemens. So she thought of me.

I haven't wash any infant clothes yet. I think i need to use May to do it. Will ask for hospitalization leave 2 weeks b4 EDD then do all the cleaning n washing. Hope the SUN corporates with me.
Jul.. haha..you really can hoard! I haven't bought any extra toiletries yet. Last weekend at the Robinsons Expo sale, wanted to buy toiletries then hubby complained that he would have to lug the stuff around so decided not to get. I think I'll wait till I'm ordering the drawers from Carrefour then order toiletries at the same time for them to deliver together.

Fleurfleur, antenatal class started in early March for me. Advisable to end the classes in early part of 3rd trimester else it may get too tiring. I've 2 more exercise classes to go.


heehee correction. I am Stock-Up Queen.

I intend to do my washing &amp; preps before the hosp leave. Shall use the hosp leave to R&amp;R before the crazy days &amp; nights begin - hopefully baby cooperates.
