(2012/06) Jun 2012


I just got the bad news 2 days ago that I have Gestational Diabetes...

Does that mean we have to test our blood all the way till we give birth?

I am thinking of going to baby bellies for a massage too.. probably some circulation will be good for your legs since probably baby may be pressing on some of your nerves

jerlyn chow,
I am also more or less csect for 2nd one too...also around first week June. So which hospital are you gg to?


Hmm.. lemme discuss with Hubs on the home buffet thing. Hope he doesn't want the restaurant thing again. It's very expensive!

I think it depends on how serious is your GD? Sorry can't help, coz I passed my GD test. Maybe you can call your clinic & ask them?
cleopatra: lucky u, that means u do not need to take those yucky tablets.

my gynae gave me folid acid+vit B tablet which I have been taking daily. As for the iron, calcium and fish oil, i take when i feel like it as they are so huge! gosh..whenever i go for checkup, they would ask why so long I still have not finished. haha
hopecg, I've seen the Groupon deal, but I don't like to go to co-ed salons :p I think I'll still go to Honey Pot though they cost more. Funny thing is that my hair is growing very slowly. I thought that due to pregnancy, our hair (anywhere on the head or body) should grow quite fast??

merydith, if your GD is not very bad, then I think can just try to control your diet. Did the doctor share with you how serious it is and whether you need to do blood test at every visit?

Kadice, huh.. how come you don't eat your supplements? I may forget once or twice but usually I won't. My hubby will also remind me everyday to eat my supplements. I don't take Folic Acid/Vit B though... stopped taking Folic after the bottle of I bought ran out 2 weeks ago.
My hubby also say our gynae is natural kind and don't believe this and that just eat healthy. I only take calcium n iron daily. Nothing else, early stages she gave me folic acid. That's all but I do have fish n veg cooked at hm almost everyday on weekdays by my mum. Only weekends I eat out. My doc is dr kek at mount e/ bukit batok. I go ask her during my next visit see what she says lol!

Strip don't do for pregnant woman. I just did renewal package for armpit n brazilian before I was pregnant.. But no expiry la.. Miss my IPL! Can't wait to do it again but next time don't know got time anot haha!!
Nattan: my clique is the newbies that form to create gossips constantly. Anyway in short, its a bunch of people who prefer to create havoc by gossiping constantly and thrive on others' unhappiness.
Its probably more convenient for you to order from the Local bakery there as opposed to bring ing it over from SG.

RE gathering: I wish i can join u all ladies on 13th. Unfortunately its my first antenatal class so i can't join.

Jul: Alamak if i knew you ordered extra i would have gotten from you.
i thought your order closed already so i tag with another spree.
Jul: How much is 1 bottle of the fenugreek and how long can it last?

Went for my 28th week check yesterday. Baby at 1.1kg while i gained 8kg. Baby getting chubby... heh but he was so playful, used his elbow to cover his face so couldnt get a good 3D scan. But gynea say bb weight, my weight gain, my urine test & BP all good. =)
i always forget to eat supplements.. cause very yucky to me..
my gynae has supplements but i nvr buy from him. he's ok with it cause i get from my ofc clinic free.. hehe

last day of work for this week! woo-hoo!! tmr i hope the weather holds up. we're going sentosa!
Fleurfleur, it's unfortunate that some people like to gossip esp about others' misfortune.. try not to be affected by them and just stay cordial.. I usually just keep a professional distance and focus on my job.

Don't worry about the gathering.. I'm sure there will be others

Asrias, glad that everything is well with you and the baby

Petrina, are you also on leave tomorrow? I'm going to Expo tomorrow to check out book sale and Robinsons sale.. hehehe...

Strip does for pregnant women! I did mine slightly more than a month ago and will be going again closer to EDD.
Gathering: My boss is leaving the company and my team-mates are fixing the farewell dinner to be on the 13th apri =(. So wanted to meet you girls!!! Hopefully they will change the date.

Fleur: I know exactly the kind of ppl that you are talking about. With this kind of ppl, other than gossiping about others, theres not much other stuff to talk about, and these friends don't last long.
i'm ok w co-ed ones.. and nattan, i agree with you! the hair seems to be growing s-l-o-w-l-y! haha.. not sure if it's a gd thing.. no need make the trips so often! any mummies wanna go tog for this one? haha.. quite convenient location in town

what's the renewal package like?

am now wondering if can do a short staycation of sorts or go to batam/bintan during 3rd tri..
nattan: the iron tablets has a yucky aftertaste, always feel like puking after eating. Calcium & fish oil tablets are so big to swallow. Im forcing myself to take on a more consistent basis.

qn: fenugreek to be taken only after birth?

Aiyah sorry I shd have told u earlier also. Dunno y slip my mind. So soryy, really very scatterbrained now.


If u follow the lactation dosage of 6 tablets a day, 1 bottle of 200 capsules lasts abt 1mth. A bottle is abt S$20 +/- from spree, but if u buy in Singapore, you pay abt more than double, coz it's $20+ for 100 capsule bottle from the Singapore GNC.

hehe your baby & weight gain similar to mine at 28 weeks.

I'm also going to Honey Pot. Don't really dare to try new places when preggie at this stage!


have fun at Sentosa!

I'm also waiting for good weather so that I can start washing all my nursing bras, PJs, disp undies, baby clothes etc!


yes, fenugreek is after birth.


Ooh.. thanks for the filet heads up.
we've booked a 3D2N stay at RWS in mid april, there's a promo package on the website $588 nett, mummies interested can take a look.

i had bloody discharge last night and this morning, going to see my gynae later and see what she says
maybe i need an injection or something, this pregnancy is really tough as i have to handle the kids at night - change them, brush teeth, put them to bed, pack their bags, do the laundry ... hb has been working later and later ...
nattan: ya.. on leave
i'm having shopping fatigue already..
Paid application $$ to buy Fajar BTO yesterday!!
Hope we get it. 4yrs later move in, i m crossing my fingers really tightly that only 2A+2K move over

I already m visualizing my dream home

Gonna tighten my belt for the next few years to save up in case 4yrs later i need to be a SAHM
joeey, you don't have a helper to manage the kids? Maybe can ask hubby if he can come back earlier to help out? Meanwhile rest as much as possible. Enjoy your staycation! I wish I can go for 1 also, but too many things to settle at home!
not sure if you are a member of RWS.. my colleagues managed to snag 350nett for 3d2n over the march holidays through the free membership.. u might want to check it out while you are there!

draggy wed.. gonna be a long day! dunno wad's coming for lunch!! joeey makes me feel like having some filet or pizza!
Petrina, my hubby wants to get story books to read to baby ;) I'm just going to Robinsons to see if they have sale on stuff I haven't bought yet, eg maternity pads, disposable undies, etc.

Good luck for your BTO! It's always exciting to plan for a new nest.
any mummies keen to spree on gaia products and baby dha?

gaia: http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/searchresults.asp?searchsection=products&terms=gaia&stype=NP&expand=0

baby dha:expiry april 2014 http://www.iherb.com/Nordic-Naturals-Baby-s-DHA-with-Vitamin-D3-2-fl-oz-60-ml/23058

I used these two for my #1 and am taking of stocking up for #2.

The gaia works well for #1 and i love how smooth the moisturser and bath works for his tender skin. I haven't tried the shampoo yet cos he never ever has enough hair for much shampoo.. =P

i administered baby dha by dropping it into his milk feed daily after he turns 1m.. he didn't reject the taste and is fine.. well, for this sort of pdts i really can't tell the benefits but adopting the attitude of "better to give, than to regret"? since no harm giving it to him.. the reviews given by other mummies seem fine too .. these days the kids uber smart.. dunno what the mummies gave them too! haha! hope it's this!! =)

Oh hope it's nothing serous abt the bloody discharge. Maybe u just overexerted.

I can;t imagine your exhaustion! Hubs was working a lot of OT, even on weekends, when I was in 1st tri. Then in my 2nd tri, he went overseas! Now in my 3rd tri, he started a football league at his workplace! really can faint

I'm gog for a staycation in Apr at Mandarin orchard. Your deal is so much better!

Haha shopping fatifue eh? I also! But I still have a few small itmes to buy, like sterile cotton balls, cotton pads, gauze... all the small, small things.
haha yah lo.. make me drool only.. still thinkin of making a quick trip down to nearby MCD..nw thinking wanna call pizza hut for delivery =P
Back from lunch... healthy fish beehoon soup today + my usual kopi :p

Jul, same here... haven't bought all the small things, so hoping to get during Robinson's sale or procrastinate till closer to June :p

BTW ladies... saw this deal today for air purifier... wonder if worth getting?
oops, the mcd 1-1 fillet promo starts tmr :p

2nd/3rd time daddies really more and more bo chap, they think we mummies can settle everything ourselves ...

we don't have a maid, as we have a nanny to help with #2, inlaws help with #1.

31 week checkup
gynae said my placenta is ok, the bleeding most likely due to prolic in my cervix (prolic is additional skin growth) she did a vagina swab test and results will be out 1 week later. BB also had a growth scan and is weighing 1.5 kg, which is average, phew ...
joeey, glad everything is ok.. just rest and don't worry too much. But I think should ask your hubby to help out more la if you cannot cope despite having a nanny and ILs. I can imagine your exhaustion taking care of #1 at this stage.

Jenny, Robinsons and Taka probably have the bras if you want to try. But it's expensive to buy locally, cheaper to order from asos.
Hopecg: I can't rem my package details Liao super long ago and always been with strip n go same branch n same lady. But they offer me better prices that my gf ( cheaper)! But best sign up when they have gst off on their anniversary or something. Means strip do waxing but not IPL for pregnant lady!

Staycation: I was just thinking bou it this morning if I should plan one but scared hubby say waste money coz usually we stay mbs coz my parents can get free or good rates for rooms. I saw the RWS promo in feb but alot taken!! Lol! I want try the new hotel at RWS lol! Very tempted to try Capella but don't know got promo anot.. Later do some research..

Robinson got sale?!! Or just the member card rebate? Been waiting for their sale or hoping they send me some 25 percent voucher soon..
Cleopatra, Robinson is having Expo sale from tomorrow till Sun. Since i'm taking off tomorrow, I'm going to take a look...

So lucky that you can get free rooms at MBS! But if I want to take a staycation, I prefer a place further from the city like Sentosa or Changi Village. Last time we stayed at Amara Sanctuary at Sentosa. It's nice and they even upgraded my room to a studio suite for free.
Groovy, don't worry too much about your MIL. Things will find its way through. Its scary how more and more pple are suffering from cancer nowadays. We really need to start taking good care of our health.

Won't be celebrating 1st month out of respect for my mum..glad that my in-laws understand. But will prob distribute cake gift boxes to relatives and close friends.

Jul, din know there is a gathering coming up...can i join? Would love to meet you mummies. Also, if nobody takes the fenugreek, I would like to have 1 bottle..wanted to join your spree but was too late.
<font color="0077aa">i also feel like going for staycation at sentosa or mbs before delivery. but when i think the money can be used to buy breastpump, i give up the thought! haha</font>
Prettibride, you're welcome to join. We're going to Marche a@ 313 Somerset next Fri.

Sapphire.. haha.. I also give up the thought of a staycation when I think about the things we need to do for the next 10 weeks or so... my house looks like a warehouse for baby stuff right now :p

Great! I'll PM you after I pay the shipping k? Then I can calculate how much it costs exactly.


Haha in the end did u send out for pizza?


Hmm.. i dun dare to procarstinate too long. Think I shd get everything ready by end-Apr.


U can try at Mums &amp; babes at United Square.


Whew that everything's ok.

Hmm actually Hubs has been quite consistent in helping out. But dunno why things like OT, overseas trips etc always seem to happen when I'm preggie!
joeey: 31 weeks! You are due very soon. Take care and rest well!

Nattan: Usually the Robinsons sale at Expo would have what items?

Prettibride: P.S. did U managed to receive the babies bellies voucher that i mailed out last week?
nattan, great..which mummies will be going and what time are you gals meeting? Shld be ok for me. So just lookout for big tummies group?

fleur, yup i received it...replied you also. thank u very much! but they seem fully booked when i called..will try again.
Sorry to hear that, do take care of yourself.

1st month celebration
Ever since my dad passed away during my confinement for my 2nd kid, I never want to do any 1st month celebration from then. I didn't want to be remind that I was unable to attend my dad's funeral and the past too. For my 3rd child, we just ordered from sweetest moment, send to office and my side close relatives. Only did 1st year celebration at his hometown so this time round will be same.

I don't know is it I am lazy this time or just heck care already. Last time I still take fish oil but nowadays I hardly touch any of them, only manage to finish half box, still have 3 unopened lying on my dining table. As for the rest, I don't really take it as I am not good in swallowing pills. I will end up either puking them out or struck in my throat for hours.

Yeah, i can buy it tomorrow since I am going kkh. But i want to eat subway also! My tiny stomach cannot take so much food, can only choose 1.

Aiyo, also don't know if my eldest boy can eat or not. If he can't eat mean I can't eat also. He fell last friday, now on cast. X-ray already but couldn't see if bone got cracked or fractured, tomorrow seeing bone specialist to confirm.
Fleurfleur, usually Robinsons sale will have clothes, household items, underwear, toiletries... all kinds of stuff.

Prettibride, we're meeting around 7pm. See you then!

Sure! Nattan just gave you the details of the meet-up.

As for the fenugreek, let me go back &amp; stock take first k? I forgot how many Chris &amp; futsuyaki are taking. This hole-y brain of mine! Ugh!
<font color="aa00aa">ryan_mummy,
I didn't burp after taking the veg DHA capsule.

Re: <u>Supplements</u>
My gynae only prescribed very basic multi-vitamin for me. No Calcium nor DHA as I think she believes with proper diet (e.g. drink 2 glasses of milk per day, eat 2 - 3 servings of oily fish per week), it should be alright. BTW, she shares the same Bt Batok clinic with Dr Kek.

Re: <u>Gathering at Marche at 313 @ Somerset on 13 Apr 2012 (Fri), 7pm</u>
Sorry girls. I can't make it that day as DH just told me last night that he has to attend an event that night. I need to take care of #1 after work and so, hope to join you next time.
Please go ahead and perhaps one of those who can join the gathering can make reservation first.</font>

I thought i had everything bought until i saw you wrote about sterile cotton balls! I forgotten about that, urghh.. Time to write it down and buy them tomorrow. Haha..

jul, nattan
I hope he will be ok tomorrow or else he need to put on permanent cast for 4 weeks, really don't know how is he going to do his homework, his daily life chores. Injured his left hand when he is a left-handed. =.=
