(2012/06) Jun 2012

Jul, actually my hubby thinks I look better preggy also :p But I feel really big sometimes :p My boobs didn't grow that big la although band size expanded. I also don't have a lot of water retention cos I drink a lot of water.

Your PJs aren't that expensive what. I though ex means like > $50. Maybe I'll go and check them out tomorrow.

Ssmilezz, maybe I should do the same, cut down on carbs and stick to lean protein and fruits. My colleague also put on 8kg only cos of bad MS throughout her pregnancy. She is back to normal size after coming back from maternity leave. Then again, her pregnancy was quite high risk and she gave birth nearly 4 weeks early. Another friend put on 17kg and she's quite petite, but she's back to her old slim self quite quickly. I dunno how others do it. Maybe it's genes, maybe it's diet/exercise, slimming programme... I guess have to do whatever it takes to lose the weight!!

Moi, did your doctor diagnose it as GD? If just slightly high, you probably can try to control with less carbo/sugar intake without resorting to insulin right?
<font color="aa00aa">jul_04,
I'm not sure too. Will see my gynae this Saturday for her to explain the results to me.</font>
Lacating will melt away ur fats provided u dun eat like u r preg.. If u eat normally 3 meals a day, the extra calories will be burnt from ur existing fats. We burn 500 cals per bf session. Not per day. So imagine the hunger we feel. In fact lots ppl eat more than preg time.
I ate normally for #1 other than ocassional bread n milo in between meals. So by manyue i already wore pre preg pants with body binder. W/o binder i can't button pants then cause the flabs r still there.

Jul/smilez: i was light sleeper from 8mths preg till my boy turned 2yo.. Then i became immune to sound liao. Lol
Then now 8.5mths, the light sleeping is beginning again.

Weight gain
Using previos pregnancy is a good gauge. If u dun exceed means no GD issues for sure. If exceed then need to worry.
Of course also muz based on ur pre preg BMI. Max gain for the slim ones r 25kg per preg. Minimum gain for obese ones r 8kg. So u juz check which category u fall under.
Jul: if i ere living alone, i'll prob get my #1 to come along to see me deliver his sibling. But knowing my MIL, she won't allow. So he'll be left in her care. I'll not wake him up if it's middle of nite for the sam above reason. He'll wanna tag along then we'll quarrel n MIL will get upset.
Hosp dun mind kids in maternity room. Just not in labour room. Plus i plan to go hosp only when i m having 4min apart contraction n contractions muz last at least 1 min. My experienced frens say that their labour took 3hrs cause they arrive in hosp just in time to deliver. Not to go there n waste time waiting for dilation.
Daytime i will inform my boy that his ibling is arriving. If possible, i'll get my parents to bring my boy along and take care of him in hosp while my hb is with me in labour room.

But being most asians, parents will suggest u keep kids at home. I m personally very attached to my boy though. And i m quite angmo style. Watching too much discovery home n health channel.
Giving elder child time to bond with baby will reduce friction
The forum is really active today! Just realize have a couple of you giving birth in Glen E. me too! Would u all be choosing the epidural option?

Loshita: my edd also same date as you, last day of the month. But I dunno why I have a feeling that it might be earlier.

Karmy PJs is really comfortable. Hubby bought one for me, initially I thought it is just like any others but it is really nice to wear.
Kadice: Definitely with epidural!

Jul: Thanks, looks like its Bravado then!Will check out the types of nursing bras available.
Petrina, based on the Baby Center weight gain estimator, I'm suppose to gain max 15.9kg. So I think I'm crossing the line :p If I were my weight a few years back, maybe I could gain up to 18kg But anyway thanks for the info on lactation.. hopefully can really reduce weight through successful breastfeeding
Oh.... Woke up feeling super cold. 37.4. Hubs came back with dinner but mil forgot the fish. Had plain porridge with french beans
Just took my panadols coz temp is now 38. Oh... Moans.. So cold n achy. Moans...
To Mummies who intend to Breastfeed their babies for short-term!
eg. intending to stop after resuming to work

this is also very ideal for mummies who were not sure which breastpumps suits them the most - rent &amp; try it out then purchase a new set!

Why pay hundreds of dollars for a breast pump which u will only use for a few months? Consider renting MEDELA breast pumps from us at affordable rates!

We have PIS, PISA, Swing &amp; Mini Electric for rent!

Alternatively, pls pm / whatsapp / sms to 9879 5299 for faster response!
Happy Breastfeeding, Mummies / Mummies-to-be! Strive on!

to add on to my previous post as above!
received too many pms!

currently, only 2 sets of Mini Electric is available for rent.
Swing will be available from 13 May onwards - starts from $30/week
PIS will be available from 9 May onwards (subject to change) - starts from $25/week
PISA will be available from 15 May onwards - starts from $35/week

Think we have similar preggie shape? The can't tell from the back n not from the front if the lighting is right. I still have a waist haha

Oh not ex meh? But then i must say i bought $8 type PJs to wear n they're not the same. Btw $26 is the cheapest range coz sleeveless gown. Think those long pants n top type are $30+. 3 yrs ago, they were ard $18 only


Oh then dun worry so much abt it till u see ur gynae.

Oh i definitely won't bring no1 to the hosp. He's kinda afraid of clinics n hosps haha

Just wondering how to mobilise caregivers coz we don't live with parents n have no maid
Jul, I think price is reasonable, but depends on the quality and design also. Anyway, I seldom wear PJ.. usually go to bed with shorts and t-shirt or a nightie if I feel like it ;) I guess I need to see the Karmy PJ to determine if they are worth $26. BTW, I'm not planning on wearing this for delivery la.. it's for after delivery. During delivery, I may wear an big old tee instead of the standard hospital gown.
Well the quality is definitely gd. Mine from 3 yrs ago are still soft n comfy. Unlike the cheapo mkt ones which pill n practically thin out n disintegrate. I'm just complaining abt the price haha

The karmy pjs shd be at the women's lingerie section of robinsons.

Ah i'll just wear the hosp gown. It's kinda more comfy in that it just spreads open at the back so u dun lie on any folds of cloth. It'll be easier for epi too but guess that doesn't apply to u. Oh n the mess! Blood, amniotic fluid, poo, whatnot! Shudder to rem these details lol
Btw i've sorta planned which PJs to wear for diff occasions. Mealtimes - sleeveless ones. After massage, long pants to avoid spreading cream n oil ard the hse. Night - long pants too coz feet n legs will be cold. Haha i'm so bored now coz just lying here, backache, sick n weak so can't do anything! Hiaz
Yeah i also bought karmy pj! 2 piece is 33.9, 1 piece is 26.90!

Mount E also charges 84 sgd per night for hubby stay inclusive of meals.

I bought the baby safe bedding set but the side protector n blanket cant be wash unlike the pillow cases n bedsheets. Can i just sun it?

Soon we will see our sweetheart soon! Jia you and count down mummies!
hospital PJs
mummies, for my #1, i was advised to bring along PJs that has buttons in front, rather than wad i usually would've worn like oversized tees.. reason, easier for bfeeding.. quite true.. previously i borrowed those PJs from a fren, so i plan to get a couple for myself this time round.. may want to consider lo..

u really wanna wait till the contractions set in so intense? .. i almost died when it was about 2 hours that i started feeling the contractions.. tk goodness for epi! haha

my #1 likely to be taken care by my mum and helper.. like nat, i act prefer to have quiet moments in the hospital.. no need to bother abt entertaining.. so they can all dump me in the hospital, just rem to pick me up when discharged!..haha!
mummies i hv a qn on my mind aftr seeing a young couple w 5 children yesterday. Wat mak parents decide to hv many children? I love kids n envy big family whn i c them n wil lik to hv one myself. Bt children wil grow up, hv their own family n leav the old folks one day, rt?
Gd Morning everyone!

Ssmilezz: I have the same feeling as you do, will definitely miss the baby kicking and moving around. My baby sometimes shift so prominently to the side that I can see a "hump" over. I took a picture &amp; forwarded to my sis. She got a shock and commented that my tummy looks as if I am going to deliver soon and I have a giant baby that can weigh up to 4kg.

Jul: Hope you are feeling better today.

I went to see my pyschologist yesterday for the last session till I deliver. She was asking me to stop work after this Friday till my birth as she felt most women did not have ample time for themselves before giving birth and gotta start the next phrase of life once after delivery. That is when it will led to post natal depression esp if hubby is not supportive enough to help out with the baby. I will be seeing my gynae next Tuesday and see what he advise.

I am now already wearing nursing bra since already expanded about 2 cup sizes &amp; from 36 to 40. I only have 5 nursing bras now though. I have put on 16kg after I last weighed myself last week. My gynae's going to ask me go on diet again!
Jul, take care. Hopefully you'll get better soon!

For my case, I haven't really discussed what should we do in case contraction happens. We only pray for the best case, which baby born during working hours and contraction starts in the middle of the night so can wake my maid, ask her to look after #1, while we go to hospital. Huhuhu..

Anyway I'm seriously wanted not to get double charge anymore! Very rugi if contraction starts in the afternoon/ evening, must go to hospital already, kena full charge the room that we use only a few hours...
jul: not easy to mobilise caregivers esp in the night. so u might really wanna consider bringing him. just tat he'll probably be too excited to sit still. haha
i supposed u can still afford time to bring #1 to ur parents' place shld contractions start to set in. it won't be that painful initially.

hopecg: yeah. i wanna experience the whole thing. my mom went through it for both preg. my younger bro almost couldn't make it as she was already bleeding lochia for 3days b4 emergency csec took place due to lousy gynae..
i believe i can take it too. i always tell myself i have back up battery. keke so when my energy is gone, i'll tap into my reserve energy.

jul/nattan: i guess as parents, we become stingy on ourselves. i also won't buy $28 pj lah.. working dress i also have to consider liao for above $30.. keke

Groovy: ya! lugi if go hospital after 2pm. keke
Morning mummies...

Chris, I guess some people have many kids cos they like the crowd and having fun together as a family. Like my Malay colleague, she has regular outings with her sisters and their families. She has 3 sons herself, so a gathering will have 10-20 people. If you maintain good relationships with your children and siblings, you won't be afraid when they grow up and have their own families. They will still be around when you need them.
morning mummies..

woot can't wait for baby to pop now since I am into my 37 weeks..

seeing all of you talking about preparation for the big day, i start to miss my last labour because almost everything is within control, got high blood pressure so dr fixed the date for me to get induced on week 38.. even requested me to go in at 12am midnight so to avoid unnecessary charges...

this time round no more high blood pressure, so gynae said will induce me on June 9th if I do not deliver by my due date which is June 2nd... I somehow rather he just induce me sia, so that there won't be any surprises.. cuz last time i didn't experience waterbag burst or bleeding on contraction starts before i get induced in TMC.. this time more scared waterbag burst when I am outside or something.. so decided to work till May 18 only and have some good rest time at home.. wahahaha...

Things to bring to hospital..
Guess this time wont pack anything for baby, like Jul mentioned, TMC provides everything.. only my maternity loop, socks, disposable underwear, PJs and that's it.. hehee..

i think i showered (didn't wash hair) in hospital last time.. But, i put on my SKII mask immediately after I got back to the ward, so for sure will bring it again this time, LOL...
Morning mummies ... after a long absence from work and back today. The alienated feeling is obvious. NOT one of them actually asked me how i am feeling and i am totally invisible to them.
Many times for the past year i really want to quit this company ever since the old colleagues left and the new ones are like that. Comparing and don't want to lose out ... criticizing etc etc. I keep telling myself for the sake of my bb i have to just close eyes and close ears.

Its times like these when i wish i am on maternity leave or on leave again
ehs, how do the hospital charge per room? when's the cut off time? 2pm? Anything before 2pm is considered one full day kinda thing?
hi all
i have always been a silent reader.. need some advice here !
my confinment lady just informed me that she cannot make it for my confinment ! and my schedule c-sect is 29 may .. but she assured me she has found someone for me to replace her.. what would u all do?
1) trust her again?
2) get another confinment lady?
3) trust her and do confinment on my own without help, order tingkat in worst senerio?
fleur: aww.. dun bother abt them.. just tahan for baby. if u really wanna go, go after ML or wait till nxt yr bonus first? dun lugi..

hopecg: once after midnight is next day charge. so if u go in anytime b4 midnight u already kenna charge half day. b4 2pm is full day.
Felicia, looks like you're coming to the end of this journey, and start of another one (of being mum to a #2). Have lots of rest to get ready.

Fleurfleur, just ignore your colleagues.. maybe they don't have kids so don't understand what you're going through. You can always rant here... If you cannot take it, can look for a new job during your maternity leave ;)

Shermine, if your CL got a replacement, ask her to bring the replacement to meet you and you can interview her. If not, then try to find another one. If you have some help from family, can try to DIY. Some of us, including myself, are doing that.
Don’t be too bothered by your colleagues. Not worth your time and emotions to be wasted on them since they are so unfriendly in the first place.
Glad to know that at least you are feeling better already. That’s more impt.
Wow – 37 weeks already! Looks like you are going to be the first few to pop at this rate. So u are on track to deliver naturally?
If only we can plan the timing so well lor…I think we need to live by the motto – expect the unexpected?
What is your baby’s size now? Has your visits to the psychologist helped you to feel better so far?
I have also expanded from 36 to 38 now and the cups also went up by 2 sizes so have to wear more comfy bras. Been diligently massaging my breasts during the shower so at least they don’t feel so heavy and uncomfortable.
Are you feeling better today? Still having a fever?
Is your in law’s staying nearby? Possible to drop your boy off before heading to the hospital if you go into labour? Else can they be activated to come over to your place while you prepare to go to the hospital?
I think it’s not the number of children that a family have but more of the upbringing and family culture. A big family can be very closely knitted and provide a lot of support. On the flip side, a small family can also be very cold and distant if they don’t have an effort to communicate and foster good family ties
Shermine: hi.. if u still have time, i'll suggest u go find another CL. otherwise u also have no choice but to accept her replacement. But i have seen cases where replacement give mommy issues during confinement. in the end it might stress u further and u probably end up w/o CL after 2wks or so.
Of course u'll need to interview the replacement if she already have in place for u. u can't just accept anyone she send on ur due date.
Many mommies survive on tingkat w/o CL. it's up to individual person.
hopecg, I going to ask the same question ;) My appointment for c-sect is at 8.30am. How long is the procedure and what time will I be sent to my room?

Petrina, meaning I'll be charged full day on the 30th which is the day I have my c-sect right?

Shermine, if I were u I'll look for another CL myself. Unless u've got support and help from ur family then maybe u want to just order tingkat.
For Mt Alvernia Hospital, admission before midnight is considered full day already!!
I was kena double charge for both the single room ($400++) and labour room (also $400++) for my #1, since I admit myself to hospital at 7 pm, use the labour room for 2 hours, then my gynea asked me to go to the single room instead. Sigh..

In the end I give birth at 7 AM in the morning. Sigh.. Hopefully won't happen again. Die die I'll wait till midnight if still can tahan. huehehe.. But very scared if give birth on the way lah.. :p
I rugi $800++, for both room, only being used for 2-3 hours before midnight.

Btw, it's also because my gynea never stated clearly to me that I should go to the single room and wait for him instead of straight away go to labour room.

Don't forget to ask when your gynea asked u to admit yourself to hospital, whether it's to go to the labour room or single room. Better save that $400!
hi thanks for your replies!
i am a second time mother.. my 1st one is a gal of 3 years.. very sticky recently.. she goes to childcare full day but the thing is i am going for cesearean and i have no help at all.. my mother and in law are all working.. my hubby also cannot take leave and even have to work till late like 10 plus.. haiz.. i think to be on the safe side i should look for another one myself.
i definitely heard it from either you or Jolene. Can't really remember..hahaa..but after comparing packages, theirs is more affordable. Have you collected the photos? How do they look? Can't wait for mine..but now headache where to find a tube top that can fit me..and she asked for denims..i have not worn any denims for past 7 months..doubt my big butt can fit into them now.

actually if i get to choose again, i would not book a CL since i already have a maid. A CL seems to be a waste of money. But since this will be my first child, prefer someone with experience on cooking for breastfeeding mother and looking after baby. If parents can help, i think just order tingkat is good enough.

Hospital fees
I saw this clause on KKH's brochure which says charges is waived for delivery suite after 12 hours. does this mean if we are in labor for more than 12 hours, we don't have to pay for delivery suite usage? Sounds too good to be true leh.

Cord Blood Donation
Called them up yesterday and answered a list of medical questions. Will be meeting up the representative to sign on the forms tomorrow. Quite a simple and hassle free arrangement. Mummies delivering in KKH can simply visit their office there to sign up.
Sel/Groovy: some hosp charge full day some half day. muz ask admission counter.

Groovy: haha.. i also telling hb muz tahan at least post midnight then go hosp.. otherwise lugi! keke
at least got breakfast waiting in maternity room after delivery.
Oh ya.. if already contractions pain, best to go straight to labour room to save the 1bedded cost. they start charging once u step into the room.. keke
otherwise go single room then shift to labour room means charged for both rooms at the same time.

Shermine: if ur #1 go full day CC, it will be same as those first time mommies who have no kids to disturb u.
only time is picking up child from CC in the evenings.
apart from usual laundry which can be done via washing machine, is it more economical long term wise to get a dryer? so that u dun have to touch water.
then cooking, can order tingkat. **u dun have to worry abt ur #1 dinner since u can share the food* if u r not the super insistent type on confinement food, normal tingkat food is much cheaper than confinement tingkat**
cleaning of house can be done by hb during weekends or get PT cleaner for confinement period.

a few of my frens also survived csec wound as a #2 mom w/o CL. just order tingkat.
if u have someone to help u pick up #1 is best. if not then u need to think how to pick up #1 since u in confinement. unless u plan to get CL to help u pick up ur kid?
thanks petrina.. thats my main worry.. how to pick her up from CC unless i bring BB down.. good thing is my gal CC is just downstairs..
Shermine, can your hubby help to fetch #1 from the cc in the evening? At least you don't have to move around so much.
Shermine: since ur gal's cc is just downstairs, then u can fetch her. otherwise whenever ur hb manage to go home early, get him to do pick up.
Do u have a trusty neighbour who can help u do evening pick up? discuss with a nice neighbour.
Jul: Are you feeling better? Did you put those cool patch on your forehead? Try to change it every 2 hourly and take panadol for the time being. Keep drinking loads of water to hydrate and go toilet. Whenever we go toilet it helps to reduce the temperature over time.

Petrina/Nattan/Smilezz: Yes i am very blessed to have the support of fellow mummies here. Though upset abit but with your support and encourage it helps alot. I will also need to pray hard to HIM and trust in HIM to grant me the wisdom
Prettibride-ya,it's me who told u abt the link cos I already signed up with them.Yes I have a great fun n really like her photography skills.Btw..what is ur actual name?

<font color="0077aa">felicia, i am also into my 37 weeks! excited!

petrina, i dare not take my own sweet time when i start to feel contractions since my #1 came out in 1.5hr after gynae broke my water bag the last round. i scare i will deliver before i reach hospital. ;p

jul, i am also having headache on how to settle #1 when i need to go into labour. best part is my in-laws will be travelling during my 39 weeks. i'm hoping to be induced at 38 weeks or otherwise hopefully timing just nice when my gal goes to cc.</font>
