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  1. B

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi baby may 09 im keen in the old navy pants but possible to try at ur place? cos im unsure of the size. i stay in jurong west
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Leelee & Cheekz Same situation, Mc at 11 weeks as bb size remained at 9 weeks n we didnt know cos there were no symptoms at all. was so close to end of 1st tri but yet so far. Do PM me if you need a lending ear
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi truly,madly,deeply I was in similar situation as u. Apparently bb stop growing at 9 weeks. we went see gynae at 8 weeks n still can see strong heartbeat, so also got assurance from gynae that everything is well. got a rude shock when i went back at 12 weeks to realise that bb has stop...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Pegsfur its pretty tough to shed off the extra kilos. It took me 1 full year to lose the weight for my previous preg n the flabby tummy still remains, permanent till today..sigh... So be patient n its good to continue your jogging, will see results few months later down the road...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi mummies Just found out something interesting yesterday from the fengshui master, that we actually have preg windows from certain months to certain months according to our bazi. so no point worrying & stressed out when we did not strike cos that period may be out of our preg windows...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Magpie I drink those red dates tea more than twice a day for the 1st 3 weeks after D&C. I also take bai feng wan every week and DOM every nite after my AF my cleared. On top of that, still take multivits n folic acid. My tcm also gave me some pills n medicine to eat daily.... I...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Magpie Hugs...we have all been thru the stage of questioning why. Why cant the preg proceed ? why is it me ? why........ Dont blame yourself. its no fault of ours... Just have a good mini confinement to build back your health..
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Magpie Sorry to hear abt ur situation. We all hv been thru it n understand the heartpain. Its been almost 2 months after n D&C n i still feel sad. shd be almost 5 months preggie by now, but the fact is there is nothing in my tummy now...sigh.. Do have a good mini confinement n bu...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Twinangels U dont need 3 months lar, 2 months enuf liao. Cos by the time u test +ve already 1 month liao, so 2 more months to finish 1st tri lor... Hee.. actually i also think the same as u. I was telling my hubby if i get preg, i will take 2 months of no pay leave till i finish my 1st...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Twinangels Mine was at 11 weeks. At 8 week scan, all was still fine, size ok, heartbeat strong,n can see the facial features if i look carefully at the scan but everything just went downhill at 11 weeks. Gynae guessed that bb stop growing at 9 weeks according to size n structure n...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Twinangels Same here. I also started TCM Medicine to bu my body cos no point TTC while im still weak n may MC again, sigh... Must strengthen myself so that will have higher chance of successful preg next time. I also feel betta after taking TCM, (dunno if its just mental n psychological...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Congrats to Jlow n Jappooh ! Hi Jo & moody Sorry to hear abt ur MC. we can understand it cos we have been thru it ourselves.... do have a gd mini confinement n bu urself... Hi Porky dont be so stressed up lar, dont think abt it n just enjoy BD..hehe...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Gillian Sorry to hear that. We still hope you can proceed with a healthy preg as u're still early in preg n nothing is conclusive yet. As for ur query,acc to my gynae, if u're still early in preg like 5-6 weeks,n bleeding occur spontaneously, then high chances natural miscarrage will...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Jlow Congrats ! take care n relax Things will turn out fine. Morning all !! My 1st AF just reported yesterday. Exactly 1 month after my DNC...dunno to be happy or sad.. mixed feeling.
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Aileen I also wanna get preggie again by EDD time,but dont tink will be in time cos TCM say to rest the womb 6 months before the next preggie. Also Im scared of trying......cos scared of losing again. Hear n see alot of sad stories of losing bb even in 2nd tri...Very troubled....dunno...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Aileen Yes, just feel hollow and empty. dont feel like doing anything. Even till now i still cant concentrate on work. How old is ur gal now ? Mine is 21 months. The day discharge ward is very general ward, perhaps the couple doing other ops bah.....
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Porky Ya, i also have alot of ppl ard me preggie, even my ex coll who had no news for many years now also preggie liao....cant help but feel upset for myself.. I used to work in chemical production/QA line but now change liao, sit in office do admin..haha... Hi Aileen Sorry to hear...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Jappooh n Rei Chan Wanted to start production early then can close factory early also mar, who knows, machine malfunction leading to current downtime :p
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Rei Chan Same situation as u, had a toddler with no issues previously but had a MC this time round. U mentioned that ur gynae said u're too young for MC, but issit that young ppl wont MC ? Honestly im also very shocked when I was told i had a MC when bb stop growing at 9 weeks..btw, im 26...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Porky I have seen my gynae 2 weeks aft my DNC. but he didnt advise me to see him again until my next round of preggie ley...... Hi Jlow My 1st AF also still not here. Its 1 month liao.... Hi Twinangels My gynae did recommend some blood test for both me n DH. But he stated that high...
