(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

hi mummies!! i'm back from the gynae visit today.. and yes! gynae told me 80% is girl girl! yippee!!!gynae was in a fantastic mood and decided to 'peep'!! i'm so excited!

Congrats, today he is in so good mood huh. Anyway, he guesses are alway very true
I will be seeing him on 15th for my detail scan.
really? i'm seeing him on the 17th.... to confirm gender.. hehe.. should i change to the 15th too??? mmm... so near..

did he tell u wads ur kiddo's gender le??
Yeh, my appt at 2pm. Ohh I am having a boy and he already sort of shared with me during my week 12 and confirmed on week 15. My elder is a ger
flommy *hugz*

i didnt complain to my hb until recently when i fall sick because i have to take care of no 1 and cant take medicine coz will zzz..

i tell him to make arrangement next time no 2 pops out.. he understands la.. just see how well he can manage.. at least he comes back half day.. the most in the morning, i struggle through..
well....'m sure you can....!but if not, its fine too. i didnt expect tt gynae will peep also.. lol.. i think i'm ard there too. ard 12 weeks n += days.
hi jacquise,
you can call Thomson ParentCraft located in TMC at 6251 4090 to book. Suggest you book early, cos Mrs Wong 's class seems to fill up very fast and i think the earlier you take the class, the better it is cos the class cover nutrition, antenatal exercises, etc. i am taking mine in Jan , wanted to go for the earlier classes cos i thought i would be more mobile ;p but the classes are full!
Im here to balance the no. of boys in May! Mine is a girl!!! My 6th sense tells me its a boy but im so wrong. HAHA. Gynae says 90% zhun. Girls sure haf a lot of stuff to buy man. Many pple tell me first child girl better, why har, experienced mamas?

Theirs hotline! Should haf popped over in the am while Im there to book. I called twice but no one picked up the phone. Im afraid they say i kiasu cos i only 16 wks and I tot can only book frm 20wks. No need har? Thanks Star! I think i try for Jan slot.
hi Jacquise

first one girl is better coz can take care of the second little one!! congrats! but again... i feel tt be it boy or girl, the most impt thing is tt bb must be healthy! in the meanwhile.... enjoy ur pregnancy!!! (minus morning sickness if u have any)
adrienne, u mean boys bochup one har? haha. Me no MS, everything gg rather smoothly. Just that i put on 4kg already
Sob. Boys or girls easier to discipline?
Just came back from the clinic.

Gyne advises to take vits at alternative days and also to consume the anti-constipation till bowel movements are back to normal.

Cant see bb's gender yet cos legs still closed.

Was told to see when in wk 20. By that time, already time to do the detailed assessment...of cos can see bb's gender lah.

Weighed myself at the clinic and I din put on any weight, still -ve by 2kg from my usual weight.
Fish oil
So forgetful.. Forgot abt this pt. How much is the fish oil capsules given by yr gynae? I nearly fainted. Mine is $60 for 30tabs!!! Damn ex leh. I tink i not buying frm her already. Gold plated fish oil capsules. *gasp*
We visited the gyne this morning. At my 17.5weeks and she was able to tell gender of baby. It was pretty obvious. She asked if we want to know before zooming between the legs of baby. I'm going to have a boy. I hope for a girl and so does my MIL. But nevermind, SIL got 2 sons so she can pass me things. Also husband is only son. Can continue family name though in the ang moh culture, my in-laws don't care.

I had been taking iron pills presribed by gyne at night. She told me to take in the morning because these pills contain vitamin C etc... Also, no tea or coffee in the afternoon. I think that's why I got problem getting to sleep at night and not sleeping well. Try to take your supplements in the morning ok?

Gyne told me I can travel by air. But no long car journey. Was going on a long weekend with friends tomorrow. But 800km in 3 days is too long. 400km each way. She said I will have contraction and be very tired. So just cancel my trip with my friends.
Fish Oil
Forgotten to buy this from my gyne just now...so forgetful. Asked for the price, brand is Natal Plus, $30 for 30 capsules.

Anyone wanna buy milk powder for preg mums? I got Mamil Mama (400g) and Similac mum (700g) to let go. Was told that im overly-nourished haha...thus not going to consume further. Both brand new. Welcome any exchange too.
jac- no lah... but boys generally just mind their own business? wah.. good for u.. u've only gained 4kg? me 3kg from start of pregnancy till now... gynae...'s warning light is up le....
adelyee - It's no LONG car journey. I live in France and travelling by car for a long weekend to visit places is pretty common here. Like driving to KL from Sg for a long weekend. I read that car makes a lot of movements. Unlike plane or train journeys which are smoother. She told me before that if going on long journey, must take a pause of 30 mins for every 2 hours. But this time, she disadvises making 400km car trip on friday and 400km car trip back on sunday. She thinks it's too much for 3 days. I will be tired and have tummy ache. No point.

And how many weeks are you at now? What do you mean by warning lights from gynae? I gained 2 kg so far but at the gyne's place this morning, she saw that I gained 1.5kg and she was satisfied. I am beginning to think that she is pretty extreme. No long travel, no big weight gain..... Guess she just wants to take more precaution.
hi soh- thanks for the clarification.. sorry.. i knew u meant long car journey but forgot to type in.. lol.. i was concerned coz i have to go to ipoh sometime next month..

i'm in 12 weeks plus .. close to 13 i think... different gynaes say different things. coz for me.. i weigh abt 39kg.. before pregnancy (ht-1.55) can't afford to gain too much weight lest bb turns out to big for me to deliver naturally. so, i'll try not to gain so much.. for this pregnancy..
Hi adelyee, We are of the same height. But I am fatter. I was 42kg. Now 44kg. I checked with my gynae today cos my SIL said I am small built, will have to do C-sect. But my gynae told me that it is too early to judge. Later stage, can do scan on the size of our bassin(don't know the word in english). My mom was about the small built as me when she was younger and had 3 kids naturally. But my hb is big size. Hm...

As for long car journey, make sure you rest 30 mins for every 2 hours of car ride. My gynae gave me some pills for tummy ache. She told me that 2 hours before taking plane or long car ride, take 2 pills to calm the stomach. If you are staying at Ipoh for more than a few days, maybe then it's ok. If you take plane, drink more water, wear compression socks, eat less salt.
Hi Mommies to be...
I am from the April 2008 thread... Looking to sell my infant car seat as my baby will be moving on to a front facing one.

Maxi Cosi CabrioFix Car Seat (Black) - In almost brand new condition. Bought for $358.... willing to accept any offers of $200 - $250. Can pass to you in late Jan. (I actually regret not buying a 2nd hand one as baby only uses it for a few months)

I do not accept PM so kindly email me at [email protected]
thanks and have a good weekend.
Morning all mummies,

Have not post for some time.

Anyone know there is a baby warehouse sale at Changi.

I heard from friends but not sure where is the location.
Oh, I received a call from the clinic on Wednesday afternoon regarding my blood test (that is fast, results come out 2 days after my blood test). Clinic says that doctor advise me to take iron tablets and the rest of the results is ok. So happy that everything is ok. But have to take another tablet yuck.

I called up the clinic yesterday and ask more detailed questions cause my next visit is 5 weeks later so don't know how serious my anemia is mah. I think the clinic must think I very Kiasu, so ask me whether I want a copy of the results sent to my house. I say good good. So I will be waiting to receive the results, maybe early next week.
Got Johnson & Johnson Warehouse sale at Internation Business Park on 2-4 Dec, 10-7pm I think. There's a thread on it. Anyone going there too?
Shers - Did you put your #1 in childcare? My #1 only 16 mths now, am thinking that I may have to put her in childcare before my #2 arrives, otherwise, duno how to cope ley.
flommy, i just checked out on kinderland at blk 202. pretty ok..

wan to check over email?? i cant access msn in office..
flommy, email u le..

i think it will be good if our gals can go to the same centre.. hehehe.. can look after each other??
wow, most of you know the gender already? i only got to know my #1's at 6mths cos the legs are always closed.

re having girl #1:
girls are supposedly easier to handle. won't scream that much and not that cranky and active. then again, my girl is v active too

to all those concerned with how to handle #2 and #1 when time comes....good luck! and i guess pray hard! hahah

fish oil:
i took Neurogain which you can get from guardian pharmacy. not that ex, i think
Went to get my blood tests and NT results..thank God all's well for both my twins.. ;p Gynae mentioned my tummy looks like 3.5 mths tho' I'm into my 13 weeks.. really relieve to know both of them doing well. However, I've lost weight as my appetite has not come back.. my bp is also on the low side which explains my frequent fainting spells.

Hope everyone's doing fine... cheerios!
Hey all mummies...

How's everyone doing?

I just finished my last paper today!!!!
A big bravo to baby cow who had braved the 5 papers with me.

I am 16 weeks 1 day today. How time files!
Looking forward to my gynae's check up on Mon! Hope I can tell gender too.

Have a great wkend!
wanted boy for first one but ah I got a girl instead.happy! dunnolah mother and daughter can be closer I feel ;) I guess I am more used to girls coz my family mostly girls. girls soo cute and fun to dress up
Hi baby may 09

im keen in the old navy pants but possible to try at ur place? cos im unsure of the size. i stay in jurong west

Woo..I see more baby gals for May 09 mummies now. So eager to know gender of my baby...must endure.

JRT > Can go relax liew ..finally.

Going anywhere during xmas?

I watched a show saying that it's best to move around more from 7th month onwards to ease/hasten the delivery process when giving birth. True ah?
