Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Avocado

I'm not sure if it's their std procedure to show production of conception. I had blighted ovum then. No sign of fetus in my womb but an empty sac. I guess they just want to show me that there's really no fetus found after they remove the product of conception.

My gynae sent me for evacuation of womb once the detailed u/s scan shows no fetus. He said it's not DnC but evacuation of womb which involves no scraping. But the form which i signed at the hospital states it's DnC.

I also didn't bleed much after the procedure. Bleeding last for abt a few days.

Who's ur gynae. Mine is Dr Peter Chew.

hi Fong2,
I'm oso seeing Dr Peter Chew.Did he visit u after the surgery? He seems to be always busy.
He didn't oso advise me to followup after the surgery.
Is it normal to feel tired after th DnE?When I did my 1st DnC last Dec,i wasn't feeling tired.I wonder if it could due to the hormone jabs n pills which i taken few wk ago.

Hi wtpooh,did ur gynae scan for u to confirm ur m/c?My gynae sent me for detailed scan at Xray dept.The detailed scan concluded my bb heartbeat was very slow n my gynae even suspected it might b my heartbeat.Hv u thought of removing fibroid b4 conceive?
Hi Avocado

He didn't visit me after the surgery. But i had a follow up appointment with him on the 5th day after that. Then i was given some multivitamins. He did advise me during the appt before the procedure not to take seafood for 1 mth and no sex for 1 mth after evacuation is done.

Regarding tiredness after DnE, i think it could be the anesthetic. Just take this time to rest and build ur health.

He's very busy as u can see from the crowd in his clinic. I was there last friday afternoon. And as i was making payments, i heard from one of the clinic assistant that he had rushed off to the hospital.
Hi, Avocado,

Please rest well. Take time to grieve and heal. I think you are very brave and been doing so much to save this baby.I read that you have been seen many gynaes and to me, you have tried your best and you must continue to try your best to heal yourself. If you wish to, you may pm me to share your experience as I am also going around like headless chicken, looking for the dr. for my next conception after my 3 mcs and feeling very desperately helpless at times....

Hi, Fong 2, wtpooh and diyanna, please rest well too and give yourself time and room to heal. There are many inspiring success stories shared by those brave ladies here and so we must remain positive!
hi Fong2,
Did he scan for u?I'm thinking if i shld see him only after the chromosome result is out.

My DnE was ard 4:30pm last fri.I tink he muz b rushing to do ops for me.It was a last min arrangement.I saw him on fri morn n confirmed the fetus has no hope.So we decided to go for the DnE in the afternoon.He was worried tat i may experience m/c over wkend since I've had some pain.
Avocado - am also very sorry to hear about your loss. Do take care of your body and rest well... GlenE sounds horrid! how could that phil nurse do that to you!!! totally NO respect to u n your bb!!! i would hav flared up at them!

Jlow/ Jappooh - how are your getting on???

Porky - any good news mah???
hi Sylvie,
haha..i like ur desc:headless chicken.U r right,after seeing 4gynaes,i still couldn't decide which one to go. Dr LC Foong is a nice doc but his speciality is fertility.Dr Peter Chew is experienced doc but he always so busy n he has more complicated cases in his hands.So I wonder if i shld go bk to him.Each gynae gave me pieces of advices here n there, and I've to solve the jigsaw puzzle by myself.

I oredi half-hearted.Now,just wait for the chromosome result.I need to move on my life coz i still hv to tak care my son who i've been neglected since i was preggie.Then next focus is to lose the 5kgs which i've put on.

Hv u done the chromosome test?There is a m/c profile test u can carry out.If I rememb correctly:autoimmune test,hormone test,SA test(sperm count).
Hi Avocado

He sent me for a detailed scan abt 2 months later just to make sure that my womb is ok before he gave us the green light to try again. Prior to that, he did an SA test for my hubby and gave him some pills to take.

Regarding choosing gynae, i feel that most impt is that u must be comfortable with him/her and also if u r ok with their charges. And also if u would prefer a gynae who can spend more time with u in the room.

Actually we were with another gynae at TMC. Ever since we found out that there's no fetus in sac, we went to Dr Peter Chew for 2nd option. So far both my husband and i r comfortable with him altho we find his charges quite steep. Since he knows abt my previous miscarriage experience and did the DnE for me, we rather go back to him. But we hv to bear with the fact that he doesn't hv much time for u in the room and also the long waiting time as he's quite popular.
Hi Avocado,

I'm seeing Dr Chan at TMC. But as mine is considered and "abortion", she does not do it. So she recomended me to Dr Phylis Liew, also from TMC.

Hope u rest well and don't think about all these things too much.
Hi Fong2,
U mean he didn't scan for u when u went back to see him 5th day after DnE?

It is true tat he doesn't hv much time.Every visit was a rushing one.Sometx,i worry tat he might b too busy tat he might hv missed out something.

When come to detailed scan,I'm quite sick of it coz of the long waiting time.Also some radiologist(Phil nurses) r very rough.Just wondering why can't the gynae scan for us??

After hearing what u said,seems tat Dr Chew knows wat he is doing.Initially,i'm quite worried coz he is always very busy n might nt pay attn to such m/c case.Did he do a hormone test n autoimmune test for u?
Hi Avocado

He only checks my cervix and touch my tummy. I think just to ensure that my uterus is ok. I read in the earlier archives that other gynae did that too. So i reckon it shld be the norm.

At first we also tot that he might missed out something. But after subsequent visits, he seems to know wat he is doing. I ever asked him if my menses will be regular after DnE. And he said that if my menses were regular before, then it shld be regular. And true enuf, my 2nd menses came on the day it is suppose to come.

He didn't do a hormone test / autoimmune test for me. I guess maybe that time was my first time miscarriage. But he did ask my hubby to do SA test which i think is becos he's now in his late 30s. He did mentioned that my miscarriage could be due to abnormal sperm after the 1st SA test result is out.
Hi Fong2,
I've PM u
Hi avocado,
I am also seeing Peter Chew. Was with him throughout my past 2 m/c. No doubt he always seems to be in a rush, but I agree with Fong2 that he seems to know what he is doing. I saw him one week after my D&C, no detailed scan, just the scan in his office. After that, I saw him a month later. Btw, I did 2 types of chromosome testing. One was for the fetal tissue, and the other was for both hubby and my chromosome. It turn out that it was the fetal choromosme that was abnormal.
Initially, I also thoght of seeking 2nd opinon from another gyane, but since the test result shows that its the fetal tissue that is abnormal, I concluded that even if I consult another gynae, I will still get the same answer.
I am just praying very hard that the next time I get pregnant, I get deliver a healthy baby
Hi Avocado
My gynae is Prof Ng...same clinic as Dr LC Foong. Prof Ng is a nice gynae.. doesn't rush his appointments...but his specialty is also in fertility treatments. I'm sort of looking around for a gynae who specialize in handling high-risk pregnancies...since I've also had 2 MCs.

Take care, hope you're feeling better now.
hi all, i just had an MC in april. have learnt quite abit from this thread. now hoping to conceive again soon. my AF came 4 weeks after the procedure, my cycle is bout 29 days or so.

i have a question. sorry if it sounds dumb. my gynae is not v helpful and like to cut me off (in a smilingly nice way that would make it diff for me to want to get upset with him).

my question is:
if my AF comes every mth, does it mean i ovulate every mth?

Hi Avocado,

Really sorry to read about what happened. I had an MC in April and gynae was Dr Chan KH. He was my gynae for my first baby (she's now 21 mths).

May i ask why u used dr chan? for my case, he was my sisters in laws' and MIL's gynae whom they have been seeing for donkey years, so he was highly recommended by them as being v good with stitching and having good equipment...

our first kid, pregnancy was super smooth, even the delivery.

for my #2, heartbeat was detected @ 6 weeks, gynae gave full assurance that pregnancy was going very well that he scheduled next appt 6 weeks later.

@12 weeks, no heart beat detected, apparently, my #2 stopped growing @ 9 weeks. we were shocked and stunned and both of us started wailing in his office.

but we were told to go to another room to cry instead. i guess we were taking too much of his time. i find dr chan very insensitive @ that pt.

and he charges 100% above mkt rate. ie the d&c was $1300 incl of lab test. his scans and consultation are bout $100 ++ each(used to be $87 in 06). We pay bout $350 ++ to see him each time.

i'm thinking of switching gynae. sighs...

since he used to be more affordable, we stuck to him for our #1. but now he seems to be so much more interested in $$.

made me wait in that horrible surgery in his clinic for 20mins alone before he came in. the appt was 9am, i was there since 8am!
hi truly,
Initially,i was seeing Dr LC Foong.He is reali a nice n detailed gynae.Due to my 1st m/c,i was very worried so i saw Dr Chan a wk b4 I supposed to c Dr Foong.I oso heard tat Dr Chan scanning n stitching skills r good,that's why i went to him.

However,my experience wf him wasn't good.No doubt he is a very experience gynae but i don't feel comfortable wf him.Same as u,i find the waiting time is very long n consultation is very ex.

I like Dr Christopher Chong.He is very patient n polite.If I do nt hv complication in my preggie,i'll choose him.

Actuali,until now,i still couldn't decide which gynae n i'll continue to hunt ard.Till then,after the 2 m/c,i can't find any reason of my m/c,could it be scar tissue?chromosome?lining?cyst???etc....

ovulation will happen approximately 10 or 14days after AF.If u notice u've cervical mucus,then u shld b ovulate ard that timing.U can look for more info by seaching yahoo or google.
Hi, Avocado and cheekz, I read that drs. dealing with high risk pregnacies are specialising in fetal medicine(hope spell correctly). I also went to see Prof Ng and he is assuring and patient. But sometimes, I worry that if I keep changing gynae, no one would really want to follow through the next pregnacy with me...
hi sylvie,

sure. pls share if ur experience. i am thinking hard whether to stick to dr chan coz he's so ex.

thanks for the reply.

i read somewhere that sometimes, we might not ovulate even after this true?

ie, the menses come but that month got no eggs matured that is released from the ovary..
hi ladies,

i read that u can have ur AF, but not ovulate. u can also ovulate without ur AF. they are not related.

AF is just the breaking down of the lining, with or without the egg.
hi jlow
Congrats.. glad to hear everything is going well.. can tell gender already?

hi avocado
Im very sorry to hear about your loss...regarding gynae.. if you dun mind, can try my gynae, Dr TC Chang.. he is Head of Fetal Maternal Medicine at the Fetal Assessment Unit so I guess he should know about high risk pregnancies? He also wrote a book "Doctor I want to know is my pregnancy healthy" Most importantly, I am very touched by his care and thoughtfulness. I was having some problems with baby at my 1 week follow up visit with him. He noticed and he actually went down personally to TMC parentcraft to ask the lactation consultants to help me. 2 weeks later, he even remembered me and asked the LC to give me a call to find out how I am coping with baby. We were very touched by his actions,he is so busy and he has so many patients but he still remembered me and bothered to help me though I have already delivered. Btw his skills also v gd as I was able to walk by next day of delivery and all who saw my csect wound also commented very neat n nice

hi sylvie
Yes.. having AF every month does not mean ovulation. Even if you have tested positive on OPK (ovulation predictor kit) it is also not 100% confirm that ovulation ocurred
Hi avocado, my gynae couldn't see mine bb hence he can only use HCG test to determine mine bb growth. Btw, i won't be removing mine fibroid cos hve seen my gynae & NUH specialist. They have advise tat no need to remove. Also, even if I remove the fibroid. There is still chance of growing back. And chances can be even 3 mths after Ops. So my chinese physician also recommend me not to.

BTW, where do you stay ? i got chinese physician can recommend u. One at Jurong East & the other one at Upper Thomson.

Also, i still think that you should stick to 1 gynae. As he can follow through all ur pregnancy. Unless, you find their service/price not good.

My hubby/sis asking me to chance the gynae if need to. But i still feel that I like my gynae service. So will go back to him again after my next conceive.

Btw, I am visiting Dr Tho Chin Keong at Jurong east. Have any ladies visited him ?
hi roxy,
i heard abt Dr TC Chang.I might see him after my chromosome result is out. Now i am worried if the chromosome result is balanced translocation.If it is,then no nid to try oredi.

Do u nid to wait very long to see Dr Chang?Is his consultation charges ex?

Last time,I always look for gynae at Gleneagles bcoz i like Glen's svr.But ever since my DnE,i'll nt go bk.I notice a lot of trainee nurses fr. Phil or China.Thus,I might switch to TMC.

Hi Wtpooh,
I'm staying at west.Mayb u can recommend me ur TCM fr. Jurong east?

Of coz no one likes to change gynae.but sometx no choice coz nid to look ard for right gynae who specialize in the area.In S'pore,there r many fertiity spec,but difficult to find those who can manage high risk preggie.My 1st gynae who delivered my son,is very good,but he didn't do anything after my m/c.If he would do something,mayb i would hv discover something n 2nd m/c might not happen.
hi all, thanks for getting back to me about my question ovulation and Af. Really appreciate it.

Dr TC Chang, LC Foong sounds good. I'll consider changing drs if I conceive again.

While I was grieving after I MC, i used to read bout other's experience here:

i know its depressing, but it helped me somehow.
Hi truly,madly,deeply

I was in similar situation as u. Apparently bb stop growing at 9 weeks. we went see gynae at 8 weeks n still can see strong heartbeat, so also got assurance from gynae that everything is well. got a rude shock when i went back at 12 weeks to realise that bb has stop growing n heartbeat not viable...
Did your gynae advise on the possible reason ?
Hi, Babyatom and Cheekz,

Like both of you, ny bb also stopped growing at 9week.My gynae didnt advise anything except badluck and my age(36 now)Did your gynae measure the bb's heartheat at 8 weeks and were you on any progesterone supplements?
hi baby atom,

thanks for sharing. i know what u mean bout rude shock. i froze on and almost fell off the examination bed. it took me a long time to feel ok again.

my gynae said its natural selection.

dr chan has this fruit analogy he that loves to use. he used it to explain medical terms to us (hubby and me) plebeians.

he said, the seed wasn't very good, so the fruit didn't grow well. it could be alot of things. maybe the soil wasn't very healthy or the environment that the fruit was growing wasn't conducive. thats why the fruit didn't become a tree..

according to him, i was not the only case that the baby suddenly died. he said he saw a few cases like that. he even said it could be something in the air!

sighs, i don't know how to respond to him. i was too upset anyway.

when i was pregnant with my first baby who was quite big (3.8kg @ birth), he said : the fruit is big but its not yet ripe so it not ready to be plucked.
baby atom and sylvie,

we heard the heart beat @ 6weeks. luckily we recorded it and i kept it in my youtube a/c. thats the only part of my #2 that i could keep.
hi truly,sylvie,
My bb heartbeat stopped at 7wk+.I remem we saw the heartbeat(gynae still commented the heartbeat very strong) on Dec7(i was in wk7).Then i started to hv spotting on Dec25.
When we saw the gynae on Dec26,my gynae told me that the fetus would hv died ard wk7(according to CRL),which was shortly after my 1st scan on Dec7.It happened very fast.
Hi, avocado and all other ladies, did you have v-scan during early stage? If yes, care to share your experience if you find it painful? I did find it very painful and the pain did last for the next 2 days.
Hi, jlow,
so happy to hear that you and your bb are doing so well. do continue to take good care of yourself!!!!We need to continue to hear good news like yours!
Hi Sylvie, can I pm you? I am also under Dr ChanKH and I would like to have more info about him as I am under very high risk preggie group.

Hi Avocado, I would like to pm you too about your knowledge on D&E as I was only recommended to do D&C for my mcs and never D&E. I personally think D&E is better.
Hi Sylvie,

I always have V-scan during for all my visits and they are not painful. It should not be painful by rite as the gynae should apply lubricate on the condom before the insertion. So if u felt the pain, it could be the gynae is very inexperience. And 2 days of pain is really too much.

Ladies, after hearing ur thots on bbs’ hb, I would like to share my experience. Actually a strong bb hb in the initial weeks is inconclusive. My bb had a very normal and strong hb up to the 8 weeks and the hb stopped suddenly and altogether at 8 weeks 3 days. I tested my bb and she had a chromosome disorder. Therefore, such things are very tricky. There are no hard and fast rule about hb it seems.

Also, I read from a medical book that for mcs that occur in the later weeks of 1st trimester (say 8 to 9 weeks), it is unlikely to be caused by hormonal imbalance single-handedly. Therefore, high chance it’s due to bb’s chromosomes. Just want to mention this for ladies here who are troubled by the causes of mc.
hi sylvie,

my v scan was painful but didn't last 2 days. for dr chan, he will always haf v scan early on coz normal ones can't see yolk sac, etc.
Thanks Gals!

Hi Roxy, can c but gender can't cfm yet. Gynea says still prelim...must wait another mth...will let you know when cfm..
Hi Sylvie,

I done V-scan since my first visit to my gynae cos he can't see my bb. So far, i hve not encounter any pain. My gynae is quite experience and will always ask if i encounter any discomfort during the scan. Agree with bubbleteahut, if the gynae is experience & gentle you should not be feeling any pain. Even i done once at NUH for my fibroid. Still no pain occurs. Its best to let your gynae know ur pain.
hi Sylvie,
I did V-scan for all my visits wf gynae n not painful.However,i felt a bit uncomfortable when doing the detailed scan by the Phil nurse at Glen.Some of these nurses(radiologist) r very rough.

did u notice any abnormal discharge?Beta chk wf ur gynae.

Hi Bubbleteahut,
Sure,u can PM me. But my knowledge in DnE is limited. Everything happened very fast for my 2nd mc.My gynae only told me that they'll sort of "vacuum" out the dead fetus fr. uterus.He said dnc and dne r similiar.When we did some researches,we found out DnE is more suitable for preggie > than 12wk.But i don't know why he performed DnE on me since i was on 5wk.I suspect it could b bcoz we wanna to send the fetus for chromosome testing.
I was on GA this time,totally knocked out.Last DnC,i was on LA so still aware of what happened.My post-op bleeding is very little as compared to 1st m.c.
My gynae is always very busy.He doesn't hv much time to explain but somehow i trust what he is doing.Even when he did scan for me yesterday,it was like just a"few seconds".i wonder if he reali too experience so no nid to scan too long but oso worry if he has checked thoroughly.
Now,i am very worried abt the chromosome result.He mentioned abt balanced translocation coz my this m/c is very unusual.1st: the sac is irregular,2nd:baby growth is a wk behind,3rd:heartbeat showed up a few days.

Here is some info abt chromosome disorder:
There are genetic and non-genetic causes of pregnancy loss. The main cause of miscarriage in the first trimester is due to a chromosomal abnormality (extra or missing genetic material), usually a one time chance occurrence that will not affect future pregnancies.

Heart defects are a common clinical finding in chromosome abnormalities (particularly Down syndrome). Amniocentesis is recommended when nuchal fold/maternal blood levels/ultrasound are abnormal. Testing from an amniocentesis includes a fetal chromosome analysis and measurement of alpha-fetoprotein or AFP. AFP is elevated in certain types of birth defects (eg. spina bifida).

Fetal bradycardia is a slow, irregular heartbeat that is less than 100 beats/minute. In half of pregnancies with this finding, there are other serious structural heart defects, with or without chromosome abnormalities.

Sorry to hear abt your plight. Hope you r feeling ok.

Something to share here: A human egg has been filmed in close-up emerging from the ovary for the first time, captured by chance during a routine operation.

Well ... i didn't know our egg looks like dat ... looks like royal jelly. And i dunno if its just me, i felt like quickly go and have sex after looking at the pic so as not to waste it ... as if the egg in the pic was mine.
Thanks for sharing your info on D&E. It sounds like Dr Chew is very experience and I guess he must have a very good reason for doing D&E. According to what I heard, too many times of D&C that involves scrapping of womb is risky to future functionality of the uterus for conception. So its good that for this time, urs is D&E. I will PM u tonight k

Am I right that u sent ur bb for chromosome testing and not ur blood sample? Ur gynae probably said its unbalance translocation and not balanced translocation. Only unbalanced translocation (extra or missing chromosome) will pose problems. Hey, don’t worry too much about it even if its discovered that your baby does have a unbalanced translocation k. It is because this likely a random occurrence. I said that as I read that u have a healthy boy, which means that it is highly unlikely that you have any genetic issue. If it is a random occurrence, you don’t have to visit a genetic counselor (only kkh offers that for people with genetic issues). Of course it is still painful even if it is a random error, I understand that fact.

Also, a frd told me that there are some gynae who specialize in high risk preggie such as thyroid/hormonal issue in SGH. I have not check it out personally. But u might want to research on it if you want. U r right, pte doctors usually don’t specialize in high risk preggie. They are usually more interested in infertility or IVF.

I am sorry you have to go through all these. Take care of your health hope you recover well in every sense yah.
i don't tink i'm going to do anymore research.Veri tired....I'll probably just ask ard when there's chance but i feel it is pointless to keep "drilling" for info.I realise there r so many reasons n factors cause m/c.
i believe most surgeries,including DnE,even no scrapping,carries a bit of risks.I heard it is still involve a bit of scrapping.The info which i got fr. websites,contains diff info.So I oso oredi given up since I oredi done the surgery,which i didn't hv the choice.At that moment,i was very tired after all the wkly checkup,hormone jabs,scanning..i just wish everything was over soon.In fact,it was a relieve to me,coz i was worried abt whether the bb will b healthy,if we struggled to keep him/her.
yes,we requested to send the fetus for chromosome testing.but according to my gynae,there isn't anymore fetus..everything was oredi degenerated.Again,he didn't elaborate much,just advised us to wait for the chromosome result.But i oso worry tat since the cell oredi died,will they be able to culture?
Ya i know...might b random.Feel myself very unlucky to m/c 2x....actuali,i would rather they find out something wrong abt me or my hb,at least we can do some treatment for ourselves.
I tink i'm going to stick wf Dr Chew for the time being.Coz we've oredi spent $$ seeing diff gynae.but if u happen to know any gd gynae,pls do boardcast in the forum.
Chromosome will change as we age.The older we r,our eggs n our hb sperms hv had longer exposure to environmental hazards n might contain damaged chromosomes.I conceived my boy 5yrs ago.I tink my chromosome might hv damaged in btw this 5yrs.Look at our surroundings,the air is so polluted from the jungle fire fr. Indo last yr,then now there r so many building of new houses,the smoke fr. hacking n building the hse,the toxin fr painting...we can't escape fr. inhaling all these toxin air.

the pic reali interesting..look a bit like EPO pill.
I'm fine...finally go bk to my "normal" lifestyle.No more hormone jab,scanning..But i still tink abt my 2 lost babies.I hope they r doing fine...and i wanna to tell them tat i reali love them thou i'll nvr had a chance to hold them in my arms.........
hi avocado, bubbleteahut and pegsfur,

thanks for all the info...u ladies sure know alot! i really learn alot of info from all of u. thanks for taking the trouble to share it here
Jlow - good to hear from you! wow, can see gender liao, so i guess its probably a little prince? hee.. hope to have more updates fr u

Porky - Don't go MIA lei...any news mah?

Avocado - i also tink that with a healthy preg before, the MC shld b random. Do not ponder too much ( i know saying is easier than doing it ). But now that i m gettin ready to TTC again, i have been drilling ( trying very hard )positive thoughts bout last MS was random, was bcos i took it lightly etc... sigh, anyway we never can relai know the reasons... do take care!
hi aileen, me here lah ! hehe. sad to say AF reported 10 days late..duuno what happen..this is 3rd cycle liao. but this time my AF seems heavy then 2nd cycle leh...and also cramps. today 5th day already. not much cramp and flow..dunno why like that. but 2nd cycle AF seems normal already 3rd cycle go haywire...wat abt u ? got good news mah ?
could it be stress?i do believe in stress will cause hormonal change.
Once my AF cycle went a bit haywired when i was under pressure or sick.Came 1wk early or 1wk late...the flow was oso inconsistent
Hi gals,
just went for checkup today. I was in my wk 12 1 day today baby is now 5.6cm. I was on hopsitalisation leave again till 27 june. I suppose to go back to work tomorrow after 1 mth of hopsitalisation leave. But cos i vomit yesterday with quite a bit of blood, gynae wanted me to rest for another wk.

Think that my work really affected. So far i think i taking abt 1.5 mths MC liao.

Dunno when then my MS will get better.

glad to hear that u are fine. Take care.

Porky - wow, 10 days is long .. me 2nd cycle now and waiting to TTC hee... hope that my cycle wont go haywire this month and guai guai ovulate... we jia you together ok!

Jappooh - wah, so fast already past first tri! i thot you were just preggy only
good good, first tri over liao... ur MS better? the blood is due to the MS i suppose? ur company ok with the long leave u took? for me, i think my boss will go crazy if i need to take long leave, she is one super curt boss bout MC and leave.. argh...
