Support group - Miscarriages

magpie, your hcg still consider abit high right? no need go for another blood test to monitor? which gynae are you seeing? i did not get any medical leave for miscarriage naturally too. i guess they will only give to those who has excessive bleeding and those that went for D&C.

my hubby has always been telling me to cheer up. at least the thousand over dollars are well-spend, at least we know both of us are not totally infertility. now, all i hope is i can be back to the past, normal AF, with EWMC etc and time well for our next pregnancy

Hi Magpie

Hugs...we have all been thru the stage of questioning why. Why cant the preg proceed ? why is it me ? why........
Dont blame yourself. its no fault of ours...
Just have a good mini confinement to build back your health..
Hi Gillian

Yeah my HCG looked very promising at first. Gynae was quite confident pregnancy will sustain. Now, even as it dropped, I think I am still quite high.. Sigh..I am seeing Dr Seng in Gleneagles. He's not bad vry gentle guy. I just don't really like that nurse.

Now, I am still bleeding. So at end of the mense I should be back to normal. But i still need to take a bloodtest.

Yeah at least we are not totally infertile. But I am not sue if I really need to depend on clomid to get pregnant. I got pregnant only on my 4th round and with 150mg dosage. Very high dosage. But this round, I cannot use clomid so I will try naturally. Hope still can conceive without it.
mich, ur menses came after 3 weeks post dnc seems fast...did u check with ur gynae ? most of the ladies here resume AF say 5-6 weeks...

hi cutie, i just got time to read ur long posting. hehe. is too sad to have got to know this type of bf in the past..last time i also very scard to get pregnant and end up must do abortion...cos still young to be a is time to be a mother but m/c happpen at first try...mayb all this is fated. now enjoy to be a good wife and a good mother in the future.

jappooh, see so fast. this week u gg to see ur bb heartbeat le. so excited right ?? MS kick in is good. meaning bb is growing well mah. all the best to ur scan ya !

pinkpixel, faster see ur gynae ! must ttc real soon we can have the early ox bao bao
Hi Babyatom

I am intending to drink the red dates/black dates/dangshen tea after the AF has cleared everyday. The medical shop person said I will drink twice a day. How long should I drink it for?

I also intend to take the EYS bai feng wan to tiao 10 days after my AF.

Is all these sufficient? Should I take my prenatal pills as well?

I am currently taking antibiotic twice a day for 5 days.
Hi gals,

Just wanna vent my frustrations again.. Sigh.. Ever since my MC, I hate to talk to my relatives esp. my dad's side.. they will ask if there was something wrong w me, ask me go see this doc and that doc.. None of them have expressed any sympathy of my situation.. The worst thing was my uncle's wife went to tell her daughter (11 yr old) dat I had an abortion and that I did not want my baby! As a child, she went on to tell this to her friends which were my pupils. I am so MAD! Now she denied all this and tried turning the table around, saying I stressed and accused her daughter! I just dun understand y some pple r so evil n wicked! This is such a malicious rumour and she's a woman too! A mother of 3! How can she say such a thing?!!
I was so upset when I heard this from my pupil in school..
Hi Magpie
I drink those red dates tea more than twice a day for the 1st 3 weeks after D&C. I also take bai feng wan every week and DOM every nite after my AF my cleared. On top of that, still take multivits n folic acid.

My tcm also gave me some pills n medicine to eat daily....

I wanna make sure that my health is optimum for the next preg so that will be successful hopefully....cos TCM say my sheng quite weak by nature so need to tiao and bu to have a good preg..last time when i preg w my gal, i also took tcm for 1st tri, nw she's 22 months. but this preg, overconfident liao, didnt take any TCM & ended up MC..sigh...

Hi Jo
So mean of ur relatives !! omg, evil people....
but it seems like the older generation wouldnt understand that MC is very common nowadays cos to them, preg = baby. So they feel something is wrong w us when we have MC but that is not the truth....'s only natural dat u are still feeling the loss over the m/ may take time for u to get over it so take ur time ya....dun give urself unnecessary stress....oh ya dun try to avoid any chinese herbs or chinese medications while u are on antibiotic...=) scope of work require mi to be at the hosps almost daily....whenever i walk past nursery or labour ward or simply waiting at lobby seeing babies around.....i always tell myself my turn will come soon....i will be carrying my baby home soon....=D

Jo...understand ur frustration...feel free to let it all out here...remember in tis world there are all sorts of's tough & hard on you to be accused of sumthing u have not done but we cant do anythg to stop tis stupid mouth from shooting off....auntie too free nothing beta to do thus like to gossip so try ur best to ignore lor....=)
Latest update of my evil relatives.. Now they r blaming me of bullying my 11 yr old cousin.. I feel for my parents too.. They had to face a lot of rumours and gossip from them, be my shield, etc. My dad advises me to let it go and distance myself.. He asks me not to attend my grandma's birthday dinner this sat.. n I was like ,"WHAT?!" Its not my fault, y should I avoid them? But my dad says this matter is not in my favor n they r very biased towards me.. I can't believe this crap.. They even "dug out" old mistakes that I had made as a teenager and said what my cousin did was nothing compared to my old mistakes.. Y r the older generation so disgusting? Always like to dig old stuff n talk about them? What has my history got to do with my cousin's lies? URGH!!
Hi Babyatom

I went to tcm before and the doc did comment my sheng not good as well. So gave me pills to bu but I have stopped taking it.
Jo...although it may sound unfair but it sound wise to 'backoff' from family events as of sure they will get tired of all tis nonsense in no time...older folks always like to make comparisons...guess perhaps ur family / parents belong to the tame type thus cant fight wif those "san ku liu por"....
Why dun you check w ur gynae abt ur menses..3wks is a bit gynae told me usually abt 4-6wks my case,the last round,AF came exactly on the dot in waiting for AF to report for this round.Could it be your bleeding?I remembered my bleeding stopped and after a while it came back very heavy..

Wah..reading your posts make my blood boil..if i were you,i will still go to the bday dinner and purposely walk in front of them,n if they dare say anything,i will ask them to tell me in my face n then ask my cousin to verify right in front of them!This kind of pp are bullies..grrr..
piyobb..u r so positive. yr turn will come soon. gd luck ya

jo,cool off ya. i know how u feel like to be accused. bt,what yr parents say maybe right...u might want to avoid them n nt let it affect yr mood,no pt arguing with them n being hurt in e end ok? take care ya..

jappooh, u will be able to see yr gynae soon. so happy and excited for keep us posted ok?

porky, have yr AF reported yet? how long has it been delayed? mine has been late for 6 days already, the wait is so so so long. sigh!everyday i am wondering if i am preggie. if not, pls let my AF report soon. btw, recently, i hve been eating quite a fair bit n aso experiencing slight cramps occasionally. i was super tempted to test again today, bt i didnt as i scared i will be disappointed. mi gt facial appt this thur... if reali preggie, i hve to avoid certain facial treatments. nw, i am in a dilema whether to go for my facial this thur a nt.
Piyobaby, I think that's the general idea that my dad has.. back off first.. my hubby feels so angry too.. to him, it's even better that we see them only once a yr.. anyway, no point "ji jiao" w such pple.. Now, I jus want to concentrate on my health so I can TTC again.. make me more determined to have a healthy baby..
thanks sheryl....which DPO are u in harm to give it a test esp if u are going for facial treatment....good luck to u ya...=)

paging for any good news to motivate us?? =D

jo...good for u to ignore all tis silly ppl...not worth the effort to get angry wif them while they are happily gossiping themselves...we live for ourselves not for them definitely....may u b blessed wif a baby soon then go ahead & flaunt in front of them....=)
jo - ya, i also think its good to keep a distance fr such disgusting pple! so unworthy of even ur glances... better still not to see them and meanwhile work hard for ttc and show off the next time u meet!

Jappooh - MS is good sign!
hi ladies, i only got some of the results back, so far so good.

these are what i tested for:
1) blood for chromosome culture (for hubby and me) - $700
2) anticardiolipin IGG - $140
3) lupus anticoagulant - $145
4) thrombophilia profile - $450

not sure which is which but my blood clotting profile and chromosomes profile are clear. not sure what is the outstanding one also..

AF is clear now. about 10 more days to Ovul. yeah!
maybe u should test again b4 u go for the facial appt.

Hi gals,
this thur going to be my gyane appt. Really excited as well as worried. Dunno will i be able to see my baby heartbeat. Get very very worried and cant sleep well.
dear jappooh,

breeeaatttheeee deeeep.... and exxhhaalleeee sllloowwwllyyy.... easier said than done, i would be worried too! but just know that ur bb will benefit from a more relaxed heartrate from mommy than a stressed and irratic one!

all the best!!
sheryl & piyo, my AF still did not report ! i did not dare to test also..scard to see the results...hehe. these few days the symthoms like gone liao..keep waiting first. see how loh

jappooh, the scan is getting nearer liao. stay cool ok. u will see the twinkling lights very soon.

Jo, ur relatives are disgusting ppl loh. so bad of them to say such thing to u. esp when u just recover from the loss. i thot as relatives they shd be caring to one another. somemore is ur uncle's wife loh. how can she tell such thing to her daughter....ur hb is right. u are not wrong this time. but no need to ji jiao with them. else they thot u are trying to defend urself. next round, when u r preg again, no need to tell them. but must show off ur bundle of joy to them when ur bb is born. i also got a disgusting SIL...always ask me whether my body have problem or not..ask me go check this check that...say why i so young got problem when preg. she say zoe tay also give birth so old also no problem. she herself also give birth at 38yrs old also no if i am the only one having problem to give birth...iritating ppl !!!
Hi Porky,
hope to hear good news from u soon.

Wat CD are u currently in? For my current preg i dun have any symptons b4 i test positive. Only AF not coming only.
Ya Porky, all the best! hope to hear good news from you also!!! jia you jia you!

Jappooh - very fast to countdown to seeing ur baby le! dun worry so much now, tho i know im sure to worry buckets if im you.. hee...
Hi twinangels,
Where did you have your chromosome checked? We did it at Mount E and was charged more..wondering whether is it cos we went thru private clinic (did u?) considering whether shd go thru gynae from hospital the next time round?
japooh & aileen, think i will wait until this sat. if AF still did not report. die die also must test with clearblue liao. lol...
Hi Mich,
The menses could be due to the TCM that you were taking. My TCM prescribe me some pills which is suppose to flush out whatever remaining tissue in the body after my D&C. B4 taking it, my bleeding actually stopped. But after taking the pills, I had mini menses for few days.

Hi Piyobaby,
My fever was on off for couple days. Doc even suspect its dengue and I went for blood test. Lucky only a bacterial infection. We must all stay healthy then can have healthy BB

Hi Porky,
Last time I hope for pig baby, then I hope for rat baby, now I really hope for ox baby. But I still far from TTC period leh. AF also haven't come. Both gynae & TCM say my body super weak... better to wait at least 3 cycles. Sob...Sob...

I am so excited for u. Hope you get a big "+ "sign on clearblue this sat.

Hi PJ,
I am getting my chromosome checked at my gynae this saturday. I think the nurse told me its about $600. My gynae at Gleneagles.
Hi Porky, Jappooh & Piyo.... i am in CD35 today. Anyway, I think i am too anxious n stressed up. I just tested, but the result is NEGATIVE. I feel so disappointed and sad, dun noe how to describe the feeling. Think my AF has gone haywire liao.
Its a faint NEGATIVE, wonder if it maybe too early to test. Never mind, I will just take it as a NO and see how it goes for the next 2 weeks. Dun wan to test so soon anymore. Sori gals, but I just need to vent my unhappiness. Btw, shld i just proceed for my facial treatment this thur or postpone till my AF comes?

porky, envy u.. cn tahan until this Sat to test. btw, gd luck n all the best ya!

jappooh.... u be seeing yr little jappooh real soon. yr check up is on thur right?take care n keep us posted. btw, how many weeks are u preggie now?
hi PJ,
i did my tests thru my gynae at TMC. i was told it was quite ex, and would be cheaper at KK. but i didnt want the hassle and since i'm familiar with tmc and my gynae, i just went ahead with the tests.
Hi Sheryl,
wat u mean by a faint Negative? Means u see 2 lines but 1 is very faint?

I tested on my CD32 and result is negative also. I tested again on my CD39 then i see a faint positive. Then again on CD41 then the lines become clearer. So i guess i O very late loh.

BTW i dunno how many wk i am now. Maybe 6wks+. Cos i O late so dunno how to calculate. Hope tmr scan can see my baby heartbeat.
Hi Porky & Sheryl

Hope to hear your good news! :p

Hi Jappooh

All the best for the baby scan tmr! Go Go Go...
Your story has made me not so sad about the miscarriage cos you managed to conceive only one cycle after that. I hope the same for me too..

Hi Gals

I am on mc for 4 days. Now at home resting....

I was having very bad cramps for two nights.So I went to see my gynae ytd. He said its normal to have bad cramps becos i din do D&C. He said no need for D&C. Just like it expel out itself. Tdy I am feeling so much better after the 2 torturing nights.

Will this miscarriage affect my AF timing? Mine has been regular but cos of this incident, i don't know how to calculate the actual start of AF. I reckon my AF will finish by tmr cos only very little bleeding now.
sheryl, no lah...i do not want to test so early then disppoint myself mah..that time i also too excited then tested negative..makes my whole day so moody loh. i think u postponed ur facial to next week first then see how. better be save then sorry hor.

btw gals, today i feel crampy leh..then i keep gg to toilet to check..dunno why..
magpie, AF after m/c will sure a bit go haywire leh..before i got preg, i also very regular one. then after m/c, i dunno how to count liao. keep asking gynae when AF will resume. and waited for 6 weeks. finally it came. now 2nd cycle still waiting. dunno will come on time or haywire again...or mayb preg le...hehe

but i abit confuse leh, ur bleeding now is consider as 1st cycle of ur AF ? or the leftover bleeding from m/c ? how many days liao ?
porky, i understand how u feel as i experience that while doing the test. btw, u feeling ok now? r the cramps gone?

jappooh, what u mean is double or single line? anyway, i think i was too disappointed yesterday and read the test as negative. i was smsing my good friend to tell, thn i double check the test kit...there is another line to make up positive, but it is very very very light. maybe, thats y i overlook or too overwhelmed by my sadness. bt, i think i will still take it as a negative sign. coz, i dont wan to be disappointed. it could be the test kit or if i am lucky early pregnancy. i will mntr again and test next week or the week after ba.
magpie, did u check with yr gynae when yr AF will resume since yours is a natural one? usually for those with D & C, the AF will come abt 4-6 weeks later. but, it maybe even later aso... it reali depends on every individual. no stress ya, rem to do a mini confinement now to build up yr health and then u cn start TTC. good luck and baby dust to u!!!!
Hi Sheryl

Even if the line is very faint, you are still considered pregnant lei.

I got bleeding on 1st May. Till today, 7 May still have but much lesser and cramps not intensive le. So i am in CD 7?

Hi Porky

Your AF din come so you are possibly pregnant? So nice... I din do D&C so bleeding already her since 1 May. I hope to start this immediate round though gynae said wait for next AF to come.
whcih kit u are usually. Some kit have a control line and a test line. So if both have line then is preggie mah.

If u see the very very faint line then the chances are there lei. maybe tested again after a few day. If really preggie then the line will get darker. Look like u have good chance.

When i test 1st time the line also very very light. Light until i dunno is my eye having problem or the the kit have problem.

when i have my miscarriage i didnt count the days since my gyane say better try when my next AF come. So i wait loh. I think it come at ard 5wks plus to 6wks. Then i took clomid. Anyway my mense is always irregular so i dunno should i consider it as haywire or normal.

Now i am so excited and the same time nervous abt tmr appt. Keep my fingers cross.
twin angels...if im not wrong blood clotting is lupus anticoagulant...congrats on all the positive results...=) excited for u wor....hope dat u can share ur BFP wif us on sat okie...=p oso having veri bad body ache & blocked nose for the past few days sumore over my O days...guess tis cycle is a goner le....try harder next cycle liaoz....=D

sheryl...gota follow the test instruction for HPT hor...cos sum dun allow reading longer than 5 mins otherwise willl have false positive...of cos hope dat u have good news to share wif us veri soon lor....
Hi Sheryl

Maybe yours still very very very early but at least you managed to see a faint line. But must read within the time limit as stated in the instruction.

Hi Jappooh

I am sure you can see the baby tmr.. We will wait for your good news! Very excited for you.. Meanwhile, hang in there!!!:p
Hi piyo, magpie and jappooh,
I use clearblue yesterday. what is HPT? So,for clearblue, it has to be one vertical and one horizontal line to make up positive. for me,the vertical line was very very very light.... i didnt notice it at all. like what jappooh, i thought my eyes gt pro or is it reflection. ;p I forgot whether I need to read within the time a nt for clearblue. Bt, anyway I dont pin high hopes now la. Just wait and monitor my AF. I don't want to be disappointed n I tink i need to relax so that i can strike. Btw, i spoke to my gynae nurse and she told mi if i reali want to know I can go in n do blood test or if not they can check from below. Dun think i will opt for that.
u know ladies, if the day comes when i become a mother of a healthy and pink bub, i'll make it a point to drop by the thread, just to share a little hope with the ladies here.

i feel that we all deserve to become mothers just by the fact that we yearn to be one. there're tonnes of women who do nothing to take care of themselves, smoke and drink themselves to death and they just pop like rabbits. i dont get it. then there are those who choose abortion (not including those who decide after much weighing and consideration under whatever circumstance) but those who just do it callously without much thought as if the act was nothing but stubbing out a cigarette butt.

we all mourn for our little ones and go through so much prep work just to make sure that the next one will be a-ok.

life cant be that unfair right?
hi magpie, u should be in CD7. dont nd to rush to TTC ok? i am sure yr wish will come true soon... lots of baby dust on u. rem to do a mini confinement and avoid cold drinks. u may want to drink logan red date tea n all those tonic, dom etc.
usually the clearblue quite accurate one. If u are unsure u can buy the digital one to test in few days time. It come it word "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant". At 1st i also like u i buy the hse brand one. Then the light lines i dunno is reflection or my eye have problem or did i read it after too long. So 2 days later i tested with clearblue digital and it "Pregnant".

Maybe u wan to buy that. If today u can see a light line then u waited for a few more days then u should have very accurate result liao cant be light lines again. should be dark enough loh..
wat u say are so right. My SIL haev 3 abortion and 1 of it at her 4th plus. During that time i am trying so hard to conceive my No 1. I also ask my hubby why is it so unfair.

When i have my miscarriage. My SIL commented that why i am so weak. Wat to do thats is life.

Now when i see my boy i just cant help to hug and kiss him. Now he will always see "love ma ma". Feel so touch and happy.

U will have your own healthy baby in your hand 1 day. Cheer up!
jappooh, should i test in a few days time or wait for abt 1-2 weeks? yupz, if pregnant, the lines will be darker in a few days time. bt, i am scared of seeing the results. sigh!
sheryl....HPT = home pregnancy test such as clearblue....hang in there perhaps u have good news to share wif us le...u could try to test again perhaps by end of the week...noe the wait is terrible but look at it tis way if u are preggy isnt it beta to start taking xtra care of urself...if not (touch wood) then looked forward to trying at the next cycle again..good luck ya....=) is neber fair...certain things happen for a reason but may not be known to us...dun get too negative & depressed...all of us will be a blessed mummy again veri soon....=D

jappooh....await for ur good news to share wif us tomoro okie...have a good rest today ya...=p

Hi Sheryl,
actaully is good that u test again during the weekend. If really preg maybe can see a gynae soon and he/she might give u the hormo pills to stable the preg. Like wat i am doing now.

sure will share wif u all tomorrow. I get worried cos last check up cant see anything. Hope the baby is well and in the correct position. Actaully very worried loh. Dunno can i sleep tonite.
