Support group - Miscarriages

magpie, sorry to hear about it. do not feel that you will be alone. why not just let your mum know about it and prepare yourself for a mini confinement? my mum has been very supportive, brew me herbal soup, boil longan drink etc, warn me not to drink/eat this and that etc.

Like you, mine is first child and ended too. so sad. everytime see baby adv, i will give a big big sigh and think of my child.

Why not see gynae soon? probably he or she may check on your HCG level or etc

magpie...sorrie to hear of dat...can i ask how do u noe u have suffered a m/c? we are here to support one another cos we kinda noe hw each other feel thou we kinda grieve differently so pour all here if u wish...take care of urself meanwhile ya....=)

congrats twinangels....u can stop worrying & carry out ttcing plans soon le...=)
so sorry to see u here. U should see a gynae soon. Let him check. For me i have a auto m/c sp didnt go through the d&c. When i have bleeding, the gyane already tell me if it continue mean i having a m/c cos b4 that i told my hcg and it was dropping. So after my bleeding stop then i go back again to have a scan to ensure that my womb is clean. Do email me if u need to talk.
Hi Jlow,

how are u feeling now? Any MS? I suspect my MS is kicking in. Feel abit of nausea on and off. Dunno i am too sensitive or it real MS. Still waiting for my appt. So long wait. Dunno baby have heartbeat already anot.. So worried..
so sorry that you have to join us here. I also used to think that getting pregnant is easy until I went through 3 m/c. I have stopped asking myself why it happen to me. No answers anyway.

Explaining to people around is definitely hard. I was on hospitalization leave initially for spotting ( during the first few weeks) so everybody in the office knew that I was pregnant. Then, I m/c and have to extend my hospitalization leave. I am going back to work on Monday and the thought of facing all my colleagues is simply terrifying.
Hi Gillian

My mum is working and we stay far from each other. So, I doubt she can prepare confinement things for me. Ytd nite, I went to get some chinese herbs for boiling. I saw a formula on forum so ask the medicine hall abt it. I told her I am having a miscarriage. She said "sorry to hear that".. Sigh... I felt so sad at that instant. I told myself I have to be strong.

Hi Piyo
I don't have any pregnancy symptoms till today. And, the nite before ytd, I had pinkish spotting. Ytd, the spotting becomes very dark brown then red then it stained my pad. And I have cramps. Not very painful one though. I know I am losing it le. If only I din test one week after the missing af.. I can be saved from the misery.

Hi Jappooh

I want to have an auto m/c if possible. The bleeding stopped today. Why it din just continue?Sigh.. I think you gals are right... I better see the gynae. I am on leave tdy and my hubby rented a car. I will see him and let you know the outcome.
Hi Magpie
Sorry to hear abt ur situation. We all hv been thru it n understand the heartpain. Its been almost 2 months after n D&C n i still feel sad. shd be almost 5 months preggie by now, but the fact is there is nothing in my tummy now...sigh.. Do have a good mini confinement n bu yourself well for the next preg.

Hi pinkpixel
had been thru that terrified phase after my hospitalisation leave ended and had to go back work. Really dragged going back n face ppl. Only wanted to hide at home. but DH said normal life has to continue, so bohpian went back work, in the end, my colleagues neva ask or said anithing, machiam nothing happen, so u dun worry...
Hi Magpie,
Sorry to hear about it. The girls here have all gone through it previously, pls dont blame yrself for the loss. No one wants it to happen. I understand how u feel, dont worry I am sure u will be able to get over it soon. You can come here and post to us whenever you are down. It works for me prevously when I was suffering from the loss in Feb. Cheer up and rem to do a mini confinement to recuperate your health.

Hi Porky,
Has your AF reported? You can count your CD starting from the date of your first menses in Apr. I did my D & C on 6 Feb. Had 2 cycles of AF in Mar and April and my cycle is about 28 days. Btw, what stripes are you using to test? Its kinda cheap le, but is it accurate?

Hi Jlow, Jappooh & Porky,
I am in CD31 now, but no signs of AF yet. I have tested yesterday using Clearblue as was having a bit of cramps. But, the results is negative. Sigh sigh! Hubby says maybe its too early to check now. Mi having quite a fair bit of mucus discharge, wondering it i have O late and this cycle may have gone haywire.
Magpie - are u sure ts a mc? maybe it could just be spotting? i also had fresh red bleeding for my #1 and it happened that having hormone jabds and pilleds managed to save the pregnancy and my gal is 2+ yo now... i suggest u see a gynae soon, u reali wont know wats happening inside if you do not let a gynae see u... think positively first before any conclusion ok.. have faith!
usually u are 28days cycle har.. Maybe this cycle late for a afew days maybe u check too early. Wait for another wk if AF didnt report can test again. Good luck..
Hi gals

I just came back after visiting the gynae. How to say lei? He did a transvarginal scan. Found no sac...
But he still said it could still be too early to detect. And he said if bleeding has stopped, it could be just staining and many women got this problem in early stage. He saw staining on the tool he used to insert. He said i still have chance. But I know no chance le.. Cos I am having cramps and backache. Nurse also said no chance.

I told him I took menstrual cramp medicine to stop the cramps. He said I shouldn't have. I told him I have no hope le. Then he said it's ok. One or two pills should be ok. Asked me to take duphaston. So I have just taken one.

I took blood test too. Gynae said if still 300plus, I am considered miscarriage. If exceed 1000, the pregnancy still viable.

I am only worried it will be eptopic pregnancy cos no sac. If one tube bursts, i will have difficulty conceiving.

I really hope to close this episode and move on. Sigh..
Hi PinkPixel

I am sure your colleagues are concerned about you. So if they asked you about it, just take it lightly. And who knows, none of them will ask you? Like what Babyatom said. No one asked and like nothing had happened.

Hi Aileen

I got backache, staining and gynae found no sac.. I don't have hope le..I just wish I can go back to normal and no eptopic pregnancy which I fear a lot.
Dear gals

Can I ask? I am having quite severe backache and cramps now. Still brown staining. And sometimes the side of my thigh will feel a bit of pain. Is it normal for miscarriage?

so sorry to intrude.


just to share wat i have went thr.. when i was preg with my dd, i also have brown stains and cramps..when i visit my gynae, he did a scan and found nothing..he told me expect the worst. then days later, i had heavy bleeding(really red and blood trickle down my thights) i tot it is natural m/c. I went to his clinic and do a scan..but amazingly, he managed to find a sac (but no heartbeat).. he gave me duphaston and a jab. One week later, when i went to see him, i see a flickering heartbeat.

Now this little flickering heartbeat is already 15 mths old..

I sincerely hope the best for u..
sheryl, my AF has not reported yet..u already went thru 2 cycle ? april one just over or not long ago ? i dunno what type of test strips. is dipped into the urine then see the lines after 5 mins one (must urine in a cup first) anyway, i think i will test again next week loh..if AF report then can save the strips liao...

magpie, glad that u have seen ur gynae and done a v-scan. u only did 1 blood test ? did ur gyane ask u to go back do another blood test then compare the result ? cos last time i also did 2 blood test then confirm is m/c...btw, i still think that u got chance. cos u only have brown staining. not like a lot of fresh blood gynae say if natural m/c. u will see a lot of blood keep flowing out one..sorry i cant answer ur last question, i dunno why u feel backache and pain on the side of your thigh cos i never feel like this before..

so sorry to intrude.


just to share wat i have went thr.. when i was preg with my dd, i also have brown stains and cramps..when i visit my gynae, he did a scan and found nothing..he told me expect the worst. then days later, i had heavy bleeding(really red and blood trickle down my thights) i tot it is natural m/c. I went to his clinic and do a scan..but amazingly, he managed to find a sac (but no heartbeat).. he gave me duphaston and a jab. One week later, when i went to see him, i see a flickering heartbeat.

Now this little flickering heartbeat is already 15 mths old..

I sincerely hope the best for u..
Jappooh.....Last day of hospitalisation leave went pedicure somemore..hahahha but I did tell the lady no massage pls...she ask if I scare of pain.. MS is really bad nowadays, if can skip meals I really wish to. But I know cannot lor, must feed the little one inside..But once eaten, must go feed the toilet bowl shortly.

Sheryl, let's wait another week or 2 then test again, meanwhile, continue to TTC lor, nothing to loose any way right...
magpie....hang on to even the last bit of hope dat u have a viable foetus growing within u...perhaps it's jus the hormone changes in u dat make u feel depressed but pls dun give up...have trust in urself & ur foetus....if realli the worst does happen **touchwood** u have to noe dat there could be nothing u can do to prevent m/c and definitely nothing u have done to cause the m/'s only natural for ladies ttcing to test early when AF dun reports which could be impt too cos u will then noe to avoid certain activities & take xtra care of urself...cheer up okie ger....=)

sheryl....which cycle are u expecting now excluding the bleeding cycle post D& 1st cycle is normal & in fact shorter than b4 but 2nd cycle went seriously haywired & delayed for 10 still observing the 3rd cycle...=D

jlow...PM u again case u did not recd which happens veri frequently here...i can be contacted at [email protected] thanks ya...=p
hey ladies... so sorry to intrude...

i've been a silent reader... and often i wanted to comment but... guess still can't bring myself to comment here... perhaps no guts or something...but i guess, i need a closure after so many years... i'm sure some of the ladies would have seen me over at the ttc for 2009 thread...=D HI LADIES!!! I'm also sure that no one will expect someone who's always so positive to go thru a dark period... up till now, i am still counting... perhaps someone who reads this will say," Get a life!!! It's been so many years!!!" But frankly speaking, no matter how many years have passed, i agree with u ladies that we'll still be counting... that could be why a part of me is afraid of being pregnant and yet another part of me wants to be pregnant... 10th of May is coming again... and normally when this date comes, i can't help but to feel really down... come 10th may this year, it will be the 7th year... cos 7 years ago, i lost my bb at week 8 on 10th May 2001... the edd was supposed to be 1st jan 2002...

even though so many years have passed... and so many things happened in between all these years...but this date still stick to my memory... all i remembered was a needle in my hand, the nurse put the gas mask over me, i was told to breath and count to 10... and when i woke was all over... but i can still remember the emptiness i felt inside me...

some pple will say 7 years ago... should not feel so sad by now... but sad to say... i'm still tearing at this very moment... but life just have to go on... sometimes, i dun know how i managed to keep myself alive... but somehow with the grace from god, i did it...

oh boy... it feels good letting this out... got to go clear tears now...if not hubby will think why i'm crying...=p btw, i named the baby fabian... so now, i'm super sensitive to this name... =P okie dokie!! got tears to clean, face to wash, bits and pieces of life to pick up ...=D
magpie, do hang in there. there maybe hope for u ya. meanwhile, pls dont strain yrself too much. cheer up and do take gd care. if u r uncertain abt anything, u cn always give yr gynae a call n chk.

piyo & porky, i am expecting my 3 cycle of AF now. this is excluding my post bleeding after the D&C. i had my 1st and 2nd cycle on 5 mar and 2 apr. my cycle is a 28 days one. by right, it should be here but its been a bit haywired... nvm, i will slowly count the days. hee!

jlow, thanks a lot for yr support. yes, I am still TTC at the moment. hubby just told me that we should TTC more often to strike the jackpot. haha! btw, how r u feeling now? rem dont exert yrself when u go back to work. take gd care ya.
hi sheryl
ur hunny is right! hee hee happy going thru ms daily ..SO miserable... :I need to stay in coma(sLEEP) so that i won't feel it most of the time during the day. The hardest part is to eat. I feel like puking after my meals and me feel like "sea sick" everyday. Can't imagine how I can tahan when back to office. so take a step at a time now lor...

yalor, don't give up .. maybe yours will be a miracle bb!!! Stay strong and maybe wait another week to see how's the outcome.. unless you are very sure you have flushed out the "beannie" Otherwise there is hope! Stay positive!!!
cutie..ur post brought tears to my eyes....u certainly have brought mi laughter & tears in a matter of mins (shuffle btw 2 threads)'s realli hard to imagine dat it's YOU who have shared such a touching post given dat bubbly character of urs shown in the other thread....

i muz agree wif u dat no matter hw many years have passed...there will always be a part in our heart dat died wif our baby the day it is gone.....the due date is gonna be tough for us to navigate but WE WILL GET BY touched & certainly admire ur courage to grieve after 7 years....piyo offer u a few cutie to clean tears & blow nose **hugz**
sheryl...lucky u to have short still counting down to my 3rd cycle having O likely tis 2 days...of cos im looking forward to AF neber report...crossing my fingers hard...kekeke

jlow...having MS is good news...try to take small & frequent meals which will help to relieve MS...=D
jlow, yupz agree with piyo that MS is gd. i cn understand how u feel as well, coz i had MC for about 3- 4 months (cant remember how long) when i was expecting my boy. the feeling is indeed terrible, but it is worth it.
why nt u try taking small bites? this was told to me previously and it helps.

piyo gd luck ya. which CD are u in now?
cutie take gd care ya... i can understand how u feel. it isnt easy at all for us to get over the loss and despite the number of years ahead, i am sure our lost bb remains impt n close in our heart.
cutie - its oni natural that our babies are still our babies... its like when hB was saying we are gona plan for #2 after my AF reports, and i corrected him NO, its my #3.. #2 is in heaven already... but still a child of ours... wishing you all the best on TTC
piyo...thanks ... in fact, i dun reslly like to be in tears... cos life too short to be in tears...that's why i always try to look forward... as the light is always in front...when u look back, u only see shadows.. so i think we should all wipe our tears and look forward to our next bb... *hugzzzzzzz* that's why i've decided to be happy... i choose to be happy but that does not mean i won't have my downtime... it's ok to grief... but still, we got to pick ourselves up cos no one but ourselves can pick ourselves up and move forward....=D

aileen, thanks for ur wishes... please feel that u r least u got ur hubby by ur side ...right?? i'm sure every ladyin this room is bless to have ur hubby by ur side even though he may not show emotions or not sensitive towards the loss....

well, perhaps to share another part of this story... ladies, tissue out please...hehe...=D's not that dramatic.. it's just sad history...

fabian was actually the bb i had with my ex... u know, being alone overseas, kind of lonely... so got together with this "wonderful" guy... at tat time, i was in final yr uni... and i was prepared to give up uni for this bb... when my ex found out, he actually asked me to go for abortion... i refused and i actually decided to be a single mom cos this bb was blessed upon me... so no matter how much he persuaded me to go for abortion, i wun hear a word... there came to a pt when he actually accused me of faking my pregnancy.... and i actually had to test on the spot to show him that clearblue don't lie... but sad to say, all these stress and pressure got to me ... on 10th may, the day i'm supposed to see my gynae for checkup, i loss the bb... it was so sudden... i was going alone to the gynae, and just felt something gashed out.. and when i reach her clinic... i was actually bleeding quite heavily... so it was quite an emergency... and when she did the scan... i saw my fabian on the screen.. his shape, his hands and legs forming..and the doc told me it's 8 weeks old...... the heartbeat was very faint and right before my eyes, the heartbeat was gone...just like that... gone... the doc didn't know what happened, i didn't know what happened... she thot the machine broke we went to another room to scan... but only can see the shape of fabian but no more heartbeat...

at that point in time, i totally went blank... so of coz the dNc was done that very day.... i had no choice but to call my ex and tell him before i went for the op... cos the gynae asked if i could get someone to fetch me home cos i will be rather weak... so i called him... and that b******, can tell me why can't i come home myself... i was so shocked and sad with him...but at that time, can't think straight... so just tell him off in a very angry tone... i guess he must be feeling guilty...cos after i came out, i saw him waiting for me...

i guess love is blind.... i forgave him... and was with him for 5 yrs!!! in those 5 yrs, it was terrible... whatever i did, i wear, i eat... anything that i do he will critise... i was actually having depression after my dnc... but he continue to abused me emotionally and mentally... i've tried swallowing lots of pills, tried the wrist slashing, tried the combo of pills and alcohol.... each time, he will just jeer me in my face... and having affairs with other ladies is part of his way to jeer me... and he will tell me, his friends commented that i dressed lousy... or he will tell me, his friends can't believe that i am his gf cos i am not good enough, not pretty enough for him... he also told me his friends can't believe that he choose me as gf cos i'm so fat and ugly... bad skin... no sense in dressing... no make up... etc......i ate a lot, put on a lot of weight cos i was upset everytime he did something to hurt me... i will eat and eat until i was so full up, then i will forced myself to donate whatever i ate to the toilet bowl...

I can't imagine how i managed to stay with him for 5 yrs...

after the op, he just left me alone at home and went out with his friends... so to spite him, i also went out that very nite, went to dance party, had lots of shooters, got myself really drunk for the 1st time in my life... it's really bad for my body... but i didn't care...

i guess, now i'm paying back for not properly taking care of myself after dnc... body is weak like hell... so ladies, please take good care of ur body okie??? do mini confinement... and dun be notti when doing mini confinement... cos it's all for ur own health okie??? auntie here got lots of advice and will nag at u until u listen ...=D

so ladies, appreciate that ur hubby with u, by ur side alright??? when u start to resent ur hubby for not being sensitive, just think of me...=D i'm sure u will appreciate ur hubby more...

although my hubby didn't know abt my past and he dun want to know, he sense that something was not very right ... why i choose my hubby is cause he told me... what past stays in the past... we only have current and future... and he prayed with me together... to take my pain and suffering away....=D that's how hubby got my heart... he touched me...=D

ok... enough of sob sob stories... =D stay happy and positive is the best medicine in the world!!! So ladies, dun give up okie??? and take good care of ur body so that the next time u get pregnant, u know for sure that the pregnancy will go thru smoothly...=D
cutie - awwwwwwww... felt so much for you after reading ur post!its still a blessing that u managed to get out of the bas****'s hands... stupid idiot like him doesnt deserve you!!! ur HB is so sweet on saying tat, but so right.. wat is ahead is oni current and future... and u cld stil do justice to ur body by doing a good confinement the next time when u deliver... body can still be 'bu' back to the good state.. all the best!!!
cutie...hugz...ur post realli bring mi overwhelming emotions...wat a jerk can he be...wat goes round comes round...he will be critised by ppl around him now or mayb in future by his veri own kids....retribution is lurking around the corner for him.....u are indeed a veri strong & positive nice of u to share ur story...all I can say now is u have a wonderful hubby & u will definitely be blessed wif beautiful kids veri soon to complete a family.....meanwhile take good care of ur body which is neber too late...prepare ur body for the next angel arriving soon...=)
can I check if any one of you feel weaker after a D&C? Its my 2nd week after the D&c and I am having on off high fever and chills since yesterday.
pinkpixel, are u on mini confinement now ? these few days weather very hot leh. why u feel chills ? if u take those herbal soup, i think u will feel better. the soup can make ur body stronger. take care ya
Cutie, your story really touched me.. Your strength amazes me.. That Bas**** dun deserve such a wonderful gal like you.. he will get his desserts one day.. Im sure God will bless you with your bundle of joy soon..

Pinkpixel: I think u should see a doc if this carries on.. it could be jus flu as the weather's really hot recently
Hi Porky & Jo,
I only did the mini confiment for one week after the D&C. I think my body is very weak after the D&C. Last time when I get fever, take 2 panadol ok alreadi. Now, take for 2 days still having fever and sore throat.

Sigh....will c doctor today. Have to prepare my body for TTC!
aileen, piyo, jo.... thanks ladies... i always live by this motto... what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger... =D

so ladies, i know that having a mc is a very painful thing.... having to go for dnc... is even worse... i wun tell u not to think too much, it's not meant to be ..etc...those comforting words... ... and i won't ask u not to be sad... in fact, i will encourage u to cry it out... really just get a good cry... irregardless of whether u r the type who will sob quietly or wail out loudly... just go and have a good cry... pple will say not good for ur body... but without making ur heart feels better, how can ur body recover??? so if u want to cry over the loss, just cry.. dun bother about what pple say dun cry over spill milk... or if MIL nags and scold u cos u change bedsheets etc... cos no matter what they say u can't get ur bb back... it's the sad truth...but we got to face the truth... that's why...facing the truth is painful... but u find that u will grow stronger... btw, crying is not showing weakness... it just show that u r still a human afterall...=D

To get over and move on with life is not easy... but u have to do it... so, keep this loss baby in a tiny little secret place in ur heart, move on, live life to the fullest and appreciate life... so that u will not let urself down or let bb down... cos bb wun want to see its mother staying in depressed mode all the time...

and always remember, what does not kill you, makes you stronger... =D
piyo, aileen, jo

i'm glad i left him...=D cos i found out that b4 me, his ex-gf whom he been with for 6mths had 2 abortion... and his ex b4 this ex-gf, whom he's with for 1 yr plus had 4 abortions...

when he cheated on me with his ex-gf, the one who had 4 abortions, i decided that that is final... both of them can go back together, i'll get out..and hell man, did i run for my life and health...=D

well, she gotten pregnant and she wanted to keep the bb cos after going thru 4 abortions, i think it's really too much for any decent woman to bear...but cos of the frequent abortions, she can't keep the bb and had a miscarriage while in 7th weeks...

so yes... that's the final end to my story... i was in such a mess but now, i walked away from it..=D

and finally it's a closure to tha part of my life... it really felt great to finally let it out... thanks ladies...for reading all these nonsense...thank u so much!!! *hugzzzzzzzzz all of u* come hug... *hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* hehehehe..=D
pinkpixel...gota take good care of urself....bu abit if u can...guess the weird weather recently makes things worst thus flu virus is out on the run...lots of ppl are feeling under the weather...=)

cutie...i certainly agree wif u...cos i overcome the pain of my m/c by crying myself silly for a good 2 days which does help to release the pain in my heart instead of bottling up the stress & sadness...i remember telling my hubby it's only after my m/c that I realli noe wat is heart pain (xin1 suan1)..afterwhich i force myself to look at babies & infant pdts when we are out....soon after i begin to tell ppl abt my m/c with the simply theory dat it's not our fault & it's beyond our control...wat's more there's nothing to be ashamed of....i was juz chatting wif hubby yest dat I should be the only one on earth who go around telling ppl abt my m/c...

his ex's numerous abortions seriously bring horror to my's hard to imagine not taking any precaution after the 1st's gonna be realli bad for the ladies' health & fertility wellness...tsk tsk....glad dat u have been able to pull urself out of being overwhelmed by love...luckily the logical aspect takes over and yeah u are a happily married & loved sweetie now.....=)

I am used to be in the MTB nov 08 thread. However, i lost my 1st bb in the 7th week and has to D/C. Mine is empty water bag, which doc terms as blinted ovum. Sob

I need to ask, I had mine 1st mense back after 3 weeks from D/C and I took TCM at Zhou Yu Min TCM amk blk 505 for a week after mense. I fell sick flu + cough on the 3rd days of TCM and mense came back on the 7 days again. Is this normal?

I am so weak as within a month, i have twice menses tat is lasted for 5 days at least and is heavy flow.

Need advise. I have stopped TCM at this moment. Anyone try Zhou Yu min TCM at amk blk 505 before? I heard she is good in forum but dont seem to work on me. Sob

mich...sorrie to hear of ur loss....cant help much wif regards to ur TCM and as for menses it oso differs from individual....usualli the 1st menses will resume 4-6 weeks after D&C....why dun u consult ur gynae since u have no intention to continue TCM.....he/she will be able to advise u beta...take care ya....hugz..=)
i think that my MS also kick in already. Now keep feeling nausea.. Like u i also very scare to eat. Cos after food awhile will start to feel uncomfortable again.. Like heartburn like that.. Mine is terribe cos it last the whole day. Try to take the sour plum also no use. Dunno wat to do..
cutie - *hugzz hugzz* u back
tat stupid man is reali horrid!!! when its his turn to get judged, he will get it manz!!! the babies he caused death to... grrrrrrrrr

mich - sorry to hear bout tat. yup, when i saw ur menses came bk aft 3 weeks, i also thot it was so fast.. like wat piyobaby said, i think shoul dbe bout 4-6 weeks.. mine stil not here yet after 5weeks...
Hi gals

I am feeling the loss now... At first, I told myself it's ok. If baby is not healthy, Better to let it go.

Now, I am still having a bit of blood. I am praying that I will be able to conceive again very soon. I waited 1 yr plus to get pregnant and yet have to accept this kind of outcome...

I am really feeling down and empty at times...

Can I know if it is usual to have a pulling sensation at the end of the AF? Can I count the first day of my miscarriage as my first day of AF? I wanna try this immediate round. I hope I am very fertile after this. If I use the OPK, will it be accurate?

I guess my miscarriage is still very early stage. Cos I don't have any cots just normal bleeding and not usually a lot.
hi magpie, how's your blood test? Yap, if early miscarrige, will just like normal mense. for mine, i have detected sac, so i saw sac being expelled out and before that, alot of blood clots. My cycle very messy, esp my BBT, too erratic that i do not know when i have ovulated. and also i did not use OPK as my HCG level still high after miscarriage, so will affect the result. I also do not know when my next mense will come.. for your case, probably, OPK still reliable.

I just went tmc for blood test and was in the same lift with a new born baby. i overheard the nurse asking the daddy if this is first child and how i wish that it will be my case where the nurse ask my hubby if this is first child. i really long for such day and very very sad knowing that im there to check on HCG due to my miscarriage
when i paid for the blood test, the nurse ask if im pregnant that's why i went for blood test, and i actually replied back to her softly that 'Nope, i had miscarriage'...

Hi Gillian

My HCG dropped from 319 to 99 on last Friday. Gynae did not see any sac at all.

Worst is... the nurse at the gynae clinic is super unsympatheic. Won't allow me to talk to gynae to check with him. Asked me to go down for consultation. I asked if I needed mc to rest or not. She said up to me. I always got the feeling she is very money minded. I will change gynae for sure now.

Why? Why the loss? I really very sad and down..If only I did not know.
