Support group - Miscarriages

jappooh & piyo, thanks a lot. think i will heed yr advice n test again this weekend or by early next week. hope i will have gd news to share with u gals.

jappooh, u hve a nice rest ya tonite n u be able to see yr bb tml. i noe how u feel abt e wait. ha! i was so anxious myself aso even when i miss AF. wonder how it be when i know i am preggie. ;p
piyo, aiyah my AF reported last night wonder i keep feeling very crampy the whole day...haiz...the 1st cycle only feel slight cramps. but this time like more intense cramps leh..what abt u ? 2nd cycle completed liao mah ?

jappooh, what time r u seeing dr woody today ? so excited for u now. hehe. must update us after ur scan k ?

sheryl, i also think u strike leh. test again next week to re-confirm loh. should be lah. cos the 1st time i test i only see 1 line. the 2nd line did not even appear at i guess i did not strike loh...anyway, i will work double hard next

Jlow, pls report ur statues leh. haha

twinagels, u are so true. i also got some frens or col who also smoke like nobody buz during their 1st trimester but they still pop successfully. unlike us, we did nothing wrong but our little ones still give up hope on unfair right
Hi gals,
i am back from the appt. So sad that i cant see the baby yet. Dr Adrian did a scan and only see the waterbag. I was so worried. He say maybe is still early like 6wks. He only did a tummy scan not a v scan. I wonder why?

Those who see Dr Adrian did he do v scan or tummy scan for u? I remember that my 1st preg the 1st 3 visit cant see baby through tummy scan but v scan i can see my baby.

Hope this time is the same.

My hubby keep saying for my 1st preg we also only manage to see my boy and his heartbeat at 8wks only. maybe i am usually later than other.

I cant help but worry.
Jappooh - dun worry, like ur husband said.. if its the case for your #1, then most prob its the same now... at 6 weeks, its common not to see baby yet. when is ur next check? Maybe can tell Dr Adrian to let you see him again next week for peace of mind? Dun worry

Porky - Nvm, new cycle=new hope! wish you all the best this cycle k

Ladies - check wf you, aft almost 4weeks of non bleeding, oni slight spotting in btw , just now i went toilet and wiped some red after i strained myself a bit with my bowels movement.. is it considered AF coming?
Jappooh - i forgot to reply you that Dr Adrian does tummy scans, i never heard him do v-scans before... maybe he doesnt practise it bah. i do know of some gynaes who do vscan for first few weeks...
Hi mummies

Just found out something interesting yesterday from the fengshui master, that we actually have preg windows from certain months to certain months according to our bazi. so no point worrying & stressed out when we did not strike cos that period may be out of our preg windows...

hmm.. up to individuals to believe, depending on whether u r pantang anot but he said that mine was Jan 08 n that was really true. was pregnant then before my MC in Mar...
hi jappooh,

mebbe u should have asked him to do a V scan if cannot see? my gynae always does a tummy scan first, if cannot see, and usually cannot see cuz i got inverted womb, she will do a V scan, then i saw my water bag and embryo and baby at 6 weeks plus that time...
jappooh, usually dr adrian dont do v-scan leh..i also dunno why..but got once, he did v-scan for me. cos i was so worried when that is the first time i bleed. after he scan from tummy, he striaght away say "we see from below". then he ask the nurse to prepare. never ask me anything at all. for my 1st gynae, he always did v-scan every visit..which i find it very funny loh...and i dont quite use to it also..hehe. so when is your next visit ? should be able to see fetus at 8 weeks lah.
Sorry for the late reply ladies as I was trying to take a break from everything and did not log in.

Hi Piyobaby, thanks for your hugz
, feeling better liao.

Hi Lovelove, scarred womb is actually Asherman’s syndrome meaning that due to sometimes over scrapping of the uterus during D&C, when the uterus heals, some parts of the lining attaches itself together making future implantation difficult. Its one of the side effects of D&Cs. Endos and cysts are not considered scarring. You are still worried you have a scarred womb? You can pm me and I relate to you what I found for myself.

Hi Fong2, thanks very much for your recommendation. I have heard of Peter Chew that he is really good. But luckily I dont think I have scarred womb now, so I will think about gynae choices later. Thanks yah!

Hi Jappooh, don’t have to worry becoz when I was in my 6 weeks, I did v-scan and saw my baby clearly. But into my 8 weeks, I went to another emergency clinic as my gynae was away, the doctor there did a tummy scan and could not see anything. He ended up doing a v-scan and my baby could be seen as usual. Bottomline is tummy scan sometimes cannot even pick up babies images at 8 weeks, not to mention 6 weeks.
my next check up is on 20May. Another 1wk plus close to 2 wks.

Dr Adrian say seen i have no bleeding he dun wan to do any v scan. Maybe that is his practise? I not sure loh.

thanks for your info. I knw that v scan can see more cos my 1st preg i manage to see my baby heartbeat at 8wks through v scan as well cos tummy scan cant see.

Cos of the previous MC this time i am more worried loh.
Hi Jappooh,
Don't have to worry if there is no spotting/bleeding. When I was at 6 weeks, the v scan at the hospital x ray department (better scanning machine than the one my gynae has) also cannot see anything. It was at the 7th wk, then they mananage to see & pick up the heartbeat. So, just hang in there.....
Hi pinkpixel,
cos my fren told me when she is 6wks able to pick up baby heartbeat when do tummy scan so i am worried loh.

Hope my baby is alright.
sheryl...hope to hear ur good news soon ya....=) 1st AF comes wif super intense cramp + super heavy flow while 2nd AF has mangable cramp but still super heavy flow which is unusualli cos it neber happen im into my DPO6....good luck for ur next cycle okie =)

jappooh...dun worry too much's a norm to be unable to pick up heartbeat at 6 weeks and usualli it's at 8th weeks but of cos like ur fren's case...diff preggy could have differences...juz relac and rest well & take good care of urself okie =D

bubbleteahut...dun mention...glad to know dat u are feeling come by & chat wif us ya...
jappooh, glad to hear fr u. hang in there ya, i am sure u will be able to hear bb's heart beat soon. so, u see the sac already? did yr gynae commented anything? relax gal, i am sure u dun wn yr bb to be stressed too.... ;p take gd care of yrself n mntr if u hve any spotting/bleeding/ cramps. u cn tok to us here, if u r worried. everything will go on smoothly gal....

piyo, i hvent testd yet. mbe, next week... bt, dun noe y my breasts feel more swollen now, hve gd appetite too.... tink i becoming a fat pig soon! ;p n stomach feel a bit bloated too. btw, how r u feeling? coz, saw from the last thread that u r sick.

porky, new cycle new hope... u cn start to TTC soon.
jappooh, if u r reali worried.... u cn always ask yr gynae to do a v scan. i think some gynaes dont practise doing v scan, onli tummy scan. my first gynae is like that aso, but my second gynae wil do v scan if she cant see. mbe, u like to search abt more info on v scan before deciding.
If you are really worried, you may wish to seek 2nd opinion like GP with scan machine? I went to GP to confirm my pregnancy and he happened to have an ultrascan machine in his clinic, so he did a v scan for me at 6 week, from there we abt to see the sac and baby's heartbeat (but i do agree usual timeline was 8 weeks) He gave me folic acid and some vitamin. Everytrhing cost $60. I didn;t visit my gynae till 2 days ago when I passed my 12 weeks.

Personally, my gynae do not do v scan cos according to him, it is not supposed to be done any earlier than 8 weeks. He mentioned that it is likely to cause miscarriage. Perhaps that y Dr Adrain also practice that.

Do hang on there. Praying for you and your little peanut
Hi gals

I feel so sian today. I tot bleeding has stopped. Today is 9th day le. When I go toilet the blood still gushes out though did not stain my pad.

I have to go to my hubby's friend's place for gathering tmr. This friend's wife is going to give birth this month. His friends who had kids will be attending. I feel so sad i still need to go... in case they think we are trying to avoid them...

And my cousin's wedding next other cousin's wife also pregnant... so the relatives will sure ask.. when is our turn?

Feel really lousy esp when bleeding has not stopped...
Jappooh - if im you, i tink i wld tell gynae im very worried so can go back to do v scan or not. see wat he says.. im sure he will understand your worries esp since we had a MC before...

Ladies - my AF finali reported! never been so happie seeing red before.. bout 5 weeks aft DC... feeling abit crampy tho...
hi magpie2,

hang in there. everyone's symptoms is different. mine bled for 3 days..

as for those remarks.. just smile and reply 'let nature takes its course'.

through my own experiences, i've learnt never to ask these type of questions to a couple without kids:

"so when are u planning to start a family?" or
"when is ur turn" or anything along those lines.. we'll never know if they have suffered the same fates as those of us have here.. and are still grieving. its like asking a single "when are u getting married?"

it is insensitive and plain ignorant.
Hi Twinangels

I don't know why - I feel very sad suddenly today. Thank God I am not working else I sure cry at workplace... are right these kinds of questions are so irresponsible to post! Yet, every now and then, people still ask me...

Ever since the miscarriage every now and then i would feel inferior and will cry.. keep on asking myself why this happens...did i deserve all these???? Why did i have to feel inferior?
hi magpie2,

pls do cheer up, not easy, but think of it this way. u gotta be strong for your next little one. so channel your love and energy into building up your health so that u will be ready to receive the next one.

i was devastated twice but i see myself fortunate the 2nd time as i did not need to go through another d/c and it was really quite early on. though the disappointment was huge enough to overwhelmed me through and through.

but what to do? i do all i can, go for tests, take TCM med and just try to be as positive as possible.

just to share, i happen to watch the Oprah show and she was talking about the "The law of attraction" with some famous authors. basically, the gist of it is that, when we think, we throw our thoughts into the universe and it somehow bounces back on us. so if someone thinks negatively all the time, u can be sure the individual's state will spiral downwards. conversely, if one thinks positive, it sorta resonates with the universe and will draw all the positivities into ur life. its nothing religious.. mebbe just some new-age thinking. but i suppose, no harm visualising right?

i like to visualise myself with a nice swelling bump, even try to imagine what it would feel like when the bub starts moving. sometimes look at pretty maternity clothes.. heh. silly as it may sound, but its just my way of dealing with it..
piyo, today no more intense cramp liao. and the flow is not much. think shd be back to normal liao bah. only first 2 days feel really terrible loh. wow u DPO6 liao leh. so u got work harder anot ? hehe. hope to hear ur good news too !

jappooh, actually i also heard that early weeks preg, if do v-scan will cause m/c i think dr woody dont anyhow do v-scan lah. just to be safe loh. but some gynae did v-scan even at 5 weeks...if i were u, i will also feel worried. but at the meantime, just monitor ur preggy symthoms loh and wait for the next visit

sheryl, ur symthoms is more obvious now leh. hehe. can test again next week. good luck !
Hi twinangels

I am waiting to bu my body. But this bleeding just won't stop for me to start my mini confinement. So irritating..

But I agree I should think more positively..Then many positive things will happen.
Hi Sheryl

Yeah swollen breasts are a very good sign.. Got a feeling you made it le!

Can i know how many cycles after the miscarriage did you try?

Hi Jappooh

When is your next appt? Not to worry, at least he saw a sac using abdominal scan. Soon, you will see the hearbeat. Cheer up and hang in there!
Hi, hope someone can help to answer my doubts.
Had my miscarriage (D & C) on 1st March, Gynae said I can start TCC anytime again. Menses came on 8th April (about 5 weeks after D & C). Ovulate on 17th April. Tested negative on 7th and 8th May. I'm wondering am I pregnant cos my menses should report on 6th May.

Thanx Much!
hi ladies, i had my 2nd cycle of AF liao.. so fast report, only 3weeks+ from my CD 1 of my 1st af leh.. biangz... is this normal that it come so soon??

magpie, my first af lasted 1 week+ with spotting... actually you can have your mini confinement liao. i had it when dr cheng confirm that sac was expelled out.. i will start my baifengwan when this 2nd af cleared and seeing my sinseh next week to tiao back my cycle
very eager and hoping my cycle will be back to normal soon, hehe

jappooh, do not worry so much ya. its true that some babies' heartbeat wont appear so fast one. i read that your sac is 1.2cm, this is really a good start liao
dr adrian does v-scan leh. he did mine throughout those visits. even my another gynae, dr cheng does v-scan too, coz it is clearer, plus my sac rather small, or dun want to show when dr adrian does tummy scan.
sheryl...good signs of a BFP lor....get ready for motherhood feeling much beta le...thanks for ur concern...=p

magpie....dun get too depressed alrite...not good for ur health too...know that it's easier said than done but juz turn a deaf ear to all tis remarks & excuse urself....take care ya...

Aileen...good news...dat would means dat once the cycle is over...can get all geared up to chiong le...=D

porky....good dat ur cramp has eased off...neber realli work veri hard tis cycle wor...tough luck liaoz...will only noe in the next 1 week or so...not having high hopes thou....=p

kymta...sorrie to hear dat...i would suggest dat u monitor for the next 1 week to or so to test again cos sumtime after D&C...cycle might go haywire for a while for sum ladies...good luck...=)

gillian...not veri common but of cos could happen as most of us had the 1st AF (excl m/c bleeding) approx 4-6 weeks lata....then again if no major cramps then shd b no cause for concern....=)
sorries ladies....would like to take a space here to release my emotions....feeling veri emotional today cos it's our angel's 100th day....while preparing for work tis morning....suddenly thought of our angel in heaven which brought tears to the brink...however I did not allow myself to grieve & pour it all out....controlled myself and leave for work as usual...lucky thing is too busy with work to let my thoughts run wild....i noe our angel are looking at us from above surrounded by many other angels in their playground smiling angelic at us....mummy missed you....=) TV is showing a documentary on delivery of babies...
HI ladies...i'm back here,... been missing out reading on this thread...too busy with work and exams... but i guess...being busy is good... cos right now, especially at this very moment, the minute i stopped my work... i will think of fabian... how 7 years ago he left me after letting me see his heartbeat blink for the last time...

i thought it will be easy... cos it's been 7 years... but the wound in my heart still felt like it just happened... feeling very down now... can't stop my tears....

it's a good thing i brought lots of work home today... to keep myself busy....

can't get to sleep these few nites... i guess... unknowingly, i am still counting down to today... guess i will go back to my work now... make myself mentally drained and physically tired... then i will not think too much...=D

here's something that i will write every year to my fabian ... :'(

To Fabian
Time has not heal the wound that was inflicted 7 years ago.
The memory is still fresh in the mind, as if it just happened.
The pain of losing you is still unbearable.
My heart has lost all feelings, numbed with memories of you.
I know that you are in a much nicer place, a place where it is safe and warm.
Mummy is so sorry that she can't managed to save ur tiny little life.

F orever in my heart
A ngel sent to me
B rave and courageous
I nnocent and clean
A ngelic face smiling
N ever will be seen
Hi ladies, I've been so busy and tired lately and haven't got the chance to come in to say Hi. Everyday is like battle to me and sometimes I kind of worried when I feel cramps. Finally I can rest in bed today le. backache, slight pull in de tummy & so hungry.... waiting for my mcdelivery to come.

My MS has subsided..and my apetite has improve since then. Hope it's a good sign too. My next appt is gan jeong...Hope to see his form on Monday..Will keep u gals update..

I did not wait for my AF to stop before taking the cofinement food le, not sure y u say must wait til no more mense then bu yourself? I think U can start taking the tonic now and must try to eat healtily too. some ladies can get more fertile after the MC, so surely you can conceive very soon. Baby dust to you!!
Hi Jlow

Good morning. Taking your Macdonalds Breakfast now? How many weeks pregnant are you? Monday is your next appt - You must be feeling more excited.

I hope so too.. I hope I can conceive as soon as possible.

Hi Gillian

Not sure why this MC AF lasts for so long. Tdy still bleeding.
i will like still start my mini confinement today. The medical hall person advised i start after the bleeding is cleared. But since you and Jlow said I could start le, I will start tdy. I intend to take red date drinks and chicken essense nia. Hope its enuff.

Hi Piyo

Yeah it's easier said than done.. I hope I won't get emotional swing so often. Ytd it was so bad I smsed nasty words to my hubby while he was busy at work. very overcomed by my emotion

Hi Cutie

I hope you can get pregnant soon so that you can be put behind the past. But we will still be here to listen to your sorrows and offer your comfort.
Hi jappooh
Good sign! Now we know bb jappooh is growing very well! Let's continue to pray for our little one and hope that they will be strong and healthy! I know how you feel...I just Can't wait to see my BB too.

Yesterday I spoke to my colleague, she was expecting her 2nd, she told me she's seeing her gynea once a month only. Wow that really surprises me, seeing the bb once a mth! I surely cannot wait for that,with my MC history, I definitely can't stop worrying everyday if that's the case.
Good Morning Magpie2!

hee hee yes yes just finish my sausage egg mcmuffin..contented liao..hahhahah

Actually I'm very anxious.Becos last few days I do not experience any ms, my tots starts to run wild again. But I know I have to learnt to trust that this time will be different, I stop myself from running to go see my gynea, now I must wait another 2 more days...Errrgggghhh
Hi Kymta & Ladies,

I also in doubts. After D&C my cycle seems hay wire. 1st cycle took 38days to come, 2nd cycle took 35days and 3rd cycle its already 42days and has yet to report which should be dun on 3rd May based on 35days cycle. B4 D&C my cycle is ard 30day haiz today test with HPT its BFN!!

But the wired thing is my Breast is fully for past 2wk, has been experience slight cramp & nausea, areola has darken slightly but i had tested a few times last week & today its BFN wasted many test strip hehe. Did i test too early? But AF already 7days late.

Seriously confused, if i didn't stike i wish AF could come ASAP so i can start new cycle.
Hi gals,

Would like to share my thoughts n feelings here. I was having cramps on Fri evening. The pain increase till i could experience sharp pain in my stomach. I was really terrified. I thought it was gastric, so hurried for my dinner. Coz, i do experience occasional gastric. Bt, e pain was too strong. I was with my hubby and it was abt 8 plus 9 pm, wanted to go see my gynae, but both gynaes were closed. I had bad pain for abt an hr. I was scared, coz when i had my recent miscarriage, I also have cramps, but i ignore it the last time round. I was feeling helpless, fortuantely the cramps subsided 1 hr later. When I reach hme, i tested, but this time round it shows BFN. SIGH! So, i told myself I am not preggie. But, my menses are haywired! My breats felt fuller and my appetite is gd...
Yes, once you have passed 1st trimester, gynae will onli review once a month. Do take note that no MS is not a bad thing either. It could be the body hormone strong enough to sustain and accept the pregnancy, thus MS decrease.

Remember every pregnancy is different. Happy Mummy = Happy baBY
Hi Sheryl

You may be pregnant again but it's too early to pick up the HCG yet.. Test again few days later. I think the cramp was an implantation cramp. Don't worry too much. Maybe this time you will really strike cos you have the pregnancy symptoms. All the best to you!

Hi gals

This is my 11th day of AF from the miscarriage... I am praying it will stop this very moment. But I already started my mini confinement. Like now... my hubby is preparing to brew another round of red dates for me. He's very sweet. I hope I can give him a baby soon.
My menses reported again ... hiaz .. every month so full of expectation, and disappointment follows after my menses is here.

Have been feeling pretty demoralised lately. It's been 5 mths and i have been unable to lose the weight i gained during my pregnancy & confinement. I've been jogging for at least 4 times a week and tried to cut down on carbo but the weight loss is pretty minimal. Very tempted to go and take the weigh loss pills but hubby quite concerned that it wld affect our chances of pregnancy. Sian .....!
Cheer up. Think of it in this way, with menses cycle would simply mean a new hope for the month.

Don't be too anxious to loss all the extra pounds. Take it slowly.
Hi Pegsfur

its pretty tough to shed off the extra kilos. It took me 1 full year to lose the weight for my previous preg n the flabby tummy still remains, permanent till today..sigh...
So be patient n its good to continue your jogging, will see results few months later down the road...
hi everyone, yesterday my SIL bring her DS son to my house. she will be celebrating his 1 yr old birthday in Sept (my bb EDD...haiz...)her bb is really very cute and chubby loh. my hb keep carrying and playing with him. i also feel like carry him. but at the same time, i think of my bb again...dunno when i can give my hb a bb...he really loves kids..

hi magpie, ur hb is very sweet and caring. is good to have a supportive hb by ur side at this time. my hb also takes good care of me during my mini confinement period and keep telling me we will try again when i recover...i also feel like giving him a bb soon...

pegsfur, last month i also full of expectation. we even tried on alternate days...but this month AF still reported...must try double hard after this round liao. i also put on a lot of weight after mini confinement leh...dont feel like gg out with frens also..cos i look fat !
hi sheryl, r u feeling better now ? ur cramps still there ? pls go to see ur gynae if needed today. hopefully is implatation cramps. take care
piyo, just read ur blog..dont think too much..thou i also thinking too much myself. i tell my hb. we must strike next month !
Hi Porky

Yeah in times like that... we really need hubby's support and care..

I tot my AF already stopped ytd. Who knows today go toilet still see fresh blood! I called the clinic. The nurse said it's normal.It may go on for 3-4 weeks or till the nex AF is here or it may stop any moment. So sian.. I also don't know whether she is right or not. She is not Doc, asked her to check with Doc... she will act as if she is one.

I wanna start trying.. I am not young anymore.. But still bleeding.. sometime very frustrating.

Hi Jlow

Wow.. you are already more than 2 months pregnant... Can I check how long did you try after the miscarriage?

Hi gals

Anyone in same situation as me? Got natural miscarriage and AF still won't stop? It's my 12th day. And, when can I test for ovulation? How long after this AF stops?
