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  1. 7

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Sotong Kelley, wat happen to ur little gal? Hope she's fine & pls dun blame urself for being a bad mummy on Earth wants their little angel to suffer so dun be hard on yourself. I'm not sure if you have tried this cream - QV cream. It was recommended by my paed. QV cream...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Dlim, CONGRATS! I've gone MIA & yesterday was my 1st day at work. No more SAHM life! Miss my little honey so much. Sigh Sometimes really wonder how you working mum can work a long period without see our little children.
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hello to all mama... I'm back for good. Been quite a long while since I log in. I hope din miss up anything. Now a full-time SAHM so wanna catch up with everyone again. Seems like some mama is meeting next week, can i join in? Haven't meet up with anyone at all. Hope to know you...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    R u all pretty mummy having another catch up? If so, can add me along? Wld like to join u gal since I'd not been logging into the forum for quite sometime.
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

  6. 7

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Min & Agent D, Thanks for your guidance. Will try to be moe generous to my baby. Probably haven't really adjust the way my daughter behave as she just started walking by herself a couple of days ago. So tends to walk to her favour direction in this case, it's her gu-gu's rm...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Min, thks for replying @ this hr. Ya...our situation is exactly the same. Juz nw, was iving some attitude to hubby by showing him that i quit. My daughter was wif her gu-gu while i was doing my reading in my own rm. Din bother what my gal was doing. Totally ignore, though deep...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Dear all, Can anyone share wif me if u r experiencing the same feeling as I do? I'm staying with my MIL as well as sis-in-law (hubby's sister). Apparently, my daughter, Celestine is very close to her apart from me. HOwever, in the evening, she tends to look up to her more. I feel...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Dear All Mummy, ML is beneficial to all working mums but what about all those who are not working? Sigh...think doesn't apply to me so sad!!!
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Dear Mummy... My gal don't even want to try a single bite of the cheese. How? When she was holding to the cheese, she wld give me a yucky looking expression. Only thing is to get her to feed me. Shd I continue to let her try? By the way, this is the 1st time I gave her the cheese...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Min, is ABCs pasta difficult to swallow? Will baby get choke?
  12. 7

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Min, ya man...they are so gal also likes to put her head on our chest like trying to sayang us...really sweet same thing here, 3 of us will be lazing ard on the bed. As for time to intimate, no worry...time is on our hands, we can always plan ;p Hi cool_daughter, sometimes...
  13. 7

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Gene, Know that your gal sleeping with u. No worries...cuz my gal, Celestine 13 mths old has been sleeping with us since Day 1. Both Hubby & I got no choice cuz we putting up with his parents and only a room space to accommodate the 3 of us. Our room is so small to put in...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hello To All Caring Mummy, Can anyone tell me how to prepare spaghetti for my baby who is 13 mths old? She takes raisin bread, formula milk and fish porridge which I think it's quite regimen. Recently, showing some rejection to the food serve. How???
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Michele / Absolut_Vodka, With regards to the Yoga class, i have no idea on the cost yet. I'm going down to True Yoga at Ocean Tower tomorrow, Sat around 3pm. You want to join me? If you are keen, do write to me by email to [email protected] We can arrange to meet at a...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    hey is there any mummies wanna sign up for Pre-natal Yoga? I'd fixed up an appt with True Yoga. Will assess their lesson on this Sat! Anyone interested? We can all go together
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Augelo, You can try this as well... A daily progress of your little one...b4 that log in as a member and register your expected due date. So everytime when you log in, they will remind you the no. of your preggie days... I have been logging on since day 1. So it has become a...
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Cheeryteq / luvicecream, Saw your earlier message, I was told by my gynae from Mt E not to apply any lotion that contains cocoa-butter. Can't really remember what's the reason. Perhaps you can check with you gynae before getting any.
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Cindy, Were you at Mt Elizabeth yesterday at Dr Kowa's clinic? Fiona
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    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi Violetmum, I share the same experience with you. The sight of food wanna make me puke though we know our stomach is growling. Sigh! I have trouble of thinking what to eat every day and seems so bore. I guess the only meal for me is powdered milk recommended by the gynae...
